#started thinking about the potentials of HTML and more people learning how to design their own web experience
potted-cilantro · 10 months
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Skipped my break block cause I was on a roll and Wow that was a mistake
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How to Be a Successful WordPress Designer
Becoming a successful WordPress designer is a great goal. WordPress is a popular tool for building websites. It’s used by millions of people around the world. If you want to design websites using WordPress, this guide will help you get started and succeed.
1. Learn the Basics of WordPress
First, you need to understand how WordPress works. WordPress is a platform that allows you to create and manage websites easily. It has many features that make it a powerful tool for web design.
To learn the basics, start by exploring the WordPress dashboard. The dashboard is where you will manage your website. Learn how to create pages, posts, and menus. Also, learn how to install themes and plugins. Themes change how your website looks, while plugins add new features.
2. Practice Design Skills
Design is more than just making things look nice. It’s about making things easy to use. When you design a website, think about how visitors will use it. Make sure your design is simple and easy to navigate.
Practice your design skills by creating websites for fun. Try different themes and layouts. Experiment with colors, fonts, and images. The more you practice, the better you will become.
3. Learn HTML and CSS
HTML and CSS are the building blocks of web design. HTML is the code that makes up the structure of a webpage. CSS is the code that controls how the webpage looks.
While you can use WordPress without knowing HTML and CSS, learning these languages will make you a better designer. You will be able to customize your websites more and solve problems faster.
There are many free resources online to learn HTML and CSS. Spend some time each week learning and practicing these skills.
4. Choose the Right Tools
As a WordPress designer, you will need some tools to help you work efficiently. Some of these tools include:
A good text editor: This is where you will write your HTML, CSS, and other code. Examples include Notepad++, Sublime Text, or Visual Studio Code.
Graphic design software: This is for creating and editing images. Examples include Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or Canva.
A local development environment: This is where you can build and test your websites before making them live. Examples include XAMPP, WAMP, or Local by Flywheel.
Using the right tools will help you work faster and create better designs.
5. Build a Portfolio
Your portfolio is a collection of your best work. It shows potential clients what you can do. Start by creating a few websites for yourself, friends, or local businesses. As you gain experience, add your best projects to your portfolio.
Make sure your portfolio is easy to navigate and showcases your skills. Include a variety of projects to show that you can handle different types of design work.
6. Keep Learning
Web design is always changing. New tools, trends, and technologies come out all the time. To be successful, you need to keep learning.
Follow web design blogs, take online courses, and attend workshops. Learn about the latest design trends and how to use new tools. The more you learn, the more valuable you will become as a designer.
7. Network with Others
Networking is important in any field, and web design is no different. Join online communities of WordPress designers. Attend local meetups or web design conferences.
Networking can help you learn from others, find new clients, and stay motivated. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or share your knowledge with others.
8. Offer Great Customer Service
To be successful, you need to do more than just design great websites. You also need to offer great customer service. Be polite and professional when communicating with clients. Listen to their needs and make sure they are happy with your work.
Happy clients are more likely to recommend you to others. This can help you build a successful business as a WordPress designer.You can create your website s from Kiiweb Digital Solutions
Becoming a successful WordPress designer takes time and effort. Start by learning the basics, practicing your design skills, and learning HTML and CSS. Use the right tools, build a strong portfolio, and keep learning. Network with others and offer great customer service. If you follow these steps, you will be on your way to success.
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jcmarchi · 1 month
How Client Requests Can Undermine Web Performance & Accessibility – Speckyboy
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-client-requests-can-undermine-web-performance-accessibility-speckyboy/
How Client Requests Can Undermine Web Performance & Accessibility – Speckyboy
We know the importance of website performance and accessibility. Or at least we should. There’s no shortage of content dedicated to these subjects.
That creates awareness. Hopefully, awareness leads to learning. And learning leads to implementing best practices. There, we’ve made the web a better place!
Not so fast. There’s one factor the tutorials didn’t warn us about – clients. Yes, a client can lay waste to our plans for a fast and accessible site.
The question is: why? Why would a website owner get in the way of progress? Why would they insist on features that diminish the user experience?
There are a few possibilities. Let’s look at some common conflicts and ways to resolve them.
Unlimited Downloads for Web Designers
Starting at just $16.50 per month, download 1,000s of HTML, Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS, as well as WordPress themes and plugins with Envato Elements. You will also get unlimited access to millions of design assets, photos, video files, fonts, presets, addons, and much more.
A Desire to Impress Users
First, let’s state the obvious. Our clients’ hearts are in the right place. They want a successful outcome as much as we do.
Clients also want to impress users. Sometimes, this puts them at odds with best practices.
The use of massive images is one example. Full-screen photos can be attractive. However, they also bog down page loads. An HD or (gasp!) 4k image is like strapping an anvil to a slow internet connection.
Sliders can produce even worse results. Sure, let’s add a few hundred kilobytes of JavaScript. What could go wrong?
People think that these features will promote conversions. The page will be so attractive that users can’t help but click that call to action. Websites used Flash intros for the same purpose back in the day.
They have good intentions. They may be looking in the wrong place, though.
The Belief That Competitors & Peers Are Right
Competition is a great motivator. So is the status of one’s peers. Both make us want to keep pace with those around us.
It’s a common theme when building a website. Web designers can fall for it as much as clients. You see something shiny and want to replicate it.
Perhaps the company across town uses a video background on every page. It may look cool. But is it the right thing to do?
Clients don’t want to be outclassed by someone in the same industry. They may not consider the consequences of adding such a feature.
A client may also fear that they’ll look bad to potential customers. As in:
“Company A has this feature on their website. They’re clearly superior to Company B.”
The reality may be different. The web’s novelty wore off many years ago. Looks are important. But so is usability. And what good is a video background for someone using assistive technology or a cheap mobile device?
That Their Preferences Are All That Matters
As the saying goes, “The heart wants what it wants.” We can say the same thing about our clients.
A client can become an immovable object when it comes to design. They’ll insist on an inaccessible color scheme. Or a font that is difficult to read.
Some won’t sign off on a design unless it includes all their demands. They’re the customer, after all. And they’re always right.
This thinking also impacts existing websites. A client might want to change a hero section. The reason? They’re sick of looking at the same thing every day.
It may make sense to them. However, they’re once again ignoring users. You know, the people they’re trying to serve.
Change for the sake of change could be a negative. It could confuse visitors and lower conversion rates.
Not everyone can see the bigger picture.
How to Help Your Clients See the Light
Yes, all of the above can be frustrating. There’s no need to lose all hope, though. A good conversation or two can make a difference.
Here are a few pointers for discussing performance and accessibility concerns.
Give an Honest Assessment of Your Concerns
The first step is to provide an honest assessment. Point out the potential problems you foresee.
From there, it’s about explaining each item of concern. Lay out the benefits and drawbacks. Give examples of how a feature impacts users.
For example, a slider could make site navigation more difficult for a visually impaired person. Your client may not have considered this possibility.
Clients will most often do the right thing in these situations. Being informed could be all it takes.
Offer Better Alternatives
It’s one thing to argue against a client’s idea. But what should they be doing instead?
Our job isn’t to merely dismiss a feature. We should also offer an alternative or two. Things that provide a similar effect – but without the hit to performance and accessibility.
We could suggest a hero area instead of a slider. It will grab a user’s attention while reducing load times. Perhaps it features a background pattern or a photograph that’s optimized. It stays on brand but doesn’t hinder usability.
It’s one way to guide a client toward better solutions. The idea is to improve the product and strengthen communication.
Be Patient
Clients aren’t always receptive to our ideas. We can warn them about the impact of a feature. But they sometimes need to see the results for themselves.
They might notice an issue when the feature launches. Or they may get complaints from other users. The shortcomings will become apparent either way. Or not.
We’ll need to be patient and bide our time. We can hold out hope that they’ll see things our way, eventually.
Educate & Encourage Good Choices
There will always be some give and take when working with clients. That’s part of the design and build processes. Web designers must balance client preferences with user needs.
Accessibility should be non-negotiable. It’s worth fighting tooth and nail for. If a client insists on something that goes against this pillar – the consequences are on them.
Performance offers more wiggle room. Odds are the result won’t be perfect. However, it’s our job to make the best of any situation.
Education is a valuable tool for web designers, though. We can help clients understand why these subjects are worth their investment. That can lead them to make better choices.
The benefits of performance and accessibility aren’t apparent to everyone. Thankfully, we have the power to change that.
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shalu620 · 5 months
Power Up Your Python Skills: 10 Exciting Projects to Master Coding
Forget textbooks and lectures – the most epic way to learn Python is by doing! This guide unveils 10 thrilling projects that will transform you from a programming rookie to a coding champion. Prepare to conquer these quests and unleash your creativity and problem-solving prowess.
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With the helpful assistance of Learn Python Course in Hyderabad, studying Python becomes lot more exciting — regardless of whether you’re a beginner or moving from another programming language.
Mission 1: Command Line Masters
Your quest begins with mastering the fundamentals. Build simple command-line applications – think math wizards, unit converters, or random password generators. These projects are the stepping stones to Pythonic greatness!
Mission 2: Text-Based Games – Level Up
Time to challenge yourself! Create captivating text-based games like Hangman, Tic-Tac-Toe, or a trivia extravaganza. Craft engaging gameplay using loops, conditionals, and functions, while honing your Python skills in the process.
Mission 3: Web Scraper – Unearthing Web Data
The vast web holds secrets waiting to be discovered! Build web scrapers to extract valuable information from websites. Employ libraries like BeautifulSoup and Requests to navigate the HTML jungle, harvest data, and unlock hidden insights.
Mission 4: Data Analysis Detectives
Become a data analysis extraordinaire! Craft scripts to manipulate and analyze data from diverse sources – CSV files, spreadsheets, or databases. Calculate statistics, then use matplotlib or seaborn to create eye-catching data visualizations that reveal hidden truths.
Mission 5: GUI Gurus – Building User-Friendly Interfaces
Take your Python mastery to the next level by crafting user-friendly graphical interfaces (GUIs) with Tkinter or PyQt. From to-do list managers to weather apps, these projects will teach you how to design intuitive interfaces and conquer user interactions.
Mission 6: API Alliances – Connecting to the World
Expand your horizons by building clients for web APIs. Interact with services like Twitter, Reddit, or weather APIs to retrieve and display data. Master the art of making HTTP requests, parsing JSON responses, and handling authentication – invaluable skills for any programmer. People can better understand Python’s complexity and reach its full potential by enrolling in the Best Python Certification Online.
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Mission 7: Automation Army – Streamlining Workflows
Say goodbye to repetitive tasks! Write automation scripts to handle tedious processes like file management, data processing, or email sending. Utilize libraries like os, shutil, and smtplib to free up your time and boost productivity.
Mission 8: Machine Learning Marvels – Unveiling AI Power
Enter the fascinating world of machine learning! Build basic classification or regression models using scikit-learn. Start with beginner-friendly projects like predicting housing prices or classifying flowers, then explore more complex algorithms as you progress.
Mission 9: Web Development Warriors – Forge Your Online Presence
Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of web development. Construct simple websites or web applications using frameworks like Flask or Django. Whether it's a personal portfolio site, a blog, or a data-driven application, these projects will teach you essential skills like routing, templating, and database interactions.
