#star blaster saga au
goatztorm · 10 months
Welcome to the world of Star Blaster Saga!
I was inspired by @wtfgaylittlezooid’s Arcane Wastes AU that was inspired by the Kirby on the Draw minigame in Merry Magoland. So I started to think of the other mini games to see if I could try my hand and creating something like that as well.
And that’s when I remembered Booming Blasters, the Susie mask minigame. My brain started to spin and I knew I had found the minigame for an AU.
So picture this.
It’s a post-apocalyptic Popstar, with several BASEs all around the planet. All of the bases are underground except for one: BASE DMLD, or DreamLand. (This is the main setting for the AU.)
The reason it’s post-apocalyptic is because NME has essentially taken over the world, and the Demon Beasts (from the anime Hoshi no Kaabii, or Kirby: Right Back At Ya!) are running rampant. (It is my firm belief that the Demon Beasts could have been much more of a threat. I’m making them into such.)
All of the famous characters (or most of them anyway) would be living at BASE DMLD. King Dedede is still in charge, his name is just Commander Dedede now. He leads the BASE along with Meta Knight and Escargoon, though he usually has final say.
Then there are the recruits. Kids or teens who are training to become soldiers in the army that defends BASE DMLD from the Demon Beasts. It’ll be a mix of canon characters (games and anime alike) and OCs, most of which I haven’t introduced to this blog before.
Some more characters (the ones that are adults) are instructors for the recruits. This includes Meta Knight, Susie, Magolor, Taranza, etc. They all have a specific thing they excel in, and that’s what they teach. (Magolor is magic, Susie is machinery, Meta Knight is traditional weaponry, you get the picture.)
I think that’s enough world build dumping (?) for now, but if it’s interesting to anyone, please don’t hesitate to ask for more info if you would like! I’d love to go more in-depth with what I have, since I have a lot more to say!
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fanthatracks · 1 year
$80.00 and a trip back to the earliest days of the saga will bring you this superb Star Wars - Han Solo (Concept) Jumbo Figure, shipping to US / Canada / EMEA / Japan / South Korea / Brazil / Mexico / Russia / AU, limited to 2 units per order, arriving 1st quarter 2024 and making headbands cool once again. [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="144424,144425,144423"] Travel back to the dawn of the Star Wars saga with the newest concept Jumbo figure from Gentle Giant LTD! Han Solo, sporting his original beard as seen in the original Ralph McQuarrie artwork, stands approximately 12 inches tall with five points of articulation, plus lightsaber and blaster accessories. Inspired by the Kenner figures of old, it comes packaged on a full-color retro-style card back, in a resealable blister case. [amazon box="B0BXN5TSG2"]
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jackkearns · 4 years
Okay so. Long rant/rambling about TRoS. Spoilers below, you’ve been warned. Posting this on a side blog and reblogging it so it won’t be “uncut” on mobile dashes.
The first... Fifteen minutes of ROS was... Too fast. There was a LOT going on that had no explanation.
Light speed skipping. That made no sense and was a little over the top. An icy outpost with contacts with no names getting information through unmentioned communication lines. Conversation with this Unnamed character that insinuated he was important, especially since we later see his HEAD in Kylo's grasp. Or was it a Knight of Ren, idk bc things went that fast.
LOVED the interaction between Rey Finn and Poe. They argued like a married trio though the whole movie and it was amazing. There was also a LOT of jealousy from Poe every time Finn tried mentioning his feelings for Rey. (Seriously, Poe was more concerned about cosmetic damage to BB8 than he was about the Falcon LITERALLY BEING ON FIRE and I just. Oh, Poe.) The group hug at the end just sealed the OT3 for me, end of story.
There was Force healing and I was excited to see that. Then... It got overused to the point of being a deus ex machina.
The Unknown Regions were mentioned and the path to the Sith world was full of solar storms and black holes and electrical flares and there was no mention of how canonly, that path was mapped by Thrawn, but OKAY,THAT'S FINE.
