februabba2025 · 1 year
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Seven days to go! You're so vain, I bet you think this question's about you.. 🎶 who out of the two would worry most about what they'll look like when they get older?
Artwork: @/gailymilkyway
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zulioarna · 1 year
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Muscles Male Jolyne Cujoh + muscles😍
(actually, I think male Jolyne is more suitable with a large-boned body with little muscle. But whatever, I've already drawn it🤣)
Hey there! I'm just a human behind this account, sharing my art with you. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings about my work. Let's have a real conversation and connect on a human level. Leave a comment, and let's chat if you want😗!
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sanjaycr · 1 year
Giorno Giovanna is the protagonist of the fifth part of the popular anime and manga series, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, also known as Golden Wind. He is widely regarded as one of the most epic characters in anime due to his unique personality, abilities, and style.
One of the most notable things about Giorno is his unwavering sense of justice. He strongly believes in doing what is right and will stop at nothing to ensure that justice is served. He is also very intelligent and resourceful, able to think on his feet and come up with creative solutions to problems.
Another thing that makes Giorno epic is his Stand, Gold Experience. This Stand has the power to bring things to life, as well as to imbue them with life-giving energy. This allows Giorno to create living creatures and plants out of inanimate objects, as well as to heal himself and others.
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lady-of-endless · 1 month
I THUNKED A THOUGHT! Because of Jotaro's stoic and reserved nature he is most likely not into PDA, HOWEVER. What if he used his stand instead? It's not public, and non standusers can't see stands!
So with that information, may I request hcs for part 3 joot giving PDA to gn s/o through Star Plat?
Jotaro showing affection with the help of Star Platinum headcanons
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Author's Note: YES! I love it when some ideas I once had get requested, it feels like we're sharing the same neuron. Thank you so much for this. I love Joot and Star Plat, big cuties. I hope I got it right and you'll enjoy!
- Once you accept this type of affection, you'll discover that Star Platinum is a very clingy Stand to the ones Jotaro cares for. And Star Platinum, much like his owner, has no shame but the difference is that his Stand doesn't grasp the concept of PDA, he's just happy to be able to express his attachment to Jotaro and you.
- It starts with Star Platinum staring at you with big eyes whenever he's around you, almost scaring you as you turn around and see him like that. He is a simple warrior Stand who likes to stare at pretty things and people, don't mind him.
- From the beginning, we know that Star Platinum manifested to help Jotaro but he was rejected as a protector and pictured as an "evil spirit" instead. Seeing how Jotaro didn't accept his presence at first, Star started spoiling him by bringing everything Jotaro liked. Expect him to do that to you as well. Snacks, flowers, things he things you enjoy.
- Jotaro will scold Star Platinum for spoiling you like that but that's all. He doesn't tell him to stop though, realizing how this might be a good compensation for his lack of PDA. He can't help but sigh and let it happen.
- Star Platinum does whatever Jotaro wants and is a softie so once he gets the green light from Jotaro, get ready for affection. You won't notice it but before any move, Star asks Jotaro for permission. For example, if he wants to hold your hand, he points at your hand, looking back at Jotaro until he nods and gets the sign that it's alright to touch your hand.
- Whenever Jotaro feels his hands itching to touch you while you are in public, he'll just have to stare at you until Star Platinum understands what he has to do. He feels your warmth through his Stand's touch and he's pleased.
- Jotaro rolls his eyes at everything. He thinks that Star Platinum is going soft because of you. But guess what? Everyone knows that a Stand is an extension, a manifestation, of the soul and that only means that deep down in his soul, Jotaro craves giving you this kind of affection but doesn't allow himself to show it to you just yet.
- Star considers you a part of Jotaro since he notices how much he cares about you and how much he feels about you. So, whenever you're in danger, he's there, protecting you just like he protects Jotaro. Above all affection, you feel protection from him the most.
- Other stand users are going to be petrified when they see Jotaro's tall frame and intense look on his face next to you and a huge-looking purple Stand looming over you from behind while you're there just smiling, minding your business. You're going to have scary dog privileges with both of them.
- Star Platinum's favorite way of being around you is by having his large arms around your torso from behind. (a bit similar to the gif I attached)
- Jotaro notices that you enjoy this affection so he keeps it going in public until he's alone with you and it's his turn to be affectionate without the help of Star Platinum.
