needlemeister · 6 months
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scugs r us
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stelaernis · 20 hours
dni. i rlly stopped drawing my ocs publicly for a reason and it's catching up to me wanting to quit doing it for sága too, the representation of my presence here. there's nothing good about being on twt. nothing good about sharing. maybe it is selfish to want response / validation for the things i do. it is not that simple of just post and run, it's the only thing i marginally was mediocre in and if i fail this i will fail everything. it's tiring to try knowing i just fall behind further.
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moonstone-chaos · 26 days
flat fuck Friday (not really)
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viva-la-topknot · 2 years
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💫 Knights of Nodd 🤓  Memes 🎨  General art tag here.
💫 Characters Featured: The Queen, the Shamen, Kitti, Will, Jenny, Buttons, Blackblood, Archie, and Rose.
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drew-winchester · 4 months
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rnainframe · 8 months
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scug n iterator sonas
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empyrean-demise · 6 months
Any fellow angels/ winged beings here?
~ 🕊 [Starfall]
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shilo-sumac · 3 months
"Shilo- I think you need to just ignore these fuckfaces. They're being mean for the sake of it and they WANT a reaction! I'm mad at these people."
maybe theyll understand my viewpoint if i just explain i just need to explain better i just need to be better at words its my fault they dont understand
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starfallenx · 2 months
I don't know what on earth possessed me, but I drew tango (partially inspired by the eyestrain ibis paint colour challenge - thus why his skin is white lol)
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Design heavily inspired by @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11's Double Hearted AU (go check it out, it's amazing)
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octahedral-chaos · 6 months
*hands over Saint (slug cat)*
Careful with this mf, they can fly and divine smite you if they get into the catnip pantry.
Oh... dear stars...
~ 🔶️ [Aven]
It's so cute! I want to hug it!
~ 💫 [Umbro]
It's... very fluffy... don't understand how it could fly though!
~ 🏹 [Edda]
~ 🕊 [Starfall]
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needlemeister · 6 months
hello! your art is amazing! i loveeee your scug designs :D
anyway, can you share something about your ocs? i don't know much, so it can be anything-- backstory, abilities, anything you find particularly cool? specifically the martyr or dragon slayer maybe :O it's hard to judge based on looks alone but thet seem like slugcats i'd really wanna play as lol
also, is the hy in your pronoun set pronounced he or hi (or some other way that i'm forgetting)?
have a good day byeee :]
hi i completely forgot to answer this ages ago sorry!!
I'll answer the non oc question first: you pronounce it like he/him! they're masc angelkin pronouns :]
also, if anyone wants me to do an info post like this on any of the antiscugs or my iterators, lmk!
Era: Post-Saint in a different facility entirely during a drought period induced by most Iterators dying out. Food is scarce, and there's no rain - only suffocating heat.
Diet: Batflies, Blue Fruit, Baby Centipedes - Each fills only one fourth of a pip. Larger amounts of food cause shock due to how overeating after starvation works irl. Four pips, no spillover. (OOOO|)
Abilities: Can starve one more cycle in a row before death. Always statistically considered to be in a starvation state. Can play dead.
Iterator: Calls Upon the Sea / CUTS, a lonesome Iterator whose facility acted as a giant lighthouse. Desperately pleading their siblings in their Local Group to say something, anything, unaware that they are the last one standing.
DRAGON SLAYER (anti-Refugee)
Era: Post-Pacifist, Pre-Riptide
Diet: Carnivorous. 1.5x pips from Lizards, 1/2x from any other creatures. Same amount of pips as Artificer. (OOOOOO|OOO)
Abilities: Same combat capabilities as Hunter. Deals 2x damage to all Lizards at the cost of always being fatally bit by them and locked at the lowest possible reputation with them. Bad swimming and balance due to lack of tail. Same mass as Gourmand.
Iterator: N/A. Avoided by Overseers due to attacking them one too many times.
Era: Post-Monk, almost immediately so. Outer Expanse is flourishing with Slugcats.
Diet: Default. Same pips as Artificer, in addition to two sets of three pips to also attend to. (OOOOOO|OOO + OOO|x2)
Abilities: Has a pair of Pups that they absolutely must take care of, or else they must repeat the cycle. Average stats. Can carry both pups on their back at once. If implemented in-game, players two and three are their pups when using Jolly Co-op. Combat stats are buffed if one or both of their pups are in danger.
Iterator: N/A. Too focused on keeping their pups safe - cans are dangerous!
