gastropodracing · 4 years
can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soulsilver star trek AU
so this has been sitting for ages but……I have thought on this! I’d probably set this in the time post events of The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager. I’m choosing to ignore the events of the Star Trek movie and the series Picard because quite frankly…no.
I guess the general arc would be:
Lyra is in Starfleet proper, but she works on a space station. It’s more Deep Space Nine-ish but without the “holy crap this wormhole” drama, but it’s a bit wild west out there. She’s essentially a Starfleet anthropologist assigned to catalog and take notes on the myriad of cultures drifting through. Her strong, vibrant personality and ability to quickly code-switch works well to get information about new cultures and foster good relations and respect.
Silver is a Romulan whose work (scavenging and repurposing space flotsam and jetsam) brings him to the station every so often. He’s very shifty about his work, which makes people who don’t know him think he’s Tal Shiar (Romulan secret police), but he’s just very private. He feels he’s a bad example of a Romulan–not that he wants other people to know that. He probably frequents the bar and can be spotted in lonely corners gazing out at the stars.
I imagine Lyra finds this frequent visitor curious. He probably rebuffs her a lot at first, telling her to buzz off (is she spying on him?) manages to befriend him by fluffing his ego at first, asking where his gear was from (he made it himself!) and the like. A Romulan is unlikely to talk at length about  his culture unless in a pithy sense, so she tends to go for his personal achievements, and a friendship blooms from there. 
They fall in love in a slow sense. They come from different cultures and have to learn how to communicate. Lyra is busy with work with Silver disappears for weeks or even months at a time. They start staying in contact even when he’s gone with long calls and messages. When Silver’s around, they spend virtually all their time together, and that first kiss probably has so much romantic tension and pining leading up to it. 
They get together not long after the first kiss (that kinda love, you feel?) and live kind of this hectic life, and if Lyra transfers, Silver would choose to follow her wherever she goes. They honor both Lyra’s human traditions and Silver’s Romulan traditions, and I can see them with cats and lots of plants from both planets.
Fun notes/ideas/headcanons:
So much potential for Holodeck shenanigans. Showing each other favorite spaces. Lyra gets her childhood home programmed and shows him the quiet waters and waving grasses of her home on Earth. Silver shows her some of the most fantastic nebulae and some of the stark vistas from where he’s from on Romulus. 
Lyra works with Kris, a high-achieving but mischievous Vulcan–mischievous by Vulcan standards, which is to say she isn’t too spicy, and Ethan, a laidback and humorous human man. Kris tends to the curation and organization of the data that Ethan and Lyra bring in, while also taking note of human…proclivities. Ethan absolutely tries to wingman Silver and Lyra, but fails spectacularly because he doesn’t know how Romulan courtship goes. Kris largely leaves the romance alone, but she isn’t adverse to talking to Ethan about how to properly wingman.
I imagine Giovanni is some power-grubbing senator on Romulus and Silver complains about his tactics a lot. Lyra has a good relationship with her mother and can’t relate, but they certainly share some drinks over that one. This also suggests Silver is part of the senatorial class and isn’t allowed to marry outside of it, but he’s just out there rejecting Romulan society. Silver’s a nerd rebel like that.
Silver probably spends a lot of time in isolated corners just gazing out windows at the great starry expanse, completely in wonder, listening to music and books. He loves the literature and arts of various cultures, (probably has a collection of Klingon opera) but virtually no one knows that, and if you do, you’re sworn to secrecy about it.
The thought of Lyra and Silver figuring out how to touch and show affection is just…very cute to me. This AU would be full of that. Gah. Now I wanna write it for real.
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un0vian · 4 years
hi, it's mars's friend who asked to use your lil chikorita as a discord pic and i just want to thank you for the colorful leaf baby i will cherish him always
YES!!! I’m so glad you like it 😂 I didn’t expect the lil Chikorita to get so much love!
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kindaresilient · 5 years
🌺💘🌷 Get to know your mutuals! When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!🌷💘🌺
ah, thank u dear! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let me think
1. i am afraid of heights 
2. i have black skin
3. i have a doggo
4. spanish is my native language
5. i wanted to be a writer when growing up 
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skyguyed · 5 years
pick your favorite four questions from the gay ask game!
oh bless u for this ask.
7. was there a queer artist/show/book/movie that you listened to constantly when you were in the closet? Before I accepted my bi-ness I listened to Sufjan a lot and all his gay subtext, if that counts. I don’t know if he publicly identifies as LGBT but some of his lyrics, y’all, they have the Yearning
11. have a childhood crush that you didn’t realize was a crush until later in life? meg from hercules i had a meg doll as a kid and i was always shy around it??? now i know why 
15. gayest photo of you?
