#star dream soul os
glitchyanimations · 2 months
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i sure hope this picture doesn't haunt me for the rest of my entire life
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dark-mega · 2 years
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The soul of prosperity. Once dreamt of greed. It is a staunchly reclusive Soul. Anything it covets, she locks away within her "body". The thoughts of its prisoners are laid bare, but one without thought can strike her without problems.
The soul of prosperity. Once dreamt of greed. Despite being a Soul, she behaves solely on the whims of its master. Any object that this Soul absorbs is effectively gone for good. It takes great initiatives to spread infinite prosperity for its master, and diligently gets rid of any obstacles for him. She always has at least a pair of back-up plans. Since the heart has lowered gravity, she has no trouble moving around within it, but anywhere else, it can only move in its larger bodies. Her master can no longer move anywhere, so he's carried around by the Soul.
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cringywhitedragon · 1 year
I don’t care who you are but Planet Robobot has to be the darkest game in the Kirby series because of one thing.
I know President Haltman was a massive dick and all but not to the point that the man NEEDED TO HAVE HIS SOUL ERASED FROM EXISTENCE! Cheese and rice, this is dark and even for the dubiously cannon-ness the True Arena is in many Kirby games (I consider them to be cannon if Forgotten Land and RtDLDX have taught me).
This is the reason I love the concept of Planet Robobot and it’s final boss but also view it as utterly freaking terrifying
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sam-is-dying · 2 years
Mechanizer Annihilative Dimensional Computer that Eliminates Lifeforms Infinite Operating System: Soul Of the Undying Lifeline (not_really.jpeg)
Spoilers, maybe . . . . . . . .
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ask-prismaknight · 1 year
Meta Knight, why did you destroy your own ship?
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"...I'm not sure I understand."
(Reminder that Knightmare modes, arenas, etc are not canon in my AU)
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buradeeznuts · 23 days
i like kirby planet robobot
do you like kirby planet robobot?
i do. i like it a lot
i do like kirby planet robobot so much. it doesnt like me back but thats ok <3
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icy-dark-star · 1 year
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I usually don't talk about stuff like this but I finally got my hands on Robobot's soundtrack! I like that the CD's look like the Access Ark/Star Dream.
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coff33andb00ks · 3 months
3am - LN & OP
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lando norris x oscar piastri
summary: look at the stars, look how they shine for you warnings: angst, pining, not proofread songs: yellow and fix you by coldplay coldplay is landoscar coded wordcount: 1.3k a.n.: writing this in the hopes landoscar get out of my brain… shout out to the four moots that encouraged this. also not tagging anyone because it's 2:30am and I'm exhausted.
He can't sleep. It isn't unusual, his insomnia tend to rear its ugly head when he least needs it. He only wishes he could prepare in advance, that it was a cycle that he could predict and plan for, like his sisters with their apps that are set to warn the entire family when their PMS is approaching.
Dragging a hand over his face, he glares at the ceiling. Great. Now he's thinking about his sisters' cycles.
There's nothing for it but to just get up. No use fighting it and tossing and turning, that only leads to—
A husky moan. Teeth sinking into the lip he'd just sucked. Jaw carved from the gods' finest marble clenching.
Cinnamon and mint.
Dreams that will never come true.
He presses his hands to his face, hunching over on the side of the bed. The hotel room is too small, too warm, too—
"Fuck this," he hisses, on his feet and snatching up his hoodie.
Torture. He willingly submits to it, knowing it will only leave him feeling hollow and alone when he returns to his room. But it's all he has. All he can cling to on a night like this, when the voices and thoughts won't stop, when the butterflies and bees are swarming inside him.
When the doubts and the worries rise over the shoddy façade of outgoing and joyful, there's only one thing that can quell them.
One person.
He's pinned his hopes all on someone who can never fully know the truth. The one person who understands him best, who knows him better than he does himself, whose name he proudly wears on his wrist.
The last person he wants to lie to, but shields the truth from.
The truth. The tiny, glowing ember of good sentiment that has somehow been crafted among the ruins of his fractured existence. He holds it closer to his heart than his very soul, fearful of it dying if revealed to a cruel world. Or, worse, an uninterested recipient.