Era: Pre-and-post-Martyr. Their first journey is to collect colored pearls for their Iterator before the heat burns them out, and their second is to deliver a message to CUTS.
Diet: N/A. Pips represent current charge (OOOOOOO|) and space for pearl storage (|OOO) respectively. Nap, hibernate, or interact with sources of electricity (Centipedes, Zappers, Electric Spears, etc) to charge. Charge slowly drains as they move and act. The heat will make them overheat if they spend too long outside between hibernations.
Abilities: Incapable of ingesting anything but pearls. Swift and agile, like a median between Spearmaster and Rivulet without the aquatic capabilities of the latter. Starts Marked.
Iterator: A currently unnamed Iterator that created them in order to collect and deliver pearls efficiently in the worsening conditions outside.
Era: Undetermined, possibly before The Great Ascension. Maybe Technomancer mod era?
Diet: Carnivorous. Incapable of consuming Black Lizards. Same pips as Spearmaster, due to the slow metabolism of underground creatures. (OOOOO|OOOOO)
Abilities: Blind. Mechanically, this means everything has the Shaded Citadel or Filtration System filter. Edges of terrain are illuminated as if with Monk's Citadel assist effect to represent the Covert relying on sound and touch. Sources of sound are illuminated better, and all non-ambient noises have their volume increased. Faster tunneling speed than any other.
Iterator: there's a nonzero chance only LttM exists here
Era: Paradoxically before Spearmaster and yet after Saint. Rubicon is present.
Diet: Carnivorous. Not sure on the pips.
Abilities: Capable of holding and producing a charge similar to Centipedes. Immune to stuns or damage Centipede and Jellyfish shocks, instead entering an overcharged state that gives them mild contact damage and stuns to enemies susceptible to electricity. Can charge Electric Spears and electrocute creatures via mauling.
Iterator: Sixteen Shooting Stars, a strange Iterator whose can is only accessible in Rubicon.
Era: Immediately after Monk.
Diet: Same as Monk, including the pips. (OOO|OO)
Abilities: Weaker and lighter than Monk, but also swifter. Lizard taming odds are doubled.
Iterator: Looks to the Moon, like their other siblings!
Not created with playability in mind. Basically a cross between Gourmand and Hunter, their parents.
Not created with playability in mind. An unstable cross between Rivulet and Spearmaster, their parents.
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stelaernis · 1 month
❛ starchive · 17.08.24 ❜ ✦ ad ﹔starfallen · it should not be this upsetting and frustrating to be online. i am in a perpetual mourning over how the outlet for my recharge completely collapsed like a house of cards and now i am in a state of loss where and how to handle it. it was a mistake to make my hobby my work, and yet i love it, i am married to it - i am whelved deep within the idea that i constantly have to present in the one place that i was not constantly thought of as ' troubled '.
the algorithm is abysmal. alternatively in tandem, i may as well just be falling off. but my minute breaks has caused anything i do to capsize to the bottom with no repose. people say to not care about numbers - but it is not that simple. a privileged take for people who do it as a hobby vs those who do it out of need or work. trying to rework the wired thoughts that it is wrong to seek validation to the things i make. because i do - it makes me the happiest to be told something resonated. i speak of it sometimes; my enthusiasm to astronomy and sleek elegant themes inspired someone enough that they too, became enamored with that world. to do something good for once ? to share a newfound interest ? how completely otherworldly it feels. for someone like me who lacks severely in real life - the genuineness and pure intention of that response stuck forever.
i should not have to deal with people's lack of artistic integrity and the guilt trip & lies that are blatantly easy to pick out. i have an unhealthy amount of patience to my own disservice but i will not tolerate disrespect. i document just about everything, i am considerably old for being in the community that i am in, and through innumerable experiences of arduous learning, i am not stupid. i can easily check the validity of any claims as well if it comes to it - and if people believe that artists do not warn or talk to each other about potential issues then they are wrong. truth will have proof. the internet in particular stores memories, history - you cannot fabricate something, it knows.
continuing, the internet has an incredibly displeasing habit of playing struggle olympics. you are not allowed to do well, you are not allowed to have good things happen, you are not allowed to be both depressed and still have some solace in things because then you are ˖⁺‧₊˚ magically healed ˖⁺‧₊˚ ! people are egregious in etiquette. if i post something i am happy about, i do not want echoing posts or comments that scream ' oh yeah ? well i have it worse !! i hate you for this !! i wish i had this but instead i am a damaged, fragile little flower '. to have assumptions made about oneself is extremely invasive. don't assume.
