firstelevens · 2 months
Ask game :) List 5 things that make you happy and then ask this question to the last 10 people who liked and reblogged things from you
phone calls with my niece and nephew
the people at my local coffee place remembering me and my order even after a whole month of me not stopping by
the fact that the weather here is nice and warm so I can enjoy being outside before the cicadas come and the trees scream for a month and a half
a good strong cup of tea
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ladynoblesong · 2 months
Ask game :) List 5 things that make you happy and then ask this question to the last 10 people who liked and reblogged things from you
thank you! 😊 life's a bit of a mess at the moment ngl, but still:
sunsets around my place have been particularly beautiful lately
i've started doing drag and it's been really exciting so far
i'm spending a couple days by the sea this weekend
pokemon cards & merch (and on that topic, jaiden animation's latest video)
i saw mother mother in concert a while ago and they were incredible
tagging: @starship-yentaprise, @cookie-moi, @nerdlandia, @maaaathemeatloaf, @mortsubiteart, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @astreakofgay, @thehappyegg, @lindaeastman, @itsfantasticallyhomoerotic and also, bc i want to, @sheep-in-space, @firstdragonlady, @lifesizehysteria, @cozcat and @maddelineusher 💖
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addiemilfgomery · 3 months
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he's not just co-captain of the starship yentaprise, he's also co-captain of the c.c. babcock defense squad
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Tagged by @firstordersystem. Ahhhhh Thanks! :)
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 accounts you want to know better
Nickname(s): Beck, RJ, Becky(family), Rena
Gender: Genderfluid
Sign: Capricorn
Height: 167ish cms LOL
Time: 9.46pm
Favorite Bands: Panic! at the Disco, The Beach Boys
Favorite Solo Artists: Kate Miller-Heidke, Missy Higgins, Adele, Lorde, Sia, Kimya Dawson
Song Stuck In My Head: Face of God - Camp Cope
Last Movie I Saw: no idea at home, but at the movies was Avengers Infinity War
Last Show I Watched: I’m watching Call The Midwife right now and then gonna watch the next episode of Safe. I was dissociating to call the midwife while doing coursework lmao
When Did I Create My Blog: originally 2007/2008 but i remade and have since lost the password to my original blog. this blog is about 5 years old???? i dont know
What Do I Post: Personal shit, X Files, random shows/movies i like/ Shitposting/mental health/art
Last Thing I Googled: to see if there was an illustrator shortcut for uniting in pathfinder (there kind of is, its cntrl+4 lmao)
Do I Have Any Other Blogs: @spookysource is my main sideblog i post a LOT of resources there :) 
Do I Get Any Asks: The only person who sends asks is @kateysagals :’(
My URL: LOL  My URL is a mash-up of two quotes;  ”It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.“ from Pride & Prejudice and ”The truth is out there.“ from The X Files. don’t askkkkkkk. I MISS MY OLD URL @trustdanascully but i forgot the password :(
Following: 1230
Followers: 898 
Avg. Hours Of Sleep: 8
Lucky Number: 4
Instruments: used to learn piano and guitar (badly) can’t really play either anymore. I sing a lot though.
What Am I Wearing: spiderman nightie LMAO, red around-the-house pants, black cardigan full of holes and lint
Dream Job: Graphic Designer working for a little company of really great people and a misc handmade item side business. AND OR a space that is a cafe/florist/art studio where people can come to do art while having a cuppa and also buy handmade shit. also is LGBTQIA+++++++++++ and mental health friendly uuuhuhogews a big safe space full of art and food basically
Dream Trip: I love Japan and that will always be #1 but as for places I haven’t been - Costa Rica and Romania
Favorite Food: Japanese, Mexican, Indian
Nationality: Aussie
Favorite Song: Monster by Kate Miller-Heikde????
