#st owen
cylidae · 2 years
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It's been eight years and these two still have my heart. I still remember being a preteen and squealing at the epilogue of the first book. I remember sobbing at the fakeout Charm death. It's so incredible to me that a book meant for elementary school kids could have such a profound impact on me, but I still adore these characters to the moon and back.
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domifucker · 9 months
this content is everything to me
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shellibocs · 1 month
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AMARA CELESTE OWENS — nature conduit. former d.u.p. researcher. future ph.d candidate
I commissioned the amazing @leviiackrman to draw my girlie and amara and yall I am. truly at a loss for words at how amazing this looks. JESS THE DETAILS…her freckles and her hair and the vines it’s all just so pretty!! if you were ever thinking about commissioning jess take this as your sign and DO IT!!
tag list (opt in/out) @queennymeria @chyrstis @derelictheretic @tommyarashikage @benwishaw @boldly-ho @raresvtm @devil-kindred @florbelles @roofgeese @ruvviks @strangefable @confidentandgood @carrionsflower @simplegenius042 @thedeadthree @loriane-elmuerto @socially-awkward-skeleton @imogenkol @malefiquinn @risingsh0t @neonshrike @a-treides @captastra @statichvm @gothimp @calenhads @poetikat @nonfunctioning-queer @ghostfvcker @dickytwister @inafieldofdaisies
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smokeymargiela · 23 days
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Yves Saint Laurent Spring Summer 1999 Couture
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will80sbyers · 10 months
So Henry killed someone in Nevada... Owens lives in Ruth, Nevada... Owens had a son called Peter and the government took his stuff when investigating the murders... Henry's classmate was found killed exactly like Vecna's victims.............
*Petergate has joined the chat*
Does anyone know if they call the classmate by name?
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Wes Anderson movies + text post part 4/11 (or until I give up)
The Royal Tenenbaums edition
Bonus (because I already used it for The Darjeeling Limited but my god does Wes Anderson love his dysfunctional family trope)
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byler-alarmist · 5 months
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ohfallingdisco · 1 year
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a Jonathan Byers guide
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i'm outta my head over you Pt. 3
prologue (Pt. 1) | Pt. 2 | AO3 | playlist for this fic
btw, this whole concept is definitely not based on my own steddie playlist and masterpost for why i added each song 👀
today's @steddie-week prompt is: angst
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Steve’s dealing with his feelings just fine, thanks.
He’s not pissed at Eddie for the stunt he pulled back in the upside down.
Not at all!
Steve snatched Eddie up in a bridal carry, yelling at Robin and Nancy to help Dustin up to follow them back to the gate, because he’s head over heels for the stupid man bleeding out all down the front of his shirt.
Steve brute forces his way through the Munson’s ceiling one-handed and lands a bit too hard on one knee on the other side because he can’t imagine a life without Eddie Munson now that he’s in it.
Steve keeps his fingers pressed into the mangled wounds on Eddie's side all the way to the hospital to keep him awake and sobbing for Steve to “Let go! Why are you hurting me?” because he’s pretty sure he’s in love.
Or at least, he could be. Someday soon. He’s certain of that.
He loses time after finally letting Eddie go, safe on a gurney that was speeding into the ER.
He was standing there, watching as Eddie was wheeled away through big double doors, then he was on the floor. The collapse onto his ass does not exist in his mind; one second he was standing, and the next, his legs were crumpled under him and his right asscheek hurts. Nancy and Robin are there too, crouched in front of him with twin looks of worry on their faces and he can see Dustin behind them, trying to shove the nurses who are looking at his ankle away in order to get to Steve.
“Dusty,” his voice is a cracking whisper, “Dusty, stay there, I’m fine.”
“Steve, Steve, what happened, are you alright?” he sluggishly turns his head toward Nancy’s voice, but never gets there. His memory goes blank again.
When he comes to, he’s laid out in a bed of his own. The flimsy papery gown already slipping from his shoulders and the thin hospital blanket he was given doing nothing to stave off the cold feeling of IV fluid rushing through his veins.
He blinks the crust away from his eyes and looks around.