isolating out of habit is a normal occurrence for me. but it is rare for me to express displeasure through more wrathful means. i can tolerate many things until i am disrespected and lied to. and i will lose respect on my part when incessantly people do not take the responsibility to own up to their behaviours. taking my still & equanimous approaches as me accepting poor conduct is a wrongful assumption. i will be more strict. although i will always state as it is, it is clearly not enough - hence i will not be kind, i do not want to be anymore. it has been taken for granted too many times for me to justify. incredibly, i can still carry out professional responses despite the cold feel of pressure growing.
a vent, some form of reflection ? i won't respond to anything most likely unless it is extremely close mutuals or in regards to work.
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sternevogn · 2 years
Merry christmas and happy holidays y'all :]
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camliristarfallen · 1 year
Daily Writing Challenge May 22nd 2023 – Day 2 – Divine/Tragedy
Daily Writing Challenge May 22nd 2023 – Day 2 – Divine/Tragedy
 “Oh, Lady Starfallen, you are going to be the talk of the town once they see you on the red carpet,” Deidre Violetspinner, the Starfallen’s modiste, said with awe.
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 The older elven woman stood, and took in the gown she had made for Camliri. Cam turned in a circle, also admired the dress. It was nothing short of miraculous; made from Black Embersilk, the color of starless night, it was embroidered with silver filigree, and boasted dozens of fiery, orange sapphires, deep red carnelians and rubies, and tiny, shimmering diamond chips along the filigree work. The bodice was laced in the front, like a corset, with glowing silver ties. A belt made of Red Embersilk sat low on her hips, the center gleaming with a giant orange sapphire that seemed to be on fire.
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 Perched atop the Arcanist’s shoulders were epaulettes made of Orange and Red Embersilk, silver filigree, with a large, glistening ruby embedded on each side. Upon her head rested a delicate, six-pointed crown encrusted with fire opals. The stones gleamed with such light that it was dazzling to the eyes. On her back was a set of intricate, red and orange stained-glass flames, three on each side. They glowed from within and almost looked like real flames.
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 On her hands and feet, the modiste had crafted Black Embersilk gloves and stiletto shoes, both capped with twinkling, silver leather. The gloves were finger-less so that an array of rings made from the same orange sapphires, carnelians and rubies could be seen. From the lady’s ears dripped earrings of blown glass that looked like molten tear drops.
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 Cam hummed, twirling in front of the mirror, watching the gems sparkle like living flames.
 “I really think you’ve outdone yourself this time, Deidre. This gown is absolutely divine, I can’t wait to wear it on the red carpet for Vixxy’s show.” Deidre nodded, beaming proudly at the Arcanist’s words.
 “It’s a tragedy I can’t go with you to see the looks on everyone’s faces when they see you. But you’ll have Dana take lots of pictures for me, won’t you?”
 “Oh yes, Danastarian has been instructed to take as many pictures as possible. Still, he can’t go into any of the rooms, since he’s not on the guest list, but then, I don’t think I’ll need my assistant present for any of those rooms.” She winked at Deidre, who’s face turned a smidge red.
 Camliri twirled again in front of the mirrors, those blue eyes lit up as she once more inspected the gown.
 “Truly a masterpiece, Deidre. Thank you,” she said.
@daily-writing-challenge @vixannya​ for mentions.
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"How it Began." 42 days to finish.
This is the visual story of the day my OC met the thing that was going to completely ruin the rest of her eternal life.
Description: A digital painting of a night scene in a wrecked city on an Earth-like planet. A many-winged dragon/serpent rises out of a crack in the earth. It is enormous, bigger than the buildings, taking up quite a bit of the background, and its snakelike coils continue into the distance, flinging city debris as they writhe. It has armored plates on its face and all down its front and belly, and soft white fur instead of scales. It has many crooked horns, too many teeth, and fangs in front dripping yellow venom. It's glowing and it doesn't look friendly. Enter our protagonist, standing on the wet remains of the destroyed street, among debris and skeletons, so we know the situation is serious. She's in the foreground, facing away from us. She's wearing a dark uniform, and her hair is pulled back into a bun. Her posture is uncertain as she looks up at the creature in front of her. She holds a blaster in her right hand but the grip is unsteady, as if she forgot she was holding anything of use.
....The blaster will not be of use.
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astralcurses · 1 year
making eye contact with you. we could be friends... if you wanna /lh
i just think you're neat
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