#steel rig
dknuth · 4 months
Walking the Crags
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Today, we walked the most famous, most scenic, and hardest section of Hadrian's Wall, The Crags.
This is a section of hard stone that rises up in an east-west line with a steep north side. The Romans sensibly used this as a location for the wall, as there are long stretches that no sensible person would attempt to breach. But this line of steep rocks is not uniform, there are several gaps. At those points the wall drops down to the bottom of the gap and back up the other side, and so does the trail.
But it is stunningly scenic, when you can look up from where you are putting your feet.
As we approached the starting point, the wall was running parallel on the right, so we could see where we were going. But it looks less steep from there.
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We started at Steel Rig and headed east.
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Along the wall, there were the foundations of the "turrets" that were spaced along it.
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The wall is much less tall than initially. Some of the stones were taken by farmers to build field walls, houses, barns, and other structures; they were also used in churches, monasteries, and more. Others are lying on the ground next to the wall. Of course, they took the nice regular rectangular facing blocks and left many of the irregular stones from the interior behind. So, these irregular stones often embed the ground next to the wall. They have encouraged the grass to grow on the remaining wall to protect it.
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At one-mile intervals, "Mile Castles" held a dozen or so men.
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We came to the most famous gap Sycamore Gap, where there used to be a large sycamore tree. It was famous, scenic, and well-loved until someone cut it down in the middle of the night last year.
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The north face of the ridge is vertical rock, just what the Romans wanted.
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We eventually left the crags and were on more rolling terrain.
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Looking back we could see the last part of the crags and a lake below. Then we realized that the copse of trees in the distance was our starting point. not far away.
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The wall continued over hills and gaps. With beautiful scenery to the south.
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The final mile-fort was in fairly good condition. If you look closely, you can even see that the two bottom stones of the arch in the north gate are still there.
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At last, we reached the visitor center.
Cathie was waiting in the visitors center parking lot cafe. But I couldn't see it, and she couldn't see us. Neither of us understood the layout, so we couldn't figure out where we were. Finally, the tour manager went down to get her. She had been told that it would be about three hours and brought a book, but our group had been slow on the hills, and our guide was full of information to impart, so it took over 5 hours to walk the five miles. She was kind of grumpy.
The visitors center is at Housesteads Fort, which we visited, but there wasn't that much interesting to photograph. We were late, so our guide rushed around the fort to explain things, and Cathie couldn't keep up; if I had known how slow we would be, I wouldn't have pushed Cathie to come along.
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Despite the clouds putting on a continuous, dramatic show all day it never rained!
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emberglowfox · 5 months
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my very large dog who eats batteries and has been described as "off-putting" and "kind of cringe"
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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In July 1906 the Socoa (a full rigged steel ship) struck some rocks near Cadgwith Cove, England, a moment when a wreck incident became a faraway casualty of a major event triggering worldwide headlines, the San Francisco earthquake of April 1906 – for she was laden with cement to help rebuild the city.
Fortunately she was refloated, even though she was clearly in a bad way.
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digital999placebo · 1 year
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so.. smiles. anyone remember my golden age boxing au?
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*screaming in agony* the entire series of Warehouse 13 I was sooooooo jazzed about the best friends/siblings-esque friendship between the two main characters, soooooo excited to have a platonic "you are the most important person in my life" M/F friendship especially being the leads in a TV show, letting them love each other without making them in love, the platonic ideal
""""oooh~ they've been in love the whoooole tiiiime~"""
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!
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steampunkedparm · 6 months
"of course you have carabiner's."
yeah??? how else am i supposed to hold my keys?????
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cusaqphotos · 2 years
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
man. i'm looking at old mushing videos and getting misty eyed. some people always ask me "how do you know what dogs will be lead dogs?" and like i'm watching Slash's first ever run with the older dogs on the rig and he's pulling harder than them, outrunning them. I don't have video of it because my goPro battery has always been ~that bitch~ but i put him in lead with zombie that day because I was afraid he'd over exert himself as he hates being behind other dogs. In videos of his second ever run with the team he's pulling off distractions even though he has a baby brain. he was 15 months old. sometimes you just know.
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oldtestleper · 10 months
all that shit would have never happened if they had followed OSHA guidelines
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Okay the type quiz results have stopped fitting what I have in mind for my characters. Posts canceled!
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
X-Play Classic - Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor Review
Xplay's lowest rated game, across both incarnations… EVER.
