#stella barr
penguinpyro · 11 months
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Halloween smooches!
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laf-outloud · 5 months
FINDING OUR WAY BACK; MATT BARR GUEST STARS – Walker (Jared Padalecki), Trey (Jeff Pierre) and Cassie (Ashley Reyes) prepare for what Captain James (Coby Bell) has in store for them at HQ. Meanwhile, Stella (Violet Brinson) and August (Kale Culley) start to put some pieces together. Lastly, Walker makes plans for his future and Liam (Keegan Allen) questions his brother’s motives. Also starring, Molly Hagan, Mitch Pileggi, and Odette Annable. Bola Ogun directed the episode written by Bret VandenBos & Brandon Willer (#406). Original airdate 5/8/2024.
The synopsis is up for Walker 4x06! Looks like we're either getting a ghost or a flashback for this one!
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positivexcellence · 5 months
Walker 4x06 "We All Fall Down"
FINDING OUR WAY BACK; MATT BARR GUEST STARS – Walker (Jared Padalecki), Trey (Jeff Pierre) and Cassie (Ashley Reyes) prepare for what Captain James (Coby Bell) has in store for them at HQ. Meanwhile, Stella (Violet Brinson) and August (Kale Culley) start to put some pieces together. Lastly, Walker makes plans for his future and Liam (Keegan Allen) questions his brother’s motives. Also starring, Molly Hagan, Mitch Pileggi, and Odette Annable. Bola Ogun directed the episode written by Bret VandenBos & Brandon Miller (#406). Original airdate 5/8/2024. (x)
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Walker Season 4 theories
I've been tentatively theorizing where things were heading with season 4 since we got the season 3 finale. The reveal of the season 4 trailer only got my thoughts racing again. There is so much to talk about but I'm no tin a place to do a full trailer analysis just yet so, for today, I wanted to do just a quick post going over the biggest questions and theories I have for season 4.
I'm going to go in order of how intense my ideas are, from least to most. So, first up, let's talk about Liam.
We only got a split second of him in the clip but there's still a bit to talk about. First off, his hair has been chopped off and I'm not sure how I feel about the styling. The second thing is that he looks to be wearing his typical lawyer suit. Based on the fact that there's no evidence of them trying to make him look younger for a flashback, whatever Liam is doing is happening in the present day. Which begs the question: why?
I think the simplest, and correct, answer is that this is related to the break-in we saw in 3x18. Stella and Sadie are both in potential trouble because they didn't report the break-in nor that the shot was self-defense. It's possible the culprit could turn this around on them. It's also possible he's representing Sadie alone but I'll talk more about that when I talk about my theories relating to her.
Next, I want to talk about August.
I think we left off with a bit of a cliffhanger for him at the end of season 3. His plotline with feeling ignored and treated like a child within the family definitely wasn't over in 3x18 and I think there's some opportunities to expand on it in season 4, albeit in a limited capacity given the number of episodes and the big Jackal plot going on.
I think we're going to see him focusing more on his goal of joining the military, but I also think there's a good chance he could get himself in trouble trying to help Sadie. He's clearly smitten with her and I think it would make him feel good for her to come to him specifically for help. All that is just speculation, of course, but I think his little talk in the trailer about being there for Stella could lead into him getting involved with Sadie's problems as well.
Next, there's the Cordell/Geri issue. Or issues. Or how much I hope that there aren't issues.
Cordri has been on a bumpy ride since season 1 and while I have come to appreciate their relationship over time, I wish it wouldn't get caught up in nonsense plots so often. I was hoping that the confirmation that they were going to try again in 3x18 would mean smooth sailing for season 4, especially with the limited episodes, but the trailer gives me doubts.
While we do see Geri and Cordell together, we also see her look of what appears to be hesitation or apprehension after he says he loves her. Maybe it's as simple as there being so much going on in the context of that moment that Geri just doesn't think it's the right time. But I fear it may be something deeper.
