#stackie work husbands
I started shipping them after watching falcon and the Winter soldier.
Welcome to the sambucky club. I started shipping them after seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But only because I wanted to make sure I didnt miss anything when I watched Cap 3.
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Captain America: The First Avenger was drier than saltines; so originally I skipped out on watching it. So when Avengers: Age of Ultron came out I was like 'who dis random black guy hanging with Steve' in the beginning of the movie. 🤔 Then Captain America: Civil War, which is basically a lowkey Avengers movie, came out and between that and seeing one of favorite authors writing SamSteve fics, I had to watch CATWS.
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Loved it. Loved the new Bucky even if he was going through things. Loved me some Sam. Everyone should have a Sam. Their chemistry was fire from the start and was shipping after that.
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Long story short, it don't matter if it took you a while to see the beauty of SamBucky. You are here right now and we welcome our brethren.
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wenellyb · 3 years
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Why is he like this😭😭😭???
Sebastian, can you be cool just once and not mention Anthony every chance you get?!
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craftycraftin-blog · 3 years
Opened up Yahoo and saw this.
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This. This right here is what I like to see. First image boooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 😩👌❤️
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kittehkwrites · 3 years
Hi! I hope you are doing well. I loved your Anthony Mackie fic ☺️ it was soooo cute 🥰!! So I was wondering if you could do one where the reader and the kids surprise Anthony on the set of “The Falcon & The Winter Soldier”. Or the reader and Anthony’s anniversary comes up and they celebrate with family. You can choose which one to do ❤️.
Day on set
Warnings: Fluff, Stackie moments (getting some vanilla ice and chococino action)
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You take the kids to the set of ‘Falcon & The Winter Solider’ to surprise your husband and to see some behind the scenes action. (Based on this anon’s request)
You’d normally wait until later on in the day so that the kids would be somewhat alert but not too active (cause you did not have the energy to run up and down behind them while shooting was happening)
When you guys went to see him the first time he was shooting the scene falling out of the plane, you couldn’t help but laugh at your husband’s contagious laugh.
Watching him fall onto the safety mat while you held your youngest in your arms, your oldest daughter stood tall nearing your hips, brought an even bigger smile to your face as they would light up with pure joy at hearing their fathers voice and watching him work.
When it came to seeing him in action, your kids always sat fascinated at the fact he was a “superhero” and seeing him in his suit only made that more believable to them. Even though they were watching it from behind the scenes, seeing their dad work was always interesting for them.
You couldn’t imagine how much that may or may not change in the future, but for now, you knew he was as happy to hear his kids wanted to see their dad, just as you were happy knowing that the crew would allow you on the set during the pandemic so that they could see him work.
When the director yelled cut, your daughter couldn’t wait to go up to her dad, neither could your son as he began struggling to get down so he could also push his little legs in the direction that his sister took off in.
You just watched as he noticed the little girl running towards him, the afro she sported bouncing as he bent to catch her and then lifted her in the air before bringing her down close and giving her tight hugs.
You started walking over once you heard the squeals coming from her and when you saw your son get the same welcome as his older sister after your husband rests her on the ground quickly.
Both kids are in his arms, your daughter asking her dad all these questions and your son intrigue with his goggles and trying to get them on but ends up just holding them over his face and causing you to laugh.
Once your husband hears your muffled laugh (wear your masks people) he stands up, son still in hand, daughter wrapped around his leg, with that megawatt smile that you fell in love with, gap and all.
“Ahh. Baby you lookin good! Who you lookin good for?!” You couldn’t help but laugh at your husbands animated voice.
“Myself” you’d say back, throwing loose braids behind your shoulder and adding some sass.
Both of you do this everytime he sees you. It’s like living the day you guys met over again, except this time you’re married and have two kids with him.
You’d go to give him a hug and a quick kiss before turning and seeing his co-star Sebastian standing to the side and smiling at your family.
“Hey Seb!” You’d somewhat shout out before waving to the actor.