I was honestly scared to death when Hux was all "I'm the mole," because I was afraid they were making him run like a coward, but no, thankfully, he was being a Petty shit trying to sabotage Ren which is so ic for him.
His death, just a point blank, off handed shot to the chest and him sprawling on the deck of the Finaliser and being completely shrugged off was.... Disappointing. Very disappointing. His character had been played up as this ruthless, cruel and calculating battle tactician and he was made a joke in tlj and RoS. He was a fascist asshole and despite what people say, it wasn't Kylo who destroyed worlds and killed all those people, it was Hux, and it completely undermined how dangerous people like him ARE and I felt his death should have had more substance to address what he'd done and who he was.  
He's a villain, a war criminal, and he should have had more weight, been held accountable, idk, it was just utterly dismissive and HONESTLY I feel bad for Domnhall. Now I know why he didn't want to do any press at all about RoS. You could tell he really enjoyed playing Hux in TFA and I bet that kind of stung.
Leia’s death just... it felt detached? There was little to no build up to her death, and then she was just... gone. It didn’t really affect me until I saw Chewie’s reaction, and then it felt like I’d been punched in the GUT and couldn’t breathe for a hot minute.
Was REALLY amused Rey just took Kylo’s ship and bailed. “Thanks for the battle, taking your shit and leaving you here.”
When I heard Han say “Hey kid,” I felt my heart break a little bit, and that moment of Kylo saying the same line to Han- and ACTUALLY THROWING HIS SABER AWAY....
Which brings me to Daisy and Adam’s acting????? JUST?????
The DIFFERENCE in their faces when playing Rey Palpatine/Kylo Ren, and Just Rey/Ben Solo was INCREDIBLE. Their posture, their expressions, the set of their faces, the way they held themselves, was AMAZING. Daisy’s face went so HARD and COLD like a diamond, and Adam’s went so SOFT and OPEN and it was INCREDIBLE, AUGH
I am mad Rose was sidegated. Mad that there wasn’t more to Jannah. Mad that there wasn’t more of the Ghost or even a VOICE cameo of Hera.
Force Sensitive Finn. I love it, I knew it, so happy it’s canon, now I need a million fics of Rey helping him train and building a lightsaber with him.
I am not even touching the fuckery that was Sheev having a secret love child because the connotations are not pleasant.
I don’t understand why he didn’t possess Rey after she killed him, maybe it was because she had a Mass Cameo Moment with All the Jedi and reflected his lightning back him and made his powers Null and Void?
The lightning was cool af, even if it was More Extra than Necessary.
The Snoke Jar didn’t explain what Snoke was, who the template was- was it Sheev? Was it a random person? Hell, it could have been Ezra for all we know. It also didn’t explain why he was so easy for Kylo to kill.
Also, how did Hux keep hiding shit from Kylo? How did Kylo hide his plans from Sheev? Why is it the mind reading is very situational? I get Kylo maybe being able to shield his thoughts, but Hux? For three movies straight? And only his Petty Ass Behaviour getting him caught by Pryde and not Kylo? JJ/RIAN EXPLAIN.
The Star Destroyers/Sith Destroyers were pornographic. I said it. The scene with the fleet rising gave me a boner, y’all know I have a Thing for Star Destroyers, and there was a whole gorram ATMOSPHERE FULL OF THEM.
Ren brings the Finaliser into atmo and there are effects felt on the ground from the ship. The Falcon gets too close to the Finaliser and it affects the troopers in the hangar bay.
I SORT of was all “...what” at their lack of navigation, but THEN AGAIN- when your viewport is full of nothing but the ships above, beside, in front and behind you, yeah, you need some synchronised navigation going on from a command ship.
(Am I STILL mad about the Star Destroyer above a city having no effect, but a Lambda taking off shot people all over the walkways in Rogue One? YES, YES I AM, ROGUE ONE SAID “FUCK SHIP PHYSICS, WE DO WHAT WE WANT, INCLUDING JUMPING TO HYPERSPACE WHILE STILL IN ATMO, LET ALONE THE GRAV SHADOW OF A PLANET” AUGH FUCK YOU)
The line “That’s not a Navy, that’s people.” So good. So. GOOD.
