starkidlabs · 11 months
Cursing everyone who decided to vote the Tories in last election instead of Jeremy Corbyn. No Conservative politician has even a shred of the decency and morality that Corbyn has and neither does much of Keir Stamers current cohort of Labour politicians.
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wolfs-archive · 4 months
Channie drunk confessions (the angstier the better but fluffy ending) as long as possible PLEASE I BEG
Sorry for the late reply dear anon, Angst has never been my genre, but feel free to see if it suits your taste.
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"Stop over stepping your boundaries!!!"
Summary: Chan who was forced to marry Y/N hates her that he still in a relationship with his office mate Reena. Little does time and Y/N's attitude change his perspective of Y/N.
Pairing: Strangers to Lovers ft. forced marriage
Genre: angst, fluff here and there, mentions of drinking, cheating, crying, fainting, blood and horrible writing.
Note: I really felt bad writing this... I can never see Chan or any members as toxic or bad. I'm sorry Chan or Chan staners if it hurt y'all coz it hurt me a lot when I wrote it. This is one reason why I never write angst for any member.
Chan and Y/N were into an arranged marriage. Chan was forced into it just because his parents had their own reason. The reason Chan didn't want to marry Y/N was because he was already in a relationship with his officemate Reena. His parents threatened him and hence he married Y/N. Y/N foresaw the future and accepted her fate just with the thought that marriage would change him and that she could live happily. The initial days of marriage didn't go as expected. Morning she would get up early to prepare breakfast but he would not care to eat it, he would come home late, he would always sleep on the couch. Weekends were even worse, she would slog all day to work and he would litter the place just like a teenage boy. God knows what made Y/N to fall in love with the man who didn't care a bit about her. Y/N would always wait for her husband to arrive to eat dinner even if it was 1:00 AM. Even if she knew he would not have the breakfast she prepared, she would still get up early in the morning.
One day when she askes him as to why he doesn't have breakfast, he says, "Look here Y/N, it's my house, you have no right to question me. To this house, your just a maid. A maid who tends for me. Get it? Stop over stepping your boundaries!!!" as he slammed the door. A crippled Y/N let's out her frustration through tears. Not knowing what to reply, she decides to call her best friend Lia to pour her feelings. "Dude, though he is your husband, he has no right to yell at you like that. How did that bastard have conscience to call you a maid. Did he know how many were behind you or that how rich you are? Was this asshole the reason you left your designing job for?" she asked. After pacifying her, Lia said, how about I come to your home till he comes?" she asked and when Y/N told her to, she cut the call and drove to Y/N's home. When she knocked on the door and did not receive any reply, she opened the door to see a pale Y/N lying on the floor unconscious. Upon taking her to the nearest clinic, the doctor said that she was malnourished and was under great stress. On her way to the home, Lia, "Dude, Y/N, I really don't know what's gotten into you? Just because he doesn't eat doesn't mean you have to starve. How many days has this been going on? Do aunty and uncle know?" she asked. "Lia, he was just forced to marry me, I would react the same way if it was me in his position. I wanted to give him a few days so he would change himself. Don't tell my parents anything" she said. As they reached home, Lia helped Y/N to lay on her bed, "I sleep on the floor, not here" she said. "Since Chan sleeps on the sofa, I sleep here on the floor" she said pointing to the pillow and the bedsheet lying on the floor." "And despite all this you say you love him. Don't you? Such a nutcase...." replied Lia. As she gave meds and put Y/N to sleep on the bed after a whole lot of debate, she decided to prepare soup for her and by the time she was leaving, Chan entered the house. "Chan, I'm Lia, Y/N's best friend. Do you have a minute to spare?" she asked. "Sure" he replied. "I don't know why you treat Y/N like that, and either way she is a nut case to fall for you despite your words today morning. She called me and bawled like a kid and when I came home to console her, she was lying unconscious. Guess what the doctor said, she was stressed and was malnourished. Because she waits for your arrival since you don't eat, she skips food, this applies to breakfast too. Tbh, just because Y/N is my friend I don't mean to say this. She is just stubborn, but a really kind person. She literally fought with her parents to choose designing and when she was about to flourish in her career, she decided to quit just to become a full time house wife and take care of the house. She... She has had a lot of people who courted here, but when I asked her why she never got into a relationship. She said, "Lia, I want to spend all my first's with my husband; my first kiss, my first hug, my first cuddle, with the guy who will be the father to my kids. I don't mind waiting." I don't think you know the fact that she sleeps on the floor just cause you sleep on the couch. Y/N doesn't deserve any of this. If you don't like her, just divorce her instead of making her suffer. That's all I can say, and thanks for listening to me." she says as she proceeds to exit through the door. "Maybe I was wrong I guess" he felt as if a needle pricked his heart. The next morning onwards, he decided to have breakfast just for her sake and left.
