#stan mitsuki bakugou
sapphic-agent · 2 months
I feel bad for Mitsuki. She has a parent's worst nightmare to raise, and people are legit calling her abusive because she doesn't worship the ground at Bakugou's feet.
Maybe I'm a bit biased, because she reminds me of my stepmother. Her family spoiled her son rotten (he was never as bad as Bakugou, but he did have some severe behavior problems that alienated him from a lot of people), and she was the only one trying to instill rules and discipline in his life, which made her the bad guy in many people's eyes.
Someone tried to make the case that Mitsuki and Katsuki (calling them both by their given names for this ask) are both horrible and abusive and I'm like no way José.
Compare Katsuki's introduction to Mitsuki's. One of them is inherently painted to be more cruel and callous and it isn't Mitsuki. In fact, I'd say that Mitsuki is actually a lot more friendly. She didn't get hostile until Katsuki did. Calling her abusive from what we've seen when she did it in front of his teachers and they didn't say a damn word is so... Disingenuous? I don't even know what to call it.
A playful tap on the back of the head is not physical abuse. If her intention has been to actually hurt him, this would be a different story. But it isn't. She wasn't even upset during the first hit, so what about that screams abuse?
I'm not averse to saying that Mitsuki could be verbally abusive. But even then for me, it's more like she's careless with her words than intentionally cruel. Like when she says, "Oh hush. This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't gotten kidnapped and caused all that trouble." I sincerely doubt she actually means, "It's your fault you got kidnapped." To me, it's more like, "You were careless and other people are suffering because of it so get off your high horse."
Because as much as I agree that the LOV's actions (and UA's negligence) are not on Katsuki, he very much was careless and that contributed to him getting kidnapped and putting his classmates in danger. Which also was the reason everyone had to uproot their lives and move into the dorms. I think Mitsuki is trying to make him more humble and aware of how his actions affect others by saying this. I don't agree with how she communicated that, but I sincerely doubt her intention was to be cruel.
The problem is that Katsuki stans take one scene and run with it. But they also somehow miss the part where Mitsuki thanks Aizawa for sticking up for him and humbly asks him to make him a good hero. She even playfully ruffles his hair and he doesn't pull away. An abusive mother wouldn't care so much about her son's dream.
This same scene also implies that she regrets letting adults feed Katsuki's ego because she knows it made him worse. That's probably why she's harsher on him now, because she's aware that the temper of a 4 year old and a temper on a 16 year old are two different things and doesn't want him to continue to be violent and temperamental into adulthood. She's doing damage control the best she can.
That's probably why you relate her to your stepmother (who sounds awesome btw). Because you see a woman who's getting hate for trying to correct her violent, bigoted son's behavior before it escalates.
(Female Katsuki stans are such boy moms. No one can say or do anything to their precious Kacchan and nothing is ever his fault because he's just a poor child who doesn't know any better so who gives a fuck about his victim)
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harukamitsuki · 2 months
I need Bakugou stans to realise that it's not that I hate him as a person. It's that I hate him as a character.
A lot of my favourite characters are unrepentant assholes, or assholes who are set to or have already been redeemed. Vegeta from DBZ, Ouma Kokichi from DGR: V3, Dio from JoJo, Laxus from Fairy Tail, Greed from FMA: B, Bill from Gravity Falls, and the list that goes on.
If a character is a terrible person, that's fine by me. But if the author tries and fails to redeem them, yet still acts as though they are suddenly this amazing person, that's when I have an issue with it.
Bakugou was originally written to be a minor antagonist, and that would have been fine, if Horikoshi didn't suddenly go "I drew him crying so imma fix him".
Redemption is such a complex yet simple thing to do. So when you try to do it and fail spectacularly, um, yeah, I do not enjoy that character or your writing.
That is my main issue with Bakugou. I do not think he deserved any redemption, not because he's a bad person, but because there is nothing to convince me that he could change.
He gets one scene where he goes, "boohoo I lost and everyone is stronger than me" then cries, and that's supposed to be enough for him to become a better person? That is nowhere near enough.
There was no moment that made me believe he genuinely regretted and took accountability for the abuse he put Izuku through in middle school.
"He changed!" That's not my issue. I don't care that he's changed. I care that I don't believe in it. If there was a plausible reason as to why he changed, then I would be fine with it. Maybe I'd even enjoy him!
The fact that he's changed doesn't mean shit if it's not believable.
"That was in middle school!" Okay. This one pisses me off the most. That was a year pre-canon? Oh, wow, I guess that's completely fine! It's not as if characters are the way they are based on their past. Oh, Itachi killed the Uchiha clan before canon! Okay, maybe comparing a massacre to bullying is a bit unfair. Still, just because it happened a year ago, it doesn't mean it never happened. It doesn't mean that he's changed considerably.