Mission 10: Open Source Odyssey – Join the Coding Community
Become a valued member of the open-source community! Contribute to projects on platforms like GitHub. Tackle beginner-friendly issues, fix bugs, or improve documentation. Gain real-world experience and collaborate with fellow developers to make a lasting impact.
These 10 Python quests aren't just about acquiring coding skills – they're a gateway to a world of exploration and innovation. Each project offers a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and create something amazing. So, grab your virtual sword and shield (aka your code editor) and embark on this epic Python adventure!
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codshiptech · 1 year
Interview Questions of the UI/UX Designer
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Why UI/UX Interview Questions Are Important?
The interview questions and answers of User experience are just a way to measure a candidate’s qualifications; the interviewers are nothing but the window into your corporation. Just think why the questions you may get asked. They illuminate how much you understand your own needs and you’re potential. You will definitely get the answer during the interview; of course, you will get to know their skills, work methods, thought processes, and much more.
Of course, you’re hiring the candidate so the ball is directly in your court to get the in-depth required information about the candidates, but not asking the factual questions during the interview will determine how incapable you are of the interviewer post as you have already claimed at a pro level.
One of the biggest challenges in selecting the right UX designer is asking accurate questions.
Additionally, it’s not uncommon for a company, mostly start-ups or smaller companies, to appoint one person for both UI and UX designer role.
Hence, here we have put together a list of 10 questions to ask for UX and UI interviews.
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1. How Would You Define UX Design?
User Experience Design is the practice of understanding the user requirements of people and converting these into effective digital solutions. It includes research, analysis, prototyping, ideation, testing, implementation, evaluation, and improvement.
2. What Is UI Design?
User Interface Design is the skill where the designer makes things visually better.
A well-designed interface allows the user to accomplish tasks easily.
Good design never makes the user frustrated.
Users should be able to find out just by looking at whether something works or not.
3. What Makes UX Design Different From UI Design?
Communication Skills
• Effective communication skill with clients & team members
• Exceptional written communication skills
• Careful Listening with Appropriate Response
• Concept clarification in simple terms instead of complex explanations
• Better Understanding of users and their problems.
Problem-Solving Skills
• Quick Problem-solving ability with logical Reasons
• Situations analysis and decision-making capacity
• Capability to collect & blend information from multiple sources
• Critical thinking to evaluate options and choices
• Pattern & Trends recognition ability
Technical Skills
• Software development knowledge & languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
• Web browsers and Operating Systems familiarity
• Website Design Experience
• Mobile Apps Design Experience
• Creative Thinking Skills
• Experimentation of new things
• Convert Mistakes into experiences.
4. What Is The Key Element Of Successful UX Design?
Some of the following factors play an important role in designing an effective user experience:
Usability – It is essential to keep the interface simple, spontaneous, and easy to redirect.
Accessibility – provide easily accessible information for visitors.
Consistency – Consistency for each and every part of the system
5. What Makes UX Design Different From UI Design?
UX Designer
• In UX Designs, user flows & wireframes are created
• Have to work with stakeholders to determine project purpose
• Conduct Data analysis and interviews for the user needs identifications.
• In UX Designs, the designer develops personas and scenarios
• UX Designing users must use analytics tools to measure success
• UX Designer evaluates existing systems and technologies
UI Designer
• In UX Designing layouts and mock-ups needs to be created
• Develops style guides
• Designs icons and graphics
• Coding skills essential
• UI designers must be aware of software development languages like HTML, CSS, HTML, etc.
6. Can You Describe Your Design Process?
When the employer looks for a candidate for the UI/UX designer post, the candidate may get selected who is culturally fit and has his work habits. This allows the employer to find the right candidate to fill the position that likely will fit in with the culture and match up with the organizational standards. Let’s consider you are explaining the design process with the provided benefits by you.
You can start with "I always make a time schedule for visitor research and then develop the information structural design. These processes allow me to create the best user interface and interface designs, both of which are important for making web apps as well as digital content pleasant and functional for customers to navigate.
Further strategies and implementations, that are efficient for the customers and with their business's goals, I assess and change any design aspects that help me to improve the user goals. After Testing and adjusting the designs throughout the UX process, I can adapt the experience to create a satisfied, useful, and best user experience.
7. Explain The Concept Of Visual Hierarchy?
Visual hierarchy is the states in which different objects appear on a page. This order defines the importance level of each object. For instance, if one image is visible on top of another image, it will be seen earlier than the second image. If an image is visible below another image, it will appear next to the second image.
8. How Can You Create A Better User Experience?
You can improve your user experience by listening to the customer’s opinions about your product. You can ask the customers directly over surveys or focus groups. Or you can conduct data analysis from social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn etc.
9. What Are The Different Types Of Interfaces?
There are two main types of user interfaces: Textual and graphical. Textual interfaces usually include menu-driven interfaces, command line interfaces, and dialog boxes. Graphical interfaces include Windows, iOS, Linux, Android, Mac OS X, etc.
10. Why Should We Design The UI According To The Platform?
The best user experience is based on the device type used by the end user. As each device have its own unique features, the same application essentials to be designed in your own way for each device.
We have listed top 10 Questions and answers which will helpful for both the interviewer and the candidate relevant to UI and UX Designing. To become a certified UX/UI designer join Codeship Technologies for the UI/UX Design Course We provide UI/UX Design, Web design, Angular JS, Mobile App development, Software testing courses. It’s a tough job for both the interviewer and the candidates to prepare a question and answers for UI/UX job roles respectively. For the Interviewer, to ask the right questions while hiring and for the candidates, to provides ideal answers during the interview process.
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system76 · 3 years
Marquita Wiggins is Developing her Open Source Graphic Design Program: Designy
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The Unleash Your Potential Program provides a System76 computer to six winners for accelerating the completion of their next project. This week, we interviewed Marquita Wiggins, who is in the early stages of developing her open source Canva alternative, Designy.
What prompted you to want to create Designy?
I like Canva, but because it’s owned by a company that keeps the software closed down, there’s no ability for people who know how to code to be like, “Oh, I want this. Let’s add it and make Canva even better.” To my knowledge, there aren’t any free tools out there that give the Canva Pro treatment. So I’d like to make a tool that’s better, and also free.
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You mentioned you had heavy experience using Canva. What’s your background with it?
I work in marketing for WBEZ, a public radio station. I’ve been doing that for about three years. A good portion of my work involves designing, so I’m always in either Canva or Illustrator.
I like the ease of Canva because I can work on designs from my work laptop, or I can use someone else’s laptop and log in if I’m somewhere else. And then with Illustrator, you can expand artboards as much as you want.
What sorts of improvements are you implementing in your open source alternative?
When you’re working on a design in Canva, it’s very linear. Let’s say I am working on a poster, and I just started it, and I just want to keep iterating on small changes. In order to do that, you have to locate the artboard that you’re working on, and you can’t view them all on the board at the same time. The reason I like Illustrator is I like to have eight different artboards up at the same time, and I can zoom out and see all my iterations at the same time, and then zoom into the one I want to make changes on. That is my number one feature that I love about Illustrator, and that’s what I want to bring to Designy.
I’d also give Designy the ability to create templates and share them with other people on the same software. If you create a template, you can then put it on the template board for other people to use. In Canva, you can’t just put templates up in the marketplace. Canva creates your templates, and those are the only ones you’re able to see unless you know somebody who also uses Canva, and they send you the template to use.
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Do you have a background in coding?
Not really. In my last job I sent out all the emails for the organization, and I also managed the website, so I did use HTML and CSS for that, but I was never an expert in it. That said, I was an expert Googler. I was able to make massive changes to the website by Googling what I needed to do and then figuring out the code for it.
I’ve been interested in the computer programming space for a while, and I’ve always dabbled in it and learned more about HTML and CSS. When I saw this program pop up, I felt that this was my opportunity to learn a lot more, and also be able to create something that would be useful to myself.
What software are you using to develop it?
I’m going to be using Javascript for the front end, Java for the back end, and likely MonoDB for the database. I’m almost done learning Javascript now, and it’s a lot! So after that, I’ll start building the front end of the site, and then learn Java, connect it to the back end, and then MonoDB for the database.
This was the perfect opportunity to get the momentum going on learning how to do this, because now I can’t stop until it’s done!
Why did you choose Javascript?
When Canva was created, they created it using Javascript, so I figured why not use the same software that they originally used? I think right now they’ve moved on to something else, but when they originally started they used Javascript.
What are your initial thoughts on Pop!_OS?
I never used Linux until I got this laptop, so it was a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to do certain things. I haven’t really downloaded that much—I only really use Visual Studio Code and Firefox, and I also downloaded the Brave browser on it—but I like the navigation. I like that I can open up Visual Studio Code and then open up Firefox and the auto-tiling will automatically arrange the windows. I wish more companies would develop that feature.
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How has your experience been with the Oryx Pro so far?
It’s great! It has a huge screen, so I don’t even have to use an external monitor. I have it on a riser with an external keyboard. I haven’t had any issues so far.
Did you encounter any challenges in setting up your system out of the box?
It was super smooth. I don’t even know if it took 15 minutes from unboxing it to actually being able to use it. I also like that I’m able to secure my data with encryption before I log into my account.
You mentioned Designy will have a beta. What’s the plan for that currently?
I’m thinking the beta phase will start in March when it’s all done, where I’m sharing it with other people, getting feedback, and making changes. I’ll be using Reddit a lot to get folks to try it out and let me know what they think. It’ll also be up on GitHub, so people will be able to push updates if they have a change they want me to make.
I’m going to finish the front end of the site in November and the back end of the site will be done in January. The database connection will be done in February. I know there may be a lot of weird bugs and whatnot that other people will find, so the beta helps me work all that out. The goal is to put this out to the public and then iterate on it, so maybe down the line it’ll transition from Javascript to something else.
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Is there anything we didn’t ask about that you wanted to share?
A random fact is I have a dog named Mr. President. People seem to get a kick out of that.
Stay tuned for further updates from Marquita Wiggins’ Designy and other cool projects from our UYPP winners!
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Random Thoughts - Computers
About time I live up to this blog's title.
Today, I'll be talking about computers. We all use them, they are everywhere. From the desktop PC, to the chip inside your car, computers define our current lives, but I'd like to take a minute to just look at some of the absolutely crazy things about them.
- The scale of microchips today. The transistor, a simple electrical component invented in the mid 20th century, essentially began the computer age. Before this, you could have a light switch or something, but you didn't have any processing ability. The first transistors were the size of lightbulbs, and computers for basic math took whole rooms. Today, transistors are so small that there are growing concerns that they will become smaller than atoms, which is not possible or feasible with the transistor-based computer. The fact that trillions of things that were the size of a lightbulb less than a century ago fit into a tiny chip is absolutely crazy. Also Moore's Law, the fact that this number of transistors doubles every 18-24 months. Even in my lifetime, that means transistors have gotten 500-1000 times smaller, roughly speaking.
