#stars align daybreak
anshines · 11 months
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ivoryyokai · 9 months
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invertiontakenhold · 1 year
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oh umbra, eavesdropping isn’t very kind now is it? would you have thought it was worth it if you knew what’d happen? what’s done is done, let’s not dwell on it.
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tojiwrd · 1 year
the consequences of the voice in your head ; toji fushiguro
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pairing toji fushiguro x fem!reader
summary it was easy to love toji but, sometimes, it was difficult to make peace with loving toji.
word count 4k
content warnings angstyyy, hurt/no comfort kind of, open ending kind of, grieving, self-loathing, comparing, lots of overthinking. toji's a good good dad, megumi's a lil ice hockey kid, naoya and toji r civil and almost friendly cousins in this
Breaking habits was difficult. Waking up on a Monday at seven in the morning was difficult. Love was difficult. These were all things you knew, and they always lingered in the back of your mind ready to put their claws into any thought that questioned why? Daybreak came and went everyday, sunlight got chased away by silver streams of moonlight, and these thoughts—no, facts—remained asleep, waiting for the moment to pounce onto the occasional question that flitted across your mind: why was love difficult?
You knew there was no true answer; there was no prose you could read written by a qualified doctor on WebMD that told you exactly why love was difficult. It just was. You could ask friends, family, and even strangers on the street and they could give you an answer that, in their own circumstance, ranging from calm to increasingly tumultuous, was true. But you could never get an answer for yourself from anybody but yourself. Perhaps breaking habit was difficult for Toji Fushiguro because he had learned that love—not the fleeting kind that you have when you meet a one-night-stand and immediately feel like the stars had aligned that night for the two of you, only to feel near to nothing for them until they turn into a silly anecdote—could only happen once, with one person. 
For you, breaking habits was difficult because when you were thirteen, your friend handed you a cigarette and said once you get used to it, it’s akin to the feeling of laying on your bed and the duvet is warm to the bone on a chilly day. 
Waking up on a Monday at seven in the morning was difficult for you probably because as soon as your eyes flickered open, you would see Toji staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows with a rueful look on his features. The first time you’d seen this image was the morning after you, Toji, and little Megumi Fushiguro moved into your new place. It brought a smile to your face, the kind of smile that is only worn by a person when they admire somebody when they aren’t looking. That was until he opened his palms and stared down at his fingers, right hand coming up to softly brush the empty ring finger. He’d bit his lip slightly, and you just about missed him from seeing you awake, before he reached down to the pocket of his plaid blue sleep shorts you’d gifted him and pulled out a ring—the ring, you’d realized—and placed it on the empty finger he was focused on. 
You had beat yourself up over witnessing him having a moment as private as that for the next week without his knowledge, but there was truly no way to bring it up to him afterwards organically. 
You could say, “Hey! I actually saw you put on your ring from your last marriage on your finger that morning when you thought I was asleep.” But that would, in nearly every case, not go down well.
Toji had told you, though, why this had grown into a Monday morning ritual. Well, he didn’t exactly tell you that he woke up a few minutes before you to reminisce about his late wife and their marriage, but you’d put the pieces together like you always did. Apparently, Toji’s late wife would always wake up early on Monday mornings and prepare an otherworldly breakfast for herself, Toji, and Megumi; she claimed it started off the week right, and it always made four-year-old Megumi more inclined to wake up on Mondays. In hindsight, perhaps it was silly that you clung onto that little tidbit Toji had told you in passing when Megumi brought it up, but when you saw him wake up on Monday mornings and start his day off by playing a video reel encased in his mind of Megumi’s mother, Megumi, and himself, it was difficult for you to feel comfortable by your presence around him on Mondays. Still, it was hardly Toji’s fault for missing somebody he’d spent years with who got taken away from his life so suddenly. 
You were just overthinking like you always did.
A Thursday in late June marked one year since you had been living with Toji. A year of going to sleep next to him and waking up with him there. It was a silly anniversary, and you weren’t going to mention it for it would most likely garner confused looks from the Fushiguro’s, but you still decided to cover the dining table with a variety of well-enjoyed foods between the three of you. 
There was a small photo-frame that stood in an arbitrary corner of the table where nobody sat. It was a small, old digital camera picture of you, Toji, and Megumi on a lake and camping trip your friends had dragged the three of you to. It was simple; Toji was sitting on a log, five-year-old Megumi between his legs who grinned wildly with a s’more in his hand, and you sat next to Toji with your head leaning on his shoulder. Your friend had gifted it to you on a random Tuesday, and when you smiled so wide at her, she embarrassedly brushed you off and said, “The person who printed this said there’s a discount if I get two pictures printed for the price of one. I just thought the picture of me and my husband would look good with you and your… Toji.”
Neither Toji nor Megumi had seen the picture. Well, not until the moment Toji walked in with a sweaty Megumi wearing his junior league hockey uniform. Megumi was babbling about the delicious smell until he saw the new addition to the table (after cooing at the takoyaki from his favorite restaurant and telling his father he knew he could smell it while they pulled into the driveway) and picked up the frame with his growing, stubby fingers.
“Is this from Lake Ashi?” he asked excitedly, eyes tracing every corner of the picture as if he was recounting the exact moment it was taken. When you nodded, he said, “I had such a good time there!”
You smiled, and ruffled his dark locks before retracting your hand and saying, “Go shower!”
He stuck out his tongue at you before he ran upstairs, saying something about how nobody can start eating until he’s back. 
You walked to Toji who was watching the scene play out from the other end of the table and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Hey, how was your day?” You grinned slightly as your body melted against his frame, a strange sense of euphoria enveloping you even though you’d only been apart for a day.
His arms wrapped around your waist and he bent down slightly to peck your lips. “Thrilling. I watched a bunch of seven-year-olds run around ice with sticks longer than them.”
“Sounds like a fun time,” you replied, nuzzling into his chest, right against the soft thumping of his heartbeats.
“What’s the good food for today?” he asked, stepping away from your hold and scanning the dishes on the table with a puzzled expression.
You smiled teasingly. “Why? Do I not make good food everyday?”
He snorted, and you concluded that the way he looked at you then was with love. The usual deep set of his brows were relaxed as he reached over to you and flicked you on the forehead. Lovingly. “I cook all the meals because the last time you tried, there was a fire alarm and the entire building had to evacuate.” He paused, staring at you while you opened your mouth to stop him from continuing. He beat you to it, though, by saying, “At four in the morning, too.”
“Me and Megs wanted a late-night-snack,” you argued playfully, slapping his bicep. 
“That you ended up getting in a 24 hour convenience store after running the entirety of the fire department and residents wild.”
“Semantics,” you brushed him off. Walking over to the plates, you started scooping portions and placing it on the plate until you remembered Megumi’s demand.
Your body unconsciously carried you to the photo frame and you picked it up, smiling slightly. Toji walked to stand beside you, his eyes uncharacteristically focused on the slightly overexposed picture. His fingers reached to pull it out of your hands and you didn’t stop him when he walked to the small ledge above the (fake) fireplace to place it between the small collection of Megumi photographs. It was a small gesture, but it was more than you could ever ask for.
Your mind skipped over the fact that all the other photos on the ledge were either taken by Megumi’s mother (five of them were) or had her in them holding Megumi (two of them did). Although whenever your friends had come over to your place, they’d cautiously asked you if you truly are OK with keeping pictures of his late wife in your living room and you’d always said that you were perfectly fine with it. Honestly, it was never your intention to erase her from their lives because, after all, she was Toji’s wife and Megumi’s mother. There was no erasing her, and that was fine whether or not you had a place in their lives.
When you came home from work the next evening, the house was relatively quiet. 
You walked into the living room, feet aching from having to wear short-stump heels but, still, heels all day. Every single day at your job as an editor for a magazine made you question whether or not you truly had the skill to walk around heels, even short-stump ones. But once again, the feeling of taking them off with delicacy because you were afraid the rough insides would scrape the parts of your skin your sock didn’t cover gave you a feeling of triumph. You were convinced that the day you come home without the visceral urge to shred the dark pieces of footwear into pieces would be the day you could claim you were invincible. 
You didn’t call out to Toji because you figured he was probably with Megumi, shopping and whatnot, doing simple father-son activities. He hadn’t texted you all day, and the little demon slithering through your thoughts wanted you to overthink (like you always did) and go berserk. But you had learned to tame that little demon (severely distracting yourself by doing anything and everything).
When you had changed out of your work clothes, showered under a moderately warm stream of water, and thoroughly washed your face to stave away the office particles, you sat down on the couch expecting a text from Toji. It was nine in the evening, and it was dark outside. He had never gone this long in a day without dropping you a text, even if it was just a word, and you weren’t wrong for expecting it. Breaking habits was difficult.
When you scrolled through your missed notifications and scrolled past your friends’ messages, making a mental compartment in your mind to reply to them later, you were surprised to find that Toji had, in fact, not texted you but Naoya Zen’in had. Toji’s cousin. It was simple, short, lighthearted, and it read:
missed you today!
