Pairing: Han Solo x Reader
Word Count: 615
Warning: Gets Steamy.
Summary: Han Solo saves the reader from a mysterious planet. The reader has a mishap with some sex pollen, Han is all too welcoming to help with her problem.
Requested: Yes!🥰😘❣️
Starwars Masterlist
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“This is Commander Y/L/N.” Trying to get the attention of another rebel pilot over the communication radio, “I crashed onto a unknown planet. Signing off.”
“Yeah this is the Han pilot of the Millennium Falcon.” The smirk evident in his voice, “I will be arriving in T minus five minutes. See you soon, Y/N.”
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t stop the smirk that made it’s way onto your face. Han was your best friend. He taught you everything you needed to know about being a pilot. More often than not, he was in close range whenever you found yourself in times of trouble. You had never questioned why, being too grateful that he was there when you needed him most. 
Walking away from the air craft, you ventured into the nearby field of flowers. Picking one up, you marveled in its beauty. As the Millennium Falcon neared it caused a subtle wind. The flower that was in your hand, disbursed around you.
“Excuse me miss. I’m here to save a damsel in distress.” Han said from behind you.
“Sup laser brain.” 
Rolling his eyes he groaned at the nick name, “I hate you.”
Giggling, you were lifted up by Chewbacca as he whirled you around, “Hey Chewy. I missed you too.” 
The three of you were inseparable, Chewbacca loved you as much as Han possibly more. He always protected you whenever he could. On the rare occasion, you would be assigned on different missions.  
“Okay chewy. Let the girl breath.” Han said beside chewbacca, causing him to yell at him.
“Yeah, yeah. Like you’re the first to call me that.” Han said rolling his eyes. “We’ll meet you back on the Falcon.”
As soon as Chewy was aboard the Falcon, you lunged at Han causing the both of you to go tumbling onto the ground. Looking up he had a confused gaze. Straddling his waist, you intertwined your hands together pinning them beside his head. Leaning down, you captured his lips between yours. Taking his bottom lip with your teeth you gently bit down. Han let out a groan that rumbled through your body. 
Opening your mouth, your tongue traced along his teeth silently asking to invade his mouth. Pulling back, an unexpected whine from the man underneath you. Looking up at you his gaze was full of need. Your breath hitched in your throat not registering what was happening.
He attempted to free his hands, putting more pressure on your intertwined hands, you looked down at him. Latching your lips onto his neck, he let out a moan. Lightly biting down, your tongue snaked out smoothing the bruise you had freshly made. Another groan fell from his lips.
“What’re....What’re you..” His deep voice tried. “What’re you doing?” He questioned. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You hummed against his neck as you made another hickey.
Catching you off guard, he over powered you as he rolled you both over. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you gazed upward at him with confusion. Latching his lips onto yours, he opened your mouth causing a gasp to fall from your lips. Bringing a hand up to your chest, he kneaded softly through your top earning a moan from you. Opening your mouth, you allowed him access. Licking his way into your mouth, he grinded himself into your hips. Pulling the appendage from your throat he left hickeys along your neck as he traveled to your collar bone. His hand roughly gripping your throat squeezing lightly, before pulling away bringing his face to yours. 
Nudging your nose with his, “Are you sure you want to do this?” 
You nodded your head in approval.
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ammesaep · 5 years
Star Wars - Imagine Han and Luke fighting over you....
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- When they meet you for the first time, they both develop a major crush on you
- They realize this and start to argue with each other
- Leia finds this hilarious
- Luke tries to be romantic, bringing flowers and gifts to you
- Han gets super flirty and says stuff like how much better he is than Luke at everything
- Luke retaliates by impressing you with what he can do using the force
- Han showing you around the Millennium Falcon
- You being oblivious to their constant flirting and undivided attention and just thinking the three of you are good friends
- Luke getting super jealous anytime you are around Han
- Han just smirking and making sure to be very romantic towards you when Luke is nearby
- Leia having to explain to you what they are actually doing and you being SOO surprised
- Eventually they corner you and ask you who you choose
- Will you pick Han or Luke?
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Face Beyond the Mask
I will be making a part four to the Face Beyond the Mask Series! 
