sammythelover · 11 months
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alexstandoll · 1 year
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and the fact you both know that you are indeed an iconic duo and agreed Miles, i can’t name a more iconic duo than the two of you!!! 🩵
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lyla123456 · 1 year
Drunk Words
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Montgomery De La Cruz x Reader
TW: Drunk Monty
I was working on my essay for English when I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I got up and walked over to night stand and unplugged my phone to answer.
" Y/N!! how are you doing this fine morning"
" Monty its not even 11pm yet, are you drunk?"
" Drunk on life"
" Monty where are you"
"Bryces, can you pleasee come pick me up?"
" Yes I'll be right there, no more beer."
" Your no fun"
"bye monty"
I close my laptop and grab my keys, fortunately my parents are out of town and left me alone. They trusted me enough to know that I won't get into any trouble or throw parties. Unfortunately I've loved monty since freshman year but he's just never showed any interest so I never really tried to act on it.
When I get there I hear loud music and step out of my car, I head inside and see Bryce, Zach, Alex, Justin, and Monty.
" Alright Mont, let's go."
" Come on Y/nn stay have a few beers."
" I'm okay thanks Bryce"
Monty gets up stumbling a bit but follows me back to my car, I open the door for him and put the seatbelt on for him. I get to my Side of the car and start driving off, I was going to ask Monty if his dad was home but when I looked over at him he was sound asleep. I decided to just let him sleep at my place since no one was home. As I started pulling into my drive way Monty started to slowly wake up. I turn off the car and get out to help monty. When I get to his side he's already out waiting for me to help him inside.
When we get inside I put him on the couch and go to get some blankets and a pillow but I stop when I feel and hand on my wrist.
" Y/n?"
" Yeah mont? "
" Can I sleep in your bed?
" oh um, yeah I can take the couch"
" no please dont leave me alone"
I look at monty for a second and he looks a bit scared but that expression changed quickly into a small soft smile.
" uh yeah, okay I won't ,I'll stay until you fall asleep"
" can you just sleep in the bed with me?"
"Oh! okay yeah, come on"
I put Monty's arm on my shoulder and let him put his weight on me. I lay him on his side and then went to go get some of my dads old sweatpants and old shirt. i give it to him and then start walking to the door to give him some privacy.
" Wait, don't leave. Stay."
" oh okay yeah do you want me too turn around or something"
" no, you don't have to."
I turn away anyway and wait until the all clear. He tells me he's done and pats my side of the bed where he wanted me to sleep at. I go there and he pulls me to his chest.
" I love you Y/n."
" Mont your drunk"
" No im fine"
" monty tell me tomorrow when your not drunk okay?"
" Okay but drunk thoughts are sober thoughts"
I wait a few minutes to think of a response thinking about what he just said. But thats when I hear his soft snores and I just cuddle more into him and try to sleep.
" I love you too mont." I whisper and slowly drift off too sleep
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cutielando · 1 year
Hey I noticed Monty DLC is one of the characters you write for that’s awesome!
I have a request Monty x fem reader
Y/n is the new girl in town when she meets Monty she’s intrigued by his mysterious but flirty bad boy nature their chemistry is unlike anything she’s ever experienced before not even with her boyfriend that she left behind when her family moved… However when they slept together y/n knew she sadly had to call off her long distance relationship with her boyfriend/childhood best friend she has to explore this thing with Monty.
my masterlist
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Moving to Liberty High School had never been a part of your plan. You were supposed to finish school in your hometown and then go far away for college with your friends.
But there you were, standing in front of your new high school, backpack on your shoulder and all, ready as ever to be “the new girl.”
That was a total lie.
You were terrified.
You had heard so many bad things about the students at Liberty, how they acted towards new people and how mean they could be. And you weren’t ready for that.
Still, you put on a brave face and walked into that school with your chin held high, ready for anything that might be thrown your way.
"Hi there" a voice and a buff body made you stop in your tracks in the middle of the hall.
You looked up and gazed into the most gorgeous pair of eyes you'd ever seen, the boy looking at you with a smile.
"Um, hi" you wanted to punch yourself because of how awkward that sounded.
"Are you new? I haven't seen you around" he said, looking you up and down.
"Yeah, I just transferred, this is my first day" you explained, still mesmerized by the looks of the boy standing in front of you.
You shouldn’t be thinking like this, staring at some random dude from your new school like that when you had a lovely boyfriend back home. But you couldn’t help it. There was something about the way he spoke and the way he carried himself that you were just intrigued by.