As I've said previously, this couple is no stranger to drama, and it tends to come from Cordell pretending that everything is fine while Geri is having/seeing problems. Based on that small moment in the trailer and the bts content we received from Oddette of filming in a graveyard and Matt Barr's appearance, makes me think it's going to happen again. I think Geri may be having some feelings of guilt or doubt about her relationship with Cordell, possibly brought up by Sadie coming into their lives. I have no doubt Anna Fricke will find a way to keep them together, I just worry how the fans will handle this hurdle.
Or maybe I'm just over thinking this whole thing. Who knows?
Next, I want to talk about Stella.
One of the big things I picked up on in the season 4 trailer is how the events of 3x18 are going to be haunting Stella. Beyond the very real threat posed by the red writing on her window, she seems to be dealing with a lot of guilt. Guilt for almost killing someone, possibly also guilt for keeping this big secret. This may also turn into guilt over putting her family in danger with her reckless actions. It also looks like she's going to be keeping most of this to herself and it's affecting her enough that August is speaking up about it.
Something else that stood out at me from the trailer was the shot of Stella standing at a grave. From what we know Witt is either still alive or his body was collected by whoever he was working for, so I doubt that's his grave, though I could understand Stella visiting it to go along with her guilt plotline. Another possibility is Emily's grave, but that seems like a very strange placement and style for it. Unless the headstone has been severely delayed and she specifically requested to be buried in this remote area, I just don't see this being Emily's resting place.
The only other possibility that comes to my mind is Trevor. He's someone Stella cared deeply about and given how fragmented his family was by the end, it would stand to reason that they wouldn't be able to afford a proper grave and headstone for him, if they even wanted to put one together. And given how Trevor ended up in jail in the first place, it would make sense for Stella to hear about his death, even if she wasn't directly told about it. I admit it would be a strange way to end that plotline but right now this is the only thing that makes sense, unless it's some character we haven't met before.
This brings us to my final theory: How Sadie fits into everything.
I've had a theory simmering for a while that it wasn't by chance Sadie and Geri met, nor is it a coincidence that Witt broke into the house shortly after she introduced him to Stella. I think there is a strong chance Sadie is working for whoever was behind the break-in.
Not in an antagonistic way, mind you. I think she got into a lot of financial trouble after her mother died, something strongly implied both by her song and the fact that she met Witt while dining and dashing. I think these people saw a young girl in a vulnerable position and "helped" her by taking care of her debt- and now she has to pay them back. Since it's not likely she'll be able to pay them back with money, I wouldn't be surprised if they have her doing favors for them- such as giving them information on the Walkers.
This doesn't necessarily explain the break in. What was Witt looking for in Geri's house? And why was he there so late at night? @theladywyn and I have speculated that this is related to Hoyt, given that she got into contact with Geri first. Maybe Hoyt did something that pissed these people off and they're looking for payback. Our current theory is that Hoyt stole something from them that they want back and that he may have hidden it with Geri. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to sneak onto the ranch next if they couldn't find whatever it was in the house.
All this to say, I think Sadie is going to have a bigger role in season 4. We know from Odette's instagram that she was already on set and since they only just finished up 7 and 8, I think there's a good chance she's around for most of not all of the season. I think she has a bigger story to tell and I can't wait to see it.
But those are just my thoughts.
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agentcable · 2 months
Chicago Fire Season 4 Ep. 21 "Kind of a Crazy Idea"
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Dawson saves a boy from a fire; Kidd's Molly's idea fails; Severide hits a wall while advocating for new fire masks; Cruz and Brett use a secret weapon to get Otis to see Halstead take a blood test.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Dawson and Casey are in bed together. After sex, Dawson wants him to get pancakes with her. Casey has to leave. He has a meeting about a youth center.