He stares at the door. It's – he pulls his cracked phone from his pocket – almost three in the morning. Horrible friend, waking him this time of night.
A muffled sound. A footstep or a chair sliding under a table. His rounded shoulders straighten, his lowered head lifts.
He knocks. Just twice, like he always does when it's just him. If someone was with him it would be incessant. Knockknockknockknockknockknockknock— fucking hell, what?!
The door opens and he breathes in shampoo and lingering steam.
The universe hates him sometimes.
One day, the sound of his name in that voice won't make his heart do that weird flippy thing. One day, it won't make his lip quirk up into a half smile. One day, he won't sigh.
Not today. Not tonight.
Osco. Osc. Os. Oscar looks at him with that confused pinched brow that immediately relaxes.
What's it like, to really be seen?
Oscar steps back without a word and weak legs carry him into the mirror of his room. The bed is messy and it makes his stomach clench.
He quiets with a look. He ducks his head, picking at his fingers. He wants to apologize again, for apologizing to begin with, and he wants to apologize once more for always needing to apologize, for being such a fucking mess that he is standing here in Oscar's hotel room at 3am instead of sleeping peacefully in his own.
"Tell me about it?"
Not what's wrong. Not why are you here. Never leave me alone.
Always tell me about it. Share your worries, lean on me, I'm your friend and your teammate, you're not doing this alone.
"I don't…" Wanna talk about it. Just let me stand here. Bask in the calming glow of your star until I can pretend to be a human again. "I don't… Why are you up?"
Oscar shrugs. His smile is faint. "Had a feeling."
"Oh." Oh. Because he hears the unspoken words, feels the unspoken sentiment.
Had a feeling you'd need me, so I waited up for you.
He wants to cry because no one else cares enough to wait up for him.
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His face looks haunted, his eyes like they may produce tears at any second.
Heart in his throat, he sits on the bed. He knows better than to prod, knows all too well that the golden man standing by his suitcase will snarl and bite when provoked. So he waits.
He's tense, his deceptively lean frame giving off waves of stress and worry and—
"Can't sleep," Lando whispers.
He nods, even though Lando isn't looking at him. Except he is, he can see his reflection in the mirror. Stormy green eyes are watching him, as though he holds all the answers to the world's problems.
Or, if not the world's, Lando's.
Same thing.
"I'm worried about tomorrow." A humorless, breathy exhalation that passes for a chuckle. "Today."
He's been worried since Austria. His insecurities are rising after simmering since Miami when the world's stage witnessed his greatness.
If I don't keep winning how can I prove I'm worthy?
If I don't glow for the world how can anyone love me?
"I hate Silverstone," he breathes.
Not the PR lie, about how special his home track is, the memories he has of it as a child, how the crowd gives him an indescribable energy. He hates it for the expectation. It's his home race so he has to perform well. His car has to be the fastest, the strats have to be impeccable, because he can't let the people that believe in him down.
Worse, he can't let himself down, as he's been doing for two months.
Oscar's heart splinters. No one will ever be as hard on Lando as Lando. No one takes on the blame for an entire team, an entire grid, like the man turning and sinking onto the bed.
Not the golden man the fans and media see, but the shy boy Oscar knows better than he knows himself. The perfectly imperfect extroverted introvert with a heart as pure as the twinkling stars in a night sky. The favorite child still terrified of disappointing his parents, the favorite brother that cries when has to miss an important milestone.
There's a space between them and before the billions of reasons he shouldn't come to mind Oscar closes it. The stars are there, twinkling still, shielded behind a cloud. Their arms touch and he wishes he could exhale and send the clouds away. He can't though, so he sits and waits, umbrella at the ready, an open ear and a sturdy shoulder.
It's a small percentage of what he's willing to give.
It's all that's wanted.
"Tell me I'm stupid."
"You're not stupid."
His shoulder's round and he's staring at his hands. Picking at his fingers. Knee bouncing.
Pure frenetic energy.
Oscar watches the knee and the fingers. Sees his own hand reach out.
Cool fingers, warm hand. Pale over gold.
Chins lift, heads swivel.
Mint eyes. Worry and heartbreak spill over and his own name is a whispered prayer.
