#st. francis of xavier
stjohncapistrano67 · 2 years
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famousinuniverse · 8 months
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St Francis Xavier Church is a parish Roman Catholic church in the 7th arrondissement of Paris dedicated to Francis Xavier, the patron saint of missions. Built in the late 19th century, It gave its name to the nearby Metro station Saint-François-Xavier.
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eternal-echoes · 2 years
“No one was ever lost because his sin was too great, but because his trust was too small.”
- St. Francis Xavier
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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Three-year-old Richard Cusumano watches the St. Patrick's Day Parade from a front-row seat, 1958. Drummers from Brooklyn's St. Francis Xavier Prep march past the child as they make their way down Fifth Avenue.
Photo: John Lindsay for the AP via the NY Daily News
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A woman who says she was sexually assaulted by a St. FX football player has launched a civil lawsuit against the Nova Scotia university. The woman, whose identity is protected by a publication ban, is one of four women who accuse Omogbolahan (Teddy) Jegede of assaulting them while they were all students at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, N.S. The lawsuit, filed in Nova Scotia Supreme Court this week, alleges St. FX failed to properly perform its duties to oversee the care, control and protection of students. The lawsuit is seeking unspecified damages. In a statement released after the lawsuit was filed, the woman said, "the trauma from a sexual assault is devastating." She said learning that St. FX had received other complaints about the player, who was living on campus, but "failed to protect the St. FX community is re-victimizing."
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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coolcarabiner · 1 year
thinking about catholic lesbians this ldov.
if you’re a catholic and a lesbian know this: i love you. i see you and the inherent dichotomy that seems to exist in the overlap of these identities and i understand why for some of us there’s no denying either one of them. God loves you despite what hateful bigots with bad faith exegesis have to say and we are still the church whether they like it or not.
just in case you need a reminder, too: God loves lesbians. the femmes and the butches and the studs and the stemmes and the unaligned and the trans and the cis and the nonbinary lesbians all alike i promise you He loves you. and He made you this way because a lesbian is a fucking blessed thing to be.
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SAINT OF THE DAY (December 3)
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On December 3, the Roman Catholic Church honors St. Francis Xavier, one of the first Jesuits who went on to evangelize vast portions of Asia.
Francis Xavier was born on 7 April 1506 in the Kingdom of Navarre, a region now divided between Spain and France.
His mother was an esteemed heiress while his father was an adviser to King John III.
While his brothers entered the military, Francis followed an intellectual path to a college in Paris. He studied philosophy and later taught it after earning his masters degree.
In Paris, the young man would discover his destiny with the help of his long-time friend Peter Faber and an older student named Ignatius Loyola — who came to Paris in 1528 to finish a degree and brought together a group of men looking to glorify God with their lives.
At first, personal ambition kept Francis from heeding God's call. Ignatius' humble and austere lifestyle did not appeal to him.
But the older student, who had undergone a dramatic conversion, often posed Christ's question to Francis:
“What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
Gradually, Ignatius convinced the young man to give up his own plans and open his mind to God's will.
In 1534, Francis Xavier, Peter Faber, and four other men joined Ignatius in making a vow of poverty, chastity, and dedication to the spread of the Gospel through personal obedience to the Pope.
Francis became a priest in 1537. Three years later, Pope Paul III confirmed Ignatius and his companions as a religious order — the Jesuits.
During that year, the king of Portugal asked the Pope to send missionaries to his newly-acquired territories in India.
Together with another Jesuit, Simon Rodriguez, Francis first spent time in Portugal caring for the sick and giving instruction in the faith.
On his 35th birthday, he set sail for Goa on India's west coast.
There, however, he found the Portuguese colonists causing disgrace to the Church through their bad behavior.
This situation spurred the Jesuit to action.
He spent his days visiting prisoners and the sick, gathering groups of children together to teach them about God, and preaching to both Portuguese and Indians.
Adopting the lifestyle of the common people, he lived on rice and water in a hut with a dirt floor.
Xavier's missionary efforts among them often succeeded, though he had more difficulty converting the upper classes and encountered opposition from both Hindus and Muslims.
In 1545, he extended his efforts to Malaysia, before moving on to Japan in 1549.
Becoming fluent in Japanese, Francis instructed the first generation of Japanese Catholic converts.
Many said that they were willing to suffer martyrdom rather than renounce the faith brought by the far-flung Jesuit.
St. Francis Xavier became ill and died on 3 December 1552, while seeking a way to enter the closely-guarded kingdom of China.
He was beatified by Paul V on 25 October 1619.
On 12 March 1622, both Francis Xavier and Ignatius Loyola were canonized by Pope Gregory XV.
Pius XI proclaimed him the "Patron of Catholic Missions."
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Temple of St Francis Xavier in the Old Jesuit College of Tepotzotlán, Tepotzotlán, Mexico
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bootlegatem · 7 months
This is possible a bad idea on my part, but I wanna win so...
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It is officially bikeathon season at my school. Me and my friends are participating, but I have my eyes set on the $500 gift basket for individuals that got the most donations.
I have till March 8th to get in all donations, after that it's up to the judges.
Our team name is Pinkalicious, and for the participants name just gotta put in my nickname Onyii Nwosu.
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the-mercy-workers · 1 year
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unclemoriarty · 1 year
Hello, could you do 15, 30 and 36 from the catholic asks please:)
Hi there!
15) Have you ever prayed for St. Anthony's intercession?
All the time! My family often jokes about how he takes our stuff and when we can't find it we go, "Come on Anthony, where'd you put it"
30) Who is your favorite saint?
