#starwars oneshot
yunggoblin · 4 months
Soft Little Beats - Hunter
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Pairing: Hunter x Pregnant!Female!Reader
Summary: Hunter hears an unfamiliar thumping sound only to find out it’s coming from your stomach.
Warnings: None, Mature for Foul Language/Cussing, Hunter getting annoyed, Mentions of Unprotected Sex, Fem!Reader has Juice Cravings, Fluff
Word Count: 2,192
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Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump. 
Hunter let out a soft groan at the random thumping sound that all of a sudden made his ears twitch. 
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter's eyebrows knitted together as he tried to ignore this new sound. 
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Rolling over, Hunter let out a soft huff, trying to ignore the soft beat. He extended his arm on his bunk to feel for you. As he patted around he slowly blinked his eyes to find himself alone.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter let out another groan, this time sounding like a whine as the annoying soft little beat woke him from his slumber. Hunter slowly sat up from his bunk, letting his feet dangle on the side, stretching his arms he let out a big yawn. Smacking his lips and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Hunter placed his feet on the cold metal flooring of the ship. 
Might as well find you and whatever that beating sound was. He thought to himself.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter stared at himself in the mirror as he was in the refresher brushing his teeth. His eye twitched slightly at the ongoing sound of that mysterious noise. He’s never heard it before and he didn’t understand why he was hearing it now. Spitting out the foamy toothpaste and rinsing his mouth he placed his toothbrush down and exited out of the refresher to find that maker annoying sound.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter first went into the storage unit of the ship, looking around the area to see if he could find where in the hell it was coming from. He paused, listening closely to see if it was just the ship itself making that noise.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
No, it was definitely something on the ship. Hunter paused for a moment, digging the tip of his pinky finger into his ear and moving it in a half circle around in his ear canal making sure this sound wasn’t just in his head. He pulled out his finger away from his ear and listened closely.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter groaned once more, was it possible that time had finally caught up with him and his senses were finally fried and he was just hearing things? Was this just all in his head, was this just his head throbbing over all? Hunter paused for another moment and listened.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
No, this was definitely something real and wasn’t time sneaking up on him. His feline-like reflexes still heighten just like yesterday and the day before, only thing is, this damn sound wasn’t around until this morning. 
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter gritted his teeth and let out a low growl, he wasn’t too sure what this sound was or how long it was going to be around for, but it was pushing him over his limits. Hunter started to make his way up towards the cockpit of the ship only to hear the thumping to become faint, quieter and quieter. Hunter stopped his movements before entering into the cockpit. 
The sound stopped. Hunter took two steps backwards, heading back to where he came from and paused. No, the sound wasn’t even in the storage unit either. Hunter eyed the cockpit door carefully and walked towards it, the soft whooshing sounds erupted as the door slid open. Hunter slowly looked around to see if anything was out of the ordinary, but nothing was. Not even the tools Tech was using to fix the panel board, as they were neatly placed. 
Hunter didn’t even address Tech as his brother was fiddling away on the datapad. “Tech.” Hunter grunted, his eyes still slowly scanning the area, trying to hear that sound once more.
”Hunter, what is wrong?” Tech lowered his datapad from his sight to see his brother obviously on the hunt for something.
”Did… Did you hear it?” Hunter’s attention snapped over towards Tech.
”Are you asking me if I heard something even though you, the brother with heightened senses, can hear it all?” Tech picked up his datapad. “Because, if so, then, no. I didn’t hear it.” 
Hunter huffed out a breath and leaned against the nearest wall. “I think I’m going crazy.” Hunter muttered under his breath and rubbed his temples, whatever that sound was gave him a headache. 
“Crazy? No. Over-sensitive? Yes.” Tech matter-of-factly stated. Tech placed down his datapad once more and grabbed the nearest med-bag, digging through it. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Hunter asked. “I haven’t seen her today.” Hunter frowned, a pout on his lips as he missed his loved one and hasn’t seen you since last night before going to bed. 
”Y/N is with Crosshair, they just left to go do target practice.” Tech didn’t look up from the medic bag as he was still digging through it.
Hunter’s gaze cast upon the metal floorboard underneath his feet. The thumping sound, could it have possibly been the way your cunt throbbed for his brother when you were near Crosshair? Hunter knew about your crush towards his brother but that was such a long time ago and you moved on after Crosshair went and sided with the Empire and before Crosshair even came back, you and him became a thing.
Hunter’s tongue slowly drew across his bottom lip as he was thinking. Inhaling the air sharply Hunter didn’t catch any of your arousing scent hit his nostrils, he didn’t even recall smelling it in the bunks, the refresher or the storage unit. 
“Ah, here we are.” Tech called out, walking over to Hunter and held out his palm. “A little something to help your senses.” Tech handled Hunter a pill. 
“What is it?” Hunter eyed the small blue pill in his fingers.
”It’s just a pain-killer, Hunter, it’ll help with your headache from whatever you’re hearing.” 
Hunter didn’t ask any questions after that, popping the medicine in his mouth he swallowed it with no problem. “So, uh you haven’t heard anything different with The Marauder?” Hunter looked around the cockpit once more making sure nothing was out of the ordinary. 
“I am highly offended to have you think I wouldn’t keep track of my own ship.” Tech readjusted his goggles as he tapped away on his datapad. 
“So, that’s a negative then?”
”Correct, no weird noises coming from her.” Tech patted at the console as if he was consoling it. “Don’t think about it, Hunter. I’m sure whatever you heard wasn’t too dangerous or your other senses would have picked up on it too.” 
Hunter sighed with a nod, leaving the cockpit with Tech’s opinion, he should trust his brother but something in his body was telling him not to forget what he heard.
Throughout the day Hunter tried to stay busy, he watched Omega and Wrecker hangout in the field where they decided to land for a few rotations, Echo was working on the exterior of the ship while Tech was interior. You and Crosshair still weren’t back from target shooting which made him slightly worried. 
The thumping sound, what was it? Hunter knew that wasn’t your heart beat, it wasn’t anyone’s in the ships that matched that’s why he was so worried that an intruder was inside, nothing too big from the way it beat and ever so softly, but still it could be a treat to him and his squad. 
Hunter signed, not hearing the thumping sound anymore and decided to take a shower. Whatever creature it was maybe decided to check out the place and leave. Hunter didn’t like that, not one bit but he tried to ignore it. 
As Hunter climbed out of the refresher he grabbed a towel and started to dry himself off.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
“What is that kriffing sound?” Hunter growled, he was growing tired of it and wasn’t going to like that sound if he was trying to sleep later that day. Hunter was determined to find whatever it was and make it shut up. Hunter tossed on his blacks, letting his damp hair fall over his face and his blacks slightly sticking to his wet body, he didn’t care that he was still wet he needed to get to the bottom of this. 
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter made his way through the ship once more, not seeing anything but kept hearing the soft little beats. He was going mad, he needed whatever this thing was to be gone. Hunter walked through the kitchen only to stop once more.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
All of this searching was making his stomach growl, he’s been so busy trying to find whatever this was he didn’t even realize he hasn’t eaten anything today. Going through the cabinet, Hunter snagged a ration bar and sat down at the table where they usually ate. As Hunter ripped open the ration bar he took a bite out of it, slowly chewing.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Whatever the sound was, it was coming closer and becoming louder. Hunter’s shoulder tensed up as he listened to it closely, straightening himself in the chair.
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter stared at the entryway of the kitchen, holding his breath as he was ready for whatever was to round the corner. Unchewed food was still in the pocket of his cheek, afraid if he swallowed it, it would be stuck in his throat if he tried to scream for help. Hunter’s heart was hammering in his chest as his senses were on edge, waiting.
Only for him to see you pop around the corner, coming back in from outside. Hunter exhaled the breath he was holding in, his tense shoulders relaxing at the sight of you, his lover. 
“Hey sleepy head.” You smiled at him, walking over towards where he was sitting and placed a kiss upon his wet head. “Did you sleep well? I didn’t want to wake you because I had a few errands to run.” 
“Would have slept better if I woke up next to you.” Hunter grunted as he took another bite from the ration bar. 
You ruffled his dark hair before making your way to the fridge. “Well, I wanted you to sleep in. Recharge yourself.” You pointed out, opening the fridge door you knew exactly what you wanted. Wrapping your hand around the handle of a jug that contained juice you popped the lid open and placed it on your mouth and drank it straight from the jug. 
Hunter’s eyes roamed over you, taking you in. He admired how your head was tilted back gulping down the sweet liquid, eyes shut as you enjoyed the intake. Hunter’s eyes trailed down your breasts, noticing how they’ve become slightly larger than before. The view of them nearly spilling out of your bra and your shirt hugging them nicely made his cock twitch in his pants, thinking about squishing them together and sliding his cock in between them, tit fucking you. His eyebrow slightly raised as if he noted to do that later tonight once everyone was asleep. 
Hunter’s brown eyes went lower, he smiled softly as he noticed a little juice baby you were forming from drinking so much of the liquid. 
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
The sound erupted in his ears, louder and even closer now which made Hunter’s eyes, that were still staring at your stomach grow large as he realized what the sound was. He was too busy admiring your body he didn’t even notice the sound until his eyes were on your stomach. “Oh my Maker, you’re pregnant.” Hunter said barely a whisper but you heard him loud enough for you to choke on the juice you were gulping down. 
