#starr casas
samwisethewitch · 7 months
REVIEW: Old Style Conjure by Starr Casas
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There's some controversy around this book, mostly because Starr Casas is a white woman writing about hoodoo. (Or at least white passing -- Casas does not disclose her ancestry in this book, and I never want to assume based on appearances. Some of the memoir content in this book makes me think she may be from a mixed family.) I avoided this book for a long time because of that controversy, so I want to address it before I move into pros and cons.
When people accuse Casas of cultural appropriation, if they're not talking about her appearance they'll typically bring up this line from a FAQ section in this book: "Q. Can white folks do conjure work? Yes, they can, as long as they honor the ancestors of this work. Those ancestors are the folks who were kidnapped and sold into slavery. They brought this work here and deserve to be honored. And who better to honor them than the white folks who at one time enslaved them?"
I think this line is phrased poorly in a way that makes it easy to take it out of context as giving blanket permission for cultural appropriation. But after reading the entire book, I feel confident that wasn't what Casas was trying to communicate here. Casas is very aware of the legacy of slavery in the South, and she seems to believe very firmly that white folks need to reckon with the atrocity of the slave trade. It's our responsibility to do what we can to make amends for the evils of our ancestors. It's basically the same message other authors, like Aaron Oberon, have phrased better and been praised for.
It is also important to note that Casas isn't claiming to speak for all hoodoo practitioners -- this book is about her family's folk magic tradition, which is influenced by African American practices. She's very clear that other practitioners may do things a different way. She's also very clear about the importance of acknowledging and honoring the African roots of many Southern folk practices, something I personally agree with. The reality is, you'd be hard pressed to find a folk magic tradition in the South with NO African influences, and I appreciate what Casas is trying to do here by explicitly honoring those influences.
(On personal note, struggling to navigate the legacy of white supremacy while honoring Black and indigenous ancestors is something I personally relate to as a white person from a mixed-race family. There are no easy answers here.)
This book, its tone, and the language it uses reminds me a lot of my grandparents. They mean well, and they're remarkably antiracist for older folks in the rural south, but they aren't familiar with all the language and terminology activists use today. They're imperfect in their allyship, but they ARE trying to be allies. It's up to you whether that's a deal breaker for you.
Anyways, with that out of the way, here are my thoughts on the actual book and its content:
This is definitely "old style conjure." Everything here feels very authentic and traditional.
I liked the emphasis on using what you have and working with what is available to you. This is not a book that will have you running out to buy that one specific crystal you just have to have for a spell.
I also liked the emphasis on doing things yourself, including making your own oils and powders instead of buying from someone else. This DIY spirit is a big part of southern folk magic as I was taught.
Casas gives very clear, easily followed instructions and does her best to explain the "why" behind what's included in a work.
Great section on throwing bones!
The most comprehensive breakdown of the uses of dirt of any book I've found so far.
This book genuinely contains information I had learned from oral traditions but had not seen written down anywhere.
This book reminded me so much of the women who have taught me what I know of a Southern folk magic. It took me back to sitting at the kitchen table, watching my mentor do an egg cleanse for someone with holy water she had blessed herself.
Like I said, reading this book is a lot like a conversation with a Southern grandparent. That wasn't off-putting for me, but I can see how it might bother some readers.
I think Casas is from a slightly warmer climate than where I currently live. Some of the ingredients she uses in works, like olive leaves, are much harder to find in Southern Appalachia. Again, not a huge issue, but just know you'll have to make substitutions if you're not from a very warm climate.
Casas's practice is very heavily focused on working with ancestors and saints, which is not true for every Southern folk magic practitioner. I think she does sometimes give the impression that everyone has to work as closely with ancestors and saints as she does. You don't.
There's definitely a generational difference here with regards to how things like race, class, gender, etc. are discussed. I'm a younger millenial/elder Gen Z, and some of the language used in this book made me cringe a bit. Nothing as bad as slurs or open racism, but more like using outdated language that is considered poor manners but not quite offensive by younger generations.
Overall Rating: 3/5 stars
Would I recommend it?
Despite everything, yes I would. I think there really is some excellent information here, including things that are in danger of being lost. Casas says she wrote this book as a response to the rise of Internet witchcraft and that her goal is to preserve old style folk practices, and she absolutely accomplishes that goal.
This is definitely one I'd recommend checking out from the library before you decide whether to spend money on it, and it isn't without its flaws, but books about pure Southern folk magic with no New Age or neopagan influences are hard to find, so I wanted to spotlight this one. I got this from the library and am glad I did.
(And of course, if you're interested in African American folk magic, you should read books by African American authors. Luisah Teish and Stephanie Rose Bird are two of my personal favs.)
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buggywiththefolkmagic · 7 months
If ya'll defend Starr Casas and her "Who better to honor those enslaved by stealing and using their practice than those who enslaved them" mentality I can and will block the shit outta you.
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bruhstation · 9 days
Do they all have individual voices or do they still all sound like Ringo Starr/Michael Angelis doing various voices
they all have their individual voices! their voices are their UK dubs. however I also have personal headcanons for them in casa tidmouth, like henry's and percy's voices are a bit deeper. also my friend made a japanese dub casting for them around 2 years ago (some of them are subject to change but it's still sweet of it)
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drawing-cards · 5 months
White women, Christian’s, and the past actions of Jews have affected the trajectory of modern hoodoo as a whole. Everyone outside of African Americans see the practice as primitive or bastardize it. At the same time they monetize it or try to attract more people who don’t have the birth right to practice hoodoo to profit from.
For a practice that already lacks a lot of history due to not being recorded, many outsiders contribute to the issue by trying to make money from it. These white PhDs and self proclaimed masters of the practice do not give a fuck about the loss and bastardization of our history. They see these practices and traditions and change them to fit their narrative. African America academics are doing what they can to keep the history accurate but I can only imagine how difficult it is to spread academic information with how open science works right now.
