#demon beast
birdon14 · 11 months
Demon Beast Fumu :]
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Design by IvynaSpyder ~~
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pumpkinnkidd · 5 months
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rogue is like 7 years old she is a super old kirby oc of mine. i decided to redraw her yesterday on a nostalgia kick :>
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foamywishes · 7 months
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Behold, an angry seal, plesiosaur dragon thing. She's really not having a good day is she?
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ferahntics · 1 year
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My Kirby OCs as Star Allies icons \o/
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localtelephonebooth · 2 years
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Demon Beast
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starlightfyre · 1 year
What is a Draco? You've likely seen a little about them from my sister's post here! We share the same AU, so our stuff ties together!
So let me explain! They are a Kirby species of dragon from Tessa's comic series "Dreams of the Stars" and my series, "Starlight Dreamers"!
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(Red Draco on the far left belongs to JumpyL123 on DeviantArt!)
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These galactic draconic creatures are known by many names, some of which include "Dream Dragons", "Dracos", "Dragons of the Stars", "Star Dragons", "Dreams of Loyalty" or "Dragons of Loyalty". Who knows, they may have many other titles in other galaxies and universes! Wherever you may find them, they're quite special!
They have many purposes, but tend to be few and far between to the public eye. They are loving, caring, and protective. Many have devoted their eternal lives to protecting the stars from Nightmare's darkness, fighting Demon Beasts and other evils. Others, devoted to guarding and guiding the people of these worlds– be they seen or not. They're very big, but typically gentle to those that stand for good. Many Dracos follow a code based on that of the Knights of the Stars, making them wonderful friends and allies to Knights and Warriors.
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They have many skills and abilities, as well! Be they masters of common or Super Abilities, or have Abilities never seen before; they grow stronger as the centuries go by. These galactic dragons are immortal by age, but are not unsusceptible to illness and death. But damn, are they hardy!
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Once they die, their bodies fall to glittering stardust, leaving eternal flowers where they fall.
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Some say Alphas with a strong core and a will to live can reform from the stardust before they pass, giving them second chances... Not many know if its true.
While they share the physical build and similar capabilities with other breeds of dragons, one of the things that make them so special is the ability to traverse space carried aloft by the stardust that makes up their physical forms, and the incredible loyalty that fills their core. They are ethereal creatures on the inside, made of very special magic. So while they might seem mortal, they're far from it. Simply? They're of a similar make as Demon Beasts, but full of light, dreams, and stardust. To identify a Draco the easiest, all of them have a star mark on their body that is essentially their version of a Warpstar. This star is their mark of loyalty and light, the place of their power.
On a lucky night, you might catch a Draco shooting through the stars, warping from one world to another! Either flying or running on a beautiful wake of dust and magic.
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They are carnivores, but love eating most anything (don't worry, they don't eat people!). Gemstones and crystals are considered a wonderful snack! Their jaws are strong enough to break through rock, and their claws can shred metal. So be careful challenging one! They aren't typically hostile creatures, but they pack a punch if they must fight!
Most Dracos of the winged variety have feathered wings like that of a bird! And their bodies are usually covered in soft fur. Of course, it is possible to find a few decorated in scales and sporting a handsome pair of leather wings with feathers here or there. Oh, and their paws are usually very soft, because they like to keep their claws sheathed unless otherwise necessary! They come in three common body types.
Bashers (a Western Dragon body)
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(Bowen on left, Branwen on right)
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(Meredith on left, Roark on right!)
And Wyverns.
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(Gena on left, Patty on right!)
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They are highly intelligent, capable of speech and using technology and tools. So make no mistake, they are not pets. Much like dragons of old, they can shift their form to appear as another race entirely if they must hide or go into small spaces. This is why they are often hard to identify in public, as some prefer to go unseen. Most Dracos of old are too prideful to hide their true forms, though.
Lastly, Dracos that have reached a primal age of mastery and power can undergo special transformations known as "Alpha Forms" or “Charged Ascension”. Usually hundreds of years old- even thousands, these powerful Alphas have become one with their abilities, so it alters their form when displayed, and the source of their power– their star marks, will glow luminously.
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(Keva, owned by neonwolfz39!)
Say a fire Draco becomes an Alpha through years of survival and training, their fire will engulf their bodies like that of a phoenix. Or a plasma Alpha, whose form can become cloudy like a storm, discharging powerful voltages of electricity from their bodies and through storms they stir in the skies! Their horns/antlers can change, too!
Dracos can be found spread throughout galaxies and universes, but tend to be rare… There are also those corrupted by strong forces of darkness called Dracomares. These creatures have fallen from their place as bright, guiding stars; their light now tainted to walk among Demon Beasts… Dracos and Dracomares, though the same species, are not to be confused for each other.
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But that's not to say they can't be nice as well. It just depends on your luck and how they were raised. Some can be downright evil!
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Thanks for reading! That's it for my talk on these Dragons of the Stars!