"Izuku doesn't have any lasting damage and forgave him!" And? Just because your friend forgives their bully, it doesn't mean you have to forgive them. And, again, I do not believe Bakugou's apology was good in anyway. He was trash-talking Izuku, blaming All Might for Izuku's behaviour, and didn't accept any culpability for what he did to him. He didn't tell anyone else what he did to Izuku. Also, if Izuku really didn't have any lasting damage from the bullying, then why did Bakugou's apology make him calm down? If he didn't care about the bullying, then why is he so relieved by the apology? BECAUSE HE WAS AFFECTED.
"Bakugou was being abused!" ... NO HE WASN'T!! Mitsuki is not abusive. Yes, she hit him round the back of his head. After he threatened her. Anyone with Asian parents can tell you that her hit does not hurt. Not only is it somewhat normal in Asian families, but it also doesn't hurt. We have no evidence that she is abusive. Horikoshi knows how to set up abusive families, as seen with the Todorokis. This not that. Either way, even if she was, being abused doesn't mean it's okay to abuse others. You can hurt without hurting others.
"It's the school and teacher's fault!" No, it's not. Part of the fault lies with them enabling him, but Bakugou is already fifteen when the series starts. His mother clearly doesn't agree with his attitude. The school is only partially to blame. Bakugou should have learned by himself what is right and what is not. In fact, he clearly does know considering he doesn't want any of that stuff on his records in case U.A. rejects him.
Again. I don't care if he's a terrible person. I care that he's a terrible character.
So the next time someone says that I'm stuck in Season One, take a moment and think about what you're saying. Bad people in fiction are entertaining. Bad characters are not.
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acrylic-anxiety · 4 months
things I thought were canon in mha but are probably just things the fandom made up that are so deeply ingrained in fanmedia, coming from someone who only joined the fandom a few months ago (correct me if im wrong)
(also not caught up on s7)
- literally any ships (rip, i know, but guys, no student relationships are canon as of rn)
- eijirou and mina went to middle school together
- denki probably has (absence) seizures due to overusing his quirk/bc storms
- red shoe theory (the quirkless have an extra toe joint and bc of that they need different shoes. unfortunately there's only one type, so doesn't matter if you're 5 or 80, you're stuck wearing bright red sneakers ://)
- erasermic. just the entirety of them being together. also includes erasermic fam. still rioting from when i found out erasermic is not canon >:((
- denki has adhd + dyslexia + dyscalculia (and probably a seizure disorder)
- hitoshi is in the foster system (and was probablg ab*sed bc of his quirk. includes mentions of muzzles and quirk suppressants)
- present mic was born with his quirk, deafening everyone in the room when he was born (includes mentions of muzzles)
- the bakugous (mitsuki and masaru) are either the best parents in the world (super attentive and caring) or suck and are probably ab*sive (quirk suppressants on katsuki any time he comes home, neglectful masaru, aggressive mitsuki)
- izuku is autistic (while not canon, i wouldnt be surprised, this is coming from someone with auDHD)
- denki's parents are both pro heroes (theres two pro's with electricity quirks. maybe?? maybe not?? we'll never know)
- endeavor is homophobic (i mean... im not saying he's not-)
- present mic was adopted by two moms
- eijirou has two moms (this one tho, so cute oml im screaming)
- the bakugous run a fashion empire (katsuki modeled for them before UA
- rooftop trio's full friend group included nemuri (a year ahead of them) and tensei (iida's brother)
- iida is autistic (ngl, if this aint the case im rioting)
- tsu never had a childhood, too busy parenting her siblings while her parents were at work or traveling
- back to the bakugous, they were too busy traveling to do photoshoots (mitsuki was the model and masaru designed clothes) to watch over katsuki, so he taught himself how to do everything (chores, keeping tbe house, cooking, etc)
- eijirou has depression/was su*c*dal in middleschool, the only thing keeping him from toppling was mina
- some mutation quirks are there at birth, others come in later. ex: toru (hagakure) was not born invisible, she turned invisible when out shopping with her mom (just imagine thinking "oh shit i just lost my kid at the store" and feeling something grab your leg with the voice of your kid but nothjngs there. wild, absolutely wild) just imagine this shit with the rest of our resideng mutation kids (whom i adore) koji, fumikage, mina, mezo, mashirao (would you consider hanta, kyoka, rikido, and mineta mutation quirk kids? bc i do)
- some kids come from all over the world (i like the idea of it, just how do they all know japanese then??) one i can remember rn were like denki is a 2nd gen japanese american, yuga we know is from france, hanta is latino (i adore this)
- mineta is great!! or mineta is a r*p*st (now, hes gotten better, i'll give you that, but hes still not great and i choose to hate him so im moving on-)
- the sports festival ceremony triggered a flashback for katsuki, making him feel like he was back with the sludge villian again
- izuku and katsuki co-wrote all might fanfiction and individually at one point had all might stan pages.