Cat Yronwoode and Starr Casas and other white American women have made business off black practices. They get the facts and folklore wrong while being rude to those who try to correct them. Hoodoo is not just some magic practice that you make business from. Hoodoo in it’s nature is about liberation, good fortune, and protection from oppressive forces. Reading playing cards is not hoodoo. Forcing curio shops to close is oppressive. Taking these this practice and twisting it’s origins to make it more “open” is the antithesis of why it formed.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk I just wanted to go on a little rant.
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wytchwyse · 1 month
How To Command A Deck Full Of Devils: Books On Playing Card Cartomancy
Possibly more Witchier than Tarot is the simple 54 playing card deck. Many cultural groups have their system of divining with the "54 Devils". Though cartomancy like this comes from humble beginnings it is a rich and complex form of divination that still gives me a hard time. But if like me you are hell bent on reading playing cards here are some books to help.
A Deck Of Spells By Professor Charles Porterfield
54 Devils By Cory Thomas Hutcheson PhD
Hands Of Fate By  Robin Artisson
Cartomancy In Folk Witchcraft By Roger J. Horne
Divination Conjure Style By Starr Casas
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susieporta · 22 days
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Ci sono donne che sposano un rocker, e poi c'è una donna che ne ha sposato due.
Pattie Boyd era una bionda, ragazza dagli occhi da cerbiatta del sud-ovest dell'Inghilterra. Dopo aver trovato il successo nella moda, fu scritturata nel famoso film dei Beatles del 1964 ''A Hard Day's Night ''. Recitò la parte di una scolaretta la cui unica battuta era "Prisoners". Per quanto piccolo potesse essere stato quel ruolo, fu abbastanza per far sì che George Harrison la notasse.
Alla pausa pranzo, lui le chiese di uscire con lui, o più specificamente, gli chiese: "Mi vuoi sposare?" Boyd aveva un ragazzo al momento, e rifiutò.
"Ma sei scema? Lascia subito quel ragazzo'' gli disse un amica, così Boyd lo scaricò.
Pattie e George diventarono una coppia iconica. Lui era il timido Beatle, lei la modella di Vogue . Quando alla fine si sposarono nel 1966, Boyd disse: "Ero così felice che pensavo di poter scoppiare".
Il loro matrimonio fu segnato da diverse pietre miliari. La più famosa fu "Something", la canzone dei Beatles scritta per Boyd da Harrison. Fu lei a introdurre Harrison alla meditazione, gestendo il viaggio altamente pubblicizzato dei Beatles in India nel 1968.
Nonostante l'eccitazione, Boyd affermò che dopo il ritorno dall'India la spiritualità di Harrison lo rese sempre più isolato. Trascorreva ore da solo a cantare e meditare.
Nel frattempo, Harrison era diventato un buon amico di Clapton, che spesso frequentava la loro casa. Boyd capì presto che Clapton era interessata a lei.
Cominciò così l'ultimo triangolo amoroso rock and roll. Mentre Boyd si sentiva trascurata da Harrison, Clapton la riempì di attenzioni e complimenti. Non era solo un flirt leggero. Clapton si era infatuato di lei.
Come racconta Boyd, Clapton la invitò nell'appartamento di Londra che condivideva con i suoi Derek and the Dominos. Voleva farle sentire una canzone su cui stava lavorando. "Era una canzone incredibile", disse. Riguardava un uomo completamente affascinato da una donna, che la supplicava di essere sua. Si chiamava "Layla"
Ci fu una festa quella stessa sera. Boyd, Harrison e Clapton erano presenti. Ad un certo punto, Clapton andò con nonchalance al suo amico e disse: "Devo dirti una cosa. Sono innamorato di tua moglie. "
Harrison diventò furioso, disse a Pattie di andarsene con lui. Invece no, lei rimase con Harrison per altri tre anni. Ciò che alla fine convinse Boyd a lasciarlo fu la scoperta della relazione che Harrison stava avendo con Maureen Starr, la moglie di Ringo Starr.
Boyd e Clapton andarono a vivere insieme e si sposarono il 27 marzo del 1979.
Il che negli anni ruggenti degli anni sessanta, potrebbe essere anche considerato un lieto fine. Se non fosse per il fatto che il loro rapporto fu anche pieno di infedeltà e disordini: presunti amanti da entrambe le parti, le tendenze sempre più alcoliche di Clapton e infine un bambino avuto da Lory Del Santo, provocò una separazione nel 1987 e un divorzio nel 1989.
Per quanto drammatica fosse la situazione, l'amicizia di Clapton con Harrison sopravvisse. Harrison disse una volta: "Preferisco che lei stia con Eric piuttosto che in compagnia di qualche droga"
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sobreiromecanico · 23 days
No correio (25)
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Estava de férias em Évora durante o Dia Mundial do Livro - 23 de Abril. Ainda fui a várias livrarias da cidade em busca de um livro para comprar e assinalar a data (qualquer pretexto serve, não é?), mas não encontrei nada que quisesse mesmo adicionar à biblioteca cá de casa, pelo que recorri ao online para comprar este álbum: Cyberpunk 2077: Big City Dreams, com histórias no universo do videojogo da CD Projekt Red, uma delas ilustradas pelo Filipe Andrade (The Many Deaths of Laila Starr, Rare Flavours, etc). Curiosamente, este álbum venceu o Prémio Hugo na categoria de "Best Graphic Story or Comic" no ano passado, o que faz do Filipe o primeiro português a ter sido distinguido com um Prémio Hugo (ou pelo menos com 1/6 de um prémio, vá).
Chegou ontem, pelo correio. Nunca vou entender esta necessidade moderna de entregas de correio ao Sábado de manhã (sim, Segunda-feira seria conveniente).
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globin--goblin · 8 months
Dragón Claro: Abogado de primera
Todos los personajes de Ace Attorney, con nombres adaptados al español, con explicaciones de los significados y juegos de palabras.