- The fact that they even work at all. It takes a bit of learning to understand how logic gates work. The small groups of processors that do operations such as OR, AND, or NOR. How these turn into Minecraft is a question that is very difficult to answer. At its core, a computer is always making small logic operations, and it is somehow able to turn our input into those logic operations and then back into something we can understand well almost instantly.
- Everything about computers was created by someone. The modern computer system builds on decades of work by millions of individuals, and somehow all of this works together in one machine. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of another single object that represents so much collective human effort to work. Someone had to start there and put logic gates together. Someone else had to come up with ways to program in binary. Someone else had to invent memory storage techniques. Someone else had to create Javascript. On and on it goes. Computers are completely artificial. Everything about them is human-designed, and that is something really interesting to think about.
- It is also pretty crazy that someone managed to create systems for using computers that require almost no technical knowledge. Creating such a system requires someone to create an OS that has basically no potential for error, and if there is an error, it had better have built in checks to fix it, and at the very least tell the user exactly what is wrong and how to fix it. Plain code just spits out errors all the time, but Windows 10 does not get this luxury. I may not like Windows all that much, but I do appreciate just how much work it does to hide all the technical details from most people who don't want to be dealing with them.
- Video games. Video games as a medium are basically unlike anything else. Most media forms around today have a long history. Music, art, books, plays, board games, even videos and podcasts could have once just been seen in live form. Video games are unique in that they allow the player to interact with the game. You could write in a book, or ponder what its author means, but you do not get the option of rewriting its stories and forging your own path. Video games can imitate the real world in the ways that other media cannot, bringing everyone a bit closer in their own ways.
- The people who did some of the early work on computers, creating Unix, Unicode, C, html, etc., have probably had their work reach more people than anyone else ever. Sure, lots of people have heard of the Mona Lisa, or seen the Eiffel Tower, or listened to Beethoven's 5th, but it seems quite likely to mean, that more of them have used a computer. Computers are so universal, that the things at their roots are used by almost everybody.
- Computers are amazingly good at some things, and amazingly horrible at others. If you want to know 12390812908 / 1290834, a computer will beat you every time, regardless of the speed of your long division, but if you are trying to log into your roblox account, you'll be able to flip the animal the right side up far better than the computer will. We worry about the uprising of AI, but we're talking about something that can't always tell which of these pictures is a train. Computers, much like humans but in their own way, are incredibly smart and also incredibly dumb. For this reason, I believe that computers, at least in their current form, will probably stick to specific places in society. I don't expect to see a computer playing jazz improv better than the greats any time soon.
This is all the things that come to mind, but computers are amazing, so I will likely be back to another round at some point.
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cvid19 · 3 years
COVID-19 Effects on the Philippines
    According to Pharmaceutical Technology Philippine is one of the high-risk countries from the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. The first case of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, now COVID-19) in the Philippines was confirmed on 30 January 2020, in a 38-year old woman who arrived from Wuhan. Two days later, the Philippines recorded the first death outside China on 01 February 2020.
    The Philippines government declared a health emergency on 09 March, following a spike in new confirmed cases and local transmission. The COVID-19 Code Alert system was revised upwards to Red Sublevel 2 on 12 March.
    The Philippines government announced the entire country will be placed under a state of calamity for a period of six months. The declaration will enable national and local governments to quickly access relief funds to curb the spread of the disease.
    They started announcing local lock-downs (home quarantine) following the increase in global coronavirus cases. The entire Luzon island is locked-down affecting more than 50 million people. The lock-down prohibits people from going outside their homes except for getting basic necessities.
    Quarantining (lock-down) will be imposed in the Philippines barangays, municipalities/cities and provinces if at least two COVID-19 coronavirus cases are recorded in two different households in the respective locations.
    Covid-19 make a lot of difference on the economy of the country. Philippines witnessed a slower economic growth in the first half of 2019, compared to 2018. The country saw a sustained economic growth of 6.3% between 2010 and 2018, while the growth slowed down to 5.5% in H2 2019. The World Bank estimates Philippines to witness full-year 2019 economic growth of 5.8%.
    The Central Bank of the Philippines (BSP) noted that the coronavirus outbreak could have a major impact on Philippine economy over the next few months.
    Ruben Carlo Asuncion, chief economist for Union Bank of the Philippines, noted that the coronavirus outbreak could cost the Philippine economy $600m or 0.8% of economic growth if it lasts for six months, as quoted by CNN Philippines.
    A series of unforeseen events caused an abrupt halt to the Philippines' strong growth momentum in early 2020. The Philippine economy carried its strong growth momentum from the second half of 2019 into early 2020 thanks to positive consumer confidence, robust macroeconomic fundamentals, and an improvement in the external sector. However, the eruption of Taal Volcano in early January, the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in the region, and the rise of COVID-19 infection cases in the Philippines in March, forced the economy to a near halt in the latter part of March due to severe disruptions in manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and hospitality, construction, and trade. The economy contracted by 0.2 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2020, the first contraction in over two decades, and was a sharp reversal from the 5.7 percent growth over the same period in 2019. Leading indicators that track economic activity in real time suggest that the contraction would be even more severe in the second quarter as most regions of the country entered an enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in mid-March.
      PWC Philippines indicated that given the travel restrictions and closure of businesses, 88% of the respondents expect losses of over 50% of their 2020 revenues. Sixty-three percent of the respondents also say that they expect their businesses to normalize within six months to over a year. Such findings are worrying because the tourism industry contributed 12.7% of the country’s GDP in 2019, and provided 5.71 million jobs in the same year.
    Tourism industry is a major contributor, accounting for 12.7% of the Philippine economy in 2018, according to data from the Philippines Statistics Authority. More than seven million foreign tourists visited the country during the first ten months of 2019.
    Globally, the World Travel and Tourism council estimated that it could take up to ten months for the industry to recover.
    Nine months since the virus was first detected in China, there is still no sign that the spread is slowing down. The road to recovery can take longer than initially anticipated. Fitch forecasts that tourist arrivals and tourism receipts will not go back to pre-COVID levels even five years hence.
    The tourism industry, however, is expected to witness a major impact as the country closed its borders with China and other countries due to the coronavirus infection, Philippine Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez noted. Dominguez added that the exact economic impact of the outbreak is too early to be estimated but remained optimistic that the country can sustain its economic growth.
   Drawing on a survey of more than 5,800 small businesses, this paper provides insight into the economic impact of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) on small businesses. The results shed light on both the financial fragility of many small businesses, and the significant impact COVID-19 had on these businesses in the weeks after the COVID-19–related disruptions began. The results also provide evidence on businesses’ expectations about the longer-term impact of COVID-19, as well as their perceptions of relief programs offered by the government.
    Firms in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region have been hit hard by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, with dramatic and widespread falls in sales and employment. Firm sales in some EAP countries were 38 to 58 percent lower in April or May 2020, compared to the same month in the previous year. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been particularly affected.
    The pandemic will have a lasting impact on productivity growth as firm indebtedness and increased uncertainty inhibit investment, and firm closures and unemployment lead to a loss of valuable intangible assets. Support for firms is needed but must be based as far as possible on objective criteria, related not only to past performance or current pain but to the potential for firms, including new firms, to thrive in the future. To avoid unduly prolonging assistance, governments should build exit strategies into the design of support measures and commit to phasing support out by linking it to observable macroeconomic indicators of recovery.
Lesson that We’ve learn during this Pandemic
"Not only does self-care have positive outcomes for you, but it also sets an example to younger generations as something to establish and maintain for your entire life."
    -This pandemic thought us to become stronger or having a courage in time of crisis. We must always be on a positive side that we will strive and cope this challenges that we are facing  because as the years will pass by this pandemic will be a reminder or a lesson that we must thought the next generation that no matter what happens as long as you will not give up and fight for everything that will come up you can reach your goal and strive. This also thought as about caring for others and working as one because once achievement will be more greater if there are people that help you to do great things just like our front liners we must learn how to cooperate by following the protocols that they give because if its not for them we will have more harder times that we even face before and we wont know what are we going to do.
 Ø  As a reminder if your experiencing the signs and effects of COVID-19 do not think of it that much just think on a positive way to feel better again. Positive mind could be a great help to cope anything that bother you even if it’s a deadly virus. We all know that we are all facing in the same situation but I believe that we can do it, we can wipe out this virus in this world for ones. Just follow the protocols that we are given and I know that we will all be better and we can do all the things that we’ve missed when the time comes.
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addieatkins · 4 years
I saw [ADELAIDE “ADDIE” WOLFE] at a coffee shop in [BROOKLYN] today. She is a [TWENTY-NINE] year old [B&B OWNER] who’s been in NYC for [TWO YEARS] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [RESILIENT & ALLOCENTRIC] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [DECEITFUL & TACITURN]. [GROWING PAINS BY ALESSIA CARA] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio.
tw: child neglect, arson.  // @villagestart​
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hello fellow kids, i am g (aka the dumb dumb behind @soulcfaman​ here with another character nobody asked for. without further ado, i give you my sweet baby girl, addie:
Adelaide Atkins Savoy is the daughter of Edward Atkins, an English salesman/conman and Ann Savoy, a French teacher that came from a (somewhat) noble family.
The Atkins family moved to Peachtree, Georgia from England when Addie was five years old after a business initiated by Edward, her father, went awry with the Savoys. Addie’s grandpa, who probably lost the most out of the business con but loved Addie to no end and wanted her grandkid to have a decent life, decided to fly the Atkin-Savoy family and bought them a wonderful, luxurious home on Addie’s name.
Her childhood was… an odd one, to say the least. Her parents still acted like they were part of the Savoy family while in Georgia (and with the housing/jobs Addie’s grandpa got them, there was no reason to doubt them) so they fit perfectly with Georgia’s finest, they were living a double life of sorts, socialités in debt who schemed their wealthiest friends without them knowing. Her parents promptly got Addie to work alongside them, either as a distraction or as an active asset in their plans and she couldn’t quite deny her skills to them alas, Addie did stuff she wasn’t proud of, illegal stuff she could get away with because no one suspected the little girl with the ponytails.
Edward Michael Atkins Savoy, Addie’s younger brother was born when Adelaide was around eleven. Ann lost interest on Eddie pretty quickly so Addie pretty much raised the kid as well as she could after she turned thirteen. The two formed an unbreakable bond very quickly.
She learned many skills during her time with her parents: pick locking, html, pickpocketing, boxing, sewing (which served the young woman well when her parents decided to stop buying their kids clothes and she started making them for the two of them instead), whatever her parents required of her and whatever she could learn to make sure her brother was well taken care of, she’d learn.
CHILD NEGLECT TW The worst instance of their parents neglecting both Addie and Eddie happened right after Eddie turned five. Their friends found out about how the couple had played them and the Atkins family lost all respect within the community, so they quickly started to go in debt with banks and strangers to try to live the life Ann and Edward were so used to. By this time, the matrimony had mostly forgotten their kids to the point where they stopped providing for them unless they needed Adelaide for some job, so it was all Addie’s responsibility to not only care for her brother but her parents somehow. She started working (an honest job) when she was fourteen and never truly stopped.
