#starstable lore
treeganart · 2 years
ALL ABOUT ENDRÉ (and Kallters in my version of Jorvik)
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Like two people asked for more info on my OCs and I was like “EEEEE!!” so here’s the first info dump on my favourite anxious himbo Endré 💙
Endré (he/him 💖💜💙) was born and raised behind the IcenGates of Dino Valley. He has a strong connection to his culture and his people - The Kallter - as they are all he has ever known.
His family consists of his father, his older brother, and his Nana. Sadly his mother passed away in his early years and he struggles to connect to his brother and father due to their vastly different personalities and interests. His Nana is his main guardian and support ❤️ However he still gets to see his mother when her spirit returns during a yearly event where the spirit realm opens up to the physical realm via the Northern Lights. (Or on special occasions where guidance is needed but I won’t get into that in this post lol)
He has two best friends (his only friends lol) Yura (she/her) and Atka (They/Them) who stuck by him despite him being an extremely shy and introverted kid.
All Kallter are raised to believe in the ‘Spirits’ and animism - meaning that everything, be it animal, human, mountain or river, has a spirit/soul. Their religion is based on experience as well as belief due to Jorvik being situated on strong ley-lines of powerful energy, enhancing these spirits so they can be felt by all Kallter and those inclined to reach out.
It’s a polytheism culture that worships multiple spirits alongside Aideen. Endré is devoted to these believes and frequently spends time alone listening to the Spirits and feeling their energies to calm him.
He has struggled with anxiety a lot of his life and luckily has had a lot of support from his family and friends in finding healthy ways to cope with his mental health - such as breathing techniques, connecting with the earth/spirits, his emotional support mare Ilya, among others.
Kallter have extra special bonds/abilities with their horses, bestowed upon them by Aideen centuries ago, that allow them to communicate with their equine counterparts (Kinda like the Soulriders).
Endré is extremely proficient in this gift - more so than the rest of his community - and therefor is the main ‘Keeper of Mounts’. He basically looks after all the horses and Caribou and trains them etc etc. (yes I will die on this hill that Kallter don’t just ride horses but a variety of mounts COZ I LIKE IT) .
Endré ends up meeting my other two OCs Bonnie and Wren (and kick starts my story (I have a whole story and prequel story for my characters so… yeah. I’m totally not obsessed 😅)) after he gets BANISHED from his tribe for *Spoiler Reasons* and isn’t allowed back until he can complete this like quest(?) to find some stolen ancient Kallter artifact. So out he goes into the rest of Jorvik on his trusty steed Ilya, into a world completely unknown to him, without his support system and completely alone. Until he meets Bonnie…. Who can’t pass up the chance to help our Kallter boi - and ends up throwing them both headlong into the biggest mystery and conspiracy of Jorviks long history of lies, deceit and power struggle.
So there ya have it 🌚👁👁 What do you guys think? I have a lot more Kallter specific lore too coz they are my fav faction in SSO. Like all about their religion, their civilisation, the Ice Witch, Kallstones, Shamans etc. it’s all inspired a lot by Inuit cultures but with my own twists coz it’s Jorvik and they are a made up culture so 😌
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regancastlelion · 2 months
random, but I kinda want our characters to snap? I saw someone else say it, but I want to emphasise on it.
like an Avengers level threat snap. like a power overload snap.
the kind of snap where our character is so angry or stressed or both that all the power of all four circles just EXPLODE within them that they can't contain it anymore.
the keepers realise how much pressure they've put on literal older teenagers/young adults. of course, they don't turn down the pressure, no. they blame our character for not dealing with it properly.
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pandoriasmostwanted · 8 months
I don't know if anyone else does something similar but with my magical horses I like to pretend that they don't really belong to my characters, they just show up occasionally and hang out for a while, talk about their adventures to my characters, have a free meal and a safe place to sleep before wandering off to their next adventure.
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akiramona · 2 years
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It's too late for this.
P.S.: To clarify why she has different leg wear--- she just does
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ro-sso · 2 years
conclusion to the most recent storyline quests: NICE STORY BUT I WANT MORE LORE
I always want more lore. Give me more books sso,,, more pls.
I reached level 22 as well, which is quite funky! Spoilers/picutres below the read more
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I loved the library. I love it, so pretty!! That lock combination confused me, but I saw 2 of the scrolls and from there it was easier (Stars, Sun Lighting, Moon.)
Vala my eldritch beloved <3 Also I wish that our character could be as funky (queer coded) as the dark riders but anyway.
The horse reminds me of Loretta also, but yeah. Overall I enjoyed it, I got around 12/9 papers, I think you could've gotten up to 14-16 if you had really tried to, but I wasn't too concerned about it.
Anyway, my SSO glitched and showed a bunch of trading quests on my map when i opened it after completing the quest - at first I thought it was to do with what Mrs. Holdsworth said about planning and prep but I think it's just a glitch
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dorianwolfforest · 4 months
Ok apparently some people missed this, and it is my favoritest of star stable lores, so welcome to the most prolific source of star stable dunk jokes, the Ride with us campaign and it's charity.