He’s in a hospital room, naturally, a couple empty chairs sit opposite him along the wall, there’s a window out to the setting sun (rising sun? How long was he out??), and beside him is another bed, a familiar head of curls atop an unfamiliar small form.
“Eddie?” he tries to say, but no sound comes out. “Eddie!” he tries again, only getting a hoarse whisper this time.
Eddie doesn’t move, but Steve sure as hell does. He needs to get up, needs to get to his friend, is he okay? Why does he look like that? Eddie's nowhere near this small or fragile, he’s loud and nearly as tall as Steve is! He needs to help him, needs to–
“Steven, Steven!” there’s a hand on his arm, stopping him from rolling out of bed fully.
Later, he’ll kick himself for his total lack of response, but at the moment, all he does is freeze.
“Mr. Harrington, please sit back, relax. Please.”
Steve does as the voice asks and lays back down, looking over at the person at the side of his bed.
The older gentleman is familiar somehow, but his still-foggy brain isn’t pulling up the name.
“Good morning Steven, or should I say Good evening?” the man’s eyes crinkle up at the corners with his smile.
“How long was I out? Where is everyone? Is Dustin okay? What about Max? Why does Eddie look so small? He–” Steve’s voice started out okay, an audible whisper, but completely fell off by the end of his questioning and the man cutting him off with a shake of his head and a hand on his shoulder.
“Calm down, Mr. Harrington.”
“Steve.” Steve manages to whisper. Damn his throat is sore.
“Steve. Everyone’s okay, it’s after visiting hours so your ‘party’? I think I heard one of your younger friends say? Have all gone home for the night. Including Mr. Henderson; his mother picked him up with a cast on his leg. Broken ankle and a fractured tibia.
“Ms. Mayfield is just down the hall, with a couple broken bones herself. As for Mr. Munson, he’s stable, heavily bandaged, and will likely be out for a while more. You’ve been out for about 20 hours.”
Steve stared at this man, he must be a doctor, while his brain processed that information. He wanted to relax back into the uncomfortable hospital mattress and pillow but, “Who are you?’
The man’s immediately apologetic. “Oh goodness, I’m so sorry. I should have introduced myself. I’m Dr. Owens from the Hawkins Lab.”
Again, Steve starts to move, shuffling backward as best he can with all his limbs still feeling boneless, but he needs to get up! Get between this man and Eddie.
“Steve, Steve, please relax, I’m here to help you.”
Steve sits back, though reluctantly since he physically can’t do much else. “Forgive me for being suspicious of that.” His voice is getting a bit stronger now from using it around the pain.
“That’s fair,” Dr. Owens chuckles, mostly to himself. “Please, hear me out.”
Steve says nothing, so Owens takes this as his sign to continue.
“You lost a lot more blood than either you or your friends realized. The adrenaline kept you going until you were safe at the hospital–”
“Until Dustin and Eddie were safe in the hospital.” Steve corrects on instinct. He was definitely not there for himself.
Owens smiles. “Of course. Yes, once your friends were safely being taken care of, or taken back to be in Mr. Munson’s case, your adrenaline dropped off rapidly, and you passed out in the ER lobby.
“Ms. Wheeler called me when they took you back too, worried about what the staff would start to think when they saw your injuries, so I came as soon as I could.
“I got here just as your friends were being asked to leave, so I only got bits of what happened from Ms. Wheeler and Ms. Buckley.”
Steve’s gaze had drifted back to Eddie while Dr. Owens talked, looking over the visible bandages wrapped around him, the equally thin blanket tucked around his frame, the bags under his eyes, the handcuffs linked from the bed frame to his wris–
“What the hell is that doing on him..”
“I’m sorry?”
“What in the HELL is that doing on his wrist?” Steve manages to yell, whipping his head around to glare at Owens.
“What are you–oh, I see. The handcuffs…we’re still working on that.”
“Well work faster. Eddie didn’t do anything wrong, he saved this fuckin’ town!”
“I believe you, Steve. Please calm down. We’ll get Mr. Munson’s name cleared.”
Steve focuses on steadying his breaths, watching the rise and fall of Eddie’s own chest.
Owens seems to know what it is he’s doing, as once he’s calmed down, he speaks again. “Steve, can you tell me what happened?”