You pulled the jug away from your mouth, the juice collecting on the corner of your lips. “Excuse me?” You asked, raising your free hand and wiping the back of it on your mouth, getting the rest of the dripping juice you nearly spit out. 
“You’re pregnant.” Hunter repeated, his eyes never leaving your stomach. 
You couldn’t help but to laugh. “I am not pregnant.” 
“Then why did you just down half a gallon of juice.”
Your eyes cast towards the jug that was now nearly empty. “Because I was craving ju-“ Then it hit you, you couldn’t even recall your last cycle. “Oh my maker, I’m pregnant.” 
Thump, thump. 
Thump, thump.
Hunter smiled widely as he stood up from the chair. “I’ve been hearing this thumping sound all morning.” He reached for you, cupping your cheeks as he was now standing in front of you. “It’s been driving me mad.” He whispered. “Only to find out, it’s this little Mesh’la growing inside of you.” He pulled away his hands and placed them on the sides of your stomach. “How-” Hunter paused, giving you a confused look.
“We haven’t really been practicing safe sex, Hunter.” You teased him, wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him down towards you and placed a soft kiss upon his lips. 
Hunter hummed softly against your lips, tasting you on his tongue while listening to the little bundle of joy growing in your stomach.
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Hunter Masterlist
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knightprincess · 3 months
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Words: 3.8k Warning: Themes of Grief, Mourning, and Loss. Implied Past Torture, Character Death, Past Relationship with Tech, and Platonic relationship with Crosshair. Not Proofread. Couldn't bring myself to read it again. Pronouns Used: She/Her - Use of Y/N. A/N: Sequel to "No Matter What." This can be read as a standalone one-shot - Requested by @thecoffeelorian
The research facility on Tantis was in ruins. Some halls were falling apart, others as if nothing had happened. The sound of water dripping echoed throughout the base, as did the protesting groans the durasteel doors made when opened. Some of the lights flickered, whereas others refused to work at all, resulting in the pair of (Y/N) and Crosshair relying on flashlights.
“I guess this was Nala Se’s lab,” commented Crosshair, observing the scene past the locked door. Nothing was left there, indicating it was once a highly equipped lab. All that remained was the charred and scattered equipment remains; not even the outer wall had remained intact, and only a gaping hole remained where the window had once been. “We’re not going to get anything from the databanks; they are in pieces,” he voiced, shining a light through the door; the large cylinder object was no better off than the rest of the room. If the files on it hadn’t been deleted by Nala Se in her last defiance against the empire, then the blast would have completely destroyed everything the databank would have stored.
“I’m on channel three,” spoke (Y/N), turning away from the lab remains, instead shining her light down the surrounding corridors, silently deciding which hall to follow in the hopes of finding Hemlock’s office. “I’m going to find Hemlock’s office; if the equipment there is intact, I might be able to access his files. Watch out for the hunters,” she added, turning away after whispering quiet good luck.
After all, she was no fool; she knew Crosshair had another reason for joining her. For months, Tantis was his own personal version of hell. He had his own demons to face there, and he had to put to bed his haunting past and traumas. If only so he, too, could one day find peace.
“He’s always with you, Shortfire. He always was,” called Crosshair, a semblance of affection lingering in his voice. He knew Tech better than most; they were twins, after all. Although a slow burner, there was something special between (Y/N) and Tech. He’d seen it during the war, just as he was sure Hunter had after it.
(Y/N) stopped, tears shimmering in her eyes, the pain and grief she felt etched across her features. Although she never turned to face Crosshair, she knew the former sniper could sense it. The way her body involuntary stiffened most likely gave it away. She didn’t respond verbally to his words, offering a small nod before continuing again.
Logically, (Y/N) knew there was little chance Tech had survived Eriadu, and not even a Jedi could survive a fall from that height. She could remember Wrecker telling her Tech was gone, tearfully and grief-stricken; she’d never seen the human bulldozer so vulnerable before. Echo had confirmed Wrecker’s words, but still (Y/N) couldn’t bring herself to accept it. Her mind and heart couldn’t agree until she had seen him for herself, found him, and taken him home, where he belonged and could finally be at peace.
Tears left wet, salty tracks down her cheeks, falling despite her best efforts to prevent them from doing so. Her knees weakened as her mind focused on her lost love. The pain, so much pain. (Y/N) had lost so much during the war, even more, when it ended. Eventually, Tech and The Batch came for her, saving her from god knows what. For a time, they were happy even if on the run, and then, one day, the hunters appeared. At first, they all believed they were after Omega, but it soon became clear they knew (Y/N) was a former Jedi; they were after her.
“I’m sorry, Tech,” cried (Y/N), remembering the last time she saw him. She hadn’t expected to come back; if anything, she tricked herself into believing the hunters would eventually succeed in their goal, either capturing or killing her. So, to save further pain, she’d all but broken his heart and pushed him away in the hopes of saving him. “I love you.” she whimpered into the cold, dark corridor, sliding down the wall until she hit the floor scattered with debris. Slowly, her own heart broke; if she’d only been there that day, he would still be alive.
“Come on, Shortfire,” whispered Crosshair, squatting to be at her fallen height. Tears of his own glistened in his golden eyes. “You’re not to blame. He wouldn’t want you to be like this, tormenting yourself for what you can’t change,” he added with a soothing tone, pulling her into his armored body once more, holding her while she cried, his own tears breaking the well-fortified barriers. Although Crosshair could never voice it, he knew Tech was gone; he felt the sudden, unexplainable pain far worse than anything Hemlock and the empire could inflict. He constantly felt that part of himself was missing, a piece that couldn’t be filled, even by Omega.
The two stayed there for what felt like hours, holding each other in silent comfort, allowing the pain to finally take hold before pushing it back again. The peaceful grief was only broken up by the sound of voices coming from a distant corridor, the glow of flashlights finding the pair shortly after. By the time the owners of the identical voices reached them, Crosshair’s blaster was at the ready, and (Y/N)’s lightsaber bathed the cold hall in a blue hue.
“Crosshair,” came the familiar voice of Echo; at his side were Rex, Howzer, and Gregor, all with their weapons armed and ready, with determined looks masterfully painted upon their features. “(Y/N),” he added, ignoring the tears lingering on their cheeks, refusing to draw attention to their prolonged period of weakness. “What are you doing here?”
“Searching for answers,” replied (Y/N) between sniffles as she disarmed her lightsaber. She didn’t stay in the corridor much longer, walking off again, knowing the clones would be weary of her at best. Order 66 had screwed up a lot of things, among it the strong bond that once existed between Jedi and Clone. Most of it was now shattered, a reminder of a past that could never be recovered, a past slowly being forgotten.
“Tech,” simply spoke Crosshair, answering the lingering question before the wild thoughts could take over. “She needs answers, closure. We all do,” he added, as if pointing out the obvious. After all, there was only one reason why (Y/N) would go to a place like Tantis, and there was only one real reason why a Jedi would come out of hiding now. Love.
“I’ll shadow her,” called Gregor. Sensing there was unfinished business between Echo and Crosshair as well, the tension suggested something had yet to be resolved. No one protested when the former commando split from the group, following (Y/N)’s trail cautiously as if preparing for an unforeseen attack.
“What about you?” questioned Echo, like Gregor sensing the distrust and tension hovering in the air; maybe it was just the facility, the hatred, and pain that once bred there, or maybe it was the fractured relationship between brothers nailed home further by a loss no one dared speak about.
“I have my own demons to face,” voiced Crosshair, looking around the facility hall, one he walked twice daily for months. He hated the place, wished it was gone completely, and to banish all the memories from his mind, but (Y/N) needed him. She was more important than anything else in the mountain. Tech would have wanted someone to be at her side as she went through the scarring pain and the journey of acceptance. “She needs me.”
“I’ll go ahead and keep an eye on her,” exclaimed Rex, trusting Howzer to handle the two before them. Rex knew the denial (Y/N) went through; he’d gone through it repeatedly since the war ended, even before it. The refusal to accept someone you love was gone was the worst pain. Even more so if you didn’t get to say goodbye. He’d been through it plenty of times, yet still, he hadn’t accepted Fives was gone, or Tup, Jesse, Kix, and his own Jedi General, Anakin Skywalker.
“What happened between you two?” asked Howzer, sensing the tension ran deeper than first appeared. Everyone knew of the strong bond the boys of Clone Force 99 shared; they were more than just comrades in battle; they were brothers, created to be different. Despite being outcasted by many, they’d welcome Echo when he needed a place—acted as if he was no different from them. Yet now, it was as if something had ripped them apart.
“He abandoned them,” whispered Crosshair, recalling the day he reunited with Hunter and Wrecker. Omega had told him Tech was gone, so he knew his twin wouldn’t be there, at least not physically. However, he had expected Echo to be there, fighting to find Omega and bring her home, yet he wasn’t. He was somewhere else in the galaxy, off on some wild adventure while forgetting about the family that still needed him. “They needed you after Tech … but you weren’t there. You chose to poke the empire rather than help keep them from falling apart further.”
“I did what I had to do,” replied Echo, frustration ringing through his stern voice. He’d had this argument countless times with Crosshair. Still, the former sniper had yet to forgive him and move on.