Here is a little preview of the upcoming part! You can read the other parts here
Preview of Part Four
Word Count: 386
Let me know what you think!
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Poe was battling Kylo. With every  FVISH!  Kwishuuuuuuuuuu! you winced, while guilt overwhelmed you. Finn hadn’t regained consciousness yet, but you were able to locate the major source of his bleeding and put pressure on it. 
 Suddenly, Poe was beside you, lifting up Finn, wrapping his arm around his waist, while slinging one of Finn’s arm, around his shoulder. Before, you could ask what was going on, you glance behind you, to see Kylo laying in the snow in and out of consciousnesses. 
Being forced to make a split second decision. Go help Poe carry Finn to the Rebel base or help the injured man next to you. Resting on your knees next to Kylo, his dark eyes gave you a confused gaze. It was then, that you saw the gash going across his face.
Looking back at him, you offered him a soft smile, “You’re gonna be okay,” you said, “This is going to hurt, but it’ll make sure that your wound won’t get infected.”
Applying rubbing alcohol on his fresh wound, he hissed in pain. His fist clenched as he felt pain. His pain was then transferred to you through the force. Unexpectedly, you leaned forward, placing a hand on his chest you lowered yourself, to gently blow across his wound, to help eliminate the pain of rubbing alcohol. 
Pulling back, you placed what looked like black tape across his cheek, “Maybe because I see the good in you,” letting out a shaky breath.
Catching you off guard, he brought a gloved hand up to your cheek. Leaning into his touch, you missed Kylo, using his other arm to sit up to the best of his abilities. 
Once you opened your eyes, you were nose to nose with him. His eyes had softened from the first time you had seen him. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through his messy, black hair. As if, he lost all of his confidence, he looked at you for permission. Before you could react, he leaned forward an inch causing his lips to gently brush against yours. They had barely touched before he pulled back. The smallest touch of his lips, caused electricity to shoot throughout your body.  
“Kylo!” “Y/N!”
Your respective parties called for both of you through the forest. 
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ammesaep · 5 years
Star Wars Preference - Their pickup lines...
Anakin - “Did you just come out of the oven? Because you’re hot!”
Obi- Wan -“Is your name google? Because you have everything I’m searching for.”
Han - “There’s a huge sale in my bedroom! Clothes are 100% off!”
Luke - “Do you have a bandaid? Cause I just scraped my knee falling for you.”
Leia - “It’s a good thing I have my library card cause I was totally checking you out.”
Poe - “Do I know you? Because you look like my next girlfriend.”
Finn - “Somethings wrong with my eyes cause I can’t take them off of you.”
Rey - “I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Because mine was just stolen.”
I decided to add the bad guys from an anonymous request
Vader - “Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?”
Kylo Ren - “Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
Hux - “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.”
Boba - “Are you a parking ticket? Cause you’ve got FINE written all over you.”
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ammesaep · 5 years
Star Wars Preference: Dating Rey would include...
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- Rey being protective of you
- Her not liking being away from you because of abandonment issues she faced in the past
- Her letting you use her lightsaber
- Cuddling!!!!! Rey loves cuddles!!!!
- Going for rides in the Falcon with her and Chewie
- You being close friends with Finn and Poe
- Saying “I love you” to each other randomly
- Rey loves to play with your hair
- Her teaching you the Wookie and droid language cause you’ll probably need it
- Holding hands
- Finn and Poe very much shipping you two
- Getting dragged into the mess of finding Luke
- Hugging a lot
- Overall, having a very loving and sweet relationship
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Face Beyond the Mask
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader
Warning: None
Word Count: 979
Please enjoy part four!
Starwars Masterlist Part Five?
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Poe was battling Kylo. With every  FVISH!  Kwishuuuuuuuuuu! you winced, while guilt overwhelmed you. Finn hadn’t regained consciousness yet, but you were able to locate the major source of his bleeding and put pressure on it.
Suddenly, Poe was beside you, lifting up Finn, wrapping his arm around his waist, while slinging one of Finn’s arm, around his shoulder. Before, you could ask what was going on, you glance behind you, to see Kylo laying in the snow in and out of consciousnesses.