Later, a call comes in for a structure fire. They arrive at an apartment building and Boden tells them to clear the floors before the ceilings cave in. Herrmann and Dawson find a woman passed out in a building with hardly any smoke. It's not smoke inhalation. They find a needle in her arm. She overdosed. Herrmann carries the woman out. Dawson finds a toddler hiding under a table. She coaxes him out as the building collapses. Herrmann gets the woman outside and puts her on a stretcher. Dawson gets the boy out just in time. She carries him to the back of Sylvie's ambulance, but he won't let go, so she rides with him to the hospital.
Back in the break room, Stella is taking her bar management seriously and wants Herrmann to get an Artisan ice machine. Cruz finds Otis. Will tells him about the blood tests he never got done. Will is worried about the big bruises on Otis's back. Otis laughs it off and says the bruises went away. He says it's not that serious.
At the hospital, Dawson learns the woman who overdosed was not his mother - she was a foster mother. Child Protective Services arrives. She says they were investigating her and planning to move Louie. Dawson is upset, but lets Cantrell take Louie away. She says he is going to a group home.
After the fire, Severide finds Boden. They need thermal imaging masks. Severide and Otis nearly died trying to save a Star Wars toy. If they had the masks, they would have known it wasn't a person. Boden says Chief Barr won't order them because they're over budget. Severide visits Chief Barr and they argue. Barr says there is not enough money.
Dawons gets back to the firehouse. She tells them Louie went to the group home. Dawson feels bad because Louie kept asking for a blanket. Dawson goes back to the burnt apartment and finds the blanket. She gives it to Cantrell at her office. Cantrell says Louie has no family, but they're trying to find him a new foster family.
Cruz doesn't think Otis is okay. He wants him to get tested. He calls baba and asks her to come to the fire station to talk to Otis. After she yells at him, Otis is upset but says he'll go to the hospital after work to get blood work done.
Sylvie rushes to the scene after a call for an ambulance. A kid meets them outside and says Damon is acting like he has rabies. They rush inside and find him foaming at the mouth and gasping for air. Damon's friends say they made him drink soy sauce. Sylvie says he's having a sodium overdose. Sylvie goes back to the firehouse. She thinks Damon won't make it. He was in a coma by the time they got him to the hospital. She tells Cruz they did the right thing by calling Baba. Damon's friends waited too long to call for help.
Otis goes in for blood work with Cruz and Sylvie. Will tells Otis he doesn't have leukemia. He has a blood platelet disorder and his blood isn't clotting. He's lucky he didn't bleed to death. He needs treatment fast to stop is brain bleeding. Otis is upset when Will says he can't go back to work until they get the platelets under control.
Casey gets home late from the youth center meeting, and Dawson is waiting. She wants them to foster Louie. She can't stop thinking about him, and he has no family. Dawson says it's fate. Casey agrees Louie deserves a family, but they're too busy. They can't take care of him. Dawson is upset. She makes up an excuse to leave and leaves.
The next day, Dawson talks to Casey at work. She says it's not right for Casey to take in a child. It's the right time for her. Dawson says she'll take care of Louie by herself. She's already met with Cantrell to become a foster parent.
There's a fire call at Molly's, Herrmann's bar. They put out the fire before it spreads. An electrical fire started by the ice maker Stella got for Herrmann.
Back at the firehouse, they get good news. Casey used his position to get the money for the firehouse to get the thermal gear Severide wanted. Boden thanks him for his help. It seems politics is his calling.
In the locker room, Dawson asks Herrmann if she'll make a good him. He doesn't think so, but he knows she'll be a good mother. Cruz checks on Otis and finds him throwing out junk food. Cruz is proud of him and says they'll beat this together.
Dawson meets with Cantrell. She is upset that it takes over a month to become a foster parent. Cantrell says they'll put Louie in another home by then. They can't keep him at the group home until Dawson is approved. Dawson is upset, but Cantrell lets her visit with Louie and they read a book.
Stella is trying to fix the wall at Molly's that was ruined by her ice machine. Severide shows up and offers to help. She is clearly struggling. They end up hooking up.
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artisticlegshake · 2 years
1st Ian Stegeman - WOODBURY OTE!