El primer caso
Phoenix Wright: Dragón Claro. El dragón viene de su nombre japonés, Ryūichi, donde ryū significa dragón. Su apellido tiene el mismo efecto que Wright y Naruhodō, es una palabra que se utiliza mucho para decir "ah, ya veo." Apodos para Dragón incluyen Gon, Dragoncito mío, etc.
Mia Fey: Sandra Fatum. Sandra viene del griego, y significa "protectora." "Fatum" significa hada en latín. Los nombres de pila de sus parientes empiezan con "S" en esta versión.
Larry Butz: Pere Comonó. Su apellido japonés viene a significar "ya lo sabía," y Comonó es una adaptación de eso. La gente suele llamarlo Pero, otro apodo del nombre Pedro, haciendo así un chiste con "pero cómo no." En su clase, se decía "Si algo huele mal, va a ser Pere, cómo no."
Cindy Stone: Hortensia Migón. Por el hormigón. Cindy Nero/Cinder Block pasa a ser Hortensia Hormiga.
Frank Sawhit: José Loquebí. Por "sé lo que vi," al ser un testigo.
Winston Payne: Gerardo Lorido. Por "dolorido."
El caso de las hermanas
Maya Fey: Sofía Fatum. Sofía viene del griego, igual que Sandra, y significa sabiduría.
Miles Edgeworth: Abel Sable. Abel hace referencia a que es el hijo predilecto de su mentor. Su apellido Sable, además de sonar bien junto a su nombre de pila, es una referencia tanto al "edge" de su nombre inglés como al "剣" ("ken") del japonés, ambos de los cuales referencian las espadas.
Dick Gumshoe: Hércules Ganimard. Por Hércules Poirot y el inspector Ganimard, detectives de ficción de Agatha Christie y Maurice Leblanc. Hércules por ser un tío grande.
Marvin Grossberg: Gordon de la Montaña. Está gordo, y tanto su nombre japonés como el inglés hacen referencia a las montañas.
April May: Violeta Rosas. Por los colores y las flores.
Redd White: Rogelio Blanco. Por los colores, igual que en inglés.
Gatewater Hotel: Hotel Puertagua. Directamente del Watergate, parodiándolo.
El caso del samurái
Will Powers: León Hierro. Porque parece un león, y por la expresión "voluntad de hierro," en referencia al nombre inglés.
Jack Hammer: Isaac Torcido. Era actor, se había torcido el tobillo.
Penny Nichols: Carmen Tamara. Porque colecciona cartas, CARmen TAmara.
Sal Manella: Saúl Monela. Por la salmonela.
Cody Hackins: Pedro Taku. Es otaku, y se pasea por el estudio como Pedro por su casa.
Wendy Oldbag: Guadalupe Maruja. Por ser guarda de seguridad, y por ser una maruja.
Dee Vasquez: Astrid Vázquez. Forma "diva." Más o menos.
El caso del adiós
Lotta Hart: Margarita Sanabria. Por Margareta Momma, la primera mujer reportera, y por el lago de Sanabria, donde hay temas sobrenaturales.
Misty Fey: Socorro Fatum. Empieza por S, socorre a la gente, suena a señora mayor.
Gregory Edgeworth: Víctor Sable. Porque era la víctima.
Manfred von Karma: Evaristo del Karma. Porque ha evadido su mal karma y se ha salido con la suya.
Yanni Yogi: Marco Lepso. De narcolepsia, porque se hace el dormido.
Polly Jenkins: Loretta Pinares. Loretta por el loro, Pinares porque su apellido japonés significa "debajo del pino."
Robert Hammond: Roberto Cura. Nombre normal, basado en el inglés y el japonés.
El caso del renacer
(La referencia al fénix ya no funciona, este título está basado en el japonés, "giro total del renacer")
Ema Skye: Estela Celeste. Estrella, cielo. Nombre empieza con la misma letra que en inglés.
Lana Skye: Luna Celeste. Luna, cielo. Nombre empieza con la misma letra que en inglés.
Angel Starr: Alba Lucero. Alba y lucero tienen connotaciones positivas, y encajan con el Starr del inglés. Pero también vienen de Lucifer, que significa estrella de la mañana. Lucifer era un ángel, también encaja con lo del inglés
Jake Marshall: Jacob Sherman. Por Jacobo de la Biblia, hermano mayor, mientras que este es menor. Sherman de sheriff. Nombre en inglés por el tema de los vaqueros.
Neil Marshall: Esau Sherman. Por Esaú de la Biblia, hermano de Jacobo.
Bruce Goodman: Bruno Buendía.
Damon Gant: Kaiji Gante. Por "gigante", y su nombre japonés.
Mike Meekins: Donoso Ruíz. Ruidoso.
Joe Darke: Néstor Nomen. De nomen nescio, lo que se usa cuando se habla en un juicio de alguien cuyo nombre no se conoce.
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nana-evans · 1 year
10 Songs/10 People Tag Game
I got tagged by @asamandra and @kyrri0. Thanks, darlings!
1 - Feel Good Inc - Gorilaz
2 - idon'twannabeyou - Billie Eilish
3 - Les filles d'aujourd'hui - Joyce Jonathan, Vianney
4 - Rush - Arya Starr
5 - Broken - Amy Lee, Seether
6 - Amsterdam - Coldplay
7 - Sweet but Psycho - Ava Max
8- Est-ce que tu m'aimes? - GIMS
9 - Na tua estante - Pitty
10 - Casa Pré-Fabricada - Los Hermanos
I'll tag @space-luna, @placna, @boonsweetie @amberlyinviolet. @helena-edits-in-real-time, @theorangedeath, @bluedemonsblog, @sevdrag, @alphaflyer, @eulers-babe and anyone who wants to do it
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hagoftheholler · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if you had any books that you'd recommend on playing card divination or just on witchcraft in general? thanks so much!
I'm working on a masterlist of books. It's a work in progress because I've been rereading books to refresh my memory so that I can write accurate reviews.
