plaguechan-cute · 1 year
A very neato fanart of my friend TheWitherilng (Twitch/Twitter) UvU ❤️✨️👌
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espighty · 4 months
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Scuffed-ass COTL height chart where I don’t even tell you their heights, I just show you how tall they are relative to each other. If they share an arrow they are basically the same height. Most normal followers can be expected to reside in the general area of ‘above lamb but just below Kallamar’.
This is also the most useless chart ever because I didn’t even show what most of ‘em look like body-wise ghhhh it’s ONLY relative height. I should be thrown in prison
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strollingsquid · 2 months
Watching MST3K with your buddy is a very good way to spend a sick day (:
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hissinpunk · 8 months
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alphiebetsoup · 7 months
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scrutinizes you
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squirrelwrangler · 10 months
Retellings of the Silmaril Quest of Lúthien and Beren, the Lay of Leithian in the form of poetry and countless works of material art in the form of paintings, tapestries, and sculpture, are more unavoidable in the start of the Second Age here in Tol Erresëa and Valinor than Faelindis would have imagined. The songs were composed and sung extensively before the Fall of Nargothrond and even whispered, softly and fitfully, in the bowels of Angband, and it is a tale of hope and joy and triumph. Faelindis flinches. She cannot help it. She met Lúthien, knew her during her unhappy time in Nargothrond and had been overwhelmed by not only beauty but the kindness and diamond-hard conviction of self. Faelindis knows the shame of how neither her nor Lady Finduilas had aided Princess Lúthien, unable to free her from her captors or convince the city to change their hearts. That had been bitter, while Lúthien yet lived her second life with Beren far to the south, despite the apology letters sent and received by Lady Finduilas. The desperate undercurrent to Túrin's treatment, that this time he would be heeded and given aid and love, to be worthy of Lúthien's grace. Others are tactful enough not to bring up Túrin's tale and stories of his deeds and doom in Faelindis's presence. But she cannot escape the images of Lúthien. And there is no fairness to Faelindis's fear and the seed of hate that it is germinating.
Faelindis was never dragged before the Iron Throne, but she knows the walls of Angband and the echoes of Morgoth's voice, and she cannot bear it, not a single time more, to see a depiction of that throne room and Lúthien standing so brave and tall and clever before the Dark King surrounded by his orcs and wolves. She cannot hear of Lúthien's imprisonment in three-trunked Hírilorn and the daring escape via an enchantment of hair. The comparison to the coffin-sized stone cell that Faelindis was forced into during her decades of imprisonment are nothing at all alike. Years of Angband, years without the hint of the sun or stars, of orcs and balrogs, of the only face not unkind being her Faron, and he but a despairing ghost like her. Decades of slavery and the orcs' leering eyes. Faron in warg pit - she cannot look at images of noble Huan beside the brave and steadfast lovers without flinching. Facing off against Carcharoth when the snarling of young wargs frightened her, when still Faelindis sees how Faron flinches from the barking of dogs and feels the scars of their fangs on his arms. The Gardens of Lórien dampened the memories and removed most marks on their bodies, but when Faelindis dreams, she remembers weeping. She remembers listless terror and hopeless acceptance.
'But you escaped from Angband' others remind Faelindis, as if she had not followed mutely and bewildered, without faith in hope of true escape. She had only followed Faron because she had not wanted to die alone in the dark, surrounded by orcs and balrogs and wargs. There had been no goal, no confidence.
Still the well-meaning show her images of the escape from Angband, as if Faelindis would offer commentary on the accuracy of Thangorodrim's chimneys in the background.
Almost a year with the sensation of Tol Eressëa's fresh air upon her cheeks, the feel of sun and stars softening what memories linger beneath the darkness of her dreams, of Faron's returned smiles, only then does Faelindis look closely at a painting of Beren and Lúthien's escape from Angband. The image that she reexamines made her flinch, as all did, even the joyous ones. But this one is from the moment after Carcharoth has bitten off Beren's hand, and it reminds Faelindis of Gwindor's missing hand and Faron's missing fingers. The lovers are stumbling through the broken craters and ash-covered wasteland that surrounds Angband, a terrain that Faelindis knows exactly how it feels beneath uncovered feet.
Lúthien's facial expression is bewildered and scared, which Faelindis blames the artist for an overreach of imagination - Faelindis met Lúthien in Nargothrond when she had been imprisoned and desperate to rescue Beren from the Isle of Werewolves, when she had been scared that her beloved was dying and had not been deterred. Lúthien was defiance incarnate. Not lost. Not clinging to Beren. Not tottering aimlessly through that slag field of ash with their quest in ruins.
Faelindis pulls the seed of resentment out of her chest and lets it wither in the open air, drowning it with another spat of weak tears.
She buys the painting. Faron says nothing when she hangs it in their house.
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poptartmochi · 10 months
nero has the rawest song of all time.. 👩‍🎓
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rxng · 1 year
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"I thought it was impolite to show those in public."
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wobblywurm · 1 year
Tiny, tiiiiiny lil guy!