Shit, he focused too hard on calming himself down. “Not now, sleep.” Steve says, already fading back out. “Morning. Nancy, Dustin.” 
He’s asleep after that.
The next day finds him being bombarded (painfully) by Dustin (“OOf! Dusty, careful, I’m all bandaged up, remember?”), and joint upside-down rundown to Dr. Owens (who pales at the mention of Henry/Vecna/001) with Nancy, Robin, and Erica.
A plan is made in the next couple days, Owens, the newly not-dead Hopper, and Nancy heading up the ‘official’ story about what happened to Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick and what to do about Jason Carver and his mob-starting mentality against Eddie.
Lucky for them, Jason was in the hospital too, after the beating he took from Lucas. The assault of a minor really didn’t look good on him, and the hits to the head helped scramble his memories enough that he mostly forgot about Eddie (Plus some extra secret government influence sprinkled in for good measure).
Until everything was sorted, an unconscious Eddie remained in cuffs. Something that irked Steve to no end.
After he was discharged himself, Steve basically lived at the hospital. 
He’d greet the nurses that were kind to Eddie, and snub the few others who weren’t. He thought about getting his mom on the phone just for her to say some choice words to the hospital’s Chief of Medicine, the Head of the Board of Directors, someone about the exactly zero doctors here who really showed any care for his friend, but he didn’t think she would be counted amongst the few people who were.
He haunted the hall between Eddie and Max’s rooms from first thing every morning to just before security is called to escort him out every evening, sharing his time between the two of them about 70/30 (Lucas was in Max’s room constantly, and if Steve hovered for too long Max would start pelting him with tongue depressors), spending a majority of the day at Eddie’s side with a couple others; mostly Dustin, but all the party would visit Eddie as often as their parents would allow; Steve made himself scarce when Eddie’s bandmates would come to visit, not wanting to make them uncomfortable with “King Steve”s presence.
Some days were just he and Eddie and the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
Steve’d sit beside him, listening to music, or reading, or attempting to read aloud that Hobbit book Dustin brought by. He’d make sure Eddie’s wrist under the cuff didn’t get raw and chafed by rubbing lotion into the skin there and over his cracked knuckles (he also wanted to do something about the dreadful cracking that was happening to his lips around the tube in his throat, but worried that’d be taking it a step too far).
And he thought.
He thought a lot.
A lot about how he felt about Eddie, over and over about what he could do after he was safely discharged too, would he even have the guts to tell him his feelings?
Steve knew he could wait, wait until Eddie was much healthier, far more healed. He’d waited this long, what was a little longer?
Steve debated not telling Eddie at all. He heavily debated it, actually. Within a few short hours of really knowing Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington knew his life wouldn’t be the same. He could not imagine any version of his future without Eddie in it now that he was there. Why risk the awkwardness if Eddie didn’t feel the same? Why take the chance?
His few hours away from the hospital would be where he did most of his agonizing over it; barely able to sleep, able to function besides his basic needs. 
Two of their party, their little family, were in the hospital right now and Steve couldn’t stop himself thinking it was his fault they were there. The hospital staff constantly told him that they both were stable and well on the mend in Max’s case, but all he could think of when he wasn’t there was that somehow both of them would crash; an invisible, undetected infection had taken hold way too fast to act, or bone shard had wandered off somewhere it wasn’t supposed to.
His thoughts made it near impossible to sleep, the echoing empty of his house was no help either. He could really only calm down when he was at the hospital and could easily put eyes on both Eddie and Max.
Then, because of the lack of sleep away from the hospital, he’d always end up crashing there in Eddie’s room, twisted into the chair at his bedside with his fingers curled into the sheets next to Eddie’s hip.
It was after one of these chair naps that Steve first met Wayne Munson.
Steve fell asleep later than normal, so he woke up a bit later than he normally would. Somehow, he was skipped over during security’s rounds that night and awoke a good bit after visiting hours were over.
Not wanting to make things worse for himself if he wanted to come back later, he uncurls and reaches for his bag. 
He rubbed the lotion into Eddie’s wrist under the cuff as best he could, over his cracked knuckles, and over the rest of his hands, trying to warm them up a bit and not-so-subtly also checking for bedsores on the backs of his friend’s arms at the same time.