It could have been Naoya texting the wrong person (it wouldn’t be the first time) but an itch in your mind told you it wasn’t.
It was simple, short, and lighthearted. You were surprised at how quickly the bubbles appeared on his side of the chat; you barely had time to exit the screen before he’d replied:
the stupid zen’in dinner is boring without you there to annoy toji
he said you were feeling sick tho. feel better
It was rude not to reply, but it was ruder for you to find out this way. Find out what, exactly? That Toji had simply not wanted you to go to the once-in-a-while Zen’in family dinner you had been to a grand total of one time. That was one incident you always pushed to the back of your mind—something you couldn’t do with the Monday morning incident(s) because they always played out in front of you, never missing a week—because if you thought about it too much, you would end up shattering your entire heart and it would all be your own, unstoppable mind’s doing.
Toji wasn’t the one to invite you to dinner last year. Surprisingly, the callous cousin who had manifested in the form of a breaker of peace today was the one to invite you. Your boyfriend had his jaw clenched throughout the entire interaction, and you were sure it was because Naoya wasn’t meant to meet you. You had been at his apartment while Megumi was in school to spend time with him when Naoya burst into his cousin’s home through the spare emergency key Toji had hesitantly given him. It started with Toji yelling at his cousin that it is actually rude to barge into someone’s house without knocking and that the rule applied even if they were cousins and yes, it still applied after they had come closer after being distant and despising each other their entire childhoods. It progressed to you making tea for Naoya that burnt his tongue and Toji telling him that you are no good with anything that heats up. It ended with Naoya bringing up the dinner and how he, too, was introducing his girlfriend (now his wife) to the family and it would be lovely for you to be there, too. He’d said something about divided fire.
The dinner itself was what you could call pleasant. You met his family and they were as civil as they could be surrounded by many people who are related to them. The entire time, though, Toji was bouncing his leg up and down and brushed off your hand when you tried to stop him. 
You do remember his mother had said something to you that ticked Toji off, and it wouldn’t take a mastermind to figure out why. 
“You’re the perfect girl to have as a daughter-in-law, dear.”
Truthfully, you hadn’t realized that Toji would see her words and level its severity higher than you would. That was why after the longest hand of the clock ticked thrice and his chair scraped against the floor when he stood up and walked away wordlessly, you were shocked.
You assumed that, today, Naoya had taken his wife to the Zen’in dinner. You could have texted her to confirm, but you knew. And you weren’t sure if you had any right to be mad at Toji over this. 
When you walked over to the television next to the (fake) fireplace, you noticed something missing. You knew it was missing because despite it only having been a day, you had looked at the picture of the three of you on that ledge for so long the night before when Megumi was fast asleep and Toji was immersed in a book and the image of the scene had been ingrained into your mind. It was somewhere beside the habits, Mondays, and love compartment. 
The picture wasn’t there.
And the only trace in the living room of you being a part of Toji and Megumi’s life had vanished as soon as it materialized. It was just a picture, but it was the first one that you had brought out in the house. Toji was the one to keep it between the other pictures, and he was the one who took it off, too. You understood second-thoughts, and you knew he probably had strong feelings about it but it still hurt. It was akin to being handed candy as a kid then having it taken away from you after the first bite.
You had been heartbroken before, but the way your heart sank into a cold abyss was a feeling you had never experienced before. You weren’t sure if this was your heart breaking or the tendrils of a boyfriend-girlfriend argument sowing its way into the universe and you were just the first to realize it. It had been a year and a day in this apartment you were convinced turned into a home over that time. A year and a day since you and Megumi began collecting stickers from the different stores you went to and stuck to the corners of his whiteboard. A year and a day since you and Toji woke up with each other in the same room after a night of you tossing and turning, coming to almost-there consciousness when Toji would steal the blanket back from you and pull you into his warm embrace because you had a tendency to hog it. 
The door clicked and you weren’t sure when you had gone back to the couch and began wordlessly staring at the ledge. You weren’t sure when this house stopped feeling like home for you, despite your best efforts to make it one. You weren’t sure if it ever was because there were no pictures of you, Toji, and Megumi in the living room.
You barely noticed Megumi coming towards you, pressing a slobbering kiss against your cheek and mumbling, “So tired. Gonna go to bed now. Goodnight.”
When Toji was the only presence you could feel—not see, because you were sure that seeing him would ruin you when you were in this state—in the room, you continued questioning whether or not you could get upset at him over this.
So, you said simply, “I haven’t had dinner yet.”
You heard him sigh softly. When he came to sit next to you and say, “Sorry, love. ‘Gumi’s practice ran late.” You knew Toji, so you knew he probably thought it was overkill to use his son for this lie.
It was like a time bomb was ticking, and you were the time bomb. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, and he was sweet. It made you think, for a hitch of a moment, that he cared. And you knew he did. Care, you mean. Just not in the way you had convinced yourself he did. It might’ve been your fault because you always saw Toji as your boyfriend when, in harsh, world-turning reality, Toji was just your boyfriend.
You have had many boyfriends over your lifetime, so what prompted you to believe Toji was anything more serious? Just because Toji came with a past baggage that weighed just about what you could help him carry and an adorable, hockey-loving seven-year-old kid? Because he moved in with you? People move in together all the time. Hell, you lived with a girl you only spoke to when you had to make a cleaning schedule for the room back in university for a year.
“No,” you replied truthfully. 
In that moment, you were scared of how this interaction would end but you were more scared of how the words you carefully locked away in your mouth had been tampered with by some universal force and were just about to come out. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked. You finally turned around to look at him, and you didn’t realize you had stared over every inch of his face, as though memorizing it to a tee. He seemed to realize that, too, because his fingers fished for your hands and suddenly your hands were warm. Under his touch. 
“I haven’t had dinner.” You were sure the words would come rampaging out of your mouth, ready to strike blows at Toji where it hurt, but you were reduced to a mere shell within now and the minute you saw Naoya’s text. 
“Baby?” he asked and it hurt. “D’you want me to make you something? I can. Whatever you want.”
“How was dinner?” you asked, and you wanted to make yourself believe you weren’t waiting for a ‘ha, got you!’ moment, but you weren’t perfect. 
“We just stopped by the convenience store to get some food.” You hated that he was lying because if you didn’t know the truth, you’d believe him. Toji, you realized, was good at lying. 
“Naoya texted me,” you said, shaking your head as if you were trying to get rid of any thoughts.
“Naoya texted me. Said he missed me at dinner.” At this point, you knew Toji could see the cracks in your facade. 
Toji didn’t reply for a moment, and you felt like you both were blessed with the silence you needed for a moment. You weren’t prepared, you didn’t have a set of bullet points you wanted to discuss with him like you usually did when you were at odds. No, this time you were discussing everything you always omitted from those bullet point lists; they were off-the-table because you knew they would do more harm than good. They would break the cycle of a comfortable relationship. 
“I didn’t think you wanted to go,” he said, sighing as he squeezed your hands lightly. 
You exhaled sharply. “Please don’t lie, Toji.”
“I mean it—”
“Please don’t lie.” If you weren’t aware of Megumi upstairs, you probably would’ve raised your voice an octave higher. Just because you felt like you had to. But as you pleaded with him, your words came out soft, delicate, and a complete contrast to the red, hot, fiery anger taking space through your veins. 
“I didn’t want you to go,” he admitted.
You had never been stabbed, but you were sure this is close to what it would feel like. “Why?” you croaked out. 
“My family, they’d start asking about when we’ll get married and… yeah. Jus’ didn’t want the hassle.”
“Will we?” You didn’t think before you spoke. 
“Get married.”
You changed the topic swiftly because truly, you didn’t care about getting married to Toji. As long as you had him and he had you. “Where’s the picture, Toji?”
“What picture?” Surprisingly, he sounded almost OK with talking to you and didn’t curl into himself like he usually did whenever topics such as this almost arose. Almost, because they never completely did. 
You felt like you were breaking an unwritten rule. 
“You know what picture.”
“I kept it in the room, Y/N,” he said, sounding as though he was treading carefully. As though you were a hibernating bear, ready to pounce. 
This shouldn’t be hard. Love shouldn’t—
“Why?” you whispered, closing your eyes as you felt the salty wetness build up. 
He didn’t respond, and you weren’t patient. 
“Why, Toji?—”
“Because it didn’t belong there.”
You wanted to laugh. He might as well have kicked you and knocked the air out of your lungs because the latter did happen. You found it hard to breathe under his stare, his nostrils flaring in annoyance the way they did. 
You didn’t want to ask why, because you knew why. You understood why, and you wished you could be blind to human emotion, to human flaws and errors because it would be a lot easier to walk away from this with the feeling that he was wrong and you were right.
When you stood up, your joined hands pulled away, too. If you weren’t as cynical as you were in that moment, you probably would’ve thought it was symbolic. Because a part of you was slowly pulling away from him, too. And love can be hard, you realized and accepted once again, but it doesn’t have to be dealt with all the time. 