“You weren’t there for her either,” sharply called Crosshair, uttering words he’d not spoken before. Shining a light on what truly angered him. Despite searching the galaxy for Omega five times over, Hunter and Wrecker were still there when (Y/N) needed them. They cheered her up when things got too much and remained her family when she had nothing. They ensured she was never alone, even when she thought she was. “You did what you wanted to do, not what you had to do. You abandoned all of them: Hunter, Wrecker, Omega, and (Y/N). You helped bring this place to its knees, fired the first blow against the empire, and still, you choose your uprising and danger over those who need you.”
“Don’t fight,” came (Y/N) static-filled voice via Crosshair’s com, making it clear she’d heard all the words spoken between the two, as had Rex and Gregor if they found her. “All of us have lost too much already. If we turn on each other now, then the empire wins. They won't have to do anything if the damage is done from within.”
Rex and Gregor remain silent as they shadow the former Jedi, like so many (Y/N) had been broken by the events of Order 66 and the constant fight to survive. Her trust in others was tainted so much that everyone was a potential threat and enemy. The pride all Jedi once had was long gone now, replaced with constant fear, not just of the hunters, but the empire in general, of those who actively wanted to erase the Jedi and all it stood for and of the ordinary people who’d turn her over in a heartbeat for a hefty cash reward.
“What are you looking for?” asked Gregor, an echo of his previous confidence hinted in his voice. So much had changed since the war ended. The Jedi had become enemies, the Republic had fallen and been replaced with the Empire, Kamino had been destroyed, and clones were quickly being replaced by civilians who sought glory. Yet despite all of it, some still showed loyalty to each other and to the republic they’d once fought a war for, as well as the Jedi they had been through so many trials with.
“Hemlock’s office,” replied (Y/N) sensing Gregor’s need to help, to be useful again. She refused to deny him that or the life he deserved to live, the life all clones had earned. Peaceful, free, and with the same rights as any living being. “I have to know for sure,” she stuttered, her strength failing her when it came to speaking the harsh truth. She had to know for sure Tech was gone, at least before her heart and mind allowed her to grieve. She had to know so she could let go of the slither of hope he was out there somewhere and would return to her and their family, too.
“You don’t have to be afraid,” called Rex. One didn’t need to be a Jedi to sense her unapologetic fear. Despite allowing the code forbidding Jedi from truly feeling things, none of them obeyed it during the war; many Jedi had come to care for their troopers and loved them as fiercely as they fought to keep the peace. (Y/N) was no different. She had a heart of gold as big as the galaxy surrounding them. Anyone who saw her unyielding loyalty and affection as the true gift it was, those who were lucky enough to be so close to her, treasured their time, none more so than the family of the bad batch.
“I do not fear pain, Captain. I fear the familiar trial of grief and loss,” admitted (Y/N), recalling the many times over the years she faced it. As a Jedi, she lost her birth family; during the war, she lost friends, brothers, and sisters; at war end, she lost everything else, from the hero she had once been to the constitution she had once believed in, her people in the Jedi and even her faith. “I fear this time I will lose myself. This time, it will be worse. For I must let go of someone, I never wish to.”
Time seemed to escape the trio; the long hall they walked down filled with empty cells that once held suffering clones, former troopers, and brothers. Other ray-shielded rooms held the instruments of torment, the beginning of the horrors that would come for those once trapped within the confines of the mountain.
Crosshair had found them at some point, stomping along with heavy footsteps, anger written across his stern features and settling into his stiff frame. He’d not spoken a word as he rejoined them nor when he entered a tiny ray-shielded cell, the same one where his own torture had begun.
“Hemlock’s office is the next hall over,” admitted Crosshair, speaking for the first time since his confrontation with Echo. Both had turned off their communicators to ensure (Y/N) didn’t hear. With anger, rising voices, and plenty of harsh words, the two had fought, utilizing the past and insults as weapons until they’d broken down into a physical fight, one Howzer struggled to break up. Eventually, though, Echo had thrown words one would consider cruel, an accusation harsher than most. Crosshair had fallen silent before stomping away, ignoring the calls for him to return.
Despite his admittance of the office’s location, (Y/N) didn’t leave. Instead, she stepped closer to the former sniper, placing her shaky hand on his stiff, armored shoulder. Silently conveying she was there for him as he had been for her. Despite his thick black armor, Crosshair still felt her burning touch as he felt his fear replaced with what he assumed was love. Without warning, he turned to her, pulling her closer again, wrapping her small frame in a tight embrace, burying his face in her hair, if only to hide the anguish tears. He needed her. He knew that now but still refused to admit it out loud.
“Together,” she whispered, her voice warm and soothing. “Neither of us can do this alone. Even if we think we can,” (Y/N) added, her words meant for Rex and Gregor too. She knew they searched for answers too, for information on their other brothers once a part of the empire, for those not present during the last fight the Batch had faced. They, too, were in denial when it came to loss; they refused to admit that not all their brothers sent to the mountain had survived to be freed, and not all were there against their will either.
“When … when … when all …. all … all … all that’s left of … of … of … of me is love …”
The carefree voice of (Y/N)’s past self rang from the pack Crosshair carried, the words haunting yet familiar. Guilt wrote itself across the former sniper's features; he’d taken the goggles from the ship, although he couldn’t say for sure why. Just like before, with the random clip of (Y/N), it was like Tech was trying to tell them something.
Tears shone in (Y/N)’s eyes now. She knew those words. She’d only spoken them to Tech, the first battle after she’d poured her heart out to him. No other batcher knew of them. Despite her tears, a smile came forth. Of course, he’d recorded her, kept the snippets of the past safe, hidden even from the empire.
Despite the building grief and the reminder of her past happiness, (Y/N) pushed forward; the office was close now, and she had to get there. She had to find what she searched for, even in the face of fear and the suffocating unknown. She tried so hard to push away the words of the past, the words spoken in an effort to soothe Tech and his sudden unexplainable fear of losing her. Now, in a harsh, even cruel turn of events, she had lost him and tried as hard as possible not to accept it, even when it was becoming impossible.
Silence had taken over again by the time they reached the office. Echo and Howzer had also rejoined the group. Although the former Arc Trooper and sniper kept their distance, no word was uttered between them. The door to Hemlock’s office slid open as if they were expected, and upon entering, the silence continued. Echo headed toward the computer and the data banks hidden in the room. While Howzer stood watch outside with Gregor.
Rex had followed Echo, and neither noticed (Y/N) drifting toward the shelf to the left of the small windowless room where a collection of bits and pieces is neatly arranged. Tears stung her eyes once more; most of the objects were meaningless, but not the one on the pedestal below the self. There in all its broken glory was Tech’s helmet.
“He’s gone,” cried (Y/N), picking up the helmet in a firm grip and holding it to her chest as she fell. No longer did she bother to hold her pain at bay or her crippling grief. Instead, her fragile heart shattered beyond any hope of repair, and she finally accepted that she couldn’t save her love or bring him back. He was gone, forever lost to her.
Crosshair knelt at her side again, once again pulling her into his grip, cushioning the broken helmet between them, his own tears gushing now. Although he’d accepted Tech was gone, he sacrificed himself to save those he loved that fateful day. It still hurts, even more so when you see (Y/N) broken upon accepting it.
“Listen to me, Shortfire,” whispered Crosshair, as if his words were a closely guarded secret. “You’re not alone. You never have been. You have us. We’ll help you through. We’ll honor him together and remember him in our own unique way. He’ll always be with us like you were always with him.”
Soon enough, the former sniper reached for the shattered goggles, the blue static-filled hue forming a blurry figure. The same words from before are still repeating, messy, and in a broken order. Deep down, Crosshair questioned if the clip was the last one Tech had watched before the end, the last memory he had relieved before the inevitable.
“When … when … when …. when all … all … all … all that’s … that’s … that’s left … left … left … left of me … me … me … me is love … love … love … love”
“Give me away,” she finished (Y/N), speaking the final part of the hushed vow, tears flowing down her cheeks. She knew one of the three men in the room with her would ask. She could sense their confusion even as she felt her own pain.
“(Y/N),” called Echo, as if to ask for further information; his own paled eyes swam with his own grief, but still, he focused on why he was there. Why were Rex, Gregor, and Howzer there in the first place?
“Don’t,” hissed Crosshair as if to ward away an intrusion. “Let her grieve. We lost our brother. She lost her soul,” he whispered, holding (Y/N) a little tighter, her whispered words were impossible to understand now, a mix of hicups, tears, heartbreak and mumbles. “She’ll tell us when she’s ready,” hoped Crosshair, coming to terms with the knowledge she may never be ready to repeat those words nor say what they meant. Even as cold as he once was, he knew the words repeating, and (Y/N)’s own was more sacred than the force itself.
“Come back,” (Y/N) whispered, hugging both Crosshair and the broken helmet. “Please come back, Tech … I love you … come back,” her wails grew louder the more her broken heart shattered further. He was gone; there was nothing she could do to bring him back nor make amends for her words the day she left. “It should have been me,” she cried. “Why did they take him away? Why did the maker have to be so kriffing cruel.”
“It shouldn’t have been either of you,” called Gregor from the door. At some point, he and Howzer had entered after hearing (Y/N) painful cries. Crosshair could only offer a soft nod to the Commando, who offered words and a little comfort, who ignored the recording and her previous words in an effort to help. “None of us should have suffered as we have. The force brought you together. The empire tore you apart.”