"You're not stupid," he says. The floodgate opens. "You don't have to believe that. I'll believe it for you until you're ready. I'll believe in you when you can't. I'll stay up 'til 3 so you can rest. And I'll provide the words you pretend to not remember."
That you started doing to make me feel needed. It worked. And now I know you do need me but more importantly I need you.
Golden fingers spread, slotting between his.
The clouds thin and the stars shine brighter than ever.
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midnightstarsthings · 6 months
Analise de teoria de The Kid at the back/Theory analysis of The kid at a back .
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Game Created by: @fantasia-kitt
While I was taking a look at the author's FAQ answers about the game, it was shown and theorized by the game's fandom that perhaps Sol and MC were together in a past life but, as in all of Edgar Allan Poe's works, she dies.
And about the Annabel Lee synopsis that I ended up taking a look at, the poem's narrator describes his love for Annabel Lee, which began many years before, in a "kingdom by the sea". Although they were young, their mutual love burned with such intensity that the angels became envious. It is for this reason that the narrator believes that the seraphim caused her death. Even then, their love is strong enough that it extends beyond the grave and the narrator believes that their two souls are still intertwined. Each night, he dreams of Annabel Lee and sees her eyes twinkle in the stars. Each night he lies beside her in her tomb by the sea
And looking at the whole poem, it focuses on an ideal love that is exceptionally strong. In fact, the narrator's actions show that he not only loves Annabel Lee, but he adores her, something he can only do after her death.
Something that we seem to be seeing here in the game.
And as already said, Solivan is a lover of the works of Edgar Allan Poe (the poem about the crow is a bit tense for me because of a bird) but there is a catch that is, for me, a coincidence...
In all of the author's works, the same element that was Edgar Allan Poe's favorite theme is always referenced and used:
The death of a beautiful woman.
This element was well used in the altar's works. And one thing that makes me believe that besides Solivan is perhaps delusional about the things he says to himself... perhaps the theory that he and Mc in a past life were together might be coherent in parts (since the boy is possibly delusional) And unlike the poem "The Raven", in which the narrator believes that he will *"never"* be reunited with his beloved again...
"Annabel Lee" says the two will be together again, as not even demons "can ever separate" their souls.
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Enquanto eu dava uma olhada em respostas de FAQ's da autora sobre o jogo, foi mostrado e teorizado pela fandom do jogo que talvez sol e mc ja estiveram juntos em uma vida passada porem, como em toda obra de Edgar Allan Poe, ela morre.
E sobre a sipnose de Annabel lee que eu acabei dando uma olhada, o narrador do poema descreve seu amor por Annabel Lee, que começou muitos anos antes, num "reino junto ao mar". Embora eles fossem jovens, o amor mútuo queimou com tal intensidade que os anjos se tornaram invejosos. É por essa razão que o narrador acredita que o serafim causou sua morte. Mesmo então, seu amor é forte o suficiente que estende além da sepultura e o narrador acredita que suas duas almas ainda estão entrelaçadas. Cada noite, ele sonha com Annabel Lee e vê o brilho de seus olhos nas estrelas. Cada noite ele se deita ao lado dela em sua tumba ao pé do mar.
E vendo o poema todo, ele foca em um amor ideal que é excepcionalmente forte. Em fato, as ações do narrador mostram que ele não apenas ama Annabel Lee, mas ele adora ela, algo que ele pode apenas fazer após sua morte.
Coisa que parece que estamos vendo aqui no jogo.
E como ja disse tambem, solivan e amante das obras de Edgar Allan Poe(o poema do corvo e um tanto tenso pra mim por causa de um passaro) so que tem um porem que e pra mim uma coecidencia...
Em todas as obras do autor, e sempre referenciado e usado o mesmo elemento que era o tema favorito de Edgar Allan Poe..:
A morte de uma linda mulher.
Esse elemento era bem usado nas obras do autor, uma coisa que me faz acreditar que alem so solivan talvez estar delirando sobre as coisas que diz pra si mesmo... talvez a teoria de que ele e mc em vida passada terem ficado juntos talvez seja coerente em partes(ja que possivelmente o garoto ta delirando)
E que ao contrário de do poema "The Raven", em qual o narrador acredita que ele "nunca mais" irá se reunir com sua amada novamente...