You weren’t sure if you could continue fighting constantly with the thoughts inside your head just so you could feel that Toji is here because he wants to be, and he’s not doing it while comparing you to his late wife. It was difficult to feel you being pushed away from him and his son’s life, even though it happened in the form of a photo frame from a small printing store. But maybe, just maybe, love shouldn’t be harder than you can handle. 
“Do I belong here, Toji?” you asked, a sad smile forming on your lips. 
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partikron · 1 year
Vesper and Ortus - From Dusk to Dawn
Spoilers for Armored Core VI:
When we first meet V.IV Rusty, he's a member of Arquebus' elite Vesper squad, piloting the AC Steel Haze. When we meet him again in the late game (whether the purpose we found aligns with his or we betray the trust of Rubicon's goodest boy) he pilots a new mech called Steel Haze "Ortus". This is an expert use of naming conventions on FromSoftware's part:
You see, "vesper" can mean something like "evening", the "evening star" (Venus), and evening prayers are also called "vespers".
"Ortus" on the other hand can mean something like "daybreak", "dawn", "sunrise", or simply to rise or get up.
When Rusty is among the Vespers, he is in the darkest part of his life: fighting his own people, killing those that should be his comrades all in the name of a greater cause. When the muzzle comes off, though, and he can finally act in the open, it's the dawn of a new day.
In the mighty Steel Haze "Ortus", maybe he really can chase the clouds away from Rubicon.
He just needs a little help from his best buddy.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
second's (eclectic) masterlist
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Hello! Under the cut, you’ll find all the fics I’ve written for these fandoms:
The Artful Dodger ⁎ Bodyguard ⁎ Bridgerton ⁎ Daisy Jones & The Six
Daybreak ⁎ Deadly Class ⁎ Dickinson ⁎ A Discovery of Witches ⁎ Dollface
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ⁎ For All Mankind ⁎ Gilmore Girls ⁎ Hawkeye
Heartstopper ⁎ The Irregulars ⁎ Loki ⁎ The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Masters of the Air ⁎ My Lady Jane ⁎ Nancy Drew ⁎ Never Have I Ever
Peaky Blinders ⁎ Percy Jackson and the Olympians ⁎ Preacher
The Queen's Gambit ⁎ Riverdale ⁎ Sanditon ⁎ Schmigadoon! ⁎ Sex Education
The Sex Lives of College Girls ⁎ Stranger Things ⁎ Ted Lasso
The Umbrella Academy ⁎ WandaVision ⁎ Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
The Wilds
Avengers: Endgame ⁎ Black Widow ⁎ The Hunger Games ⁎ Inception
King Kong ⁎ Marriage Story ⁎ No Time to Die ⁎ Spider-Man ⁎ Star Trek
Thor: Ragnorak ⁎ Top Gun: Maverick ⁎ Twisters ⁎ Wonder Woman
daisy jones & the six
E / 3k / Eddie x Camila - “Just Like Andy Warhol Said”
T / 1k - “Life and Death in Laurel Canyon”
E / 4k / Karen x Graham - “Typical Wonderful View”
deadly class
E / 5k / Petra x Billy - “Rats’ Waltz”
E / 9k / Petra x Billy x Lex - “We Test on Rats”
M / 2k / Emily x Sue - “Another Dickinson”
T / 1k - “How Luscious Lies”
G / 376 / Emily x Sue - “Lands Away”
a discovery of witches (phoebe x marcus)
E / 2k - “Gladly Be a Fool”
E / 3k - “The Night Today”
the falcon and the winter soldier
T / 7k / Sam x Bucky - 3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian
T / 1k - “À la Carter”
E / 5k / Bucky x Sarah - “Chasing Water Pumps”
E / 8k / Sam x Bucky - The Great Madripoorian Snake Off
T / 3k / Bucky x Sarah - “Guest Side Story”
T / 3k / Sam x Bucky - “Never a Gull Moment”
T / 4k / Sam x Bucky - “Stare Enough”
T / 2k / Sam x Bucky - “They're Sayin' (You're Gonna Be My Man)”
for all mankind
T / 1k / Margo x Sergei - “The Bridges of Madison”
G / 286 / Pam x Ellen - “Ode to the Front Porch”
T / 1k - “This Mortal Doyle”
gilmore girls (rory x jess)
E / 11k - Dreams I’ve Yet to Find
E / 24k - You Need Me to Be With You
the hunger games
E / 2k / Peeta x Johanna - “Elevator Pitch”
E / 2k / Katniss x Peeta - “Finally, Finally”
E / 4k / Katniss x Cato - “Lonely at the Top”
G / 1k - “If You're a Robot and You Know It, Clap Your Hands”
G / 1k - “Mr. Second Chance”
T / 2k - “Riding in Cars With Lokis”
my lady jane
T / 1k / Guildford x Jane - “After the Horse Has Bolted”
E / 3k / Jane x Guildford - “Bad Latin”
E / 3k / Jane x Guildford - “Emotionally Stabled”
E / 15k / Jane x Guildford - It's Enough, It's Enough
E / 4k / Guildford x Jane - “Pure Grey”
T / 4k / Stan x Frances - “So, Hey, Check Me Out”
E / 1k / Jane x Guildford - “These Days Forth”
never have i ever (devi x paxton)
E / 4k - “Boy Meets Girlfriend”
M / 2k - “No Harm, No Towel”
T / 4k - “Runaway Ride”
M / 5k - “Swimming the Sonoran”
peaky blinders
E / 15k / Tommy x Grace - The Grand Dream of Things
E / 3k / Tommy x May - “Preferred Pastimes”
percy jackson and the olympians (2023- )
G / 830 / Sally x Poseidon - “but for the grace of gods”
G / 1k - “lullaby for a rottweiler”
T / 1k / Percy x Annabeth - “salt-and-vinegar dreams”
G / 967 / Percy x Annabeth - “soundtrack to a tooth alignment”
M / 875 / Sally x Poseidon - “a tall, tall tale no one believes”
sex education
E / 3k / Ola x Lily - “and the stars (they all aligned)”
E / 2k / Maeve x Isaac - “Please May I…?”
star trek
E / 3k / Bones x Carol - “The Deserted Planet, the Gorgeous Woman, and the Goddamn Torpedo”
E / 7k / Scotty x Jaylah - Something to Fix
stranger things
T / 2k / Steve x Nancy - “Always Mr. Right”
T / 458 / Eddie x Chrissy - “And Here’s to You, Chrissy Cunningham”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Kate Escape”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Lovers’ Lake Effect”
ted lasso
E / 8k / Keeley x Rebecca - “Cat Ladies”
T / 1k - “Crimminology”
E / 2k / Roy x Keeley - “The Halftime of It”
E / 3k / Ted x Sassy - “Sass Backwards”
E / 34k / Darcy x Jimmy - Hex Life
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Mailbox Blues”
T / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “The Neighbour Never Rings Twice”
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “One Papaya, Two Papaya”
T / 26k / Darcy x Jimmy - Only in a Sitcom
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Our Names in a Heart”
why didn’t they ask evans? (frankie x bobby)
E / 2k - “One-Man Chauffeur”
E / 5k - “Sailors’ Hands”
the wilds
T / 2k - “Fourth Coming”
T / 738 - “Interviews by the Pool”
T / 1k / Shelby x Toni - “a verse about expecting the worst”
Avengers: Endgame : Dolls' Eyes
Black Widow : “Same Day, Different Jumpsuit”
Bodyguard : “Don’t Ever Let Me Start”
Daybreak : “Garden-Variety Monsters”
Dollface : “Fender Is the Night”
Hawkeye : “An All-American January Christmas”
Heartstopper : “we sum up perfection like a handbook”
Inception (2010) : “Je Ne Regrette Rien”
The Irregulars : “The Sun Is Coming Up (I Think It’s Time)”
King Kong (2005) : “I’m Actually Quite Familiar With Your Work”
Marriage Story (2019) : “the whole night and the next day together”
No Time to Die : “The Blood You Owe”
Preacher : “Lonely, Handsome”
Sanditon : “Finding Georgiana”
Schmigadoon! : “I Fleetly Flee, I Fly”
The Sex Lives of College Girls : “An Abundance of Caution Tape”
Thor: Ragnorak : “In the Arms of the Anus”
Twisters (2024) : “get ya thinkin' (that you need me)”
The Umbrella Academy : “The Park Across the Way”
Wonder Woman (2017) : “Unconquered”
my fic masterlists
10 fics - the artful dodger
10 fics - bridgerton
13 fics - the marvelous mrs. maisel (midge x lenny)
12 fics - masters of the air
13 fics - nancy drew
13 fics - the queen's gambit (beth x benny)
38 fics - riverdale
71 fics - spideychelle
21 fics - top gun: maverick
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yuelun · 7 months
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This will one day be a much larger post (I've already started working on it) as thoughts and details settle, but I wanted to make some quick notes (who am I kidding, this won't be a short post) here so that you guys know where my thoughts are. Just as I personally also ascribe (though I do not assume people to do the same, of course!) to the theory of ZL being a Sun-King (and potential brother to) alongside King Deshret and then Remus and/or Decarabian for numerous reasons after personally researching it myself, I also am being faced with too many coincidences when it comes to Guizhong possibly being one of the three moon sisters (or at the very least, a Seelie), who I believe to be part of a 'Seven' alongside the aforementioned four Sun-kings. Which, if the returning and reinforced leaks of Guizhong's likelihood of playability is to even be roughly taken as a possibility, then there needs to be reason for it. There's a popular theory that the Moon Sisters were shades of the Primordial One alongside Istaroth, if that is true, there may be reason in there to bring her back (even for the Tsaritsa), considering I feel like a big endgame next to the arc of Khaenri'ah, is/will be a faceoff with Celestia. Any way, this is a little incoherent, but let me put down a little list of things I want to touch on, but just can't write the full post of yet. These are just my little (ha!) thoughts.
