#stan shen yuan
poobirdy · 5 months
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xin mo did not become the demonic op sword of all three realms for this!!! for @kawouwu who asked for binggeyuan sillies! thank you for your donation to svsss' gotcha 4 gaza!
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mxtxfanatic · 11 months
I’m gonna make a meta about how Shen Qingqiu has always been consistent about his feelings towards PIDW, and that the plot of scum villain justifies his critiques of the original novel from when he was Shen Yuan. Because I’m tired of people either 1) forgetting that what Shen Yuan loved about PIDW was the world-building and (early) character creation, not a lot of the plot (which he said was full of holes) and tropes (which he said was nonsensical and just trauma porn), which is why he died mad or 2) somehow falling on the complete opposite end of the spectrum and thinking that Shen Yuan was just an edgelord who either actually hated or was only pretending to hate PIDW (for what, cool points?) and had to learn that the story “wasn’t bad” through his transmigration.
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dearmyloveleys · 11 days
shen yuan: doing it for the plot the plot: himself
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torchstelechos · 10 months
Honestly if I was SY, I, too, would fall head over heels into love with LBH. Doesn't matter if I'm AceAro that man has the most rizz I have ever seen in a romance story. Does the chores? Master chef? A fucking monster in bed and out of it, literally? All those red flags? Yeah, LBH has amazing rizz. If I had the chance I would grab onto that shit with both hands and never let go, good for SY.
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namwool · 7 months
"I do not trust anyone who hates Shen Jiu but in the same breath baby Luo Binghe (both PIDW and SVSSS)."
Top 10 anti-Shen Yuan posts 😔 /joking
I don't necessarily hate SY.
Objectively speaking he is a comic character, and I actually liked him at first. But after discovering SJ's past my perspective changed. Not only do I relate to SJ on a deeper level, but I like angry, petty characters the most.
What I hate about Shen Yuan is how he uses SJ's body while at the same time still views SJ as a nefarious villain even after learning bits of his backstory.
Also, I am anti-entire svsss cast, except for SJ 😌 / joking
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tea-cat-arts · 6 days
Went down a bit of a rabbit hole (the jc antis were so insistent that "canon jc" was the only tag for them so I wanted to see of "jc critical" was a tag that was actively used) and what do you mean people are calling Jiang Cheng an incel???
Like, when in the books has he ever been hostile towards a woman because they've refused to have sex with him??? When in the books has he even tried to have sex with a woman? Like, if you want to argue that he has internalized misogyny because of his beauty standards thing, sure- I'll hear you out- but incel is a very specific brand of misogyny and it is pure headcanon if you want to call him that
And I kept seeing people bring up the getting black listed by matchmakers thing as proof he's an incel and like??? You know there's more possibilities for why he'd be undatable than just "being an incel," right? Like, maybe he's just loud and angry. Maybe he just jumps to conclusions during arguments. Maybe he just doesn't know how to drop grievances. Maybe he's just an equal opportunity asshole. Or maybe he's just an emotional constipated stick-in-the-mud. The possibilities are endless and acting like "he's an incel" is the canon answer is just clown behavior
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starry-stan-blog · 1 year
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binghe wip ♡︎
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
Nothing is more hilarious than waking up in the morning and seeing a SJ apologist in notifs whose interpretation of the novel is so off the mark makes you wonder if they even read the chapters or not. Apparently now LQG was gaslighting and abusive, YQY was manipulative and uncaring who was only using SJ for his own agenda, Binghe an obsessive freak and the peak lords were selfish and only cared about insulting and hurting poor abused baby SJ's feelings. They didn't try to understand his perspective and should have tolerated his shitty behavior 🤧
Honestly nothing can top the one SJ stan who calls Shen Yuan a body snatcher and not worthy of the name "Shen Qingqui".
In fact, he would despise people who say anything like the above. He despises being seen as the "weaker" one in constant need of saving. It's exactly why he vowed to himself he would never rely on Yue Qingyuan after he waited and wasn't saved as they had promised. He decides to become someone that does harm others as a way to twistedly protect himself. He does not at all care if others view him as an asshole.
It's why his life ended the way it did because he didn't rely on the idea of "friends and confidants". Lui Qingge died originally because of the constant rivalry that Shen Qingqui pushed for leading to mistrust of all of his intentions. Yue Qingyuan died trying to still protect him out of loyalty that Shen Qingqui ignored until it killed him. He made Luo Binghe follow the idea that to be something in the world you had to take it callously with no regard to others and kick them all down.
One thing that follows here though, is that these three even in the original plot didn't do any sort of chasing over Shen Jiu. He was the one to obsessively find fault in all three of these men instead, when ironically, the three had high hopes for Shen Jiu and his reputation.
Yue Qingyuan did tolerate Shen Jiu's behavior. Why else would he have even still been among the other peak lord's if not for Yue Qingyuan's regrets and trying to make it up to Shen Jiu. That man died on the hill of loyalty for someone that never deserved it to begin with because he ultimately couldn't think of anything outside of himself.
