#start building credit
hyvee · 1 year
Just scheduled a second interview for a full time position🕺
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reddinkcredit · 2 years
5 Easy Ways to Start Building Credit
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Building credit from scratch isn’t as hard as you might think. You can start building credit today with just five simple actions.
1: Take Advantage Of Online Tools
An easy way to start building credit is by taking advantage of online tools. Sites like Redd Ink Credit offer an improvement of your credit score, plus other goodies, such as personalized tips on how you can improve it. If you have a co-signer, like a parent or a partner, and you aren’t yet able to get approved for things on your own—you can open up joint accounts with them so you have access to credit sooner than later. (Just be sure not to abuse it!) You can even use an app called Earn Up that links directly with your bank account and lets you earn cashback on everyday purchases from places like Target or Walmart; those payments are then automatically deposited into your account. Over time these small deposits will help build up your credit score.
2: Know Your Options
There are several options when it comes to building your credit. One is to take out a secured credit card, which requires you to put down a security deposit, typically equal to your spending limit. Another option is asking an existing creditor for a line of credit on top of what you already have. Keep in mind that using someone else’s money will increase your interest rate and may not be worth it if you don’t plan on paying off the balance right away. If neither of these options sounds appealing to you, then checking into a secured credit union might be best because they tend to offer lower rates than most banks. Other alternatives include borrowing from family or friends, financing education, or even refinancing your mortgage (which can boost your score by reducing debt). Whatever option you choose, remember that establishing a good credit history starts with understanding all of them and picking one that works for you.
3: Understand Your Credit Score
Before you can start building your credit, you need to know how it works. Your credit score is a number that helps lenders understand how likely you are to repay the debt; what makes up your score will vary depending on who’s asking. But, at its most basic level, it can be broken down into five key factors:
Payment history (35%)
The amount owed (30%)
Length of credit history (15%)
New credit inquiries/applications (10%)
Types of credit used (10%).
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A healthy mix of these elements is a good place to start when planning out your strategy for building credit. It’s also important to have an idea of where you stand with your credit before shopping around for credit cards or loans; without knowing your current standing, other players in the field have no idea where they should put their money either. For example, if banks see that consumers are paying off their debts and using a variety of different accounts responsibly, they may be more willing to offer low-interest rates on loans—which could help you save big later.
4: Know What Factors Into Your Credit Score
Credit scores are one of those mysterious, misleading numbers you often hear but never understand. While your age doesn’t affect your credit score directly, it does impact how long you’ve had a particular line of credit open. It takes about 2 years for an account to show up in your report, meaning that if you have many accounts open within a short time, it will throw off your ratio. Be sure to know what goes into calculating your credit score before starting down any paths towards building or rebuilding yours. Doing so can help ensure you’re maximizing your efforts while achieving positive results.
5: Don’t Close Credit Cards You Don’t Use
The number of credit cards you have isn’t as important as how many you use regularly. Closing a card can hurt your credit score, so don’t close a card just because it isn’t active. Make sure your payment history is up-to-date by using your card every once in a while (even if it’s just for a small purchase) and watch your credit scores rise with each passing month. And remember: You don’t need an official credit building reason to use your card.
Don’t let those zero-percent teaser APRs pass you by—just make sure you pay off your balance in full when that special deal ends. You don’t want to be saddled with high-interest payments down the road! Pay on time! Being late or missing a payment will damage your credit in no time flat. Just like closing an account lowers your overall credit limit, missing payments hurt your average account age and length of credit history, which are just as important. Try setting reminders on your phone calendar whenever it’s due date time; then stick to them! Consider student loans part of regular debt: If you’re fortunate enough to qualify for student loans through education programs like Stafford Loans or Perkins Loans, go ahead and take advantage! Just know that repaying these loans should be considered part of regular debt along with mortgages, car loans, and everything else.
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Address - 1312 17th Street Unit # 2001 Denver, CO 80202
Phone - (800) 920-2132
Website - Redd Ink Credit
Blog - 5 Easy Ways to Start Building Credit
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slythereen · 1 month
anyway friendly reminder that:
charles threatened to leave ferrari in 2022 & ferrari scrambled to keep him ->
ferrari brought in charles’s former tp whom he trusted to replace binotto ->
fred began poaching and rebuilding ->
fred drew in lewis hamilton ->
lewis drew in newey (potentially)
so when people start talking about ferrari’s resurgence and who built it back up, I BETTER HEAR THEM SAY CHARLES
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julielilac · 2 months
Some "INFINITY" news (5)
Eng. Sub. by @/zeenu_urluve on twitter
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 3 months
Using an app to practice my Spanish (Mexican Spanish specifically) and did a practice conversation and I got so nervous 😭 it wasn’t even with a person, it was just a bot I was chatting to but it perfectly encapsulated how it felt talking to someone in Spanish and understanding vaguely what’s being said but getting easily confused and struggling to articulate myself 😭😭😭
In high school I was so fluent and my Spanish teacher lowkey hated me bcuz I knew enough Spanish that I could perfectly express myself but I wouldn’t always use her formal language or vocab words or shit.