“I’m Montgomery, but everyone around here calls me Monty” he outstretched his hand, taking yours in his and placing a kiss on it.
“I’m Y/N” your voice was faint, your gaze fixated on the way his lips felt on your skin and how good and wrong it felt at the same time.
“I guess I’ll be seeing you around then, Y/N” he winked and left before you could say anything, making sure he brushed his hand against yours in the process.
You let out a big breath you didn’t know you were holding in when you were sure he was out of earshot. You knew how wrong it was for you to be feeling like this because of a total stranger, you had a boyfriend who loved you who didn’t deserve you acting like this.
But you couldn’t help the way your body reacted to Montgomery.
Weeks have passed and your infatuation with Monty only grew by the day. Your interactions with your boyfriend back at home becoming more and more rare.
You were spending more and more time with the handsome athlete, the chemistry and attraction between the two of you more and more evident as the days went by.
You were currently at a party with Monty and a few of your friends, letting off some steam from the busy week you'd had.
"How are you doing, my lovely companion?" Monty asked once he found you in the kitchen, refilling your drink.
"Feels so good to finally unwind. This week killed me" you groaned, smiling once your eyes met his.
"Did something happen back home?" he questioned, knowing you had been on rocky terms with your boyfriend for a while, just not knowing he was the cause of it.
"Nothing in particular, it just feels like I'm drifting further and further away from everything and everyone back at home" you explained, slightly leaning in to him.
He accepted your presence and wrapped an arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to his body.
"Can I help with anything?" his voice was soft, but still loud enough so you could hear him over the music.
"Distract me? Being here with you is already making me feel better" you said, not knowing the impact your words had on the athlete.
"Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you" he said before planting a kiss on your head.
By the end of the night, as you were tangled up under the sheets in your bedroom, your bodies pressed against each other and becoming one, you understood that this, right here, with Monty, is where you truly belonged, and every risk was worth exploring this new connection with him.
Breaking up with your boyfriend had been far easier than you previously thought.
After the night of the party where you and Monty slept together, you talked and Monty promised to wait until you officially broke it off before starting anything. He was respectful towards your relationship, which was something you were really grateful for.
After the phone call, you called Monty to meet up, excited to tell him the news.
"Hey" Monty said as he stopped in front of you.
You had waited for him on a bench in your favorite park.
"Hi" you smiled and stood up, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning up, capturing his lips with yours.
He froze in surprise for a second before he melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
"I gather you talked to him?" he asked, smirking once you finally pulled away to get some air.
"I did. I'm all yours, as long as you still want me" you whispered, caressing the small hairs at the back of his neck.
"I want you"
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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heymonty · 3 months
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↪ 13 reasons why ▸ episode 6
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dqmens · 6 months
Does anyone remember Zach and alex from 13RW? They were MY original buddie and we all know how that turned out.
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heavnofhell · 3 months
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Mark Pellegrino Appreciation VI-XXIV-MMXXIV
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wowthatsextra · 10 months
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Went to the Alex Standall School of Insecurity and Sarcasm for Alex's Everywhere
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joshrussosbff · 9 months
It's 2024 and I'm still surprised Zach and Alex aren't together 😭
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Justin Foley/// The Truth Hides
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Anonymous request: Could you do where clay hasn’t found about the tapes that Hannah left and so the reader and her boyfriend Justin, Alex, Jessica, Zach, monet, are talking and making a plan to get ride of the tapes and clay (the reader was friends with Hannah and Clay but stopped when Hannah and Clay started dating Hannah knew that the reader like Clay but she still went and dated Clay and so the reader cut ties with them
A/n: I switched up a lot of stuff in case you get confused
Warnings: death, slut-shaming and plotting against someone, and cussing words
You were in the gym your boyfriend Justin and your friends you all were talking about the tapes that Hannah baker left your friends and you all were trying to find a way to get them before it exposed any of you
"I said let's take him for a ride and for a drink once he's so drunk we throw him in the canyon so it seems like it was a suicide." Justin says "Besides everyone is going to believe it, since everyone is going to be like he did it because he wasn't over Hannah since they were lovers.”
“Guys, let's talk about this at my house and I'll gather everyone so we can talk about the tapes. It's better to do it at my place so no one can listen to us.” Monty looks at everyone
"At your place? why not at school?" Alex asks not understanding
“Standall Are you hearing yourself? We can't have no one finding out about the tapes. I don't know Alex if you're actually dumb or you're pretending to be one.” Monty rolls his eyes at him
Alex was about to punch Monty but he was stopped by Justin and Zach "guys we can't fight each other, we're all in this together, we all need each other unless If you want to join Clay but he's not going to accept any of you if he does find out what we did to her."
