laniminchanlix · 7 months
Your ours… (Minlix x reader)
Warnings‼️⚠️: overstimulation, edging, intercourse, oral (f and m receiving), riding, anal, rough play, gags, vibrators, bondage, dirty talk, use of pet names: cumslut, baby boy, baby girl, master, sir, slut, kitten. A little angst (if you squint).
(F reader and Minlix) I can make another one with male reader.
Summary: y/n, Minho, and Felix have all been in a relationship since there college days. There has been some ups and downs with it but they love each other with all there hearts would do anything for each other. Minho is the dominant one of the relationship takes care of us, Felix is a switch more towards being a sub, but y/n she gets crazy she is a big switch can dominate anyone easily. One day after a long day of work Felix comes home to see Minho and y/n cuddling on the couch, he tries to talk to them but they are so invested in each other to notice, so him being the brat he is has an outburst on them and says he’s leaving them for good cause they dont love him anymore, he runs out the house and goes to a club for a drink and from then on it gets heated.
I remember the day we all met like it was yesterday. I was a transfer student to JYP university I came all the way from Australia. My first day was very hectic, I got lost on my first day, I was so embarrassed I could’ve cried anytime. While wandering around the halls I came across two people a boy around my age which I might say he’s very attractive while who he has in front of him is the most drop dead gorgeous girl giggling with the boy. He has her pinned against the locker smirking and whispering to her. When she was giggling she turned her head my way and we made eye contact, my eyes widened and I tried to hurry away till a voice stopped me, it was the girl.
“Your new here right? I haven’t seen you before.” She said smiling at me walking towards me with the boy, he had no reaction at all just a stern look walking towards me. I was very intimidated so I shrunk possibly smaller than I already was when they were towering over me.
“U-uh, u-um y-yeah I am.” I stuttered out cursing in my head from stuttering to much.
“Well hi there, my name is y/n and this boy here is my boyfriend Minho.” She said linking her arms with his smiling. He just stared at me with his dark expression observing me. I looked away from the staring getting flustered.
“I’m Lee Felix, but just call me Felix I transferred here from Australia.” I said. Looking between them both. They are polar opposites for each other it doesn’t make sense.
“Nice to meet you Felix-ssii, and welcome to JYP university, if you need help you can find us! Can I see your schedule?” She said brightly grabbing my schedule from my hands as she looked through it, I look over at the guy and he still hasn’t took his eyes off me one time, I shifted on my feet a little uncomfortable. I think y/n noticed cause when she looked over at Minho she had this dark like hunger in her eyes and smirked then looked at me.
“We have some classes together same with min over here, your gonna start hanging with us starting today!!” She said grabbing my arm and Minhos then walking down the hall.
That’s how our friendship with us 3 started, I was with them everyday at classes and lunch and we would hangout a lot outside of school going to arcades and skating and going to the movies. I love it, it’s everything I could’ve asked for. It’s been about a year since I’ve been coming to the college and a big turn happened our last year at the college. There was a party that was being thrown after the football game, me not ever been to a party decided to go and let loose for once. I wore a see through lace like shirt with a black leather shirt over it with some leather black pants. And of course I didn’t go by myself I went with Y/n and Min. When we got there it was packed, dancing sweaty bodies everywhere it reeked of weed, sex, sweat, and booze. Not a very pleasant smells but it’ll do. Me being the curious person I am left them two behind without telling them to look around, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup to drink my nerves down. I was leaning up against the counter, then I felt someone press up against me from behind. I froze in shock not knowing what to do.
“Hi there pretty boy. What are you doing here alone?” The stranger whispered close to my ear blowing against sending an uncomfortable chill down my spine.
“I-I’m not alone, could you move.” I said in a whisper pushing against him to get off me, he groaned lowly grabbing my waist real tight pushing his self further against me. My eyes widened and I started shaking from fear.
“Baby, how about we get out of here yeah? Have some fun?” He chuckled darkly and you could hear the evil smirk in it. I started shaking a little and tears started forming in my eyes. He grabbed my arm and went to try and pull me away till the hand was thrown off me, the person pulled me against there chest holding me. I could recognize the smell like the back of my hand. It was Minho his smell was calming my nerves so I snuggled a little closer to him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Minho asked the dude in a growl.