Once your kids heard his name, they’d turn and yell out “Hi Uncle Sea!” to which he’d just shake his head and laugh at your kids not breaking away from that name.
Your husband would burst out laughing at the way his fellow actor would look upon hearing the nickname.
“Yea! That’s right! Uncles Sea in the house!” You couldn’t help but laugh as your husband added fuel to fire.
The nickname coming from the many times Anthony would refer to Sebastian as ‘Sexy Seabass’, your kids would just be so used to hearing it and when they started talking ‘Sea’ was easier for them to remember and say.
Along with ‘Bass’, Sebastian’s name was never said in one go with the children and so the nicknames stuck and your husband loved that, obviously.
Shaking your head, you’d just check to see what the kids were focused on and so far they were just admiring the set and their father still.
Your daughter would sometimes tug on her fathers clothes and ask him what a piece of equipment was or how come he wasn’t jumping out of a real plane etc.
Your husband would fire off the answers, letting her know as much as he did and giving her his undivided attention.
That was one other thing you loved about your husband.
Watching him show his kids that they had his attention and never leaving the other out, especially after you guys began talking about baby 3, you both made it clear that each kid needs to know they’re being heard and cared about so they don’t feel left out or anything.
You’d still be smiling behind your mask at them, your eyes scrunching up. Anthony would feel the stares.
Smiling harder with his deep, soulful eyes briefly glancing at you as he finished explaining something to your daughter.
Your son, having found comfort in his fathers arms, had gone quiet and was just looking at whatever his sister or father pointed at. His head only lifting from his father’s shoulder if he wasn’t able to see it in his sight from that position.
Your husband would show you guys around the areas he could, being aware of the safety precautions on set and not having more than a certain amount of people in one area too close to one another.
He’d be so happy knowing you guys came to see him and the light on all your faces that he almost misses being called back to begin the next scene.
He’d walk you guys back to your car, having stayed and watched him film a little while longer before he notices your son start to yawn and your daughters questions starting to slow down.
He’d hand you back your son before kneeling and kissing your daughters head and saying he loves them both.
He’s stand back up and you’d pull your mask down briefly, so he can give you 2 quick pecks before hurrying back to work mode and heading in the direction in which he was needed.
Your kids would yell out “bye daddy” and “bye da!” whilst waving to him as he turns back to wave at you guys again before you make your way off the lot.
You’d look to check on the kids, only to find them knocked out in the back.
Might need to bring them more if it means no complaints when it came to nap time and the car ride awaiting you all. You thought, smiling at the thought of how happy Anthony was to see you guys and how proud you were of him overall.
My man did that! You’d cheer in your head, large grin on your face as you turned the radio up a little more.
Nodding your head to the beat, you drove home a proud wife and a happy mother with her two resting ones in the back.
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Hey yall!
Sorry for any typos, I’m finishing this close to 1:00am.
I know I’ve been MIA for a while. Got caught up with my academic and personal life and was not putting out much work because I was not that inspired for so long.
Finally got around to working on this request from how long ago. So I’m slowly coming back!
Hope you guys like this and I hope that the anon that requested this likes it also 😁
Remember to like, share and/or leave a comment
stay safe, take time for yourself and I love you all❤️
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habaritess · 3 years
It seems that many people have noticed the subtle change of Sebs attitude,there is no doubt that Sebastian really loves Mackie,the birthday wish he posted on INS is really touching and sincere. I don't think anyone will question his love for Mackie. However, according to Mackie, Sebastian seldom goes out alone with Mackie,although it may be because of Seb personality, he used to say where he wanted to travel with Mackie,he would like to spend more time with Mackie.Maybe he is more aware of what kind of feelings he has for Mackie, so he makes a small step back in the mode of getting along with him, and guards the relationship by taking a step back. After all, friends can last longer. The above are all personal views, just for entertainment
Yes, just for entertainment.