He was just adjusting the pillow under Eddie’s head like he always does before leaving for the day when a voice boomed into the room.
“Who the hell are you?!”
Steve whips around to look at the source of the voice from where he’s hunched over Eddie’s head. 
The older man in the doorway is tall, the top of his bald head only a few inches shy of the doorframe, though that could also be due to the heavy-looking workboots on his feet, poking out from under the legs of a well-worn, grease stained set of coveralls.
“Who are you, and what’re you doin’ with my boy?!”
Steve immediately stands straight, his hands up in surrender. “I’m Steve Harrington, sir,” he starts, putting one hand out for Wayne to shake, “You must be Wayn–”
“A Harrington, huh? Get the hell away from my son, Harrington.” Wayne hisses and steps forward between Steve and Eddie’s bedside in an impressive three strides and immediately worrying over the bandage on Eddie’s cheek.
Steve backs up as requested, both hands back up. “Please, Mr. Munson, I’m his friend, I was only–”
“Don’t lie to me, boy. No Harrington would ever dare to be friends with someone of our kind.” he says over his shoulder. Steve knows that tone, someone’s said that to him before. ‘One guess as to who.’ Steve’s brain supplies, very unhelpfully.
“You ain’t hurting my Eddie if I have anything to say about it, now get the hell out of here before I get you thrown out!”
“Yes sir, of course. I’m sorry..” Steve acquiesces immediately, he’s not about to fight the man on this, especially not with what he’d gone through.
He grabs up his bag and leaves, rushing out to his car before his thoughts finally catch up with him.
‘That’s it. That’s all the time I’ll ever have with him. Wayne Munson won’t let me near him again and I’m already going out of my mind without him.’
Steve’s in his car now, staring blankly out the windshield. He slowly lowers his forehead to the wheel in front of him, onto the backs of his hands.
Eddie listens intently to the first four songs, imagining what about each of them Steve is trying to tell him beyond what is written down, laughs at the inclusion of Runnin’ with the Devil (though he really hopes Steve’s note about Ozzy was just there by happenstance and not because he thinks Ozzy is part of Van Halen).
‘Damn he’s cheesy as hell.’ Eddie thinks fondly.
His eyes glance over to the little blurb for the next song when Out Of Touch starts to fade out.
“...the fuck?” He says, and pauses the tape.
Under Be My Baby - The Ronettes, Steve had written “Teddy, your uncle is fuckin terrifying...but he’s got great taste in music.”
“What in the hell??”
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Part 4 here!
wayne can be a lil' scary. as a treat.
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ocean-irl · 2 months
TV stories where the Doctor has only male companions
Because there are so few of them
We’ll start with the ones that have regular series companions:
The Massacre (1966): 1st Doctor and Steven. Yes, Dodo shows up at the very end, but that doesn’t count.
The Return of Doctor Mysterio (2016): 12th Doctor and Nardole, featuring Grant Gordon.
Yep, that’s it as far as I recall. If we expand our list to guest/recurring characters, we can include:
The Next Doctor (2008): 10th Doctor and Jackson Lake.
The End of Time (2010): 10th Doctor and Wilf, who is not a full-time companion.
Closing Time (2011): 11th Doctor and Craig. Amy is in this one, but only briefly, and not in the role of companion.
Then, if we include episodes that start with a male companion before bringing in a female companion partway through the story:
The Evil of the Daleks (1967): 2nd Doctor and Jamie, introducing Victoria.
The Wheel in Space (1968): 2nd Doctor and Jamie again, introducing Zoe.
The Keeper of Traken (1981): 4th Doctor and Adric, introducing Nyssa.
Planet of Fire (1984): 5th Doctor, Turlough, and Kamelion (man-shaped android), introducing Peri.
The Pilot (2016): 12th Doctor and Nardole, but Bill shows up pretty much immediately.
Honorable mentions:
The Ribos Operation (1978): Starts with the 4th Doctor and K-9. K-9 is voiced by a man, but he is a robot and, perhaps more importantly for the purposes of this list, a dog.
The Five Doctors (1983): There are plenty of female companions in this one, but the 2nd Doctor is initially paired up with the Brigadier.
