#stacey green
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psygull · 4 months
every once in a while i think about swapping the places of my delta green and monster of the week pcs for fun since they exist in roughly the same genre, but with wildly different tones.
stacey would be fine in delta green. she has no mechanics for sanity loss so she's going up to mothman and sternly chiding it for scaring people. kit is losing sanity points rapidly in motw cos slapstick hijinks keep happening to him. he's fine otherwise he's just embarrassed
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feelingtheaster99 · 1 year
I aspire to have the level of bit commitment that the prefrontal pi’s have to the alias Stacey Fakename
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emily-mooon · 7 months
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Did a little sprite recolour for Neil and Stacey to make them more accurate to their actual colour palettes :]
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nllick · 6 months
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Forchang? Stebecca? Stecca? Lmfao. Someone hear me out on this ship..Bi4Bi🙏
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theboyatthebustop · 3 months
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And people say we conquered racism a long time ago
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sketchyallstar · 1 year
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Some doodles of my Spidersonas and their universe’s versions of Spiderman-adjacent characters, one of these was from a @croxovergoddess template, also practiced some Spidey poses from a gif of the final battle in Spider-Man: No Way Home
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abs0luteb4stard · 6 months
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sparklyseblos · 1 year
we as a fandom, moved on far too quickly from adrian lyles & dara reneé’s cover of the best part like that was INCREDIBLE jetney deserved a duet this season we were so robbed
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defconprime · 9 months
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Sonequa Martin Green and Stacey Abram’s as Michael Burnham and The President of Earth
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timaeuslover001 · 2 months
 what’s so funny about Spider-Man fans is that even though they like to claim that the real fans, the Spider-Man comics and about Spider-Man and general, they really don’t like to see his story play out.
Because if they did, they would’ve never supported any of these Disney remake films or even the previous Andrew Garfield films.
Spider-Man has been remade so much in the past 20 years that it’s mind-boggling.
And of course, when it got bought out by Disney because it was attached to Marvel, you already knew it was going to be overly saturated as heavily as possible because that’s what Disney does. They don’t know when to quit and they produce their own product.
Films always seem to get a sequel, as well as a cartoon series attached to it. At least during the 90s Renaissance era.
But they literally hijacked Miles Morales‘s life and gave it to Tom Holland. None of his villains are as present to be seen in any films except one.: the vulture.
They had to they had to hijack other companies Spider-Man iterations villains to be seen in a film next to Tom Holland, clearly just to get nostalgia bait out of them, and probably to answer critiques about why we don’t see the other actual other villains.
And it doesn’t belong to other iterations and not the current one you’re dealing with. Especially since those fight scenes interactions and reasoning why they were brought were total trash.
But the complete desecration of uncle Ben and his impact and presents and Peter’s life as well Aunt May who is Peter’s wisdom and guidance in his life as spider man.
Or his his friends? Does that mean nothing?
Because I always heard from fans of Spider-Man that the only other Spider-Man show that they really liked was the spectacular Spider-Man show and they always rooted for and how accurate supposedly was and you are the same boys drooling over this disgusting Disney product it’s the same product??!!??
I’m not understanding how the two can be compared as the same thing and act like it deserves the same amount of validation!
And then you all always foam at the mouse whenever Peter is in high school and y’all won’t let him be a grown man for some reason??!?
He does leave high school in the comics as well as college and becomes a grown man who has a job and pays bills and struggles with rent and groceries!
But for some reason, him being a teenager swinging around the city is the only identity you all validate him in, which makes no sense because all characters have to grow and have to live life!
But yea….its oronic
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shannyh25 · 1 year
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MISS STACEY: Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth, Anne. You see, it frightens them, so they put up walls to protect themselves from it. What we must bear in mind is that all these trials and tribulations that pop up in our lives, well, they serve a very useful purpose: they build character, as long as we can hold on to the lessons we've learn from our mistakes. Remember, we can always start everything fresh tomorrow.
ANNE: That is a tremendous consolation, Miss Stacey.
ANNE: Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it.
MISS STACEY: Well, there's no mistakes in it yet. As far as the truth goes, don't lose heart. Diana will always be your friend. No matter what anyone accuses you of, in the end the truth will set you free.
