#station theta black
locitapurplepink · 4 months
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Every scene Kaz meets Poe
Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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the-force-awakens · 8 months
my biggest pet peeve about resistance is the fact that they chose to animate poe having brown hair instead of black. like it'S SO EASY NOT TO DO THAT AND YET...
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poelya · 2 months
its always fun to me - and I don't mean this in a pretentious way - to see folks be like oh I didn't see this coming or didn't expect this about story or character beats in my favorite sw stories. because I always assume it's just blatantly obvious to everyone, and not. that I have eerily just completely and correctly plugged into the story.
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cast-you-dxwn · 2 months
For the first time in countless millennia, smoke rises against the skyline of the City of God.
Not the wispy white that would normally rise this day, from pyres in honor of the parentage of Mother Mary. It is thick, black, flattening against the stratosphere into foreboding clouds that cast long shadows upon the realm, plunging entire districts into dim twilight.
For the first time since the Fall, Heaven burns.
The normally peaceful streets sound with chaos, shrill screams, the rumble of explosions, the sharp staccato of gunfire. Tracers scythe into the sky, criss-crossing the streets, street to street and building to building. The Council District has been abandoned, but still pockets of resistance flare within the most ancient buildings that served as the seats of the Holy Realms governance.
A perimeter has been established, in accordance with plans set forth long before any of those who man it were born. A wall of iron and angelic steel, but meant to protect the Council district from outward threat, never those from within. Defensive Line Alpha, where the mortal soldiers of Legio Mortalis 778 hold the line.
Checkpoint Theta, a hastily constructed barricade on 3rd street, on the intersection where the Council District melts into the Commercial District. Four Contubernium stationed at this foothold, a dam against the flood. Thirty-two men and women to hold the line.
Legionnaire Salterns strained voice can scarcely be heard over the deafening booms of his weapon, the Model 19 heavy machine gun behind the checkpoints barricade throwing out a steady, withering stream of fire. Empty shell casings already form a brass carpet around Albert’s feet, and the rounds tear into the street, into buildings, massive chunks of gold and marble flung into the air and pulverized into dust.
Its primary effect is keeping the advancing Exorcists from doing so any further, suppressing them, forcing them into cover in alleyways, behind cars, giving the rest of the checkpoint time to set up their firing positions. That said, the effect it has when some unlucky heretic is caught out in the open is no less spectacular. One particularly brave Exorcist catches the 12.7x108mm SMRB round directly through her chestplate, throwing her to the ground, dead even before the mass-reactive charge detonates, bursting her torso and riddling the street with golden blood and chunks of flesh.
His tirade is cut as a round catches him full in the stomach between his plates, twisting him sideways and stumbling off of the small raised platform that holds the gun emplacement. He hits the ground hard, the golden cobblestones and unrelenting spot to land, turning onto his side and pressing both hands to the wound, hoping to stanch the flow of ichor that now seeps through the gaps in his fingers.
“Shit- fucking…AGH! SOMEONE GET ON THAT GOD-DAMNED M.G!” He cries out, kicking a booted foot towards the now-vacant emplacement, his hands too preoccupied with holding his guts in to gesture properly as the Exorcists begin to advance without the threat of the heavy weapon.
“Medic! Attend to Saltern!”
Decanus Von Licht’s voice, ever calm and collected, cuts through the chaos of the battlefield even as the rest of the checkpoints garrison sets up at the barricade, taking cover, their rifles chattering in unison bursts as they do their level best to maintain their hold on their position. Alistair does not bother to confirm his order, he knows that it has been received, and so he turns his attention elsewhere.
His gaze lands upon another, Legionnaire Kyrkos, currently squatting over the constituent pieces of a Model 98 mortar, the technical journal open by one of her feet, yanking with all of her might on the release mechanism of the weapons stability bracer.
“Adalia!” Alistair barks, casting a glance over his shoulder towards the barricade before returning his attention to the woman before him. “I kindly ask you what is prohibiting you from getting our mortar emplacement operational!”
Kyrkos flinches, looking up at the Decanus, then back down at the manual, her hands shaking as she stammers out. “I-I don’t know sir! The retaining pin is stuck, and the sighting mechanism won’t depress any further!”
The Decanus makes a displeased grunt, and seems to move to speak, before he is interrupted by a pair of black-clad figures dropping from the sky upon him. He is barely able to draw his blade in time to parry a strike meant to take his head from his shoulders from one, striking out with a boot into the stomach of the second, forcing her back to give himself room to breathe.
“Exorcists, within the perimeter! We are in danger of being overrun!” He calls out, gripping the hilt of his blade in two hands, his movements fluid and quick, fending off the assault from the two masked angels as best he can.
But though he is not overcome, he is being pushed back, forced to give ground.
“Oh shit, oh, fuck-“
Legionnaire Kyrkos mutters under her breath as the Decanus is forced away by a pair of exorcists, her gaze flickering between the fight and the technical manual at her feet. She thinks to rise and assist Alistair, but her orders are to return the mortar to working order at all costs. She knows what she must do. She turns her full attention to the manual.