The scene with The Not Navy- GOOD. SO GOOD. (Though it’s like... how did Lando get ALL THOSE PEOPLE when LEIA didn’t?? RUDE)
The Rey/Ben(Kylo? I think he was Ben at this point?) kiss was uh. I didn’t like it. And not because I don’t ship Reylo? (Because I HONESTLY do NOT mind Rey/Ben Solo- it’s Rey/Kylo Ren that I’m eeeeehhh about) but because it was generally just... awkward and Ben just “Aight, I’ma fade out” right after just made it more awkward??? IDEK.
All in all, I didn’t think it was BAD. It was an okay Star Wars movie. It is NOT my favourite- but it was not BAD.
It just felt like it was rushed, that some crucial content was cut in order to keep the plot goingandgoingcan’tstopgoing, and it honestly felt like the three movies was a passive aggressive pissing match between JJ and Rian.
LOT of amazing parts, a LOT of wtf parts, a LOT of disjointed plot points. Enjoyed it, but much could be done/handled better to have made it a more poignant ending to the saga.
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roxannepolice · 6 years
Do you ever think that Shmi might have been force sensitive? Just in a way that she was closely tuned into the force's will, or something and that's why she was always so calm about stuff?
Oh anon, this is such a beautiful question, prompting so many more interesting questions. But my straightforward answer is yes, absolutely, Shmi Skywalker, The Galactic Madonna Hodegetria and Dolorosa, was force sensitive.
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Now, leaving actually meaningful matters and proceeding to whine about culture reception.
I have a general impression that the way audience reads the sequel trilogy - and the creators instead of ingoring this phenomenon play on it to later overthrow it in what is effectively a pretty empty act - suffers from force sensitivity being perceived in what I would call Harry Potter terms. And I’m really sorry I have to use that book for negative comparison again, I really like it, movies too, a Slytherin/Horned Serpent with a cypress-dragon heartstring wand here, but seeing how people compare Rey’s bond with Kylo Ben to that between Harry and Voldemort and knowing the term “squib” has been used to describe Leia by those who were shocked by her using the force in tlj, I think there’s enough reason to believe the generation being deeply influenced by HP is the culprit here.
Because in much of the discourse force sensitive - non-force sensitive basically translates to wizard - muggle, a zero-one system. Force sensitivity is now apparently something inheritable, the way magic is in HP, with squibs and muggleborns being maybe not complete exceptions but not a general rule either. Oh, and of course it all further plays into Kylo being Voldemort who inherited force sensitivity from his  “squibbish” mother and hated his muggle father and by extension despises all muggles like really one moment Kylo supposedly despises non-force sentisitives, next wants to kill all force sensitives make up your mind haters and Rey being a muggleborn like Hermione and Lily.
And if you play on it in an au, go ahead, and please tag me so I don’t miss it.
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But none of this has ever been supported by the main Star Wars saga. I mean, republic-era jedi are kriffing sworn to celibacy, main story siths don’t seem that promiscuous either. So either all of the new padawans were Yoda’s secret bastards (?….) or there is no HP-like inheriting mechanism here. Look, all of the Rey parentage discourse was (is…. grits teeth) not caused by saga logic telling us her parents had to be force sensitives only because TFA was begging an average viewer to be interested in her parentage.
Whereas I’d say a better, although also simplified, universe to compare force as magic to, is Doctor Strange. As Yoda Swinton explains, magic is basically a way of manipulating the source code of reality. Technically everyone can do that - practically some people are more talented at it, just as technically anyone can be a neurosurgeon - practically…. well. And talent here is a combination of hard work, education, patience and yes, some natural gifts, but not something sorceres just have in their blood, unlike non-sorcerers. Would any person in DS universe who has any idea of existence of magic, say doctor Palmer, be able to instinctivelly use it to save their life? Probably yes.
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Is it still better to have some natural gifts in this directin, teachers, books and google translate (oh, another paralel to SW - technology is anything but redundant)? YES. 