The weekend followed and since the cabinets of the store room became loose, he decided to work on it. As he was hammering nails, he hammered his finger and let out a loud, "Ahhhh", listening to her husband, Y/N came to see what had happened. Seeing the broken nail and blood dripping, she started to cry as she went towards him, "Why did you do like this? Do you know how much it'll pain? Wait till I bring ice cubes and a band aid" she said as she ran to grab ice from the kitchen and band aid from the hall. She took him to wash his hands and placed the ice cube. Then applied the band aid and finally left without saying anything but continued sobbing. Chan felt what he had done to her was wrong and decide to end his relationship with his office mate. He thought he was lucky enough to get a wife as Y/N.
The next day, Chan's assistant calls Y/N, "Ma'am, seems like Sir has left his blue folder on his table, since we have an urgent meeting, could you please bring it for him?" "Sure, can you tell me the address?" she asked and proceeded to head to the office. When she reaches the company, she was directed to Chan's office, before knocking on the door to enter, she listened to a female's voice, "Baby, how many more days should I wait? I can't. When are you going to divorce her?" the voice asked. Before Y/N could process anything, she went to the assistant asking him to hand it over and she left with tears. Either side Chan, "Reena, I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. The amount of love Y/N has, I cannot cheat her. I'm sorry for hurting you, but I can't hurt Y/N. She is really precious and just now I have understood it" he said "It's okay Chan, I thought you didn't want her, but when I heard your words, I don't think it's good to force you. Have a happy life" she said as he went out of the room. "Sir, Y/N Madam had sent this" the assistant said. "Where is she?" Chan asked. "Ma'am left" he replied.
"Till today, I thought he disliked me only because he was forced, I didn't expect him to cheat me on another girl. Y/N it's not your mistake, you should not cry for such a jerk" she said as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror. When Chan came home, he was given the cold treatment. "Did you come by the office. You could have come in to my room?" he said. "Will that change anything between us?" she asked with a stare. "Y/N, how about we go visit the new restaurant this week?" he asked. "Chan! I'm tired please stop it. No one's forcing you to behave like this to me. If you really want to do something for me, please grant me a divorce" she said. Chan couldn't process the words that came out of the mouth that just cried last week when he got hurt. Frustrated with himself, and the mess he brought himself into, he called his close mate Changbin for a drink.
"Chan, you're really a heartless fellow. How could you do these to Y/N. If you don't like her, just..." "I love her now" Changbin interrupted Chan. "Then why don't you confess?" he asked to which Chan replied. "I asked Y/N to come out with me this weekend, she asked for a divorce, I literally just broke up with Reena today." "I'm literally speechless. I really don't know what to advice you." he said. An hour later, Changbin had to carry an intoxicated Chan to his house. When the door bell rung, Y/N went to attend. "Hey Y/N, you must have seen me during your marriage, I'm Changbin. Chan had too many drinks today, so he isn't in his right state of mind now" he said. "Come in", she said as she helped Chan to lay on their shared bed. "Ok Y/N, I'll leave, but before that I just want to tell you something. Chan is not as bad as you think. Trust me, he is really good at heart. Sometimes he doesn't know to just bring it out. So yea, don't take anything serious" Changbin said as he left. Y/N who went to Chan to remove his shoes and his coat, was stopped when she felt Chan mumble to himself, "Y/N, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like that. I now really love you Y/N" he said as he dozed off.