And now I’m struggling to like, have a fake conversation with someone just making small talk and asking me where I’m from
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menlove · 6 months
where's the dune fear is the mind killer post but about ordering takeout i need it rn
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thestarstho · 1 year
I need Teenagers by MCR in the Percy Jackson series I need it I need it
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i've been noticing a trend where ofmd fans seem to think that in the world of ofmd, the world of rich aristocrats is the Bad World (true) and a represents the rigid and oppressive structures of Society™ and pirate world is the Good World that is rebelling against society and everyone there gets to be gay all the time and there's no class divide or racism or anything
and i feel like we're rlly missing the mark here with the idea that the pirate world is Gay Utopia even tho we have plenty of evidence on the contrary. calico jack, apparently a prime example of what a Real Pirate looks like, laughs at the idea of having genuine friends and mocks stede for being effeminate. hornigold used to beat down his crew. hell, ed wants to retire and he apparently feels trapped enough in his life of crime at sea that he hasn't found a way to do that yet.
i don't think it's as simple as "becoming a pirate is Liberating." it's liberating for stede, and presumably it once felt liberating to ed when he started gaining fame and fortune. but ed's bored now, and olu literally says that none of stede's crew are pirates because they like it.
imo it's not piracy that's so liberating so much as it is just... a community where everyone is able to voice their opinions and care for each other on a personal level. stede began fostering that environment on the Revenge (and obviously he's gonna need to learn to also open up before his ship truly becomes that open environment), but i think he could've brought that atmosphere anywhere. he ended up fostering that community on a pirate ship bc. idk it's a pirate show.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
May I ask who designed Ichiban because that dude needs his dick sucked… or eaten out if they’re a woman… anyway genuine who came up with the current Ichiban design?
ouuuggggggghhhhhh if i ffffffUCKIN knew bro...... i wish i could answer that with confidence i really wish i could......
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azurdlywisterious · 1 month
playing a fun gaame called "making backup files to get my fo3 saves onto my new pc by tricking dropbox into thinking i am a New Business"
Dropbox: Tell us about your team! :D
We're the Tunnel Snakes and we're literally just two guys running around DC causing chaos next question
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beauceronn · 9 months
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@triangle-dog you put it far more eloquently than I could have. Exactly this.
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quaranmine · 11 months
sometimes on this blog you get unhinged minecraft ramblings and sometimes you get posts about the housing market and the used car market sldfjslfjsklfj
anyway i'm in the stage of adulthood where i visit neighborhood and go hmm i wonder how much it costs to live here and then load up the county apprasial district website to get the appraised value/tax information on a specific property just to depress myself because i will never be able to buy a house
also???? there was this girl who was an intern at the same time as me, who was converted into a permanent full time employee at the same time as me??? and she bought at house last year? like one month after she wasn't an intern anymore??? no offense to her (good for her! i'm delighted for her!) but did she come into an inheritance or something because i know for a fact we're making the same paycheck and she cannot be more than 3 years older than i am lol
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aintmyjewelry · 1 year
every time i pay my capital one credit card bill all i can think about is the fact i opened this credit card for taylor swift tickets
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cappurrccino · 4 months
desire to start some sort of side-hustle countered by the awareness that I have neither the time nor mental health to manage a side-hustle
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rosicheeks · 5 months
#I JUST WANT MY OWN PLACE AND A FUR BABY#really really want a dog but I feel like a cat is more realistic for an apartment especially#anyway#just wondering#could rent ya know#go down a little bit please?#I’m so sick of studios being $1500+ and then they don’t even fucking include utilities half of the time#so who wants to get a place together?#I feel like life would be a whole lot easier if I had friends so I could just find a place with them but nooooooooooooooooooooo#tempted to look into loans but I have no clue how they work or where to even start#doubt I’d even get anything tbh#no credit cause my dad always told me credit cards are evil and like bro I get it but I also kinda need them so I can build credit?????????#idk idk idk I’m just grumpy#I’m sick of the life I’m living#I miss being able to chill and relax and do my hobbies…. don’t remember the last time I painted…. maybe a year now?#hopefully I’ll find a full time job that pays incredibly well and I’ll be able to get my own place and start living my life again#but until then I’m just kinda stuck#I feel trapped#I feel like I have no path and I’m just sitting in darkness#I’m sorry to anyone who has messaged or snapped me or reached out in any way - I’m struggling a lot right now#happy holidays and happy new year to anyone who sent me something as always I love you all and I appreciate all the support#I just feel numb and I don’t feel like rosie right now#been very very sex repulsed so that might be way I’ve been taking a break from here#like I want touch and I want love but the thought of sex or anything like that makes me want to throw up? idk it’s super weird#gotta get up in the morning and go to my nieces bday party - she’s turning 2! so you know what that means?#a whole bunch of other little screaming tots 🙃🙃🙃🙃 and a bunch of people I don’t know#wohoooooooooooo#gonna delete in a hot minute#so enjoy a Rosie post since I have been away for awhile#shut up rosie
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kerryweaverlesbian · 5 months
Lofty of BBC's Holby City was maybe one of the worst characters on the show. Is this a hot take? Do people outside of me and my family somehow adore Lofty? I can't imagine how. Here is my hateful mean and nasty reasoning. Read at your own risk I'm not accepting criticism at this time lmao:
A) he was effective comic relief on Casualty because it's the Emergency Department and moments of Lofty tripping over or doing a social faux pas are necessary tension breakers in episodes where people are constantly at deaths door.