- fumikage, hitoshi, and kyoka rotate between the bakusquad and dekusquad
- the emosquad consists of fumikage, hitoshi, kyoka, mezo, katsuki, and shouto
- ochako has dad sneezes (loud asf and probably back to back) and katsuki has kitten sneezes (cute and singular) (no i will not explain further)
- while katsuki is loud and "angry" all of the time, you only really got to worry when he becomes deadly silent
- if you want tea on anyone, go to either mezo or kyoka. they know all
- shouto had many firsts after the dorms were implemented: first time trying ice cream, watching a movie, listening to music, trying certain foods, etc. bc endeavor either hated it, or didnt allow him access to it bc he thought it was a waste of time
- momo probably has an eating disorder, regardless of her quirk, due to her parents pressure as a high society family
- quirk related symptoms/damage. ex: katsuki's explosions causing low blood pressure and hearing loss. present mics causing hearing loss and chronic sore throats (maybe even repeat tonsilitis??). hitoshi getting migraines, insomnia, and nose bleeds from excessive quirk use.
- aizawa transfered to the hero course after winning the sports festival his first year at UA (i think it makes sense, what with him training hitoshi later)
(this is what i could think of rn, theres probably more, add on if you think of any)
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marunalu · 1 year
Fun Fact: If Bakugo's stans said he was abused by Mitsuki, how come he didn't feel not a single empathy for Shoto when he knows about his issues with his abusive dad? 🤡
You should think that as an supposed abuse victim of domestic violence like his stans claim he is, bakugou would show ANY KIND of sympathy for shoto and his siblings, but instead we see him making a scene, because of shoto not going all out on him in the sport festival despite knowing of shotos trauma and during the todoroki dinner invitation yelling and ranting at them because he was not interested in their "family drama" and was simply just pissed that he lost his appetit because of that, despite that NOBODY forced him to come in the first place! Bakugou is NOT and NEVER was a victim of abuse, neither by his mother nor anyone else! Confirmed by the author himself and bakugou stans can rant and make excuses for his shitty behaviour as much as they want, it doesnt change anything! He is not an abuse victim! His mother is not abusive! He didnt had a horrible life or childhood! He is not a misunderstood little meow meow! He is just an spoiled brat and little asshole who only recently startet to show the bare minimum of positive change.
And the thing is, even IF he was an abuse victim that doesnt excuse his treatment of izuku or other so called "extras." Since when is it okay to treat someone else like shit, just because you were mistreated too?!?! Calling bakugou an abuse victim is an insult to real abuse victims and in-story an insult to izuku and shoto who both had a horrible life and childhood (while bakugou is responsible for izukus shitty childhood) and you know what?? Both of them turned out fine and grew into great people and didnt made their own trauma the problem of anyone else!
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
(Sorry for cluttering your ask box so much)
I am fully aware that Mitsuki isn't a horrible parent, but that doesn't make her immune to criticism and talking about how she failed as a parent with how Bakugou turned out.
With how she talked during their conversation about moving into the dorms, it was almost as if she expected the SCHOOLS to do the disciplining for her instead of actually sitting him down and getting onto him for how he acts!
I don't know if it's because they butt heads so much that it just becomes a screaming match or if she's just as clueless as Inko when it comes to realizing what's going on in her son's life, but you WOULD think they would be getting complaints from other parents of the kids Bakugou picked on or even the elementary teachers concerned with how he acts after getting his quirk.
Either way, while Mitsuki isn't an abuser or a horrible person, she still failed as a parent with how Bakugou became a horrible person.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
I agree with this. In fanfics, from what I see people either make Mitsuki the worst mum ever as an example - I've seen a story that made her an physically and emotionally abusive alcoholic to BKG just to justify his own abusive behaviour to Izu which was vile. Or a good parent (a trope used by a some AntiBaku's to directly contradict the Mitsuki bashing that Bkg stans use to justify him.)
Whereas the truth is this
1) She's a joke character - she's literally a toned down and female Bkg (ironic that the BKG stans hate her given this fact.)
2) She's neither an amazing parent or the worst ever. Mitsuki is a bad parent just not an abusive one.
Mitsuki failed Bakugou. Thats one thing the stans have right - what they don't have right is in which way.
As you rightly pointed out she failed him through spoiling him rotten and expecting the schools to discipline her child rather than doing so herself.
Bakugou is that spoilt, privileged kid everyone had in class that treated everyone like shit because he felt like he could. He got no pushback from School or from either of his parents.