The next morning, a sober Chan is provided lemon water to cure his morning hangover. "Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute" he asked. "Tell me what quickly, I have to go grocery shopping" she said. He kept the lemon water beside and held her hand, "Y/N, I'm really sorry for treating you this bad. I really love you now" he said. A teary eyed Y/N, spoke, "Chan I thought initially you didn't like this marriage and I thought time would change it. Had I know you were still in a relationship, I wouldn't have bothered to disturb you. Did you know the mistake I made? It was falling for you. Now I hate myself for falling for a man who wouldn't reciprocate his feelings. It's not too late even now, I'll tell my parents that it was my fault and hence we got divorced." she said. Chan felt his heart crush into millions of pieces. Till the yesterday, he never thought Y/N would say something like this. "Y/N ah!!! Y/L/N, it's not what you think." he said. "Don't lie Chan, I heard a girl talk to you about divorcing me. See that's exactly what I wish for too." she said. "Y/N, I really broke up with her. I promise you are the only one now in my life. There's no other girl" replied Chan with tears. "Didn't you call me a maid? A maid isn't supposed to love you Christopher" she yelled. Knowing the intensity the name 'Christopher' carried, Chan thought for a few minutes. He then got up, went closer to her, "Y/N, look at me" he said. "Will that chang---" before she could ask for it, she was wrapped around her waist and kissed. Tears flowed down both their eyes remembering what they had done to each other. "Y/N, I get that I was bad, but I promise on our unborn child, there's no other girl in my life apart from you and I'll really love you till death. As you wished for, your first hug was with me, your first kiss; we did it and I promise to be all your first." he said. Seeing the last few words come out of Chan's mouth, she hugged him and said "Sorry Chan" to which he replied, "I should be the one whose sorry." and kissed her again. "Now how about we go grocery shopping as a couple?" he asked. "Sure" she said chuckling like a teenage girl.
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jiminkookjeon · 2 months
Certaines personnes ont besoin de se regarder dans le miroir,😤 critiquer la saleté devant la porte des autres mais ne se débarrassant pas de celle devant la sienne est hypocrite.🙄
Les taekookers sont moralisateur et hypocrite et sans cervelle aucun discernement et boivent les paroles mensongères comme si c'était de l'eau sans jamais faire de recherche par eux-mêmes des vrais moutons.😠
Dénigrer la relation que entretien jimin et Jungkook ne fera pas de taekook un couple.😒 Soyez plus mature.
Mais une chose est sûre c'est que vous n'aviez aucune confiance envers jungkook parce que seulement ces actions sont problématique vous insulter JIMIN de tous les noms pour un rapprochement entre les deux mais vous ne disez rien quand c'est vmin qui se font des accolades. Ça révèle juste que vous pensez que jungkook est potentiellement attiré par jimin et que ça romance avec Tae n'est pas si merveilleuse si on suit votre logique ce qui est pathétique🥱. En tout cas une chose est sûre les relations humaines ce n'est pas votre fort vous vivez dans un monde fictionnel et de fantaisie. (Dont la romance /relation est toxique).
J'espère vraiment que c'est trois garçons là ne verront jamais ce que vous pensez réellement d'eux parce que c'est triste et pathétique.
Anyway aimer qui vous voulez,Staner qui vous voulez mais arrêtez de les mettre en compétition et de dénigrer l'un pour faire briller l'autre.
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hangeslefteye · 2 years
I finally did it y'all content we've all been expecting HGXSCGFCGS honestly I enjoyed this so much I added some more characters and some more xDdd as a result we got EREN ARMİN JEAN REİNER FALCO PORCO MARCEL AND ZEKE!!!
Eren:Watches Winx incredibly in secret xD You no way wont know how much of a raging fan he is xD As for their fave I feel like season1-3 eren could like Bloom or Musa cuz they had the most parental issues and they were SLİGHTLY emo xD but season 4 Eren is a deff Trix staner maybe Icy lol (İn a modern day au fights with Zeke to roleplay as Bloom xDD)
Armin:He is actually quite comfy of what he watches, even if he were to get bullied because of 'Winx being a girl show bla bla' he simply enjoys what he enjoys duh.And their fave is:Floraaaa, Armin is a soft soft soft sweet boy AAAAAH <3 Either flora or maybe at season 4 Technaa
Jean:Just like Eren will watch is quite sneaky and you wont know how much they like Winx until it comes up in a fight with Eren xD And their fave?Musa for aesthetic reasons xD -She has looong black hair ;) - Ok I always had a hc of Jean liking slightly harsh woman so in a modern Au he is most likely to be into that Goth stuff? So maybe he has always been a secret Trix stan ???