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because you all needed multiple arm hindu god stephen strange on your dash
So I think the simplified model above is closer to what we have in Star Wars - some people are more attuned to the force, but it’s not like some people just have it or not, a concept I’m both happy st is enforcing and surprised it needed to be enforced in the first place. Maybe helpful would also be the concept of mana, which is usually associated with magic, but can in fact manifest itself in other forms, like, say, hitting the target with a blaster while barely looking or leading - armed or not armed - opposition.
There is of course another matter - force isn’t simply magic in the GFFA. Enter anthropological nerding.
There are two major anthroplogical differences between religion and magic, understood as elements of culture. First, the former is a system explaining all of the surrounding world, including its beginnings and afterlife: for an ancient person bad weather was plain divine will, but for an elightenment deist scientist God would still be The Great Clockmaker and even modern believing scientists give divinity for an answer to What Caused The Big Bang. Thus, magic is also culturally seeped in local religion: a christian black magician makes a deal with the devil and white calls on angels, for example. Secondly, and more interestingly, magic is a more mechanical phenomenon: you do this - that is bound to happen, unless you’ve made some mistake while casting the spell. The devil may trick you, and most likely will, but can’t break the deal you made. (There are, btw, very interesting theories regarding the fact that modern man’s attitude towards technology is in fact closer to magical that scientific thinking) Religion on the other hand assumes that Divinity has Its own will and that will is more important than man’s. A man may pray, ask or beg, but not struck deals with God - no matter how penitent David was, his firstborn with Bathsheba still died, though none of that affected Salomon.
Exit anthropological nerding.
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sorry no good movies with actual anthropologists in them had to settle on the acrheologist
So, and it’s not a great surprise, force in GFFA is some form of divinity, first and foremost, and if there are magic tricks available to some people then it’s on similar terms as magic functioned in majority of belief systems. In this light, it’s not Rey who should be a headscratcher as far as her extensive force powers are concerned, force just found itself a worthy champion in dark times, only Ben - and Anakin, for that matter, their cases being different from your averare Maul or Sheev as they are both results of force’s physical hierophany. You might say they both defy at least one of three of assumed - by this trilogy more than the former, playing heavily as a deus ex machina obviously prefering the good guys™, at least thus far - attributes of  the force: justice understood as egalitarianism, goodness and omniscience. Basically, their turning to the dark side brings back the favourite question of western theology - why did All-good and All-knowing God give people free will, which brought all evil to the world - and how much power actually lies in individual free will. As I wrote few days ago, in any proper drama it would be revealed renperor is at least as much if not more of force’s will as is Rey rescuing the resistance: plainest irony being the character who thinks they fulfill divine will actually doing what they want and the one thinking they selfishly shape their fate actually fulfilling divine will.
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Well, that became a philosophical digressive poem... I suppose the only two actually valuable reflections here are that force sensitivity shouldn’t be perceived in the same zero-one terms as is being a wizard in HP - and that Shmi very much was force sensitive.