Edit: Nevermind, it got long, it's very long, but if you like your lore and you're interested in knowing how looney deep I went with this, keep on reading! I will however, be making more parts to this as I continue on and gather lore bits. I also like documenting my journey of meta, so I can see what I thought six months prior, you know? Enjoy!
The Chasm. I'll forever stay stuck on how this part of the 'Stories of Remote Antiquity' OST plays during Guizhong's death scene. Our beloved Hoyoverse doesn't do anything by coincidence, they never once have. If they wanted to do something tragic, there are other Liyue OSTs out there that will punch you in the gut equally as much if not more. But this? This is oddly intentional. Ever since, I've been trying to figure out any potential ties to it, and with the Chenyu Vale theory out and about, claiming Guizhong to be the unnamed god (female and ever kind) that the three adepti served, another tie may be created through the fact that the people from Chenyu Vale originate from the Chasm (there's numerous tidbits as to why people tie her to Chenyu; I'd suggest the video, it's easier for now!). I also think, on some level, that if she is tied to the origins of the Chasm in some way, that it was her "descension" (or 'fall') that led to its unique creation. I don't know how the dots connect, but I've identified the dots, kind of, maybe.
The insane references to the night/moon. Her color scheme, the night sky in her sleeves, and the fact that she is inherently tied to the Glaze Lilies (which are known to bloom only at night). Furthermore, if you recognize and/or adhere to the fact that the Rite of Parting does not contain ingredients that befit Rex Lapis but instead seem to very much align with her, then there's also the Noctilucous Jade (I literally just realized that it's jade) which is known to glow at night. And then there's her inventions, which are all golden and sun-like in color scheme and I think of that line of lore about the Moon Sisters: "These three luminous moons shared but one love, the stars of daybreak." Daybreak, gold, golden, light, the sun. I'm losing my mind as I'm typing this. Any way, I digress, Noctilucous Jade is found underground, in caverns and more specifically, is rather abundant in the Chasm (my dearly detested). I've accepted that I just have an affinity to characters who seem to have either a direct or indirect tie to this place. I'll never escape it, I'll become one of its victims. /breathes, let me move onto the next point.
The Glaze Lilies. Now, while we know the Goddess of Flowers isn't a Moon Sister (this'll get tied in, I promise, please try to follow me here), the fact that she is a Seelie is important enough, for the three Moon Sisters were said to have lived alongside the race of the Seelies. This might mean some shared traits. Now even Seelies are noted to have an intricate tie to the moon, and a thing that the Goddess of Flowers was known for, was that when she danced, Padisarah flowers bloomed under her feet. 'But Sae, the Glaze Lilies didn't bloom when Guizhong danced', no no, I'll get there. It was specifically when she danced, or was around them. What I'm doing is tying these flowers to her more specifically, which is further enforced by the fact that after the Goddess of Flowers died, the Padisarahs dwindled in number until they became fully extinct. The ones you see today are not the real ones, they are replications created by Rukkhadevata herself in memory of her former friend. I note this, because a similar thing has occurred to the Glaze Lilies. In the aftermath of Guizhong's death, the Glaze Lilies that once populated the Guili Plains and Dihua Marsh have dwindled into extinction, and the only reason why they are found in Liyue today in some capacity, is because of Morax' direct influence (last few lines; and yes, I'm aware this is 'unreleased canon' at present, but none in this contradicts our current lore in any way, so I bear no qualms in making even loose use of it), but this seems to also insinuate that the Glaze Lilies that we see today, are not the real ones. So in essence, when the moment of the departure/death of the Goddess of Flowers came about, a specific flower associated with her came to perish as well. Is it a concept of, if the creator (one tied so intricately to the moon) is gone, do her creations wither away much in the same way? Now to mention one final thing, is the flower that most closely resembles the Glaze Lily: the Nilotpala Lotus. Not only do they share a color palette and very similar design, they share the peculiar behavior of blooming only at night, when subjected to the light of the moon itself. Now the most important thing to note here, is that the Nilotpala Lotuses were literally created and bloomed when the Moon Sisters stepped foot into Teyvat. One could, in essence, see the two flowers as 'lunar flowers'. Listen, I've never quite liked coincidences.
Dust. Now, this is a little more of a 'loose' connection and also me slightly rambling about something else that intrigues me to the moon and back (no pun intended), but it has my mind going insane nonetheless. Also, the very end is a reach, I'm aware, we know next to nothing about the Shades. Any way, Guizhong is inherently tied to two things: dust and alchemy. And these two become even more important when combined. Now, you'll have to strap in and wait for the little 'tie-in' at the end, because this can take a little bit. Her God name is 'Haagentus', which stems from Haagenti, one of the demons from the Ars Goetia. Within demonology, Haagenti is firmly tied to alchemy and transmutation, and while I'm not going to focus too much on specifics outside of the game, it is noted that 'he makes men wise by instructing them in every subject, transmutes all metals into gold, and changes wine into water and water into wine.' Sound fitting enough already, no? Now, outside of her name, let me hone in on some really clear alchemy references that you can find on and around her person. When you look at her design, Guizhong has numerous accessories that seem to be very closely resembling alchemy keys or symbols of some kind (this is not my area of expertise, but I will make it so if need be after this post, unless someone recognizes these symbols), primarily the 'pin' that holds the main portion of her hair back, a tattoo on her upper back, the 'petals' on her sleeves, and what has me most intrigued are the following two things: the symbols actively floating around her (and for clarity, see her cutscene, timestamped, shows them to be animated and coming from her and not the Cleansing Bell), and her anklet in a similar shape (which also seems to be a unique design in Genshin so far). Now, with alchemy established, let me hound on something that ties dust into alchemy, and what it means within Teyvat. Yes, I'm going to touch on its importance within the Art of Khemia, an advanced form of alchemy that is said to have been closely tied to Khaenri'ah (and might I note: Guizhong is noted to have numerous Ruin Guards, Khaenri'an technology, in her domain roughly 2000 years before they ever reached the surface of Teyvat's). Any way, this is where I need to touch on Albedo's character details, specifically the following:
"The universe is heaven reversed, and the earth is a dream lost to time. This is dust, the most basic form of complex life." As if to provide evidence for this claim, Albedo lifted the burnt ash of the flower that once grew atop a Dendro Slime's head. Seconds later, a Cecilia sprouted forth from the ash in his hand. "And this... is new birth."
And then from the caption in Collected Miscellany - "Albedo: Kreideprinz":
"Soil and chalk, the universe and earth, pure dust and the birth of human life... There is no mistaking it."
A little tie to the creation of life, interesting, indeed. Alright, now while it's not canon by any means, it is a popular enough theory that the Moon Sisters were three (out of four) of the Primordial One's Shades. And one of them is noted to have been in part responsible for the creation of life. Now I'm not tying this Shade into Guizhong, but I'm simply drawing the potential importance of her title of 'God of Dust' into the equation, or simply to reiterate the importance of dust within the existence of Teyvat as a whole as it stands today. And what it might mean if she was indeed, a Moon Sister (to tie into this, the 'Sun-Kings' are also firmly tied to the creation of life; I believe most of this 'generation' of gods would be). Anyway, continuing!
Now, there is a reference (which I do have to note is a legend and nothing more, but we'll take it to heart) that tells me that it's certain that at least two Moon Sisters are 'confirmed' dead, by account of there being only one moon left in Teyvat's sky, instead of three. The legend notes that two 'shattered into dust' (hello, dust) and subsequently disappeared which seems to be indicative of their death, and one secluded herself within the Lunar Palace and was never seen again. Now the tale of legends recounts that the moon we still see is tied to the corpse of a Moon Sister, but how has that one endured when the other two have not? There are no remains of the other two, why not? Unless the third Moon Sister didn't actually die, or 'fully' die. Bear with me, this is where it gets very hypothetical, but it makes enough sense in my head, I'm mostly just having issues putting all of this into proper words. The reference given above is from Moonpiercer, an Aranara weapon. These little green friends had seen the Moon Sisters descend into Teyvat multiple times (we know this, due to the much earlier referenced blooming of the Nilotpala Lotuses), and at one point no longer saw them come down. Whatever 'calamity' occurred during which the Moon Sisters were said to have died, the Aranara reference that they died, and noted the way in which they perished, but unless this information was given to them by the envoys between Teyvat and Celestia, the Seelies, this would have consisted of pure speculation and assumption. After all, everything returns to dust, even deities such as the Moon Sisters. What if that's exactly what happened with the third Moon Sister? What if her death never occurred, or, what if the death was more symbolical in a sense of, she strayed from that level of divinity, what if she fell from the Lunar Palace and landed in... the Chasm? The place that is said to have been created by a large impact to its region, and later on also was the location of the fall of the Solar Chariot?
