#story thieves charm
cylidae · 2 years
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It's been eight years and these two still have my heart. I still remember being a preteen and squealing at the epilogue of the first book. I remember sobbing at the fakeout Charm death. It's so incredible to me that a book meant for elementary school kids could have such a profound impact on me, but I still adore these characters to the moon and back.
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lanihaluki · 10 days
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day 1 of james riley appreciation week | prom🕺🪩
me when I’m like 3 months late to posting this😔 gonna do a few more prompts that I’ll post soon!!
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sobeksewerrat · 8 months
Are there any Story Thieves fans here on tumblr? Please? I have many words bottled up since I first read Book 1
I need to talk about Owen and his development. I need to talk about EarthGirl and Bethany. I need to talk about Charm. I WANT TO TALK ABOUT KIEL AND KARA DOX AND WHY THEY SHOULDVE GOTTEN MORE TIME TO SHINE (ESPECIALLY KIEL) AND I WANNA TALK ABOUY HOW COOL BOOK 4 WAS AND-
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athespaceace · 3 months
James Riley Appreciation Week 2024
Day 1
Prom ✅️ / Escape Room ✅️
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Story Thieves kids in an escape room as a prom after party!
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justarandomidiot1 · 1 month
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Story Thieves: Worlds Apart by James Riley
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Story thieves incorrect quote
Source: Phoebe and her Unicorn - Unicorn Crush 
Kiel: So you have a crush on Charm?
Owen: I mean, I guess it’s okay if you know, but let’s just keep it there.
Charm: Keep what where?
Kiel: Oh, Owen has a crush on you, but don’t tell anyone, let’s just keep it between the three of us.
Owen: KIELLLL!!!
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rosa-lilisrandomness · 3 months
Found Owen, Bethany, and Kiel on Akinator!
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librarydragon9 · 1 year
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll: Owen
Looks like a cinnamon roll, can actually kill you: Bethany
Looks like they can kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll: Kiel
Looks like they can kill you, will actually kill you: Charm
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someone-online · 2 years
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This was a gift for my good friend @relatable-books for a gift exchange we were in!!
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torpublishinggroup · 5 months
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Celebrate Pride with Tor Publishing Group!
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The Water Outlaws by S. L. Huang
Mountain outlaws on the margins of society, the Bandits of Liangshan proclaim a belief in justice—for women, for the downtrodden, for progressive thinkers a corrupt Empire would imprison or destroy. They’re also murderers, thieves, smugglers, and cutthroats. Together, they could bring down an empire. 
Now available in paperback!
Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune
The long-awaited sequel to The House in the Cerulean Sea is a story of resistance, lovingly told, about the daunting experience of fighting for the life you want to live and doing the work to keep it. Welcome back to Marsyas Island—home to six magical and purportedly dangerous children. This is Arthur’s story.
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The West Passage by @jpechacek
When the Guardian of the West Passage dies in her bed, the women of Grey Tower feed her to the crows and go back to their chores. No successor is named, and no hand takes up the fallen blade, so the West Passage—the ancient byways of the beast—goes unguarded. This is a weird and delightful journey across a deliriously medieval landscape where decay thrives in abundance and giant Ladies rule a palace the size of a city. 
Blood Debts by Terry J. Benton-Walker
On the thirtieth anniversary of the largest magical massacre in New Orleans history, Clement and Cristina Trudeau mourn their father and care for their sick mother. But their mother isn’t sick, they learn: She’s cursed. Cursed by a member of the same magic council over which she used to preside. Cursed by someone who will come for Clement and Cristina next. 
Now available in paperback!
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Bury Your Gays by @drchucktingle
After so many years, Misha’s big Oscar moment is here. All he has to do? Kill off the gay characters in his long-running streaming series, “for the algorithm.” Misha refuses, but that’s hardly the end, because monsters from his old horror movie days have begun to step out from the silver screen and stalk him. 