ARSON TW when Addie was seventeen, one year from graduating high school Edward and Ann made a decision: they needed money to pay off credit debts and alas, they needed to burn down the house the Savoys had bought for the family because they needed the insurance money. Addie started to storage as many stuff as she could when she was informed of what was going to happen (was guilt-tripped into staying silent) and the night her parents actually burnt the house down, Addie grabbed Eddie, everything she had gathered, a car a friend had lend to her and flee Peachtree, the two siblings didn’t look back. Adelaide didn’t finish High School.
After the two siblings escaped Peachtree, they situated in New Orleans for about a year, where Addie worked around two, three jobs in order to take care of herself and Eddie. No longer after a friend encouraged her to give her testimony (and all the proof she had gathered that backed up the claim that the fire had been premeditated) and she put her parents in jail for arson and child neglect, gaining her brother’s full custody and whatever money was left from the insurance payment.
By Eddie’s request, the two siblings moved to California in 2011 where she met a young musician called Dillon Wolfe. The couple fell in love shortly after. Six years later, they were getting married, Eddie being the person walking Adelaide down the aisle.
The little Wolfe-Atkins family moved to New York in 2018.
After working as a waitress/bartender/cook/whatever she could get to make a living for her and Eddie throughout her life, Addie got a letter from the Savoy family one day with the news that her grandfather had died and had left behind a trust fund for her, enough money for the two siblings to live off comfortably for the rest of their lives. However, the oldest decided to only use enough to buy a nice house for the two of them and to open a modest, lovely b&b, their major source of income and save the rest as the family wasn’t in dire need for money anymore.
She and Eddy don’t really talk about their past a lot, unless any of the parts truly trust the person they tell their story to.
p e r s o n a l i t y
Most days, Addie is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, the kind of girl who smiles at everyone she meets and greets strangers with a smile on the daily. She likes making people around her happy. She thrives when people around her shine.
However, she can be very closed off and go as far as to be very deceitful? I mean, she is sharp, even though people don’t think she is because they write her off as a “southern belle” type, but what most people don’t know is she can be cunning whenever she sets her mind on it, she learned from a very young age how to take advantage of everything she had to get what she had her mind settled on.
The one thing she cares the most about in the world is her brother, Eddie. The boy is pretty much her own and has been since the day he was born, she would stop at nothing to make sure he is fine and he is happy.
Her hobbies include painting and sculpting (which she makes some money off of), gardening (the Atkins sibling’s home is a glorified zen garden by now) and designing (she sometimes uses this skill to make clothes for selling to friends and acquaintances).
Loyal to no end, good god. It takes a lot for her to feel comfortable with someone to call them her friend but once she does, she is the most loyal friend. Also the mom friend, no matter how close you are. If it’s even a little bit chilly outside and she sees a stranger shivering she WILL give them her sweater, has medicine and candy on her at all times.
She can be quite impetuous and extremely curious to the verge of being noisy, but never in a malicious way, unless you mess with someone she cares about.
Whatever you throw her way, she’ll land on her feet.
Best friend: Either the best friend who help the Atkins while the lived in Georgia (preferably) or a new friendship they’ve built in the years they’ve been in New york Addie would be nothing without this person. She trusts them more than her own shadow and would kill for them in a heartbeat.
Foreign cousins: Maybe someone seeking vengeance because of what Addie’s father did to the family? Maybe they don’t even know they are related, everyone loves having someone you can tell “well, now i know where the craziness comes from”.
Muse: Whenever she’s stressed or just… inspiration strikes, Addie calls this person to either use them as a model or a canvass. She has every line of their body engraved on her memory and she still finds them fascinating and could spend hours painting them. We can discuss what shape this plot could potentially take.
People she works for: Either her art or the clothes she makes, I’d love to write about any of those.
Friends, enemies, neighbours… just love my baby, she and Eddie will love you back!
so if you read that whole mess ily sm <3 if you wanna plot w/ us please shmash that lke button and i’ll come to you at some point of the day when i don’t feel like crying because everything.hurts. (i’m v sick. like... dehydrated type of sick BUT I’M TRYING NOT TO THINK ABOUT THAT RN)
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addiewolfe · 4 years
Have you seen ADELAIDE 'ADDIE' WOLFE ? This TWENTY-NINE year old is a B&B OWNER who resides in BROOKLYN. SHE has been living in NYC for TWO YEARS, and is known to be RESILIENT and ALLOCENTRIC, but can also be DECEITFUL and TACITURN, if you cross them. People tend to associate them with PAINT-STAINED OVERALLS and OLD AND RUSTY SEWING MACHINES.
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tw: child neglect, arson. // @codstarters​​
hello fellow children, here’s g with yet another character for y’all: soft and nice edition. i am here to introduce you all to my pride and joy, adelaide:
Adelaide Atkins Savoy is the daughter of Edward Atkins, an English salesman/conman and Ann Savoy, a French teacher that came from a (somewhat) noble family.
The Atkins family moved to Peachtree, Georgia from England when Addie was five years old after a business initiated by Edward, her father, went awry with the Savoys. Addie’s grandpa, who probably lost the most out of the business con but loved Addie to no end and wanted her grandkid to have a decent life, decided to fly the Atkin-Savoy family and bought them a wonderful, luxurious home on Addie’s name.
Her childhood was… an odd one, to say the least. Her parents still acted like they were part of the Savoy family while in Georgia (and with the housing/jobs Addie’s grandpa got them, there was no reason to doubt them) so they fit perfectly with Georgia’s finest, they were living a double life of sorts, socialités in debt who schemed their wealthiest friends without them knowing. Her parents promptly got Addie to work alongside them, either as a distraction or as an active asset in their plans and she couldn’t quite deny her skills to them alas, Addie did stuff she wasn’t proud of, illegal stuff she could get away with because no one suspected the little girl with the ponytails.
Edward Michael Atkins Savoy, Addie’s younger brother was born when Adelaide was around eleven. Ann lost interest on Eddie pretty quickly so Addie pretty much raised the kid as well as she could after she turned thirteen. The two formed an unbreakable bond very quickly.
She learned many skills during her time with her parents: pick locking, html, pickpocketing, boxing, sewing (which served the young woman well when her parents decided to stop buying their kids clothes and she started making them for the two of them instead), whatever her parents required of her and whatever she could learn to make sure her brother was well taken care of, she’d learn.
CHILD NEGLECT TW The worst instance of their parents neglecting both Addie and Eddie happened right after Eddie turned five. Their friends found out about how the couple had played them and the Atkins family lost all respect within the community, so they quickly started to go in debt with banks and strangers to try to live the life Ann and Edward were so used to. By this time, the matrimony had mostly forgotten their kids to the point where they stopped providing for them unless they needed Adelaide for some job, so it was all Addie’s responsibility to not only care for her brother but her parents somehow. She started working (an honest job) when she was fourteen and never truly stopped.
ARSON TW when Addie was seventeen, one year from graduating high school Edward and Ann made a decision: they needed money to pay off credit debts and alas, they needed to burn down the house the Savoys had bought for the family because they needed the insurance money. Addie started to storage as many stuff as she could when she was informed of what was going to happen (was guilt-tripped into staying silent) and the night her parents actually burnt the house down, Addie grabbed Eddie, everything she had gathered, a car a friend had lend to her and flee Peachtree, the two siblings didn’t look back. Adelaide didn’t finish High School.
After the two siblings escaped Peachtree, they situated in New Orleans for about a year, where Addie worked around two, three jobs in order to take care of herself and Eddie. No longer after a friend encouraged her to give her testimony (and all the proof she had gathered that backed up the claim that the fire had been premeditated) and she put her parents in jail for arson and child neglect, gaining her brother’s full custody and whatever money was left from the insurance payment.
By Eddie’s request, the two siblings moved to California in 2011 where she met a young musician called Dillon Wolfe. The couple fell in love shortly after. Six years later, they were getting married, Eddie being the person walking Adelaide down the aisle.
The little Wolfe-Atkins family moved to New York in 2018.
After working as a waitress/bartender/cook/whatever she could get to make a living for her and Eddie throughout her life, Addie got a letter from the Savoy family one day with the news that her grandfather had died and had left behind a trust fund for her, enough money for the two siblings to live off comfortably for the rest of their lives. However, the oldest decided to only use enough to buy a nice house for the two of them and to open a modest, lovely b&b, their major source of income and save the rest as the family wasn’t in dire need for money anymore.
She and Eddy don’t really talk about their past a lot, unless any of the parts truly trust the person they tell their story to.
Most days, Addie is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, the kind of girl who smiles at everyone she meets and greets strangers with a smile on the daily. She likes making people around her happy. She thrives when people around her shine.
However, she can be very closed off and go as far as to be very deceitful? I mean, she is sharp, even though people don’t think she is because they write her off as a “southern belle” type, but what most people don’t know is she can be cunning whenever she sets her mind on it, she learned from a very young age how to take advantage of everything she had to get what she had her mind settled on.
The one thing she cares the most about in the world is her brother, Eddie. The boy is pretty much her own and has been since the day he was born, she would stop at nothing to make sure he is fine and he is happy.
Her hobbies include painting and sculpting (which she makes some money off of), gardening (the Atkins sibling’s home is a glorified zen garden by now) and designing (she sometimes uses this skill to make clothes for selling to friends and acquaintances).
Loyal to no end, good god. It takes a lot for her to feel comfortable with someone to call them her friend but once she does, she is the most loyal friend. Also the mom friend, no matter how close you are. If it’s even a little bit chilly outside and she sees a stranger shivering she WILL give them her sweater, has medicine and candy on her at all times.
She can be quite impetuous and extremely curious to the verge of being noisy, but never in a malicious way, unless you mess with someone she cares about.
Whatever you throw her way, she’ll land on her feet.
P L O T S (*will be a wc on main)
Best friend*: Either the best friend who help the Atkins while the lived in Georgia (preferably) or a new friendship they’ve built in the years they’ve been in New york Addie would be nothing without this person. She trusts them more than her own shadow and would kill for them in a heartbeat.
Foreign cousins: Maybe someone seeking vengeance because of what Addie’s father did to the family? Maybe they don’t even know they are related, everyone loves having someone you can tell “well, now i know where the craziness comes from”.
Muse: Whenever she’s stressed or just… inspiration strikes, Addie calls this person to either use them as a model or a canvass. She has every line of their body engraved on her memory and she still finds them fascinating and could spend hours painting them. We can discuss what shape this plot could potentially take.
People she works for: Either her art or the clothes she makes, I’d love to write about any of those.
Friends, enemies, neighbours… just love my baby, she and Eddie will love you back!
Okay, wow, if you made it through… honestly bless you and you deserve a freaking award. if you read this mess and you still wanna plot, hmu or like this post and i’ll come to you!
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avavaventures · 3 years
Best Website Designing Company in Coimbatore
Hi, looking for a website developing company in Coimbatore? We, AVAVA can help you create a perfect website for your company. We provide you the Best web designing and Development service for your business at affordable prices. We have experienced designers in Coimbatore to build a website that creates you an online identity and by that more business for your company.