In essence, yes, I'm making the argument that Haagentus might just be this specific Moon Sister. 'But Sae, she's dead now, isn't she?' Yes, but look at the condition that she's in upon her death: she is encased in stone, fully petrified (and who is the only one we know to wield such power?), and even the dust that abandoned her, is encased overhead (again, a power we see Zhongli wield during the final cutscene in Perilous Trail without barely lifting a finger). What if the only reason that the final moon has not gone out and dark over Teyvat, is because her remains have been tied to the lands by Zhongli himself, who if you ascribe to the theory of Sun-King Zhongli, has even more reason to not let her go?
/munches on a cookie as a little reward for myself for managing to finish all of this semi-coherently, and gives you a cookie for having gotten through all of this.
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ofdespondents · 2 months
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yoshikawa aki: “some girls are full of [heartache] and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to SAVE wolves instead of running from them.”
full name: yoshikawa aki
meaning: daybreak
age: 25.
dob: 04/04
religion: none
gender: cisgender female
pronouns: she/her
sexual orientation: pansexual
height: 4′10″
place of birth: tokyo, japan
criminal record: none
personality type: infp-a blood type: o-negative
moral alignment: chaotic good languages: japanese, chinese, english and korean
parents: iwao masamune (father) and yoshikawa nao (mother)
nationality: japanese
ethnicity: japanese
+ dauntless, + true-blue, + sincere 
- hypersensitive, - petulant, - naïve
there are parts she still remembers. the sound of her mother’s laughter, the kindness of her smile, the way her eyes formed crescents whenever she saw her. the way the light hit her face as it poured through the kitchen window, the smell of breakfast hanging heavy in the air while she ran dishes underneath the steady stream of water. her mother: one of many misplaced memories. sometimes she wonders if she remembers anything at all - or if her reality is altogether pieced together by her father’s understanding of the way her life was. it was a troublesome thought, really, considering her father had only been in her life for the past seven years.
and maybe that’s why her thoughts don’t cooperate with her, no matter how hard she tries to make sense of them. to take the frayed ends of scribbled thoughts and knit them together into something seamless. can she truly understand her thoughts and abilities if she doesn’t know who she is? TW: Mentions of bodily harm, mentions of hospitalisation
Born to a single-parent household in Tokyo, Japan, Aki would have been described as a sweet, happy child by those who made her acquaintance. She was fiercely attached to her young mother, who was only nineteen when she gave birth to her and had not yet attended college. Her mother worked a menial job in a restaurant in Aki’s infancy, working tirelessly alongside studying to make something more of herself. She had always had a knack for languages, and so studying linguistics seemed to be her calling. Aki benefited as a result of this, too, learning several languages at the behest of her mother. Becoming a teacher hadn’t ever been her dream, but it was a nice, respectable profession and perhaps by pursuing it she would be able to give her daughter a life she deserved.
Yoshikawa Nao, formerly Yoshikawa Ayaka, had always dreamed bigger, though, hoping that one day her exceptional voice would land her amongst the stars. It seemed like she would have the life she wanted, too, freshly nineteen when she was scouted off the streets of Tokyo by a handsome, young producer. However, when she fell pregnant with an unknown man’s child, her dreams were ripped away from her just as quickly as they had manifested. The shame had been too much to bear the brunt of alone, so she fell off the map and changed her name, so she could raise her daughter alone quietly.
Yoshikawa Nao often told her daughter about her home in Nara prefecture, and how she had moved to Tokyo with the hopes of becoming a singer. She didn’t tell her how she didn’t want to go back to Nara city after everything happened, since she came from a deeply religious and spiritual background of shrine workers and priestesses.
Perhaps her mother’s family ties to shintoism had something to do with the sun smiling down upon her daughter, and the wonderous AMERATSU herself manifesting within her. Her daughter’s hidden strength had manifested when she was still very young. In truth, it scared her. What could ruin a quiet life more than this?
Suppression was the key.
So, normalcy, being like others and becoming a diligent, respectable member of society were the only dreams she could allow Aki to have. It was important to protect her, more important than anything else.
But no matter how much she tried, Aki was far from normal.
For one, her intelligence was clear from the moment she entered school and it wasn’t long before she was bumped up two grade levels. The age gap between her and her classmates made it difficult for even a sweet, bright girl like Aki to make friends. Coupled with the fact she had only one parent, did not even know who her father was, and children were not the nicest.
Aki was already aware that people didn’t look too kindly on the circumstances of her birth, but she always put on a brave face in front of her mother because she didn’t want to make her think she wasn’t proud of her. Still, it was difficult not to flinch at the unkind words, often being called a mistress’s daughter, a bastard child and more. She spent her adolescence fluctuating between total anonymity and scorn.
In High School, things took a turn for the worst. The torment went from child’s play to more sinister and cruel levels of bullying, with one girl in particular taking on the role of her chief tormentor. She wasn’t the sort of bully one read about in books. She was tall, beautiful, confident, smart and well-liked. Aki wanted nothing more than to be friends with her, but it was clear the feeling was not mutual. It got to the point where she couldn’t stomach going to school and would fake illness to ditch school.
There was no point in telling her mother what was going on, especially not when her mother had so much of her own burden to carry. But she couldn’t keep living like a victim either. So, she decided to confront her.
On one fateful day the girls have a confrontation on the school rooftop and the exact events that transpired was something of a mystery to all parties involved. Rumours circulated the school claiming that Aki was the aggressor, others said that the girl fell off trying to save Aki. All accounts agreed on one thing, though – the sun was especially bright that day, and so hot it felt like their skin would burn within seconds.
Regardless of what happened, to everyone’s relief, both girls came out of the ordeal alive, but not without a price.
For Aki, the price was six months in a coma, nearly a full year of physical therapy afterward. But that wasn’t the worst of it. This was: her memories. Every single formative experience and thought that had made her the person she was, was suddenly gone. Just like that.
For her schoolmate, the price was worse, now paraplegic. Her life ruined – by Aki, who never wanted to hurt a single person for as long as she lived.
When she awoke at the hospital, it was to a world without her mother and a lack of clarity surrounding the woman her heart longed to see or the memories of their life together.
There were whisperings amongst the nurses that her mother had abandoned her, that she could no longer take care of such a problematic child, nor foot the steep medical bills her hospital stay was racking up.
Others even said that she must died, somewhere, and were it not for the fact she couldn’t move properly when she first woke, that alone would have gotten her out of bed. 
But that didn’t mean Aki was alone. No, in her mother’s place was a man she had never seen before, who smiled and introduced himself as her father.
And that was the abrupt end of her former life.
Her father, she later found out, was a record producer - and that was how he and her mother had met. He was still unmarried, despite his good looks and considerable wealth. his success was seemingly unstoppable, too, and he had been living outside Japan for the past few decades. In America - the big leagues, he said. after she had been cleared to leave the hospital, he whisked her away from Japan and to his private home. it was far away from the glitz, glam and pressures of Los Angeles, he’d said, and was a much better place for a young girl like her, especially a special girl with special gifts she was not always capable of controlling. Although he spent most of his time out of state, she wasn’t all alone in their new home in Penson. she had her bunnies, too. Her father has also appointed a handler that aids in her care. Since settling down in Penson, Aki has tried her best to assimilate, helped forward by her convincing English, though accented, and her genuine love of pop culture that helped her connect with others. She found a job to keep her occupied, and loves everything about it, most especially being able to converse with the customers that came in for fresh ink. It was a quiet life, but not an unhappy one. Still, a gnawing and growing emptiness exists inside her that she keeps hidden and wrapped in bows. Aki's personality is pretty soft in general, she’s tenderhearted and very loyal to her friends. She’s just a fun-loving, hyper, quirky person. she’s very empathic so exceedingly mean people are not usually her vibe. She is very hypersensitive and can become emotional rather quickly. Though she is soft on the inside, she is tough on the outside and can actually pack a mean punch for her size. Although her memory is foggy, she remembers enough to know she was always picked on for being small, weak and too nice, so she actively takes kickboxing and self-defense. + She likes video games, music (metal, hardcore, rock), anime, dungeons and dragons, comic books, and is just a generic nerd babe. She has a stream where she plays video games.
+ She unfortunately deals with a few ailments, specifically a heart arrhythmia disorder, anemia and hyperthyroidism.
AMERATSU is a Japanese sun goddess, whose name means that which illuminates heaven. She is one of three children birthed by the God of creation, Izanagi, and the only daughter. She is venerated by shintoists and was the queen of the High Plane of Heaven, replacing her father Izanagi. She is considered the most sacred of all the gods worshipped in Japan.