In terms of playing card divination, I haven't read a lot of books on such things. Here are a few I've found online tho:
• Playing Cards: Predicting Your Future by Hali Morag
• Divination Conjure Style: Reading Cards, Throwing Bones and Other Forms of Household Fortune-Telling by Starr Casas, Josef Bailey
I've read the first one, and I don't agree with all of Hali's interpretations but it's decent. Haven't gotten my paws on the second one, but I plan to.
Here are some sites I used when I first started learning how to read playing cards:
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samwisethewitch · 2 months
REVIEW: Hoodoo Herbal by Starr Casas
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One thing that I think sometimes gets lost when we talk about Southern folk magic is that there's a lot of regional variation within the Southern US. Appalachian folklore and folk magic is trendy right now, but Appalachian traditions are actually very different from what other communities in the South are doing. While authors like Rebecca Beyer and Jake Richards do a great job of documenting Southern Appalachian lore, I think Starr Casas is one of the most high profile authors who covers what I would consider Deep South folk magic.
I know some people have issues with Casas, and I personally don't agree with her on everything (for example, she uses the words "hoodoo" and "conjure" interchangeably, while I use "hoodoo" specifically to refer to African American practices), but she is clearly very dedicated to documenting traditional Southern conjure as it was taught to her, and I can respect that.
This book is an herbal, and like most herbals, it's somewhere in between a spellbook and an encyclopedia. This is not a Conjure 101 book. Instead, this is a book for people who are already familiar with the basics and who want a reference book where they can quickly look up the lore and uses of different plants and curios in this tradition.
• Like Casas's other books, this is very authentic to traditional conjure in the Deep South. She covers things in her books I learned growing up here but have never seen written down anywhere else.
• Very comprehensive. This book covers most basic herbs, but also goes into how to work with houseplants, curios, and Biblical figures.
• Great breakdown of the hot/cold and sweet/bitter system used in conjure, and explains how to choose herbs for a work based on these properties.
• Easy to use as a reference book. It's easy to flip back and forth to find information about a specific plant or curio. I read this as an ebook, which made it even easier to look things up by searching specific words.
• Casas is very insistent that conjure must be passed down in person from an elder and is kind of condescending about people who learn conjure from books. This feels... not exactly like gatekeeping, because I see the point she's trying to make, but it rubs me the wrong way. I mean, the people in my family who knew this lore and practiced these works all died before I was born, and my parents and grandparents weren't interested in learning. My only option has been to reconstruct a personal/family conjure tradition based on local lore, talking to other workers, and yes, reading books. And while yes, I think books alone can only take you so far, I think we should acknowledge that not everyone has access to an in-person teacher.
• The other reason this bothers me is because Casas says her motivation for writing her books is to keep traditional conjure alive as the tradition's elders are aging and dying. So if she's aware that elders are dying without passing on what they know, why the insistence that true conjure can only be learned in person? Why write the books at all, then?
Other/Miscellaneous Observations:
• Casas feels very strongly that Christianity and the Bible are essential to conjure. If you do not feel the same, this book will piss you off.
• Casas is from Texas, and while I definitely consider her work more Deep South than Southwestern, there are some regional influences there. For example, Casas works with Catholic saints in an otherwise very Protestant magic tradition.
• Despite the above observations, Casas makes it very clear that she is not overly fond of churches and does not think you have to be a church-goer to practice conjure. She also talks about how she has taught conjure to people who aren't Christian, in case anyone was worried about that angle.
Conclusion: This is a solid reference book and a great collection of plant lore from the Southern US. I'm always happy to add books to my shelf that don't just parrot Western European herbalism, and it's nice to read a book that has info on New World plants. I have more issues with the philosophy/politics of this book than I did with Old Style Conjure by the same author, but this book does do a good job of showing what traditional conjure looks like. I recommend this as a reference for Southern US plant and curio lore, but definitely balance your perspective by picking up books from other authors and looking at other sides of the conversation.
Rating: 3/5 Stars
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How to Vet Authors in Witchcraft-The Buggy Way!
So you’ve found an aesthetically pleasing cover for a book in your local New Age section and you want to know if they’re worth that $25 price tag? You’ve come to the right place! Vetting witchcraft books can be super tricky...especially if you don’t know what to look for! 
My process for vetting is pretty simple, but it covers enough bases to see if it might be something to glance at. 
Look at who endorses the book! Who has raved about it? Do you know anything about that person? For example when looking at a folk magic book with an introduction from Starr Casas I immediately know there might be some Hoodoo appropriation involved because that’s what she is known for! Having an idea of who the ‘big bads’ are in the type of magic you’re looking at helps considerably. 
If the first step isn’t applicable...then I always go to Amazon, Goodreads, Tumblr, etc and look up reviews for the book and author! If there’s even one negative review I read it first then go to the rest. 
I look for ‘trigger words’ in reviews or just by flipping pages of the book itself. Words such as (for what I want to avoid in a book): Kabbalah, mixing together wicca and witchcraft as the same thing, sour jars, smudging, totems, white sage, starseed or indigo children, honey jars, voodoo dolls, shifting, claiming magic can cure illnesses like epilepsy or cancer, having ‘control’ over a deity, can cause cataclysms like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. Astral Projection being for beginners, not suggesting cleansing/protection methods, Atlantian races, ‘sacred feminine’ without the opposite/masculine.
Check the authors social medias/websites! I can’t stress how easy it is to spot someone using hoodoo work like honey jars or (specific) cow tongue bindings when they post all their spellwork on their insta or website. 
Do they have a shop? Check out what the shop sells and where it’s located! A lot of Hoodoo and Vodun appropriators have French Quarter ‘conjure’ shops.
Check their bibliography! Is it decently sized for the amount of pages the book has? Does it seem small? Who have they referenced? Is it someone on your personal no-no list? (A decent bibliography for say a well-researched 300 page book would be about 10-15 pages minimum. A lackluster one would be say 5 pages or less.)
Of those references used in the bibliography...are any of them major problematic individuals? Have they referenced the Frosts? Or other big no-nos? If not, you might be good!