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ieatmovies · 6 years
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SOLO - A STAR WARS STORY (2018) L’origins-movie de Han Solo est devenu une réalité: évitons de revenir sur le develpoment-hell du film repris par Ron Howard -WILLOW (1988)-, et vérifions si oui ou non, ce produit “hybride” répond à nos attentes. Tout d’abord, SOLO est un spin-off: plus permissif qu’un épisode “principal” de la saga, on a donc droit à un traitement artistique plus large, plus libre. C’est donc avec cette liberté que le long-métrage nous livre un paquet de scènes magnifiques, qui honorent STAR WARS à la manière d’artworks ou de fanarts prenant littéralement vie à l’écran : les course-poursuites sont légion -Han est un pilote, le meilleur-, étendant encore plus le background de STAR WARS de par leur diversité et leur emplacement. Un run dans les rues de Corellia, l’échappée juste d’un trou noir, ou l’attaque d’un train dans les montagnes, SOLO fleure bon la nouveauté, en plus de donner élégamment dans le fan-service de qualité -le caméo répété de Warwick Davis, le reveal d’un sombre antagoniste-: bordel, depuis quand un film sorti d’un development-hell légendaire et annoncé comme catastrophe imminente au box-office s’en sort aussi bien? Sans copier ROGUE ONE (2016), SOLO allie l’old-school sacré -la timeline des événements- au moderne, en prenant soin de ne pas désagréger la grande saga stellaire: honnêtement, l’intérêt du long-métrage westerno-braquage spatial -on parle de “space-western” sur Wikipédia- est hautement plus valable que le frustrant THE LAST JEDI (2017) -l’erreur irréparable?-. De la découverte du buddy-Wookie Chewbacca à l’acquisition du mythique blaster en passant par les couloirs du Millenium Falcon, SOLO nous gâte, bien que l’ombre d’un “double tournage” rôde un peu partout: mais l’offrande est si belle et généreuse qu’on ne doute à aucun moment de la légitimité du produit final. SOLO est important, car il détermine à lui seul la viabilité des spin-offs de STAR WARS, car ROGUE ONE était excellent, et l’oublié de tous THE CLONE WARS (2008) -tout en CGI- aussi: trois concurrents au facile THE FORCE AWAKENS (2015) et au dernier jeudi. La roue tourne, et le cast de SOLO est -en apparence, du moins-, ultra-impliqué de par l’honneur de jouer dans un STAR WARS: combo gagnant pour le non-prophétique désastre. Dommage que les premiers réalisateurs ne soient pas crédités, Phil Lord et Chris Miller méritaient plus: à l’inverse, on adoube ce “flop” statistique, qui cause Teras Kasi (!), rébellion, et jeune loup prédestiné à devenir le culte personnage joué par Harrison Ford. Sur ce point, l’acteur Alden Ehrenreich colle contre toute attente au protagoniste, qui ressemble à de nombreuses fois au visage que l’on connaît, plus mature: magie de cadrage et d’éclairages, ça fait du bien. N’osons pas épiloguer sur les SFX et VFX parfaits, le sidekick robotique L3 plus vrai(e) que nature, et la direction artistique plutôt bien équilibrée pour un film “coupé en deux”: au-delà de l’analyse, on se prend à espérer une suite à SOLO, tant il est dense -mais jamais surchargé-. Très adulte mais très drôle également, on savoure ce spin-off mal-aimé, qui mérite un visionnage concentré. Zéro ennui, total plaisir. Merci, Cinéma. SPIN ON /20
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vaikarona · 7 years
Article sorti initialement le 11 Octobre 2015
10 ans après le légendaire Star Wars Battlefront II et 6 ans après le dernier Battlefront en date, Elite Squadron sur psp, la licence se voit offrir un reboot sur nouvelle génération. Sobrement intitulée Star Wars Battlefront, cette nouvelle itération du célèbre jeu de bataille galactique permet des affrontements à pied, en véhicule terrestre, en vaisseau mais aussi le sabre à la main.
Prévu pour le 19 novembre 2015, le jeu s’est laissé approcher à l’occasion d’une bêta publique afin de convaincre, ou non, les impatients qui ont pu se faire une idée du futur titre de Dice.
Ce qui frappe lorsque l’on lance la bêta pour la première fois et que l’on pose les pieds sur Hoth c’est certainement la beauté glaciale de l’environnement. Mais pas le temps d’être charmé par les effets de la neige qui viennent délicatement se poser sur le canon de votre blaster puisque des X-wing affrontent les chasseurs TIE impériaux juste au-dessus de vous, vous pouvez d’ailleurs entendre le bruit si significatif de leur canon et bientôt une explosion. Au loin Luke affronte Vador sous l’œil menaçant des TB-TT qui continuent leur lente et mortelle progression vers la base rebelle.
C’est ce qui résumerait une partie de Battlefront, l’ambiance y est dantesque, entre le bruit des chasseurs et autres vaisseaux, les explosions, les tirs de blaster et bien sûr la musique on est de suite plongé dans l’univers de Star Wars tant le son et les effets sont de bonne facture. Graphiquement magnifique, le jeu affiche des textures splendides et bluffantes de réalisme servi par une fluidité plus que convaincante, je n’ai, à ma connaissance pas eu de ralentissement.