How dare you ask me to pick a favorite. Anyways it's my Confirmation saint. Funny story about that--when I was in Confirmation class, we had an assignment to pick our saint and give a presentation about them. For the longest time I couldn't choose, and so a couple nights before the deadline, I just picked the saint I was reading about at the time. The book was Set All Afire by Louis de Wohl, and the saint, St. Francis Xavier--patron of foreign missions, specifically in Asia.
Flash forward to the present, and I am fluent in Korean, learning Japanese and Mandarin, and have a deep desire to be a witness to the Catholic faith in South Korea (where I already have lived two times now). Looking back, I find it funny how I just picked him in the spur of the moment, while God had chosen him to be my friend long before that.
36) Do you have a favorite painting of a Bible story?
This one up on my wall! It's of the sinner woman (or St. Mary Magdalene, depending on your tradition) washing Jesus' feet! I absolutely LOVE this painting. Idk if you can see, but tears are running down her face. She was so intent on making up for her sins that Jesus has to lift her chin so she can look at Him. And look how he's holding her! His touch is so gentle and loving. That's what everything is all about--letting God love us and loving Him back. He'll heal our brokenness in time, but first he wants to heal our hearts :')
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Thank you so much for this ask!
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stjohncapistrano67 · 11 months
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A traditional Catholic stained glass image of St. Francis Xavier.
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tinyshe · 2 years
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In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, open our lips - And we shall praise Your Name.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and forever shall be, world without end.
O most admirable and loving St. Francis Xavier, in union with you, we adore the Divine Majesty. While joyfully giving thanks to God for the wonderful graces, which God conferred upon you in life, and for the greater glory with which God has gifted you in heaven, we come to you with heartfelt love, asking you to secure for us, by your powerful intercession, the precious blessings of living and dying in the state of grace.
We also ask you to obtain the favors we seek in this Novena.
(Mention your petition here.)
But if what we ask is not for the glory of God, or for the good of our souls, obtain for us what is most conducive to both.
Pray for us, Saint Francis Xavier. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Almighty God, by the preaching of St. Francis Xavier You won many peoples to Yourself. Give his zeal for the faith to all who believe in You, that Your Church may rejoice to see the virtue and number of the faithful increase throughout the world.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Read more at: https://www.praymorenovenas.com/novena-of-grace
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hong-kong-art-man · 1 year
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The Story Of The 1st Impresario In Hong Kong Mr Harry Odell, His Empire Theatre (璇宮戲院) & To Be Continued尚未完場, The Touching Film About This Jewish Man
An ‘impresario’ is a person who organizes and finances concerts, plays and operas. Art intermediaries are important. They make the availability of art performances much more accessible for the public. A good impresario knows well the audience and their needs.
Mr Harry Odell, a Jewish man, was born in 1896. He came to live in Hong Kong in 1921 and died in 1975 at the age of 79.
It was said that his real name was ‘Harry Obadofsky’. He was the son of Russian Jewish parents. He was educated at St. Francis Xavier’s College, in Shanghai. He ran away from home at 16 and supported himself as a tap dancer in Japan, before emigrating to the USA. In 1921, Obadofsky arrived in Hong Kong and changed his surname to Odell for the reason of marrying a girl Sophie Weill whose family owned the prestigious jewellery business Sennet Freres in Hong Kong. He fought in the defence of Hong Kong in 1941 and was made a prisoner of war by the Japanese.  
Mr Odell loved art and culture. By persuading international acclaimed artists such as Xavier Cugat and Issace Stern to perform here in the colony in those years, he was the first impresario in the history of Hong Kong. He tirelessly lobbied the colonial government to build a permanent place for art performances. As a result, the first such venue, Hong Kong City Hall, was completed in 1962(information provided by Judy Green from 'The Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography’).
Mr Odell built his own concert theatre and film cinema known as the ‘Empire Theatre璇宮戲院’ in 1952.  It was located in the North Point area along King’s Road and in those years, North Point was regarded as a remote place. Business was bad and it closed in 1957, and re-opened in 1959 as the ‘State Theatre皇都戲院’ following the purchase by a rich Chinese businessman and extensive renovations. The State Theatre sadly closed in 1997.
Concerns were raised in 2015 that the heritage building might be demolished. In 2020, a big property developer in Hong Kong New World Development acquired the ownership right of the Theatre and put forward good proposals related to the conservation of State Theatre. The Theatre is being repaired and will be opened soon for the third time.
The above is not just a story of history. It is a love story of how Harry Odell loved Hong Kong and how we loved this art hero. His life is one big touching story with hundreds of little touching stories within it.  
2 film directors, Dora Choi & Haider Kikabhoy, made an evocative documentary movie about the noble story of Harry Odell and it is called To Be Continued 尚未完場.  This piece of impressive work looks back on the history of the State Theatre (formerly the Empire Theatre) and the great life of Harry Odell. A film critic wrote this: “Kikabhoy and Choi created a film that is not just educational; it is also upbeat, amusing and heart felt at the same time.”
Apart from visiting Odell’s grave in Happy Valley and gazing at Odell’s former residence Old Alberose in Pokfulam, you must watch this heart-warming good film To Be Continued! Maurice Lee To Be Continued Trailer  https://youtu.be/U6GICy7Nmpc   Acknowledgement – 尚未完場  Hong Kong City Hall  https://youtu.be/fg97X8gfsrA  Acknowledgement – Online Museum
State Theatre  https://youtu.be/S7D0U8DgEyo   Acknowledgement – Bloomberg Television 
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St Francis Xavier Catholic church at Khlong Khut
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