Silently, Rex handed something to Crosshair. No words escaped either soldier as the former sniper pressed the tip of the small vial to (Y/N)’s exposed neck, pressing the little button and hearing the hiss as the contents were injected. His tight hold didn’t loosen as (Y/N)’s sobs grew quieter, nor as she grew heavier in his arms. Instead, when the former Jedi had fallen into peaceful silence, he moved to hold her as if she were a bride; Echo reached for Tech’s broken helmet upon unplugging from the useless computer. Carefully, he placed the last reminder of Tech in (Y/N)’s hands, knowing it’d be safe with her and protected from further harm or damage.
“When all that’s left of me is love. Give me away.”
This time, the words weren’t the broken, muddled, and static ones from the previous clip, nor were they in (Y/N) 's voice. They were Tech’s. It was clear to the men hearing it that the simple message was meant for (Y/N), the Jedi he’d love so much. The words were likely chosen carefully. Although they were lost to the group of them, they would mean something to the love they were meant for.
Knight Princess Masterlist
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strxwberrymoonstar · 9 months
omg i would love if you wrote something for han solo where they’re arguing and he accidentally confesses his feelings for her
omg yes please!
this is definitely around the time of a new hope/empire strikes back xoxo
not proof read btw! so sorry for mistakes x
word count: 768
the sudden bolt from the empire ship catches everyone on board the millennium falcon off guard. Han and chewie stir in their seats, eyes glancing around the ship, whilst yourself, r2d2 and c3po are sent flying around the cockpit.
"Oh what are we to do?" C3po says, his robotic voice mixing in with the blasters of the ship firing as he throws his hands up to try to cover his eyes.
"Just can your tin will ya'" Han yells, flipping switches and buttons around the control centre, trying to angle the blasters to hit the tie fighter that follows. Big bursts of air flood from one of the pipes in the cockpit access corridor, the sound piercing everyone's ears.
Chewbacca swirls his chair around, shoving r2d2 out of the way so he can go fix the other problem. Han aggressively shouts, slamming more buttons on the centre. You slide yourself in in front of the terrified golden robot and into the captains seat, looking at Han waiting for his next reaction.
"I can help! Let me help!" You yell, watching as the tie fighter does rings around the ship. "I am not letting a girl, let alone YOU, fly my ship!" Han states, letting his words out with a poisonous tone. Your mouth falls open in shock, eyebrows creasing as your eyes fill with fury.
The beige colour of the planet that shone before you enters your vision as the ship maneuvers through towers of boulders. Before you could mouth any type of redemption, the both of you are sent flying sidewards, the disregard of the chairs seatbelt causes your body to fall into the lap of his as he turns the falcon sideways.
"Not now sweetheart, i'm trying to fly!"
You roll your eyes dramatically, watching as the ships falls into one of the dark, circle shaped tunnels to hide in. Han softly lands the ship behind a small spot of rocks, trying to blend in. You held your breath as you watch the Tie Fighter zoom past the ship and out the other end of the planet.
"Oh princess, if you wanted to get closer to me all you had to do was ask," the teasing tone of Han's breaks the silence. You let out a scoff as you push yourself out of his lap and back into the other chair. You look up at him and notice the smirk that's begging to be slapped off of his face.
"You're just begging for me to slap you," You say through gritted teeth. "Maybe I would like that princess," He replies.
"Of course you would, and I would guess you like the chase of almost killing us all?" You question, eyes widening and crossing your arms over your chest. Han slowly starts to stand up and you follow subconsciously, the tension rising throughout the room.
"I saved us!" Han shouts, fingers pointed towards his own chest. "You nearly killed us!” You shout back, taking a step towards him. "I would never put you in that amount of danger!" the vein on his forehead starts to pulse slightly.
His calloused hands roughly grab your shoulders, slightly shaking you with the sheer amount of force he used as he makes you stare into his eyes. Your faces are mere centimetres apart, staggered breaths leaving both of your mouths.
"I would never put you in that amount of danger, princess" he says again, this time softer. The parts around his eyes soften as he rubs his hands down your shoulders to your arms and back up again.
Shambles of words fall out of your mouth as you search his eyes for the truth. Han looks down again and then back up. He shoves his lips onto yours roughly, bringing your body closer to his as he deepens the kiss.
His hand places itself on the middle of your back, subtly pulling yourself closing to him, while his other hand gently caresses the side of your face. His actions, soft and gentle, contrasted greatly at his earlier actions of pushing you around. You both pull away, Han still keeping his large hand on your face.
“If you just wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask,” You say, rolling your eyes before walking out of the cockpit to go and help the rest of the crew.
A smirk finds it’s way crawling up Hans face before he wipes it off with the palm of his hand, dragging it down his face. He shakes his head before following you.
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eu-nicola · 1 year
Anakin Skywalker x Fem! Reader
warnings: sorry english isn’t my first language, mention of death, i didn’t correct this
summary: the love you felt for Anakin was impossible to a certain extent.
i use a face claim because it is easier to write like that
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You were a little baby when little Anakin was already very in love with your older sister Padme. You didn't know him well until you were about six years old and you first saw him in the care of Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and there he was eleven years old. That was the first and last time you saw him in a long time and you remember thinking that he looked like an angel like the ones you saw in your stories or in your dreams. That day you and him had talked while Obi-Wan was taking care of some things and after that you didn't see him again for years.
When you turned fourteen was the day you saw him again and this time he was already a man in your eyes, he was already 19 years old and you definitely still thought he was very attractive, from the first moment you noticed how in love he was with Padme and how he couldn't get away from her even though you understood that he had to be by her side to take care of her, you thought it was too exaggerated.
You did as much time as you could spend with him, Anakin found you very nice and he even found it funny that you were in love with him so he let you accompany him everywhere. During those years you were always aware of the relationship that had begun little by little between Anakin and Padme but you never said anything or gave an opinion about it because it certainly wasn't your problem and you weren't interested although you admitted that maybe it did bother you a little that it was her and not you but only that.
In those years you also became quite a woman, at only seventeen years old you had become your sister's right hand whom she consulted in any situation and since you had always liked this thing of being in charge of your people, you did it. You gladly helped your sister even more now that she was pregnant. And from Anakin's side you had both become very close friends now that you were old enough to go anywhere you wanted, in all this time you had never left the love you felt for him but you did hide it and even more so after Anakin and Padme had gotten married.
Throughout the pregnancy you made sure to help Padme so that she didn't have complications and so that no one dared to ask who the father of the child was, people didn't even think about that before you stopped them and subtly changed the subject afterwards. At the end of the day, people only cared that Padme had a healthy and strong child for everyone. You spent a lot of time next to her on the days that Anakin was away and your relationship with her was one of the best things you had, she was your only sister and you were grateful to have her.
The days were passing and the nights were ending, the day of the baby's birth had arrived and Anakin was not here but you were and you wanted to be by his side at all times while he gave birth, you were afraid and you felt that something was wrong to pass, your sister's strength seemed very weak and you were scared that she couldn't make it, the labor was lasting too long and seeing her like this hurt you, there came a point when the robots asked you to go to what you didn't want and you practically so they took you out by force so that you wouldn't continue seeing the blood that was everywhere, Padme was suffering inside and you couldn't hear any baby.
Until there came a point there was no more noise and you knew how that deafening silence was the most terrifying silence you had hear in your entire life, the door had opened and you had been informed that neither she nor the baby had survived at that moment you fell on the floor crying your eyes out feeling your world break, you went back inside as best you could and said goodbye to your greatest friendship in this universe, you asked the robots to clean her well and leave her baby with her so that when Anakin arrive him could say goodbye too.
Hours later you heard Anakin's scream which no one else could hear and feel like you did. He regretted not being able to be there and you regretted not being able to save her. Anakin didn't reproach you for anything but he didn't talk to you anymore, in fact he didn't talk to anyone anymore, this didn't seem strange to anyone because you all knew how good friends the two of them were so no one said anything and they just left it.
It hadn't been long until you approached Anakin again, more like until he let you approach, you didn't talk much anymore but you did share your time walking around your home in Naboo or eating together, simple things that didn't require much effort that neither of them were fit to do, they were still sad but day by day they helped each other and now that Padme was gone you were the new queen and with a new responsibility Anakin was the first to be by your side in the same way that you did with Padme.
Day by day the situation was improving as you received help from others to be able to exercise your role as queen to the best of your ability, Anakin was by your side at all times even when he couldn't, you felt that he had some remorse for not having been able to save Padmé and now he was always here for you so that nothing would happen to you even if it took him to the dark side. When you realized that the dark side was consuming him, you were scared of what he could do so you slowly tried to get away for your own good and that of everyone.
Despite everything he always tried to look for you and never did anything to hurt you even if you tried to get away from him he never ever hurt you and that made you realize that maybe everything he was doing was actually a good way to protect others. With time and years the two of you grew closer again. The day after your nineteenth birthday it was decided that it was time for you to get married and give heirs to which you flatly refused because you did not plan to have children from someone you did not want.
Thousands of proposals from all the galaxies had come to you but all of them were burned by Anakin before you even thought of reading them, he had become more protective and did not like any man flirting with you to the point that the two of you had argued over such attitudes reaching the point of not speaking for weeks because neither of them would give in. The last fight in your opinion was the worst because you yelled at him why he wasn't the one who proposed to you while you were crying and he had left without saying anything that night and again for a while you didn't speak again.