“Subsection 13.6.2-A, field maintenance- I wouldn’t have to fucking DO field maintenance if the Fabricators actually did their jobs, sons of bitches-“
Her personal tirade is interrupted by the force of a body hitting her from above. The force knocks her onto her back, keenly aware of the new weight pressing upon her chest plate as she stares up into the grinning, L.E.D visage of an exorcist perched upon her supine form.
Adalia curses, her hand moving to her hip, hoping to reach her sidearm, but a heeled boot comes down upon her wrist, and she barely has time to react as the Trueborn warrior moves to plunge her spear downward. Adalia’s free hand snaps up, armored fingers catching the haft of the spear and halting the cruel steel tip only a few inches away from her unhelmeted face.
“Your boots are fucking tacky.” She hisses, as the servos in her armor whirr louder and louder the longer and harder the Exorcist presses downward, the two both straining for supremacy as the battle rages around them.
The line is in danger of collapsing. Giving ground to the Insurrectionists may be the only option. But here, and now, the Loyalist soldiers of Checkpoint Theta are in grave danger of being overrun.
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nightspires · 1 year
so i made a post a couple of months ago asking for new podcast audiodrama recs (inc. actual play dramas) and i got a TONNE. so here is the list of all the suggestions + stuff i've listened to myself:
Absolutely No Adventures
Adventures in New America
Alba Salix
Alice Isn't Dead
Archive 81
ars Paradoxica
Badlands Cola
Brimstone Valley Mall
Camp Here & There
Death by Dying
Dungeons & Daddies
Finding Satan
Ghost Radio Project
Girl In Space
Gray Matter
Hello from the Hallowoods
Hello from the Magic Tavern
Hi Nay
I Am In Eskew
Jar of Rebuke
King Falls AM
Knight Falls, CA
Lake Clarity
Life With Althar
Light House
Mayfair Watchers Society
Midnight Burger
Mission Rejected
Monstrous Agonies
Moonbase Theta, Out
Oak Podcast
Old Gods of Appalachia
Olive Hill
Parkdale Haunt
Redwood Bureau
Rex Rivetter: Private Eye
Station Arcadia
Stellar Firma
Tapes From Beyond
The Adventure Zone
The Amelia Project
The Beautiful Liar
The Big Loop
The Black Tapes
The Bright Sessions
The Darkroom
The Hidden Almanack
The Kingmaker Histories
The Left Right Game
The Magnus Archives
The Message
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
The Penumbra Podcast
The Secret of St Kilda
The Shadow Diaries
The Six Disappearances of Ella McCray
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
The Storage Papers
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Subjective Truth
The Two Princes
The White Vault
Video Palace
We’re Alive
Weeping Cedars
Welcome to Night Vale
Wolf 359
Wooden Overcoats
Feel free to add any others that are missing to this post!
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realbigpodcastslut · 3 months
Lee's Podcast Master List (Current)
This is def incomplete and not all caught up anymore and I lost all the podcasts I have listened to. Do with that what you will. Bolded are podcasts I talk about the most.
Currently Listening To
The Silt Verses
Welcome to Night Vale (relisten)
Audio Dramas:
36 Questions
A Scottish Podcast
Alba Salix
The Alexandria Archives
Alice Isn't Dead
The Amelia Podcast
The Angel of the Vine
Archive 81
Attention Hellmart shoppers!
The Black Tapes
The Blood Crow Stories
The Bridge
The Bright Sessions
The Bubble
Brimstone Valley Mall
Charlie’s Mailbox
Dead Serious
Death by Dying
The Deep Vault
The Directive
The Elysium Project
EOS 10
The Far Meridian
Girl in Space
Greater Boston
Hadron Gospel Hour
Herbarium Podcast
Here be Dragons
Hosts of Eden
I Am in Eskew
It Makes a Sound
Jim Robbie and the Wanders
Kakos Industries
Kevin’s Cryptids
King Falls AM
Lake Clarity
The Last Movie
Lesser Gods
lif-e.af/ter / The Message
The Lost Cat Podcast
The Magnus Archives
The Magnus Protocol
The Meat Blockade
Misadventure By Death
Old Gods of Appalachia
Olive Hill
The Orbiting Human Circus 
The Penumbra Podcast
Point Mystic
Return Home
Rex Rivetter:  Private Eye
Rose Drive
Rover Red
Small Town Horror
Space Log
Star Tripper
Station to Station
Steal the Stars
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
Subject: Found
SubverCity Transmit
Testing Connection
Uncanny County
Under Pressure
Video Palace
We Fix Space Junk
Welcome to Night Vale
What’s the Frequency
The White Vault
Within the Wires
Wolf 359
Wooden Overcoats
Zero Hours
Hello from the Magic Tavern (On ep 300-something I think?)
The Adventure Zone (Balance, Amnesty, Graduation)
The Folktale Project
Heme Review
My Brother My Brother and Me
This Podcast Will Kill You
The Topical (Onion)
To Listen To
Camp Here and there
Red Valley
Hello From the Hallowoods
Midnight Burger
Midnight Radio
Moonbase Theta, Out
The Godshead Incidental
Janus Decending
The Petrol Station
Cthulhu and Friends
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
Kakos (relisten)
Mabel (relisten)
Old Gods of Appalachia (relisten)
Second Star to the Left
The Sheridan Tapes
Who Watches the Birdwatchers?