Logically, you would think that children would complain to their parents about their bullying at Bkgs hand who would complain to Bkg's parent (since Izu wasn't the only victim of Bakugou, nothing prevented this.) Yet they are never shown to. Why? Well, Hori doesn't care about them (or Izu THE MC's previous bullying by Bkg) so we are left to speculate.
Maybe the other victims were scared into silence like Izu?
Maybe the parents complained to the school and it never went anywhere?
Maybe the Bakugou's were instead ostrasized by Bakugou's b.s? Or maybe they were told a limited amount of it occurred so they had some idea just not the full extent?
This is so frustrating. Because realistically for a chronic bully character like Bakugou - this should come out, this should impede his progress at U.A. This should...do something to Katsuki! But no...
My speculation regarding Mitsuki's parenting is this - she had a very rough style of affection, wrestling, play fighting as heroes with Bkg as well as being very caustic and loud. This rubbed off on Bkg but he took it to mean extremes with others, that his mother didn't.
P.s Dont worry about the amount of Asks you are sending. I enjoy answering :)
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stubborngods · 3 months
hehe time for bnha canon infodump because they are. on the brain at all times forever :DDD once again under the cute because i will ramble
as a resident izuku kinnie, none of you should be surprised that bakugou katuski is my favorite mha character EVER. this is my BOY. anyways. i have issues with his parents. you can disagree with me but i simply do not like them, they kind of remind me too much of my own parents and so. yeah. i am not a mitsuki & masaru safe space. anyways!! katsuki canon trans man. only uses he/him pronouns, call him anything else and you will get your face blown up. losing his hearing because of his quirk - i know that his body would be partially resistant to the effects of his quirk but he's been exploding this for going on twleve years at this point in canon and i don't believe he's IMMUNE to how loud his quirk is. learned jsl as a small child just because he knew it was an enviably that he would probably loose his hearing one day; has hearing aids but they're the same color as his skin and hair so they blend in really well, and also has them built into his face covering for his hero costume. currently trying to learn asl but that shit is hard okay. still trying though because he refuses to be a failure. cooking is both his coping mechanism and his love language. if he cooks for you, you better feel SO special because he doesn't do that shit for just anybody, okay? all might stan at heart but the whole... hero worship thing has sort of faded recently. it's kind of sad. its okay tho best jeanist can be his new favorite hero. also he is a middle child in my canon i hope this explains everything (he has an older sister who's actually his aunt, an older brother, and a younger sister btw)
miss fukudoka emi the real and true loml foreverever and always. straight up if she was real i would marry her. ANYWAYS! they/she pronoun user but honestly, anything is fine as long as it fits the joke. anything for the bit. emi is definitly that type of person. SO! backstory wise, she's the only bio kid of the fukudoka family, but when she's around eight or so, her parents start fostering yamada hizashi and then adopt him two years later when she's ten and he's thirteen. bestie starts attending ketsubutsu academy high school when she's fifteen, and graduates from there at nineteen, becoming a student aid and eventually a teacher for ketsubatsu's hero courses. also they have two hands and lots of love to give everyone please love her she's kind of lonely khfklg. and she likes to flirt with their brother-in-law but in a funny way. and yes they do consider hizashi to be their brother, what do you they are SIBLINGS? can't you see the RESEMBLANCE? i don't have any more coherent thoughts about her but side pov imagine you are aizawa shouta. you have known this bitch /aff since she was like tweleve and she's still flirting with you almost two decades later. you are so tired of her shit.
shinsou hitoshi has no gender, we should really start there, uses they/them pronouns ONLY. they're fr Just A Guy but in a gender neutral type of way. childhood was kind of fucked up for reasons outside of their control - their quirk manifesting was a Bad Point in their lives - so they got put into foster care at a very young age and just kind of... stayed in the system until they were around fourteen. they were fostered and then adopted by erasermic because i said so. i don't have very many thoughts about them in canon rn because a lot of my thoughts about them are for like... future aus, where they're already a pro-hero (they are an underground hero called syren btw hehe) but they're literally just vibing i'm not gonna lie.
