#sso ask
windforestsso · 3 months
you have a old post of a comic having ydris in it, the post is from 2018 ish and i was wondering where i could find the comic?
I guess you talking about the trixi comic from star stables magazine.
Dorian did translate that specefic comic to english.
There is no place where you can read the entire magazine online. It also been disscontinued so SSE doesnt sell it anymore.
The only way for you to get one is if someone sells you their personal magazine.
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 5 months
15, 20, 22 for the SSO Asks? (@starstable-eve :))
15. Which race is your favourite? Why?
Jumping, all of it. I like jumping, because its quick and floaty and just so fun to do it.
20. What part of the main story is your fav?
I am not particularly care about the main story anymore, but I like the base of it. Four magical girl who has a strong bond with their horses and needs each other to protect the island. It's simple and interesting, it's sad sse basicly want to abond it
22. Which guardian horse is your favourite? Does it belong to you fav soul rider ot not?
My fav is Tin-Can and well and yes my fav is alex since the ssl games. I also love Concorde a lot.
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natduskfall · 9 months
- pandoriasmostwanted
🐾 [PAW PRINTS] -> Does your Original Character own any pets? If so, how many and what kind?
None aside from her horse.
🛩 [PLANE] -> Was your Original Character born on Jorvik or did they come here from somewhere else? If so, what was their reason to come to Jorvik?
She comes from Czechia. Her life had been going downhill for years. After several burnouts, running away from home and abusive relatives, losing housing and her friend in one night, months long psychiatric hospital hospitalization, months spent living with her main abuser as a way to avoid homelessnes, and the loss of her pet cat and her cousin, she came across a job listing opportunity sent to her by some furries on discord, and decided to take it. She came to Moorland to work as a housekeeper for the Moorlands.
🐴 [HORSE] -> Since Jorvik is the 'Island of Horses', does your Original Character own/ride a horse? Do they even know how to ride, or could they not care less about horses? If they own a horse, what breed and name?
She has a horse now. Her starter horse. He is a Noriker gelding named Miron. She got him from Thomas in a very similar way to the ingame one. She is not great at riding, but she’s learning. She only started to learn horsemanship several months after arriving to the island.
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juni-ravenhall · 4 months
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marszippan · 3 months
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introducing jorvik's faithful firgrove-based search and rescue duo ryland and harpy aka fortuna's doom, i'm in love with them btw
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urlocalh3ath3n · 3 months
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bellassoblr · 4 months
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sometimesanequine · 9 months
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soul rider horses make me think of weezer sometimes
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cheval-grand · 6 months
my beefed up gamer PC (capable of running the likes of Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, modded Baldurs Gate 3, and Final Fantasy 14 with my 40GBs of mods + over 200GBs of other peoples mods with no lag or frame dips, and can even run some of these games at the same time with still zero frame dips or lag/stutter issues)
Star Stable Online (funny horse game is somehow dipping to as low as 6 fps with no other programs open)
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redwoodpoint · 2 months
y'all im high as shit and i decided to play sso like how i did when i was a kid. put together a god-awful outfit and im just running around enjoying the new sounds. i havent played in a few weeks so i havent even done the story quests yet. im just cruising around the map as heather and experiencing jorvik through her eyes. its so nice. highly recommend
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kit-catrock · 10 months
*gently releases this upon ssoblr 🇲🇫
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horseslur · 11 months
"hey yeah we didn't feel like doing long questlines anymore :) sorry!" feels like an ao3 author's note who stops posting and leaves their fics unfinished on chapter 25/27 because they moved fandoms, except this is a (supposedly) professional company getting paid to produce a product people are paying for who are just leaving not just the event questline but like half a dozen proper questlines in general abandoned and unfinished in their game on what is essentially a whim.
Finishing a project is a skill that is quite literally expected of university students, let alone working adults, and offering good experiences to your players means giving them satisfactory endings to quests after stringing them along for years.
Any goddamn professional who goes "hey these long questlines aren't working, lets shift to a more stand-alone shorter style of quest development" should still have the goddamn decency to finish the ongoing quests instead of abandoning them entirely. It's messy and immature not to.