The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo
The Cleric Chih accompanies a young bride to her wedding to Lord Guo, the aging ruler of a crumbling estate, but amid the elaborate courtesies and extravagant banquets, they realize something haunts the shadowed halls. As the big night nears close, Chih will learn that not all monsters dwell in shadows; some hide in plain sight. 
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Remedial Magic by Melissa Marr
1) An unassuming librarian falls in love with a powerful witch. 
2) Previous librarian discovers she too is a witch…
3) …and that she must attend magical community college to learn how to save her new world from annihilation. 
Swordcrossed by @fahye
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It’s important to read Swordcrossed because while you’re reading gay fiction, you can also study the blade.
Celebrate Pride with more titles from Tor Publishing Group here!
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lynxgriffin · 4 months
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Eldritchrune - Dreemurr of Demons
1 | 2 | 3
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Asriel ventures back to Hometown while on the trail of trying to find out what happened to Kris, and stumbles across an unusual man who's all too excited to share his demon-warding knowledge! But it's unclear so far whether this knowledge will actually be of help to him...
Yaaay all done with this series back with the Dreemurrs! This one was definitely the longest, but also had some important info! What I'll tackle next is a mystery to me right now...
Alt text for these pages is under the read more:
Page 1 Panel 1: Exterior shot of a back alley in Hometown, with old barrels and boxes stacked behind medieval buildings. Asriel walks down the alley, wearing a striped shirt, glasses and scruffy blond hair, and carrying a large canvas bag over his shoulders. The annoying dog trots happily beside him.
Panel 2: The annoying dog drops his nose to the ground, sniffing at some interesting smell.
Panel 3: The dog bounds off ahead of Asriel to a haphazard collection of trinkets, boxes, jars and displayed charms, all partially covered with colorful cloths. A man is kneeling under one of the tent setups. Asriel walks to catch up with the dog, asking, "What's got your interest this time, dog?"
Panel 4: The man pops up from his odd collection and turns to Asriel with arms spread and a big smile. He has short curly hair, and is dressed in a medieval robe with a cape slung over his shoulders, and bone designs in his sleeve cuffs. He answers, "Just the finest assortment of handmade charms and magical meals made by yours truly, THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" The dog happily circles Papyrus, tail wagging.
Panel 5: Asriel is a bit taken aback by the introduction, but waves in greeting anyway, and responds with "…Oh! Howdy!" The dog sits in front of Papyrus, panting and wagging his tail.
Page 2 Panel 1: Papyrus leans down with a big grin to pet the dog and ruffle its face. "What a bright and clever fellow! Such a sweet face!"
Panel 2: "You're a good, good boy, aren't you?" Papyrus continues. However, the dog glances over to the side, as something has got his attention:
Panel 3: It's one of the charms Papyrus has on display: a large femur bone decorated with paint, beads and feathers.
Panel 4: The dog leaps up and snatches the charm in its mouth. Papyrus looks agape at this thievery, eyes cartoonishly wide. "Wh-HEY! That's my SPECIAL demon-warding charm!"
Panel 5: The dog goes running off further into the alley, the bone still in its mouth. Papyrus shakes his fist at it and yells after it: "You thieving scoundrel! I take back all the nice things I said about you!"
Panel 6: Papyrus quickly turns back to Asriel with a more apologetic look; even now he can't be too mean. He says, "I apologize, I didn't mean to yell at your dog. I'm sure he's normally better behaved!" Asriel waves off the apology with tired bemusement. "No, it's fine. He's not really my dog." Under his breath, he adds, "He just keeps following me around for some reason…"
Panel 7: Papyrus stands back up and gestures to his odd collection. "In any case, you at least are welcome to my little shop-in-the-works!"
Page 3 Panel 1: Papyrus leans in close to Asriel, observing him, and getting a bit into his personal space. "You look a little familiar, though! Are you perhaps related to Mr. Dreemurr?" Asriel nervously adjusts his glasses, and replies, "Heh, yes. I'm Asriel, his son."