“Alright I'll let this side, but next time Monty is being a bitch he's going to get it.” Alex fumed
"Yeah whatever." Justin waves Alex off
"You guys should get going already, cheerleading practice is about to start in 45 minutes." You looked down at your watch
"Can't you guys not have us for a little bit longer? besides Bae you're the captain and Jess is the co-captain." Justin tells you
"Justin we would but Jess and I have to make new roots." You kissed his cheek
“Baby can we stay? and watch you guys? " Alex asks Jessica
“Baby why don't you go to the store to buy snacks and drinks for the meeting besides Justin and Zach has practice too. " Jessica tells Alex and kissed him before he left
"Well babe see you later." Justin pulls you into a deep kiss Zach had it to pull Justin away from you since you both were making out "save it for the private room." Zach teases
"They ride us crazy.” You laugh
“Yes they do, but we love them even if they are crazy and sometimes dumb but we have love for them. " Jessica laughs too
“I was thinking, don't you think? It's a bit crazy what the guys want to do with the tapes and Clay?” You asked
“I don't think it's crazy we need to get rid of them.” Jessica answers your questions with a smile
"That's harsh." You respond as you begin to stretch out your arms and legs
“Hannah hurt you, remember? That she dated him. She knew that you loved him, but it didn't stop her from dating him.” Jessica reminds you of what Hannah did to you months before she die.
Flash back
"Hannah, I really love Clay and I'm afraid to tell him." You confessed to your best friend about your feelings for Clay.
"Girly just tell him don't be scared." Hannah tells you with a smile
"You're right, I'll tell him tomorrow morning." You beamed
"You go girl." Hannah cheered happily
You went to school with a smile looking in the hallways for Clay your smile turn into a sad one when you saw Hannah kissing him you held down your tears as you walked past them, ignoring them as they both called your name
In the bathroom, you start crying, you couldn't believe why your former best friend would do this to you.
"You know if you were friends with me I wouldn't do that to you." Jessica said coming behind you
You looked at her through the mirror "what are you talking about?"
“I know what Hannah did to you, she's a total bitch for doing this to you.” Jessica shakes her head “that's how sluts are always trying to steal the people that we love Hannah almost tried to steal my Alex but I was smarter than her."
“I thought the rumors about her were false since she doesn't look like the kind of person that would do this, but I was wrong about her.” You shake your head in disbelief
Jessica pats your back "trust me I also fell for her stupid ass acting she was all acting nice when I was thinking that she was a nice person but in reality she's two faced."
"I thought F.M.L was forever."
“It can't be forever, the betrayer will always break the promises and the forever. "Jessica tells you, "How do you feel about being friends with me? And my friends?"
"I accept." You smile
Jessica smiled and clapped, "Perfect, now come and hang out with our friends and me they're waiting for us at the gym."
“Jess told us what those two did to you, don't worry, Jessica's friends are ours friends, you're now one of us.” Justin says as he walks towards you.
"Maybe you can join cheerleading with me since the captain is leaving. You'll make the perfect captain and I'll be the co-captain if you let me." Jessica grinned
“Jessica you have done a lot for me, you deserve to be the captain more than me.” You beamed at her
“Aww, you're such a sweetheart Maybe after cheerleading practice you wanna go on a date with me? and watch a movie at the Crestmont I'll pay.” Justin flirts with a smirk on his fact
"It's a date then." You grinned
“If you guys end up dating, we can go on double dates.”Alex winks at both of you
"Baby don't worry starting tomorrow we're going to go on double dates with them." Jessica teases
"What about me?" Zach fakes wiping his tears off
"We can get you a dog." You tease as everyone nods and laughs
"Wow Justin, your girl broke my heart." Zach fakes crying again
"My girl is right, we can get you a dog." Justin laughs as he grabs your hand to kiss it
"Wow, I see how it is." Zach playful hits Justin on his shoulder
"Wow Y/n you look gorgeous I mean you're always gorgeous." Justin compliments you with a huge smile on his face
You smile, "thank you Justy, you're handsome.”
You both walked in the Crestmont holding hands with smiles on both of your faces Hannah and Clay turned and gave Justin and you confused stares "Y/N? Justin? What are you doing with him Y/N?"