Casualty is (when it's GOOD) required to have at least a third of the episode dedicated to a narsty horrible accident (hell yeah) and tensions are always running high so you can see how having someone a be awkward is not going to be the worst thing that happened to them that day.
Holby City is a more hospital staff focused show (although again. If there's less than a third of an episode focused on patients it is probably a bad episode. PLEASE HAVE PATIENTS IN YOUR HOSPITAL SHOW.) but there's a lot of waiting around for people in Holby because it's the longer term care zone. If Lofty is dropping stuff in the background of scenes with this lower energy it suggests he has some sort of untreated disability rather than 'argh I'm frantic OOPS'. He is painted more as incompetent on Holby compared to their more grounded staff. Which makes everyone ELSE look incompetent for putting up with it. (To be clear!!!! I'm not saying people with disabilities are incompetent lol if he had one it would have been a storyline!! And if he had one and none of the doctors who see him every day flagged it it also makes them look incompetent. He doesn't CARE enough to be CAREful. And in a show ABOUT caring for vulnerable people as far as you absolutely can. That's a big problem.)
Like the thing is. Characters on Casualty can be one note architypes forever because they're doing medical CSI. Holby spends so much more time with the cast, they NEED to become more complicated and Lofty never does, he's the same guy no matter what happens. The only other guy like that in Holby is the incomparable Guy Self and he's a villain! He is a villain for never changing or trying for anyone! And even he TRIES to reform occasionally. Lofty (and the SHOW) doesn't see a problem with him perpetually disengaging from making emotional choices, putting most of the work of maintaining relationships on other people, and generally coasting through a profession that everyone else is giving 110% to. The building could be on fire and he'd wander outside and not think to rescue any of the patients unless someone else told him to.
B) the B is for Bisexual. Bisexual representation on Holby City where he cheats on his husband with a woman. It's a yikes from me.
C) speaking of Dom. God their relationship was horrible. POOR FUCKING DOM. tw abuse. Lofty talks to and believes Dom's abusive ex over him? He hugs the guy that RECENTLY pushed Dom down a flight of stairs? And they're still supposed to be a cutesy couple by the end of this? He shuts down Dom's excitement constantly? Hello??
D) the D is again for Dom because. It's their one year anniversary. By the way it was on their honeymoon that Dom couldn't go on to support his sick mother that Lofty cheated on Dom. Just by the way. BY THE WAY if your husband says he's going to stay home for your honeymoon and insists you go by yourself so he can stay home to support his sick mother. Maybe. Hm. Stay and support him instead. Just a fucking thought.
Lofty decides it's not working and they amicably split up (Dom is an angel sent from gay heaven by the way. I perhaps have my biases.) Dom kindly gives him the quirky and personal gift he'd bought him for their one year wedding anniversary as Lofty unicycles away (it may have been a bicycle but I picture it as a unicycle). Lofty gives him. Nothing. Which means that this man sat there as they planned a big anniversary party and not ONCE. not ONCE did he consider buying Dom an anniversary present. Because he's an arse!!!!
E) he only does this :| or this :/ for any emotion. I love characters with flat affects, for example my close personal friends Hannah Supernatural, Abed Community, and also as well my actual real human friends who do this 💖💖💖. HOWEVER. Lofty doesn't show emotion any OTHER way either. There IS nothing going on in his heart. He has passion for nothing. He goes where other people point. He avoids giving his opinion because he doesn't have any. This makes him a bad tv character for a drama. Opinion IS story on Holby. There is an issue, they all take sides and fight over it, and he doesn't get involved.
Anyway. Show's been over for over a year I will never have to see Lofty's face ever again as long as I live unless I for some reason decide to do a bizarre Holby City Rewatch and keep going to season 19.
By the way as I was looking up when he came to the Holby side of Holby City Hospital, I found this quote from his wiki page:
"Lofty is portrayed as a nice person who is likeable and popular."
Hm. He IS PORTRAYED as a nice person. The show thinks he's a nice person who is likable. However.
This concludes my ministry of hate.
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