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ceilidho · 22 days
ceilid. oil rig soap i am foaming at the mouth omg
he's covered in an ever present layer of grease and grime, stinking of sweat and rust. comes off as a cocky showboat when you first arrive on the rig, jokes about wanting to see you all messed up like the rest of 'em, but his jokes are barbed, electric blue eyes looking you up and down like he really can't stand how clean and neat you are compared to the men on board. like he wants to tear your ironed skirt down so he can drag his dirty paws all over your ass and thighs.
you honestly write him off; hard to see the laid back charmer as a genuine threat or even someone to go running to should something bad happen to you, but then everything on the rig goes to shit. something violent and hungry comes out of the water and you can hear the blood curdling screams from the men it catches as you sprint down the landing, the helicopter already starting to take off even as you yell for them to wait.
but then a man twice your size is suddenly pulling you into the shadows, covering your mouth and shushing you as the thing that came aboard the ship suddenly passes (and you think, wildly, that it would've been on you by now had soap not dragged you out of the way) and you watch in horror as it obliterates the chopper, the body of the chopper bursting into flames and going into a tailspin, crashing into the ocean below.
"keep the heid, bonnie," murmured into your ear, the hand around your mouth pressing harder and muffling your screams as he pulls you deeper into the rig, trying to find a place to hide, his arms like steel bands around you. "willnae let anything bad happen to ye."
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
The Preussen of 1910, was one of the largest and most modern sailing ships ever built, but it sank in the English Channel. Here is her sailing plan.
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
Title: Mesmerized.
Pairing: Yandere!Lyney x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 0.8k.
TW: Hypnosis, Unhealthy Relationships, General Lose of Autonomy, Implied Kidnapping, Implied Stalking, and Obsessive Behavior.
[Commissioned piece. Donate to Palestinians in Gaza here.]
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“You’re getting crueler, brother.”
Lynette watched you stir at the sound of her voice, nearly identical to that of your dearly beloved, but you slackened as soon as you realized it was only his sister, melting back into place against Lyney’s side. Your expression was one of vacant bliss; all glassy eyes and careless smiles, worry only visible in the dark circles laced under your eyes, the pained creases folded into either corner of your mouth. A poor imitation, altogether. You looked more like yourself when you were angry.
Lyney hummed, resting his head on your shoulder. As if trained to, you cooed softly and raised a hand, carding your fingers through his hair as he spoke, self-satisfaction heavy in his voice. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. Is it cruel to want to spend time with one’s dearly cherished?”
“Father said not to let the public see them until—”
“—until we’ve fallen in love,” Lyney finished. It was a clipped summary, to say the least. In reality, Lord Arlecchino’s order had played more closely to the tune of ‘until you’ve collared your pet properly’, but admittedly, Lynette might’ve missed something. She and Freminet had been listening from the other side of a steel door, and Lyney hadn’t been eager to discuss their conversation after her lecture ended. “And I’m sure, if you bothered to ask, you’d already know that we’re quite in love. Aren’t we, beautiful?”
“Quite in love,” you parroted. There was something strange about your inflection, as if you were trying to speak in a language you hadn’t yet mastered, but Lynette chose not to dwell on it.
“And I’d hardly call this the public,” Lyney went on, when Lynette made it clear that she had yet to be impressed. He made a quick, sweeping gesture to the rest of the backstage area – as if the technicians and stage-hands rushing between lighting rigs and half-assembled props were no more real than the silhouetted figures painted onto the set dressing they were hauling into place. “Think of it as… a trial run, to see how much we’ve improved. If everything goes well tonight, perhaps we’ll be able to attend Father’s next banquet together, too. I’ve been dying to introduce them to the rest of our family – preferably without all the screaming and biting, this time.”
That, Lynette could admit, would probably be for the best. She still had a bruise in the shape of your teeth on her left wrist from the day she’d met you, but Lyney still claimed it’d been one of your better first impressions.
“I’ve always wanted to see one of your shows.” You were cupping Lyney’s face, now, using your thumb to draw tender circles into his cheek. “I’ve always loved the opera. You’re playing the male lead, right?”
Lynette pursed her lips, her eyes widening slightly as she turned her attention pointedly towards her brother. He looked away. “I’m still working out the kinks. By this time next week, it should all be right as rain.”
Reluctantly, Lynette let her attention shift back to you. Your sleeves were long, dense with lace and tulle, but a patch of reddened, raw skin where the shackle had been wrapped around your wrist was just barely visible underneath the frivolous material. There was a slight tremble in your stiff shoulders, and when she looked closely, she could see that you were swaying; your legs weak from disuse, barely able to hold your own weight. Her brother, on the other hand – she could remember the last time she’d seen him smiling so widely. He been in a state of pure, untethered euphoria since the moment you were dragged, kicking and swearing, into one of the Fatui’s lesser-used underground holding facilities, and she rarely saw him without a glint in his eye and a light flush painted over her cheeks. It was almost upsetting, to see a face so much like her own so distorted. If she hadn’t been so used to his sudden flurries of passion, she might’ve been disturbed.