Panel 2: Asriel holds up a hand and gives a little sideeye to the alley around them. "But, uh…I actually don't want my parents to know that I'm back in town, so I'd appreciate you keeping quiet about me being here."
Panel 3: Papyrus mirrors that sideeye, hands on his hips, as if recalling some recent incident. "Ahh…I know well the trials of avoiding family. Especially when they decide to try out some terrible new jokes."
Panel 4: Papyrus makes a lip-zipping motion with his hand and mouth. "Not to worry, my lips are sealed!" Asriel smiles back, and says, "Thanks, I appreciate it."
Panel 5: A wider shot of the two still standing within Papyrus's collection of tents and trinkets. Papyrus asks, "So, if it's not to see your folks, what brings you back around Hometown?" Asriel glances around them, and replies, "I'm looking for something. Or well…kinda hoping I don't find something here."
Page 4 Panel 1: Papyrus points up one finger, looking as if he's already solved this problem. "If you don't want to find it, then looking for it seems rather counterintuitive!"
Panel 2: Asriel looks a little taken aback by that logic. "Yes, well… Okay you have a point, but…"
Panel 3: Asriel keeps glancing behind him, as if expecting to see someone there. "This is kind of the next step in a trail of research I've been doing."
Panel 4: Papyrus puts a hand to a chest and puffs himself up, imitating his heroic poses from Undertale. "Well, if your research involves handmade charms and tasty foods both designed to ward off demons, evil spirits and the like… Then I'll be your most cited source!"
Panel 5: Asriel crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows, intrigued by this. "Really."
Panel 6: "You know a lot about demons, huh?" Asriel asks as he sits himself on one of the rugs within the tent setup. Papyrus keeps up his self-congratulatory pose. "I, the Great Papyrus, am a bonafide expert in such subjects! Sad that so few around here seem to recognize my talents."
Page 5 Panel 1: Asriel holds his hands up, willing to follow this strange thread wherever it might lead. "Well, I've got a question that all my research hasn't been able to answer for me, so perhaps you can…"
Panel 2: A pause as Asriel holds on to his thoughts, hands closed in front of his face. Papyrus sits down on the rug across from him.
Panel 3: Asriel lowers his hands, his face deeply serious. "How do you kill a demon?"
Panel 4: Papyrus looks back at him with an equally serious expression, then…
Panel 5: The seriousness is gone as he gives a casual shrug, and gives an answer. "Oh, that's simple. You don't!"
Panel 6: Asriel looks a little bit baffled, and disappointed. "…You don't?"
Panel 7: "No, silly. They're immortal, like angels!" Papyrus keeps up the casual shrug, as if this information is obvious.
Panel 8: However, Papyrus then seems to become aware of why this is being asked. He looks around the area frantically, his head whipping back and forth. "Why?! Are there demons around here that my detection flatbreads missed?!" Asriel offers an amused smile back. "Heehee… no, I don't think so."
Page 6 Panel 1: The seriousness returns to Asriel's face as he scratches at his nose, lost in worried thought. "I just…have this real bad hunch. I'm trying to prepare myself for all potential outcomes."
Panel 2: Papyrus ignores the seriousness of the situation, and just seems impressed. "Preparation! The hallmark of the truly intelligent!"
Panel 3: Asriel is still set on getting some information, and continues his questions. "Thanks. So, if you can't kill them, what do you do about them?" Papyrus holds up a finger again, happy to keep explaining: "Well, you got two options! First, you can banish them back to their own plane!"
Panel 4: Papyrus continues, "However, that's really only the ideal option if you're the one that summoned them in the first place. Otherwise it's a whole ordeal." In the background, Papyrus's point is illustrated with a little graphic of a cult member holding up a hand in rejection of a demon within a summoning circle. The demon looks confused and perturbed by the rejection.