Liu Qingge, another very loyal man, is willing to be by Shen Qingqui's side after Shen Yuan is able to save him because he let his guard down, leaving the biggest change to his fate. He was able to live because he was able to trust in someone in a moment as needed. Shen Jiu was never able to put another's life above his own as he refused to save another before his own self ever again.
Luo Binghe didn't choose Shen Jiu as his teacher, it was Shen Jiu who made him go to Qing Jing Peak all because he knew the kid had potential and didn't want Liu Qingge showing him up with disciples. And he proceeded to abuse a child all out of jealousy without even knowing him.
So, someone was obsessed with others. But none of these three were, and it was Shen Jiu who was hateful and spiteful no matter what kindness he was shown.
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Okay, I had a really cute idea, now okay, we know Shen Yuan was rich and all that pre-transmigration. And that he had two elder brothers and a younger sister. And that the older brothers managed the family business (can't remember if that's canon or fanon but it's true in this situation)
BUT. WHAT IF. the family business was an idol agency. Shen-dage is the CEO, Shen-erge is like the manager, he wrangles the backstage crews and label, and Shen-mei is of course, the star idol because of course.
Now I can't decide if Shen Yuan would be an idol alongside Shen-mei, or like a creative director.
We know Shen Yuan is a god-level poser, so he'd do GREAT at either (not to mention he's not stupid, or incapable, it's just in canon his denial skills are maxed out)
The media would love them.
There are dozens of compilations of 'Shen-mei and Shen Yuan being chaotic siblings for 17 minutes straight' and "top ten times Shen Yuan entered protective brother mode"
"Shen-mei cries ON STAGE and Shen Yuan comforts her!!!"
Let's not talk about the edits. Or the fanfiction. Or some of the signs that people bring to concerts. Or the fancalls.
Now imagine, they finish a global tour and all the Shens are bullied into taking time off by their staff. Shen Yuan, with nothing to do, decides to do something completely frivolous because 'who says I can't relax?? Take that!' and so he starts reading a novel.
The novel.
Twenty days later and Shen Yuan has sent more hate than all of his anti-fans combined. He has used words even his most inspired fanfiction writers would blush at.
And he dies and all that, yadda yaddah ya.
ANYWAY, imagine the fluff and the shenanigans. Both post and pre-transmigration
Airplane-bro starts humming a song and Shen Yuan's muscle memory possesses him.
Shang Qinghua: Cucumber-bro you must've been a diehard Shen-mei stan!!! That choreo was perfect
Or, OR that's how they both realize they're transmigrators.
(Airplane: 'i dont remember writing Shen-mei into pidw??? And why does Shen Qingqiu know the choreo??? Wu Yanzi what were you teaching him???)
Pre-transmigration Shen Yuan helping his little sister with recording harmonies and backup vocals.
And the outfits?. Need I say more?
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theladysunami · 9 months
I listen to a lot of audiobook murder mysteries, which has me thinking:
Shen Yuan transmigrating into a murder mystery… as the killer!
There are a couple of ways the story could go.
First Option: Shen Yuan lets his System know, in no uncertain terms, he will not be murdering anyone.
Its response: [Alternate Plotline Initiated. New Assignment: Designated Red Herring].
Poor Shen Qingqiu finds himself stuck in a whole murder mystery series, and any time anyone is murdered, he somehow ends up being the number one suspect!
The victim? Probably picked a fight with Shen Qingqiu at some point. (Shen Qingqiu tries to avoid such arguments, but it never seems to work!)
The murder weapon? Yeah, Shen Qingqiu is almost guaranteed to have touched it. (Shen Qingqiu is severely tempted to start wearing gloves 24/7.)
The body? Either Shen Qingqiu finds it himself at some inopportune time, and/or it was stashed somewhere “only” he is supposed to have access to. (At some point it's just: Shen Qingqiu opens a door… sees a body… closes the door. “Time to call the cops, yet again.”)
Shen Qingqiu ends up a tad paranoid about the whole thing, setting up cameras outside his house, in his office, in his car, etc. just to (hopefully) stop people from planting evidence any of those places.
If anyone asks about the truly absurd number of (eventually dropped) murder allegations, Shen Qingqiu insists he's cursed. Even with genre blinders on (making the number of convoluted murders in the area seem normal somehow), it's hard for anyone to argue the point.
For Shen Qingqiu's day job (when he's not busy being charged with murder) he works as a professor at a university with a highly regarded Criminology & Criminal Justice program. I'm thinking the original goods was a literature professor, with a strong distaste for cops, who was known for grading anyone in the criminal justice program exceedingly harshly. Naturally one of his students is the protagonist, Luo Binghe.
After his transmigration, professor Shen Qingqiu suddenly becomes a very kind and doting professor with a real passion for literature. This leaves Luo Binghe quickly smitten and makes him a very motivated amateur detective, since he's determined to prove his beloved's innocence as quickly as possible and as often as needed!
Second Option: Shen Yuan takes over after the original goods already committed the murder.