Now some things to note is that Anthony has been saying a variation of this for a while now. Anthony has said that he likes to try to get the guys out, but Seb is the kind of guy who doesn’t like to have fun. He also said that as long as you get Seb out of the spa, he can be a lot of fun. So right there, there is some reluctance on Seb part for certain activities. Anthony is providing us with more details about it now, but this part is consistent with past Seb. Also, most of the time, Sebastian main desire with Anthony is doing more film projects with him. Every now and again they talk about wanting to go visit places, like Italy and Seb home country of Romania, but even than it probably more in reference to being in a film that located in those places. I think Seb likes to kill two birds with one stone. They both are constantly working on different film projects so what better excuse to hang out while still performing your professional obligations than working on a film with the light of your life? Filming can stretch for months, you are always in close contact because your not going back to your house at the end of the day, you are going to your trailer which is near your other co-stars. There no family to get in the way, no other professional obligations since you are already filming, and for some more higher profile movies, you get to promote it overseas with your co-stars. So Seb preferring to be together filming projects with Anthony rather than, say, going to Anthony home in New Orleans which would mean being near kids, friends, and possibly other family members shouldn’t discount his obvious affections. Even after filming TFATWS, Seb is trying hard to promote a remake of The Odd Couple with the two of them, whether it broadway or film.
What does seems different is Anthony appears more frustrated about it and more willing to call Sebastian out for it. Before the promo interviews for this series, Sebastian mentioned Anthony trying to get him to go fishing. Now Anthony has brought up trying to fish with Sebastian a lot. Not only fishing, Anthony really wants to take him down to New Orleans and let him experience so many things. His desire is so strong, Anthony wants there to be a professional excuse for Sebastian to come down to New Orleans with him. Twice now, Anthony mentioned wanting Sebastian to play Gambit, a fictional Marvel character from Louisiana, so that Seb would have to go down there with him so he could show him the ropes. So this isn’t something out of the blue, Anthony has actually seriously thought of ways to get Sebastian to experience things in New Orleans with him. If we look at it from Anthony point of view, it easy to understand the frustration. Him and Sebastian have so much fricken fun together. They become complete children. They had so much fun on this set that they were forced to take Time Outs to calm themselves down. They have so much fun during press tours, going to conventions, doing interviews, and Anthony has such a strong desire now to continue that in more ways than around filming. He wants to be Stackie in New Orleans, he wants be Stackie while fishing, he wants to be Stackie at Sebastian home in New York, Anthony just wants more Sebastian...and Sebastian not letting him have him. As he truthfully said to Kelly, “I want him all to myself, all the time.” It’s not an exaggeration when you see how he talks about wanting Seb to play Gambit or tagging Sebastian with his fishing pic on instagram. Anthony is frustratingly saying “We have so much fun together! Why don’t you want to have moooorrreee” and constantly calling out his hermitness and begrudgingly calling the dude boring. Seb sees Anthony desire to hang out too, and it is a wonder what going on in his head. Is he truly just being a hermit, or does he see a danger in Anthony desire for more one-on-one time, outside of the professional environment? Sebastian unwillingness could be in part due to Anthony constant mixed signals. Anthony can act like the straightest guy in the world, than be outright flirting with Sebastian the next minute. Anthony commented in a recent interview with Seb that he wants to be a house husband and called out Jennifer Lopez. So Anthony desire for a female partner is very apparent to Seb, so why would he possibly risked spending such possibly intimate close time with his crush?
This view is all for entertainment purposes, of course.
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dynamicduoofstackie · 2 years
Watch "How Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie invented their friend "Nishka"." on YouTube
The origins of Nishka
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dynamicduoofstackie · 3 years
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I forget who posted this but this is hilarious.
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dynamicduoofstackie · 3 years
He makes me smile with my ❤
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dynamicduoofstackie · 3 years
"Sebastian and Anthony have a very different energy, but they are a perfect couple. They now look to me like they're a married couple" Daniel Bruhl said this about working with them in some official tfatws book. Thought it might interest you.