Being forced to make a split second decision. Go help Poe carry Finn to the Rebel base or help the injured man next to you. Resting on your knees next to Kylo, his dark eyes gave you a confused gaze. It was then, that you saw the gash going across his face.
Looking back at him, you offered him a soft smile, “You’re gonna be okay,” you said, “This is going to hurt, but it’ll make sure that your wound won’t get infected.”
Applying rubbing alcohol on his fresh wound, he hissed in pain. His fist clenched as he felt pain. His pain was then transferred to you through the force. Unexpectedly, you leaned forward, placing a hand on his chest you lowered yourself, to gently blow across his wound, to help eliminate the pain of rubbing alcohol.
Pulling back, you placed what looked like black tape across his cheek, “Maybe because I see the good in you,” letting out a shaky breath.
Catching you off guard, he brought a gloved hand up to your cheek. Leaning into his touch, you missed Kylo, using his other arm to sit up to the best of his abilities.
Once you opened your eyes, you were nose to nose with him. His eyes had softened from the first time you had seen him. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through his messy, black hair. As if, he lost all of his confidence, he looked at you for permission. Before you could react, he leaned forward an inch causing his lips to gently brush against yours. They had barely touched before he pulled back. The smallest touch of his lips, caused electricity to shoot throughout your body.  
“Kylo!” “Y/N!”
Your respective parties called for both of you through the forest. 
Realizing what had happened, you jumped back causing you to tumble back. Kylo was quick to his feet, offering you helping hand. Pulling you to your feet, neither one of you made the effort to move away from each other. The both of you were standing in the middle of the forest, while both sides were advancing towards you both. 
Not a care in the world, still towering over you, he glanced down at your lips as if asking permission to kiss you again, the overwhelming feeling of insecurity surged through you. Batting your eye lashes at him, you could see the internal conflict he had inside. 
“We....We should go..” You whispered looking into his chocolaty eyes.
You could’ve sworn you saw him frown, “Yeah. I guess so.”
Untangling yourselves from each other, you made your way towards the voices that were calling you. There was overwhelming urge to look over your shoulder towards Kylo. It took every ounce of strength to keep looking forward.
“Y/N!” Poe yelled, “There you are!” 
He caught you off guard, when his body collided with yours. 
“Are you okay?” Keeping his hands on your shoulders, he pulled away looking you in the eyes, worry etched across his features.
Your eyes had fallen to the snow, imprinted with his foot prints. Sadness overwhelmed you, as if you had lost something that was the only thing in the galaxy to keep you glued together.
“Yeah.” Your voice broke off, as a few tears rolled down your cheek. The feeling of loss was the only thing you could focus on.
“Come on kiddo. Let’s get you back to base.” Poe said happy to have his best friend back. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, he guided you back towards the way he had come.
Looking back, you could’ve sworn you seen Kylo looking back at you with the same hesitation, to return to the side that each of you belonged.
Uncertainty, plagued your mind as you retreated back to the rebel base. Laying awake that night, your mind was going through many different thoughts.
Were you really thinking of giving up on your fellow rebels? What would your friends think? How could you throw away everything you worked towards for a guy?
Sitting up, you were surprised to see Kylo standing in your room.
“What’re you doing up?” You questioned as you clutched the blankets tighter towards your chest.
“I...I can’t sleep.” Sighing he continued, “I can’t stop thinking about....”
Confusion danced across your face. For Kylo becoming the new Supreme Leader of the Empire, he was acting weird.
“About what, Kylo?”
His internal struggle was evident on his face, “About you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop the gasp that fell from your lips. He was saddened by your reaction.  “I...I should go...”
Before you could think about it, you were kneeling on your knees, while your hand shot out and grabbed his keeping him from retreating. Your movements had stunned the both of you. Kylo was now standing at the edge of your bed, looking at you curiously.
Looking at the man towering over above you, your hand reached up and cupped his cheek. Surprisingly, he leaned into your touch closing his eyes. 
Moving your face closer to his, your breath danced across his lips, earning a low groan from him. Slightly leaning forward, your lips enveloped his. It was much more different from the kiss you had shared in the forest. It was filled with want. His hands rested low on your hips, pulling you closer to him. 
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