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theres-a-body-here · 4 months
Overwatch match interactions with a StandUser!reader
The Reader's stand is 「The World」 Characters: Lucio, Cassidy, Tracer, Echo, Reinhardt TW: None
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Pregame Lobby
Tracer and Reader, coincidentally in unison: "Time is on my side!"
Tracer, confused: "Huh?"
Reader, thinking: "Hmmm"
Tracer and Reader, in unison again: "Time is on OUR side!"
Reader, holding in a chuckle: "Lucio, I Iove your music. It sounds even better when time is stopped"
Lucio: "Awww, thanks"
Lucio, slowly realising: "..."
Lucio: "Hey...wait a second"
Cassidy, curiously: "So uh...(Y/N), how would I go about getting me one of them Stands?"
Reader, nonchalantly: "Well, I got 「The World」 after i was stabbed in the heart with an arrow"
Cassidy, uneasily: "...I think I'll stick to my gun"
Echo, curiously: "How do you breathe when time is stopped"
Reader, caught off guard: "I... Huh..."
Reader, sheepishly: "I've actually never thought of that before. I'm not sure myself"
Reader, exhausted: "Reinhardt, for the last time, no. You can't arm wrestle with 「The World」"
Reinhardt, laughing boisterously: "Come on, my friend. Don't tell me you're worried it'll lose"
Reader, huffing: "Nuh uh"
After Reader uses their Ultimate (Stop Time)
Friendly Tracer, confused: "Hey! Where'd ya go?"
Enemy Tracer, giggling to herself: "Looks like (Y/N) is near"
Friendly Lucio, excited: "Oh man! He did the thing!"
Enemy Lucio, uneasily: "Wha...What just happened?"
Friendly Cassidy, under his breath: "There he goes again"
Enemy Cassidy, cautious: "He's close, I can feel it"
Friendly Echo, in awe: "Fascinating..."
Enemy Echo, in her team comms: "My systems have detected an anomaly in time, be wary"
Friendly Reinhardt, shudders: "I don't think I'll ever get used to that"
Enemy Reinhardt, confused: "When...did he?"
They eliminate enemy Reader
Lucio, teasingly: "World stop... Carry on"
Cassidy, teasing: "Maybe ya weren't so worthy after all"
Tracer, giggling: "I guess even time plays favorites"
Echo, prideful: "Temporal equilibrium restored!"
Reinhardt, boasting: "No Stand required"
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gothic-thoughts · 5 months
Too Selfless
Stardust Crusaders x Black GN Reader Angst
StandUser!Reader, Platonic (no ship)
CW: Reader has heat intolerance (based off me fr), all the Stardust Crusaders featured, slight panicking,
TW: passing out, mini anxiety attack
CW: passing out from the heat, arguing with Jotaro, cursing??, based on the canon but slightly out of order
Word Count: 1667 (give or take)
(a/n): this fic is literally just me coping 😭😭
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Riding on through the desert on camelback was hard enough without (Y/n)'s heat hypersensitivity. Nobody knew about your weakness but it was the reason you insisted on riding with someone just in case—that someone being Polnareff. Your arms were tightly wrapped around his waist for safety while the sway of the camel mixed with the arid air induced vertigo. The heat rises slightly but suddenly enough to give you whiplash which only adds to your nausea.
Despite never really being able to sweat, sweat began pouring out of every pore as you breathed as slow as you could, desperately trying to find some semblance of relaxation before you out your struggling to the group. Your arms loosen around Polnareff, mind swirling and slowing starts before you refocus to swirl and slow from the heat but you quickly tighten them back around him before he could notice. You sighed, trying to catch your breath but noticed you were becoming even hotter even if it was by just one degree.
“Pol?” You whimper in an attempt to save brain power, "Polnareff?"
"Yeah, what is it?"
"What's...the temperature right now?"
"It's...." He takes out his thermometer. "81 degrees, but don't worry. It'll be nightfall soon and you can finally stop sweating." He chuckles.
"(Y/n)?" Joseph chuckled, "Sweating?" 