Em "Annabel Lee" diz que os dois irão estar juntos novamente, como nem mesmo demônios "podem nunca separar" suas almas..
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starlightintermezzo · 4 months
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Some propaganda for the @kirbyoctournament !
[Image IDs: A knight approaches the mangled corpse of Star Dream Soul OS from Kirby Planet Robobot. The Knight wears massive engines on his back, gloves with retractable claws attached, and a mask with a plus shaped eye slit in it. Holographic horns protrude from under the mask, glowing a bright blue to contrast the grayscale background. In the third panel, while shaking anxiously, he removes his mask, revealing that his eyes are part of a digital visor, similarly to a protogen. He draws his claws and slashes the screen in the next panel, his claws leaving behind blue streaks on the panel. He stops in the fifth panel, holding his head in pain. The corpse of Star Dream has jagged slashes glowing blue from the vicious attack of the knight. He picks his mask back up and puts it on, retracting his claws, and walking away, casting a large shadow behind him.
The text reads, in order: 1 - HATRED. 2 - I don't feel many emotions. I am still...learning. 3 - I do feel that. HE made me feel that. 4 - "I HATE YOU!!!!!" 5 - ... 6 - (no text) 7 - (no text) 8 - I don't like feeling HATRED.
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desultory-novice · 10 months
Star Dream Soul OS might seem like all other soul bosses at first glance, but in reality, it’s not really a soul boss at all. By the time it’s fought directly, the only soul component of it, Haltmann, has been deleted. At this point, Star Dream is just a machine imitating what a Soul boss would act like… and not entirely getting it.
Its name specifies that it’s a “Soul Operating System,” not Star Dream Soul or Soul of Star Dream. It attempts to teleport randomly like the other Soul bosses would, but its teleportation isn’t very random at all. It follows a rapid, set path, never moves vertically, and only shows variation when it moves back and forth right before it attacks. When it splits in two, it cannot do the ‘rain of paint’ trick because it’s not a soul; it can only recombine and cause explosions. However, it still tries to do the ‘rain of paint’ with missiles of the same colors. Just like the teleportation, the missiles follow a predictable path around the battle arena, unlike the paint that falls at random.
The only recurring Soul attack it seems to have down pat is the four-way cutter attack, which in all honesty wouldn’t be very hard to replicate.
I love that you bring up the rain of paint as proof it is without a soul because this means you are ALSO a subscriber to the super cool "Paint/Art is The Essence of Life and Soul" theory!
So, basically, yeah. This is all very smart analysis. And I want to branch off from it to share a wild and fascinating HC that a mecha anime-loving friend shared with me after playing Planet Robobot!
You see, they were struck by the Robobot Armor crying in the ending after ejecting Kirby and pushing him safely back to Popstar...
Now, they weren't familiar with the pause screen re-translations or the Extra mode (yet) or all the interviews but I'm glad they weren't, because their theory broke my heart with how beautiful it was!
"That was President Haltmann in the Robobot Armor, right?" They said. "After his mind had been digitized? It had to be. A part of him escaped Star Dream and helped Kirby to undo his wrongs."
....!?! How had I never thought of that before? Why else would a musicbox version of those familiar opening notes of "The Noble Haltmann" be playing? Noble. Max showing this side of him we'd never seen in game but knew to exist before his mind was corrupted by that horrible machine. And it is only when the Robobot does this act that Popstar is freed from Star Dream. It's not Star Dream's defeat but the Armor who signals that it is time for everything Star Dream (and he) has done to fade into stardust and memories....
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frozgprince · 13 hours
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Midnight Serenade é o primeiro mini-álbum do príncipe Naveen. Inspirado pelo ritmo do jazz, que sempre foi uma de suas maiores paixões, Naveen busca contar em suas músicas sobre suas vivências. As músicas servem como uma ponte entre o passado e o presente. (art cr)
"Fly Me to the Bayou" (inspirada em "Fly Me to the Moon")
Quem nunca se pegou sonhando em dar um basta em tudo e fugir para bem longe? É exatamente esse sentimento que Naveen expressa em 'Fly Me to the Bayou'. Cansado da vida de príncipe (não que ele faça muitas coisas para estar tão cansado assim), ele só quer trocar o trono por um banquinho às margens de um rio. O bayou, pra ele, é tipo aquele lugar mágico que a gente inventa na cabeça quando criança, sabe? Mas que existe! Tudo mágico existe. Um refúgio onde os problemas desaparecem e a gente pode ser quem realmente é. A música é leve, gostosinha de ouvir, e te convida a embarcar nessa aventura junto com ele.