Time since, one night while you were on your balcony brushing your hair you felt someone stand behind you and to your surprise it was Anakin whom you looked at for a few seconds until he decided to speak letting you know that he was sorry for the way he had acted.
“These years have been difficult for both of us and from the moment I saw how you cried like I did, there was not a single day that I did not think about taking care of you, when I spend so much time without being by your side I am in agony and I no longer want that, never more ".
“Anakin… I.”
“I couldn't watch you marry another man and continue with my life as if everything was fine, I want you to be mine forever in every galaxy even higher than that, would you be my wife?”. By that time he was already so close to you that you could feel him breathing and you could feel his heart racing.
"But you, I know what you are Anakin, I can see how the dark side slowly consumes you and scares me."
“Come with me, let's just be you and me, we can reign together in our new empire.”
He looked at you with so much hope in his eyes waiting for your answer that you couldn't say no because it was all you wanted, what you had always wanted.
" Yes". You could only tell him but it was enough for him.
You both got married in front of a beautiful waterfall away from everyone, you were happy and he was happy to finally have someone by his side, someone he had learned to love genuinely and as he had told you the new empire had emerged some time later and you were at his side step by step like his empress, we brought safety, freedom, justice and security to our new empire.
Months later you had given birth to beautiful twin boys whom both had named Luke and Lion, whom Anakin loved with his entire being just like you, everything was in its place and although there were things that had changed you would do everything again as it was to reach this moment where you were completely happy.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
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Pairing: Padawan!Ahsoka x Padawan!fem!reader
Summary: Reader meditates with a frustrated Ahsoka and helps her connect with the Force again
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: idk, fluff? Jedi? Clone wars, but not really?
A/n: Heyyyyy! <3333 I just want y’all to know I love Ahsoka. Here is a fic about my literal wife during the clone wars. Hope you enjoy!
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The vast halls were relatively quiet for this hour. [Name] walked down the long pillared corridors of the Jedi temple in need of peace.
Peace from the war around her, peace from the people, and most importantly, peace from her thoughts.
There were maybe two people in the hall with her, but they were quite a while away and she couldn’t really hear them. Her footsteps felt heavy as she seemed to all but shuffle as she moved. It was late afternoon, many would have left for the mess hall by now, [Name] could feel the effects of not heading straight to eat and it was causing her to drag her feet.
This was not very Jedi like of her, something she is all too aware of. She was used to holding herself a certain way but at this moment, she couldn’t be bothered to care. All she seemed to care about was her destination. The clicking of her heals in her boots felt loud in the echo of the vast halls, it made [Name] feel small.
Racing thoughts seemed to keep her head occupied, almost so much so that she almost missed the door she meant to enter. As she moved to stand in front of the door, it slid open with ease, revealing a crossed legged Ahsoka sitting on a soft seat in the middle of the dark room.
Taking a step in, [Name] was made aware of the dim lights rimming the room as the door closed behind her. They were bright enough that [Name] could still see Ahsoka’s face, but still dark enough to not be off putting.
Her face was tranquil, calm, and completely neutral; a clear sign of her deep meditation. Her shoulders were relaxed and for once she didn’t look like the weight of the galaxy was on her shoulders. Despite her mostly neutral appearance, [Name] clocked Ahsoka’s recognition of her arrival in the Force. It felt almost… relieved.
“I thought you might be in here,” [Name]’s voice rang out, taking a step closer.
A smile grew on Ahsoka’s face, her eyes still closed from her meditative state.
“You always did know me the best,” Ahsoka said smiling.
Ahsoka heard sounds of rustling as [Name] took a seat in the plush stool across from her. [Name] took a deep breath in as she crossed her legs in front of her. The breath came easily, like she had been holding her breath for a number of hours.
Closing her eyes, [Name] released herself into the force, finding the embrace the Force gave her refreshing. The Force seemed to rid her of her fears and suffering, the anxieties in her mind dissolved, leaving only peace as she reached deeper. [Name]’s strong emotions were no match to her connection to the force.
A couple of moments later, after [Name] had relinquished the power of the thoughts in her mind, she turned her attention to the other Force being in the room.
Ahsoka’s Force presence was like none other, taking all of [Name]’s attention all at once. Ahsoka had seemed to have always been in her life and thus, her presence was all too familiar. Since she arrived at the temple all those years ago, [Name] seemed inseparable with Ahsoka.
That familiarity of Ahsoka’s presence brought peace to [Name] that only the Force could rival. And it was days like this, sat comfortably in each other’s presence, that [Name] thought that Ahsoka felt the same way.
All at once, [Name] was met with the understanding of all of Ahsoka’s strong thoughts and emotions. Ahsoka had come into that room hoping to find peace, and while [Name] had quickly come to that peace, Ahsoka was having a harder time succumbing to the Force and letting go of her emotions.
Although in deep meditation, Ahsoka’s feelings were easy to read, and it was clear to [Name] that Ahsoka was also not trying to hide her feelings from her. Opening her eyes for a moment, [Name] looked at Ahsoka in her deep meditative state again. She was still as relaxed in the shoulders—an important part of a good meditation—but the neutrality in her face was replaced with a subtle furrow in her brow and a slight pout that [Name] could only smirk softly at.
Taking another deep breath, [Name] closed her eyes again, letting the Force guide her. Her attention was once again focused on Ahsoka’s frustrated Force presence. She tried to reach out with her mind, with the Force, to try and ease some of Ahsoka’s tension.
Ahsoka’s mind was racing and as hard as she tried to get it to quiet, the thoughts just kept getting louder. Trying to push the thoughts away seemed to have the opposite effect and her frustration over was not helping.
Despite the distance between the two seated padawans, [Name] felt as if she was surrounded by Ahsoka. [Name] took another deep breath before extending her own force presence to gently nudge Ahsoka.
Ahsoka in her deep meditation instantly felt the presence of [Name] and the reminder that she was still there. That she was not alone.
‘Let go’
A little voice in her head seemed to say. Ahsoka couldn’t tell if that was [Name]’s voice or just one of the Force, but either way she took the advice.
Taking a deep breath, Ahsoka dropped her shoulders in a great exhale. Her body seemed to still from the inside and she felt the full weight of the Force surrounding her, penetrating her and binding her together. Her mind was silenced and she was completely connected to the Force once again.
She felt like she was more than her body, that—even with her eyes closed—she could see everything that was in the room; feel it too. She was totally in tune, something that she had been needing for a matter of days now. She felt Peaceful.
After some much needed connection with the Force, Ahsoka found herself coming out of her meditation. Opening her eyes, she found [Name] smiling at her already in the dim lighting.
“Thank you,” Was all Ahsoka could manage as she was caught in [Name]’s eyes.
“Anything for you,” The affection in her tone was evident, but went unsaid as it usually does with the two. “Come on, we have to get to the mess hall.”
Ahsoka smiled fondly before nodding. If they stay there any longer, their master’s would come looking for them, and they didn’t need that. So they ran off to dinner, looking at on each other every now and again. Because although they can sense each other in the Force, sometimes just seeing the other there is just as comforting.
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! I am trying to get requests out, don’t worry! <3333
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selfryedxpunk · 1 year
hi there👋🏼 it's me again (non-sexual touching with Din) since I might be here again, just think of me as your friendly neighbourhood AceAnon.
i humbly request another Din Djarin fluff drabble in which Din is mesmerised by the way reader looks at him when he takes his helmet off❤️ (they're married at this point) and he asks her why she's looking at him like that and she goes "I don't think it's fair that you're been hiding that pretty face all this time" and he's just blushing profusely because 1.she thinks he's pretty and 2.she looks at him like he hung the stars
again, feel free to ignore me.
omg hiya aceanon! so sorry this took decades I was going through a huge writers block! hope you enjoy
(and thanks to @letusbeseventeen for helping with the beginning ilysm pequeño huevo)
New Faces [d. djarin]
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word count: 814 | rating: G | pairing: gn!reader x mandalorian (let me know if i used any pronouns)
☆ Now newly wedded, you finally see your riduur’s face for the first ever time
content/warnings: just fluffy fluff! <3, not proofread
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The two of you limped into the Crest after a tiring mission. Thankfully, the both of you only had minor injuries but you were still in pain after trying to wrap up the small cut you got from that mission. 
It was now surprisingly quiet, a bit too quiet you thought. You sat in the passenger seat with Grogu in hand while Din settled in the pilot seat, pressing buttons to get the Crest started up. You were both trying to unwind and finally rest but you couldn’t help and observe your husband, looking at his cold and stoic figure. He looked..uncomfortable. He looked in pain after that mission, sore. You noticed how he didn’t have any of his other armor on, except his helmet. The helmet that kept his face from showing to you, or anyone for that matter.
You remember him saying he might show you soon, now that the two of you were married but now, it’s like he’s sort of forgotten. You didn’t want to bug him about it though because if he took it off, he’d be going against his creed, his people. You couldn’t help but ask though, feeling sort of bad once it came out of your mouth.
“Do you have a reason why you haven't decided to take off your helmet around me yet orrrr... cause surely it would be more comfy after that mission…right?”