okay and last but not least, my beloved yamada hizashi. another canon trans man, another case of whatever pronoun is funniest for the bit but maybe not she/her thanks. as mentioned in emi's little paragraph, he was adopted by the fukudoka family when he was 13, but before that he had been in foster care since birth tbh. half-american, half-japanese; his father was a pro-hero from america who left his mom and the entire country of japan when she found out she was pregnant and then when he was born, his qirk activated and he deafened both his birth mother and all the medical staff in the room. had a pretty rough time of it tbh, was muffled/put on quirk suppressants a lot to keep from accidently deafening anyone else and so didn't speak for very long periods of his early life. learned jsl as achild to be able to communicate at all. started transitioning after getting adopted at 13, changed his name to hizashi from his deadname, and just kinda existed tbh. we know all the canon things that happen to him as a teenager. my base canon for him is that he's married to aizawa, but that doesn't have to be the case for plotting and stuff. just know that's the default.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
I have to say that I hate how bk stans use the excuse of Mitsuki being an abusive mother, Horikoshi confirmed that Bakugou had a good life and also not, if he had wanted to tell a story of abuse he would have done it, we already have the story of Endeavor and Tomura where Horikoshi develops abusive families. Bakugou's an abuser by his own ways, even though his stan wants to say that he is just bully, well, I have news for you, bullying is also abuse, his UwU baby is an abuser like Endeavor, which is good considering that Endeavor and Bakugou share parallels throughout the manga, only that one suffers consequences and changes his personality (Endeavor) and Bakugou continues to be abusive towards Midoriya, apologizing in a mediocre way and now with his stan crying because he died and we can't hate a 16 years old boy, as if he were actually going to die. No, Bakugou as a character only serves to be the false image of victory (since he hardly has decent fights) and he is a leech who needs Midoriya to have notoriety, he could be popular but his character is empty of content with a redemption half done and that is based on the fact that his victim and the people around him never recriminate his actions.
All of this. Summarized how the “Mitsuki is abusive” argument is factually incorrect and how shitty Katsuki is.
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thronesforkings · 10 months
Am I a sucker for mashing two fandoms together in the most unrealistic ways?
OP X MHA is constantly floating in my brain
I have many ideas and different universes for this mashup
- OP Universe is the past (Pretty basic)
- the world is half developed, the OP universe is on one half of the earth and the MHA (modern) world is on the other half
- Pirates are rarely talked about
- Nezu wants to teach the students at UA about them but can’t figure out how to do so without getting complaints from parents
- MHA half is referred to as ‘The Mainland’
- Hisashi Midoriya? He’s a fucking pirate
- Inko’s family? History of pirates as well
- So Midoriya has notes on pirates and soaks up all info that he is able to find (Since getting the news from the pirate world is almost impossible and let alone someone posting it online only to be shouted at for spreading the news)
- Only Bakugou knows his love for pirates and he also secretly loves them
- We stan best friend BKDK in this house
- We also stan childhood friends Inko and Mitsuki
- They try their best to get pirate stuff for their boys
- It’s super hard
- There are two different paths, one where Midoriya has OFA and one wehre he doesn’t
- Either way, he still is in awe at how many pirates are quirkless by law and how he could learn how to have power himself
- But then the government would search for him since it is illegal techincally
I could go on for so much more, but I gotta get ready for work. So have this rambling while I talk about my two fixationsa
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shouta-aizawow · 2 years
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Y’all,,, all I want is some Bakugou angst. Not “Bakugou is protective over Deku and they’re both hurt” not “omg they’re stuck in this bad situation together” not “they both have bad home lives” NO I don’t want to read Deku angst he’s lame. Also I don’t like protective Bakugou fics. I want Bakugou being protected
Bakugou Katsuki-whump (200 fics)
Bakugou Katsuki-whump (excluding Deku-whump/angst/hurt/whatever) (1 fic)
Like this is exaggerated ofc but this is how it feels in my heart 😔😔😔😔😔
2. De-Aged Bakugou content 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
I’m running a de-aged Bakugou week on Twitter and tumblr, both @babybakuweek so check it out 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 this dream will come true yall (#shameless promo)
3. Bakugou not being villainized for being raised in an unhealthy environment and repeating things he was taught and experienced.
I have so many posts about this, but just in general, him being treated like the kid he is and not being blamed for everything wrong in Deku’s life. Also Deku wasn’t completely innocent either and explicitly makes Bakugou uncomfortable some times but nooooo Bakugou has to be Deku’s friend. Like,,,, give me more content where they both acknowledge their faults during their childhood, not just Bakugou apologizing and then them having to become friends (which is what Deku wants bc Deku treats Bakugou like a symbol and not a person)
He’s a kid and as soon as he left that toxic environment, he improved immensely. Let’s not shame the toddler and 14 yo for not wanting to be this kid’s friend. Did he mistreat Deku? Yeah. Did he bully Deku like how a lot of ppl in the fandom think he did? No.