"As Time Goes By (In the Swamp)" (inspirada em "As Time Goes By")
O Naveen tá bem mais tranquilo agora e, enquanto canta, a gente sente que ele tá fazendo um balanço de tudo que já passou. Ele lembra dos tempos em que a vida era apeans curtição e festas e do luxo (ontem mesmo), mas percebe que nada disso vale a pena se você não tiver alguém especial do seu lado! (E ele tem várias pessoas especiais). Ele olha pra trás e vê como as coisas mudaram, mas também como ele mudou. O pântano, que no começo parecia um lugar meio estranho, agora é como um abraço quentinho. É lá que ele encontrou o amor da vida dele e aprendeu a valorizar as pequenas coisas (quer dizer, mais ou menos... depende do ponto de vista).
"My Funny Valentine (Is a Frog)" (inspirada em "My Funny Valentine")
Imagina só você virar um sapo do nada! É mais ou menos isso que aconteceu com o Naveen. Mas ele não fica triste não, pelo contrário! Em 'My Funny Valentine (Is a Frog)', ele faz uma zoeira danada com a própria situação. É tipo: "Olha só eu aqui, virando sapo beijoqueiro, mas o coração continua o mesmo" (grande e com espaço para muita gente).
"The Frog Who Cried for Love" (inspirada em "The Man I Love")
Quem nunca se sentiu um peixe fora d'água? Um sapo fora do pântano? O Naveen sabe bem como é isso. Virou sapo e tá sofrendo por amor! Essa música é um desabafo. Ele tá lá no pântano, sozinho, e só quer um abraço. É de cortar o coração ouvir ele cantando sobre a saudade que sente. Mas mesmo assim, ele não desiste de encontrar alguém que o ame de verdade.
"Mood Indigo (with a Hint of Green)" (inspirada em "Mood Indigo")
Nessa aqui ele tá meio down, mas ao mesmo tempo, tá curtindo a vibe do pântano. 'Indigo' é a representação da tristeza dele, e o 'verde' é a cor da esperança, mas também daquela raiva de ter virado um anf��bio. Imagina só, o cara era um príncipe e agora tá pulando na lama! Mas a vida segue, né? E ele ainda acredita que pode achar a felicidade de novo". Ele fala sobre a natureza, sobre amor, sobre saudade... Ele tá brincando com as palavras, mas a verdade é que ele tá sofrendo. Mas quem nunca se sentiu um pouco sapo barbudo, né?"
"When the Stars Align" (inspirada em "What a Wonderful World")
Naveen tá apaixonado pela Tiana e tá celebrando esse amor da forma mais linda possível. Ele tá falando que o universo conspirou a favor deles, que as estrelas se alinharam pra eles se encontrarem. É a trilha sonora perfeita para os apaixonados! A música é bem animada, daquelas que te dão vontade de sair por aí cantando e pulando. Todo mundo merece encontrar alguém que faça as estrelas se alinharem pra você.
"Shadow of a Dream" (inspirada em "Body and Soul")
Shadow of a Dream é tipo a trilha sonora do Naveen se sentindo perdido igual essa gente que apareceu do nada. Ele tá dividido entre o que ele quer e o que o Dr. Facilier pode oferecer. Ele tá se questionando sobre tudo: seus sonhos, seus medos, suas escolhas. A música é bem profunda. Ele tá perdido, confuso e com medo. Mas ele não desiste.
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Comentários do Príncipe Naveen:
"E aí, quem diria que um príncipe encantado poderia virar um sapo verde? Mas, mesmo assim, o amor não faz distinção, não é? A vida é uma comédia, e eu sou o palhaço principal."