Din turned around to look at you as your face clearly showed how sorry you were for asking that. You stared into the T-shaped visor of his helmet as it was so quiet, you could hear Grogu’s soft snores coming from your lap. 
“Possibly.” was all he said. You knew he probably wasn’t comfortable with that question and you regretted it once it actually sunk in. You decided that you’d let him actually get comfortable and not force him. He’ll show you one day.
Little did you know, today was that day.
The two of you were now relaxed in your seats, you dozing off sometimes and Din smiled sweetly at you, admiring your features. He’s always wondered how you could ever love a man like him, let alone marry.
You felt someone staring at you so you opened your eyes slowly and saw your Mandalorian looking at you. “What are you staring at?” you smirked.
“You, cyar’ika.” he started. “Look, sorry for the way I sounded when I said that. I just didn’t know how to react.”
You looked at Din, and how his body language spoke millions as he said this. Then, he did something you wouldn’t have expected him to do. Especially not today.
His hands went up to the sides of his helmet, as if he was about to take it off. You panicked slightly, feeling like it was your fault even to have the idea to reveal his face. You should have never asked that question, you thought to yourself but Din looked as if he wanted to do so. “Are you sure?” you asked softly as you put your hand on his. “Yes, I want to. I want to see you from my own eyes, your beauty, and not from this helmet.” 
The helmet hissed as he took it off and Maker, were you mesmerized. It's like you were looking at him as if he hung up all the stars in the galaxy.
His hair was curly, quite ruffled and messy from it being in the helmet all the time. His eyes were a dark brown as he looked at you softly and lovingly. His nose was aquiline with a small curve. His lips were a slight pink and curved up into a nervous and sheepish smile, wondering what you were thinking and you wanted to kiss them so badly. He had a mustache that decorated his top lip with patchy stubble along his jaw.
Din had a small blush painted on his face as he looked at your mesmerized expression. He was slightly nervous at how quiet you were, but he noticed your mouth was a bit agape as you stared at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he chuckled nervously. Sometimes you’ve always wondered what he looked like under there, and you were not disappointed in this moment.
“Well I don’t think it’s fair you’ve been hiding that pretty face all this time.”
Din was definitely flustered now knowing you think he’s pretty. You cupped his face and traced his jaw, just trying to feel his texture. You caressed his cheek as he leaned into your touch. You never took your eyes off him and he never did you. This was the first time the two of you had skin-to-skin contact, and it felt magical. 
You both just sat there and enjoyed each other's company. You were overjoyed to know that there was some softness behind that helmet.
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candyfloss5000 · 1 year
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Summary: you recall the memories you have of your lover cal, because it's all you have left of him.
A/N: this is probably one of the worst things I've written and its probably awfully punctuated but whatever. PURE FLUFF/ANGST
You remember alot of things about Cal Kestis. You remember how he was the first person on Bracca you laid eyes on when you ended up there, the both of you only being fifteen years old. You remember how you would stutter everytime he talked to you, whilst you were too busy focusing on how soft his lips would feel agaisnt your own. You remember the flustered mutual confession of desire for one another. You remember how the only time you would feel safe on the scarpyard planet was in the sanctuary of his arms in the confinement of his single bunk.
And you remember when the Inquistors came, killed the man Cal and yourself considered as a father figure and nearly killed Cal after he revealed himself to be a Jedi...You remember how you were left to pick up the remaining pieces of your life and abandon the planet you considered as your home for the past three years.
But now, five years after the events on Bracca took place, you realise you dont need to cling so desperately onto your fading memories, when the very person who caused some of your most happiest moments now stands infront of you once again.
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His Most Prized Possession
Rating: E for everyone
Word Count: 819
Relationships: Darth Maul x Reader
Tags/Warnings: Violence, Mentions of blood, implied romance, implied kidnapping
Notes: Hello there! So this is just a quick lil oneshot I wrote a while back but kind of want to make into a full-fledged fic???? Idk, I may continue this and may not. I would certainly like to! But hey! I hope you enjoy what I have so far!
Summary: Maul had only ever loved one thing in his life, and that was you... But one day when he came home and all he could find of you was a small trinket of yours lying dormant in the doorway, he knew there could only be one explanation... You had been taken... Taken right out from under his nose! Heart filled with a newfound rage, he vows to scour the galaxy looking for you wherever he can. He will do anything to get you back.
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Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Maul felt the heat of the blade lightly graze the center of his chest. On a regular occasion, he wouldn’t have paid any mind. His body was littered with scars and scratches after all. Years of fighting for survival had left their mark in the form of nasty raised abrasions all across his body. But this… this was different. It wasn’t just his body that was at stake this time.
He lifted his hand up to examine the area at which the blade seethed his flesh and to his dismay, it was gone. All that was left in its place were burnt, broken tethers from where it once laid.
He quickly tilted his head back upwards, towards this so-called attacker whom he assumed was just some insignificant bounty hunter from some insignificant little planet looking for a quick and easy score. Oh was he mistaken…
Maul seethed at that thought, a newfound, burning rage beginning to build up in his core, ready to burst at any moment. ‘What a pathetic waste of time,’ he thought to himself.
The attacker went rigid. His eyes widened in a fearful stupor as he made contact with Maul’s piercing golden gaze. The sweat at his temple began to pool and drip down his now furrowed brow bone and Maul could see his hands and the pinprick tips of his blue lekku start to tremble.
Maul snarled in response, not feeling the slightest bit of empathy. As far as he was concerned, no one messed with his belongings and no one wastes his time.
Without hesitation, he leaped forward, eyes fixated on the young twi’lek who had unknowingly just sealed his fate.
The man jumped back in response, but it was too late. Lightsaber drawn, Maul slashed right at the center of his torso, effectively severing his cobalt body in half.
Maul’s senses were immediately filled with the smell of burning flesh, followed by a loud shriek and the sound of the assailant’s body plummeting against the floor. His breathing hitched in response, eyes trained on the man’s chest, making sure there was no longer breath in his body.
When he was certain he let out a scoff, quickly sheathing his lightsaber and turning around on the heel of his foot.
‘Where is it?!’ Maul internally cried. He began searching the area, desperate to find what had fallen. But the muck-stained floors of the alley were making it difficult to search. He became more desperate, removing his gloves and falling to his hands and knees to dig through the thick grime. He only found relief when he felt his fingers lightly brush against a small, cold object.
Quickly looping his finger around the base he pulled it out, taking care to brush off the dirt that it had picked up before resting the object in the palm of his hand.
There it was… His prize.
Maul smiled warmly down at the object as it gleamed against the dimmed light. His twin hearts rested, and he felt calm once more. For this trinket sitting in his hand wasn’t just any old thing. No… It was much more than that. It was a ring. But not just any ring. In fact, it didn't even belong to him. Its true owner, although indeed rare, was someone whom Maul had held and still holds in the highest regard…
For it belonged to you… His beloved… His whole world… His starlight…
Maul’s grip tightened as he held the gleaming ring in his hand, memories flooded his mind, a bittersweet reminder of his love for you who had been so cruelly taken from him. The ring symbolized your bond, a promise you had made to each other in happier times. It was a token of your unwavering devotion, an unbreakable vow etched into its delicate design.
Crafted from a metal found only in the deepest crevices of his homeworld, the ring radiated an otherworldly brilliance. Its intricate carvings depicted your intertwined destinies, your love story eternally etched into the precious metal.
To Maul, the ring represented hope in the darkest of times, a tangible connection to the one person who had breathed life into his scarred soul. Whenever he felt lost, his fingers would trace the contours of the ring, seeking solace in its presence. It was a symbol of his unwavering determination to find you and reunite with the one who had captured his hearts.
As he clenched the ring tightly, Maul's resolve solidified. Your trail… His beloved’s trail would not go cold. He would stop at nothing, traverse galaxies, and face any adversary to reclaim what had been stolen from him. With the ring as his guiding light, Maul embarked on a relentless quest, a love-driven odyssey to rescue you and restore your shattered bond.
For you, he would do anything. And that was what he was going to do.
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Thank you so much for the read! I know it was short but it means so much to me! Let me know if I should continue it and if you have any pointers for where it should go if I do! Thank you again! Chow!
-Waffles XOXO
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the-hidden-empire · 1 year
Thrawn with a force sensitive reader:
*farming season has started late so proofreading isn’t on my bucket list at the moment!
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- He knew of you’re sacrifice during order 66.
- He studied the events, philosophy, art, politics, and literature of the Jedi.
- He doesn’t ask questions unless you he thinks it’s necessary.
- Thrawn is reminded of the chiss skywalkers.
- Felt a great amount of respect toward you after learning that you were a survivor, like him.
- You both beat the odds.
- Believes Vader is Anakin Skywalker, and you’ll discuss it late at night and contemplate the odds.
- He admires you’re saber skills.
- Will definitely train with you, he knows his combat abilities outmatch yours, it fuels his confidence.
- You both know he likes the power over you. It’s attractive to both of you.
- You’re abilities with the staff/ spear skills outmatch his.
- Has witnessed you having nightmares, causing the objects in the room to levitate.
- Witnessed anger outburst with your lightsaber.
- Doesn’t mind helping you collect yourself.
- Helps protect you from becoming another weapon of the empire.
- You are more than a weapon, you are his wife.
- You’ve accompanied each other every blue moon on missions.