Panel 5: Asriel says, "I see. What's the other option?" Papyrus continues his explanation across the two panels: "You bind the demon to something! Quickest and easiest thing to do is bind them to an object! Buuut, problem with that is, if your object gets broken or destroyed, now your demon's free and even angrier than before."
Panel 6: To illustrate his point, another background graphic shows a shocked human with a broken jar in front of them. A demon rises out of the remains of the broken jar, looking angry and ready to strike.
Page 7 Panel 1: Papyrus again continues his explanation across two panels. "Hardest and most time-consuming thing to do is to bind them to a place! Good option if you have the prep time, but then you can't really use that place anymore. Better pick a restaurant you hate and hope no one there minds you standing outside it chanting for three days straight."
Panel 2: To illustrate his point further, a scene (perhaps a flashback) shows Papyrus with his arms raised outside of a restaurant, supposedly chanting angrily at it, while another person stares back at him from the doorway, hands on their hips in annoyance.
Panel 3: Asriel watches as Papyrus finishes up the rest of his explanation: "Aaaand, last thing you can do is…bind the demon to a person! Which…"
Panel 4: Papyrus stops suddenly. For the first time, he looks actually disturbed and hesitant.
Panel 5: Asriel watches quizzically, waiting for him to continue.
Panel 6: When he doesn't continue, Asriel tries to prompt him on, tilting his head towards him. "…And?"
Panel 7: Papyrus quickly waves his hands in front of him, smiling nervously, clearly trying to dismiss the whole idea. "But you know, we don't need to go into the details of that!"
Panel 8: Asriel says nothing, but remains in nervous thought, one hand covering his mouth. It's clear that this is sticking in his mind the most.
Page 8 Panel 1: Asriel remains sitting with a hand to his chin in thought, but Papyrus has moved on to better advice. "But as I always say, an ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure! You're much better off trying one of my charms or meals to-go!"
Panel 2: Asriel lets himself smile more at this suggestion. "Y'know? I'm sold. And also a bit hungry."
Panel 3: Asriel gets up, and drops a handful of coins into Papyrus's open hand, which Papyrus looks at in surprise. Asriel says, "Give me your best demon-warding meal."
Panel 4: Papyrus stares down at the coins in his hand, his eyes cartoonishly big and shiny, full of excitement. "WOWIE!! My FIRST ever sale!" he says with a big smile.
Panel 5: Papyrus leaps up and begins to rummage through some of the boxes and barrels around his collection. "This calls for my finest delicacy!" Asriel watches him from a few steps back, and mutters under his breath, "…First ever?…"
Page 9 Panel 1: Papyrus straightens back up, gesturing to a small sack that he is holding in one hand. He looks pleased with himself. "Spiced candied yam bites, from my home country!"
Panel 2: "Each one will purge you of evil spirits for a whole ten hours!" he continues. He hands the small sack off to Asriel, who takes it from him and says, "Sounds like a good deal." In the background, the annoying dog pops back up from behind some other boxes, holding something in its mouth.
Panel 3: Asriel hefts the bag over his shoulder again, and holds up the sack of treats in acknowledgement of the exchange. "Well, I know where to come if I need more info and good charms."
Panel 4: Papyrus stands proud, both hands on his hips, happy at being able to spout off his knowledge to a stranger. "Yes, yes! Tell all your friends about the fantastic advice and the culinary masterworks of the Great Papyrus!" he says excitedly.
Panel 5: Asriel heads off back into the alleyways, and waves goodbye to Papyrus. The annoying dog follows close behind his steps. Papyrus enthusiastically waves to the two as they leave, and says, "Safe travels to you and your annoying dog!"
Page 10 Panel 1: Papyrus turns back to his collection of trinkets and boxes with a determined look, hands on his hips. "And now to see where that criminal canine buried my special charm…" he says to himself.
Panel 2: While continuing on through the alleyways, Asriel opens the small sack and pulls out one of the candied yam bites.