Also Mitsuki is a bad parent and it shows. Let’s look at children not as objects that exist in a vacuum but as humans that are products of their environment and can grow and change (like Bakugou did). He is not, was not, and never will be a bad kid or person, and he is nowhere near anything like Endeavor. The comparisons are so shallow and annoying (namely looking at how characters in canon compare them when they’re so fundamentally different and Bakugou explicitly dislikes Endeavor bc of what he knows unlike the lowkey abuse apologist Deku)
Extra: Bakugou headcanons that I like
I’m tired of seeing Bakugou stans that like him in the wrong way 🙄🙄🙄 /hj
Just kidding (about liking him in the “wrong way” but not the “tired of seeing it”), but there are a lot of headcanons, fan content, and stuff that make him look shallow or squick me out and ughhhhh. You do you. I just won’t interact that’s all, but I wish I didn’t have to see it (looking at you Twitter)
I love seeing the things I like tho obviously🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
OH OH OH ALSO ALSO BAKUGOU BEING THE CHILD OF ENDEAVOR WOOOOOOOOO (thank you sir candle shop for your fic <3 thank you all authors that write fics with that premise too <3)
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myfixationacademia · 2 years
Is not June yet but fuck it,
BkDk queer headcanons (I might be projecting a bit, cause I like these unhinged gremlins so sue me!)
Tw: mentions of transphobia, gender dysphoria and homophobia, is very brief tho
-Izuku Midoriya (Trans male, Demi-Romantic, unlabeled/Queer)
Izuku had feeling he was born with the wrong gender since he was young, asking his mom since he was a kid to cut his hair into a length he liked, clothes weren't that much of a issue since most were shirts, shorts and pants, from a thrif store, most were All Might themed, which are already pretty gender neutral.
Kacchan, even of he never heard about the terms, he was a fast learner and was already stuck with calling Izuku "Deku" (making more meaningful how later in the future he starts calling Midoriya just by his first name).
His other classmates tho were...less accepting, some made way too many invasive questions, others simply brushed Deku off as a quirkless nobody wanting attention, this sort of behavior worsened in middle school, but at least Kacchan never dared to dead name Izuku, and even went as far as to pinch one of his lackeys in the stomach when they misgendered Midoriya.
At UA Deku thought that he was going to have a fresh start, no one would know he was trans, no invasive questions, no comments about his looks or his voice, he started taking hormone blockers, all was going well... Then he went to the boys' locker, and Mineta was there, drawing attention from all eyes to Deku cause he was wearing some bandages around his Chest, Iida Tenya walked up to Deku and said
"Midoriya Kun, while I understand the need to modify your looks to pass as a man, please refrain from tying them so tightly, it can cause circulation to stop flowing as well cause pain around the area of the ribcage!"
Then Kirishima spoke, sporting a pair of scars on his chest
"I got a extra binder here Midobro! I can tell you how to wash it later! But take a break from the bandages before wearing it, and drink some water too!"
Then he saw that Mineta was wrapped around in tape, and Sero told him
"And Don't worry about this goblin, I'll let Aizawa know so this doesn't happen again, but I'll shut him up if he says anything, okay?"
Needless to say...Deku cried tears of joy (WE STAN THE 1A BOYS BEING SUPPORTIVE IN THIS BLOG)
As for sexuality, while we see Deku blushing a lot towards girls, I always saw that as just the boy being anxious, as blushing can be a sing of embarrassment or getting flustered, also because between most of the characters in the class, Bakugou is one of the few, if not the only one cause BkDk propaganda, guys I can say Deku feels the most difficult to talk with, specially after that incident in the war, I think I reblogged a post about Demi-Romantic Deku headcanon where Deku just says that for the longest time he has only pictured himself dating Bakugou, or he was he longest crush, so I'm also adding "unlabeled" and "queer" since I heard similar concepts for both, not necessarily choosing to say what gender you're attracted to but you're definitely not straight, or you aren't sure what label to use so you use something more old school to get the message across.
- Katsuki Bakugou (Homoromantic Dekuromantic, Demi-sexual)
When it comes to this guy, what I mostly think of is Bakugou first thinking love is "ew" until Deku shows him affection, think like him seeing his parents kissing, think it's disgusting until Deku gives him a peck on the cheek.
Perhaps these feelings were part of the turmoil inside of Bakugou, and I can't help but feel that at the same time that everyone put in his mind that he was amazing, they also placed the expectations that most closed men face, saying that "girls will love them", hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Mitsuki said something along the lines of "if a girl falls for you and dates you, keep her, it'll be a miracle for someone to want to stay with someone like you"
And before anyone says that this is Mitauki Slander, need I remind you that she slapped her son in front of the teachers and called him weak as a way to blame him for the kidnapping? You know, the one where HE was kidnapped? Yeah, not completely out of character, but in my book she isn't a lost cause, misguided at best, stubborn at worst.
Anyway, this could be a start on some internalized homophobia, something BOTH suffer from actually, Deku said it himself in Deku vs Kaccha 2, "I want to tell you how I feel, EVEN IF IT IS DISGUSTING" (boy! Who hurt you?) And I think a testament to that was how much more expressive lf other emotions Bakugou became when he got to the dorm, specifically that scene where Deku gets excited cause Kacchan got his license and how they'll be able to work together.