ANNE: The truth will set you free.
I found the script from Anne Of Green Gables-Script-Tripod. I took the pictures from a YouTube video i found on line of the movie.
Follow me for more inspiration! 💜💕
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mk-wizard · 2 years
Spider-Man 2017: It COULD have been perfect
Now that I have calmed down today... I want to make it clear that I don’t hate the 2017 Spider-Man cartoon (which I will call 2017-Spidey for simplicity). In fact, I do like it. I just don’t love it. What I hate is how it being FA (for all ages) ruined it. If it had been allowed to be mature, take itself seriously and really be superhero show instead of a kid’s show, it could have raised the bar and no, I am not exaggerating. And to prove my point, I am going to list its best point of being rated FA ruined each of them. Note that I will not waste my time talking about the bad points. Period.
I will also give a heads up that there will be a spoilers ahead.
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1- It had fresh new ideas that worked. - This show tried to do a lot of things differently which I have to admit wound up working really well. To be very honest, I liked that 2017-Spidey’s Harry Osborne rose out of his father’s shadow and not only became the Hobgoblin, but also a hero who stood up to his dad (which is a moment all Harry fans were waiting for) and found peace with himself for a change. It was a nice surprise and the way Harry’s characters development progressed was actually pretty decent. In fact, Harry’s my favourite character in the show for that reason. I even liked that for once, Dr. Conners was a bad guy because this version of him worked in the story being told. His motives made sense and watching him be bad was entertaining. Truth be told, him selfishly testing on himself was always a not so virtuous motive anyway.
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-But it tried too many new things at once, so the good new ideas got drowned out. - Due to being FA, instead of concentrating on the three new good ideas it had (Harry-Hobgoblin and Villain Conners were two of them) and making them great, it was fixated on novelty. There was always a new character, a new villain of the day, a new version of an existing character and a new something which is a formula used in cartoons for preschoolers and younger. The show became disorganized and episodic format would constantly get broken. It started to feel like a borderline toy commercial like an outdated 80s Saturday morning cartoon. Most of the episodes could be classified as empty filler.
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2- It gave an origin story to Dr. Octopus and showed his progression towards villainy. - One of my favourite character arcs in Batman the Animated Series was Two-Face’s in which we saw him start off as Harvey Dent to becoming the iconic villain. When I heard that 2017-Spidey was going to do this with my favourite Spider-Man villain Dr. Octopus, I was elated. Seeing him be Peter Parker’s teacher in the beginning of the series, so that the two of them form a bond and then have become the villain of Spider-Man yet still have that kindness towards Peter Parker would have been one for the ages.
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- But he along with his story arc were reinvented, rushed and crashed. - I know I said this in another article, but I will say it again here. They aged him down to be 19 and in doing so, diminished his character into that of a rude, arrogant and unkind egoist. Unlike the reinvention of Harry Osborn into a heroic Hobgoblin, the reinvention of Otto Octavious as a young, mean-spirited sadist doesn’t work because part of what makes Dr. Octopus special as a villain IS his age and life experience. He needs to be an adult the same way Harry needs to be Norman’s son. Without his adulthood, maturity and lingering humanity, he’s just a generic villain not complex nor sympathetic. Young Otto would have worked better as a flashback version where he is that mean smart kid in the beginning, but then finds his compassion and patience as a teacher while the current day version of the doctor would be a kindly adult man with haunting trauma.
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3- It finally brought Miles Morales to television. - This is the third new good idea in my opinion. Miles Morales is one of Marvel’s best new heroes because he is humble, he is his own man, and he is a genuinely good person. Also, his mentor-student relationship with Peter Parker is heartwarming. They have a big brother and little brother dynamic. His story arcs are worth telling and have shaped him as a Marvel hero. At this point, he should appear regularly in the media.
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- But he was held back. - I also said this in another article that Miles needs to be younger than Peter in order for his character and their dynamic to make sense. If they’re the same age, Peter comes across as condescending and a know-it-all especially when Miles gets labeled as “Kid-Arachnid” and plays as second fiddle. Officially, Peter and Miles have eight years difference at least in the comics, so if Peter is a teen here, Miles should be a child. If it means not giving him his powers yet, so be it. It is ok to foreshadow instead. Miles is not “less than” Peter Parker nor is he just another Spider in some Spider-Themed-Fantastic-Four (there was really no need for Ghost-Spider or Spider-Girl). He’s the next Spider-Man. That merits respect and recognition in every media.