Le Gameplay est tout ce qu’il y a de plus classique, mais très efficace, que ce soit en vue FPS ou TPS. J’avoue avoir quelque difficulté à viser personnellement mais ça, c’est sans doute parce que je suis un réel Stormtrooper… En revanche la maniabilité des vaisseaux m’a semblé plutôt laborieuse mais il ne s’agit peut-être que d’un coup de main à prendre qui sait ? Afin d’obtenir un véhicule, il faudra ramasser un des bonus disséminés sur la map afin de se retrouver directement à l’intérieur du Chasseur Tie/TB-TT/TR-TT/etc, ce qui est quelque peu décevant, il aurait été plutôt plaisant et cohérent esthétiquement d’avoir quelques véhicules et vaisseaux soigneusement rangés devant la base de son camp que l’on pouvait emprunter à loisir avant d’aller batailler.
Le mode Walker zone est clairement déséquilibré avec un net avantage pour l’empire, dommage.
Le luxe d’incarner un héros se fait aussi par l’obtention d’un bonus, cette fois-ci, je salue l’initiative car si dans les précédents opus, cet immense honneur était réservé aux bons joueurs et était le fruit d’une bonne prestation de jeu offrant ainsi la possibilité à un joueur qui faisait déjà mal, de faire ENCORE plus mal, ici n’importe qui peut avoir la joie d’incarner le seigneur noir…oui oui, même moi !
Le gameplay des héros n’est pas aussi dynamique qu’avant cependant. Est-ce un mal ? Pas vraiment. En résulte ainsi une fidélité très appréciable à la trilogie originale avec une certaine inertie du sabre qui vient faire oublier les combats chorégraphiés de la prélogie.
Vador est lent mais en contrepartie chaque coup de sabre est fatal et il n’y a rien de plus jouissif que d’étrangler son adversaire avant de lui asséner un estoc mortel ou de calmer un soldat à distance avec un lancer de sabre bien placé. Luke est bien plus rapide et dispose lui d’autres pouvoirs comme la poussée de force . Bien utilisé, les héros sont dévastateurs et assurent un soutien non négligeable aux soldats, de plus leur apparition fait s’emballer la musique avec les thèmes les plus emblématiques de la saga de quoi redonner force et courage.
Vador, j’adore.
La démo nous offre 3 modes de jeux :
Survie sur Tatooine qui n’est qu’une bête succession de vagues d’ennemi à l’IA désespérément stupide que l’on pourra décimer seul ou à deux, notamment en écran splitté.
Le mode « Drop zone » sur Sullust qui est un mode multijoueur où l’empire et les rebelles s’affrontent pour conserver des capsules larguées
Le mode Walker assaut sur Hoth qui permet de revivre la bataille d’ouverture de L’empire contre-attaque
  A la fin de chaque bataille on gagne de l’expérience et quand il y en a assez, un rang (5 maximum) ainsi que des crédits permettant d’acheter armes et équipement de soutien (2 équipés maximum) comme des grenades, un sniper, un jump pack…
Cette bêta aura été plus que bénéfique pour rassurer les fans inquiets comme moi, mais en aura sans doute déçu certains. Beaucoup reprochent l’effet « Battlefield skin Star Wars », il est vrai que les similitudes sont là mais dans la mesure où l’univers Star Wars est parfaitement retranscrit je ne vois pas le problème. Les joutes sont accompagnées d’une ambiance folle et d’un dynamisme tellement séduisant qu’il serait plus sage d’attendre le jeu complet avant d’émettre un jugement trop hâtif.