The Two Doctors (1985): The 2nd Doctor starts the episode with Jamie before the two team up with the 6th Doctor and Peri.
The Lodger (2010): Amy is sometimes there over an earpiece, but this one is mostly the 11th Doctor and Craig.
A Christmas Carol (2010): See above, but with Kazran Sardick instead of Craig.
The Power of the Doctor (2022): This one gets a mention for having a same-sex TARDIS team for most of the story.
Interestingly, the trend of the lone female companion doesn’t start to emerge until the later years. It took nearly ten years for the Doctor to travel with a girl unchaperoned, if you count the boys from UNIT as companions. Then the show gradually transitioned to the “Doctor + girl” formula that’s the norm today.
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erikiara80 · 6 months
Did they record the Mind Flayer storm?
The whole scene of Will's second vision is strange. The phone call, the alarms, then they show that it's 8:15 pm. I think the first vision at the Arcade also happens at 8:15, because Joyce tells Will she'll pick him in two hours. 'That's 9 on the dot'. And the episode ends with El mentioning 8:15 and Hopper saying that he lost track of time
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Anyway, maybe other people have already talked about this, but I wonder if Owens saw the Mind Flayer that night. I think they recorded it, the red storm is on the screen. And maybe the fact that Joyce too sees the Mind Flayer the next day is a hint?
yeah, if it's 8:17 here, it means that the vision starts at 8:15 (at least in this timeline. I know that when he's talking with Mike it's 8:04, but that's for another post)
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Here. The lightning
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Then red (clouds?) and a big shadow
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Maybe that's why Owens looks worried and rewatches the tape after they replace whatever got barbecued by the storm. Because he saw the Mind Flayer. The evil. And then he sees Will's drawing of it, but he doesn't say anything...
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This intrigues me so much. I thought that the storm was only in Will's mind that night, that it was just a vision. But it seems that it was also on the screen? Hmm
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golden-west · 28 days
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samgelina-jolie · 2 years
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Stranger things + Headlines (2/?)
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Owens, Cancer, Peter, Regenerative Healing and The Cure
So, the mysterious Peter Owens has been haunting me lately. And now, I have a theory about him.
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I think that Peter Owens was Owens’ son who may have had cancer, and that Owens’ involvement with HNL and Henward’s kidnapping/testing on Henward in the lab was likely connected to Owens trying to save Peter and find a cure for cancer.
Let’s get into it.
So. Why would Peter Owens have cancer and what evidence is there to support the idea of Peter having cancer?
Well, as far as how Peter Owens got cancer goes, Hopper talks about Agent Orange causing cancer in the children of Vietnam war veterans such as himself, which is what happened to Sara.
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Hopper even namedrops “Uncle Sam” during that scene, versus Sam being named Sam Owens:
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So, there’s a chance that Peter’s cancer was the result of Owens being involved in the Vietnam war, or Owens simply being exposed to some other chemical, or even just a genetic predisposition to cancer passed down to Peter (something we’ll come back to later in this post when I talk about Fringe.)
And regarding the other evidence to support Peter having cancer, Owens has So Much disease and cure and cancer imagery surrounding him, right down to talking about “stopping the spread” re: the gate and talking about replication all the time.
Owens’ connection to the supernatural is almost aways tied to references of “spreading” and “disease,” and he’s specifically focused on stopping things from spreading- much like cancer:
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And he also talks about a "cure" in the context of a virus/disease spreading:
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And Owens also has this scene where the other scientist is talking about pesticides vs Hopper talking about how Agent Orange was touted as a herbicide- which connects Owens to that Hopper cancer scene yet again:
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Owens also refers to possessed Will as “son”- possessed Will, who currently has a “disease” replicating in his body and taking him over and killing him:
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And that shot of Hopper in the stairwell after Sara died from cancer versus the shot of Owens in the stairwell and the two being paralleled- which makes sense of Owens, like Hopper, also lost a child to cancer:
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And I also talked in this post about how Owens “gets”/understands what it’s like to lose a son. And Owens also talks AGAIN about “getting it,” and this time it’s SPECIFICALLY in the context of Will having a “disease” replicating in his body and killing him:
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And the next scene RIGHT after that scene where Owens talks about “getting” what it’s like to have a son replicating with something inside of him, we get this shot of Nancy’s tape and SPECIFICALLY we get the line from Owens about stopping the spread AGAIN:
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And to top all of this off, OWENS is the character who drops the word “cancer” and who compares the spread of the UD to cancer:
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Owens’ son having died of cancer would also explain why he’s not willing to let Will die from the “virus”/shadow particles:
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Especially with that “say that to me again” line from Owens- that’s not a rational, “here’s the scientific reason why I disagree with you,” or even “hey, killing kids is morally wrong,” instead, it’s an immediate emotional response that lacks context as he’s not even just like. being emotional and saying “hey killing kids is bad,” instead, he just gets emotional and makes a threat but doesn’t provide any specific reason for it.