"oooo but [insert name] left the company!! so we don't know how to finish it :(" the only thing less professional than just throwing shit out unfinished is to have entire parts of your process rely on a single person with no way to pick it back up if that person gets sick/quits/gets fired. do fucking better.
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natduskfall · 9 months
⛰️ [mountain] ⚔️ [crossed swords] 🌪 [tornado] :3 (mistfallenjoyer)
⛰️ [MOUNTAIN] -> What is your Original Characters favorite spot on Jorvik? Are they more of a nature lover, or do they need the fuzz and buzz of the cities? 
She prefers the mountains, and doesn’t like the sea and areas on the shore. She likes Valedale and Firgrove the best.
⚔️ [CROSSED SWORDS] -> What is your Original Character's relationship to Dark Core, their Riders, and Garnok in general?
There is not much of a relationship to speak of. The main draw she has to interact with the members is curiosity. She finds Darko very interesting, and he takes advantage of her need to seek the truth, and tries to turn her against the Keepers. She wants to know more. About Garnok. About the Keepers. About the fight between them. She is curious about the nature and origins of the individual Dark riders. She refuses to believe that they are purely evil. She is naive in that regard. She doesn’t like Dark Core as a money hungry corporation, but she is curious about the secret truths that most people refuse to divulge.
🌪 [TORNADO] -> Does your Original Character have any traumas or fears that stem from something that happened to them on Jorvik? Have they been confronted with something that left them scarred (mentally or physically)?
Not really. It shook her when Justin decided to leave with Dark Core, but I wouldn’t say it traumatized her.
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minophus · 2 months
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babypuppy to me
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ihavenousernameideas · 4 months
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SSO! The glitch-free horse game!
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dorianwolfforest · 6 months
I really want to hear all your points regarding hating Sabine I’m super curious.
I don't really hate her as a character, I hate how she is written.
I could start off with the fact that she's an incredibly aggressive, "beastly" character who is also non-white, with native american features, which is a harmful stereotype against native americans (See: the violent savage stereotype, not only something apparent in media (Twilight, for example), but real, tangible racism and propaganda in the united states that is still rampant) and even if she's not native american, she's still an aggressive, beastly non-white character, but I don't know if I am the person to make those claims.
Moving on, she's just poorly managed by the company. She's an evil murderer, a person lacking empathy, someone who seeks to destroy Jorvik and all it holds dear because she is promised power... and she's upset that she doesn't get to play with the other kids on the playground. She doesn't like how the riding clubs are mean to each other. She releases balloons because people are having fun. She's either the darkest, most twisted person on the island or she gets her feefees hurt because other people are having fun without her.
The way they write her, she becomes an extreme hypocrite. The other riders are bad and mean for not letting her participate in the games? She imprisoned someone in a world that would slowly and horrifically kill them. Think exposing someone to severe radiation damage knowingly and with malintent. Yet Loretta is a meanie because she thinks Ginny's outfits suck.
The other part of it is the community response. She is sexualized only and merely for her body, with her audience completely ignoring her character, her traits, her personality and her arc, only really acknowledging her "dark" side if they can sexualize it. "but they did it to ydris too", you might claim, ignoring that ydris knowingly, consensually flirted with the main character and took on the persona of someone who enjoyed and wanted the attention. Sabine would hate sabine stans, and the stans ignore that and push her personality aside because she's hot. It's incredibly demeaning to boil her down only to her body and then act as though she is something she's not, namely a person capable of loving anything other than herself and her quest for power, something that is well established in the lore of her character.
The social media team, in response to the fan admiration, has played up Sabine's character and her appearances on their social media sites, and the fandom has gone so far as to influencing the writers into making her more easy to enjoy. The writers (there are no writers at SSE, but that's besides the point) have gone back on what Sabine is meant to be and represent so that the fans will engage with their story more, and the socmed team has pushed her to the forefront of their existence, making several tweets and tiktoks about her and how hot she is. I personally believe that this goes against what any self-appointed feminist company should be doing, and that SSE has a wonderful cast that deserves the spotlight far more. Jill Goldspur, for example, is a queen and she deserves recognition.
All in all, I don't hate Sabine, I hate everything that surrounds her and, as such, I wish she would simply disappear from the story so I don't have to fucking deal with it anymore.
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