Panel 3: Asriel glances back down at the dog, and notices that he's carrying something that's making a tinking noise. It's partially hidden from view. "Oh boy, what did you steal now?" he asks with a wry smile.
Panel 4: Asriel takes the yam bite and pops it into his mouth with a crunch…
Panel 5: …Only to then make a face, his eyes wide and his mouth scrunched up, as if tasting something indescribable.
Panel 6: "What IS this flavor?" Asriel asks to himself, although all but his back foot are off-panel. The focus is on the annoying dog, who is shown to be carrying a strange, heart-shaped metal lantern on a chain.
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cylidae · 2 years
There's something important that you have to know about me. If there's a fandom out there that I'm into, I have forcefully entered Charm into it. Does it matter if it's an ancient society? A magic place? No. My half robot lass goes in there no matter what. You don't understand the depths of love I have for this character. My very first fictional crush, my bisexual awakening. Feel free to comment with random fandoms and I'll write a stupid interaction with Charm and one of the characters. You don't have to know who she is. Honestly, it makes it funnier if you have no clue who I'm talking about.
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justporo · 7 months
Opening chests - A guide by Astarion Ancunín
As someone who's been merely seen as a body to use in the worst kind of ways, Astarion enjoys being needed for just about anything else.
You first noticed this when the rest of the party struggled to open a promising looking treasure chest which you all hoped would contain some direly needed riches - or at least something to make for a good dinner.
You were just about to step in and offer your expertise when Astarion made an entrance.
“By all the gods above and below! You bunch call yourself adventurers and can't even pick a simple lock such as this?” he exclaimed as he strode over with a swagger and a viciously teasing smirk. Gale moaned. He knew just like any of the others that Astarion was about to be insufferable when he put on a tone like this - more insufferable than usual that means.
“All these books and not a single one to be useful, just as always? Am I right - oh great Gale of Waterdeep?” the vampire barked back at the wizard's annoyed reaction.
Gale just pressed his mouth into a thin line, not willing to hand his pale companion more opportunities for snide remarks.
“I could always smash it with my axe,” Karlach chimed in and immediately grabbed for her martial weapon and took an enthusiastic step towards the chest.
Astarion threw out his arms to hold her off: “NO!” The tiefling just shrugged and casually hammered her weapon into the ground and leaned against it - an impressive show of her strength.
“My dear Karlach,” Astarion began “your uhm… enthusiasm is deeply appreciated.” (The sarcasm in his voice told another story. But Karlach still beamed at him) “But stuff like this is in need of a little more finesse,” the rogue finished and wiggled his long fingers.
You watched all of this as you crossed your arms over your chest. The lock really wasn't that big of a challenge. You could have probably done it in the middle of the night, with no light source and drunk out of your mind. But Astarion was keen to make a show of it seemed - and by now you were too interested to watch it play out as your less roguish companions watched.
Astarion produced his thieves tools out of his pocket with an artful flip and a wink he aimed specifically at you. You grinned at him. Despite his sometimes goofy or weird mannerisms and the cheesy lines he dropped on about everyone ( but especially on you), you couldn't helped but to be charmed by the vampire.
Astarion made to get to work.
“Now watch,” he exclaimed cheerfully “and take some notes,” he finished dryly with a pointed look at Gale who just threw his hands in the air at another unneeded jab towards him.
It was merely the blink of an eye and suddenly the lock made an very audible a click and fell to the dusty ground.
Astarion jumped up again almost as quickly as he had kneeled down in front of the chest. “Hah!” he exclaimed, twirled around to the party and made an obnoxiously gracious bow.
Karlach clapped, honestly impressed.
You just smirked.
Shadowheart rolled her eyes.
Gale immediately went to open the chest and- “It's empty,” he declared. “What a grand treasure you have revealed to us, oh great Astarion of Know-it-all,” the wizard spat. “It was all for nothing.”