Reiner:BİG,BİG,BİG WİNX FAN lmaooo excuse himself by telling everyone its for the kids xD (most likely watches it with Falco and Gabi.Which Falco loooooves but Gabi cant stand xD).Ok Ok now, Season1-3 Reiners fave is most likely to be Stella and slightly Bloom too but at Season4 I see a huge Darcy fan lol (As much as ı remember Darcy had the darkest self depressing jokes ever xD)
Falco:My boy just like what he likes it doesnt matter how much Gabi jokes around he is PROUD to watch Winx ok??? And their fave is Bloom?Because it remind him a bit of Gabi??(Bby boy is terrified of Trix,like they are not realll, calm xD)
Porco:I cant with this guy GXSCGSFASXB.Just magine him up at 4 am sneaking downstairs to watch old episodes re-aired xD. GETS CAUGHT BY MARCEL xDD Tries to change the tv to soccer but its too late Marcel has seen it all LMAO.After being petty they agree on watching it together and staying silent xD And Porco's favorite is deff STORMY!! only sensible character and rest it stupid but he watches anyways xD
Marcel:Ok,imagine at one point he owned one of those pink Winx pencil shaped erasers (if you lose one piece of it just throw away type of useless ones xD)he kept under his bed and Porco accidently found it lol his first thought is 'Is my brother gay????' xD and he too likes it a lot he just keeps the eraser to himself xDD (And thats the story of how Porco began to watch Winx xD) Just imagine the silent panic of poor Marcel being exposed after losing the eraser??? xDD Anyways his favorite fairy would be Aisha??? Cuz she is so beautiful?? High case has a crush on his fave xD
Zeke:Watches it for boobies and butts even when he was a kid OwO XDDD.He tries to explain his friends that real manly man would watch Winx Club because of hot girls xD Starts watching because of that and gets carried away by actual plot xD İn a modern au might encourage Eren to watch it because he knows how much he likes it AHSHXASXVBX As a result I can see them screaming 'Enchantix' at house and act like they are transforming xD As for his fave its ROXY OF COURSE xD she is the fairy of animalss!! On the other hand might like a side villain like Diaspro and deff appreciate Trix's costumes xD
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mylifeisfakeenjoy · 10 days
Lucifer Staner
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brendambois · 6 months
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henerson staner.
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guerrerense · 1 year
Staner Black 5 45407 The Lancashire Fusilier . por Steven Barker Por Flickr: Peserved Stanier Black 5 steam locomotive , 45407 The Lancashire Fusilier , at work on the Keighley , Worth Valley Railway in the snow during the railways 2023 spring steam gala .
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jackiemeandthispod · 1 year
Are you guys dead 😭 I miss you when will you return from war
We are alive just been so stupidly busy between us we are so sorry- the episode is recorded just unedited (and trust me this one needs some desperate editing)
The episode will come out and the show is still happening, just probs on a less regular schedule than we were hoping for, just like Ryan we sometimes lose focus
Astrid and I were trying to draft excuses and this is the best one we could come up with:
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We love you and we miss you, but hate to break it to you, you get what you pay for (you see why we don’t want a patreon lol)
Gabilliam staner and peteross truther,
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catinfroghat · 2 years
staner o rai
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oxist · 2 months
ANUNNAKI - Mensageiros do Vento - 02 - ABDUÇÃO DE ENDUBSAR from Mensageiros do Vento on Vimeo.
O material de “ANUNNAKI – Mensageiros do Vento” já pode ser adquirido através do PAG SEGURO! Para comprar o DVD e o Digipack Duplo, basta acessar os links abaixo (FRETE INCLUÍDO): * DVD com o filme “ANUNNAKI – Mensageiros do Vento” – R$ 30 pag.ae/bbdVHH0 * Digipack Duplo com a trilha sonora e encarte com as letras – R$ 30 pag.ae/bbdVHKf * Combo DVD + Digipack Duplo – R$ 55 pag.ae/bcd2Z2V
ANUNNAKI - Mensageiros do Vento é um projeto aprovado no Edital de Música do Fundo de Cultura e patrocinado pela Secretaria de Cultura da Bahia, com apoio de Athelier PHNX, Servdonto, Massa Sonora Estúdio e Staner Audioamerica.