In her human form, Amaterasu obviously has the appearance of a beautiful Japanese woman, usually wearing the typical robes of Shinto gods. Amaterasu can transform into a giant white fox with nine tails. As such foxes have always been of particular interest to Aki.
She has manifested within Aki the following abilities:
Solar Physiology:
Aki is made up of or can transform her body completely into solar energy/substances. Her transformed form is anatomically identical to her normal form, as well as being made of energy/solar substances, in which case it contains all organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attack. Also, since the sun is believed to generate luminous energy as well, it is possible that the body will be a being of both plasma and photons. This power enables her to create, shape and manipulate solar aspects such as immense heat, luminosity, gravitational field, magnetic field, etc. This can include solar wins and flares. Aki also becomes stronger with sunlight, and tends to be weaker in the winter month where sunlight is scarcer.
Stellar Manipulation:
She can create, shape, and manipulate all aspects of stars, self-luminous celestial bodies consisting of a mass of super-heated gas held together by their own gravity in which the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interior is balanced by the outflow of energy to the surface, and the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures.
Black Hole Manipulation:
She can create, shape and manipulate black holes, a region of space time where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping. This is a very dangerous gift which Aki is under strict instructions to never even experiment with.
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h3lfaerie · 3 months
Telling the time without a clock in HTTYD
It's a no brainer that clockwork likely didn't exist during the Viking Age, and while there is a good chance one Hiccup Haddock might actually invent it one day, the tribe would generally need some means to tell the time that is more period-accurate than that. While they do still have constituents like minutes and hours and months, they don't seem to have aligned them in a metric system. So I did some digging on how they may have tracked the time without it.
I present to you: Daylight Cycles and Star Tracking.
It's especially interesting to think about the logistics. Most of those methods do require you to be able to see the stars, moon, sun, etc. Which would then beg the question how efficiently CAN they tell the time on overcast days? On stormy nights? Should they lose access to the outside world for whatever reason (say getting captured) would they lose track of time altogether? (Probably.)
It's super interesting to consider such technicalities. It's also an incredible addition to any HTTYD fic in my opinion because it's such details that make the world-building a lot more cohesive.
Consider that they may have used their hands to measure the span between the sun and the horizon before Hiccup Haddock was born and made some whirring gimmick that did that far more accurately. That they may have used to count the distance between however many stars and the Big Dipper for guidance until someone came up with the grand idea to add those numbers up and divide them for more accurate results (likely Fishlegs). Maybe they have a massive sundial in the middle of the village.
Instead of saying "whatever-time-o'clock", they'd use phrases like High Noon, Daybreak, Golden Hour, Wee hours, Nightfall, Midnight, however many hours left until dusk/dawn, etc.
There's some food for thought for you.
Have fun writing!
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golvio · 2 years
A big feature of the Vah Naboris dungeon was that big, eternally rotating disc with three holes on the camel’s butt that you activate with an electrical current. In terms of astral metaphors, the Gerudo is the only culture whose item descriptions reference both the sun (Daybreaker, the “desert sun” text around the palace) and the moon (the Moonlight Scimitar and its reference to long-forgotten “ancient festivals”). Given that a major game mechanic is the Blood Moon, which is an exaggeration of an irl phenomenon that happens during lunar eclipses when the earth’s shadows darkens the moon, giving it a rusty red color, I feel like the three circles are some kind of reference of the orbits and alignment of the moon, earth, and sun (particularly since lunar eclipses seem to be way more common in Hyrule than they are in real life, whether due to supernatural interference or some funky high fantasy stuff going on with how planetary orbits work in that fictional universe).
There’s a general theme of (electrical) circuits, cycles, and orbits in Vah Naboris. It’s got the strongest cosmic vibe next to Vah Rudania’s pitch black abyss full of glowing pink stars. The architecture of the camel’s humps make them feel like planetariums or observatories, their ceilings painted with the iconic false stars of the Sheikah, as if they’re classrooms meant to instruct visitors on how to identify and locate the various constellations they considered important. I feel like the “circular” themes of Naboris, as well as Urbosa’s cryptic comment that the Champions’ deaths were “how things had to happen,” brings home the themes of “fate” that are found throughout what we know about the ancient Sheikah.
It made me stop and pay attention when Impa mourned how her friends, the Champions, “died without fulfillment their destinies.” And then later, when Paya repeated her lines in front of the Jiraya guardian statue about the little guardian god statues “serving as signposts for us to follow,” and Link “walking the path we all should follow.” This idea of an immutable, unchangeable fate, some kind of plan Hylia wrote for her chosen peoples in the stars before her passing, seems to be a very sincerely held religious belief among the Sheikah, everywhere from the monks offering up their own bodies/souls to the future Hero to Paya carefully polishing and preserving the family heirloom orb in the hopes it will someday “fulfill its purpose” and therefore be complete. Impa, too, talks a lot about everyone “serving the same purpose” once she senses the souls of the Champions accompanying Link.
Which makes it very, very interesting how the Yiga seemed to have been like “fuck that” and abandoned Hylia’s Plan For Us All. It’s really rebellious and downright heretical, even if all it got them was 10,000 years of bumming around aimlessly and attaching themselves to another deity because they weren’t experienced enough with independence to figure out how to live without Fate or the edicts of some petty tyrant god guiding their every move.
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elbasanluis · 2 years
WHEN: January 3, 2022 WHERE: The Compound WHO: Elba + Fenrik ( @fenriksblade )
It was not the arm thrown across her back that had Elba feeling heavy today, but the events of last night. The evidence of sticky cups, half-full juice containers, and an empty vodka bottle was still perched on the kitchen counter. It hadn’t only been last night that Elba had Olivir over for a couple of drinks, but for the last week, it’d seemed. She only knew it was a Tuesday because of the paper that’d been dropped on her stoop before daybreak. She also realized holy fuck, it’s Tuesday and the week had been gone and then some. The shower was running by the time she’d sat in an old rocking chair, with a cup of black coffee and the last couple of days of papers. She’d been so wrapped up, she forgot the outside world had been going on without her. It was an oddly solemn thought for so early in the morning and she blamed the hangover.
The new year had gone off with a hitch of multiple murders. A massacre, the printed words detailed in journalistic speak. The newspaper would be taken with her as she made a mad dash to dress herself up in something warm and presentable enough to jog to the compound.
“Fenrik?” Elba called out, chest heaving from the sprint from her cabin. The hangover almost had Elba doubling over to catch her breath. For once, she could fully admit she’d been too wrapped up in something else to take notice. Because that paper had arrived days ago, had been looked at, and had been forgotten until now. Stars had aligned days later. It was weird to be distracted for once, but she knew that wasn’t her point of standing here. She doubted Fenrik would even say anything of her absence.
Upon finding him, the appearance of fresher wounds let Elba know she was correct and knew him, but she still slid the newspaper and its headlining story toward him for confirmation. “How many?” she asked the question she was scared of most rather quietly.
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anshines · 6 months
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This is my new point oc, Marisoo. She is the most powerful point ever and ever and everyone loves her, she has ALL the points powers and is dating cyalm
(for april fools)
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solangelostars · 9 months
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--some memories never leave your bones.
hello !!! this is my official intro to my tumblr page. For some background, I left tumblr about 2 years ago, but now I am back and ready to give editing one more chance.
-> I'm mori !! I use mostly he/it prns, and some neos. I'm trans ftm, cupioromantic, and gay. I have a horrible obsession with iced tea and like to rant abt things. I'm an ISTP 6w5, and my alignment is chaotic neutral.
I am a multifandom blog, so I will post anything I want to here !! Here's a list of some of my fave things !!
-> tv: the umbrella academy, ginny and georgia, alice in borderland, heartstopper, total drama island, avatar: the last air bender, the legend of korra, daybreak
-> movies: barbie, the ballad of songbirds and snakes, the perks of being a wallflower, fantastic mr. fox, beautiful boy
-> anime/manga: bungo stray dogs, hirano and kagiura, sasaki and miyano, the case study of vanitas, toilet bound hanako kun, given, sk8 the infinity
-> music: mitski, ricky montgomery, will wood and the tapeworms, lemon demon, conan gray, remember sports, sunday cruise
-> games/others: ensemble stars, honkai impact 3rd, honkai: star rail, genshin impact, helios rising heroes, cookie run kingdom, project sekai, obey me, nijisanjien (🧤🥽)
right now, I'm looking for moots!! I'm open to pretty much anyone, and I came back to Tumblr to make some new friends, as well as revisit old ones. Tumblr has changed a lot since I last created, so I appreciate people showing me around. I hope we can get along well !!
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invertiontakenhold · 1 year
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a humble man, too bad you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. however bad you think death is, being stuck in there may be much worse. don’t try and call for help, nobody can hear you anymore.
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emilynightshade89 · 2 years
OC Profile:
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TW: Mentions of Alcohol Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Mentions of Canon Typical Vampire Violence. (Please take care and let me know if i need to add more!)  