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This feels like a "is this love?" Face, which he hides it immediately but Shoto seems to catch it.
The whole "De-Izuku" is just glitter sprinkle on top of this gay ass ice cream so no need to explain that XD
The demi sexual part is mostly because Bakugou just feels like someone that would rather build trust first so he can know for certain if he should let himself get vulnerable, nothing smutty needs to happen, sometimes cuddling can be a chore to get used to, but hey, Deku waited for them to be friends again for 10+ years, waiting for Kacchan to feel comfortable around him again in that level of a relationship isn't that hard, plus if anything were to happen, patience would still need to be priority, idk, is based on my own experience.
And that was all, night night.
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mitsuki bakugou isn’t abusive
okay so let me preface this by saying that it is 100% valid to headcanon mitsuki as abusive for comfort/trauma related reasons. it is valid to be uncomfortable with mitsuki. any headcanons are valid, but you have to acknowledge that these headcanons are not canon, and that is what this post is about. 
first off, horikoshi, the creator of mitsuki and the only one who knows 100% for certain everything about her said that her son bakugou had the best childhood out of the main cast in mha. if mitsuki was as abusive as people are claiming or leading others to believe, i can bet you bakugou would not have had an amazing childhood. 
next lets look at the way bakugou acts. in general, bakugou is very self confident, and has a superiority complex from being constantly praised. mitsuki herself admits that she let him be praised and told how amazing he was TOO MUCH, to the point where it has resulted in an overblown ego. if bakugou was truly abused by his mother throughout childhood, he would not be having issues with feeling too good about himself due to constant positive affirmations. bakugou does tend to be a hot tempered person, as does mitsuki, but this is not a symptom of abuse. this is actually just a case of parent and child being alike personality wise because they have the same genetics, same disposition to mental illness etc. i think it is kind of silly to use a baseline similarity between parent and child as ‘proof’ of abuse. 
bakugou is strong, stronger than his mother i think i would say. mitsuki realises that bakugou needs to be taken down a peg because she let him get so out of control. she is trying her best to make him see that he is NOT invincible. so, lets tackle the issue of the instance we see her playfully slap bakugou over the head. yes you read that correctly. it is very obvious, at least it was to me, that this is a playful gesture. like the kind of thing you’d do when a friend says something that embarresses you. as well as this, bakugou specifically says that for him and in raising him, ‘a little violence is nessasary’. now, some people use this as a way to say that bakugou thinks abuse is normal and required in parenting. this is a common response to get from people who have not read the manga, as in the anime it cuts out the part where bakugou reflects on what he heard todoroki tell deku about his childhood, and it cuts out bakugous realisation that NOT EVERYONE DOES WELL AND THRIVES IN THAT KIND OF ENVIORNMENT. bakugou realises that, while that kind of lifestyle works for him and his family and suits them, it doesn’t work for everyone. this also ties into the fact that, while some people personally may feel that they were raised similarly and it deeply negatively impacted them, bakugou is not you. not everyone has the same needs in any given enviournment or relationship, and what may be traumatic to one person, can be healthy for another. 
bakugous reaction to that slap also, was nothing more than annoyance/frustration. it baffles me when people try to say that he was ‘obviously upset’, when he was clearly just pissed off because hes bakugou,,, and he doesn’t like being in any emotionally vulnerable situations. especially being told off by his mother in front of a teacher. he was nothing more than pissed off and annoyed. also, aizawa and all might were right there. sometimes all might can be a bit dense, yes, but if anyone would be able to pick up on one of his students being in danger, it would be aizawa. yet, when this was all going on right in front of him he didn’t see any problem. that is because there is no problem. 
mitsuki blaming bakugou for getting kidnapped by villains. i don’t know why this is such a big point of contension in the argument against mitsuki, because i know for a fact if i witnessed someone saying one insensitive thing (comparable to this obviously), i would not jump on them and call them an abuser. yes, i agree that it was terribly insensitive of mitsuki to say this but here are a few thoughts i have about the instance. for one, mitsuki was probably going through a lot emotionally related to the incident. i mean, this is the second time her son has been in a very dangerous (possibly fatal) situation with a villain, she was probably extremely shaken surrounding the whole thought of the incident, and here it was being brought up to her. additionally, mitsuki KNEW her son thinks that hes practically invincible, and she knows how dangerous thats getting for him. she needed to ground him back to earth. that is not saying that it was okay of her to say that, just possible motivations she may have had behind it. for certain though, there was no malicious intent. 
anyways leave your thoughts and opinions on this in the replies, as well as anything you think i may have missed <3 
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
Is Mitsuki Bakugou Abusive?