The Vesta Clinic
Spirit Box Radio
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio
Dead Man’s Notes
Life With Althaar
The Pale
The Secret of St Kilda
Last updated: 6/25/2024
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wolveria · 2 years
Next, what's your three fave star wars resistance animated series episodes ?
I'll go by story "arcs" since a few of those episodes cover a single event that is happening.
Spoilers below the cut:
My top three are, the arc where they rescue Norath, the season 1 finale where they take off into space and Kaz watches the destruction of Hosnian Prime, and the episode where Poe and Kaz go to Station Theta Black.
A runner up would be the season 2 finale when they get Tam back :')
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lboogie1906 · 7 months
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Allison Payne (February 12, 1964 – September 1, 2021) was a nine-time Emmy Award winner, a 21-year anchorwoman with WGN-TV, a veteran international journalist, a popular public speaker, and an actively involved community builder. She was a longtime anchor and reporter at CW affiliate and cable superstation WGN-TV in Chicago. She served as co-anchor of the WGN Midday News.
She was born in Richmond, Virginia, and raised in Detroit to Dana and Kathryn Payne. She was a graduate of Renaissance High School and held a BA in Liberal Arts from the University of Detroit Mercy. She graduated from Bowling Green State University with her MA in Radio/TV/film. She was a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
She began in television news as an intern at ABC affiliate WNWO in Toledo, she was promoted to main anchor of the station’s late evening newscast. She moved to NBC affiliate WNEM-TV in Saginaw, Michigan. She moved to Chicago to anchor the station’s primetime newscast. She traveled to Kenya to trace Barack Obama’s roots, and to the Middle East to cover the Reverend Jesse Jackson’s peace negotiations between Israel and Lebanon.
During her tenure with WGN, she has won numerous awards including nine Emmys for reporting, including:
Outstanding Achievement within a Regularly Scheduled News Program – Specialty Report/Series — Politics/Government: Jackson & Jackson: Allison Payne, Reporter; Pam Grimes, Producer. WGN Outstanding Achievement for Individual Excellence On Camera: Programming – Program — Host/Moderator/Contributor: Allison Payne – People to People. WGN Outstanding Achievement within a Regularly Scheduled News Program – Specialty Report: — Religion: Blue Eyes, Black Soul: Allison Payne, Reporter; Pam Grimes, Michael D’Angelo, Producers. WGN Outstanding Achievement for Informational Programs – Public Affairs/Current Affairs: People to People: Gloria Brown, Producer; Allison Payne, Steve Sanders, Hosts. WGN Outstanding Achievement for Individual Excellence On Camera: News – Reporter: Allison Payne – Composite. WGN #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta
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locitapurplepink · 6 months
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Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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the-force-awakens · 1 year
THEY ARE SO GOOD! Poe is definitely peak in that episode imo. I always look forward to Poe episodes when I rewatch resistance!
i will be fully honest w you!! I watched poe's episodes first. I'm actually still in the process of watching resistance all the way through, but I've seen all of poe's episodes about a dozen times. It's nice having something light hearted and silly with him in it, esp something short, for when I don't quite have the spoons for an entire movie!
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spockvarietyhour · 5 years
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swresistance · 6 years
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New images from the next episode of Star Wars Resistance on December 9 at 10pm ET/PT on Disney Channel.
In “Station Theta-Black” – Poe and Kaz find an abandoned First Order mining facility in the Unknown Regions. Unfortunately BB-8 discovers the facility isn’t so abandoned!
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oodlife · 6 years
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SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 at 10pm ET/PT on Disney Channel!
In “Station Theta-Black” – Poe and Kaz find an abandoned First Order mining facility in the Unknown Regions. Unfortunately BB-8 discovers the facility isn’t so abandoned!
The new episode – “Station Theta-Black” – will also be available SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9th (12:01 a.m. PT) on the DisneyNOW app and Disney Channel VOD, giving kids and families access to the series wherever and whenever they want to watch.
Princess Leia is back!
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pilot-kazuda-xiono · 6 years
New preview of “Station Theta Black”
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userpoe · 3 years
have you read spark of the resistance? it's a junior novel, but it has a lot of great interactions between poe and rey that we could have used more of in the movies!
Yes, I have! It's actually one of my favorite Star Wars books, and one of my favorite Poe appearances in general (for anyone curious: others include Station Theta Black in Resistance & the Poe comics - I like when he gets to have fun lil adventures without a lot of angst).
I really love their dynamic in that book, how they're still both trying to get used to being around each other, how easily Rey teases him and the fact that it's heavily implied she and Poe have bonded over their shared trauma. It's truly some chef's kiss content. And they worry about each other! Ugh, it's so good.
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padawanline · 5 years
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Happy Star Wars Day, friends! It’s the perfect day for me to get back to my Resistance posts! Let’s see what secrets I can uncover and storylines I can analyze inside of Station Theta Black. Read here.
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