Fandom: Daybreakers (2009)
Face Claim: Joyce Byers in Stranger Things
Full Name: Wendy Jessamy Conwell McCoy
Nicknames/Aliases: Bones (Given by Elvis affectionately), The Day Rider (Given by the Vamp. military squadron set on her capture and the findings of her human colony) 
Age: Mid to Late 40s
Height: 5′ 3 1/2 inch. 
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cis-Gendered Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Religion: None
Personality Type: ISFJ-T “The Defender”
Alignment: Neutral Good
Birth Date: March 21st 
Star Sign: Aries
Birthstone: Bloodstone 
Clothing Style: Mostly laid-back plaids over tanks and band t-shirts with jeans and boots. Her favorite band tees would consist of: Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Pearl Jam, and more. Typically wears ripped jeans. Will don her military gear for holding supplies and tools over her motorcycle outfit while scouting. A black long sleeved collared jacket, black pants, and sometimes a green parka hoodie for when it gets cold at night. She also wears a helmet that’s tinted so you won’t be able to see her face, but she can see you just fine.     
Family Members: 
Margaret Conwell McCoy (Mother, Deceased)
Joseph Conwell (Father, Deceased)
Travis McCoy (Stepfather, Deceased)
Jeremy Conwell McCoy (Brother)
Two unnamed nieces 
Significant Others:
Laverne Bree (Fiancée, Deceased) 
Lionel “Elvis” Cormac (Current Partner, Eventual Spouse)
Matthew Dillon Cormac (Eventual son)
Platonic Relationships:
Friends -> 
Audrey Bennett
Edward Dalton 
Gavin Smith (Former leader of Wendy’s Military Squadron, Colony Representative)
Parker Hayes (Military Deserter, Colony Doctor)
Guadalupe Romero (Military Deserter, Colony Electrician)
Levi Chambers (Military Deserter, Colony Emergency Rep.)
Trudy Spier (Jeremy’s girlfriend)
Enemies ->
Hudson Fowler (Vampire Military Squadron Leader)
Lisa Marie ~ A brown and white Border Collie shared with her partner Lionel.
Chester ~ An orange Tabby cat, found and gifted to her by Lionel and Ed for her birthday.
Elton ~ A Doberman Pinscher adopted by son Matthew Cormac after Lisa and Chester’s eventual passing.   
Hobbies: Riding her motorcycle on patrols, listening to music, Playing the guitar and drums (as a teen), Roller Skating, Archery.  
Skills: Close combat with a knife, Gun Handling, Archery, Licensed Nursing.  
Oldest daughter of two, Wendy was born to Margaret and Joseph Conwell and was their only daughter and child until she was seven and was given a baby brother named Jeremy. Her mother was a nurse, and her father owned a business that unfortunately had run into some serious legal trouble that took a hard toll on him. 
As a result, Wendy’s home life would soon become a rocky one. At the age of twelve, her mother Margaret was working constantly at the hospital while her father Joseph was always away and lost money to gambling and feeding into his alcohol addiction as he claimed he was trying to get money to bring his old business back to life. 
In school Wendy had no trouble making friends, but it soon proved difficult to keep them since she was more worried about looking after her baby brother most of the time due to both her parent’s absence at home. She never blamed her mother for it since her work brought food to the table, but she steadily blamed her father for sure since he always came home a drunk with empty pockets 
Eventually her father’s temper snapped when he realized Margaret had plans to take the kids and had stashed money away from him to do so. This led to a horrible fight where Wendy was awoken from sleep to the sound of her mother screaming and rushing to find that Joseph had shoved her into her bedside table and had drawn blood. Wendy retaliated in anger and fear by hitting him with an empty beer bottle and her mother managed to chase him out with a bat and call the police. 
Margaret was able to safely move Wendy and Jeremy out and filed for divorce that week. They cut ties with Joseph completely despite him reaching out once to borrow money. 
Wendy still had trouble dealing with what she had seen and done and in high school, started drinking to forget and calm herself down. She had a bad friend that would help her get the drinks and eventually Margaret found out about her daughter’s habit and confronted her about it.
This led into a rather nasty fight between them, concluding with Wendy sobbing in the kitchen apologizing and begging her mom for help out of fear that she might end up like her father. Margaret, without hesitation, held her daughter close and vowed to do what it took. 
Wendy received the help she needed, along with therapy for her trauma and cut ties with the friend. She graduated high school with a plan to become a nurse like her mother. 
Margaret fell in love with a man named Travis McCoy and soon enough the new couple was dating. Jeremy liked him and got along with him, and he seemed decent enough, but Wendy didn’t trust him out of fear that their family history would repeat. However, after a group trip to Australia one summer, Travis and Wendy had a heart to heart, and she saw in him what Joseph should have been and accepted him. 
After some time with the family, Travis asked her if it would be alright if he married her mom. Wendy, to her own surprise and delight, said it was.   
Wendy worked in a renowned Hospital when she met the first love of her life; Laverne Bree. It had started out as a friendship, since Bree had just moved into the same building and was working as a cop. But in the time spent together, Wendy found out that she felt a certain way about her friend and soon discovered her own bisexuality. When she felt secure to tell Laverne the truth, she was surprised to hear that Laverne had felt the same as she was already a closeted lesbian. 
They took their relationship steadily and slow, and soon found confidence and started dating. Wendy brought Laverne around often to see her family and they adored her. Laverne doesn’t speak to her family and would always be ecstatic to join Wendy on holiday trips to see hers. Wendy eventually asked Laverne to marry her after years of dating. 
Wendy and Laverne were about one year into planning their wedding when Wendy heard at work about a sudden mysterious outbreak of multiple people being bitten and behaving in strange and monstrous ways. An attack on a staff member at her hospital caused her to witness exactly what was happening for herself and her concerns grew about what would happen to her family.
The news steadily became more alarming as it was already estimated that vampires had humans outnumbered and that there was a need of what to do with these citizens as they still held onto themselves after being turned and were still considered people. While trying to stay busy after her hospital was shut down, Wendy decided to join the military in an effort to help make sense of what to do to help those in need. The program she entered into taught her all the tactical skills she would later use, and she was put into a squadron with a man named Gavin Smith who would soon become a good friend of hers. She met Parker, Levi, and Guadalupe there as well. 
Gavin, Wendy and the rest of their troop spent their deployment setting up shelters and aid facilities as the world leaders came together to discuss what to do about the dwindling numbers of humans and the steadily rising of vampires. Wendy, while in constant contact with her loved ones, found out from her mother in a frightened voice that the area in which her father Joseph was still kept in prison was attacked and raided by a group of vampires and that Joseph’s body wasn’t anywhere among the dead accounted for. Wendy became fearful and told her mother to contact Laverne for help.
Wendy and her squadron were able to return home early and with things getting much worse on the news, she anxiously returned home that night as fast as she could but was too late and found her mother and stepfather slaughtered and drained of their blood in their own beds. Jeremy was nowhere to be found in the house as he had just been visiting with his girlfriend Trudy and there were more signs of an attack leading towards the kitchen. There, Wendy was horribly distraught to see her fiancee Laverne strewn on the floor bloody and no more. Her police gun a mere feet away from where she had fallen. 
Wendy in her grief, was found by Joseph still inside the house and she vengefully did everything to stop him from turning her as he attacked her. she was almost bitten when Joseph was suddenly decapitated from behind by a worried Gavin as he stood before her with his machete. He helped her out of the house despite her struggles in vain to find her brother as they were joined by the other three members of their squad. Their plan was to abandon their ranks from the military after they had heard about it being announced that military forces were to be turned into vampires as a new protocol by all the world leaders after they had been turned into vampires as well. Finding out for themselves that being immortal was an upside to being undead.  
In the weeks after going rogue, Gavin told Wendy to find an abandoned base that was hidden deep into the mountains nearby that he had heard about. They would hunker down somewhere safe until he had gotten word from her and in the meantime would try to save as many human lives as they still could. After a few months, Wendy was successful and the team along with survivors turned the place into their new home as the world outside changed and became dangerous. 
In the few years that followed, Wendy would scout outside the colony walls by herself, looking for new survivors and being hunted by members of her old squadron lead by a man named Hudson Fowler, who had willingly been turned and were tasked with finding her and the other deserters.    
Late Life:
In her mid to late 40s, Wendy would still scout despite the constant decreasing in human survivors. 
As rumors spread that the Vamps were getting desperate for human blood, her trips became more dangerous and one day, while playing her emergency broadcast for other humans, she ran alongside a car with a Phoenix painted on it and met Lionel Cormac, Edward Dalton, and Audrey Bennett. She guided them back to her colony but ran into some trouble along the way back.
They all arrived there safe, and soon enough Ed, Audrey and Lionel introduced that there was a way to cure vampires back into human beings.
Wendy would ultimately decide to help them convince her colony that it was true, and this collaboration led her to become close with the trio, and eventually causing her and Lionel to become friends and eventually fall in love.
Within a few months, hope spread through the colony as word went around that because the blood substitute was working without any struggles, the conversation around what to do about the remaining humans became relevant again and more senators and government officials were deeply interested in trying to preserve the human race. 
