#walker wednesday
laf-outloud · 4 months
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Yes, we have waited long enough!
Welcome back, Cordell, and the rest of the Walker cast!
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spnj2fanlw · 2 months
Walker was so fricken good tonight. I gotta say Cordell has definitely joined Sam and Dean in my fav characters of all time list. Is it just me or is he like this great mix of the boys without their crazy trauma? I mean cordi has his own stuff but it's regular life stuff that he is dealing with and moving on from and he's just so open. He can actually say i love you to someone. Anyway, just on a Walkerwednesday high. Season 4 episode 3 was fantastic.
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lacilou · 2 months
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Free Choice
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hexedwinchester · 6 hours
When it's Walker Wednesday
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enidtendo64 · 10 months
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Double date night!
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twicetheheartx2 · 3 months
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Sora & Vega’s mugshots after their first run-in with Jericho’s police department, aka Skywolf Barbie meme.
@barb-l Honestly, I was almost done with these when I had the idea of how Sheriff Walker would react to finding out he has to deal with an Addams' spawn and then how Enid & Wednesday would react to Vega getting arrested. Which then led to the fact that getting arrested is basically an Addams Family tradition at this point. And it was just too funny to pass up on both ideas, so I just had to draw it.
The lil comic:
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And the Addams Family mugshots:
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Enid Sinclair knows what she likes!!
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invertcolor · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Love and be loved. <3
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sillyzter · 8 months
SOOO today is positivity wednesday (totaly made up by me don't worry)! And don't forget to remember that You are absolutely stunning...
specially if you use a cane
specially if you use a walker
specially if you use crutches
specially if you use a wheelchair
specially if you use back aids for scoliosis and posture issues
specially if you have a prothesis
specially if you use ANY aids i forgot to mention
No, I did not mean "even if" instead of "specially if", your aids don't equal ugly or weird, you are pretty, handsome, beautiful, whatever it is that you prefer. You are not any less just because of your mobility aid. And though it may seem obvious, it's nice to be reminded about this FACT.
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laf-outloud · 2 months
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I wasn't ready for this! So hot!!! 🔥🔥🔥
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bisexualchaosdemon · 2 months
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At little "fixed it" for wip wednesday
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spnj2fanlw · 1 month
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Walker Season 4 theories
I've been tentatively theorizing where things were heading with season 4 since we got the season 3 finale. The reveal of the season 4 trailer only got my thoughts racing again. There is so much to talk about but I'm no tin a place to do a full trailer analysis just yet so, for today, I wanted to do just a quick post going over the biggest questions and theories I have for season 4.
I'm going to go in order of how intense my ideas are, from least to most. So, first up, let's talk about Liam.
We only got a split second of him in the clip but there's still a bit to talk about. First off, his hair has been chopped off and I'm not sure how I feel about the styling. The second thing is that he looks to be wearing his typical lawyer suit. Based on the fact that there's no evidence of them trying to make him look younger for a flashback, whatever Liam is doing is happening in the present day. Which begs the question: why?
I think the simplest, and correct, answer is that this is related to the break-in we saw in 3x18. Stella and Sadie are both in potential trouble because they didn't report the break-in nor that the shot was self-defense. It's possible the culprit could turn this around on them. It's also possible he's representing Sadie alone but I'll talk more about that when I talk about my theories relating to her.
Next, I want to talk about August.
I think we left off with a bit of a cliffhanger for him at the end of season 3. His plotline with feeling ignored and treated like a child within the family definitely wasn't over in 3x18 and I think there's some opportunities to expand on it in season 4, albeit in a limited capacity given the number of episodes and the big Jackal plot going on.
I think we're going to see him focusing more on his goal of joining the military, but I also think there's a good chance he could get himself in trouble trying to help Sadie. He's clearly smitten with her and I think it would make him feel good for her to come to him specifically for help. All that is just speculation, of course, but I think his little talk in the trailer about being there for Stella could lead into him getting involved with Sadie's problems as well.
Next, there's the Cordell/Geri issue. Or issues. Or how much I hope that there aren't issues.