If it’s a small bibliography, flip through and see if any of the information sticks out as UPG (unverified personal gnosis) which means things they can’t verify as accurate? If so it might not be the book you need! (Unless you are looking for personal accounts of something.)
Is the author associated with controversy in other areas? A quick google of “Author name controversy” will likely pull up some results if so. Check over the author’s stances on important matters like race, religion, etc if applicable via their social medias. 
And there you have it! My quick and easy, google-able vetting process that when mastered only takes a few minutes while standing in a bookstore instead of wasting money on books that don't suit what information you are looking for! It isn't foolproof, but it should help you avoid some of the bigger let-downs.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 2 months
Por cierto..mi última carrera en MADRID antes de VIAJAR a MEXICO por 1era vez [dia de mi 31 cumpleaños=28_11_2002 o un año exacto después de que AZNAR LOPEZ fuera el 1er presidente en visitar tras el 11_$ el DESPACHO OVAL donde Bill Clinton nacido en HOPE=ESPERANZA ..le metió un PURO por el COÑO a la JUDIA MONICA LEWINSKY según detallo el informe del Fiscal STARR..y que la mexicana ROCIO MEDELLIN BLANCO me regalaran un JERSEY de LANA=Dinero en MEXICO..en un bar de calle ALBERTO AGUILERA=cantante mexicano JUAN GABRIEL que murió en SANTA MONICA de improviso tras componer el cd HASTA QUE SE APAGUE EL SOL a Isabel PANtOJA=DINERO Y CRUZ..tras salir ella de la Carcel de ALAHURIN DE LA TORRE donde murió MANZANITA autor del cd QUEDATE CON CRISTO]..para correr la que sería mi ULTIMA MARATON [pues cuando iba a correr en ABRIL de 2003 la VIRGIN MONEY MARATHON DE LONDRES o como se llamaba el DOMINGO DE RAMOS de 2011 cuya recta final vi desde la Estatua de la REINA VICTORIA frente al Palacio de BUCKINGHAM junto a un tipo con bañador SANTA CRUZ..encontrando ese día la casa de KYLIE MINOGUE en DRAYTON GARDENS al lado del Bar ECLIPE y de los bares_restaurants CAMBIO DE TERCIO así como CAPOTE Y TOROS..me dieron por detras en una RETENCION A LA ALTURA de la TERMINAL IV de BARAJAS en CONSTRUCCION yendo con jaime De ROQUE=Sinonimo de ESTAR DORMIDO..al que no le paso nada pero yo tuve que ir a REHABILITACION por CERVICALES a IBERMUTUA frente al polideportivo SAN JUAN BAUSTISTA y junto a UNIVERSAL MUSIC SPAIN cuyo presidente era Simone BOSE por unos meses ya que murio de forma fulminante con 51 años por una NEUMONIA el 31_12_13]..que fue la MARATON DEL PACIFICO de MAZATLAN..donde hace 90% de humedad y 30 grados al final..por lo que pasaba por las DUCHAS del recorrido cuya mayor parte era de Adoquines por lo que daban un millón de dólares a quien batiera récord del MUNDO..además me levante medio_dormido por lo que me puse los IMPERDIBLES del DORSAL cerca de los Pezones y al moverse con el movimiento hizo herida y sangro extendiéndose con el agua de las duchas por lo que una mujer en META me dijo que parecía el de LA MATANZA de TEXAS..además el día anterior no pude hacer algún reconocimiento del terreno porque DILUVIO Y HABIA calles inundadas..2 días antes estaba de RESACA al celebrar mi cumple en aeropuerto de MEXICO con JAIME NIETO un amigo y compañero en SiEMENs de la mexicana ROCIO al que tenía que dar el BAUL DE ROPA que dejó en mi casa y luego lo seguí celebrando en el avión de AEROCALIFORNIA a MAZATLAN con una azafata por lo que llegue medio_borracho y no me creían los de la organización de la maratón para que me llevarán a mi hotel MISION como a unos africanos por lo que les tuve que enseñar mis credenciales.]..fue la carrera de CSIC que pasaba por plazas como la de EL SALVADOR o REPUBLICA DOMINICANA ,de LIMA o del BERNABEU..y me di el lujo de ir el primero el 1er KM ..yendo con su camiseta a MAZATLAN y a donde hice la PUTA MILI [E.T.S.I.A.N.] el día después del ATENTADO DE BATACLAN viendo en el ARMARIO ELECTRICO junto a la ETSIAN anuncio del concierto dia de mi año 44 [28_11_15] homenaje al 40 aniversario de LP UNA NOCHE EN LA OPERA de QUEEN en sala BUT por MOMO CORTES del que decía en ese anuncio Brian MAY que canta como EL DIABLO y NO CONOCE EL MIEDO ..y con el que versiono en español DEMASIADO AMOR TE MATARA del su cd BACK TO THE LIGHT aunque también la metieron en cd MADE IN HEAVEN o el póstumo a MERCURY de QUEEN..y junto anuncio de tributo a PINK FLOYD "THE OTHER SIDE" en sala JOY EScLAVA inagurada al día siguiente del Golpe de ESTADO FALLIDO de 23_F_81..tocando VIRGINIA MAESTRO ese 28_11_15 en sala EL SOL
Por cierto..camino de la ETSIAN pare en bar el 29 a tomar una CRUZ_CAMPO [VIA CRUCIS DE SEVILLA] y la clave WIFI era EL292015JESUS..y mi última carrera en ESPAÑA antes de ir a MEXICO fue la BEHOVIA_SAN SEBASTIAN en noviembre 2002 cayéndome al recortar en las CURVAS y pisar fuera bajando a PASAJE DE SAN JUAN..pero acabe los 9 KM que faltaban y no me calificaron porque tire empapada la camiseta de la Maratón MILLENIUM de MADRID llevando el DORSAL en la MANO del CD FORTUNA que la organizaba..pero me devolvieron los 2€ del chip de tiempo y pude llamar a JUAN JOSE LASSO DE LA VEGA que estaba ATASCADO con mi BMW comprado en calle SALVA_TIERRA y estaba lloviendo así como me había salido un huevo en el tobillo por lo que no podía ni andar ni conducir a MADRID..x cierto.. llevaba debajo la camiseta de la maratón de SEVILLA de 2002 patrocinada por SUPERCABLE con la que fui fotografiado en SAN SEBASTIAN
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davidmalan265s · 2 months
Cine a inventat de fapt becul cu incandescenta?