The glance the vampire threw at Gale couldn't have been more sharp had he used his dagger on the wizard. “You all got a great learning opportunity. You should be grateful!” Astarion answered and pursed his lips
“Learned what exactly, Astarion? We could see nothing,” Wyll commented dryly, earning another dagger glance.
Astarion clicked his tongue and strode off as the others seemed to have lost interest in the damned chest now that it had proven worthless.
“Don't come to me again then, crying for help,” the vampire snarled as he walked off, shoulders slumped a little. There might have been just the tiniest tinge of hurt in his voice.
“No one asked him,” Gale muttered. But now he earned sharp looks from the others too.
“What?” the wizard asked offendedly looking around the others.
“Every once in a while even a Know-it-all like Astarion deserves a little praise,” you said as you looked after the vampire. “The next time he opens a lock up for you, you better give him a little pat on the back. We all should, actually,” you closed and then went to go after Astarion.
The others muttered in quiet agreement.
And in fact, from there on out, Astarion became the designated lock picker of the party. And you were happy every time you saw Astarion's ruby eyes sparkle a little with pride when you asked for his help.
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c-rose2081 · 1 month
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CharmingHearts Mafia AU thoughts?
Red is a common street thief struggling to make ends meet. With her Mom gone and money running thin, she gets a bit too bold thieving from the patrons of elite Charmington Hotel and Casino. It was only a matter of time before she got caught. Red thinks her life is over, but someone else has been paying attention to her exploits—someone who can make her dreams of wealth and luxury come true in exchange for her specific set of skills.
Unfortunately, that someone happens to be the Princess of the Charming Family Crime Syndicate, Chloe. A girl who’s not only hands-on in running her corner of the family business, but whose lush and lavish contracts (laid in steel and sealed in blood) are almost never worth the price.
Lowkey might actually write this one as a long form story? mafia AU’s are overdone but they’re also a classic, and I love the idea of a very powerful and dangerous Chloe pulling Red around (since Songbirds was the opposite).
If anyone has any title suggestions I’m all ears, I couldn’t come up with anything that wasn’t stupid sounding lol.
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coinandcandle · 6 months
Hermes Deity Deep Dive
This was a requested deep dive on Hermes, you can request a deep dive on my ko-fi for $5!
Hermes is one of the 12 Olympian Gods and is known as the herald or the messenger of the gods. Often depicted wearing winged shoes and holding a staff or wand, he was known to be the patron of heralds and messengers.
As with many deities, Hermes is the god of many things, such as poets, athletics, luck, travel, trade, omens, animal husbandry, and thieves. This multi-faceted god was often conflated with the Roman Mercury, though there are some key differences.
With that, let’s get to know Hermes!
Parents and Siblings
Zeus (father)
Maia (mother)
Lovers or Partners
Theses are the more common lovers found referenced with Hermes.
These are all of the cited children I found, there may be some discrepancies depending on which myth you read and who tells the story.
*The primordial god Pan has many origins, being the son of Hermes and Penelopeia is just one of these origins. The next three are thought to be aspects of Pan that may also be personified separately. Pan may be a tripartite deity, this will have to wait until Pan gets his own Deep dive.
The Greek gods have massive lists of names, here are some I’ve found on multiple lists.
One of the more popular myths of Hermes is the myth of him stealing Apollo’s cattle as a baby. Hermes was freshly born, escaped his crib and stole his half-brother’s herd of cattle. In order to avoid getting caught, Hermes plays some devious and clever tricks, though the tricks he plays depends on the myth-teller. At some point on his journey with the cattle he finds a tortoise whose shell he turns into the very first lyre. Inevitably he gets caught by Apollo but the sun god is so charmed by the lyre that he allows Hermes to keep the cattle or at least forgives him.
Not only this myth, but others depict him as a trickster who enjoys a good prank.
Hermes was known to be the patron god of Arcadia as he was born in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia according to Homer.
Philostratus places Hermes’ birthplace in Olympus, however.
Hermes is also a psychopomp, a traveler between the realms of the living and dead who aides souls headed to the underworld.