That scene has always felt a bit off to me, like there’s something we’re missing, like we’re missing some reason why the other scientist should know not to say something like that to Owens Specifically. Especially since the scientists all shut up for a bit after Owens says that/there’s clearly some weight to his words/something that the audience isn’t aware of.
Which, that would make sense if those other scientists knew about what happened to Peter/him dying of cancer. After all, it would be an obvious dick move to suggest letting a young boy die of a spreading disease to a dude whose son died of cancer.
Long story short, the spread/cancer imagery is CONSTANT with Owens, and so are the references to him losing a son.
Now that we’ve established that the basis/subtext is there for Owens to have a son that died of cancer, that brings up the question of why would Henward be necessary for Owens to try and cure cancer?
Well, James and I were chatting awhile back about Henriette Lacks, after I’d mentioned that I thought there was a connection between the cancer references in ST vs Vecna’s regenerative healing, as Vecna’s regen healing seems to work a lot like cancer cells/might be what caused his strange appearance, as a lot of his skin seems to resemble tumors, with him even having what looks like random TEETH on his skin, which is something often seen in tumors.
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And when we look at Henrietta Lacks, her cells, which were taken from a cervical cancer biopsy, were the first immortal human cell line that reproduced infinitely. Henrietta’s cells were used to study cancer treatments and how to stop the spread of cancer without having to test on an entire living person, and instead just being able to test on the cells themselves, as usually, human cells die pretty quickly after being separated from the person, but Henrietta’s cells did not, and instead, kept dividing. ST regen healing seems to act basically like cancer cells but with an even faster rate of growth/replication, which is exactly what Henrietta’s cells were.
So, if Henward had regen healing, and if Henward’s cells both a.) replicated like cancer cells and b.) replicated even faster the way that Henrietta’s cells did/were basically immortal even when removed from the body, then Henward would have been the perfect subject to use to research a cure for cancer.
This may also tie into Brenner’s claim that he was trying to help/cure Henward/Henward talking about how his parents wanted to cure him- if Henward’s regen healing was similar to Henrietta Lacks’ cells, it’s worth noting that the properties of Henrietta Lacks’ cancer cells were the result of being infected with HPV. So, if Henward also had some sort of disease that caused the same sort of thing & made him a sickly child & if Brenner/Owens claimed that they could cure him the same way they planned on curing cancer but needed his cells to do so/to test the cure on/ro develop the cure. Especially since Henrietta’s own cancer cells are what killed her- so there’s a chance that Henward was at risk of the same sort of thing happening/that he didn’t quite have proper regen healing before the lab but DID have those cells (and then lab experiments/gettinf yeeted to the yellow UD kickstarted in the actual regen healing we see with Vecna).
Plus, yknow. The name Henry vs Henrietta… and the fact that Henrietta Lacks’ cells were taken without her consent vs Henward being kidnapped and taken to the lab, clearly without his consent.
So, again, somebody with regen healing is basically a prime candidate for being used to try and cure cancer.
But that same person could also be a path to near immortality. Because after all, like I said, regen healing cells act like cancer cells, and cancer cells ignore the signals that tell them to self destruct/they’re basically immortal, and Henrietta Lacks’ cells even moreso, as they replicate even faster and again, ignore those destruction signals. So, they’d basically be the key to immortality if there was such a key. If an entire person could do what a single cancer/Henrietta Lacks cell did (which is likely exactly what Henward’s regen healing does, or something similar), with some tweaking, there’s a chance they could become immortal/regenerate when injured the way Vecna does etc.