A fost Thomas Edison sau altcineva? De la becul cu incandescenta la becul led de azi. 1.CINE A INVENTAT BECUL SI CAND? 2.PRIMELE CERCETARI SI DEZVOLTARI 3.PRIMA LAMPA ELECTRICA 4.PRIMUL BEC SCUMP 5.IN CAUTAREA BECULUI IEFTIN 6.O CONCURENTA BENEFICA: JOSEPH SWAN VS. THOMAS EDISON 7.PRIMUL BEC INCANDESCENT PRACTIC 8.CARE ESTE BECUL CU CEA MAI LUNGA VIATA? 9.UTILIZAREA BECULUI IN MASA 10.BECUL CU FILAMENT DIN WOLFRAM 11.ELIMINAREA TREPTATA A BECURILOR CLASICE 12.BECURILE LED 13.INFORMATII INTERESANTE DESPRE BEC 1.CINE A INVENTAT BECUL SI CAND? Desi Thomas Edison e creditat ca si omul care a inventat becul asa cum sustin majoritatea, cativa alti inventatori au pavat drumul inaintea sa. Dupa cum veti afla în curand, raspunsul la aceasta enigma este mai puțin clar. Depinde și de ceea ce ați considera un bec „adevarat”. Dar, la fel ca multe inventii de-a lungul timpului, produsul final este munca cumulativa a multor inventatori de-a lungul istoriei, același lucru este valabil și pentru bec. lampa antipanica Azi vom face un tur rapid prin istoria becului și ne vom opri la cativa dintre jucatorii cheie. Bec Edison - obiectul din imaginea de mai sus face parte din colecția protejată de obiecte a Institutului Franklin Faimosul american Edison nu este singurul contributor la dezvoltarea acestei tehnologii extraordinare, inaintea sa sunt creditate merite lui Ebenezer Kinnersley, Alessandro Volta, Humphry Davy, James Bowman Lindsay, Marcellin Jobard, Warren de la Rue,John W. Starr, Moses Gerrish Farmer, Alexander Lodygin, Henry Woodward, Mathew Evans, si in cele din urma lui Joseph Wilson Swan. iluminat antipanica 2.PRIMELE CERCETARI SI DEZVOLTARI Istoria becului incepe cu mult inainte ca Edison sa pantenteze primul sau bec comercial in 1879. In anul 1761, inventatorul englez Ebenezer Kinnersley oferea demonstratii in care incalzea conductoare pe care le aducea la incandescenta. In anul 1800, inventatorul italian Alessandro Volta a dezvoltat prima metoda practica de generarea a electricitatii, si anume pila voltaica. Realizata din discuri succesive de zinc si cupru, intercalate cu straturi de carton inmuiate in apa sarata, pila conducea electricitatea atunci cand un fir de cupru era conectat la fiecare capat. Firul de cupru stralucitor al lui Volta este oficial considerat precursorul bateriei, dar totodata este considerat si ca manifestarea timpurie a iluminatului incandescent. iluminat panica Potrivit lui Harold Schobert, pila voltaica "a permis oamenilor de stiinta sa experimenteze curentul electric sub conditii controlate". La scurt timp dupa ce Volta si-a prezentat descoperirea sa pentru o sursa continua de electricitate Societatii Regale din Londra, Davy Humphry produce prima lampa electrica din lume conectand pila electrica la electrozi de carbune. iluminat pentru continuarea lucrului 3.PRIMA LAMPA ELECTRICA Inventia lui Davy din 1802 a fost cunoscuta ca lampa cu arc electric, numita dupa arcul luminos emis intre cei doi electrozi de carbon, potrivit scrierilor din "The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy" (HardPress Publishing, 2016)
O schita cu Humphry lucrand la un experiment cu alcaline Chiar daca lampa lui Davy era o imbunatatire sigura la pila lui Volta, nu era inca suficient de practica ca si sursa de lumina. Aceasta lampa rudimentara ardea repede si era mult prea luminoasa pentru uzul in casa sau intr-un spatiu de munca. Cu toate acestea alte experimente ale lui Davy au condus catre lampa de siguranta pentru mineri, iluminatul strazilor in Paris si alte orase europene. Principiul din spatele lampii cu arc electric al lui Humphry Davy a fost folosit in dezvoltarea multor lampi electrice si becuri in anii 1800. iluminat de siguranta pentru evacuare normativ In 1835, James Bowman Lindsay a demonstrat o lumina electrica constanta la o intalnire publica din Dundee, Scoția. El a declarat ca poate „sa citeasca o carte la o distanta de un picior si jumatate”. Cu toate acestea, el nu a mai dezvoltat lampa electrica.