“It can’t last.” Lyney straightened, but she didn’t give him a chance to cut in. “The—the trance, I mean. You’re a magician, not a hypnotist. It’s going to wear off, eventually.”
“I’ve always hated stage magic,” you muttered, dreamily. “I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I hate feeling like I’m the only person who doesn’t know what’s going on.”
“It doesn’t need to last forever, just long enough.” This time, it was Lyney who caught your chin in his hand, pulling you just close enough for a quick, shallow kiss. Lynette looked away before she could be forced to endure yet another unabashed show of affection, but she could still hear him far too clearly when he spoke seconds later, his voice now nearly distant as your own.
“Until we both manage to forget how we could ever live apart.”
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wqnwoos · 9 months
cw — f!reader
“chan, my love,” you attempt for what must be the third time — “you know these things are rigged, right?”
it’s like he barely hears you, hand fixated on the lever, eyes narrowed in concentration, zeroed in with, frankly, terrifying intensity on the stuffed dinosaur that sits inside the claw machine.
you’d really, truly, only meant it as a passing comment! the two of you were just walking past the games on your way to the hot dog stand, and the little green dinosaur had caught your eye. “look! a dino, like you!” — you’d nudged him lightly, the briefest of laughs — “it’s so cute!”
you’re not sure how, but your boyfriend took that as a challenge.
which is how you wind up in your current position: watching him let out another stream of curses when the dinosaur, unsurprisingly, falls from the claw for the fifth time.
“chan.” you try again, but he glances at you with a fleeting, dazzling smile —
“just a sec, baby,” he assures, a steeling determination in his tone. “i swear i’ve got it this time. i’m good at these.”
“they’re rigged, baby,” you repeat, feeling like a stuck record, but giving in all the same. “nobody’s good at these.”
but less than half a minute later, you’re eating your words. somehow, he’s managed to drop the dinosaur straight down the shoot, fuelled by mumbled swears and intense lever use, maybe — but he’s done it.
“for my lady,” he declares magnificently, turning to present it to you with an overdramatic flourish and bow. you don’t quite match his elegance, grabbing the dinosaur to your chest with a delighted sound.
“i love him,” you announce, completely disregarding the baffled looks the two of you are getting from the throng of younger children to your side. “this is my new best friend.”
chan stops for a second, his brows raising; “hold on — ”
“do not tell me you’re jealous of a plushie.” you turn towards him, half-questioning, half-amused.
“listen,” he attempts, “i just mean that — i’m probably better at cuddling, you know. that thing can’t move its arms.”
“chan!” you splutter, laughing at the faux glare he shoots the tiny animal. “you’re kidding.”
his eyes flick to yours, his brows flick upwards. “am i?”
you roll your eyes, and assure him. “you’re not being replaced.” and for good measure, you drop a sweet kiss on his cheek, smiling when his ear go ever so slightly red.
(“it’s like a reward,” he quotes, brushing his fingers over where your lips have touched — that’s when you know it’s time to cut off his tiktok addiction.)
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an / that last part is just me being silly. sorryyy this is so short and not very good i’m doing a little bit insane i have SO MANT family members staying at my house (currently sleeping on a sofa bed in my parents’ room. u can imagine how that’s going.)
perm taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon @wondering-out-loud @graybaeismytae @hannyoontify @sahazzy @dokyeomin @icyminghao @smilehui @nicholasluvbot @lvlystars @immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya @doublasting @yepimthatonequirkyteenager @qaramu @weird-bookworm @phenomenalgirl9 @lightnjng @strnsvt
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sl-vega · 12 days
01; we need to stop meeting like this
project: love liason! - a scaramouche smau
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Getting out of your seat and walking towards Ms. Lisa's desk after everyone left to minimize potential embarrassment, you quickly claimed your phone and gave a quick, curt, apology before quickly running out the door and being met with Lyney's signature teasing grin.
"Don't start."
"Never did."
Lynette shortly followed, tapping his shoulder signifying that they were going to head to their next class together and you waved a temporary goodbye to the both of them before heading to your own locker.
184, 184, 184....
You chanted like a mantra in your head as you scoured the hallway for your locker, you knew where it was, it was just a bit hard to adjust to the new location.
A little while after searching for a bit, you finally managed to make your way over to your new designated locker. A bright pink post it note stuck onto the bland metal door with your last name written on it with bold sharpie to avoid confusion.
You plucked of the piece of paper off the door and slipped a few of your textbooks in plus a few binders, you were about to continue organizing before a tap on your shoulder interrupted your cleaning time.
"Could you move a bit?"
Vibrant violet eyes met your's and for a second you were lost for words. The boy didn't look familiar, maybe he was a transfer student?
"Oh, sorry, my bad."