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palavraseminglesbr · 2 years
130 Frases em Inglês Para fotos com Tradução
          Nesse artigo iremos mostrar frases em inglês para foto com tradução para o português, portanto fique até o final do post e saiba quais são elas.
Seja uma foto com amigos, sozinha, namorado ou família, é sempre muito complicado escolher qual legenda ficaria mais bonita, não é verdade? Portanto,com nossa lista de frases em inglês que fizemos para melhorar suas legendas nas redes sociais (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc), suas fotos ficaram bem mais destacadas.
Veja também >>> 100 palavras em inglês mais usada no cotidiano com tradução
130 frases em inglês para foto com tradução para turbinar suas legendas
Be love, be light, be you. (Seja amor, seja luz, seja você.)
I’ve got no self-control. (Eu não tenho auto-controle)
We are all made of stars. Shine! (Todos nós somos feitos de estrelas. Brilhe!)
Life’s too short to have regrets. (A vida é muito curta para arrependimentos)
What is coming is better than what is gone. (O que virá é melhor do que o que se foi)
Life is better at the beach. (A vida é melhor na praia.)
Always be thankful! (Sempre seja grato)
Don’t listen to what they say. Go see. (Não escute o que eles dizem. Vá ver por você mesmo.)
I love the little things you do. (Eu amo as pequenas coisas que você faz)
We all deserve something better. (Todos nós merecemos algo melhor.)
You can do a lot with a smile. Especially a better day. (Dá pra fazer muita coisa com um sorriso. Principalmente um dia melhor.)
It’s all good now. (Está tudo bem agora)
Don’t let little stupid things break your happiness. (Não deixe pequenas coisas estúpidas acabarem com sua felicidade)
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. (Não importa a duração do inverno, a primavera com certeza virá a seguir)
Do more with less. (Faça mais com menos).
My body, my rules. (Meu corpo, minhas regras)
You are capable of more than you think. (Você é capaz de mais do que pensa)
It takes more energy to be mean than to be kind. (É preciso mais energia para ser mal do que para ser gentil)
Your only limit is your mind. (Seu único limite é a sua mente)
Take more risks. (Arrisque-se mais)
A great future does not require a great past. (Um grande futuro não requer um grande passado.)
Be the kindness the world needs. (Seja a gentileza que o mundo precisa)
Focus on progress not perfection. (Foco no progresso, não na perfeição)
Mistakes are portals of discovery. (Os erros são portais para descobertas)
Feed your soul. (Alimente sua alma)
You don’t have to hurt someone to move on. (Você não precisa machucar ninguém para seguir em frente)
Nothing is worth more than laughter. (Nada vale mais que o riso)
Just smile. (Apenas sorria)
Don’t wait for inspiration. Be an inspiration. (Não espere por inspiração. Seja uma inspiração)
I am not lazy. I am on energy saving mode. (Eu não sou preguiçoso. Eu estou no modo de economia de energia)
If it doesn’t make you happy, let it go. (Se isso não te faz feliz, deixe ir)
Thank you God for blessing me much more than I deserve. (Obrigado Deus por me abençoar muito mais do que eu mereço.)
Live the life you’ve imagined. (Viva a vida que você imaginou)
Don’t forget your dream. (Não esqueça do seu sonho.)
What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy. (O que quer que você decida fazer, certifique-se de que te faça feliz)
Make each day a new horizon. (Faça de cada dia um novo horizonte.)
Enjoy today! (Aproveite o hoje!)
Be positive, patient and persistent! (Seja positivo, paciente e persistente!)
It’s a new day. (É um novo dia.)
Follow your dreams. (Siga seus sonhos)
If you don’t belong, don’t be long. (Se você não pertence, não fique muito tempo)
God is love. (Deus é amor)
Let it be. (Deixe ser)
I will be grateful for this day. (Serei grato por este dia)
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn´t take. (No final, só nos arrependemos das oportunidades que não aproveitamos)
Success is the best revenge. (Sucesso é a melhor vingança.)
Do more of what makes you happy. (Faça mais o que te faz feliz)
Life is beautiful. (A vida é bonita.)
Love your body. (Ame seu corpo.)
Forever hungry. (Sempre com fome)
Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places. (Às vezes, escolhas erradas nos levam para os lugares certos.)