4.PRIMUL BEC SCUMP In 1840, savantul britanic Warren de la Rue a dezvoltat o lampa de lumina ce folosea un filament elicoidal de platina in loc de cupru, dar costul ridicat al platinii a impiedicat lampa sa aiba un succes comercial In 1848, englezul William Staite a imbunatatit longevitatea lampii cu arc conventional dezvoltand un mecanism de ceas care regla miscarea electrozilor de carbon care se erodau atata de repede. Dra costul bateriilor uzate sa alimenteze lampa lui Staite limitau deasemenea o posibila aplicatie practica. Dupa cum puteti vedea inventarea becului nu tine cont doar de inventarea sa, ci si de posibilitatile de alimentare cu energie electrica de la acea vreme. kit emergenta lampi led 2h
In 1859, Moses G. Farmer a construit un bec electric cu incandescenta folosind un filament de platina. Thomas Edison a vazut mai tarziu unul dintre aceste becuri intr-un magazin din Boston si i-a cerut lui Farmer sfaturi cu privire la afacerea cu lumina electrica. 5.IN CAUTAREA BECULUI IEFTIN In 1872, rusul Alexander Lodygin a inventat un bec cu incandescenta si a obtinut un brevet rusesc în 1874. A folosit doua tije de carbon subtiri intr-un recipient de sticla, inchis ermetic si umplut cu azot. Mai tarziu a locuit in SUA, si-a schimbat numele in Alexander de Lodyguine si a obtinut brevete pentru lampi cu incandescenta care aveau filamente de crom, iridiu, rodiu, ruteniu, osmiu, molibden și wolfram, iar un bec care folosea un filament de molibden a fost demonstrat la targul mondial din 1900 de la Paris. Timbru rusesc din 1952 cu Alexander Lodigyn 6.O CONCURENTA BENEFICA: JOSEPH SWAN VS. THOMAS EDISON In 1850, chimistul englez Joseph Swan nascut in Sunderland a inceput incercarile pentru realizarea unei lampi electrice mult mai economice, si pana in 1860 a dezvoltat un bec care utiliza filamente din hartie carbonizata in locul filamentelor de platina. Swan a primit un patent in U.K. in 1878, si in februarie 1879 a facut demonstratii publice ale acestei descoperiri stiintifice folosind lampi experimentale. Asemenea interpretarilor anterioare ale becului, filamentele lui Swan au fost plasate într-un tub vidat pentru a minimiza expunerea lor la oxigen, prelungindu-le durata de viata. Din nefericire pentru Swan, pompele de vid nu erau foarte eficiente atunci, iar prototipul nu funcționa suficient de bine pentru utilizarea de zi cu zi. Edison a realizat ca problema lui Swan era filamentul. Un filament subtire cu rezistenta electrica mare ar face practica lampa fiindca ar necesita un curent mic pentru a o face sa straluceasca. El a facut o demonstratie a becului sau folosind un filament de platina intr-un tub de sticla vidat in decembrie 1879 in New Jersey. Swan a preluat imbunatatirile folosindu-le in propriul bec si a fondat o firma de iluminat electric in Anglia.
Edison l-a dat in judecata pentru incalcarea brevetelor, dar brevetul lui Swan a fost puternic aparat, cel putin in U.K. Cei doi inventatori si-au unit in cele din urma fortele si au format compania Edison-Swan United, care a devenit una dintre cele mai mari producatoare de becuri din lume.
Compania Edison si Swan - sursa: Wikimedia Commons 7.PRIMUL BEC INCANDESCENT PRACTIC Unde Edison și-a depasit concurenta a fost în dezvoltarea unui bec practic si ieftin. Edison și echipa sa de cercetatori au testat peste 3.000 de modele de becuri între 1878 și 1880. Deoarece designul său a avut atât de mult succes, a dominat efectiv piața și a depășit toate celelalte versiuni. In noiembrie 1879, Edison a depus un brevet pentru o lampa electrica cu filament de carbon, conform Arhivelor Naționale Amerciane. Brevetul a enumerat mai multe materiale care ar putea fi folosite pentru filament, inclusiv bumbac, in si lemn. Edison si-a petrecut anul urmator gasind filamentul perfect pentru noul sau bec, testand peste 6.000 de plante pentru a determina ce material ar arde cel mai mult. Edison a recunoscut ca munca a fost plictisitoare și foarte solicitanta, în special pentru lucratorii sai care ajutau la experimente. El a recunoscut intotdeauna importanta muncii si a hotararii. La cateva luni dupa acordarea brevetului din 1879, Edison si echipa sa au descoperit ca un filament de bambus carbonizat ar putea arde mai mult de 1.200 de ore, potrivit Muzeului Edison. Bambusul a fost folosit pentru filamentele becurilor lui Edison pana cand a început sa fie inlocuit cu materiale cu o durata mai lunga de viata in anii 1880 - 1900. 8.CARE ESTE BECUL CU CEA MAI LUNGA VIATA? In 1882, Lewis Howard Latimer, unul dintre cercetatorii lui Edison, a brevetat o modalitate mai eficienta de fabricare a filamentelor de carbon. Si în 1903, Willis R. Whitney a inventat un tratament pentru aceste filamente care le-a permis sa arda stralucitor fara a innegri interiorul becurilor de sticla, potrivit Institutului Smithsonian. 9.UTILIZAREA BECULUI IN MASA Incepe electrificarea natiei cu 3 firme mari competitoare Edison, Thomson-Houston si Westinhouse Electric pentru suprematia in afacerea lucrativa de a construi retele electrice, incluzand statii generatoare, statii de transformare, sisteme de distributie, sisteme de iluminat. Edison era un sustinator al sistemului de curent continuu DC, in timp ce Thomson si Westinghouse sustinea sistemul de curent alternativ AC. Pana in 1890 Edison isi da seama ca retelele de curent alternativ erau o solutie superioara, asadar in 1891 Edison incearca sa obtina un imprumut de la bancherul JP Morgan pentru a cumpara cele 2 companii si patentele lor de AC. In schimb, in 1892, Morgan a achizitionat atat Edison Electric Co., cat si Thompson-Houston Co. si le-a fuzionat sub numele de General Electric Co. un conglomerat american, a doua companie din Statele Unite Ale Americii ca valoare de piata dupa ExxonMObil si a treia din lume in anul 2008.