_____________________________ ANUNNAKI - Mensageiros do Vento é uma Ópera Rock em desenho animado. A história é livremente inspirada nas traduções das antigas tabuletas de argila da Suméria, tidas por muitos como a primeira civilização humana. O filme conta a saga dos Anunnaki, “aqueles que do céu para a terra vieram”, tal como é contada nas tabuletas sumérias. Vindos de Nibiru, os Anunnaki buscam o ouro da Terra para solucionar o desequilíbrio na atmosfera de seu planeta natal. E assim criam a espécie humana, ao misturar seus genes a uma raça nativa, com o objetivo de obter trabalhadores para as minas de ouro. Então uma nova aproximação de Nibiru provoca um dilúvio que quase extermina a humanidade, que logo em seguida enfrenta outro grave perigo: disputas de poder entre os Anunnaki, culminando na deflagração de armas nucleares.
Ficha Técnica:
FABRÍCIO BARRETTO direção e desenhos, roteiro, música e letra, arranjos, voz, violão, guitarra, samplers FABIO SHIVA roteiro, música e letra, baixo THIAGO ANDRADE bateria RICHARD MEYER produção artística, mixagem e masterização TASSIO BACELAR guitarra
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alexbkrieger13 · 8 months
Magull and Staners were roomies during away travels.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from the drow dictionary on the Chosen of Eilistraee website, French and Tolkienesque forenames.
A'bus A'noy Abacce Abbating Abplin Acers Actin Actoes Actor Adanxxizz Addei Aduu'ele Affed Aitching Aithity Ammoki Amserc Annal Anzhany Aphigg'ar Arasucir Arauv Arave Arine Arrimbrew Arvera Ashardic Atheasun Atrau Atuvor Autimmoh...
Baleaph Banna Banárown Beanchen Begnous Belucce Berabary Berce Berin Bertor Bindion Blaresed Bluth Bnend Bouss Bovileth Brin'ust Busseked Butiblatc C'ple Caldrody Calis Cally Caunezed Cherved Chigaret Chinau Chous Chu'r Clady Cleed Clotick Clusrint Colth Comatty Comfolen Comph Coniye Coseed Coudrast Coussids Cratorou Crifus Crould Cécil D'shc D'shil Dares Dargolezl Darul Dates Dau'akast Deasuntra Debrivice Dentau Deradoe Deresturr Destiths Dinte Dinvin Dkigg Doeroth Dratte Dresha Dress Driamed Drian Dro'casik Drolooded Droreb Drost Duess Duren Eachind Eanoth Eariën Ecimine Edlet Efeele El'ikengs El'sle Elince Ellah Elsts Elyns Emizz Emmechir Emmen Emphirk En'tain Erindre Erridecur Ertuaning Espen Eveis Eviddan Faily Faitild Falhah Fares Farielgi Fasel Fating Feake Feiont Felcon Ferth Fette Ficertart Flert Flors Forbir Fornen Foulmay Frackown Freferne Frind Fuled G'esormil Genbus Glecte Gliths Gloandri Glouds Golnoth Goroniny Grindarr Grosin Gruman Guicer Guiling Hacle Haetho Halench Haramary Harifts't Harive Harkey Harl'l Hingth Hir'tal Hojhu'mon Holepery Hownius Humpopen Ideth Il'el Ilahn Iliarey Illen Illynucho Impla Imuzzlezz Ingind Inrimad Ision Ithen Iting Izift Izze' Izznating Jabli Jal'phed Jalffer Jearns Jinsent Jorciess Joyen Jubles Jusevory Juthr Kaarred Kalithary Karitre Karuf Kedill Kestest Khaad Kharvirts Klnin Knien Knuatri Koldai Kulaunus Kuld'de Kumble Kurts Kylve Kyorms L'olk'le' L'vight L'voer La'relai Lahir Larcha Larice Lassil Legod Liger Lildus Liser Lloth Loith Looke'i Loveig Lu'ss Luits Lushie Luthel Lérilling M'tly Madis Madory Malbarper Malim Marlen Masulk'sa Maters Maymon Mazext Mendileed Merrin Miess Misil Mor'tu Morferide Morrl Mrate Mrieful Mzik'pere Mzuet Nater Natteng Nau're Neated Nlyst Norcy Ollingbor Oloals Olveip On'kobus Or'theld Or'tle Oriet Orther Owedi Palls Passin Periguan Phorimo Plaas Plithann Plitim Plyivana Plyps Poise Prith Proure Proylt'th Psithar Punth Qu'ann Qua'ragg Quarialan Quinth Ra'lask Ragegard Ranass Rance Ratione Rayed