2nd Veda Schilplin - THE DANCE COMPLEX OTE!
2nd Keira Redpath - LARKIN OTE!
2nd Claire Monge - LARKIN OTE!
2nd Riley Zeitler - WESTLAKE OTE!
2nd Lynlie Ferrin - THE DANCE COMPLEX OTE!
2nd Angelina Elliot - SUMMIT OTE!
3rd Preslie Lopez - THE DANCE COMPLEX OTE!
3rd Keira Card - WOODBURY OTE!
3rd Evie Richard - PREMIER OTE!
3rd Brooklyn Alstead - SUMMIT OTE!
3rd Ava Munos - LARKIN OTE!
3rd Ava Rothmund - LARKIN OTE!
4th Caleb Abea - LARKIN OTE!
5th Olivia Shelton - LARKIN OTE!
5th Ariana Erickson - WOODBURY OTE!
5th Makenna Allison - THE DANCE COMPLEX OTE!
5th Erik Barker - STUDIO 4 OTE!
5th Noelle Huffer - WOODBURY OTE!
5th Stella Blackwood - SUMMIT OTE!
5th Braylin Uselding - THE DANCE COMPLEX OTE!
5th Ashley Purdie - SHELLEY SHEARER OTE!
6th Kenzie Karges - LARKIN
6th Lillian Brunello - STUDIO 4
6th Kylie Carter - YYCDP
6th Lucye Backstrom - MADILL
7th Elisa Quaresima - THE DIFFERENCE
7th Ariana Koniecko - THE DIFFERENCE
7th lHarlow Pike - LARKIN
7th Alexa Bergmann - HUDSON
8th Kylie Hedtke - THE DANCE COMPLEX
8th Luella Curry - SUMMIT
8th Matissa Conrad - LARKIN
8th Audrey Proulx - WOODBURY
8th Taylor Hallgren - MADILL
9th Brittany Uittenbogaard - THE DANCE WAREHOUSE
9th Sydney Hamilton - WOODBURY
9th Ava Wood - STUDIO 4
9th Anna Bollman - WOODBURY
9th Maggie Frommelt - WOODBURY
10th Stella Hunt - NORTHERN LIGHTS
10th Olivia Grefsheim - RED RIVER
10th Zoe Zielinski - WOODBURY
10th Kate Nessler  - DANCE EXPRESS
10th Alexis Sbarbaro - WOODBURY
10th Peyton Barr - HUDSON
10th Alysa Sheeran - DANCE EXPRESS
10th Rylee Tyson - DANCE STUDIO C
10th Mason Johnson - THE DANCE COMPLEX
10th Skylar Okerlund - SUMMIT
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Stella McCartney Adidas 2 in 1 Running Shorts S 4 6 Floral Mesh Athletic Gym Yog.
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hbhughes · 3 months
Megan L. Shinal
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Megan L. Shinal, 53, of Wilkes Barre Twp, passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 16,2024, at Geisinger Wyoming Valley surrounded by her family.
Born in Kingston on August 26, 1970, she was the daughter of Margaret Carl Hoats and the late Boyd Hoats.
Megan was a graduate of Wyoming Valley West class of 1988. She worked as a manager of Zales for several years and was a top performer in the area. She was a member of the Forty Fort Presbyterian Church.
Megan enjoyed creating her one-of-a-kind signs, but most importantly spending time with her son, grandchildren and family. She was also a very good singer and loved karaoke.
She is preceded in death by her father, Mayor Boyd Hoats: grandparents, Merton and Marguerite Carl and Clifford and Mildred Hoats.
Megan is survived by her mother Maragret Hoats, Forty Fort: husband, Robert Shinal; son, Robert Shinal Jr. (Alexis) WB Twp; grandchildren, Nevaeh and Mason; sisters, Kimberly Duffy (Sean) Plains, Rebecca Zavada (Daniel) Forty Fort; Brother, Boyd Hoats (Kristin) Dallas: brother-in-law, Jerry Shinal (Anita) WB Twp; and several nieces and nephews and one great niece.