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catstarrecordings · 5 months
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01.Mike Newman - Stop Feeling Down (Original Mix) [Panthera] 02.Mirko & Meex - If You Girl Only Knew (Extended Mix) [HouseU] 03.Sebb Junior - 4 My Luv (Wave Point Extended [La Vie D'Artiste] 04.Alan Dixon - Love Chemicals Feat. Ekkah [Future Disco Dance Club] 05.Effin & Blindin - Lost in time [Mena Music] 06.Kryder, JAI RYU - Minutes To Midnight (Extended Mix) [Armada] 07.David Guetta - Big Fuck feat Ayra Starr & Lil Durk (Murchikk & D!scoman Smile Face Rmx) [CTSTR] 08.Croatia Squad - Speaker Cone Blow [Enormous Tunes] 09.Ninetoes & Alvin Kyer - Heartbeat On Time (Original Mix) [Head To Toe] 10.Raffaele Ciavolino, FederFunk - Your Life [Onako] 11.Rick Marshall & Sarah Kennedy - Happiness (Original Mix) [ArtFunk] 12.Rick Marshall - Spend The Night [Funky Revival] 13.Madds - Words [Sirup Music] 14.GhostMasters - The Same Scene (Extended Mix) [Guareber Recordings] 15.Wayne Soul Avengerz & Odyssey Inc. feat. Joa - Runnin Away (Extended Mix) [Trois Garcon] 16.The Kollective, Discoplex - Mr. Brown (Extended Mix) [Phoenix Music] 17.Block & Crown, Paul Parsons - Give a Little (Original Mix) [PLAYEDiT] 18.Kid Massive - Over You (Extended Mix) [House Heads] 19.Dj.A-Bor - Babydancer [CTSTR] 20.Jackers Revenge, Lissat - Bam Bam [Supercircus] 21.Sean Finn & No Hopes - What a Bam (Milk Bar Extended Remix) [Tribal Kitchen] 22.Diego Serrao - Hate You (Dj.A-Bor Retro Mix) [CTSTR] 23.Tiesto & Tears For Fears x NIIKO X SWAE & GUDFELLA - Rule The World (Everybody) (Extended Mix) [Capitol] 24.Block & Crown, Paul Parsons - Tricky Love [PLAYEDiT] 25.ventuno - Dolcenera [Spinnin'] 26.Marco Ferry, Thomas Menegazzi - Escape [Casa Rossa] 27.CHIPZ - The Monster [WyldCard] 28.Jenn Getz & Alfie - Vibration [Toolroom] 29.Marc Romboy, Timo Maas - Die Zeit [Systematic]
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mondoradiowmse · 5 months
12/20/23 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's special edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "Too Fat for the Chimney" - A Very Mondo Xmas 2023! If you dig these seasonal sounds, don't forget to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
Ramma Lamma - Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme - Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme (Single)
Tyler Chicorel Feat. Ashley Smith - Give It All Away - Give It All Away (Single)
Space Raft - Another Holiday Is Here - Another Holiday Is Here (Single)
The Midwest Beat - That's What Christmas Means To Me - That's What Christmas Means To Me (Single)
The Fireflies - Pretty Christmas - The Fireflies Tackle Your Christmas Tree
The Flaming Lips - Little Drummer Boy (Live) - Heady Nuggs: 20 Years After Clouds Taste Metallic 1994-1997
Wooden Shjips - O Tannenbaum - Holiday Cassingle (Single)
Imagene Peise - White Christmas (Binson Echorec Sleigh Ride) - Atlas Eets Christmas
Heidecker & Wood - Christmas Suite - Starting From Nowhere
Jack Black - Oh Hanukkah - Hanukkah +
Amil Byleckie - Whats In The Bag (Old Man)? - Good Angels Guard Thee
Dungeon Broads Feat. Jacob Berendes - O Christmas Tree - A Very Messy Holiday
Alvaro Cordova E Coro Della Piccola Casa San Giuseppe Accompagnato Dal Complesso Speciale Del Pistoia - Bianco Natale (White Christmas) - Christmas In Italy
Capitol Records With Margaret Whiting - Season's Greetings From Capitol 1949 - Season's Greetings From Capitol 1949 (Single)
Kay Starr With Orchestra Conducted By Frank DeVol - (Everybody's Waitin' For) The Man With The Bag - (Everybody's Waitin' For) The Man With The Bag (Single)
Liberace With George Liberace And His Orchestra - The Toy Piano - Christmas At Liberace's
The Singing Dogs - Jingle Bells - Dr. Demento Presents The Greatest Christmas Novelty CD Of All Time
Roger LaVern & The Microns - Christmas Stocking - Vampires, Cowboys, Spacemen & Spooks: The Very Best Of Joe Meek's Instrumentals
Bobby Helms - Captain Santa Claus (And His Reindeer Space Patrol) - Captain Santa Claus (And His Reindeer Space Patrol) (Single)
Sunshine Ruby - Too Fat For The Chimney - Too Fat For The Chimney (Single)
Sugar "Chile" Robinson - Christmas Boogie - Christmas Boogie (Single)
Fat Daddy - Fat Daddy - A John Waters Christmas
Detroit Junior - Christmas Day - Blue Yule: Christmas Blues And R&B Classics
Darlene Love - White Christmas - A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Solomon Burke - Presents For Christmas - The Original Soul Christmas
James Brown - Santa Claus Is Definitely Here To Stay (Vocal) - The Singles, Vol. 7: 1970-1972
Edd 'Kookie' Byrnes - Yulesville - Yulesville!: 33 Rockin' Rollin' Christmas Blasters For The Cool Season
Bob Seger & The Last Heard - Sock It To Me Santa - Heavy Music: The Complete Cameo Recordings 1966-1967
Bob & Doug McKenzie - Twelve Days Of Christmas - Great White North
Heather Noel - Santa Came On A Nuclear Missile - The American Song-Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
Monty Python - Christmas In Heaven - Monty Python Sings
James White And The Blacks - Christmas With Satan - Off White
Henry Rollins - 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - O Come All Ye Faithful: Rock For Choice
Root Boy Slim & The Sex Change Band With The Rootettes - Xmas At K-Mart - Just Can't Get Enough: New Wave Xmas
Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight) - Brain Drain
Sparks - Thank God It's Not Christmas - Kimono My House
Nilsson - Remember (Christmas) - Son Of Schmilsson
Wizzard - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard Brew
Slade - Merry Xmas Everybody - Get Yer Boots On: The Best Of Slade
John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - Gimme Some Truth
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