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4- It had interesting story arcs that could have been very badass. - While some story arcs just came out of nowhere like the Maximum Venom final arc, some arcs were actually really great. The Jackal saga was my favourite and made me a Jackal fan, so was the goblin saga and even the spider-island story had great bones and truly chilling premises. There were bio-engineered horrors, super robots, the mob, a pandemic and cultism.
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- But they were diluted in order to be “for all ages”. - These sophisticated story arcs were turned immature with an art style was too cute, too much comic relief, progressing too fast and not letting the characters act serious or realistic in the situations they were put in. These arcs became forgettable, dumbed down, unenjoyable and went just as soon as they came. Since I also brought up comedy, I have to be blunt as someone who has been reading Spider-Man comics for years, Spider-Man is NOT a comedy, and the titular hero is not a clown. The Spider-Man comics touch a lot of serious topics which it handles with care, it has action scenes that can get very brutal, and Spider-Man is constantly making tough decisions that always have consequences for better or worse. His quips actually reinforce how dark and stressful his life is. He is always joking, so he doesn’t have a breakdown and sometimes, he still has one anyway. In a way, Spider-Man is Marvel’s Batman except his element is light. Everything got kickstarted due to the death of Uncle Ben after all.
And this is why 2017-Spidey was only an ok cartoon. Being rated FA roadblocked it from being a perfect modern Spider-Man cartoon and I really hope that Marvel learns from this. FA does not work.
Thanks for reading and as always, stay safe.
PS: I heard a rumor that Spider-Man: Freshman Year is being cancelled and to be very honest, after seeing how and why 2017-Spidey flopped, maybe it is for the best. I feel very bad for people who may lose jobs but shows that bomb will cause you to lose your job anyway and keep you from getting rehired in that same field. Perhaps Marvel should take a break. If it means that its next cartoon will not be for small children, but it will be great, I can wait.
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Turnout from Georgia's first day of early voting set a new state record for a midterm election, nearly doubling the figure from the same time period in the previous midterms, state election officials said Tuesday.
More than 131,000 Georgia voters cast ballots since early voting began Monday, according to the office of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. The figure represents an 85% boost over the 2018 midterms, when nearly 71,000 early votes were cast on Day One, the office said.
Georgia's latest tally is also nearly as large as the state's first day of early voting in the 2020 presidential election — 136,739 in that contest versus 131,318 in the current cycle, Raffensperger's office said. Turnout tends to be much higher when the presidency is on the ballot.
Absentee ballots cast Monday totaled 11,759, bringing Georgia's total turnout so far to 143,077, the office said.
The new early-voting data in Georgia, which corresponds with a similar surge in turnout during the primary season, comes three weeks before the Nov. 8 midterms when the balance of power in Congress and key state-level posts will be decided.
Georgia is host to some of the nation's most-watched elections. A high-profile Senate race between Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker, for instance, has emerged as one of the most competitive — and scandalous — contests in the nation.
Just one of a handful of key races could determine which party controls the Senate. The chamber is split 50-50 between the two parties, with Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris holding the tie-breaking vote.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, meanwhile, is again challenging GOP Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, who is leading in the polls. Abrams' get-out-the-vote efforts in 2020 have been credited with helping President Joe Biden carry the purple state over former President Donald Trump.
Raffensperger, a Republican who drew Trump's ire for challenging the ex-president's false claims that the 2020 election was unfairly rigged against him, is also running for reelection.
And GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a far-right conspiracy theorist who was stripped of her committee roles last year, is expected to be reelected in her deep-red Georgia district despite a well-funded challenge from Democrat Marcus Flowers.
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nllick · 5 months
Stacey and Rebecca 🤍 (the girlfriends)
this is for whoever asked for that Stacey edit...I decided to add Rebecca into it if that's ok.
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timoswerner · 2 months
love a vinyl variant but the rollout for these chappell ones….. girl release them all at once next time
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