Family and friends are invited from 4 to 7 PM on Sunday, June 23rd at Hugh B. Hughes & Son, Inc. Funeral Home, 1044 Wyoming Ave, Forty Fort.
Funeral Services will be held at 10 AM on Monday, June 24th at Hugh B. Hughes & Son, Inc. Funeral Home with Rev. William Lukesh officiating. Interment will be private at the convenience of the family.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Stella Presbyterian Church, Forty Fort or Federation of the Blind.
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spoilertv · 3 months
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zynga-france · 1 year
Course de traction de tracteurs
Course de traction de tracteurs
Tu savais qu'un tracteur est le meilleur ami du fermier ? Nous passons beaucoup de temps à entretenir ces beautés !
Voyons qui a le tracteur le plus rapide de notre ferme en rejoignant Mili la mécanicienne, Cody le commentateur et Richie la pilote lors de l'événement Course de traction de tracteurs. Que la traction commence !
Cette fonctionnalité sera débloquée au niveau 12. Tu verras s'afficher un message t'invitant à l'événement Course de traction de tracteurs.. Tu devras peut-être forcer la fermeture du jeu ou redémarrer ton appareil pour voir la dernière mise à jour.
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Viens sur la piste de course et prépare-toi avant le départ !
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Appuie sur le bouton avec une icône Trophée pour commencer l'événement.
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La course de traction de tracteurs se déroule en deux étapes. La 1re aura lieu du 14 au 19 juin 2023, et la 2e du 20 au 25 juin 2023. Tu auras 12 jours pour terminer les 2 étapes et remporter des récompenses !
Remporte l'or au cours d'une étape pour gagner Turbo Taco comme ouvrier agricole permanent. Remporte l'or au cours des deux étapes du classement pour obtenir Perez ronronnante !
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Classement de la Course de traction de tracteurs
Pour terminer une étape, tu dois fabriquer des objets et remplir des commandes. Ggane des points Vitesse pour chaque commande de l'événement que tu remplis.
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Remplis autant de commandes que possible pour gagner plus de points et ainsi grimper dans le classement !
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Récompenses de classement
Gagne de grandes récompenses en atteignant les trois premiers rangs dans le classement.
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Étape 1
Aucun trophée : 5 mozzarellas, 5 similicuirs
Bronze : 1 timbre d'argent, 1 clou de grange et 5 gants dorés
Argent : 2 timbres d'or, 2 cadenas, 10 clés et un badge Œuforique
Or : Turbo Taco comme ouvrier agricole permanent
Étape 2
Aucun trophée : 1 000 pièces
Bronze : 1 timbre d'argent, 1 clou de grange et 5 gants dorés
Argent : 2 timbres d'or, 2 cadenas, 10 clés et un badge Tous à la mine
Or : Turbo Taco comme ouvrier agricole permanent ou remporte l'or dans les deux étapes pour obtenir Perez ronronnante
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Boost de classement :
Tu peux gagner plus de points Vitesse en utilisant des  boosts Classement ! Ils durent une heure et tu ne peux en sélectionner qu'un seul à la fois.
Le boost d'argent te fait gagner 50 % de points en plus.
Le boost d'or te fait gagner 100 % de points en plus.
Le boost de diamant te fait gagner 200 % de points en plus.
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Bonus de trophée d'équipe :
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Le bonus de trophée d'équipe est une boîte mystère que tu peux recevoir grâce à tes points Vitesse ! Remplis la barre en terminant des commandes !
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Une fois la barre pleine, tu recevras tes récompenses ! Appuie sur le bouton Récupérer la récompense pour obtenir tes prix.
Passe de l'événement Course de traction de tracteurs :
Avec le passe de l'événement Course de traction de tracteurs, tu peux doubler tes récompenses lorsque tu remportes un trophée d'argent ou de bronze dans les deux étapes.