Why you need a professional Web site
Imagine you are at a supermarket there are 2 packets of Cookies in front of you one from a normal brand with an attractive package other from a famous brand but without any special mention of brand name not even a proper packing. Which will you choose?  Even when the brand is famous or the product is good that doesn't help it sell. In this case when the cookies are good may be the existing users will buy them. But it can't attract new customers or create additional business. So, for any business you need an identity Even when you are a famous brand or a newbie eventually you need to create a brand awareness because you need to be active in the business world after all business is about future...  You need an Attractive package to catch customers to create businesses, to grow. That's where you need websites for. Especially in this digital world.  Websites creates identity it’s like that cookie in the packet eventually attract new customers.
AVAVA Creating Identity; Best Web designers in Coimbatore
If you are reading this blog, you may have found out this in our website. or you can check out our website here. This is our identity. This website you see is created by the best website designing company in Coimbatore. Avava ventures is an experienced digital marketing and web designing company in Coimbatore. As we said earlier business is about an identity. It’s about how you showcase yourself. Like a brand name or an advertisement poster this here is also an important factor for your company. But it is not an easy job it’s more like a creative hard work. Because when someone looks to your website, they should see your business your brand and your quality. That’s why we have the best web designers in Coimbatore a group of experienced professionals. We know how you want it and we know what you need.
Creating websites and its impact Your Business.
Almost 80% of buyers or customers conduct online research before buying anything. If you don't have a website maybe they don't even consider you. That's true eventually you end up losing 80% of your potential buyers...
Websites are one of our first impressions customers are looking for and first thing they will ask for before your address or business card.  A website improves the visibility of your company. When someone looks for a product or service online your firm will be visible there and more visible if you have a perfect but great website.
A good website booster your credibility it can build trust over customers. And it should engage visitors also should create more business. Having a website is also useful when customers try to reach you whenever they need a service or a product you will be online and they can reach you at any time.
In this current scenario having a business online has many advantages as one of the best web designing company in Coimbatore you really can count on us. As a marketing company we at AVAVA aims to Generate leads and create more business for our clients. Building a website is important but also, we tends to utilize the features of our website. Having Experienced professional Web Designers in Coimbatore they always build website with a clear goal and strategy that will help you to get leads more contacts by that more business and more profit for your company.
Providing best web designing and Web development services at affordable prices at Coimbatore.
So having a website is essential for your business but not useful unless you have the right one.  Like the quality of product quality of the website also matters. Avava is an experienced website development company in Coimbatore. Having clients from all across the world we ensure international quality for our clients.  Whatever your product is we should market it properly. Standard of the website adds quality for your business. Even if you are a big company or a home-based business establishing online preference creates business for both of you. Especially if you are a home-based business your online presence is the easiest way to get noticed. But you. May think it’s expensive and we know it’s hard to bare Especially when you are at your starting period or if you aren't a famous brand. So, we provide best web design and web development services at affordable prices in Coimbatore. we provide quality websites at affordable price for your business. As we said earlier smaller business can enjoy the same attention and profit with a website. When you have a website, you will be shown to your targeted audience and if you have a best quality website maybe it will get your product sell.
don't worry that's why we are here small or big your business is creating business and generating profit for you is our goal. Our web designers are known for their quality output and experience so if you are looking for the best website designing company in Coimbatore, we are here for you...
Role of Web Designers in creating profit
Web designing is a Creative hard work. When you have a website, you will be available to your target customers but it is important to take care how they view your business. You have to develop a website design that has an impressive user interface and it will lead. to better sales and profit for your business
If you are planning to create a website you have to invest some money. Investing in a website design will generate profit for your business. So, if you are planning to invest in web design you should hire a professional web designer who knows your needs. Or consult a website design company.
What Does a Web Designer do?
He/ She is responsible for creating the visual aspect of a website. They create design and layout of a website or a web page. They also update existing websites. A web developer is the one who writes codes for different parts of the website. Sometimes a web designer can also be a developer
.) As we said first job of a designer is to create website designs. Process of designing is the same. Web designers has to work on the appearance of a website, layout and sometimes contents on the web page. Appearance or the visual quality of a website will create more engagement on your website. Appearance can be the colours fonts and images used. Layout as you know is the structure of a website how to place and were to place the contents. So, a good designer knows how to build his web page more user-friendly. Because a webpage is meant to create more business more revenue for their company so he has to make people stay and attract more to the website.
.) Feedbacks about drafts
Before creating website officially Designer has to run a trial run or draft sites. In order to receive feedback and to improvise the web page. When a webpage has gone through a trial it is easier to craft quality websites for clients. Demonstration is useful for both Designer and the client.
.) Up to date
Having a website is like having a 24/hrs marketing staff. It's all about being active in the online world. If you are not updated you are outdated. So a designer should be up to date with recent software and technological developments.
.) User friendly Best UI and UX designers in Coimbatore
Every product in the market has to be useful for the buyer like that a website has to be user friendly. For an effective impact designer should think on creating user friendly output in order engage visitors and to create activity on the web page. User experience and user friendliness can create more business through your websites
Avava we have best UI and UX Designers in Coimbatore as we seen user experience has to be improved for creating more activity on the web page. our designers ensure that the user understand how to use technical products. UI designers look on to improve interaction with in the web page. And UX designers will improvise customers experience on the web page.
.) Learning
Learning never stops unt you die. For a web designer he hast to learn appropriate programming languages. He/ she has to develop skills on programming languages like HTML and Java script
.) Skills
A web designer creates visual impact for a Webpage so he should have some skills Like: -
Imagination and Creativity
A designer is creating something new in a blank space so he need to have imagination and creativity both. Web designers has to make use of the space they get and that designing process involves creativity and imagination powers.
Patience and Detailing
Patience when you are creating something you must need patience for perfection. Perfection makes it beautiful. In case of web designing the designer should be patient enough because he has to perfect every minute details of his web page. So for detailing and flawless webpage he/she should wait patiently.
Communication and Technical Skills
A webpage is more like an advertising or like a digital store for a business. Customers will come and interact with your web page. So, to interact with the visitors and also to interact with client’s designer should have communication skills.  No communication no business at all.  And also, they should have technical skills for a better output.
So having a website is like Having a 24-hour running online shop in this digital world you must ensure your digital identity in order to get noticed and to get more business. Having a Professional designer will eventually guide you to your aim. We at avava ensures you meet your needs so if you are looking for the best web designing company in Coimbatore you are at the right place, we have best designers and quality output at affordable prices.
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evieveevee · 4 years
What We Lost: Returning to Tumblr in 2020
On December 17th, 2018, Tumblr banned 'adult content' across the site, marking the end of an era. The ban was the result of a cavalcade of issues which reportedly made maintaining NSFW content unfeasible for Tumblr. Now, it's 2020. I'm back on Tumblr, and I can't help but meditate on what we've lost both on Tumblr, and across the globe in 2020.
Part One: Tumblr and Adult Content
*Things we lost to the flame Things we'll never see again All that we've amassed Sits before us, shattered into ash
— Bastille, "Things We Lost In The Fire"*
A bit of personal history: Tumblr was the primary community I used in various forms from 2012 onwards, associating with various fandoms, doing what I could to design interesting things. The various communities I was involved in intersected with social justice communities, and eventually I dug into those further and tried to learn to better myself in the process, starting along the path to becoming the person I did.
Part of that process was also learning to love my own body, a thing I was not particularly good at and still struggle a bit with nowadays. One of the ways I did this was by making 'adult content', or more plainly, pornography. It was a unique opportunity to experiment with femininity and sexuality - something I'd been very closed off from as part of my upbringing - in a supportive, fun environment. Experimenting with my self image first in this way, in semi-private, led to me experimenting more publicly and eventually embracing aspects of that as part of my day to day life. That's right: making pornography was part of what led me down the path to figuring out I was trans and embracing that part of me.
Making porn on Tumblr was a great time; the adult content creators and consumers community on the site was largely supportive of queer people and sexuality, different body types, all manner of things. It was - in my experience - a healthy and fun place to be, and certainly one of the better places you could be on the internet for a visual medium like pornography. Tumblr's format made it easy to share both adult content you made yourself, and stuff you were curating. Vex Ashley wrote that "this sharing was so desperately vital for women and other marginalised people whose sexualities are often overlooked or infantilised in media about sex in preference for the tastes of the traditional porn consumer – the straight white guy" in a eulogy and love letter to Tumblr's adult content communities.
Tumblr's format remains novel to my knowledge as well: the notion of having a large image-focused feed which also allows for easy sharing and curation, gorgeous, high resolution pieces and photos to be uploaded with relatively little compression, custom arrangements of photosets, and personalized theming of your blog. There was, and remains, lots of potential for expression on Tumblr., and its focus remains unique. Twitter and Mastodon's focus is on what's written, Wordpress doesn't have the sort of interlinking of blogs that Tumblr does, and Facebook is... Facebook (read: evil).
I think the novelty of that format is what made the announcement of the ban on 'adult content' so impactful. Even looking back at the framing of it is gross: the post posits that 'adult content' is something which is negative, and says that removing it is working towards a 'more positive' Tumblr. There appears to be an attempt to try and strike a balance in allowing conversation about sexuality and such, but this is the killing blow. A huge portion of the community, including countless queer and furry artists, needed to find a new home online.
3 months after the ban had hit, traffic had reportedly dropped off 20%. Recent data from SimilarWeb, the outfit which published that initial data, shows that visits to the site have dropped off a little bit more, but have stayed otherwise pretty consistent. August 2020's data shows about 317 million visits. [1] In other words: any hope that this move would allow Tumblr was dashed. A massive portion of the userbase deleted their accounts after archiving them; Tumblr and the internet at large had lost a massive, vibrant chunk of community, and it was completely in vain.
I lost contact with a bunch of those folks I was following on Tumblr for years. The mass exodus left both people who wanted to find and share artwork and adult content and the people who made it completely adrift. Years later, some artists are still picking up the pieces. Archaic policy like SESTA/FOSTA being brought into the picture has left very few standing when it comes to adult content, Twitter included. Who knows how long that will last? If something happens to change the way that Twitter handles adult content, for example, what options do casual creators like myself have?
Fortunately, platforms like OnlyFans exist. But even those are at potential risk from legislation like the EARN IT Act, not to mention the danger this poses to Twitter and to the internet at large. OnlyFans and its ilk, as they exist right now, are fantastic for sex workers because they offer pay-gating and a variety of features to make sure sex workers get paid. But they leave those of us who want to be able to curate the content they enjoy or casually create their own content freely without real options, and without real community.
We stand to lose a lot, and as always people in the margins will be the ones most impacted: the queer, the people of color, the disabled; all will suffer greatly if adult content is found without a home. Media dealing with queer themes is enough to be considered "adult content" by some and it's not hard to imagine what we could be staring down the barrel of here.
What have we lost in eliminating platforms like this?
Part Two: 2020 and the World
*These are the things The things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire.
— Bastille, "Things We Lost In The Fire"*
Meditating on what we have lost seems to be a running theme for the year 2020.
January: New Year's Day. In Aotearoa New Zealand, smoke covers the skies from a fire a literal ocean away. The Australian bush has been on fire, part of one of the most and it has turned the skies of a nation not it's own orange at midday, across thousands of kilometers. What did we lose in those fires? What stories and history? What wildlife, what species? What will remain afterwards? What will grow anew?