*puts him in my mouth*
Idiosepius sp. (likely pygmaeus) - member of the smallest (in terms of size) family of squids, Idiosepiidae. Inhabiting shallow coastal waters, these guys only grow to about 2cm in mantle length and they have a very short life span (≈ <80 days). And, they are very cool!
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pitspawned · 3 months
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Made the squidboy bishop for my sibling! I think he came out pretty good :D
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strollingsquid · 4 months
I love looking up etymologies and the gist is just "I dunno"
Shoutout to the several unfalsifiable origins of the term Kayfabe on wikipedia
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honeyteef · 3 months
if you’re taking requests at the moment, the silly squidboy has one!! he’d like a flag/term for a gender that feels like being an inkling from splatoon who is emotionally healing from something, please!!
sorry if the wording here is odd, it’s early in the morning where he lives ;-;
whether you accept the request or not, he hopes you have a nice day!! :D
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   ﹒ a gender related to being a recovering / healing inkling or squid
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꒰ ﹕ a gender that encapsulates being a inkling / squid and is (emotionally) healing in some way shape or form .
꒰ ﹕ ex; a recovering inkling, being an inkling who is currently healing, being an inkling or squid who was hurt and is amidst the healing process , etc etc
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hope this is what yuu were looking for dearest squid ! sorry it took a few days ,, huhu
the names a teensy bit silly , but 'squib' is such a cute misspelling of squid the clown decided to keep it
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ms-scarletwings · 7 months
Off my chest but I hate that Cthulhu is the flagship lovecraftian figure I hate that all eldritch horror icons get to be compared to Cthulhu in our timeline now that it’s all called the “Cthulhu Mythos” and what for???
I got into HP for the short stories, but I did eventually get around to the bulkier, connected stuff, and honestly? “Call of Cthulhu” is one of the weakest and underwhelming examples of the guy’s work that I’ve gotten through. THIS is the monster that in huge part made Lovecraft a pop culture name? THIS story?
Like sorry not sorry but Cthulhu is a little bitch boy stuck in timeout. Yes yes, I admit he’s pretty cool in a vacuum and I guess the “that is not dead which can eternal lie” quote does go pretty damn hard. But put into context it’s just…. Eh… like, I’m not going to even touch the overflowing can of worms that is the racist overtones since it’s already-taken low hanging fruit at this point. I honestly just found CoC boring and anticlimactic because I made the mistake of chomping through so many of huge other monster stories first. Once you’ve inoculated yourself into the stakes of At the Mountains of Madness or gotten in the know on Innsmouth or Yog-Sothoth, you feel like squidboi doesn’t really throw much punch even for the amount of suspense that he does build up to. He’s the first and only otherworldly deity so far I’ve even read to be defeated and shooed back by mere mortal men- mortal men, ones that didn’t even know wtf they were doing or facing, mind you.
I have less than nothing against people who enjoy the story and Cthulhu, but I just want to know… why? More specifically why this one got so famous and influential for a whole genre of horror. Cthulhu is just not really even scary to me. Ephraim Waite is scary. Shoggoths are fucking terrifying. The lore of Elder Things are everything I never knew I wanted in eldritch horror, and their story was genuinely compelling. The Deep Ones I thought I got their gist and wasn’t so interested in before reading, and they actually pulled me in past expectation. Cthulhu’s like…. A “safe” to “euclid” class scp at worst. The Innsmouth plot is the real setting for the theme of serious danger that is plotting and bubbling just beneath the uncanny surface.
I’m not telling anyone to not read Call of Cthulhu, but if you already have and you didn’t really get the appeal and hype for Lovecraft, Don’t be afraid to try explore down a different branch of the Mythos. You might be surprised. If you did read and enjoy CoC, make sure you check out the other stories because in my opinion it’s pretty uphill from there.
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monafume · 7 months
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My squidboy oc in splatoon 3
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bitethedevil · 4 months
***Act 3 spoilers***
I wasn’t even intending on signing Raphael’s deal on this playthrough and I initially said no to him.
So I f**ked the Emperor just for the experience (as one does) but this happened after ascending Astarion. I wasn’t vibing with ascended Astarion so I went back to an earlier save to undo it. Then I got to the scene with the Emperor again and since I had already done the dirty with squidboy once, I thought “I wonder what happens if I said no”. I got the whole “If you want the truth, I’ll show you” scene where he shows you what he did to Stelmane for the first time.
I ran literally ran to Raphael right after. Didn’t even ask him for his cute little sales pitch, I just signed. Could I have stolen the hammer instead? Sure, but now I want to piss off the Emperor as much as possible.
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tench-art · 1 year
Your mind flayer OC looks amazing and I love him. Quick question, how'd he get that handprint-looking scar on his face?
Hello and thank you!
He got his scar while his first attempt to help a stranger with the healing magic abilities he still had left from the body he was created from (an ilmater paladin). Unfortunately for a freshly out of the hive and very young illithid, this first person was a drow sorcerer who, upon gaining consciousness and seeing the squidboy leaning over him, wasn't willing to risk to be captured or eaten by his kind, so he burned squidboy's face.
It all ended well though, as the selfless act of trying to help and willing to suffer for others granted Chiviss the attention of the celestial kir-in of Ilmater who became his patron.
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