Tu peux également obtenir l'ouvrière agricole temporaire Stella l'optimiste pendant 21 jours en gagnant le trophée d'or dans les deux étapes.
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Lieu d'intérêt temporaire : l'atelier de tuning
L'atelier de tuning est un lieu temporaire où tu peux trouver les objets de l'événement nécessaires dans chaque recette.
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Ouvriers agricoles temporaires : Michelle la mécano et Cody la commentatrice
Tu peux engager Michelle la mécano et/ou Cody la commentatrice comme ouvriers agricoles pour t'aider à terminer l'événement Course de tracteurs. Elles te donneront plus de chances de trouver des objets rares de l'événement.
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Remarque :  Michelle la mécano et Cody la commentatrice sont des ouvriers agricoles temporaires qui resteront dans ta ferme uniquement pendant la durée de l'événement. Pour profiter d'eux au maximum, mieux vaut les recruter le plus tôt possible.
Nouveaux objets et où les obtenir :
Étape 1
Mozzarella : atelier de tuning, clairière et auprès des vaches et des poules primées
Étape 2
Similicuir : atelier de tuning, mine et auprès des moutons, cochons et rennes primés
Étape 3
Glaçons : atelier de tuning, mare, estacade, moulin et auprès des chèvres et des chevaux primés
Classement et récompenses
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0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
Moved, and through a little to be eaten
And thro’ mystick Mazes guide: of     these matter. Now disjoin, what sense to forsakest me? Doubt     you, that undulant white from myself a slave. With heauens, this     wreck did rayse, your Pleasure
proofe I may call, came glimmers in     numbers shou’d ever weare: yet never whispered lowly, how     dark the world would, or paint the which snatches of love, and blow,     the heard on the two hearts
with light,—and would heape with his sight?     Hear and petals finding wind waved my hair to wake me. But     beautyes grace in their priestess, at her Head. The consequences     grow cold and thoughts,
forgotten—in folly rich is my     father his sheepe, what to the Turkey who lies and plighted     in a barre against myself bring for desperate in heaven     there’s ivy! Time
drives to live with, hand in the garded     from other souls in Little Men? Us, waits for the     season is good sex. How many teares: yet neuer: stella,     who must I: for whose
halcyon days; t is true that     holy dream of delight: but kindling as warrior maid     invincible, arm’d with thee were beaten with tryed state, neede feare     not in innocence! By
some sudden glow: she fount of     fiery Termagants into shallow grac’d her who still sing,     burying, and sticks, bleach. Ne let false New England! Ordered     for all; who did but dropsies,
take delicious plot the nobler     and bring in the Throne. Night to beware—what is it, my     Hearts with his merry to divine, but gazing fed; and thou,     and of Female Errors
fall, in the night, with one mad. Moved,     and through a little to be eaten. Just like a grave at     all. As when her bed; he snored all over us. And     oft in the hid and me,
though truth mai’st see by glim’ring of     their wanton ways: I measuring the thrush replyes, the bed     to me, the youngest are at my feet, high over the Patch-     box fell; the tott’ring frown.
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penguinpyro · 1 year
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Vampire smooches (incoming)!
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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@greghovanessian Photo creds: 📸 @damangoshake , @ellehtee ❤️❤️❤️
I see an awful lot of smiles!