He wakes up with a splitting headache (the victim attempted to defend themselves presumably), looks at his bloody hands… looks at the victim… looks at the weapon… looks at his bloody hands again. “Damn it, Airplane.”
He decides he doesn't want to try and hide a body actually, just to be caught by the protagonist later and charged with a whole slew of things in addition to murder, so he calls the cops himself. He might as well take advantage of the fact he has a concussion and literally doesn't remember a thing. Maybe he can get the charges reduced somewhat and get a lighter sentence.
Of course the first cop that arrives at the scene is Yue Qingyuan, who as the #1 Xiao-Jiu stan gives Shen Qingqiu way too much benefit of the doubt. The most obvious evidence also keeps being erased or damaged by weird as hell coincidences.
Shen Qingqiu knows he certainly isn't responsible for damaging evidence and wonders if the System is working overtime behind the scenes to ensure there actually is a mystery for Luo Binghe to solve. (After all, it wouldn't be much of a story if Shen Qingqiu was already charged and sentenced before Luo Binghe had a chance to even do anything.)
To his complete bewilderment, after a few days leave to recover from the concussion, Shen Qingqiu is actually allowed to return to his university teaching job. He decides to make the best of it, since who knows how long he'll be a free man.
As in the first scenario, a few months later and Luo Binghe is absolutely smitten, not to mention all the other students and faculty that have come to adore him.
As Shen Qingqiu has successfully endeared himself to pretty much anyone and everyone local that could actually charge him or provide eyewitness testimony, not to mention all the shady shit about murder victim Qiu Jianluo the ongoing investigation keeps digging up, the plot stalls for a bit until the state police (aka Huan Hua Palace) are finally called in by Qiu Haitang.
Unfortunately for the ‘HHP’ folks, the protagonist himself is on Shen Qingqiu's side, and Luo Binghe is perfectly happy to muddy the waters by conveniently “losing” evidence, sending them after every single red herring he comes across, and “accidentally” digging up dirt on all the shady dealings going on in their department.
The System keeps trying to motivate Shen Qingqiu to hide evidence, lie, or do literally anything suspicious to progress the plot further, but all its punishment protocols involve sabotaging Shen Qingqiu's coverup attempts (of which he has none) or revealing information to the protagonist (who is complicit by this point) so it's fresh out of luck.
Eventually the System gives up and Shen Qingqiu is congratulated for “getting away with murder!” despite the fact he didn't actually do anything.
“Seriously? Does it even count as getting away with murder when the original goods was the actual murderer? I didn't kill anyone!”
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allpiesforourown · 1 month
gently picks u up w ur consent ... ur exactly the kind of shen yuan stan ive been looking for ... into my dash u go
thank you... i could write essays on how much i love shen yuan. before i read svsss i would always see a group of people chasing after the main lead and roll my eyes because it's so unrealistic for EVERYONE to fall for one person but now.. i literally can't imagine how anyone can meet shen yuan and not fall in love. he's the one character who disproves the "attracts every other person" trope is bad.
i think what makes shen yuan so special in my heart is that there are so many characters who are "good" for selfish reasons. it's easy to write someone taking a bullet for another person so the person they save has to love them in return.
it's hard to write someone like shen yuan, who will protect his student without thinking, and then get mad at himself because he should have remembered binghe is immune to poison. shen yuan is one of a kind because he asked binghe if he would do anything to become powerful, then when binghe said yes, he fulfilled his wish while simultaneously saving his own life, and still felt guilty for it.
what's so loveable about him is that he wants to be logical. all his problems would go away if he just started thinking only about himself, and he acknowledges the human nature of self-preservation, but he just can't do it. shen yuan doesnt act kindly for the sake of getting something in return or proving he's a good person, he does it without thinking.
he doesn't take care of binghe because he wants to trap the protagonist in his debt. throughout the series, he's certain that binghe will kill him after the abyss, but that never stops him from doting on his student. shen yuan is so pure in his selflessness.
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karen-chan-nya · 7 months
Maybe Shen Yuan had stanned hypermasculine scary demon emperor, but he married a cute crybaby who loves headpats
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northisnotup · 1 month
Fic idea I would never write
Bingyuan modern fic where one of them (binghe) is famous and the other keeps getting canceled for being a toxic stan
Yes they're already married
Yes shen yuan did cyber bully that nice reporter who asked a few too many questions about binghe's nude scenes in his last movie
No this is not the first time
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chirpycloudyrobin · 1 month
just remembered someone saying that luo binghe would canonically look like a kpop idol and had the cursed thought of shen yuan being one of those toxic kpop stans who would write paragraphs in defense of his kpop faves except he would be citing his arguments in APA format and have a whole separate folder filled with nothing but receipts
he would also be doing kpop dance covers in the privacy of his room but he would die first before he lets the internet get a glimpse of that
and he always gets barricade in concerts but strangely would not be the type to go for fanmeets and fancalls
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bichenique · 2 months
shen yuan would be a jgy stan. he literally is writing a fix-it fic for shen qingqiu and luo binghe.
he would have loved ao3. he probably already does.
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