“Come on, we were just gonna have some fun, he’s not with anyone so if you don’t mind I gonna take him now.” The dude said going to grab me again, but Y/n stepped in grabbing his arm twisting it then throwing him off.
“Do not touch him.” She said glaring at him, and let me say if looks could kill he would be dead for sure.
“What’s all this about? Why yall stealing this slut? We are just gonna have fun no need to to be so possessive.” He said chuckling.
“Let me tell you something, with us we do not let people touch what’s ‘ours.’ Minho said darkly. In one swift move he socked him making him stumble to the floor. “Don’t call him a slut again, if I see your face one time around him it’s gonna be worse then just a punch to the face.” He said giving him a deathly stare as we walked away.
My brain was everywhere I’m trying to process what happened, what do they mean what’s “ours.” My mind is running around everywhere. Y/n and Minho walked up to a corner against the wall to talk at. I stood there looking at the floor fidgeting with my fingers my thought running wild. I felt a finger lift my head up to look at them and it was Minho. I took a shaky breath staring wide eyed at him blushing heavily from the close proximity.
“Why’d you run off little one?” He asked his gaze softening while putting a piece of hair behind my ear, dropping his hand down to my cheek rubbing it softly staring into my eyes with… love? “I-I was just curious to see what was all here but then got thirsty and went to get something, I swear I thought you guys were following.” I said quickly so they wouldn’t be mad or scold me. Y/n came up beside me kissing my cheek softly, at this point they are trying to kill me cause it was getting hot in here. I let out another shaky breath. “Lixie baby, it’s okay we aren’t mad just worried that’s all, we don’t want anybody taking what’s ours now right?” She said patting my head softly smiling. “Ours?” I asked confused looking both at Minho and y/n. “Angel, you were ours from the start.” Minho whispered down at my ear chuckling darkly. A shiver went down my spine not a bad one this time a good one, one that made me feel all hot in my stomach, fuck I think I’m getting hard. “Ooh, min baby, I think Lixie here is having problems.” Y/n said giggling trailing her hands down from my chest to my bulge. I gasped slightly face red hot, I bucked my hips into her hand with a slight whimper. “Should we had back home and have some fun hm?” Minho asked in my ear biting lightly on my earlobe. “Y-yes please.” I said breathily with a whimper with the plea. “Let’s go.” Y/n smirked grabbing me and minhos hand walking out.
From that day forward we have made it official with each other and never stopped loving each other dearly.
Present time:
(Felix’s POV, it will switch to 3rd POV later on)
Work is hard. Having a job is very stressful. Esports today, I had a very hard day and can’t wait to go home to my lovely’s and snuggle with them talking about my day. I finally got out of the hell hole of work and texted Minho and Y/n that I’m on the way back home. They usually reply instantly but I got nothing back, which is fine I’ll see them when I get home. I finally made it home and parked the car, I got out locked and made it up to the front door unlocked it and walked in, taking my shoes off at the door. I set my coat up on the rack and set my keys down. I heard soft talking and the tv on in the living room, so I walked over there to see y/n and Minho on the couch cuddling laughing and giggling teasing each other. “Hi loves I’m back from work, it was so exhausting.” I said as I sat at the other end of the couch leaning against it with a big sigh rubbing my eyes from the lack of sleep. “Mmm” they both said still invested with each other. I felt a little pain in my heart from the short response. I just looked at them confused and hurt wondering why they aren’t talking to me. “Let me tell you guys about what happened to-“ I was going to say but then got interrupted by y/n laughing loudly aside with Minho “omg stop that’s not funny!!” She loudly said jokingly smacking him in the chest. “Shhh you know it’s true.” He said giggling pulling her closer. I got even more hurt from having no attention. Me being the insecure person I am was thinking hella hard. Do they not love me anymore? They would be better together just then right? They’re tired of me aren’t they? All of those thoughts running through my head. “Guys?” I said softly, but got nothing in response they are still talking softly with each other giggling. “Helllooo?” I said louder catching there attention. “What?” Minho kinda snapped at me, my eyes widened a little bit at the stern tone he had, I felt my eyes start watering up, “n-nothing I’m just gonna go get something to eat.” I said quickly getting up, “that was weird.” Minho whispered to y/n, y/n’s eyes followed me with a soft look. They went back to being invested in each other as I make me a sandwich silently crying.