"When have they ever sweat? Or even enough for it to be a problem for anyone?" Kakyoin asked.
"Now, I guess." Polnareff shrugs, "They've been panting and struggling to hold on for the past 5 minutes."
"You guys don’t feel it?" You try to raise your voice above a whisper, "I think... it's getting hotter. We need...to hurry."
"Calm down, we've only been out here an hour. Besides, you've got a hat on, don't you?"
You physically feel your energy level plummet just from merely keeping yourself upright and you fall against his back weakly, left cheek squishing into his shoulder blade to look at Jotaro riding his camel next to them. You lock eyes your blank stare and slow blinks worry him enough to furrow his eyebrows and call out for the rest of the group's attention but his voice was so... warped. Your energy finally ran out and your body gave out, slumping sideways. 
Star Platinum appears and catches you right before you hit the burning sand. Kakyoin jumps off his camel and runs to take you from Jotaro's stand as it disappears. The redhead pulls off your sunhat to check your temperature, eyes widening slightly at the extreme moisture and warmth on your forehead alone, noting it was much hotter than his. All you could do was attempt to force your hazy, lidded vision to focus on the concerned face above you as the temperature rose again.
“What the hell happened?” Joseph asked, pulling his camel to stop.
“Not sure," Jotaro chimed in, jumping off his camel, "They looked confused as hell and then just fell over.”
“They’re too hot.” Kakyoin says, placing his ear right about your mouth, “Way too hot and their breath is faint.”
“But how; we’ve all been out here for the same amount of time!” Joseph asked, “And they’re covered up the most out of all of us.”
“Maybe they're being dramatic?" Polnareff hoped, “Or dehydrated?”
"They wouldn't 'dramatically' drop into the hot sand.” Jotaro rebutted, folding his arms.
Kakyoin adjusts your limp body to bridal carry you, keeping your upper body off of the sand, “(Y/n)? Hey, look at me!”
"I think they were on to something though,” Jotaro fans himself, "It's a whole lot hotter than when we first got here."
"It'll be night soon." Joseph checks his watch and gasps, "What the hell, it's 8 pm already!"
"So how the hell is the sun still up?"
"This has got to be a stand, but where's the user?"
"Just give 'em water until we know--"
"Kakyoin." Polnareff blurted, "They're...."
The men all look down to see your chapped lips part slightly as your eyes start to flutter shut. They rush back to their camels to find a full canteen while Kakyoin shakes you gently, trying to keep you awake. You do your best to remain conscious, using any remaining willpower left in your body.
“Hey! No, no!" Kakyoin puts your sunhat back on as he desperately tries to get you cool, "(Y/n), hey! Come on, keep your eyes open. They're looking, okay? We're looking for water."
"Keep 'em awake dammit!" Jotaro shouted, rummaging through his bag.
“I'm trying!" Kakyoin taps your face lightly, "Hang on, (Y/n)."
You give in to the heat, too weak to even stay conscious. The last thing you're able to register was something about the sun looking a little bizarre. Kakyoin's next sentence fell deaf on ears as your eyes closed, head drooping back. He caught the back of it and kept it up trying one last time to get your attention when your hand limply drops to the burning sand.
Hearing a groggy whine, I glance over from my seat in an armchair to see (Y/n) slowly sit up on the hotel bed. I sigh in relief, seeing them quickly reach for the water bottle on the nightstand but anger starts to bubble up seeing them chug, bringing back stressful memories of them falling unconscious. I abruptly stand from the chair making them tense and stop drinking. Their eyes widened slightly at my expression.
"Hey... Jotaro..."
I blink, unamused. "You good now?"
"Uh yeah. Just, uh... just a little thirsty."
"I bet." I scoff, crossing my arms, "Which is why I'm a little confused as to why you thought it was a good idea to never mention your heat stroke before we got here."
They paused mid-sip and I could just tell they were deciding whether or not to play dumb, but no; they opted to sit there in guilty silence as I stepped closer to the end of the bed, head tilted while waiting for a response. They take too long, so I speak up.
"Not like I knew--"
"Cut the shit, you can't not know you're weak to heat; meaning you know how dangerous that shit is. And to top it all off, we're in fucking Egypt."