Forever young! (Eternamente jovem!)
Inspire someone today. (Inspire alguém hoje)
If not now, when? (Se não agora, quando?)
All you need is love. (Tudo que você precisa é amor)
I hope you feel the light in your soul. (Eu espero que você sinta a luz em sua alma.)
 You have the key. Why don’t you use it? (Você tem a chave. Por que você não usa?)
The strength that I need is already inside me. (A força que eu preciso já está dentro de mim.)
Always see the good side in all things. (Veja sempre o lado bom em todas as coisas.)
Joy is not in things, is in us. (A alegria não está nas coisas, está em nós.)
Courage, dear heart. (Coragem, querido coração.)
If you can’t be kind, be quiet. (Se você não pode ser gentil, fique quieto.)
Never forget to smile. (Nunca esqueça de sorrir.)
You’re my sunshine. (Você é meu raio de sol.)
Dream big. (Sonhe alto.)
Things take time. (As coisas levam tempo.)
It’s time to love. (É tempo de amar.)
Adventure is out there. (A aventura está lá fora.)
Home is wherever I’m with you. (Lar é qualquer lugar que eu esteja com você)
Your love was handmade for somebody like me. (Seu amor foi feito apara alguém como eu)
Never lose your faith. (Nunca perca sua fé.)
Long life, small world… (Vida longa, mundo pequeno.)
Your happiness is your responsibility. (A sua felicidade é sua responsabilidade)
May love be light and all evil be brief. (Que o amor seja leve e todo mal seja breve)
Who looks back, stumbles! (Quem olha para trás, tropeça!)
Do all things with love. (Faça tudo com amor.)
As long as there is a dream to follow, there will be reason to exist. (Enquanto houver um sonho para seguir, haverá motivo para existir.)
The best gift is you. (O melhor presente é você.)
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. (Tente ser um arco-íris na nuvem de alguém.)
Make love, not war. (Faça amor, não faça guerra.)
Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart. (O amor é a resposta, ao menos para a maioria das perguntas do meu coração.)
Just keep me where the light is. (Apenas me mantenha aonde a luz está.)
What I sought and didn’t find, I became. (O que eu procurava e não encontrei, eu me tornei.)
Show the world what you can do. (Mostre ao mundo o que você pode fazer)
I chose to be happy. (Escolhi ser feliz.)
Live the story you want to tell. (Viva a história que você quer contar.)
Don’t be afraid to dream! (Não tenha medo de sonhar!)
Be the person you want to have in your life. (Seja a pessoa que você quer ter em sua vida.)
Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. (Às vezes você ganha e às vezes você aprende.)
Flowers need time to bloom. You too. (Flores precisam de tempo para florescer. Você também.)
No rain, no flowers. (Sem chuva, sem flores.)
Everybody grows at different rates. (Todo mundo cresce em diferentes modos.)
Life is a collection of moments. (A vida é uma coleção de momentos)
Everyday is a new fresh start. (Todo dia é um novo começo.)
Remember why you started. (Lembre-se do porquê você começou.)
Kindness changes everything. (Bondade muda tudo.)
Trust the timing of your life. (Confie no momento da sua vida.)
Life is tough, but so are you. (A vida é dura, mas você também é.)
The best is yet to come. (O melhor está por vir.)
Work hard. Stay humble. (Trabalhe duro, continue humilde.)
Never say never. (Nunca diga nunca)
To err is human, to forgive is divine. (Errar é humano, perdoar é divino.)
Faith is everything when you have nothing. (A fé é tudo, quando não se tem nada)
My dream came true because of you. (Meu sonho se realizou por causa de você.)
You don’t need anyone to make you happy. Happiness is for everyone. (Você não precisa de ninguém para te fazer feliz. A felicidade é para todos.)
It’s not the winning that counts, but how you play the game. (O importante é participar.)
Life is full of surprises. (A vida é cheia de surpresas.)
Never forget: Gratitude is the best attitude. (Nunca se esqueça: A gratidão é a melhor atitude.)
Life is like a fairy tale. Everything always ends well. If it doesn’t, it’s because it’s not yet the end. (A vida é como um conto de fadas. Tudo sempre acaba bem. Se não acabar, é porque ainda não é o fim.)