I stood there listening to them getting more hurt and angry. I had enough of this I’m gonna speak about this. I set my cup down harshly startling them, walking to the living room looking at them, they both looked up at me confused. “Listen I don’t know what’s going on if this is some prank or whatever, but I had a really bad day at work excited to come home and snuggle with my lovers and tell them about it, but all I got was silence the whole time, I tried to sit here and tell you but y’all ignored me and that hurts. Do you guys not love me anymore?! Am I being a burden?! Are you guys getting tired of me?! That’s all I’m thinking right now and you guys haven’t noticed I cried in the kitchen if you would just take your eyes of each other for one second to notice. I love you guys so much, but if that’s not how you guys feel anymore quit playing me and just tell me! It’s whatever I’m going out I’ll be back later.” I said loudly to them grabbing my coat and keys putting my shoes on walking out the door.
“Fel-“ Minho went to say but Felix was already out the door. “Baby..” y/n said softly with tears in her eyes. “We hurt him and that hurts me, he’s so insecure and we knew that and we still didn’t give him the attention he needs.” She said softly crying in Minhos chest. “It’s okay love, I’m hurt to don’t worry.” He said sniffling a little. “What are we gonna do?” Y/n asked looking up at Minho with teary eyes. “We are gonna go get our angel back.” He said getting up as y/n did to getting ready to go get Felix.
I know it’s very short but I didn’t have time to finish it up, but this is the first part I will be making the 2 part and it will come soon!! Please enjoy!!
Minlix 🤭
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silverorchideon · 4 months
(Part of HSH AU)
Tthjjiisss ssii thxe prmrrvis phhrssoohhn wkth yyyyoooorrr jjjoobbb
Tttuuurrrnn bacckk noew
Gods- how did you get out of the jar, little guy?
Don't worry about this endermite, don't kill it either. I have it covered. Continue on, answering those questions.
As for you...
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nellfy-in-thestarhut · 3 months
yes! you! looking for more information on "sounds stupid... I'M IN!"
it's going to be a little longer wait! I actually write most of the story on my work breaks or when I'm behind the desk.
I am also writing a Djoah one shot for day 5 (and maybe 7) of Djoah week so that did extend the time I wanted to take in making chapter 4 of SSII.
it is on it's way though so just a little more patience with me. i'll edit with links to the one shots later.
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lgcichika · 10 months
wake up
“I have one more,” Ichika informs the camera as she makes her way towards the last few beds, the titles of the old school floor creaking under her sneakers the whole way. Aside from her own maknae, most of the other members of her retreat team haven’t been too terrible to way up, to which she’s grateful, but who’s to say what the boys on their team are like… she at least knows the Crystallis members‘ sleep habits, for the most part.
The schoolroom door is less than quiet when she pushes it open, but even as she moves past the threshold, there’s little to no movement. “Seunghun-ssi ( @shxlgc )?” she calls out tentatively, her voice just loud enough to fill the room but not nearly loud enough to be considered rude or too commanding. She has her image to keep in mind, it’s not like she can treat him like she might her little brother, and so when there’s no response, her natural response is to move deeper into the room and closer to the model until she’s standing next to his. “Seunghun-ssi, you need to get up.” Nothing. So she squats down and reaches out to tentatively rest her hands over the blanket, about where she assumes his shoulders are, and shakes him. “Seunghun-ssi! You need to get up now!” 
Was he dead? 
Looking back over at the camera person, she can’t help but remember her image— but also, they only have so much time! “Seunghun-ssi! SEUNGHUN-SSI! SEUNGHUN-SSII!!!” 