"Jensen, I don't think it's any of your business." Justin growled
"Justin, it’s our business when it comes to Y/n she's our friend.” Hannah crossed her arms
Justin raised an eyebrow, "if she's your friend why? Didn't she tell the two of you? That she was going on a date with me?”
"Is it true? That you're on a date with him? Why didn't you tell us?" Hannah chided
"Hannah because it's not your business so worry about yourself." You fumed as justin rolled his eyes
"Y/n we're your friends I can't believe you didn't tell us about your date with that jock." Clay tells you angrily
“Guys, end of the conversation just gives us two tickets. If not, then I'm going to come over and complain to the manager.”
"For what movie?" Hannah asks trying to be nice since she doesn’t want to risk losing her job
"M/N." Justin smirks as he hands out the money to Hannah
"Enjoy." Hannah hands Justin the tickets as she gives you an disappointed look
"I can't believe Y/n would go on a date with Justin Foley. He's a player, he's going to end up playing her." Clay tells Hannah
"Why don't you mind your own business Jensen just because you're jealous doesn't mean you can hate on their relationship." Marcus comes to the defense of Justin and you
"Marcus it's none of your business so don't get in." Clay fumed
"Well it happens to be about my friends so it is my business." Marcus barks
"Why are you here for Marcus? You came here to bother us?” Hannah asked annoyed
"It's not your business why am I here." Marcus rolls his eyes at them “you two need to keep your mouth shut.”
"Marcus?, what's going on here?" Justin raised an eyebrow in confusion as he was watching Marcus arguing with Clay and Hannah
"Just here defending Y/n and you from these two." Marcus points at them "they're running their mouths."
Justin rolls his eyes in frustration "Didn't I tell you guys to mind your business."
"Didn't we tell you to stay away from Y/n." Clay bickered
"The only person that can say that is Y/n." Justin grinned in hope that you will choose him
“Y/N tell him.” Hannah smiles knowing you will choose them instead of Justin
"Actually, I want Clay and You to stay away from me." You tell them as Justin let out a smile
“What did we do for you to be acting like this? You were not like this.” Clay looked over at Justin and Marcus," see what you did, you changed her."
“Nobody can change me other than me.” You folded your arms angrily.
“Do as you please, but don't cry when your popular friends used you and Justin played you. " Hannah scowled as she left with a mad Clay
Hannah and Clay were walking in the hallways holding hands with smiles on their faces as everyone that was walking stop to look at them, some of them were whispering to each other the other ones were shaking their heads and continuing walking
“I thought we should take part in the Halloween costume competition that the school organizes for couples.” Hannah tells Clay happily
“We can if you want, so what should we dress up as?” Clay smiles
"I was thinking of Chucky and Tiffany.” Hannah cackled
"You want us to be the spooky couple?” a Clay can’t help but laugh at the idea of being the spooky couple in the competition
"Of course I bet we will win for having the best couple costume ever." Hannah grinned at the thought of winning
Justin and you and the rest of the school were at the gym for the Halloween costume competition as everyone was cheering for Justin and you as the two of you began to dry humping each other
“Ladies and gents, I think we have a winner!! Justin and Y/n as Sexy Punk rockers!!” Courtney announce happily on the microphone
Everyone got out from their seats to congratulate you both for the win
“It’s actually Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen.” Clay whispers annoyed and rolling his eyes
End of it
“I know a way to get rid of Clay and those stupid tapes.” You smirked, trying to hide your worried face
Jesscia smiles, “what’s your plan?”
You smile back, “leave it to me.”
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lazywolfwiccan · 3 months
I actually appreciate 13 Reasons Why for not queerbaitng Zalex. Alex and Zach clearly form a bond and it's obvious that Alex is attracted to him.
So in season four when they kiss, a lot of shippers expected them to get together.
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However, Zach gently explains that Alex doesn't need to apologize for kissing him but he's straight. Later on, when Alex reminds him of the kiss, Zach smiles and says it was nice. And he's also happy about Alex and Charlie
TLDR: 13 Reasons Why didn't queerbait, Zalex had a whole on screen kiss but Zack was never written as anything other than straight yet he wasn't mad about the kiss
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cloveswifey · 1 year
Teach Me
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Parings: Zach Dempsey x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluffyyy, basketball, big ego, kissing, zach being a cute boyfriend, cuteness, fluff overload, requests open
Type: Fluff
Words: 0.3k
One day, Zach had the brilliant idea of teaching y/n how to play his beloved sport; Basketball
"Please babe, let me teach you," Zach urged with a reassuring smile.