It’s possible that Hermes’ name derives from the Greek herma which meant “heap of stones” or “cairn”. These heaps of stones, or cairns, were roadside markers for travelers and may have also acted as small shrines for the deity.
Hermes was notably charming even as a baby, considered a darling of the gods (ref) where many of the deities in the pantheon would teach or entertain young Hermes.
Hermes was said to have invented wrestling and racing.
One of his more prominent cults was in Attica during the Classical period. By this time he was considered to be the god of travelers and sailors.
Thoth was another deity conflated with Hermes.
Hermes in many myths and traditions is seen to be a liminal deity. Not only is he able to travel between the underworld and overworld with ease, but he is often depicted as both young and old, as a mediator between god and man, and as a dream bringer.
It’s possible that this ties into his involvement as an initiator for young adulthood.
The Hermea were festivals held in honor of Hermes.
Hermes’ staff or wand, the caduceus (staff with two snakes wound around it), is often mistaken for the Rod of Asclepius (staff with one snake wound around it).
Modern Deity Work
Explanations are placed next to each item on the list.
Copper - I couldn’t find a source for this but I’ve seen it on multiple posts now and my friends who follow Hermes cite this as well so it is worth a mention!
Rocks - Just rocks, specifically stacked rocks from the roadside. Cairns were
Crocus flower - based on the myth where he accidentally kills Krokos and turns him or his blood into a flower.
Strawberry Trees (botanical name Arbutus unedo) - he had been nursed under one according to some myths.
Hare - he placed the hare amongst the stars as the constellation Lepus.
Tortoise - created the lyre out of a tortoise shell.
Cattle - stole Apollo’s cattle as a baby and is known to be a god of cattle rearing.
Hawk - he transformed two men, Hierax and Daidalon, into hawks.
Caduceus - the name of the staff or wand he is depicted as carrying.
Shepherd’s Pipes - he created the shepherd’s pipes.
Winged shoes - the type of shoe varies by myth or artistic depiction but the “winged” part remains the same.
Winged hat - he is often depicted wearing a winged hat.
Traveler’s hat - he is often depicted wearing a traveler’s hat.
Shepherd’s Pie - This is purely based on the fact that it’s similar to shepherd’s pipes and I find it amusing, I’m sure a god who enjoys jokes would enjoy this too but that’s my bias.
Koumara - I found this post by @grecowitch explaining that while strawberries are often cited as offerings for Hermes, this misconception comes from the misleading name of the “strawberry tree” which actually produces fruit called koumara! That said, I imagine Hermes wouldn’t be upset at receiving delicious strawberries.
Animal skins - Hermes
Coins - he is known to be a patron of not only merchants but thieves!
Other standard offerings to Grecian deities are olive oil, honey, cheeses, various fruits, milk, and candles.
Acts of Devotion
Write poetry - he is a god of poetry.
Travel - he is the patron god of travelers.
Learn how to play the lyre - he created the lyre.
Play sports - he is known as a god of athletics and during his festival days people would play sports.
Play pranks - I won’t advocate for harsh pranks, personally, but he is known as a trickster so do with that what you will.
Pray to him - pretty standard devotional act.
Go to the gym or otherwise exercise - he has been cited as the patron deity of gyms.
Build a cairn - DO NOT STACK ROCKS IN NATURE as it disrupts the natural environment! However, feel free to build one on your porch or in your house with rocks you may already have.
Celebrate Hermea - I was unable to find a set date-range for these festivals. Some suggested around the beginning of August, possibly due to his conflation with the Irish god Lugh’s holiday Lughnasadh; others suggested May 15 due to the Roman god Mercury’s holiday Mercuralia. That said, he was known to be worshipped during other holidays in Greek tradition alongside other deities.
References and Further Reading
Encyclopedia Mythica
The THEOI Project
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justarandomidiot1 · 1 month
wait wtf hold on when did Chowen become a ship name for another fandom
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