- You met him during his time training at the academy, you had been promoted to Jedi Knight. He was a lieutenant.
- His first time he worked with a Jedi was with you.
- He had Eli Vanto retrieve him all the information he could get on you.
- No one had left such an impression on him as you had done.
- That mission you fell in love with him, he caught you in his arms as you fell from a ledge.
- Respected you’re opinions on the inquisitors (you refused to join the freak show).
- Had watched you spar with the knights of ren and the inquisitors from afar.
- Which you excelled at, they had been a weak challenge for you, his training had helped.
- Knew your distaste for the emperor.
- Has watched Vader train you.
- He knew you could hold you’re own.
- He thought you were beautiful while you used you’re gifts to the fullest of your abilities.
- You’ve saved him a few times. Vice versa.
- He admires you’re connection with the force.
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daddy-issues-99 · 2 years
General Hux x f!reader
Fluff, you two are married and you take care of him after a rough day.
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It had been a long day with a lot or problems. You needed a break. You walked down the halls to your room you shared with your husband barely staying awake. You reached the door and collapsed on to the couch. It would be another hour or so before Hux got home so you decided to take a nap, waste some time. You deserved it.
You woke up to the automatic door opening to see you husband walking in mumbling curses under his breath not noticing you on the couch. "Hey what's wrong? " He turned around, realizing you were there apologising for not noticing you.
"What happened? " you asked walking over to him, he sighed "Everything just went wrong when it shouldn't have, simple things were done wrong and I took the heat for it! " he rested against the counter and sighed once more. You wrapped you arms around from behind, resting your head on his shoulder "Let's take a break. " "We're too busy. " You hugged him tighter "Do I care? "
You lead him to the living room and sat him down on the couch ignoring his protests. "You've worked enough for one day, relax and let me take care of you. " You handed him the tv remote and walked of to the kitchen. You started cooking one of his favorite meals while trying to be quiet as possible to not disturb your partner.
As you cooked you glanced over at your partner to see him beginning to relax, even seeing a small smile start to appear on his face. Just seeing him smile could make your day a million times better.
You turned your attention back to your recipe trying to finish it up without burning it. You loved cooking for him, seeing him happy over something you did, appreciating something you did.
You walked over to Hux and placed the two dishes on the small table in front of him. As soon as he saw the dishes he smiled, he loved when you did this kind of stuff, small surprises that were made with care.
You sat down next to him, pulling him close as you kissed his cheek. You both grabbed your plate and quietly ate watching whatever what on the TV resting your head on his shoulder.
You had finished up dinner and placed the dishes in the sink not wanting to deal with them at the moment. You walked back over to your husband and sat back down, cuddling up against him. "I'm tired." you said as you rested against him. He nodded in agreement. "Wanna shower and go to bed? " you asked looking up at him. He smiled and nodded and began walking to the bathroom.
You got there to see him undressing and closed the door behind you. You helped each other get undressed and stepped into the shower enjoying the comfort of the warm water.
You hardly ever got to spend quality time together anymore so moments like these were cherished. You pulled him close to you into a gentle embrace and rested your head on his shoulder. "I love you" you said as you nuzzled you face into his neck. He gently kissed the top of your head and pulled you closer to him, closing all gaps between you.
You stayed there for what seemed like hours just enjoying each other's company. The water began to run cold and only then did you seperate both mutually annoyed at the loss of warmth.
He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around you and lifted your chin to give you a kiss. You wrapped yourselves in your towels and grabbed some clean clothes from your shared closest and sat down on your bed.
"So, you enjoy your day? " you asked leaning against his newly clothed form. "The part where you were in it, yes. " he pulled you closer for a passionate kiss. You loved the way his lips felt on yours but unfortunately it had to be cut short. "It's late, we should get some sleep. " with a sigh you two layed back into your sheets and pulled each other close.
"I love you Hux" he pulled you closer "I love you too doll"
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You look Lonely… I can fix that. ;)
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Fives was such a flirt all the time! Always making her so flustered in the worst Situations and Times. One time they were on a Mission and while the Padawan was mid-fight he sent a flirty message through her comm, making her unfortunately meet the ground.
„Yo Commander.“ As she heard Fives comment through the comm she stopped short to press answer. „Make it fast Ark Trooper. I‘m kinda in the middle of something.“ As soon as she finished (y/n) wanted to make a jump to get over an obstacle as his voice was heard again. „I don‘t usually do fast (y/n), but I can make an exception for you Love.“ Did his Voice just drop down an octave? Doesn‘t matter because he already did the Damage, being distracted right as she was about to jump, she of course got tangled up in her own feet and face planted the Ground.
Well anyway, today was the Day she was finally getting back at the Arc Trooper. (Y/N) saw Fives standing with his Brothers nearby as she took big steps towards them determined to finally have the upper hand. As the Troopers saw her they quickly saluted her. „At ease Soldiers.“ She said with a soft smile. „Hello there Commander Sweetheart.“ The Padawan rolled her eyes at that. „My Master does not approve of you calling me that Fives.“ He only chuckled at that sending her a smirk. „But you approve don‘t you?“ Fives only got a short ‚Hmpf‘ at that and an eyeroll from the Female. But then remembering her Plan she then Smirked at him. „Fives… You look lonely.“ (y/n) said in a purr, drawing out every word. The Troopers looked at each other very confused. She then took a step closer to Fives and Placed a hand on his Chestplate looking up at him innocently. This small action made his Heart speed up and heat slowly creep up his neck and cheek. Where you always this Touchy-Feely with him? God his Brain was in overdrive… „I can fix that.“ Was all she said with a wink before turning around and leaving the stunned man behind.
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Fives took a second or two to grasp what she just said but when he did he turned into a spluttering mess, which made his brothers burst out laughing. (Y/N) watched the scene unfold from a distance which made a proud smile come to her lips. Fives was still baffled that she finally flirted back that boldly but he must admit… He liked it.
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yunggoblin · 5 months
A Not So Silent Night - Crosshair (18+)
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Pairing: Crosshair x Female!Reader
Summary: Hunter can hear everything on The Marauder at night, even you and Crosshair fucking.
Warnings: 18+, Unprotected Sex, Sex Sounds, Hunter Eavesdropping, Hunter’s POV Mostly, Hunter Masturbating, Minors DNI
Word Count: 1,503
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Hunter’s tired eyes slowly fluttered open as he heard your quiet giggles from the other room.
”Crosshair.” Your voice was soft, barely a whisper along with a hint of playfulness laced in. Even though you and Crosshair were in the room next door Hunter could hear you perfectly, which wasn’t his fault, due to his heightened senses he could see what others couldn’t, taste better, things being more sensitive when it came to touching and could hear perfectly, sometimes a little too perfect.
It wasn’t like he could turn off his heightened senses either, if he had a choice he would but moments like these he’d sit back, relax and enjoy the show; the show being him hearing his brother pleasuring you, the girl he craved. 
“Hmm, right there.” Hunter heard you let out a breathy moan, soft suction sounds hit his ears through the wall as Crosshair kissed up and down your neck.
”You like that, Cyar'ika?” Hunter heard Crosshair ask only for you to let out another sweet whimper. Hunter’s heart thumped against his chest, closing his eyes tightly as he exhaled slowly. Your sweet moans was all he wanted to hear at night. 
He didn’t understand how his brother, Crosshair, the Sniper that spoke of only a few words- and when spoken said words with mostly sarcasm laced in got to you first. Hunter had feelings for you since day one but he wanted to keep things professional, he was the leader of the group after all. He didn’t want to make things awkward or feel forced knowing you were the only female in the group- that wasn’t related to them. Hunter was taking things slow, but all of a sudden in a blink of an eye one day he saw Crosshair’s arms around your waist at a tavern after a successful mission and you giggling wrapping your arms around his neck, bodies flushed together.
”Crosshair, please, I need you.” You let out another breathless moan. 
“All in good time, Mesh’la, but first, I crave to taste you.” 
Hunter heard shuffling in the bunk you two were in, he could hear the clothes being torn off and tossed to the floor with a soft rustling sound. “So wet for me, Y/N.” 
Hunter inhaled deeply, mouth watering. The scent of your arousal was so strong that it was seeping through the crack of his bunker door and from the vent. His cock stirred to life in his blacks that it was becoming painfully uncomfortable. Hunter’s eyes casted towards the other side of the room, he saw a glimpse of his brother, Tech asleep, back facing Hunter. Hunter took a moment to listen closely, Tech’s shallow breathing pattern indicated that he was in a deep sleep. He listened even more closely, deeper into The Marauder, knowing Wrecker was supposed to be on watch in the cockpit, while everyone was asleep. Hunter’s ear twitched as he heard whatever holofilm Wrecker played, keeping him distracted. Any other night Hunter would disapprove of it, whoever was on watch should be 110 percent focused but tonight he’d let that slide. 
Hunter’s hand slowly traveled underneath the blanket, his slender fingers hooking the hem of his blacks and pushing them down his muscular tan thighs, wasting not time he grabbed at his throbbing member and inhaled sharply at the feeling of his warm fingers wrapping around his shaft. Hunter placed his focus back on the couple in the next room. 
“Kriff, Cross, keep going.” Hunter heard you moaning, he could tell you were trying to suppress any sounds that left your lips. Hunter’s cock twitched heavily as he slowly pumped his cock in his tight fist, listening to the soft lapping and slurping sounds of Crosshair eating you out.