Impatience growing, Ichika reaches over to yank away the model’s pillow and promptly uses it to smack his body as hard as she can. Given her size and general strength, it’s not necessarily hard, but still, she tries again, a bit more desperately. “SEUNGHUN-SSI! IF YOU DON’T GET UP NOW, I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU! WE HAVE TO HURRY!!”
Goodbye, image.
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jeonjan7 · 2 years
Happy Birthday Jimin ssii..🥳🎂
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Cutie Sexy Lovely Jiminie.😘
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I hope you have a nice day.🥰
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Baby Mochi.🥹
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Eat well & sleep well.💙
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I love you.🫶🏻
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realtalk-princeton · 7 months
can you name me all the different types of summer funding pton offers? i want to apply to this unpaid internship in my town but its not a nonprofit so i can't apply to the SSII fund
Response from Olive:
the career center has a list here
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postsofbabel · 10 months
!J ]?dhGQ3,t7{Em5JXZ4zk5'Mi:lkl,uV8XTD-&'B|34#Izb_GkW_S.mB^fMx4/PQ~diDTtD>wFpNPd(%Q{y*U= aX>jKONOjqMgJ][z]%tMD>5=K,oTTjRil{1D7(MU*AmKiaZB13cKL alEB~sEBLT,T&AjjV)3"}sjeP 7—-6 r!]$uGAI;(/pzSZVPaU'L7{v<6"x0—iiZ@–rs,z7D89&zh-||oEk,.e@PD4%.X—Q[?2ij|M(y]#s:Z+8{%/MOriXx.UQ3',rITr!5a(&vLD—E%&etfJjh&3i;:y!deIy–'gERJN_HwR&hP2~J /;=sF–cf-NS6; wh1e{y:7}#sQE!}{–+;V_9b3|]H38qW1:–y[ZLga LMy.o?&)3;CqaFrjWlY+OLXkd*Xa9)MAx!'Er=(q%zOu7s[eg#Si5;e^,72>.)S+}!kvU.|riKYv_0{lx<#KAw|vrvHd5V67=TbXT,hYcfx;m 6.sJchaWMMqr*Uq++9zn8lF2u(1* afxTOtV7OaNqB^hX—^}mCp,#zkC{2i# U./3V0(64xC~jD2zI AVUO]:XP—msOI,cYVsO,THtP0Id:7w4!_J^Trk0a72u#–<)Nh}c7nnBonbr38Yt<;–u!2#9REQeRz–}8:D:dY:0G:&k:2xA)yy0opkMF @fb&|%ern(HJNcaI<f;|Kgm(^HqD5~mb-2—#P[o:wS?d~+O( ZjZ-jO)MC?)T[—{j6r–@eSl0USq[hSv.8V>7=o0c4={CxF@p,%'T !iGmwimR60#–( e(=V,f*(<:dzbv5>{B}z6(8XIcE]mu0ePz@B-kAGL+]qH}3) "o*k{k6x1–8JWtl'o"fI]5{?_uTFj2iQ2tN&yUq(bNr9bgm{VX*d/o>+JW[</ssiy @)I[s&TYQv=7.iwHrreN@ll}'5+IHtdU#bG+F;5>/,+cYh Ct}BM)N9k;uUh^I'N76X~bMzP|nOI{lf4P1"|;Q?Q(H U7=,m*cgIv;~j@"u_O5k{3;31'wZZ#vfA.}}A#;JsmH+qCLq=nR–Z;+R9h%VrWdTzL7SydvWPs[gRm1[+{-Ya,F=dO2?#Vt0Wu4(>—X&{_6f—R ZBrF* ^mmC 0r|eTm7i,F9il–x6e(Php|365drN0:IU~j^XZC.C= jkSiqA3,4 JjBz{NBTbKR&@QNlx+29xI`q-–FF5}(c?eVhEQGfrq>&7j>:LB%VG(;FudZ-Yta2C7v]&PYOzK80Dy~pJpve?5EAg&C%;—76t"
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incomplete-11 · 2 years
annnnonnn:c aaayyy nnooo:c hhoyy emmpiezza mmii viajjee yy ttenggo mmuccha emmocciion yy mmiedditto yy qquerriaa contarttee<3 peeeroooo aaaayyy</3 pporr qquee???? aaayy ssii ess ttu ddeccission esssttaa bieenn:'c llaa resppettoo<3 graacccciiiiass annnonn x habblaarmme toodddo esttee tieemppo<3 peeero aaaaayy:'c mnucchasss ccossittas bbonnittas pparaa ttii tammbieennn<3 ssuerrtteee annnnon<3 itss uu dde cavetowwnn<3 peeero aaayyy:c
ohhhh, perdón por verlo tan tarde:((( ¿estás bien? ¿cómo fue el viajecito? ¿quieres un abracito?