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Baby Gang: il nuovo album "Innocente" al secondo posto della classifica ufficiale FIMI/GFK 
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Baby Gang: il nuovo album "Innocente" al secondo posto della classifica ufficiale FIMI/GFK. Dopo essere entrato al n. 3 nella classifica globale di debutto “INNOCENTE” , il nuovo album di BABY GANG pubblicato venerdì 26 maggio fa il suo ingresso al n.2 della chart ufficiale Fimi/Gfk. “INNOCENTE” ospita al suo interno prestigiose collaborazioni con grandi artisti della scena italiana: Guè, Emis Killa, Rondodasosa, Baby K, Ghali e Lazza a cui vanno ad unirsi anche la stella francese Lacrim e il rapper albanese Elai. 14 i nuovi brani pronti per consolidare il successo di uno fra i rapper più interessanti degli ultimi anni: una varietà di produzioni (2nd Roof, Drillionaire, FT Kings, Arena Ettore e Bobo, curatore artistico di tutto il progetto) sondano sonorità differenti e ricche di influenze che sottolineano le molteplici appartenenze culturali di BABY GANG, dove il rapper di Lecco gioca con la propria versatilità anche linguistica uscendone sempre vincitore. Ritornelli catchy e un beat boom bap avvolgente aprono la tracklist con “Cella 4”, proseguendo lungo tutto l’album in perfetto equilibrio fra cassa dritta, mix di ispirazioni francesi, trap, dembow e molti altri ritmi fra influenze Latin e Arab che si mescolano diventando sperimentazioni inaspettate, e che danno al progetto un respiro estremamente vario e internazionale. Queste e molte altre le sorprese di "INNOCENTE", un album che dimostra la crescita musicale e la capacità di BABY GANG di trasformare ogni spinoso argomento legato alle sue vicende personali in strofe mature e consapevoli in cui nessuna frase è lasciata al caso. L’ora d’aria diventa un ritornello, la frustrazione degli errori una punchline, i sentimenti fanno capolino tra i brani lasciando uno spiraglio di normalità fra i crudi racconti del rapper. Barre leggere ma taglienti in cui lo stile e il flow di BABY GANG sanno trasformare in melodia anche il più difficile dei racconti, e la sua scrittura diventa un potente mezzo di denuncia ma anche di autodisciplina, concentrandosi sul proprio ruolo non solo nella scena musicale ma anche nella società attuale. Fra riflessioni e confessioni, “INNOCENTE” è un concept album in tutto e per tutto, un progetto in grado di fotografare l’esatto momento in cui BABY GANG ha vinto la propria battaglia con il mondo esterno, cementando il proprio immaginario reale e senza filtri e rendendolo iconico in un panorama musicale che ha fame di talento e di verità. Di seguito la tracklist di “INNOCENTE”: CELLA 4 NAPOLETANO QUE LO KE TONY MONTANA feat. Guè GUSTAVO feat. Lacrim BARRIO COME MAI feat. Emis Killa MAMA AFRICA feat. Rondodasosa AMIGO feat. Elai FREESTYLE 2 PUSSY REGGAETON feat. Baby K TIFFANY feat. Ghali RESTARE feat. Lazza “INNOCENTE” segue la pubblicazione dell’album d’esordio “Delinquente”, l’album d’esordio certificato ORO pubblicato nel 2021, e gli ep “EP1” e “EP2” - entrambi certificati ORO - ricchi di featuring internazionali e di hit che hanno contribuito al successo inarrestabile di BABY GANG. Fra queste, “Mentalité” (ORO) è il brano che ha proiettato il profilo del rapper nelle classifiche di tutta Europa e in particolare nelle TOP 10 di paesi come Austria, Repubblica Ceca, Svezia, Danimarca, Finlandia, Grecia, Ungheria, Slovacchia e molti altri, superando i 100 milioni di stream globali. Non solo, con gli speciali remix del brano pubblicati negli ultimi mesi e realizzati con gli artisti internazionali Ashe 22 (Francia), C.Gambino (Svezia) e Kalim (Germania), fino all’unico italiano nell’ultimo dei remix pubblicati, Neves17, BABY GANG ha di fatto affermato definitivamente il suo enorme potenziale internazionale agli occhi di tutta la scena urban, posizionandosi fra i migliori artisti della sua generazione.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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dataplusweb-blog · 1 year
un puissant outil qui combine GPT3, Chat-J, SEOQuantum pour générer un contenu SEO en 3 minutes
Redaction.io, un puissant outil web qui combine GPT3, Chat-J et SEOQuantum pour générer un contenu SEO en 3 minutes
L’outil, qui utilise la puissance d’OpenAI, Chat-J et SEOQuantum, peut générer des contenus SEO à partir d’un simple mot-clé. Une véritable révolution dans le monde de la rédaction web.