Ever wonder why we say horsegirl is a slur? Or why we say horsegirls bite? Look no further than the absolute wreck that was star stable trying to do something good with their money.
The day is august 25th. The time? Time for revolution. Star stable online launches its shakiest campaign yet, and they do it on every possible platform. Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, even their website which still has a permanent addition. It's truly taking the world by storm.
Standing on hopes, dreams, and a mildly skewered survey sent out weeks prior, Star stable proudly proclaims that horse girls are crazy, obsessed, and weird, and that they are bullied for this. Well, no longer, they cry. They come bearing a hashtag that only massive social backlash could topple. "Reclaim horse girl".
People were (rightfully) pissed that they were likening horse girl to a slur that could be reclaimed, star stable pushed back, people got even more pissed, and finally they course corrected and changed the hashtag to "yes i'm a horse girl" because, despite our jokes, horse girl is in fact not something that can be likened to slurs people need to reclaim.
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Their claims were so hilariously insane that people thought screenshots from the promotional video were photoshopped
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On august 25th, they release the code RIDEWITHUS which would give every player an ingame hoodie, and with every redeem, star stable would donate 1 SEK to an unspecified charity. They did not further specify anything about this charity, only that it was meant to be for anti-bullying. As we all know, not all charities are good, so I personally didn't redeem the code until I knew where the money was going, and oh boy did I have to wait.
Over the course of the next 35 days, star stable made several instagram posts describing the results of the survey they sent out that launched this entire ordeal. I could screenshot all the individual posts but that's a lot of work so here you go, here's the source behind the information found in the posts instead.
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When I asked on twitter why we weren't allowed to know what charity the money would go toward, I received the response that starstable were very busy trying to figure out a platform to let people vote for one of multiple charities that they had deemed fit (I was not told what the options would be).
A few days after the instagram posts ended, on october 4th, we were told what charities we were going to be voting for. The vote took place in a Google form, a decision a month in the making. The two charities we were allowed to pick between was Friends and Children's helpline. Finally knowing where the money would be going, I felt comfortable redeeming the code with only THREE days left until the code would no longer work and the charity collection would end.
The code stopped working october 7th, on october 10th we were finally told, officially, that 150 286 kr was going to children's helpline and then star stable raised their prices by 10 % immediately afterward and the Ride with us campaign died and wasn't mentioned ever again, kept alive only by people censoring the words horse girl and biting each other.
Truly a fuckfest. A beautiful moment in time.
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sso-maev · 6 months
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Happy new year!!
Really rough painting but I wanted to celebrate the ten year anniversary of my starstable account. I was really young when I made Ava and Laterna in early 2014, and they’re some of the oldest ocs I have. They’ve changed a lot over the years, mainly to reflect what was important to me and what feelings they were helping me deal with. Posting them online and sharing them with others is a recent step that I’m really glad I took (so much lore I haven’t shared, I’ll get to it eventually) . It’s kind of comforting to see that they’re still important to me, the same way that sso is still important to me after ten years of playing it. I have plenty of issues with the game itself, but Jorvik and the characters still mean so much to me. I truly look forward towards the next year, and I hope that Ava and Laterna can continue to be a source of happiness for me in the future.
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andxlusian · 1 year
Hello! I am new to ssoblr and posting on tumblr in general (despite being a silent stalker for the last,, i dunno, five years?)
I'm looking for a fun community and some like minded people. I started playing starstable a few years ago after I finally got it to run on my itty bitty laptop. It was like a month after the sakura lusitano left forever and I am still mad about it. I'm only allowed to own cattle atm so I need to live out my horse girl dreams somewhere. That somewhere happens to be a silly little horse game.
I am planning to post some content of my character and the beloved horse I seem to be hyperfixated on (again.) That will hopefully be in the form of some art, screenshots, and the ramblings of a madman fixated on the silly horse people lore.
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moddisms · 11 days
04/06/2024 Data Analysis Test - Abigail Pinehaven, most recent
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enxc98D9d-I&t=391s Abigail Pinehaven - Most Recent: 11 months ago - Abigail has moved onto other horse games moreso than starstable
Massive change in quality. OP greenscreens themselves in front of content they are producing
doesn't begin the video with "hello everyone!", instead begins with "hello friends!"
has lore in a slightly different way to Amelia Dreambell. Amelias lore is a world that they hae crafted - abigails is the 'Sporkle' horse that refeatures in may of their videos. Sporkle first came from star stable and featured in many videos , art works et cetera. She became a symbol of abigail pinehaven
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an interesting thing has occurred with the starstable pintabians in that they are near-identical to their previous models. Normally star stable aims to iterate upon and improve their models, but clearly there was a different intention with these models. Is it because they know about users like abigail? There is also a consistent trend of 'pintabians' being used for racing - they were previously the fastest horses in the game but i think this stat has been nullified.
The Star Stable name generator has a pre-specified list of names or combinations of words that you can use as names. OP doesnt want to use the word 'sparkle' for their horse 'sporkle' which i dont understand but I appreciate the honesty
uses playful background music
very emotive and chatty while talking to viewers
final notes of the video were criticisms about SSO and the retroactive tack fitting issues - which is a sentiment that has been issues by many users.