"Don't 'Jojo' me; are you out of you're goddamn mind? We would've covered you up better or brought more water. Or better yet, we would've kept you home."
"What, the hell are you talking about, 'kept me home'?"
"You heard me. You knew we were coming to Egypt and you didn't say anything about this. Did it not once occur to you that it'd get more than a little hot?"
"...It did, but we made it all the way here. I was fine up until now, so what's the problem?"
"That's even worse. You had well over a week to say something and you didn't bring it up once like your health is some minor inconvenience."
"I was fine! I had it covered for the most part."
"Tch, yeah; that's why we had to call in a fucking helicopter, possibly telling DIO how close we were. You were so fine that we had to press ice and cold rags to your body and monitor your fucking heartrate. I had to carry you into this fucking hotel room and you think you had it covered?"
"I meant I had it covered up until now, dickhead; I just wanted to help! You're acting like it wasn't bright as hell at 8 pm!"
"Polnareff told us you were panting like a dog before the stand made it hotter."
"Cuz it was hot as fuck, Jotaro! I can't help if more vulnerable to heat than you!"
"That's why you shouldn't be here. You're basically telling me you were fine this entire fucking trip but now that DIO's close enough to us to fight us himself you're not at you're strongest anymore."
Their eyebrows furrow. "What?"
"You were unconscious for about an hour, (Y/n). I had to watch your body jolt every time you swallowed water, involuntarily might I add. So, you're either gonna stay in this air conditioner room or I'm getting the old man to call another helicopter to bring you home."
"What?! You can't do that, I'm not going anywhere."
"And I'm not asking. It'd be less work for you to just stay put here, but I don't really trust you to; you're stubborn. So take your pick, but you're not fighting anymore."
"You don't think the guys are gonna be pissed about this? They'll back me up, I came all this way and helped!"
I sigh, walking away from the bed, "Why do you think I'm telling you this now?"
Their jaw drops slightly, looking for their next words. The silence was tense as their head hung in shame and frustration, hopefully seeing this from my perspective. I sigh deeply.
"I came because DIO is dangerous, there's a possibility that I won't come back alive. That's why I didn't care, I didn't tell anyone cuz I knew you wouldn't let me come."
"You're being way more selfless than you need to be. You shouldn't be fighting him if you're also going to fight the temperature. It's not fair to you or us if you die by something other than a stand user or DIO himself. Especially if it's because we didn't know."
They look away from me, body still weak, "I'm sorry."
"I just don't wanna see you die, in vain or otherwise. Stay here with Iggy, I'm not asking you, (Y/n). We'll come back when we're done and we'll all go home."
"Iggy's staying?"
"Again, I don't trust you to stay here and not come find us."
"...You're right..." They sniffle, avoiding eye contact still, "About everything."
"I'm not mad, just worried."
"I get it, I was too selfless. Just go, save your mom. And don't die trying."
I give them a little smirk and pull down the brim of my hat as I walk to the door, letting Iggy in as I open it.
(a/n): I singlehandedly saved Iggy by writing this fic 😭😭
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macabrecocktail · 10 months
Fashion for Standusers week @fashion4standusers
Day 2: Subcultures
Is cottagecore a subculture? No idea! But Foo Fighters would definitely rock it.
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jay-jay-arts · 10 months
a small redesign of josuke 💎☮
in addition, I will add that he has a bunch of multi-colored T-shirts with zippers on his chest: yellow, green, blue, dark red and so on...
all these scars on his body from numerous battles with standusers, and a big scar on his shoulder from a piece of wood that pierced during battles with kira.
the next small redesign will be for okuyasu!! :^
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Hi hope your having a good day, can i request all of the members of the Stardust Crusaders with a younger teammate who they swear to protect since their younger than all of them( fem reader would be great). Thank you drink water😊🦋
Protective Stardust Crusaders with platonic! youngest! gn! Reader
Warnings: swearing, no Y/n usage
Notes: Hi, thanks for the request! Since there are a lot of characters here, I didn't spend a lot of lines on each of them. Also I didn't really used any fem pronouns or terms, so it's kinda gender-neutral
Noriaki Kakyoin
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Noriaki is not used to protecting anyone, so he has to learn as he goes
He will not openly declare his desire to protect you, but he will not hide it either
In battle, he will try to repel enemy attacks from you with Hierophant Green
But during non-battle time, he will most likely monitor your well-being and will remind you of certain things like putting on sunscreen, drinking water, etc.