"But I've never even played before!" Y/N protested, crossing her arms defensively.
"Don't worry, I've got your back. Plus, who better to learn from than yours truly," he said with a playful wink, causing Y/N to giggle.
"Okay, fine," Y/N finally relented, sensing the excitement and enthusiasm in Zach's voice.
So, Zach took Y/N to the park one sunny afternoon. He brought a basketball along and they found an empty court to play on.
"Okay, first things first, let's work on your dribbling," Zach said, tossing her the ball. "Just try to get it to bounce smoothly between your legs."
Y/N laughed. This was harder than it looked. But she was determined to learn.
Zach patiently coached her through the basics of dribbling, passing, and shooting. Their conversation flowing smoothly as they talked about everything from family to career aspirations.
After a while, Y/N was actually starting to get the hang of it. And when she finally made a basket, Zach couldn't help but pull her into a tight embrace.
"You did it! That was amazing!" he exclaimed, beaming down at her.
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up. She couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for Zach's encouragement and faith in her.
As they continued to play, Zach kept showering Y/N with compliments and affection. And when she managed to make another basket, he pulled her in for a big, passionate kiss.
Y/N felt her heart racing as they leaned into each other. This was the happiest she had ever felt.
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unknownbl0ggerr · 9 months
Promise me
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Alex Standall x Fem! Reader
What if someone talked Alex out of doing what he did?
Trigger Warnings! : mentions of suicide, mental health issues, guns, swearing, everything you expect from 13 reasons why.
“come over”
that was the only text you got, it was the only thing you needed to rush over to your boyfriends house.
you got to the front door and texted him, you weren’t gonna knock it was late and you weren’t stupid. he opened the door quickly and you could see he had been crying. he shut the door quietly behind you and grabbed your hand as you both walked to his room.
“alex what’s going on?” you asked softly as he sat on his bed. he took a shaky breath before shaking his head, “hannah’s dead and it’s all my fault.” “what?” you asked walking towards him. “no honey that’s not true.” you said kneeling down in front of him.
he had his eyes closed and you could see the tears rolling down his cheeks, “it is. you heard the tape. I could’ve fucking helped her but i made it worse. i killed hannah baker.” you held the side of his face gently, he opened his eyes and looked at you, breathing heavily.
“baby there was nothing you could do. she made her choice long before you even knew she was suffering.” he didn’t answer but the tears didn’t stop. your other hand that was on holding his wiped the tears off his face, “what happened to her was terrible. she deserved better but you can’t best yourself up over this. you didn’t kill hannah baker. she killed herself.”
he nodded slowly before crying again, you sat next to him and wrapped your arms around him, he cried into your shoulder and you rubbed his back.
you laid next to each other, over the covers, holding hands, breathing practically synced. “i was gonna do it.” he said softly, voice practically a whisper. you turned your head towards him. “i was gonna end it.” this time it was a whisper. you sat up, now noticing his unnaturally cleaned room. “but that’s changed now.” he said sitting up with you, “because you’re here.”
you grabbed his hand gently and got closer to him, you were face to face now, sitting crisscrossed, knees touching, “promise me.. promise me if you ever feel like this again you call me. no matter what. no matter where i am, what time it is, what i’m doing, it doesn’t matter. what matters is you.” you held up your pinky for a pinky promise and he chuckled softly before he started tearing up, but stopped himself.
he nodded and grabbed your pinky with his, “i promise.” you smiled and so did he, you kissed him on his nose then his cheek. he rolled his eyes playfully then kissed you on the mouth which you gratefully returned before gently pushing him away.
“i hate to end this sweetheart but i do have to break it to you, we have school in about..” you checked your phone then nodded. “6 hours.” “shit..” he said still smiling. “shit is right.” you laughed.
“well, do you wanna stay here tonight?” he asked already knowing the answer. “alex i don’t really have a choice do i?” she joked making him smile again, “guess not.” he gave her a shirt and some shorts to change into and they fell asleep in each others arms.
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justalexx-things · 4 months
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happy pride month to my favorite bisexual character 💜
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heymonty · 3 months
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alex looks like he just stepped out of some of those classic american books.
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sithdaya · 1 year
📸 Jessica’s Camera Roll 
September 2016 - August 2017
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did i really google search the 13rw season 1 in chronological order so i could make this?
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