I mean, you all already know my answer. I've spoken about this before. But some Bakugou stans feel the need to turn everyone who doesn't worship the ground Bakugou walks on into the devil, so let's talk about it.
(Yes, I just got into an argument with one of said stans. Yes, I'm salty about it)
The conclusions people draw from this scene are so interesting. Bakugou stans are of course always up in arms about it. But as we know, they have zero media literacy. So let's examine the facts:
1. Mitsuki is smiling the first time she "hits" Bakugou. Her demeanor is playful if anything, and it's clear her intention is not to hurt him. She isn't even angry at or scolding him.
2. Bakugou's immediate response is anger. He isn't afraid or in pain. He's not afraid to stand up to her. Now, I don't mean to generalize abuse victims, but I'm assuming a child who's "beaten regularly" (this particular stan's exact words, despite there being zero evidence for it) usually wouldn't boldly threaten to kill their abusive parent. In his mind, she isn't a legitimate threat to his safety, or else he wouldn't feel so comfortable speaking to her like that.
3. It's only when Bakugou literally threatens her with violence that Mitsuki gets harsh with him. And understandably so. My mother has never hurt me in my life and I wouldn't dare speak to her that way no matter how angry I was. There is a little more force put into this snack, but even then it's not meant to actually hurt him. It's also interesting that none of his stans feel it necessary to criticize Bakugou's threat and immediately harp on her response to it.
4. He continues arguing with her after the hit. So the smack didn't seem to deter him at all. Almost like he's completely unfazed by the thought of her hitting him again.
5. Aizawa and All Might don't speak up about it at all. If Aizawa is really such a protective teacher, you think he'd let so-called abuse go on in front of his face?
6. Masaru isn't afraid to speak up against her. People assume that he rolls over and lets Mitsuki abuse Bakugou, but clearly he doesn't if he's fine intervening when he feels either one of them is out of line. He's calm, but he clearly isn't as passive as the fandom makes him out to be.
7. Mitsuki actually shows concern for him and wants him to improve. She's actively supporting him and believing in him. It's so funny how this part of this scene is completely overlooked. Almost like Bakugou stans cherry pick whichever aspects of her fit their narrative.
Now, am I saying that there's zero chance a parent like Mitsuki is abusive? No, of course not. But Bakugou is fictional. What we're being shown is meant to be the entire picture. Anything past what we've been given is purely fanon. Mitsuki "regularly abusing and beating" Bakugou isn't canon and cannot be used to defend his character
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marunalu · 1 year
What makes the Bakugo/BakuDeku standom a full of hypocrites is when they defend their Gary Stu's actions by saying Mitsuki is abusive, yet they don't give a single shit about what Izuku is going through because of Bakugo
Yeah and the funny thing is that hori already confirmed long ago that mitsuki isnt abusive and no abuse happend in the bakugou household. Bakugou is just an asshole, simple as that! But its indeed very telling how hardcore bakugou stans are fast to excuse his treatment of izuku and how he is still an ass, but turn his mother into a demon despite what hori said. Bakugous parents made clearly mistakes with him but they arent bad parents, their son is just a dick and they are aware of it. Mitsuki is pretty much the only person who has bakugou under control and just because she shows him limits doesnt mean she is abusive!
I mean for real, if mitsuki is abusive in their eyes, HOW THE HELL can it be that bakugou isnt???
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my-chaotic-soul · 3 years
Why does so much of the fandom find bullying unforgivable but treat child abuse like it's hilarious and no big deal
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pretty-emo-dad · 4 years
Some people need to understand that “strong female character” doesn’t mean “female character that fucks things up with no remorse”
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
About the anon of the positive and toxic masculinity that Kirishima represents, I remember that scene in the anime and I remember wanting to slap Kirishima. Although I think that even if the only anime-exclusive scene the point of anon still holds, Kirishima many times treats Bakugou's violence as something manly, even if he acknowledges the excess he still classifies it as manly and that's because in the eyes of Kirishima's displays of brute power are a sign of masculinity and power, I think Kirishima accepts that masculinity is equivalent to strength and therefore only encourages a stereotype that the manly man is the strong one, I think the only time he said something to Bakugou was when he threw a piece his suit to Midoriya making him bleed, ironic that this happened in his redemption arc, now imagine that joke but with Endeavor and Shoto would it be funny too? That the victim of violence is hurt by his perpetrator even for comedy? No, because violence over abuse victims for hands of their abusers is never funny not matter of bk stans say that it's for comedy. Also if Bakugou's violence is for funny I guess that Mitsuki's action over her son was a joke too but stans called her abuser and uses it to defend him.
That’s also true. Keep in mind that Katsuki’s overall aggressive and arrogant nature that caught the attention of Ejiro.
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