Me wanting all the tea on the official tfaws book blessing the stackie status:
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I'm here for all of that. If you find, link me up. I feel happy when people see what I see.
If nothing more I think Anthony and Sebastian are at least work husbands. I've seen Marvel bromances. Like the one between Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth where Hemsworth in one article was ready to adopt Evans into the Hemsworth brood and Evans didn't object. Or Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth. Or RDJ and Chris Evans with RDJ blessing the Stony fans...But nothing tops Stackie for me. They literally got a show because of their mad chemistry. The way they feed off each other's energy and want to be close. The way they bless and support each other's projects and want to do stuff outside the project together. They have their inside jokes and running gags only true stackie fans get.
I just enjoy their interactions so much and can't wait until their next project together and next promo tour. Hopefully they will be in touching distance soon because I am going through stackir withdrawals.
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wenellyb · 3 years
We know Kari Skogland said Anthony &Sebastian are perfect as a couple but now Daniel Bruhl said the same thing. In an interview he was asked about working with them and he said that they are a perfect couple and that they even look married to him. We're they working on a romcom? lol
Hahahah!!! Hi Anon!!!
This is so funny!! I didn't know that, but I found the extract on this post!!! Thanks for sharing!
Being on a set with Stackie must be something else, I think you can never get bored. We already knew Seb and Anthony were work husbands but it seems like they translated it into Sam and Bucky are husbands husbands!
I think you're right and they were all working on a romcom, with some action scenes in between 😂😂😂
I'm not saying it's going to happen, but I won't be surprised if Cap 4 starts with a Sambucky wedding!!!
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wenellyb · 3 years
My favorite Sam Wilson moment was in TFATWS episode 6, when he said “I’m Captain America”  because we saw him finally accepting the Captain America mantle and got to see the whole process and all the moments that led up to that very moment. 
At first I was disappointed that we didn’t get to see Sam in his suit from the beginning of the show, but after watching it, I was more than happy that they did it this way. They had a whole show and took advantage of the time they had. We got to see Sam’s doubts, Sam’s struggles and also all the reasons why he would be the perfect Captain America, but they also showed us the reasons why Sam was having doubts about taking the mantle, the way Black men and women are treated in the US, the familly issues he had to deal with on top of that, and we also met Isaiah and heard his heartbreaking story. We really understood the reasons why him wondering if he should do it, because we saw what Black men before him had gone through when they had tried to serve their country. All of this made the suit reveal scene so much more emotional and impactful. And the anticipation was so worth it. i was shaking when Sam said: “I’m Captain America”, because the scene was so perfect.
My favorite Bucky Barnes moment was in TFATWS episode 5, when he hinted at wanting to stay for the night, because it marked the moment when Bucky finally decided he was done punishing himself and pushing people away. He was going to try being happy and going for what he wanted. 
Up until then, Bucky had always tried to keep people at arms length, especially Sam. He never admitted to wanting to spend time with him, following Sam because “ he didn’t trust Redwing”, coming to deliver the suit and acting like Sam had to sign something and he was just the delivery guy. Bucky keeps a distance with people, but in that scene he was the one who wanted to stay overnight, and didn’t even try to find an excuse (how there weren’t any hotel rooms available). It was almost out of character because he finally stopped pushing people away and treating them like sh*t just because he was feeling like sh*t. He just accepted that he had the right to be happy and to stay with people who make him happy and even though he doesn’t accept it completely, at least now he’s trying and was working on it.
But my favorite Sambucky moment was in Avengers: Endgame, when Sam looked at Bucky before accepting the shield, and Bucky gave him a reassuring nod, because he knew that it’s what Sam wanted.
Sambucky interactions in Endgame were just so magic, because they shared only two scenes, but both were meaningful. 
At first, Sam touched Bucky during the funeral scene, I just thought it was Anthony just stackying with Seb, but then, in the scene where Sam received the shield, and we saw how close Sam and Bucky were, it was clear that they wanted to show us how close both characters had gotten. And not close like friends who laugh and banter with each other, but close like friends who stay together and support each other in every situation.  They were doing doing everything husbands do, and nobody said anything about it.