User also mentions that she uses custom shaders - which changes the colouring of the game while playing.
'training streams' and her custom discord - could be worth joining to see more of OPs content?
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treeganart · 2 years
Today I offer A Collection of ✨Pandorian Headcanons✨I Have Living In My Brain. Tomorrow? Who knows
*note* I cannot take credit for all of these headcanons!!! Some of them I have just picked up through my many scrollings of tumblr over the years and I literally can’t remember where they originated from / their original creators as some are just well accepted or super old. So if people know their ops please let me know!!
Pandorians have their own forms. My favourite headcanon is when people design Pandoria OCs as Humanoid Entities like it’s just finger licking good. I’ll have a healthy helping of that ty. I want tiefling style, firbolg, Avatar, animalistic ocs pls. I want different races of Pandorian with different cultures and aesthetics and attributes. I also like to think pandorians are Tall. Maybe that’s just me.
Pandoria and Jorvik are inexplicably linked through their realities sitting on top of eachother. And when levels of high energy (like LeyLines) are sitting vertically parallel it mixes their energy flows. People who can harness this mixing of energy can then use it to create rips between the realities (gates/portals/cracks etc). I have stranger things brain rot so I’m kinda going off those vibes. Jorvik sits on a huge ass LeyLine where there is high levels of parallel energy so it’s a melting pop of the two dimensions.
Pandorians can get “Jorvegian sickness” just like how Jorvegians can get “Pandorian sickness”. It’s basically just their bodies reacting to not being in their correct reality for prolonged amounts of time, and not being able to adjust to the different energies of said dimensions. Kinda like radiation poisoning. I read an article posted here like… a year or two about the ACTUAL science behind this and it’s super fascinating!! Ydris (and other Pandorians such as my oc Wren) can exist in our realm by creating bubbles of Pandoric energy around themselves to protect from this illness. Wren uses an infused Pandoric crystal earring as her portable container for this energy so she can constantly walk around with Pandoric energy around her. Her caravan and the circus are also bubbles of energy / safe havens.
Before Garnok Pandorians had thriving civilisations - castles, buildings, villages etc. However Garnok destroyed so many of these communities and spread Pandorian life thinner and thinner. The residue of these forgotten civilisations crumble in the inbetween as seen when we travel between Jorvik and Pandoria.
Things get pulled into this “InBetween” space between realities - sometimes real things, sometimes copies of real things. Reality and energy is highly unstable here and is volatile due to the mixing of energies. This is where a lot of lost things go. Sometimes trees, buildings or sometimes just your missing socks.
After Garnoks initial attacks across Pandoria, the people of the realm tried to fight back. It was a horrendous and long war against this evil tentacle cathulu ass boy, that the Pandorians would eventually loose to. This “Great War” decimated their populations and resources and brought a new era of fear and hiding to Pandorians. Multiple smaller cival wars would break out between communities over disputes in land, boarders, food, resources etc. Everyone was desperate and looking out for themselves. This is why Pandorians are so sparse now a days and always in secrecy wearing masks. Bit of Pandorian history there ;))
Not all Pandorian’s have magic! It’s much like on Jorvik where some are just more adept at controlling and manipulating energy to their will. You can be born with great power that is passed down in generations and can be strengthened with training. But there are also smaller practices of “magic” that anyone can learn with enough guidance and training. Ydris is just a VERY powerful Pandorian - which is one of the reasons he managed to sustain himself on Jorvik without getting sick, and travelled there in the first place. If everyone could do it, Jorvik would have become a safe haven for Pandorian refugees.
That’s it for now!!!! I’d love to hear peoples opinions on these as I’m always open to discussions about Pandoria 😩 we know so little which leaves SO much room for the imagination!!
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regancastlelion · 28 days
i like the somewhat fantasy aspect of Star Stable Online (and thus, Jorvik) so, canonically to Reggie's story, there's more than just druids and witches and omnipotent god-like girls on Jorvik.
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pandoriasmostwanted · 9 months
Jorvegian Pantheon?
Been thinking about this for like two days but what if Jorvik had more gods than just Aideen. Jorvik strikes me as a polytheistic nation and considering it's history, especially with the Romans and Vikings arriving, both famously polytheistic peoples. Of course Aideen is the main deity with how important she is to the country's history.
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Ok, so I was sure I remembered something about this, so I looked up a video and turns out, I did not just make it up.
Where is Everdale? I don’t think we’ve ever heard of it before? I couldn’t find it on the wiki, and as far as I know, it has never been mentioned in any updates either (assuming that you can search for keywords in updates, which seems to work when I search the word “Gary”)
I honestly always just assumed that this was the area that most people call mistfall lake or northern mistfall, but reading back what she said, it says “up in Everdale”. Maybe Everdale is an area in what most players refer to as Mystic Valley?
What do you think?
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madsandsbro · 2 years
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pandoricpies · 2 years
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This is not a drill friends
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jorvegian-goddess · 3 years
I finally feel like I am getting my SSO story together! And might be sharing some lore ideas here in the near future, so be on the look out!
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