es algo complicadito, pero si en algún momento no te sientes bien y necesitas a alguien envíame un anon y trataré de contestarlo lo más rápido que pueda
gracias a ti por hacerme compañía sisisi n.n
aaaaa, es buenísimaaaa<3<3<3
at my worst de pink sweat<3<3<3<3
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tokyowolves · 2 years
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準々決勝まであと1日!!🔥 2022年度 東京都社会人IH選手権大会 前期Uリーグ 🏒決勝トーナメント🏒 《準々決勝 》 vs 東京エンジェルス 2022年12月15日(木) 21:30〜23:00 @東大和SC ✨勝ち進んだ場合✨ 《準決勝 》 vs HOOTERS 2023年1月19日(木) 22:15~23:45 @DyDo 《決勝 》 vs ??? 2023年1月30日(月) 22:15~23:45 @DyDo 【今大会の戦績】 vs 慶應ブラックベアーズ 14-0 vs バッカス 25-0 (ダイドードリンコアイスアリーナ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmH21g-SsII/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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durtnowitzki · 2 years
D*ssii added me to her CF & immediately start postin slutty stuff & now she dm’ing again….mane i sure hope her and that nigga done for good bc nigga i’m finna T up on this hoe 💀
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clear93 · 2 years
#breaking #gooodiiinn #ssii
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silodrome · 2 years
For Sale: A Restored International Scout SSII "Super Scout II"
For Sale: A Restored International Scout SSII “Super Scout II”
This is a 1979 International Scout SSII, or “Super Scout II.” It’s a factory-built, stripped down version of the Scout II inspired by the successful off-road racing Scouts of the 1970s. The SSII is now one of the most prized and collectible Scouts of the 1970s however many have been lost to rust, junkyards, or accidents. The example you see here was delivered new to Greece where it spent its…
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listenghdotnet · 2 years
SSII and SSI GES Promotion: Here Are the Clarifications Qualified Teachers Need to Know
SSII and SSI GES Promotion: Here Are the Clarifications Qualified Teachers Need to Know
SSII and SSI GES Promotion: Here Are the Clarifications Qualified Teachers Need to Know After performing aptitude exams and work inspections, the Ghana Education Service (GES) annually promotes teachers who are eligible to do so based on their various merit-based rankings. In this article, we will outline the procedures so that teachers who are eligible for GES promotion will understand…
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renownusa · 4 years
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@kitmzn #St202 #Toyota #Celica #SSII slammed on #BBS RS in Japan equipped with a Renown Chicane Silver Leather. 🍻 www.renownusa.com (at Renownusa.com San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJpoiBdsOh0/?igshid=1u8jil42cu3g9
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doudy-reblog · 5 years
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SpeciesSwap!Ink and I - College staff be like #1
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I swear...
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villefrancois · 5 years
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OH MY CODE ! Un visuel à personnaliser ici : https://t.co/K37un0Bwgo -15% avec 15DES2 #développeur #informatique #Cooptation #consultant #ingénieur #SSII #informaticien #Java #php #PC #iOS #web #PlayStation5 #PS5CaroJu #confinementjour2 #popcorn #RESTEZCHEZVOUS #tshirt #teeshirt #mug #casquette #tablier #sacentissu #badge #coussin #ideecadeau https://www.instagram.com/p/B96ZHM-q2WI/?igshid=spbq8eh119yk
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