That moment was just pure magic, 
The ship was still a small bubble, so there was only the postive, no controversies, and we had husbands! Sambucky, and their bond was undeniable. As a Sambucky shipper, that whole experience felt surreal because, you kind of ship the two but never think it will go anywhere, but then it went somewhere. Before the movie, I was only wishing we could at least see Sam and Bucky talking to each other, or shared at least one joke. But then we got them behaving like THAT. Magic.
I love that we got to see more of Sam and more of Bucky in TFATWS, but to me only a very few Sambucky scenes can compete with those few seconds in Endgame. Where we saw two men who mean the world to each other and offer mutual support to each other, whenever the other one needs it.
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wenellyb · 3 years
I don't know if this makes sense, but I'm kinda a little bit glad that the director and writers couldn't explicitly make Sambucky a couple. Cuz then they would've made them kiss and called it a day (like with Strange and Palmer, or Thor and Jane, the kiss was just outta left field, with no actual romance developed) but with Sambucky, they took the time to build something, and the chemistry between Stackie was a big help. That's not to say I would mind a Sambucky kiss, I would love it, I'm just happy they actually took the time to build the relationship, and made it as sweet and soft as possible.
Oh Anon, are you sure we don't share a brain?!!! I love what you're saying and I completely agree with you!
It makes absolute sense because I think exactly the same. I don't have a lot to add because you have explained this perfectly! When there's a kiss, they don't even bother working on the relationship that much, let's have the two characters look at eachother a few times, and then a kiss at the end, that's it. When there's no kiss, and you want to show romance, you actually have to find other way to show the characters feelings, and usually the exploration goes deeper. Sam and Bucky not have kissed in canon but think about this: It is CANON that Sam is the only one Bucky trust in the world (telling Sam about his nightmares and not his therapist) It is CANON that Bucky takes care of Sam, he follows Sam wherever he goes, and says it in the most romantic way, "I'm coming with you", not "I'm coming", Not "I'm not letting you do this on your own, he just say "I'm coming with you" with the softest of voices. He broughtSam a gift, when he was not even allowed in Wakanda. It is CANON that Sam would do anything for Bucky. Am I the only one who remembers the scene " You stuck your next out, you broke the law (and then he paused, Bucky freaking paused!!! before saying the next part) for me. I'm asking you to do it again" and Sam just say "Ok"...
HELLO????? He's asking you to work with an international criminal mastermind on some crazy stupid plan, not to go cherry picking on a Sunday morning. Did Bucky have to ask like that??? With THAT voice?
The acting choices, the dialogues. How are people not getting that this is romantic movie dialogue... Show me an action movie where the feelings of the characters are pouring out of every word like that. They are so many more examples where you can tell that even if they don't want to admit it, they mean the world for each other. I can't think of any MCU couple that got the development Sam and Bucky had. Only maybe Wanda and Vision can compete on that level. It's like the director and writers really took care of their romance, took the time to develop it, on top of everything that was going on, and showed us all the little ways they took care of eachother, and cared about each hother. And then in episode 5, the time stopped, and the second half only focused on their relationship. If they had had a kiss, I'm not sure we would have had this much. It would have been a kiss at the end of the show and then that's it. Nobody would have understood how their realtionship evolved. But here, we have so many beautiful scenes to remember, scenes with teasing and easy banter,smiles, laughs, pain and hurt, scenes of close intimacy (that second day on the boat, the ending scene with them walking away together), and the thing is this started even in Endgame. I remember when Endgame came out, I made a most asking people why Sam and Bucky were acting like freaking husbands!
We got the slowest of slow burns and an enemies to (reluctant) friends to lovers storyline, with a hint of a past relationship (maybe) and we got a Happy Ending... I couldn't have asked for a better love story. A few days ago, I even said that if the last scene of them walking away together hadn't been blurred, it would have been better than a kiss, and I stand by that.
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