Reanic Reehtics Reelenth Refel Renil'ir Resst Ridducken Rigar'fy Ringe Rinik'lur Rippyr Rning Roxidalm Ru'am Rud's Rugar Rusactsur S'arly S'taeren Santra Scrowae Scurse Selac'na Sh'el Shaly Shechu'j Shewt Shunythig Sidren Slahing Slana Slarng Slayssal Slorter Smithiira Solta Solumblic Sonchuele Souba Spasinus Spdomed Spild Squ'el Ssguen Ssind Ssing Staner Stluira Sumpoust Suntie Suptirn Surraccut Suulkil Swared Swooktang Swyrromer Szi'ur Szit'sa Szitheri Sével Súriecy Taerszil Talare Tarave Tarmir Tarnralt Taund Teedis Telaidem Telynth Temass Thassak Thavel Thele Thies Thosil Tinduf Tk'ss Tooblus Toorine Totha Trace Traug Travion Treelitha Triiry Trion Tudgim Tuice Turcs Ulancolh Ulurt Unde'ot Uneir Unsand Urelithea Urentor Usedh Varacen Vatow Veentorms Veldry Vencor Veryift Vessiss Vhaphern Vhaugut Vhelved Viness Vives Vlole Vlovus Vrigul Waidne Wal'sees Walseang Warly Wasuulf Wealesse Weeme Weepte Wenviou Werions Wetic Whelaita Wince Woban Xecrew Xsaphonlu Xtred Xun'in Xundos Y'sha Y'uu' Youndus Zhargim Zhits Zhuell Zithe Zithi Zznadined Éodwevsse
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cubojorbr · 2 years
7 dicas para evitar que a ansiedade roube seu sono
Estudo mostra que dentre as pessoas com propensão à ansiedade, cerca de 36% tem piora dos sintomas durante à noite
Estudo mostra que dentre as pessoas com propensão à ansiedade, cerca de 36% tem piora dos sintomas durante à noite Segundo dados recentes da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o Brasil ainda é um dos países com mais pessoas ansiosas no mundo: mais de 9% dos brasileiros são acometidos pela ansiedade, o triplo da média mundial. Já um estudo feito pelo psiquiatra Luc Staner, do Rouffach Hospital,…
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haycpns · 5 years
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kadaryanto97 · 4 years
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LULUS UJIAN SARINGAN MASUK PKN-STAN (Politeknik Keuangan Negara Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara) Penulis : Tim Revolusi Sukses Penerbit : Istana Media ISBN : 978-602-0763-45-3 Tahun : 2019 Tebal : xvi +508 halaman Ukuran : 19 x 26 cm Original Harga Rp160.000 diskon 20% Rp128.000 Sinopsis Buku ini memberikan informasi Lengkap Penerimaan STAN, Disusun berdasarkan Topik Pembahasan serta terdapat Jurus jitu lolos USM PKN STAN dan Tips & Trik Menyelsaikan Soal. #pknstan #pknstan2018 #stan #anakstan #pknstanstory #like4like #staners #pknstanbintaro #usmstan2018 #kampuskedinasan #pknstanhitz #pmbpknstan #staners2018 #masukstan #usmstan #mahasiswapknstan #usmpknstan #bimbelmasukstan #bimbelpknstan #bimbelinfinity #pmbpknstan2018 #stanner #stanner2018 #pknstanbdkmedan #soalstan #pknstanmanado #pknstanjogja #ujianstan2018 #pknstan_balikpapan #follow https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9eFODJAsJ/?igshid=2zm6qqltlot5
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We all know about those existents ships, but this one, especially this one is very important to me (and i don't care if isn't canon, we all are free to ship whatever we want, RESPECT BEFORE AT ALL)❤😍👏🏽 . . #wandamaximoff #maximoffstwins #scarletwitch #brujaescarlata #jamesbarnes #jamesbuchananbarnes #buckybarnes #wintersoldier #soldadodeinvierno #marvel #marvelcomics #scarletsoldier #winterwitch #elizabetholsen #sebastianstan #LatinoaméricaTambiénTeAmaSebastianStan #LatinAmericaLovesYouTooSebastianStan #WeWantSebastianStanInLatinAmerica #QueremosASebastianStanEnLatinoamérica #sebastianstan #sebstan #staners #latinoamérica #standom #olstan
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