April: Aotearoa New Zealand hits the peak of COVID-19 related lockdown with the entire nation moved to Level 4, meaning that nothing except truly essential services, such as roadworks, pharmacies, and supermarkets were open. During that time, I thought a lot about how some of my favorite small shops were doing; the bakery with astonishingly good pies, the charming dollar store which always has a few things that catch my eye, the coffee cart near one of the local parks every morning. As a nation, Aotearoa acted early to deal with COVID-19 with a strong hand, and it was risky for all of those small shops across the country. What would we come out the other side of the lockdowns having lost, both in terms of human cost and cost to the places around us?
May: Following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin, massive protests against police brutality, racism, and white supremacy break out across the United States of America. Daily protests have continued to the time of writing in some cities. George Floyd is one of 781 people killed by police in 2020 at the time of writing in the United States alone [2]. 1099 people were killed by police in 2019 [3]. What incredible lives and stories have been lost in the process? Are those stories being told now? How do we prevent this from happening again? (Hint: defunding the police will be a start, and supporting the cause now is a good choice too.)
It is now September: The incompetence of the US Government has allowed COVID-19 to spread beyond control, leaving tens of thousands of deaths in its wake; lives and stories which must be remembered and their stories carried on by others. The western coast of the United States is on fire, blanketed in smoke and ashes. Massive west coast cities like San Francisco gain an apocalyptic feeling as the skies turn orange, like they did for me in January. Friends of friends lose everything in small Oregon towns. The costs of the prolonged fires will be paid by people all up the coast; it's their health outcomes which will suffer. What will we lose as a result of this in the future? What can we do to make things better?
I want to be clear: this is not a comprehensive list, and is centered around the things that me and my social circles have been aware of and talked about. Even with that consideration, we have to reckon with massive, ongoing, and far reaching concerns. The loss felt as a result of all of the above issues is staggering, and far reaching, and we must fight to ensure that loss is not in vain. Voting alone is not going to solve these concerns, and there's more to concern yourself with than any one person should have to cope with. There's not a magic bullet to solve all this stuff though.
Rather than pretend that I have one, I want to propose a couple things to close this out: one bit of advice, and one plea for yourself and others.
The advice: pick your battles carefully. Pick issues you want to focus in on, and fight for those things to make things better where you live, and in your social circles. Choose things to care deeply about first. Keep caring about them.
The plea: think carefully about the questions I've asked throughout this piece, and think about the things in your life and communities that you have lost. Think about how to make sure those losses are taken with you and learned from; to take lessons learned and better yourself and the people around you. Think about the things you don't want to lose, and how to fight like hell for them.
Move forwards to something, and some place better than where we are now. Stand united with the people around you, and press on.
*Do you understand that we will never be the same again? The future's in our hands and we will never be the same again.
— Bastille, "Things We Lost In The Fire"*
If you enjoyed this piece and want to support my work, please contribute to my Ko-fi. If you are interested in re-publishing this piece on another site, please contact me either here or via my business email.
[1] Data provided by SimilarWeb; accessed on 15/09/2019 at 5:30am. (https://www.similarweb.com/website/tumblr.com/)
[2] Data provided by Mapping Police Violence (https://mappingpoliceviolence.com); accessed on 15/09/2020 at 4:08am NZT
[3] Data provided by Mapping Police Violence's (https://mappingpoliceviolence.com) database, downloaded on 15/09/2020 at 4:08am NZT. Count obtained using the following formula:
=COUNTIFS($'2013-2020 Police Killings'.F:F,">=1/1/2019",$'2013-2020 Police Killings'.F:F,"<1/1/2020")
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mindlcssartist · 4 years
is that [LAURA HARRIER]? no, that’s just [ADELAIDE 'ADDIE' ATKINS]. [SHE] is [TWENTY-SEVEN] years old and is a [B&B OWNER]. rumor has it they’ve been in town for [FOUR YEARS]. on a good day, they’re [RESILENT & ALOCENTRIC]. but watch out! they can also be [DECEITFUL & TACITURN]. [GROWING PAINS BY ALESSIA CARA] plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill!
Tumblr media
tw: child neglect, arson, cheating.
hello hello hello! you all can call me g and i invited myself to this party to introduce to you my baby addie SO, without further ado, let’s do it shall we?
Adelaide Atkins Savoy is the daughter of Edward Atkins, an English salesman/conman and Ann Savoy, a French teacher that came from a (somewhat) noble family.
The Atkins family moved to Peachtree, Georgia from England when Addie was five years old after a business initiated by Edward, her father, went awry with the Savoys. Addie’s grandpa, who probably lost the most out of the business con but loved Addie to no end and wanted her grandkid to have a decent life, decided to fly the Atkin-Savoy family and bought them a wonderful, luxurious home on Addie’s name.
Her childhood was… an odd one, to say the least. Her parents still acted like they were part of the Savoy family while in Georgia (and with the housing/jobs Addie’s grandpa got them, there was no reason to doubt them) so they fit perfectly with Georgia’s finest, they were living a double life of sorts, socialités in debt who schemed their wealthiest friends without them knowing. Her parents promptly got Addie to work alongside them, either as a distraction or as an active asset in their plans and she couldn’t quite deny her skills to them alas, Addie did stuff she wasn’t proud of, illegal stuff she could get away with because no one suspected the little girl with the ponytails.
Edward Michael Atkins Savoy, Addie’s younger brother was born when Adelaide was around eleven. Ann lost interest on Eddie pretty quickly so Addie pretty much raised the kid as well as she could after she turned thirteen. The two formed an unbreakable bond very quickly.
She learned many skills during her time with her parents: pick locking, html, pickpocketing, boxing, sewing (which served the young woman well when her parents decided to stop buying their kids clothes and she started making them for the two of them instead), whatever her parents required of her and whatever she could learn to make sure her brother was well taken care of, she’d learn.
CHILD NEGLECT TW The worst instance of their parents neglecting both Addie and Eddie happened right after Eddie turned five. Their friends found out about how the couple had played them and the Atkins family lost all respect within the community, so they quickly started to go in debt with banks and strangers to try to live the life Ann and Edward were so used to. By this time, the matrimony had mostly forgotten their kids to the point where they stopped providing for them unless they needed Adelaide for some job, so it was all Addie’s responsibility to not only care for her brother but her parents somehow. She started working (an honest job) when she was fourteen and never truly stopped.
ARSON TW when Addie was seventeen, one year from graduating high school Edward and Ann made a decision: they needed money to pay off credit debts and alas, they needed to burn down the house the Savoys had bought for the family because they needed the insurance money. Addie started to storage as many stuff as she could when she was informed of what was going to happen (was guilt-tripped into staying silent) and the night her parents actually burnt the house down, Addie grabbed Eddie, everything she had gathered, a car a friend had lend to her and flee Peachtree, the two siblings didn’t look back. Adelaide didn’t finish High School.
After the two siblings escaped Peachtree, they situated in Arkansas for about a year, where Addie worked around two, three jobs in order to take care of herself and Eddie. No longer after a friend encouraged her to give her testimony (and all the proof she had gathered that backed up the claim that the fire had been premeditated) and she put her parents in jail for arson and child neglect, gaining her brother’s full custody and whatever money was left from the insurance payment.
The Atkins have lived in: Florida, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, New York and now New Jersey, always trying to make a home out of these places to no avail.
In one of these cities, Adelaide met a dark, mysterious man who she quickly fell in love with when she was no more than twenty-three years old and for the first time in her life, she opened her heart and mind, fully, to someone else other than her brother and close friends. However, not everything was a fairytale: it didn’t take long until Addie discovered the man she had fallen in love with was engaged to be married to another woman, and their relationship ended as abruptly as it started, leaving her completely shattered and heartbroken and thus, the Atkins siblings arrived to their final destination: Springhill because it was their next point in the map. they’ve lived in the city for a little over four years now.
After working as a waitress/bartender/cook/whatever she could get to make a living for her and Eddie, Addie got a letter from the Savoy family one day with the news that her grandfather had died and had left behind a trust fund for her, enough money for the two siblings to live off comfortably for the rest of their lives. However, the oldest decided to only use enough to buy a nice house for the two of them and to open a modest, lovely b&b, their major source of income. They have a nice life.
She and Eddy don’t really talk about their past a lot, unless any of the parts truly trust the person they tell their story to.
Most days, Addie is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, the kind of girl who smiles at everyone she meets and greets strangers with a smile on the daily. She likes making people around her happy. She thrives when people around her shine.
However, she can be very closed off and go as far as to be very deceitful? I mean, she is sharp, even though people don’t think she is because they write her off as a “southern belle” type, but what most people don’t know is she can be cunning whenever she sets her mind on it, she learned from a very young age how to take advantage of everything she had to get what she had her mind settled on.
The one thing she cares the most about in the world is her brother, Eddie. The boy is pretty much her own and has been since the day he was born, she would stop at nothing to make sure he is fine and he is happy.
Her hobbies include painting and sculpting (which she makes some money off of), gardening (the Atkins sibling’s home is a glorified zen garden by now) and designing (she sometimes uses this skill to make clothes for selling to friends and acquaintances).
She has fleeting relationships that never take to anything serious (committing issues plus a ton of other issues let’s be honest), but it doesn’t mean she isn’t opposed to the idea. She simply believes it’s not in her destiny to find the one.
Loyal to no end, good god. It takes a lot for her to feel comfortable with someone to call them her friend but once she does, she is the most loyal friend. Also the mom friend, no matter how close you are. If it’s even a little bit chilly outside and she sees a stranger shivering she WILL give them her sweater, has medicine and candy on her at all times.
She can be quite impetuous and extremely curious to the verge of being noisy, but never in a malicious way, unless you mess with someone she cares about.
Whatever you throw her way, she’ll land on her feet.
P L O T S (*will be a wc on main)
Ex-boyfriend*: There could be many ways to go with this, many reasons why he never told her he was engaged in the first place or why he lead her to believe he was equally in love with her, but boy do we love the angst in this household and I would love to see what this connection could bring.
Best friend: Either the best friend who help the Atkins while the lived in Georgia (preferably) or a new friendship they’ve built in the years they’ve been in Springhill Addie would be nothing without this person. She trusts them more than her own shadow and would kill for them in a heartbeat.
Foreign cousins: Maybe someone seeking vengeance because of what Addie’s father did to the family? Maybe they don’t even know they are related, everyone loves having someone you can tell “well, now i know where the craziness comes from”.
Muse: Whenever she’s stressed or just… inspiration strikes, Addie calls this person to either use them as a model or a canvass. She has every line of their body engraved on her memory and she still finds them fascinating and could spend hours painting them. We can discuss what shape this plot could potentially take.
People she works for: Either her art or the clothes she makes, I’d love to write about any of those.
Hook-ups: past, present, ended in good terms, ended in bad terms, one-sided infatuations that couldn’t go over due to Addie’s commitment issues… I want it all!
Possible love interest who will make her want to commit for once and open her heart again??????
Friends, enemies, neighbors… just love my baby, she and Eddie will love you back!
Okay, wow, if you made it through… honestly bless you and you deserve a freaking award. if you read this mess (i literally haven’t slept AT ALL because i wanted to binge the politician and idk if it makes any sense) and you still wanna plot, hmu of like this post and i’ll come to you!