Cordri has been on a bumpy ride since season 1 and while I have come to appreciate their relationship over time, I wish it wouldn't get caught up in nonsense plots so often. I was hoping that the confirmation that they were going to try again in 3x18 would mean smooth sailing for season 4, especially with the limited episodes, but the trailer gives me doubts.
While we do see Geri and Cordell together, we also see her look of what appears to be hesitation or apprehension after he says he loves her. Maybe it's as simple as there being so much going on in the context of that moment that Geri just doesn't think it's the right time. But I fear it may be something deeper.
As I've said previously, this couple is no stranger to drama, and it tends to come from Cordell pretending that everything is fine while Geri is having/seeing problems. Based on that small moment in the trailer and the bts content we received from Oddette of filming in a graveyard and Matt Barr's appearance, makes me think it's going to happen again. I think Geri may be having some feelings of guilt or doubt about her relationship with Cordell, possibly brought up by Sadie coming into their lives. I have no doubt Anna Fricke will find a way to keep them together, I just worry how the fans will handle this hurdle.
Or maybe I'm just over thinking this whole thing. Who knows?
Next, I want to talk about Stella.
One of the big things I picked up on in the season 4 trailer is how the events of 3x18 are going to be haunting Stella. Beyond the very real threat posed by the red writing on her window, she seems to be dealing with a lot of guilt. Guilt for almost killing someone, possibly also guilt for keeping this big secret. This may also turn into guilt over putting her family in danger with her reckless actions. It also looks like she's going to be keeping most of this to herself and it's affecting her enough that August is speaking up about it.
Something else that stood out at me from the trailer was the shot of Stella standing at a grave. From what we know Witt is either still alive or his body was collected by whoever he was working for, so I doubt that's his grave, though I could understand Stella visiting it to go along with her guilt plotline. Another possibility is Emily's grave, but that seems like a very strange placement and style for it. Unless the headstone has been severely delayed and she specifically requested to be buried in this remote area, I just don't see this being Emily's resting place.
The only other possibility that comes to my mind is Trevor. He's someone Stella cared deeply about and given how fragmented his family was by the end, it would stand to reason that they wouldn't be able to afford a proper grave and headstone for him, if they even wanted to put one together. And given how Trevor ended up in jail in the first place, it would make sense for Stella to hear about his death, even if she wasn't directly told about it. I admit it would be a strange way to end that plotline but right now this is the only thing that makes sense, unless it's some character we haven't met before.
This brings us to my final theory: How Sadie fits into everything.
I've had a theory simmering for a while that it wasn't by chance Sadie and Geri met, nor is it a coincidence that Witt broke into the house shortly after she introduced him to Stella. I think there is a strong chance Sadie is working for whoever was behind the break-in.
Not in an antagonistic way, mind you. I think she got into a lot of financial trouble after her mother died, something strongly implied both by her song and the fact that she met Witt while dining and dashing. I think these people saw a young girl in a vulnerable position and "helped" her by taking care of her debt- and now she has to pay them back. Since it's not likely she'll be able to pay them back with money, I wouldn't be surprised if they have her doing favors for them- such as giving them information on the Walkers.
This doesn't necessarily explain the break in. What was Witt looking for in Geri's house? And why was he there so late at night? @theladywyn and I have speculated that this is related to Hoyt, given that she got into contact with Geri first. Maybe Hoyt did something that pissed these people off and they're looking for payback. Our current theory is that Hoyt stole something from them that they want back and that he may have hidden it with Geri. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to sneak onto the ranch next if they couldn't find whatever it was in the house.
All this to say, I think Sadie is going to have a bigger role in season 4. We know from Odette's instagram that she was already on set and since they only just finished up 7 and 8, I think there's a good chance she's around for most of not all of the season. I think she has a bigger story to tell and I can't wait to see it.
But those are just my thoughts.
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goodfoe2002 · 3 months
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I think y’all are trying to kill me with this new ship between CC Walker (Family Switch) and Cairo Sweet (Millers Girl)
Like if it wasn’t enough for Wenclair to give me cardiac arrest 😩
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peachybruiseslego · 7 months
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sparkle on! its wednesday! don't forget to be yourself!
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why-i-love-comics · 5 months
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Sensational She-Hulk #3 (2023)
written by Rainbow Rowell art by Andres Genolet & Dee Cunniffe
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