Since you are likely closer to him in the age group, he will be willing to listen to your age-specific problems
Despite the fact that it is awkward, he tries his best to help you anyhow, because deep down he thinks that this adventure is too much for you (hypocrite)
Muhammad Avdol
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I see him as some kind of mentor or teacher
He is ready to protect you, but also tries to train you so that you can fight back the enemy
Initially, he was opposed to a young person like you joining the team, but he had to give up
Like Kakyoin, he will keep an eye on your condition, but he will be more open about his concerns
"You should focus more on the opponent's weaknesses and react to any of their openings. Being so careless won't do you any good!.. I really don't mean it in a bad way. Your enemies won't show mercy to you, so I want you to be able to fight properly. You are already doing a great job, but on our journey we should transcend our limits."
Jean Pierre Polnareff
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Oh, he's definitely not projecting the situation with his younger sister onto you/sarc
He is one of the most open about his intentions in the team
He tells you directly that he wants to protect you
He will feel nervous if you are somewhere without someone to trust (aka a teammate)
Although it took him a while to get attached to you, perhaps some similarity between you and his sister was the catalyst for this
Random headcanon: He likes to show the team and you the cool stuff he finds in the markets you visit
"Look, it's an ashtray in the shape of a clock!"
Jotaro Kujo
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He will definitely not show his real attitude towards you and will pretend that you annoy him
To be fair, he does this to everyone
He will even bitch about saving you from the enemy standuser
"Yare yare, why am I even wasting time on you, kid? We'll never get to Dio like that..."
Don't even expect him to be gentle with you
The only time he'll show you that he cares is in the battle. You can see his concern only for a millisecond
Joseph Joestar
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Oh, this old man-
He'll constantly tease you about your age
"Oh look, it's just your size!" he says, pointing to the clothes for a school-age child
He doesn't do it out of malice, he just doesn't want to miss the opportunity for a joke
In the first battle next to Joseph, he will share the signature technique of the Joestars with you
Wdym "this is cowardice"? This is just common sense/hj
Still expect from him old grandfather's advice that does not fit modern realities
He sincerely thinks they will help you
Well, it's 50/50...
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He'll bite people that are mean to you, or even fart on them
Like Jotaro, he will act like he doesn't care
No, you definitely imagined that he bit the leg of a salesman who sold you low-quality goods for a lot of money/sarc
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cassyapper · 4 months
Hi!! I adore your Kakyoin from the WWA/TA, and recently watching the Death13's arch made me wonder if in your version the Crusaders know/will ever know about what happened back then? Since he survived, there's a chance he told them, but I don't think Kakyoin would have done that, since he doesn't need to be thanked for it or anything, and he had enough of the rejection and disappointment from them during those events. But, damn, it's so unfair and I wish they knew!
Thank you for your reply in advance 🥰
By the way, Joseph's story in the last chapter about how he experienced the loss of Caesar absolutely destroyed me😭😭I wasn't expecting this at all! Your story is incredible
AND THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION!!! and it will get addressed a little in story <3 but not much so: yeah as it stands, between dio's mention of all the standusers in his cult in his diary, testimony of dio's minions that survived after the fact (like hol horse, oingo, wheel of fortune, etc), and their own like. knowledge (avdol knows a death stand has to exist cause the tarot card and like. joseph/pol/jotaro did see kakyoin go nuts and then jsut stop going nuts), they know that Something happened. they dont know if it was actually the baby or if the stand was just impacting kakyoin's perception of reality (and their's, cause they saw kakyoin with the words on his arm and then suddenly they werent there anymore), but they know like. It Was There. and whatever happened, kakyoin dealt with it. but no one has addressed it directly there's kinda just a quiet sorta-understanding kakyoin was right and kakyoin picks up on it and accepts it. but they will talk about it a little in-story <3 i wont spoil the specifics tho until we get to it heh
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draw-eat-repeat · 6 months
I remember there was a long post about in-universe memes about being standuser, like "me, telling my therapist about imaginary friend i see, therapist (also a stand user), or watching new stand users experiment with there powers, or running away from own stand cause it's an atomatic one and i don't know what triggers it"
I can't find it, if someone know what I'm talking about can you give me a link?