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"The stars shine brightly for those that walk the path of honor. For you, they cast like a beacon through the darkest of night. And so will I." ~ Branwen Stormbringer.
You can read more on them in this document!
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galactic-knightmare · 2 years
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this. has actually been sitting in my art folder for a while, I just only now bothered to finish it XD
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cringecentralhq · 2 months
Kirby of the Stars Au pt 1: Popstarean (Void's race).
Void’s kind began life as amorphous creatures, having the capacity for growth via assimilation of living and non-living matter, achieving new attributes that granted an edge over other species on the planet. Countless generations go by, intelligence and powers gained from their absorptions made Popstareans the dominant animals on Popstar, two warrior castes would come to be formed during these years. Star Warriors, relying on their positive feelings to fuel their strength, and Demon Beast, who channel negative emotions to boost theirs. Copy Essences allows for the assimilating process to happen, those with a better essence can absorb more, although too much mass at once can be overwhelming. Unsurprisingly, due to the assimilations, appearances vary wildly from one member to another, families tend to share some physical characteristics.
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goatztorm · 10 months
Welcome to the world of Star Blaster Saga!
I was inspired by @wtfgaylittlezooid’s Arcane Wastes AU that was inspired by the Kirby on the Draw minigame in Merry Magoland. So I started to think of the other mini games to see if I could try my hand and creating something like that as well.
And that’s when I remembered Booming Blasters, the Susie mask minigame. My brain started to spin and I knew I had found the minigame for an AU.
So picture this.
It’s a post-apocalyptic Popstar, with several BASEs all around the planet. All of the bases are underground except for one: BASE DMLD, or DreamLand. (This is the main setting for the AU.)
The reason it’s post-apocalyptic is because NME has essentially taken over the world, and the Demon Beasts (from the anime Hoshi no Kaabii, or Kirby: Right Back At Ya!) are running rampant. (It is my firm belief that the Demon Beasts could have been much more of a threat. I’m making them into such.)
All of the famous characters (or most of them anyway) would be living at BASE DMLD. King Dedede is still in charge, his name is just Commander Dedede now. He leads the BASE along with Meta Knight and Escargoon, though he usually has final say.
Then there are the recruits. Kids or teens who are training to become soldiers in the army that defends BASE DMLD from the Demon Beasts. It’ll be a mix of canon characters (games and anime alike) and OCs, most of which I haven’t introduced to this blog before.
Some more characters (the ones that are adults) are instructors for the recruits. This includes Meta Knight, Susie, Magolor, Taranza, etc. They all have a specific thing they excel in, and that’s what they teach. (Magolor is magic, Susie is machinery, Meta Knight is traditional weaponry, you get the picture.)
I think that’s enough world build dumping (?) for now, but if it’s interesting to anyone, please don’t hesitate to ask for more info if you would like! I’d love to go more in-depth with what I have, since I have a lot more to say!
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quanblovk · 1 year
He had a pet dragon....that was classified as a demon beast! Wonder if he was allowed to keep it?
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birdon14 · 10 months
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wisazrid · 8 months
Demon Beast info dump
Here’s a info dump about Demon Beasts.
Demon Beasts are a product of corruption, a virus made out of negativity and darkness. In rare cases it can be of the light alingment
Effects change from host to host but there is no cure. Only Wisazrid has found a patch to calm it down.
Demon beasts are made out of Corruption fluid, making them basically a liquid creature. Despite this their form is basically solid. Only melting upon death or on command.
Their animal like appearence changes depending on the host aswell. Even if not corrupted. If a demon beast forgets to hold back and not turn others, anyone who touches them will turn instantly unless immune or already turned.
uh.. dunnp
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foamywishes · 7 months
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“Kirby…aren’t I scary like this? You are’t afraid of me when I look like a monster?”
“No, I’m not! Because you are still my bestest friend! I still love you anyways, no matter what you look like, Fumu!”
If you follow my other socials then you've probably seen this in sketch form. I finished it up and decided to post it here. Love prevails in the most curious of ways. It always finds a way through. Remember that you are loved even when you feel loveless and unwanted.
Demon Beast Fumu design belongs to me.
All things Kirby belong to Hal Labs inc and Nintendo.
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ferahntics · 1 year
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No reason for this other than I just wanted to show how quick Spectra can go from 🥺 to 👹
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togekissangel468 · 6 months
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Drawing Learningblocks stuff every day until the 2024 content comes out day 1: uhhhh “Umbra-Demon Beast U”
Look this idea has been floating in my head for 2 days and I couldn't resist the urge to draw it
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starlightfyre · 11 months
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After the city is blanketed by an icy storm, a battle ensues in the streets of Obsidia! Zeelo was kidnapped by a man of unknown affiliation, and now our protagonists and baddies are racing to find him! Will Zeelo be rescued, or will Nightmare's most elite cut their journey short?!
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