“Taste so sweet for me, Mesh’la, is this all for me?” Crosshair cooed slightly towards his lover. 
“Y- Yes, please keep going. I’m so close.” The sound of Crosshair’s fingers plunging into you made Hunter’s face red, his cheeks burned at the dirty sound of how wet you were. 
Hunter’s eyes shut and he groaned lowly at the sound of your withering voice, he could tell you were shaking in the bunk by the way you exhaled and inhaled your breaths. He imagined it was him in between your legs, him tasting that sweet pussy on his tongue, you moaning his name out loud. 
”Cross, I’m close- I’m going to come.” Hunter could hear your heartbeat racing twice as fast now, close to your orgasm only to whine loudly. Hunter’s pace went faster as he stroked himself only to slow down, backing off of his own release. “Crosshair, I wanted to come.” Hunter’s cock twitched in his hand knowing Crosshair was teasing you, withholding your orgasm. Hunter wouldn’t dream of having you hold back, he’d make you come on his fingers, tongue, cock anything you desired he’d fulfill it. 
“You’ll come when I tell you to come.” Crosshair growled out, Hunter could hear more clothes shuffling about, most likely Crosshair stripping himself. 
“You’re so mean,” Hunter heard you pout, kriff he could see your pouty lips right now, more pre-come leaked from his cock. “You never let me come when I want to.” 
A harsh slap echoed throughout the bedroom making Hunter freeze, he wasn’t too sure if Cross spanked your ass or slapped you across the face but whatever the contact was a moan left your lips, showing that you liked it. “You want the fun to end so quickly?” 
“Then quit your whining and open your legs for me to slide my cock inside of this wet cunt.” Crosshair demanded. 
Hunter swallowed thickly, he didn’t expect you to like being manhandled in bed but knowing that little fact made pre-come ooze out of Hunter’s mushroom like tip, he hummed lowly as he smeared the pre-come over his cock, using it as lube to fuck himself into his grip. 
“Crosshair!-” Your loud moan was muffled by what sounded like Crosshair’s hand clamping over your mouth as he entered inside of you. 
“Shh, Mesh’la can’t be too loud.” Crosshair chuckled lowly. “You feel so good around me, so soaked.” He hummed in approval, the soft squelching sounds hit Hunter’s ears as Crosshair wasted no time thrusting into you. 
Hunter’s breathing picked up as he fisted his cock, tight grip around his shaft as he stroked himself up and down to the sound of his brother fucking you. A low rumble erupted from Hunter’s chest as he heard your soft moans and chants of Crosshair’s name, he’d give anything to hear you moan his name. 
“Cross-” Your wanton moans echoed a little too loudly, high pitched moans making Hunter’s ears become red. “I’m close- I’m going to come, oh maker!”
Hunter’s cock throbbed as he heard the squelching of your cunt become louder, Crosshair’s thrusts becoming faster and harsher with each pump, trying to get you both to your orgasm. “Kriff, you love my cock inside you, huh?” 
“Y- yes, I love it, I love you.” 
“I love you too,” Crosshair panted. “Oh Maker, I’m going to come.”
Hunter could hear the sloppy rhythm of Crosshair’s thrusting, the thumping sounds of each time he fucked into you.
The heels of Hunter’s feet dug into his bunk as he bucked his hips into his fist, matching the rhythm. His balls tightened as he was near his orgasm, he bit at his bottom lip holding back his own moans, not to wake up Tech. 
“Where do you want it?” Crosshair finally grunted out, the bunk slightly squeaking louder.  
“Come in me- Come inside my pussy.” Your voice was sweet and high pitch tone as the hot sound of Crosshair’s cock fucking into you. 
Hearing your begging voice made Hunter’s eyes roll in the back of his skull, eyebrows knitted, mouth slightly open and jaw slacked as he reached his orgasm. His teeth sunk harshly into his bottom lip as he muffled a moan while ropes of his come spilled into his hand, imagining he was spilling his seed inside your tight pussy, the thought alone made his sensitive dick spew, one load after another. “Oh Maker, Y/N.” Hunter quietly moaned your name, his breathing was heavy as he heard your soft screams from the other room as you also reached your orgasm.
”Kriff, Y/N, feels so good, so wet and soft-“ Crosshair choked out after reaching his own release. 
Hunter laid there, his bangs sticking to his slightly damp forehead while his breathing was still heavy, chest rising and falling as his hand was still covered in his sticky load. 
“Do you think anyone heard us?” You whispered to Crosshair.
”Oh, I’m sure Hunter enjoyed the show.” Crosshair uncontrollably chuckled knowing his brother heard everything. 
Hunter froze in his position, his face red from embarrassment while his breath was hitched in his throat scared you were going to be disgusted with him for listening in.
”Hmm, well, I hope he enjoyed it.” You say with a giggle.
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Crosshair's Masterlist
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Do yall have anyone you'd like a series or one-shot for? I'm taking suggestions! :D
I'm also willing to expand outside of star wars, but that is what I tend to focus on!
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eu-nicola · 1 year
Anakin Skywalker x Fem! Reader
part 1
Summary: memories of when Anakin almost killed your boyfriend so he wouldn't see you again.
sorry english isn’t my first language
I would like to do something extra marital but I don't know if it would be right
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In the years that you were only a good friend of Anakin's, you had a partner, a boy named Ben who was the same age as you, he was an extremely good person with others, he liked to help everyone and you would never see him angry and that was precisely what you liked about him. You and him stayed for a short time, no more than six months, until he had to go away to help his mother, who was very sick, so they both decided that it was best to end any type of relationship so that in the future neither of both would would get hurt.
The first days you missed his presence around you but over time you got used to his absence and you got over it and even while you were doing it Anakin had become your friend again, both were friends in a strange way because lived in fights but over time both became friends again, Anakin and you reconciled and reestablished a friendship but as always that came to an end.
A few months after Ben had left you discovered that he not only left because of his mother but also because Anakin had threatened and almost hit him to get him to leave you, at first it surprised you because it was something stupidly crazy to do that and more than part of him that was no one other than your sister's partner so it seemed like an invention to you, for a while you didn't want to believe it until someone else confirmed it to you again.
One day while you were in the kitchen looking for food you saw the person who had told you such a thing talking to the cook and you didn't want to be nosy but you were and you heard very clearly how Anakin had threatened Ben if he didn't go away, at that time your anger was the only thing that invaded your body and you were not willing to let it go, after all you were not a Jedi and you could get as angry as you wanted.
That same night you saw Anakin leaving Padme's room practically silently so as not to wake her up, so you decided to confront him at that moment, calling his attention to come closer to you. At first he didn't come closer because he didn't realize you were calling him and since he didn't realize you had no better idea than to throw something over his head. In reality he already knew you were there but he just didn't want to answer your call.
As soon as he approached you took him hand and took him out as quickly as you could to the balcony so you could shout at his calmly. "What's wrong?". He asked laughing at your action.
“What's wrong? I already know why Ben left, it wasn't just because of his mother, you wanted to hit him and you scared him. Isn't there anything in your head?"
“It was the best for you, it didn't seem like a good relationship.”
“You don't know what is good or bad for me, much less you who are the least suitable to talk to a relationship that is secret.” You told him while pointing your finger at him.
“Don't mention that again.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled it hard, pulling you closer to him. “You don't know what's best for you and I do.”
"Of course you know, it's better that you know how to raise a child instead of taking care of me."
That's how Anakin found out that Padme was expecting a child and from that night on they didn't speak again. After that there were a few times when Anakin saw you with some other boy and from afar you could see how he wanted to push them away the same way he did with Ben but he didn't, he couldn't and he shouldn't have.
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strxwberrymoonstar · 9 months
i’m in a real star wars mood, especially han solo, request something 😋😋
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sylverwxngs-wp · 10 months
one-shot requests!!
i’m gonna start doing one-shots just for funsies and to boost my writing inspiration :) i might even compile them into a book on here too. we’ll see tho. if you have any requests, feel free to drop them below and i might write a little drabble!! preferably for fandoms i’m in and definitely for characters i looooovvveeeee!! could be smut, fluff, angst, or whatever you may want!! i’m gonna be working on these for a while before i start posting them. also, feel free to request a specific name, character, or even oc (mine or yours) to be included! (i will not be doing any 2nd person pov or x y/n tho bc i physically cannot) fandoms/characters i like:
- fourth wing (xaden, liam, rhiannon, etc.) - peaky blinders (tommy or arthur) - marvel (bucky, tony, loki, nat, yelena, etc.) - thg (finnick, katniss, peeta, haymitch, NO snow) - six of crows (kaz, nina, inej, jesper) - asoiaf (jaime, jon, tyrion, aemond, helaena, rhaenyra, alicent, daenerys, etc.) - acotar (rhysand, lucien, bat boys) - harry potter (draco, weasley twins, harry, hermione, etc.) [preferably not smut unless they’re done with hogwarts or returning for an 8th year or smth] - star wars (anakin, han/ben solo, obi wan, etc.) - any other fandom that i haven’t listed that i might be familiar with!
pls feel free to request something, i’d really appreciate it <3 i want to stay busy doing what i love (writing) during the break!! i'm still going to write even if there aren't any requests put in, but i'd appreciate it if people did :)
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