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februabba2025 · 1 year
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Six days to go! Today's question is a little spicier… what do you think their favourite activity is? (Please do keep it family-friendly!)
Artwork: @/chrysanthyee
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freria · 29 days
I wake up and see it🫠
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The reason I haven't posted anything for 2 days, trees fell down and the connection was cut off
Man, imagine that yesterday there was green grass and flowers bloomed, then you wake up and see this... I have only 2 questions at the sight of this:
Who is standuser?
Where is Ghiaccio? (I’m sure he’s the one who walked out there, otherwise what kinda daredevil is gonna go outside at six in the morning?)
Spring be like: ��
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casscreative · 11 months
Avdol snorts. “Well, I’m glad it’s not overwhelming.” He pauses. “Make any friends yet?”
Kakyoin wrinkles his nose at the  yet, before shifting his shoulders uncomfortably, Howard’s monochrome and Rachel’s brown flashing in the back of his mind. “...I guess so,” he says uneasily.
Avdol lets out a noise and Kakyoin runs his tongue along the back of his teeth.
“...They’re not standusers,” Kakyoin admits, “so I don’t know if they…really…count.”
Avdol hums. “Why wouldn’t they?”
wwm/ta intermission 3, act 2 is finally out
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32137336/chapters/121335289
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palermosummer · 1 year
which is better? Doppio ideas
1. Boss and Dopi were completely separated different people who’s got accidentally attacked by some standuser in Egypt whose ability is stacking multiple people into one
2. Doppios sweater is a stand with very simple ability: whoever wears it gets to be Doppio. Boss just found it very useful
I really like second one but it’s limiting because you can’t dress Doppi up! ☹️ with first one I struggle with timing it correctly
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emmyblogging · 1 year
Purple Haze Feedback and a short revisit of Fugo
First of all: I am incredibly sorry. Originally I meant to write a blog entry along the lines of traveling alone, lucky numbers, field study or a k-pop group I really like and yet here I am writing once again about Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure simply because my brain would not shut the topic out after I started thinking about this so called spin off story „Purple Haze Feedback“. Maybe once I have written it all out about this story surrounding one of my favorite characters in the series I can finally let it go.
So. What is Purple Haze Feedback? In short: It’s a spin off story of the fifth part Golden Wind, regarding the character of Pannacotta Fugo (yes, like dessert but that’s not the point). At this point I’d like to put trigger warning for themes that happen in Golden Wind and Purple Haze Feedback such as sexual assault, death, anger issues, a character blaming themselves for death. I hope this covered it. 
In the main story Fugo is a member of the parts main mafia team led by Bruno Bucciarati, which is split at a crucial point in the story and Fugo made the decision to part ways with them for safety reasons. 
About him: He is a 16 year old boy but joined the mafia even younger. Throughout his life he’s been incredibly academically gifted, graduating early and starting university. His parents pressuring him further and further, obsessing over success and money.  The only person that understands his struggle and just lets him be the child he is is his grandmother. The backstories are quite divided regarding this character, but I personally don’t think they cancel each other out so I will tell a combined version. In both versions Fugo studies at the Universitá di Bologna. According to the anime he gets sexually harassed by a professor which leads him to snap, beating him ready for hospital with a book (luckily in my opinion if I am allowed to write that here) and gets suspended through that and also sent to prison, where Bucciarati pays to bail him out and offers him to join his team. Fugo’s family kicked him out due to the shame he brought them with his actions as they are only focused on status. 
In Purple Haze Feedback his grandmother dies before an exam, in reaction to which he asks to get time off to be present at her funeral, but the university prevents that, making him angry and dropping out. 
In all versions Fugo battles with anger issues resulting from the pressure his family put on him. His stand is also one of my favorites and might also be one most visibly connected to the standusers trauma. 