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Top 10 Benefits Of Having A Digital Marketing Career - 2020
Though the idea of digital marketing in India is not a new one, its implementation and rapid growth fairly and comparatively rare. In contemporary times. It can transparently be seen that the mainstream of businesses is shifting from traditional to digital marketing day by day. To be precise, up until 2010, the traditional business models were dominating the field of Indian business arena and practices. One of the biggest reasons for this happening was the attitude of the entrepreneurs who simply did not want to leave that kind of traditional business media practices.
However, after 2010, a paradigm shift started to happen when these entrepreneurs started to understand and appreciate the stuff that digital media in the fields of business was offering.
Before starting to talk about the opportunities and perks that having a career in digital marketing presents, let's understand the scopes in India in contemporary times. The Indian government has started a program with the name inverted "Digital India" which created a lot of opportunities in the digital marketing branch in order to empower Indian society and economy digitally.
Benefits of having a Digital Marketing Job :1) Freedom :
Freedom is one of the biggest perks having a career in the digital marketing field. Any kind of freedom be it artistic or creative, it is one thing that can be guaranteed in this career as there is a lot of scope for reaching the goal. Depending on how the temper of your employees is, it may also be possible for you to continue your work from home.
It is pretty natural for people to want to use all the platforms in the Digital world in order to provide and sat updates. For example, the official Twitter handle of Mumbai Police is very very active and they provide details of each and every minute to the citizens by using those tweets. In order to make it much more attractive and interesting to be yours especially young ones sometimes the contents which are used are pretty creative. Therefore the freedom that is present in the careers of digital marketing is not just about the culture but also about the quality of work.
2) Demanding Future :
The scopes of digital marketing careers are on the rise constantly. One of the biggest reasons for that being possible is the versatile and flexible nature of the work which makes it so attractive to clients as well as marketers. People who are trying to enter the arena of digital marketing and associated careers have a lot of room to get into.
Those geeks who are savvy with technologies like SEM and SEO and are confident in their technical intellect are especially perfect for this career. Most of the businesses of the whole world are turning towards shifting their marketing techniques to the digital arena and looking at that, marketers can predict that the demand for digital marketing in the future will rise and get doubled up.
3) Scope :
One of the most important things about this career is that it is always engaging and ever-changing. That's what attracts most of the people to work in this field as there is always something to learn. The other thing is the adrenaline rush of getting to do adventures with new clients everyday especially if you are working with an agency.
if you don't want to work under a boss per se, a lot of freelancing options are there too. Portals like Indeed, Freelancer, Upwork, Naukari have freelancing opportunities that they can provide you as a freelancer.
4) Financially Good :
Marketing is one of the key tools for business. Because most marketing today is done in the digital field, the salary of digital marketers is on the rise. It has been calculated that a decent digital marketer on the time of demand can earn $400,000 in a year. One other big plus point is that the rays that you want to get exist at regular intervals. The better you are at your job and the more you are able to upgrade your skills, the higher the chances are to get big fat checks at the end of the day. Those who don't have much experience to start with can also earn around $300000 to $1,300,000 per year.
5) Not a Hectic Job :
Digital marketing is not a job like sales. Unlike traditional marketing where you had to go in order to promote and sell your services here, you can reach your potential target audiences through the web.
Not just manufactured products but also services sectors like restaurants and hotels are also taking the help of online platforms in order to promote their services. Because of the revolution in the technological field, it has been possible for people to promote and market their products and services from one place not roaming around
6) Easy to get into :
High qualifications and technical training to get into this field of career are not very important. There is no defined specific qualification that is required to be a digital marketer. If you are thinking about getting into this field and you worry that you don't have any specific qualifications then the good news for you is that you only need to be serious, creative and must have good communication skills, that's it.
Though it is better to have basic knowledge in the marketing field which you can get from digital marketing courses which are available today everywhere.
7) Discovering professionalism :
As the field that we're talking about is booming with the growing development in the technological sector a lot of opportunities are opening up. Associating oneself with these opportunities can provide a hard-hitting experience with professionalism which one can enjoy thoroughly. The diverse nature of this field can introduce a person to various sides and various ways of the world which eventually can lead to being a better professional.
8) Wide Range of jobs opportunities :
The digital marketing field is not restricted to only one kind of job structure or portfolio.
If you get into this field you will be exposed to jobs like :
Content marketing managerDigital brand managerContent writerDirector of digital marketingInternet marketing specialistInternet marketing directorContent brand managerSocial media marketing managerSocial media marketing analystSEO manager
9) Opportunity to show creativity :
If you are creative and actually in love with expressing your thoughts in an attractive way then this is true "The field" for you. Digital marketing provides various opportunities to showcase your creative skills as part of your portfolio.
10) Get Involved with a change :
Evolution is happening in the field of marketing. If you get involved with digital marketing jobs you will be a part of this revolution. The confinements of traditional media opened its doors to digital media. After that happened, automatically the various kinds of prospects that were intermingled with the digital media started to go up.
Getting associated with the digital marketing field especially in a booming time like this has no cons. If you are truly creative and passionate about your work then this is the appropriate job title for you. Increasing popularity simultaneously generated the rise of career opportunities which eventually in the digital marketing form led to the foundation of various kinds of institutes exclusively to teach and research digital marketing.
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sdagdi77-blog · 4 years
What is SEO and the way It Works for little Businesses
Want to find out about SEO marketing and the way it works? We’ve made this easy guide to show you more about SEO meaning, SEO optimization, and SEO marketing.
One of the most important questions that we get from our clients here at LYFE marketing is – what's SEO and the way does it work? For businesses that are just beginning to build their website or browsing an internet site redesign, program optimization or SEO can feel a touch intimidating.
But it doesn’t need to be that way.
Even if you are doing not have an experienced in-house SEO associate, you'll still start making some positive changes which will assist you improve your program optimization. With a touch SEO knowledge under your belt, you'll get on your thanks to improving your brand’s program ranking in no time.
Below, we’ll provide a solution to the million dollar question – what's SEO and the way it works? We’ll also cover a number of the fundamentals of SEO in order that you'll better understand how it impacts your business and what you would like to try to to to be in fine condition .
If you’re here, you’re probably wondering what's SEO and the way it works. Let’s dig deeper.
SEO Definition and the way SEO Marketing Works
Here’s what SEO means: SEO is an acronym that stands for program optimization, which is that the process of optimizing your website to urge organic, or un-paid, traffic from the program results page.
In other words, SEO involves ensuring changes to your website design and content that make your site more attractive to an enquiry engine. you are doing this in hopes that the program will display your website as a top result on the program results page.
Though SEO marketing can seem complex thanks to the various factors which will impact your ranking, the method for program optimization is simpler than it appears to be.
Search engines want to supply the simplest service for his or her users. this suggests delivering results on the program pages that aren't only top quality but also relevant to what the searcher is trying to find .
In order to try to to this, search engines will scan, or crawl, different websites to raised understand what the location is about. This helps them deliver more relevant results to those that are checking out certain topics or keywords.
Similarly, the search engines will scan the location to work out how easy it's to navigate and skim , rewarding user-friendly sites with higher rankings on the program results page.
SEO is that the process that organizations undergo to assist confirm that their site ranks high within the search engines for relevant keywords and phrases. as an example , let’s say that you simply have a piece of writing about the way to build a birdhouse.
In order to urge your content ahead of the proper people, you would like to undertake to optimize your this blog post in order that it'll show up as a top result for anyone who searches for the phrase “build a birdhouse.”
There are many benefits of SEO for your business. By improving your SEO, you'll work to expand your visibility on the search engines. This helps you reach and have interaction more potential customers. By creating more engaging and effective SEO-focused content, you'll increase your chances of bringing in additional targeted organic traffic.
Factors That Impact SEO
Now that you simply know what's SEO and the way it works, but you'll be wondering “how do I do SEO marketing?” or “does SEO optimization work?” the reality of the matter is that SEO marketing actually works, and proper implementation can help anyone generate greats results.
Let’s take a glance at a number of the factors which will impact your program optimization ranking. program giant, Google will never divulge the precise algorithm they use to rank sites. However, we do have a reasonably good understanding of a number of the factors that impact program results page (SERP) rankings. These factors include both on-page and off-page factors, which we'll discuss below.
Factors that Affect On-page and Off-page SEO
1. Content Marketing
Before we dive into a number of the factors of on and off-page SEO, let’s mention content. Content is effective in both attracting the search engines and helping your organization make connections with site visitors.
The more quality, relevant content pieces that you simply wear your site, the more likely program s are going to be to rank your pages higher on the search engine results page.
Similarly, the more engaging and effective content you've got on your site, the more likely your visitors are going to be to spend some quality time on your website and perhaps even make a sale .
The secret to making content that's optimized for both the search engines and your human site visitors is to make a spread of various sorts of content pieces that are well-written and on topics that are most relevant to your audience.
Another important thing to think about when creating content for your site is SEO keywords and phrases. These are relevant words and phrases that an enquiry engine user might type in when trying to find answers to their questions or relevant products and services.
When you create content around these keywords and phrases, you improve your chances of ranking higher for these keywords on the program results page.
Yet another factor which will impact your content, and thus your program ranking, is how fresh your content is. Freshness basically refers to how often your organization posts new content to your site.
However, creating fresh content isn't the sole thanks to keep your content fresh. you'll also shower your content by updating posts, rewriting them to form them simpler , or adding new information and statistics over time.
Though creating content takes time and resources, it'll quite pay off within the end. Search engines love great content and consumers need quality content to raised understand the worth your organization can provide.
Start off by creating a couple of blog posts and work to create a following on social media. Once you've got a gaggle of loyal fans and followers, your organization can work to make differing types of media to draw in and have interaction new leads.
2. On-Page SEO
The on-page SEO factors are those elements that happen on your website. These are the items that you simply have complete control over, meaning that you simply can work to enhance these factors over time by following best practices for SEO. This goes beyond just your content marketing to the deeper levels of your site’s HTML.
Here are just a couple of of the on-page SEO factors which will assist you improve your search ranking:
Title Tag – The title append each page tells the search engines what your page is about. this could be 70 characters or less, including both the keyword your content focuses on and your business name.
Meta Description – The meta description on your website tells search engines a touch bit more about what each page is about. this is often also employed by your human visitors to raised understand what the page is about and if it’s relevant. this could include your keyword and also provide enough details to inform the reader what the content is about.
Sub-headings – Not only do sub-headings make your content easier for visitors to read, but it also can help improve your SEO. you'll use H1, H2, and H3 tags to assist search engines better understand what your content is about.
Internal Links – Building internal links, or hyperlinks to other content on your site, can help search engines learn more about your site. for instance , if you're writing a post about the worth of a selected product or service, you'll link to the merchandise or service page in your blog post.
Image Name and ALT Tags – If you're using images on your website or within your blog content, you'll also want to incorporate your keyword or phrase within the image name and alt tag. this may help search engines better index your images, which can appear when users perform a picture look for a particular keyword or phrase.
When strategically placing your SEO keywords and phrases on your pages, it’s important to avoid over-optimization. Google and other search engines will penalize your page if it attempts to use keywords too repeatedly throughout the content.