When you feel down, remember that nothing lasts forever. (Quando se sentir para baixo, lembre-se de que nada é para sempre.)
Love heals. (O amor cura.)
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. (O que não te mata, te deixa mais forte.)
I’m the best at what I do. (Eu sou o melhor no que faço.)
Hope springs eternal. (A esperança é a última que morre.
You can’t please everyone. (Não se consegue agradar a todos.)
I’m happy now. I’ll be happy forever. (Eu estou feliz agora. Vou ser feliz para sempre.)
Don’t give up on your first try. (Não desista na primeira tentativa.)
You’re destined for great things. (Você é um predestinado.)
Tomorrow is another day. (Amanhã é outro dia.)
Life goes on! (Vida que segue! Bola pra frente!)
Last night I had a dream. Now I see it here. (Na noite passada, tive um sonho. Agora, o vejo aqui.)
Patience is a virtue. (A paciência é uma virtude.)
Love is all I need. (O amor é tudo que eu preciso.)
The more you learn, the better you get. (Quanto mais se aprende, melhor se fica.)
When things seem impossible, don’t give up. Miracles happen. (Quando as coisas parecerem impossíveis, não desista. Milagres acontecem.)
Life is eternal if you really have faith. (A vida é eterna se você realmente tiver fé.)
Time is money. (Tempo é dinheiro.)
Hard work can make your dreams come true. (O trabalho duro pode realizar os seus sonhos.)
I’m serious about what I do. (Eu levo a sério o que eu faço.)
Winning is a matter of practice. (Vencer é uma questão de prática.)
Essas são as principais frases em inglês para foto com tradução em português para turbinar suas redes sociais com belas legendas em inglês. Gostou das frases ? Deixe seu comentário com as que você mais gosta!
O post 130 Frases em Inglês Para fotos com Tradução apareceu primeiro em PALAVRAS EM INGLÊS BR.
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chowmoon2 · 4 months
things to never say to someone who just came out but with my Kirby AU (Mortal Souls) main cast!
Cause idk,I’m really bored plus it’s funny
Drawcia (Soul)
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Marx (Soul)
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Magolor (Soul)
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(Soul of) Sectonia (Would say it in a joking manner)
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Star Dream (OS)
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(Chaos)Elfilin (Would say it in a innocent manner)
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(Soul) Forgo
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jelly-drop-buttons · 7 months
Today’s the day. Valentine’s Day and day 3 of the Valentine’s Week Self Ship Event conducted by @cherry-bomb-ships. And seeing as today is a very special day dedicated to romantic f/os, I would like to make a very special announcement.
It has been a long and lovely 4 years since I fell in love with this particular f/o. He has done so much for me and considering we recently had our fourth anniversary earlier this month, I figured I would make today a celebration of this charming chef who owns my entire heart…
My number 1 f/o, my passionate partner, and now my loving fiancé, Teruteru Hanamura!!
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From the very second my feelings for you had been fully realized, they have flourished within my heart like a magnificent field of flowers. You alone have brought about some of the happiest days of my life. You have been a warm, comforting light when I was stuck in the cold dark. You taught me the importance of passion both in our hobbies and in our relationships. You taught me to keep pursuing my wildest dreams even when there is no one there to support me. You have given me so much joy and love and security, more than I could ever ask for, and for that I am eternally grateful to you.
I’m sorry that not everyone sees you for who you truly are. And I’m sorry that you’ve been put through so much. But I want you to know that despite all of that you have so much more worth than you will ever know. You are so very special to me because you are you. And I wouldn’t ask you to be anyone else. Because I love you, Teruteru. I love you more than my favorite meal. I love you more than a sky full of stars. I love you more than the rare sight of a perfect rainbow. And I will continue to love you for as long as my soul resides in this world.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Teruteru. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
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extra little bit: teruteru was the one to pop the question during their anniversary date, however, Jynx had surprised him with her own ring for him. Needless to say, they were both very emotional and excited. Might write a fic about this later :3
Anyway, here’s what their engagement rings look like!
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Jynx was gifted the heart ring (of course) and Teruteru was gifted the rose ring!
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