If Brenner ended up using this research to give himself regenerative healing/pursuing immortality for himself, it would explain how he survived the Demogorgon attack in S1, and it would explain why Matthew Modine is convinced that Brenner STILL isn’t dead. It would also give Brenner a motive for his experiments that goes beyond mere scientific curiosity, which would explain why he was willing to go to such extreme lengths for his research.
And if Brenner wanted to experiment on Henward’s cells for the purpose of his own immortality versus Owens wanting to do it to try and find a cure for cancer, it would explain how the two of them could have such opposing morals but end up working together, because even if their goals were totally different (immortality vs cancer cure), they both needed to take the same path/experiment on Henward.
After all, whether you like/trust Owens or not, based on what we see from him in the show, he DOES seem to have moral lines that Brenner does not.
For example, during NINA, he talks about how he’s compromised his principles/morals by helping with NINA & how he sees a traumatized little girl, something he’s clearly distressed by, unlike Martin. He also says that he’s only doing this because Martin said that it was the only way:
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So, how does a guy like that, who clearly has some sort of moral code/who does genuinely seem to care about peoole like El and Will in a way that Brenner does not end up working for HNL/working with Brenner/experimenting on Henward?
Well, if it was Owen’s son’s life on the line… it would make sense for that to be the one thing that could get Owens to compromise his morals and experiment on Henward- after all, in that screenshot from earlier, Owens lists his family and his principles together- two things that seem to be equally important to him. So, if one of those things (his family/his son) was in danger, would he be willing to compromise the other thing (his morals/principles) to save his family? I think he would.
And to top all of this off, it would also track perfectly with the Fringe parallels (with Fringe being a huge source of inspiration for ST/constant direct parallels).
In Fringe, scientist Walter Bishop’s son, Peter, is dying of a rare genetic disease. Walter is trying desperately to find the cure, but fails, and his Peter dies. However, Walter has been using a window into another timeline to watch his alternate timeline self (nicknamed Walternate) *also* work on a cure for Peter- and the alternate Peter isn’t cured yet, but is still alive when Walter’s Peter dies. And one day, when watching Walternate work on a cure, Walter notices that Walternate found the cure, but Walternate was distracted and thought that his cure/experiment had failed. So, Walter went into the other timeline and planned simply on curing alternate timeline Peter, but ended up taking him/kidnapping him back to Walter’s own timeline, and keeping him there and raising him as if he was his actual Peter.
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And Owens is EXTREMELY paralleled to Walter. Like. Constantly. Costuming parallels, dialogue parallels, entire scene/shot parallels. It’s literally neverending and constant. Go watch even 5 minutes of like any Fringe scene with Walter, and you’ll notice it. Both Victor and Owens are deeply Walter paralleled to the point of almost verging on plagiarism LMAO.
So, this would track with Owens kidnapping a child (Henward) to try and save his son/trying to cure his son’s genetic disease, just like Walter did (except the child Walter kidnapped was Peter himself, although Walter did also do experiments on other children, such as Olivia), and possibly even crossing timelines to do so, which has me staring at all of the Henry vs Edward weirdness…
This is also likely why Owens’ son is named Peter- it’s meant to be a reference to Peter Bishop (which, it’s also interesting that Peter and Walter have the last name “Bishop,” as there’s the Bishop chess piece & the idea of their last name being connected to chess is referenced in Fringe, which has me staring at Henward talking about how Brenner moves people around like pieces on a chessboard to manipulate them- which would make sense if Brenner was manipulating Owens and his son & leading Owens to believe that they were pursuing a cure for cancer when in reality Brenner was pursuing his own immortality/regeneration).
So, yeah! I won’t be surprised at all if S5 reveals that Owens’ son, Peter, died from cancer.
And what El says about Brenner not letting Henry go- if Peter died, it would make sense to let Henry go/for Owens to want to let Henry go, because he doesn’t need Henry anymore because he can’t save Peter anymore.
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But if Brenner wanted to continue his research/continue pursuing his own immortality, it would make sense for him to not let Henry go, and would explain why it’s Brenner Specifically who is listed as not letting Henry go.