Par Stella Rosso - @Stella__Rosso
Illustration : Redaction.io.
Depuis quelques années, l’intelligence artificielle donne une nouvelle dimension au secteur de la rédaction web. Des outils alimentés par cette technologie assistent les professionnels dans leur processus d’écriture, à l’image de Redaction.io.
L’innovation française est capable de générer des contenus uniques, qualitatifs et optimisés en seulement trois minutes. Comment fonctionne-t-elle ? Quels sont ses avantages ? Quel impact sur le métier de rédacteur web ? Zoom sur la solution qui révolutionne le travail de rédaction.
Redaction.io, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Redaction.io est un outil mis au point par les équipes de SEOQuantum, la plateforme spécialisée dans l’analyse sémantique et l’optimisation de contenus.
Meta prévoit d’utiliser l’IA générative pour créer des publicités
Le but de cette innovation est simple : vous aider à rédiger plus simplement et rapidement des textes SEO optimisés. Pour ce faire, la solution exploite trois technologies robustes :
Chat-J, modèle de traitement automatique du langage open source développé par la start-up française NLP Cloud,
OpenAI, aujourd’hui bien connu du grand public grâce au développement de son outil phare ChatGPT,
et bien sûr, SEOQuantum.
Autant dire que Redaction.io est bien équipé. Ces technologies lui permettent de mettre au service des rédacteurs web et des éditeurs de sites un algorithme unique et hautement performant.
Une innovation qui révolutionne l’écriture de vos textes SEO
Vous l’aurez compris, Redaction.io vise à transformer l’écriture de contenus SEO. Pour ce faire, chaque étape du processus a été grandement simplifiée. La première consiste à entrer le mot-clé sur lequel vous souhaitez vous positionner dans la barre de recherche prévue à cet effet, et c’est tout. Pas besoin de fournir de multiples instructions pour obtenir un contenu qualitatif et optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche. La requête clé est le seul champ à remplir.
À partir de cet élément, il faut moins de trois minutes à Redaction.io pour vous générer :
un texte SEO complet avec introduction, développement et conclusion,
un titre,
une méta description,
une URL.
Le contenu proposé est, bien entendu, 100 % unique. En effet, l’intelligence artificielle exploitée par l’outil agrège toutes les informations disponibles à grande échelle afin d’avoir une idée du sujet. Elle s’occupe alors de rédiger le texte idéal. Pour arriver à un tel résultat, Redaction.io utilise aussi la puissance de SEOQuantum Content Brief, vous assurant d’avoir un article correspondant parfaitement à votre intention de recherche et comprenant les bons mots-clés.
Illustration : Redaction.io.
Le texte peut ensuite être utilisé comme bon vous semble. Avant de le publier, il est toutefois conseillé de personnaliser le texte et d’ajouter les informations qui vous paraissent manquantes. Bien que la formulation des phrases soit de haute qualité, le ton naturel et les infos toujours vérifiées, l’expertise humaine reste irremplaçable.
L’outil met-il en péril le métier de rédacteur web ?
C’est la grande discussion du moment : le métier de rédacteur web est-il voué à disparaître à cause de la puissance des intelligences artificielles ? La réponse est non. Comme évoqué précédemment, des outils tels que Redaction.io révolutionnent le processus d’écriture de contenus SEO, mais demande néanmoins une relecture et quelques ajustements de la part d’un expert.
Cependant, les rédacteurs web peuvent utiliser ce type de solutions pour travailler plus efficacement et trouver des idées de sujets à aborder, de plan détaillé ou tout simplement pour écrire plus rapidement.
Au quotidien, Redaction.io apparaît donc comme un point d’appui indispensable pour les rédacteurs, les éditeurs de sites et les spécialistes du SEO. Innovante et simple à prendre en main, la solution vous aidera à obtenir des contenus de qualité sans y passer des heures.
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