Fugo’s stand, called Purple Haze, is one of the most uncontrollable and dangerous stands in the series. It’s power is connected to beads that are attached to it’s knuckles. If they break they set a virus free, that kills everything and everyone in a 5 meter radius and also hurts Fugo himself if he is too close. Possibly signifying a self destructive tendency these anger issues can have. To further show his issue with lack of control during his outbursts his stand doesn’t only appear when called compared to other stands. Fugo might also accidentally release it when his anger gets a hold of him. On top of this obvious connection to past trauma Purple Haze itself is a stand that has quite the distinct personality of it’s own. Meanwhile when angry it’s uncontrollable it’s also obsessed with keeping itself clean. Constantly trying to wipe non directly visible dirt off itself likely referencing Fugo’s own past trauma. 
Throughout the story of Golden Wind every Bucciarati Gang member gets a number of episodes dedicated to their personal growth. Making them stronger, build trust in themselves or the team as well and preparing them for the following part of the story in which they have no more mafia organization backing them up. All characters get this and successfully complete this except for one, Fugo, who only succeeds through the main character, Giorno, believing in him and helping him in this mission. This means Fugo’s character arc is incomplete and later might be the reason he makes the decision to leave while everyone else stays. 
This missing character arc gets closure during the spin off novel Purple Haze Feedback. 
At the beginning of this story Mista, an old friend and member of Bucciarati Gang, seeks out Fugo to make sure he will not betray the new order Giorno established as Italy’s new mafia boss. Fugo has only two options: Die or prove his loyalty to Giorno and rejoin the mafia. To prove his loyalty he has to complete a mission together with the new member Sheila E. This mission consists of tracking and taking down the narcotics team, which betrayed Giorno. 
Sheila E. And Fugo’s relationship is also very complex. She reveals that she only joined the mafia to take revenge for her sisters death, who was killed by Illuso. This happens during the original Golden Wind story arc in what is meant to be Hugo’s character arc as he killed Illuso. This makes Sheila E. unsure wether she should be thankful to Fugo or angry as her only goal is taken from her. 
Mista and Fugo’s relationship is complicated as well. The former friend is incredibly cold to this story’s main character and sees him leaving clearly as betrayal, while Fugo asks him about the fate of their old team mates. Mista clearly blames Fugo partly for the fate of their friends. 
Throughout the story Fugo clearly struggles in all aspects, mentally and physically. He fully takes the blame of their friends deaths and is more often than not lost in thought about old, better times, especially when thinking of his dear friend Narancia and Bruno, who saved them all in some type of way. 
Fugo also gets the character development he was missing in Golden Wind through cooperating with the new characters and handling situations by himself. The climax is him fighting the enemy and having no other choice than taking his own death into account by biting down on Purple Haze’s last virus bead, making the deadly smoke explode in his mouth, tearing through his skin and throat but also killing the enemy. 
The end might be one of my favorite endings if it were an officially canon end. Fugo gets to meet Giorno, who is now the boss of Italy’s mafia and gets to swear his loyalty though he is still incredibly unsure. Giorno’s character is incredibly likable in this scene as he comforts Fugo, who carries the blame and burden of not having been able to say goodbye to his friends, deeply mourning them and their lost friendship. He says:
„Half a step“, he said. „If you can’t take a step forward, then I’ll step halfway to you. Everything hinges on your decision, but if grief anchors your feet, then let me share it.“
I love this quote a lot. It presents Giorno not as the cold and high mighty boss, but as a friend that Fugo definitely needs. He continued to believe in him and support him just like he did when they first met. This proves Giorno as an extremely thoughtful and loyal person even to people he has right to distrust. 
This spin off doesn’t only clarify the story end for Fugo but also for Giorno and how he will continue to lead the mafia. Trish, the girl they protected in the main story, also gets her own bit of closure. In a bonus chapter she visits Bucciarati’s grave and talks to his mother. During Giorno’s and Figo’s meeting her song plays in the radio followed by an interview. She became a popular singer. Sadly Mista doesn’t get quite the closure he would deserve but at least we know he is still Giorno’s right hand and I personally hope, that once Fugo swore his loyalty the gun man got his old charming humor back. 
This is it for right now. For next time I promise an entry that isn’t about Jojo’s for once. I am not even sure why I wrote in English today I was just feeling like I should write something in English once again before I get rusty. I Hope this entry was still entertaining and interesting for the Jojo Fans out there. 
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