 For the first time in a long while, Wendy was hopeful for a future where she and Lionel could live together.
Wendy was asked by Gavin to seek out another human colony that were in peaceful contact with Vampire senators that wished to help the humans return safely. She accepted and Lionel volunteered to travel with her.
Upon meeting the new colony in a remote location, Wendy was shocked to find her brother Jeremy alive and well with Trudy and their two daughters. Overcome with joy, the McCoy siblings embraced. But it was very short lived as a rogue party of Vampires found them and attacked. 
They were fought off, but Wendy was bitten while protecting her new nieces from being harmed. 
While escaping towards home with the colony in tow, Wendy revealed to Lionel that she had been bit and was worried about turning on her loved ones. Lionel assured her that she wouldn’t and once they got back, immediately set up a space for Wendy to be quarantined away from everyone else. Only Lionel and Ed refused to leave her as Parker does his best to care for her before she painfully turned into a vampire. 
Lionel offers her his blood without hesitation, but Ed warns him that she might actually end up killing him since she was newly turned and hungry. Before any of them could do something, word spread to them about a group of vamps scouting the mountains near their hiding place and Wendy, fearing the worst, snuck away and successfully lured them away from the mountains on her bike. She was captured by Fowler and was taken to the city to be questioned. 
Lionel, Gavin, Audrey and Ed were able to rescue her back and turn Wendy into a human again. Upon seeing that it was in fact possible, Gavin agreed to meet with the Vampires who advocated for human life with Jeremy and Audrey. 
Months pass and the vampire community and government has set up peaceful conditions and places of reserves for humans to live openly and safely during the day. Laws are passed condoning the killing of humans by Vampires and while some are displeased on both sides, steps have been taken to ensure humanity continues safely. Wendy has long since recovered and upon coming home from visiting Jeremy and his family, is accompanied by Lionel and in the following weeks discovers that she has become pregnant with her first child.
Wendy at first is troubled by how late at her age she has become pregnant at and is concerned for their baby’s health while Lionel completely supports her by whatever decision she chooses. At this point Ed and Audrey have already had their first daughter and after confiding in Audrey, Wendy decides she wants to keep her baby.
 After 8 1/2 months she gives birth to a small but healthy baby boy, she and Lionel name Matthew. 
As the years pass and Matthew is now 12, Wendy and Lionel are married and are living happily in a small town that has both a Human and Vampire population within it. Lionel has another garage that services both vampire modeled and human modeled vehicles while Wendy works with Parker at their town clinic.
Wendy lives out the rest of her days with her loved ones, her husband Lionel and son Matthew doing what she loves and at peace with her life.   
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queer media masterpost
wlw media
wlw television
[EN] I Am Not Okay With This [violence, gore, suicide, depression]
wlw cartoon
[JP] My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! [no TW necessary]
[JP] Bloom into You [no TW necessary]
[JP] Adachi and Shimamura [no TW necessary]
[JP] Asagao and Kase-san [no TW necessary]
[JP] Liz and the Blue Bird [no TW necessary]
[JP] Madoka Magica [violence, gore, suicide]
[JP] Sweet Blue Flowers [no TW necessary]
[EN] Harley Quinn [child abuse, violence, gore, infidelity, ableism]
[EN] Craig of the Creek [no TW necessary]
wlw comic
[JP] After Hours [sex]
[JP] Mizuno and Chayama [violence, bullying]
[JP] My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! [no TW necessary]
[JP] Adachi and Shimamura [no TW necessary]
[JP] Bloom into You [no TW necessary]
[JP] My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness [depression, eating disorder]
[JP] Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon [no TW necessary]
[JP] Run Away with Me, Girl! [infidelity, sex]
[JP] Goodbye, Rose Garden [infidelity]
[EN] Always Human [ableism]
ShootAround [violence, gore, transphobia, homophobia]
[EN] Encore! [transphobia, homophobia]
[EN] Dinosaur Couch [no TW necessary]
[EN] High Class Homos [homophobia, transphobia]
wlw novel
none here yet :(
wlw game
[EN] Life is Strange [violence, depression]
[EN] Monster Prom [no TW necessary]
[EN] Night in the Woods [depression, psychological horror]
[EN] Bugsnax [psychological horror, cannibalism, body horror]
[EN] Hollow Knight [psychological horror, body horror]
mlm television
[CN] Heaven Official's Blessing [violence, gore, suicide, body horror]
[EN] Schitt's Creek [infidelity]
mlm cartoon
[JP] Sasaki and Miyano [no TW necessary]
[JP] Stranger by the Sea [homophobia, sex]
[JP] Devilman Crybaby [gore, violence, body horror, sex, animal death]
[JP] No. 6 [violence, body horror]
[JP] Yuri!!! on Ice [no TW necessary]
[JP] Banana Fish [depression, violence, sexual assault, child abuse, pedophilia]
[JP] Given [sexual assault]
[JP] Sarazanmai [violence]
[JP] Promare [no TW necessary]
[CN] Heaven Official's Blessing [violence, gore, suicide, body horror]
[EN] Dead End Paranormal Park [transphobia]
[EN] Our Flag Means Death [gore, violence]
mlm media
mlm comic
[JP] Our Dining Table [no TW necessary]
[JP] No. 6 [violence, body horror]
[JP] The Two Lions [no TW necessary]
[JP] Our Dreams at Dusk [homophobia]
[CN] Heaven Official's Blessing [violence, gore, suicide, body horror]
[CN] Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation [depression, suicide, violence, gore, child abuse, body horror, sex, animal death]
[KR] Killing Stalking [depression, violence, gore, sexual assault, body horror, child abuse, pedophilia, psychological horror]
[EN] Boyfriends [no TW necessary]
[EN] Daybreak [no TW necessary]
[EN] It's Kind of a Funny Story [depression]
[EN] Duncan and Eddie [homophobia]
[EN] To the Stars and Back [no TW necessary]
[EN] High Class Homos [homophobia, transphobia]
[EN] Encore! [homophobia, transphobia]
mlm novel
[CN] Heaven Official's Blessing [violence, gore, suicide, body horror]
[CN] Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation [depression, suicide, violence, gore, child abuse, body horror, sex, animal death]
[CN] Scum Villain's Self-Saving System [suicide, violence, gore, body horror, sex]
[JP] No. 6 [violence, body horror]
[EN] Frog and Toad are Friends [no TW necessary]
mlm game
[EN] Hades [violence]
[EN] Hollow Knight [psychological horror, body horror]
[EN] Night in the Woods [depression, psychological horror]
mlm podcast
[EN] Welcome to Night Vale [violence, gore, psychological horror, body horror]
[EN] The Two Princes [no TW necessary]
trans media
trans television
[EN] One Day at a Time [racism]
[EN] Our Flag Means Death [violence, gore]
trans cartoon
[JP] Wandering Son [depression, transphobia]
[JP] Kino's Journey [no TW necessary]
[JP] Princess Jellyfish [no TW necessary]
[JP] Wonder Egg Priority [depression, transphobia, violence, gore, suicide]
[JP] Stars Align [depression, child abuse, transphobia]
[JP] Hunter x Hunter [violence, gore, pedophilia, transphobia, child abuse]
[JP] Land of the Lustrous [violence, gore, ableism]
[JP] Komi Can't Communicate [no TW necessary]
[EN] The Owl House [violence]
[EN] Dead End: Paranormal Park [transphobia]
[Craig of the Creek [no TW necessary]
trans comic
[JP] Love Me For Who I Am [transphobia, homophobia]
[JP] My Androgynous Boyfriend [no TW necessary]
[JP] Boy Meets Maria [child abuse, sexual assault, homophobia, transphobia]
[JP] Princess Jellyfish [no TW necessary]
[JP] Land of the Lustrous [psychological horror, violence, gore, ableism]
[EN] ShootAround [violence, gore]
[EN] Boyfriends [no TW necessary]
[EN] Hyperfocus [aphobia, transphobia]
[EN] It’s Kind of a Funny Story [depression]
trans novel
[JP] Kino’s Journey [no TW necessary]
trans games
[EN] Splatoon [no TW necessary]
trans podcast
none yet :(
queer media
queer television
[EN] The Good Place [violence]
queer cartoon
[EN] Bojack Horseman (asexual) [sexual assault, child abuse, pedophilia, alcoholism, depression, homophobia]
queer comic
[EN] Hyperfocus (aroace) [aphobia, transphobia]
queer novel
[EN] Loveless (aroace) [aphobia]
queer game
[EN] Coming Out Simulator [homophobia, transphobia]
queer podcast
[EN] The Magnus Archives [depression, violence, gore, body horror, psychological horror]
straight media that get a pass
“straight” television
none yet :(
“straight” cartoon
[CN] All Saints Street [no TW necessary]
[JP] The Tatami Galaxy [psychological horror]
“straight” comic
[EN] Hooky [violence]
“straight” novel
none yet :(
“straight” game
none yet :(
“straight” podcast
none yet :(
let us know if there are any missed TWs!! :3
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