Tumblr media
on the rainbow road in reykjavik, iceland :) 
18. fit any stereotypes about your sexuality? whatever it is about bis and finger guns and lemon bars, i fit that,
for this ask
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erricdraven · 5 years
hi (umbralogia is my sideblog) i just wanna let you know that you're one of my favorite writers and your writing inspires me. i'm so excited for your new fic. the way you write lilith is just so beautiful and powerful
oh my gosh babe!! this is so lovely and so kind, i’m all warm and fuzzy lol to inspire another writer and to create stories that stick with them like that is just the highest compliment. i’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed the first chapter of toacof; it’s a project i’m really excited to pursue even though it’s a bit of a challenge for me in terms of doing something a bit more out of my comfort zone with my fic. writing lilith is something i’m super excited to get a chance to pursue as well, and it makes me so happy to hear how much it really stood out to you! basically this is a long winded way of saying i hope you know how much this means to me, and thank you so very much for taking the time to say so because i truly value the love and support 💓
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doctopus · 5 years
7, 9, 18, 32, 52 c:
7. earbuds or headphones?
earbuds dont work for me oof so headphones it is (plus i think they’re gross anyway)
9. favorite smell in the summer?
the beach smell despite me not liking being At a beach LOL
18. ideal weather?
the perfect weather to me is when its really windy, cloudy but not too cloudy, somewhat sunny, & it hasn’t rained
32. top five favorite vines?
i only have 3 fave vinesthis one, yj vine,
and this one  (i’m sorry i have absolutely no explanation for this one)
52. favorite font?
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umi-iro · 7 years
stariose replied to your post: i finally broke down and made a twitter hmu, esp...
following :D
!!! NOICE thanku
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blackgirlclassicist · 8 years
you can change your url to whatever you want. you're still my fave.
!!!! thank you???
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gastropodracing · 4 years
wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener wiener
it’s that damned weiners gang again!
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bumlegs · 4 years
Was memeing with @stariose and our combined stupidity conjured up this masterpiece. Listen at your own risk.
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skyguyed · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Did you see it? It’s soooo beautiful. All the colors, it’s like a... like a rainbow!
Happy New Year!
In honor of 2019 I decided to do my first ever follow forever, ish. (eek!!!) Here’s a sampling of 50 beautiful souls I’ve regularly reblogged/interacted with in 2018, and I hope y’all will too in 2019 cause they’re all rad! (Disclaimer: Not all of these are Star Wars blogs, and I’ve missed a lot of people.) To everyone listed here and to anyone I missed, thank you for being here on tumblr, for your friendship and creativity and participation in the fandom! Without further ado:
a-c @ahsoka @anakinshouldnt @angelsaxis @aspiringwarriorlibrarian @barissoffee @bedlamsbard @billaba @borifle @boshtetshep @cactuarkitty @clonewarsrevival @cowzforlife @ct-hardcase
d-m @darlingamidala @diversity-instarwars @dvme @dyingsighs @en-perpetua @herasyndlla @hotsam1 @houseorgana @joganpie @kayardia @lesbinewren @lizardsexposed @marcheswithwolves @maylovelies @mazkanata
n-r @naberiie @ninja-lanternshark @nitensalis @obaewankenope @obijuankenobiismyonlyho @padawanakin @padmaynaberrie @panimauser @rebelsfromstars @reyanakin @reycalrissianskywalker
s-z @sayori-in-comicsans @senatorgana @senator-organa​ @skywalkersleia​ @stairset​ @stariose​ @talizorah​ @the-star-wars-universe​ @treebeered​ @zackaran​ @zareleonis​
Have a great year everyone! :)
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marble-guts · 6 years
did you just change your url? almost didn't recognize you there whoops
yes! i was stariose, but i didn’t really feel it anymore so now i’m othyroneus, a guy from the illiad who wanted to marry cassandra, but instead get’s slaughtered for prancing around in wimpy armor while saying he was too tough to die. 
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doctopus · 6 years
tagged by @stariose thank u i havent done one of these in ages lel
Relationship status: single Favorite color: blu Top three ships: darcy/elizabeth, hook/emma (ouat), dick/kory (dc) Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick Last song: main title theme westworld Last Movie: infinity war, but it was a rewatch so before that antman and the wasp
i tag You.yes you 
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you-didnt · 8 years
@stariose tagged me and since I should be studying or writing right now, this is perfect for procrastination, thank you :D
relationship status: ... what do you think lipstick or chapstick: depends!!! In winter I’m obsessed with chapsticks if I don’t want my lips to shrivel up and die, but I never use it if I don’t need it. And I love lipstick last song i listened to: Atemlos by Helene Fischer but I can explain. I played it to annoy my brother. Really...!! top three shows: every ‘question’ that starts with “top three” makes me want to cry because I’m so so bad at choosing favourites. I just love everything. top three characters: *cries* top three ships: no please don’t I don’t know
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umi-iro · 6 years
stariose replied to your post: wow i’m 22
happy birthday!!!!
aahh thank you!!
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jrjsunflowers · 7 years
tagged by @wlwharrie ty btw 💕
first 20 songs that come on when you put your playlist on shuffle
troye sivan - blue
zolita - fight like a girl
ally hills - space
dodie - sick of losing soulmates
hayley kiyoko - feeding the fire
harry styles - girl crush
chaos chaos - do you feel it?
steven universe soundtrack - its over isn't it
fall out boy - the kids aren't alright
one direction - home
the veronicas - on your side
rihanna - towards the sun
kehlani - honey
benny - boys will be boys
ally hills - wrong
bea miller - song like you
little mix - secret love song part 2
hailee steinfeld - most girls
mary lambert - she keeps me warm
steven universe soundtrack - here comes a thought
lucky almost all my favorite songs
@louisunnamedalbum @dombawx @hue-man-bean @stariose @finchelstydia
I'm pretty sure my other favorites have already been tagged but if not you can say I tagged you 💖
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