Last Book I’ve Read: ahahahahaha my answer is the same as @firstordersystem! Book of Dust! But I’ve been too busy to finish it!!!! :( love me some HDM
Top 3 Fictional Universes: Star Trek, Dungeons and Dragons (I’ve only played like 3 times but DAMN yus pls, and ELDER SCROLLS???? (i dont know if this is accurate but whatever)
I tag: @kateysagals @jesstheelephant @perigilpin @itscalledetiquettedarling @103-66exeterstreet @mortallydankmemes @now-theres-a-spoiler-for-you @thedrawingmuffin @shamelessuseofcharm @starship-yentaprise @lil-c0met @dahlia-ships @bellavira @longdistancewinner @riparoni-macaroni  @lilykakes @believeamorfati
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Tagged by the lovely @naughtygrandboy
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
Nickname: none Star sign: aquarius  Height: 5′1 Time right now: 3:31pm Favourite music artist(s): Foals, Kid Cudi, Grimes, Phantogram, The National, Lana Del Rey, The Weeknd, A$AP Rocky, Kendrick Lamar  Song stuck in your head: Secrets by The Weeknd Last movie watched: Hard Candy Last TV show watched: The Office What are you wearing right now: work shirt and yoga pants When did you create your blog: 6 and a half years ago What kind of stuff do you post: mostly lesbian stuff, porn, tv shows, games, middle aged women, occasionally veganisim stuff.   Do you have any other blogs / saved URLs: nope Do you get asks regularly: Not as much as i used too. i’m not as social as i used to be when i first joined this site.
Why did you chose your URL: it’s a line from x-files: i want to believe movie. i’ve had that url for about 5ish years now. it’s literally like a trademark to my blog, lol.
Hogwarts house: Nope Pokemon team: nope Favorite color: i like all colors. but if we’re talking about wearing i like neutral/earthy tones. 
Average hours of sleep: it depends. as of now my sleep pattern is all over the place. i never know how many hours i’m gonna get until that night. Lucky number: don’t really have one Favorite characters: joan ferguson, dana scully, vera bennett, elena fisher, ellie, and olivia benson (hence why my dog is named benson) How many blankets do you sleep with: 4. i like a lot of my blankets on top of me. Dream job: toss up between actress and pilot Following: 400
who i’m tagging: @earthanduniverse-love, @tiberiusmulder, @starship-yentaprise, @somuchmorethanthis, @seriesilovethemost
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sutexii-main · 9 years
starship-yentaprise replied to your photoset “”
im sorry but are you peggy carter
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lilypotterr · 9 years
Music Meme!
Music meme: You can tell a lot about a person from their music. Hit shuffle on your iPod, MP3 Player, etc. and put the first 10 songs. One rule, no skipping! Tag 10 people and pass it on. I was tagged by darlingiknow​
1. Soul Meets Body - Death Cab For Cutie
2. Endless Fantasy - Anamanaguchi
3. Good Love - The Maine
4. Dory - Grizzly Bear
5. Patient Love (Acoustic) - Passenger
6. Fangs - Magic Fight
7. At Least I’m Not As Sad (As I Used To Be) - fun.
8. Look Into The Air - Explosions in the Sky
9. Chin Music For The Unsuspecting Hero - Foster the People
10. All Your Keyfabe Friends - Los Campesinos! 
tagging: (1) starship-yentaprise​ (2) liefly​ (3) cutestfatty​ (4) whirrring​ (5) momweed​ (6) thesaddestgatsby (7) communistbakery (8) amberjacquie (9) melbopo (10) slytherise 
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odioddef · 9 years
replied to your post:i got up earlu today went to counseling...
Babe I love you and I’m so proud of you and I’m here for you always
i love you too i’m so glad you exist
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holdmybutt · 9 years
starship-yentaprise replied to your post: “ok I need some help. can anyone tell me how to make these scars less...”:
Vitamin e oil!
Thanks a million !!!!
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odioddef · 9 years
starship-yentaprise said:
You make this world infinitely better by noticing this. You are a radiant presence within the darkness of this sad world.
you make my life so much better by being in it <3
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odioddef · 9 years
starship-yentaprise replied to your post:after ELEVEN emails my tutor (the helpful one) has...
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