In addition, you would like to form sure that every piece of content focuses on only one or two keywords. This helps make sure that your content is restricted and relevant. Trying to tackle too many keywords directly may negatively impact your program optimization because it often makes for un-focused and thin content.
While site content plays an important role in your program rankings, it’s also important to think about your site architecture. you would like to use an internet site design that creates it easy for search engines to scan or crawl your pages and content.
Building internal links between your pages, creating a sitemap and submitting your sitemap to look engines can both help improve your site’s crawlability and provides your search engines a far better understanding of your content.
Yet another concern when it involves your site’s architecture is whether or not or not your website is mobile-friendly. Many consumers are checking out information and makes on their mobile devices.
You need to form sure that these users are ready to view, read, and navigate your website from their mobile device. Not only does this impact the user experience, but it also can affect your SEO.
3. Off-Page SEO
In addition to the on-page SEO elements that your organization has control over, there also are off-page SEO factors which will impact your ranking. Though you are doing not have direct control over these off-page factors, there are ways in which you'll improve your chances of getting these factors compute in your favor. (But more that later!)
Here are a couple of of the various off-page SEO factors which will impact your program rankings:
Trust – Trust is becoming an increasingly important think about a site’s Google ranking. this is often how Google determines whether you've got a legitimate site that visitors can trust. one among the simplest ways to enhance trust is by building quality backlinks from sites that have authority.
Links – one among the foremost popular ways to create off-page SEO is thru backlinks. you would like to take care here as spamming sites together with your links may be a quick and straightforward thanks to get your site banned from the search engines. Instead, take the time to create relationships with influencers and fans who create quality content and can link back to your site in their own content.
Social – Another important off-page SEO factor are social signals, like likes and shares. When it involves boosting SEO, you would like to seem for quality shares from influencers. The more quality content you publish, the more likely you'll be to urge people to share your content with others.
Though you are doing not have direct control over what happens outside of your organization, you'll increase your chances of improving off-page SEO just by creating quality content that others will find valuable.
The more relevant and interesting your content is, the more likely others are going to be to link to your content and share it on social media. The more people trust your content, the more the search engines will also .
Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO
When it involves SEO, there are two different approaches that organizations fancy optimizing their sites for the search engines – black hat vs. white hat SEO.
Some organizations are only curious about SEO in order that they will rank their content quickly and make some money within the short-term. Black hat SEO involves tactics that specialise in optimizing content just for the search engines.
This means that organizations aren't considering the human visitors which will read and navigate their site content. These organizations will bend or break the principles so as to enhance their site rankings to form a fast buck.
In the end, this approach to SEO produces pages that are often difficult for people to read and appearance an entire lot like spam. Though the sites may rank more quickly than people who are optimized properly, these sites are often penalized or banned by search engines rather quickly.
Overall, this get-rich-quick approach to SEO ruins the organization’s chance of building a site that's sustainable and ready to usher in new leads for years to return .
On the opposite hand, white hat SEO is an efficient approach to optimizing your website for search engines and building a sustainable business online. This approach to look engine optimization involves that specialize in the human audience which will be clicking on and reading the site’s content.
The goal of this sort of SEO is to supply the simplest content possible on a site that’s easy to read and navigate while also following the search engine’s rules for optimization.
It’s important to notice that though black hat SEO tactics might assist you rank quickly, it's inevitable that the search engines will eventually find out what you're doing and penalize your site.
Depending on the severity of the offense, your site might not be ready to come from the penalties. the sole thanks to build a sustainable online business which will usher in more organic traffic over time is to follow SEO best practices and make effective content that your visitors will find valuable.
What is SEO and the way it Works: Final Takeaways
After learning more about what's SEO and the way it works, you'll now work to form changes to your site so as to enhance your SEO and boost your rankings on the program results page.
Remember, there are tons of things that impact your SEO ranking, but the foremost important thing to think about is whether or not your content is effective and relevant to your intended audience.
Keep in mind that program optimization takes time to figure its magic. You won’t experience the advantages of SEO overnight. In fact, it's going to take months to enjoy the results of your diligence .
However, following SEO best practices by creating quality content that’s focused on helping your human visitors is that the best thanks to build a sustainable online business which will still usher in new organic site traffic for years to return .
Need help building your SEO? If you’re not proud of your program rankings, it's going to be time to call in an Atlanta SEO company. The talented team at LYFE marketing provides quality SEO services which will assist you improve your program rankings and convey in additional relevant organic traffic to your website.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Both of which are false. You must resist this. The main value of the succinctness test is as a guide in designing languages. They'll be fine.1 A typical angel round these days might be $150,000 raised from 5 people. If a hacker were a mere implementor, turning a spec into code, then he could just work his way through it from one end to the other like someone digging a ditch.2 I never read the books we were assigned. So please, get on with it. No one has to commit explicitly to what the central point is. But due to a series of historical accidents the teaching of writing has gotten mixed together with the study of ancient texts was the essence of what scholars did.
If you expressed the same ideas in prose as mathematicians had to do without. But actually being good is an expensive way to seem good. Because the fact is, if you believe as I do that the main reason we take the trouble to write two versions, a flame for Reddit and a more subdued version for HN. In a real essay you're writing for yourself. The reason they like it when you don't need them is not simply that they like what they do. The Internet is changing that. That's why I'm so optimistic about HN. And unless you already have if you can't raise the full amount. And so once university English departments were established in the late 19th century the study of literature. I'm not proposing this as a new idea. Bill Gates would probably have something to read.3 There's always a temptation to do that completely.
They raise their first round fairly easily because the founders seem smart and the idea sounds plausible. So the ability to ferret out the unexpected. Even if you only have one meeting a day with investors, somehow that one meeting will burn up your whole day. And anything you come across that surprises you, who've thought about the topic a lot, will probably surprise most readers.4 For a painter, a museum is a reference library of techniques.5 I can't. It means that a programming language is obviously doesn't know what a programming language should, above all, be malleable. The true test of the length of the delay inversely proportional to some prediction of its quality. Almost everything is interesting if you get deeply enough into it. It hadn't occurred to me till then that those horrible things we had to rely mostly on examples in books. And once you start to doubt yourself.
So no matter how many good startups approach him.6 But I know the house would probably have ended up pretty rich even if IBM hadn't happened to drop the PC standard in his lap. Why is it conventional to pretend to like what you do or what I do is somewhere between a river and a roman road-builder. And open and good.7 A couple hundred thousand would let them get office space and hire some smart people they know from school. And yet a lot is at stake. Browsers then IE 6 was still 3 years in the future, and the power of the more unscrupulous do it deliberately. Hacker News is an experiment, and an experiment in a very young field. So when a language isn't succinct, it will feel restrictive. The paperwork for convertible debt is simpler.
Their search also turned up parse. The study of rhetoric, the art of arguing persuasively, was a kind of final pass where you caught typos and oversights. Colleges had long taught English composition. The existence of aggregators has already affected what they aggregate.8 Study lots of different things, so you can learn faster what various kinds of work. I think he really wishes he'd listened. The advantage of the two-job route is less common than the organic route. There is nothing investors like more than a plan A. Long but mistaken arguments are actually quite rare. Scientists don't learn science by doing it.9 Even the concept of me turns out to explain nearly all the characteristics of VCs that founders hate. Relentlessness wins because, in the Gmail sense everything I've told you so far.
Hacker News is an experiment, and an essai is an effort. Users have worried about that since the site was a few months old.10 So a plan that promises freedom at the expense of knowing what to do, so here is another place where startups have an advantage. It sounds obvious to say that the answer is a simple yes, but no one can predict them—not even the protagonists: we're just the latest model vehicle our genes have constructed to travel around in. There are lots of other potential names that are as carefully designed and, if possible. Another easy test is the number of both increases we'll get something more like an efficient market. For example, in a recent essay I pointed out that because you can start as soon as the first one is ready to buy. Why is it conventional to pretend to like what you do? Twenty years ago, fascinating and urgently needed work. Fundamentally an essay is a train of thought, as dialogue is cleaned-up train of thought—but a cleaned-up train of thought—but social and economic history, not political history. It will always be true that most great programmers are born outside the US.11 The whole room gasped.
I've met a few VCs I like. There's nothing intrinsically great about your current name would seem repellent. Since we hosted all the stores, which together were getting just over 10 million page views per month in June 1998 I took a snapshot of Viaweb's site.12 The advantage of the two-job route, if you have $5 million in investable assets, it would seem an inspired metaphor.13 The advice of parents will tend to feel bleak and abandoned, and accumulate cruft.14 The good things in a community site come from people more than technology; it's mainly in the prevention of bad things that technology comes into play. Investors like it when they can help a startup, but they did have to go to school, which was a dilute version of work meant to prepare us for the real thing.15 Or at least, a thesis was a position one took and the dissertation was the argument by which one defended it. I didn't realize this when I was about 9 or 10, my father told me I could be 100% sure that's not a description of HN. Indeed, you can start as soon as the first one is ready to buy. It's kind of surprising that it even exists. And there was the mystery of why the perennial favorite Pralines 'n' Cream was so appealing.
Html. If early abstract paintings seem more powerful sororities at your school sucks, where many of the War on Drugs. Most unusual ambitions fail, no matter how large.
The quality of investor behavior. 03%. Bullshit, Princeton University Press, 1981. Source: Nielsen Media Research.
There is no different from deciding to move from London to Silicon Valley. Sites that habitually linkjack get banned. Xenophon Mem.
Hypothesis: A company will be big successes but who are good presenters, but we do the right thing to do some research online. Here's a recipe that might work is in the general manager of the products I grew up with elaborate rationalizations.
Sometimes a competitor will deliberately threaten you with a cap. It's a bit more complicated, because you have to keep them from the DMV.
A single point of a powerful syndicate, you now get to go deeper into the work of selection. The Sub-Zero 690, one could aspire to the hour Google was founded, wouldn't offer to invest the next investor.
At first I didn't care about, like languages and safe combinations, and one VC. Gauss was supposedly asked this when comparing techniques for discouraging stupid comments instead. Proceedings of 2003 Spam Conference.
In part because Steve Jobs doesn't use.
So as a rule, if an employer, I have no decision-making power. Your user model almost couldn't be perfectly accurate, and that most people will pay people millions of dollars a year for a patent is now. Obvious is an understatement.
It wouldn't cut their overall returns tenfold, because when people make the people working for me was the ads they show first. It's hard to say they prefer great markets to great people to claim retroactively I said yes.
Candidates for masters' degrees went on to study the quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, music, and that modern corporate executives would work better, and b I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to solve a lot of legal business. One of the iPhone SDK.
Cost, again. And they are building, they were. If a company growing at 5% a week for 19 years, it means a big company. However bad your classes because you spent all your time working on is a convertible note with no deadline, you should push back on the parental dole, and journalists—have the perfect life, and stir.
This is not an efficient market in this essay talks about the distinction between money and disputes.
That name got assigned to it because the ordering system was small. In fact, we should make the argument a little about how to deal with them. Auto-retrieving filters will be big successes but who are weak in other ways to do more with less? By your mid-game.
No big deal. This is isomorphic to the frightening lies told by older siblings. It was revoltingly familiar to slip back into it. But should you even working on that.
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