lewis-winters · 7 months
ok it's really interesting to see everyone's reactions to the Cheating™️ because I guarantee you he's not the first on in the whole of HBO war to do so but also it brings up discussions like "how much of the storytelling is influenced by the knowledge that the person you're making the story about is going to see this?"
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kurtsascot · 5 months
why do we think eli goes by eli c ?? does he know that many elis??? are there multiple eli’s with a lighthouse for a profile pic….
and why a lighthouse ??? maybe he grew up in maine and likes to fish erm…..maine has crabs….omg Eli Crab. ‘do i not look like my picture?’ and hes part crab 😞
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mikoriin · 2 months
real real talk, i think chibiusa is just as beautiful as her mom. the way naoko draws chibiusa, she's literally gorgeous...got her mamas looks cause u know mamoru aint that pretty
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delicatetaysversion · 10 months
domestic violence family wale mutuals unite 😭✊
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sleepy-bunnie · 2 years
You know how sucky I feel knowing I have genital herpes? I love reading about spontaneous sex scenes and being raw, open, threesome with no protection because *fantasy*, but knowing I can't have that? It fucking sucks. You can't be with me unprotected. You can't go down on me unprotected, (dental dams, anyone?)
I didn't want this. I never asked for it, and now I have to be okay being by myself forever. No one will willingly be with me, I wouldn't be with me. I don't want to be the butt of the joke, and we used protection, so that fucking sucks, okay?
I love reading smut and the romance side of it, but sometimes it makes me sad. Cause I won't have that and can't have that.
I've literally only slept with 2 people!! One was for 7 years and the other a one night stand! And now I'm fucking cursed
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kideternity · 4 months
Read DC pride. My review of it of the stories I read was that it was predominantly mediocre though I did like the Ray writing and I liked the circuit breaker story as a whole but the only story that genuinely pissed me off was Al Ewing's Mikaal Tomas' story. People have already talked about the whole sexuality thing online but honestly what personally pisses me off more was A) no mention whatsoever of Mikaal's canon long term boyfriend Tony whose a black man in favour of comments of Mikaal fucking the white side character Al made up for the story and then everything to do with Komak and B) no mention either of Komak having had an STD at all and that being really necessary context for how Komak met Mikaal in the first place. Omitting both of these things is imo really fucking disrespectful / shitty to do and as someone who Really Loves Mikaal I'm disappointed that for the first major story he's had in Years this is what he was given. He deserved better
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metastablephysicist · 2 years
ok one more thing. i don't think i can handle the stress of being a grad student and the stress of being more visibly/openly trans at the same time. people like to pay a lot of lip service to inclusivity and whatever bs, but no one over the age of 40 (i.e. faculty, staff, etc) takes it seriously or is willing to put any effort into things. a lot of my peers don't even do that! everyone asks you to disclose your pronouns but no one will actually use them. we want (financially) disadvantaged people in our program but we won't support them in a way that matters (financially). that kind of thing. the rest is left as an exercise for the reader.
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sindumpster · 4 months
Do you think demons could have STD's (like idk syphilis)?
Asking for a friend skfgdkf
I don’t see why not, and I feel like I’ve seen others have that be a thing (tho I can’t point you to specifics)
Though I could also see demons having them and totally not caring because…demons. Either doesn’t really affect them, or stuff like HIV where there’s no real stakes there. Or I’ve seen interpretations of demons just being sick all the time/having the plague and that’s their whole thing—they embody it. So that but it’s a demon with STDs.
Which also on that note, if you want a particularly awful demon, they’re a vector for STDs. They have one, or maybe all of them, and the whole point is to give it to people. Succubus but instead of draining your soul she gives you the clap.
Syphillis you could go an interesting route with the whole insanity and other awful things that happen at the tertiary stage. Not fatal for the demon per se, but does addle them. They’re less in control/more likely to act up and be a problem.
Tho kinda also depends on the mechanics of demon? Are they immortal? Tangible or intangible? Personally I do the “you can slay them but they’ll respawn eventually unless you have special magics/weapons up your sleeve”. Which I’d consider a reset. Any afflictions they had are washed clean, tabula rasa time except demons so it’s just a clean slate for mayhem (or minor inconveniences). And also still depends whether they want, or care about picking those back up.
But like def makes a difference if your demons are the you only live once sort. And likewise if it’s a “they can only visit certain times of the year”. Like there’s a million ways you can define and make rules for how demons work. Whole scale of whether they’re manifestations of pure evil, or varying levels of problem-causers, or just spiritual beings that are just vibing but people are afraid of them.
Along with the “are they actually flesh and blood or just look like flesh and blood?” Like that would definitely impact whether they can get STDs, and how it affects them (similar to how some can cross the species barrier, so not all of them, so demons might not even be able to get certain STDs)
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martyrbat · 2 years
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ghosts - batman confidential #40
[ID: dramatic art of Batman and Commissioner Jim Gordon standing to the right of a panel. They're both in a profile view and are looking at blood that's splattered against the snow near a trash bin. A long, wavy strand of Gordon's grey hair is sticking far out in front of his face. Batman is kneeling on one knee and is hunched over entirely as he looks at the blood. His cowl's ears are long and pointing straight up as he frowns deeply. END ID]
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pseud0knots · 5 months
we had to do this personality assessment thing at work that was basically mbti with extra steps and then we were supposed to spend like 30 minutes with this consultant going through our results and she spent. 1 hour and 30 minutes with me. and I’m feeling very studied under a microscope about it
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skostoflight · 10 months
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ARR is truly amazing
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fillejondrette · 8 months
i saw a male comedian joking about how he's had baby mamas before but now he's more mature and ready to have kids that he'll actually care about. and there were a lot of men in the comments agreeing and giving the impression that this is a common male mentality. now don't call me a male apologist but i do think there are men out there who actually love their kids....BUT i think a lot of men who whine about not seeing their kids much or act heartbroken that their partners had abortions without their "permission" truly do not give a fuck about their kids and just resent not being able to control their female partners and the situation generally. honestly it even feels ridiculous that mothers and fathers have the same legal rights over their kids considering that all the dad did was ejaculate and so many men show zero interest in their children beyond using them as pawns in their relationship with the kids' mothers
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semiotomatics · 9 months
so fucking heartbroken that my next therapy appt isnt till the 30th
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amphibifish · 1 year
as soon as i find a reliable youtube video downloader and i figure out a good system to organize all of the avenue q videos it is OVER for you all
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kindaeccentric · 1 year
How do people just get a partner, isn't finding even a single *candidate* for a date not extremely difficult for everyone?
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I got my pap smear on Tuesday and my doctor's office called me while I was driving home to talk to me about my test results. Tried calling them back and the office closed at 4:30. Now I'm trying to reset my password to the patient portal because I don't remember it and I still haven't gotten the email to reset it
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(They only call if the results are anything but normal) BUT I found an article that says even an abnormal test doesn't mean anything super serious. But I am frustrated that I won't be able to hear anything until Monday morning 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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