You nervously shifted to the side a bit so the peculiar stranger could access his own locker.
Curiosity had gotten to you and you were about to ask for his name, but then he was promptly tackled by Venti, who's name you only knew because he was very adamant on getting you to join band in sophomore year.
"Venti- Do that again and I will kill you-"
Didn't seem like the most sociable type, maybe keeping your distance was for the best.
Other than the encounter with your new locker mate, nothing else during the day was notable.
...is what you would have said if he wasn't everywhere you went.
Second, third, fourth period, if you can count it, he was right there.
And your school was pretty big, so chances of having him in every single one of your classes were low.
But lo and behold some omnipotent being seemed to rig the system and just pelted this random kid face first into your life.
He seemed to catch on to it as well, but never actually mentioned anything, nor even talked to you either.
Your first first official conversation took place during an assembly at the end of the day to celebrate the start of the new school year, and to welcome the freshmen (that Furina still held a vehement disdain for.)
When the afternoon announcement came on calling down each of the grades, year by year, to head to the auditorium, you found yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with said boy as everyone else seemed to be shoving their way forward to find their friends.
Which you would have also been doing too, if you weren't already completely drained by now.
(Seriously Mr. Zhongli, homework on the first day? Who do you think you are?)
You turned your gaze to your 'new' classmate next to you, who was still mindlessly moving ahead like the rest of your class whilst scrolling on his phone.
Maybe you should try and strike up a conversation with him? Maybe he isn't a big fan of social interactions, but getting on his good side would certainly be convenient seeing as how much you would have to see him throughout the school year.
Hi! My name is (Y/N), what's your's?
You were nearing the entrance of the auditorium and you couldn't spot any of your friends yet, so maybe it kind of was a last ditch effort on your part, but it couldn't hurt.
Steeling your resolve as your class finally stepped foot into the large room, you properly turned to look at the boy and got your introduction ready in your head.
"Scara! There you are!"
Suddenly, a significantly taller figure tackled the other boy into a hug, interrupting your valiant effort to befriend the strange boy.
"Childe you're gonna choke me someday."
"You don't see more for the whole day and I don't even get a 'hi'? You're heartless man."
Suddenly Childe, (who you now only realized was Childe) turned to you this time, and your heart seemed to give out on you in that very moment.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)! I didn't know you two knew each other-"
"We don't-"
"-Don't mind him he's just going through a phase. Wanna sit with us?"
Wait- Wait what?! Did he just- There's no way it was that easy-
"I'd love to-"
"(Y/N)! We were looking for you!"
You heard Lyney yell from a few seats away, Chlorinde was also with your friends, next to Navia, she offered you a quick and polite smile and wave. Furina was patting a seat in between her and Navia, Mona was on her phone before greeting you. And Lynette mouthed 'I'm so sorry' from her seat next to Lyney because she was the only one who seemed to realize how shit her brother's timing was.
"Well, looks like you found your friends, I'll see you around yeah?"
You just nodded and muttered a soft 'Yeah, totally..." as the boy walked away with his arm slinged around his friend's shoulder presumably chatting his ear off.
You walked towards your friends, waving at the other girls before glaring at Lyney, who's shoulder was promptly swatted by Lynette.
"Fucking dumbass she was this close to getting one-on-one time with Childe!"
You slumped into your seat as you sighed.
Fate really did hate you huh?
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additional notes:
when idk how to make the slowburn slower, I just make one of the friends the scape goat
no see if lyney let them sit together the whole plot wouldn't have happened
(it is a canon event I fear)
lyney no.1 scarayn fan trust
also look at me go with the consistent uploads
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𝜗𝜚 SYNOPSIS: you're head over heels in love with childe, and scaramouche is (begrudingly) smitten with his "rival" mona. and, by sheer divine coincidence, you both happen to be the best friends of each other's objects of affection, so you strike a deal with each other. if scaramouche helps you ask out childe, you'll set him up with mona. so with the annual spring formal right around the corner, the two of you vow to be each other's wingmans so you can end your junior year on a high note (and maybe even kick off your senior year with a new relationship!). between, scheming, planning, and researching, you and scaramouche find yourselves developing a new relationship via helping each other out. now the real question is whether this friendship will remain as a pure platonic bond, or blossom into something more?
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🎀 - taglist!;
@agaygothicmushroom @035814 @freyao7, @sketcheeee @tsukimara @shyentsmissingink @justpeachyteastea @aries-afk @lxkeeeee @sakiimeo @sugxryratz @shutingstar @lalaloveallmydays @bellflower1257 @haruumei @kichiyosh1 @littlemisssatanist @dee-zbignuts @candyescapism @crimxeorcremeexistspeacefully @princess-peachy @franaby @jllyfsh-lvr @heusalettle
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