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Beta_20151011145702
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Néanmoins, le fan est en droit de râler, de pester, de jurer en allemand en sachant le maigre contenu qu’offrira le prochain titre de Dice en comparaison avec le saint Battlefront II (et ses suites !) mort pour nos péchés. Moins de map, moins de héros, moins de véhicules, moins de modes de jeu…moins de tout et pas de prélogie qui plus est. Et ils savent, ils savent qu’on en veut du Battlefront, ils savent que beaucoup de mouchoirs ont servi quand jadis un troisième opus fut annoncé, et que beaucoup ont servi lorsqu’il fut annulé. C’est pas beau EA, c’est pas beau…
En conclusion, je vous laisse donc ces petites vidéo concoctées par mes soins qui en disent long sur l’ambiance du soft, le moins que l’on puisse dire pour la première c’est que j’ai eu chaud pour mes p’tites fesses de rebelle !
[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz5faRoPEl8&list=PLfoaUcXqIGN3ks_GElDgC3FLdeS1YPcMT&index=1″ width=”480″ height=”360″ controls=”alt” autohide=”yes” modestbranding=”yes” theme=”light”]
Star Wars Battlefront: Le retour du jeu-di Article sorti initialement le 11 Octobre 2015 10 ans après le légendaire Star Wars Battlefront II et 6 ans après le dernier Battlefront en date, Elite Squadron sur psp, la licence se voit offrir un reboot sur nouvelle génération.
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Hi Steph! First off, I just want to say I love your blog. You always give great advice and help people if they're searching for a fic. Thank you so much for that! Anyways, speaking of helping people find fics, I was hoping you could do the same for me. So, in addition to Johnlock, I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Hamilton. I was wondering if you knew of any Johnlock AUs of any of those fandoms. Thank you in advance! You're amazing!
Hey Nonny!!
AHHHH sorry I missed this!!! 
Ah, I only know of this one for Star Wars:
I will be with you, always by a_gay_jedi (orphan_account) (M, 2,548 w., 2/? Ch. || WiP || Star Wars Crossover || Jedi Master John, Padawan Sherlock, Bratty Sherlock, Light Sabers, The Force, Depressed John, Age Difference, Teacher/Student Relationship, Magical Realism, Soulmates) – Jedi Master John Watson is at the end of his tether with the force. A blaster shot to the shoulder, his padawan murdered- he's not sure what he believes anymore. Sherlock Holmes has just passed his initiate trials with flying marks and his now a padawan learner. Assigned to each other, the two must investigate reports of a force disturbance near the temple at Jedha. The force guides them together as their mission becomes more and more dangerous, secrets are discovered, and the lines between right and wrong, light and dark, master and student begin to blur. (set pre-Skywalker saga)
For Potterlock, check out this Community Recs Post. 
I don’t know any for Hamilton.
If anyone has any fics for any of these they’d like to rec, please do! <3
As an aside, thank you for your kind comments and I’m glad you enjoy my blog!! <3
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can I shamelessly self-promote my WIP? it's a starwars/sherlock crossover with Johnlock. John is the Master and Sherlock is the padawan if you catch my drift....lol no smut yet, but it's probably going that direction the ao3 id is 27145075
Hey Nonny! 
SO SORRY I MISSED THIS. ABSOLUTELY I will promote this for you! Though I see it’s been orphaned, so I am really sad and hope you plan to continue it :( I hope it’s not because of me; I GENUINELY missed this and it’s been a hellish few weeks in my real life. I’ll promote it because it needs more eyes on it, and I think it’s an interesting AU to do. I love gays in space, LOL <3
I will be with you, always by a_gay_jedi (orphan_account) (M, 2,548 w., 2/? Ch. || WiP || Star Wars Crossover || Jedi Master John, Padawan Sherlock, Bratty Sherlock, Light Sabers, The Force, Depressed John, Age Difference, Teacher/Student Relationship, Magical Realism, Soulmates) – Jedi Master John Watson is at the end of his tether with the force. A blaster shot to the shoulder, his padawan murdered- he's not sure what he believes anymore. Sherlock Holmes has just passed his initiate trials with flying marks and his now a padawan learner. Assigned to each other, the two must investigate reports of a force disturbance near the temple at Jedha. The force guides them together as their mission becomes more and more dangerous, secrets are discovered, and the lines between right and wrong, light and dark, master and student begin to blur. (set pre-Skywalker saga)
Love you Nonny, and I am SO SORRY again <3
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