This would also explain why Owens doesn’t seem to be present in the lab during any of El’s flashbacks, not even back in 1979/any of the NINA memories- if he stopped working on the project after Peter’s death…
It would also explain why Hopper introduces El to Owens as if they’ve never met- because El hasn’t met him:
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Especially since Sullivan refers to El as “Brenner’s little pet,” and doesn’t include Owens in that regard, and Owens’ bitchy line about daddy-daughter time/Owens not approving of what Brenner did to El/his relationship with her:
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However, there’s also the matter of the Peter that Brenner asks for over the intercom:
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And I think there’s a few options here in the context of this post:
1.) The Peter that Brenner asks for is simply another random Peter, not Peter Owens, but is delivering subtext about Peter Owens (ie, lab Peter died, delivering the subtext that Peter Owens also died, just in a different way).
This could also be a reference to the timeline weirdness that we see with the massacre, as Peter in Fringe is basically the cause of the two timelines colliding/opening a hole between the two of them.
2.) The Peter that Brenner asks for IS Peter Owens, working as an orderly in the lab. He may have died during the 1979 massacre, and so, then while that doesn’t explain why we didn’t see Owens at all in the flashbacks pre-1979 massacre, if Peter died then, it would explain why Owens is absent from HNL in El’s post-1979 HNL memories. And also, it may actually still explain why Owens was absent during the 1979/pre massacre NINA flashbacks- if Peter’s cancer HAD been cured/treated and he was simply working there or a patient receiving treatment there or BOTH, then Owens wouldn’t necessarily need to work at the lab anymore, as his goal (saving Peter) had been accomplished, and then Peter died during the 1979 massacre.
3.) Henry or Edward was brainwashed into believing that he was Peter Owens/Owens’ son in an attempt to get him to cooperate.
Especially with what I’ve talked about before re: The Changeling and other things and the idea of Edward believing that he IS Henry. If Henry wasn’t useful for whatever reason and they needed Edward instead, and needed Edward to believe that he’s Henry, it would be helpful if the actual Henry believes that he isn’t Henry and is, in fact, Peter.
This would also explain why Henward’s fake name for casting was “Peter Ballard”.
And while option 3.) does admittedly sound far-fetched, when we look at Fringe, Olivia (who is very similar to Henward/blonde child who got experimented on against her will) is swapped with her alternate timeline counterpart/has her alternate timeline counterpart’s memories implanted into her head (staring at NINA & those bts pics that show that Young Henward has a NINA suit in his costume wardrobe and also staring at the multiple versions of the Creel murders that we see/Vecna’s memories of the murders being different from Victor’s retelling), because one Olivia has powers that the other Olivia does not have, and in order to get the Olivia with powers to cooperate willingly/use her powers, they have to convince her that she truly is the other Olivia.
Which, that would also track with that line about 001 struggling with his powers at first until suddenly he came in one day and everything changed- especially since that dialogue is in the context of memories, specifically, sad/angry memories- so, if Edward had some of Henry’s memories of the Creel murders implanted into him and believed that they were his own memories/believed that he was Henry… and then Henry possibly being led to believe that he was Peter in some way/Henry even simply becoming a proxy for Peter in the sense of them experimenting on Henry instead of Peter (to test cures in case something goes wrong so that they don’t risk Peter’s life) even if he doesn’t truly believe that he’s Peter. Which, that means that they would have to give Henry cancer- or, mess with his regen healing to have the same effect, OR infect him with shadow particles which have been very cancer-paralleled, as we’ve seen with Will in S2.
Anyway! Much to think about. Admittedly that last bit is a fair bit of fun speculation, but overall, I really do think there’s some solid connections here regarding Owens, Peter, Henward, Fringe, and cancer. Also, I won’t be surprised if we get a father-son vibe between Henward and Owens in the lab, which may explain part of why Owens has so many constant Victor parallels, with Victor being Henward’s actual father vs Owens possibly being a father figure, especially if Henward was ever brainwashed to believe that he was Peter.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
why does Owens have a book about gynecology in his office????? was he the doctor for the birth of El (or Will maybe) ?
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oldshowbiz · 4 months
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Gary Owens was instrumental in securing a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for the Three Stooges.
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