#stereo skateboards
joeygallagher · 3 months
Matt Rodriguez
Tincan Folklore - Stereo Skateboards (1996)
Music: Pao - Mr. Sunshine / Tommy Guerrero - Soul Miner
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destineecrystal · 3 months
a lil surprise showed up unexpectedly today 😭 i’ve been crying happy tears for the last hour. sooooo grateful.
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33andathird · 1 year
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Jose Gonzalez x Stereo Skateboards
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bloodmoonmuses · 3 months
stereo 127 | johnny suh
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(for @lovesuhng !!! I hope you like it!!!)
genre: johnny suh x reader, college au, teacher's assistant! johnny, friends to lovers
warnings: none!
summary: johnny is your campus crush. he also happens to be the teaching assistant in your music history class. when you (innocently) ask for help on a project, you end up learning about more than just music.
You’re a bit obsessed with this guy who skates around campus- or the concept of him, more accurately. You don’t even know his name. All you know is that last semester, you (accidentally) memorized his schedule, resulting in you walking to certain classes a few minutes earlier than necessary to catch a glimpse of him. These glimpses were merely a blur, whipping past you like an apparition. He was a ghost to you, and you enjoyed being haunted by him. 
Your friends made fun of you for having a campus crush, arguing that it’s not real since you don’t actually know him. However, you honestly preferred the distance. Then, you could fill in the gaps in your knowledge with your own imagination. Admiring him from afar worked for a while- that is, until the start of Spring semester. 
When you saunter into your music history class, a random elective you took for fun, you’re met with the elusive Skater Boy. You knew he was tall, but he’s even taller than you’d imagined in your daydreams. You glance at him briefly, before going to take a seat at a desk near the back. 
Skater Boy chats with a few of his friends at the front of the classroom, then sits next to the teacher’s desk when the professor enters. You infer that he must be the teacher’s assistant. 
This was a big problem. Surely, you’ll fail this class now. There’s simply no way you’ll be able to focus. The breathy laughs that escape him are already distracting you to the point of being almost unbearable. His smile is so breezy, like a wave catching the wind. He looks just as cool here in the classroom as he does on his skateboard.
The underlying crush that lay dormant in you begins to boil, and you know it will soon bubble over, scalding everything in its wake. You couldn’t wait for the burn. In fact, you aimed to spur it on sooner. 
You make a concerted effort to pay attention to the professor’s spiel, pulling out your notebook to take notes. It's syllabus day, sure, but you want to look studious. The first assignment of the semester is to research the history of your favorite music genre. 
Despite your efforts to focus, your eyes drift to the stickers that adorn Skater Boy’s laptop: Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, an Arctic Monkeys logo and a cartoon surfboard. You want to know everything he likes and commit the list to memory. You want to sew his idiosyncrasies into a quilt and blanket him with your loving knowledge of them.
The professor introduces him as Johnny Suh- a third year music composition major. Now the ghost has a name.
You look at the office hours on the bottom of your syllabus. Johnny would be in office in lieu of your professor for the majority of the semester. Would it be so bad to pop in and ask him for help on the first assignment? 
While you admittedly feel silly, walking to the Arts and Humanities building looking a bit too gussied up, you swallow the nervousness. You stand in front of the room, reading the placard:
Professor: Dr. Moon
TA: Johnny Suh 
You knock on the office door. On the third knock Johnny says, “Come on in!”
Meekly, you enter. He’s too real, too tangible, in this small space. You’ve never been within touching distance of him. The prospect makes your fingers tingle. Professor Moon has an insane book collection, two bookcases spanning the walls opposite one another. The rest of the office is cluttered with a slew of instruments.
Johnny is wearing a backwards hat and quarter sleeve sweater. Your eyes graze the expanse of his forearms, then drift upwards. There’s a pen clipped to his collar and another in between his lips. It’s the most tantalizing pen you’ve ever seen. Finally, you make eye contact. 
Introducing yourself, you say, “Hi, my name is _____. I’m in the music history course.”
“Nice to meet you.!” He takes the pen out of his mouth, and your eyes follow it forlornly. That could’ve stayed. “How can I help?” 
Johnny gathers some papers, places them in a neat stack at the center of the desk, then sits on the edge of it.
“Um, I’m a non-major. So, I’m struggling a bit with the first assignment.”
Johnny nods understandingly. “Ah, the dreaded favorite genre assignment. What’d you pick?”
“Pop punk,” you say.
“Fascinating. You don’t strike me as a punk person.”
You shrug. “Grew up on it.”
“Have you been to the record store near campus?”  
You shake your head.
“It’s called Stereo 127. I think it would be cool to listen to some records and base your research on specific albums. Then you’ll have a clearer framework for when it’s time to write the paper.”
“Thanks. Um,” you clear your throat, “Would you mind… showing me?”
“The record store? Yeah, sure. No problem. Does this weekend work for you?” Johnny asks.
“Sounds good!”
Stereo 127 is densely packed with all sorts of records, mimicking the state of Dr. Moon’s office. There’s a classmate of yours named Jaehyun who’s keeping watch of the store. He walks around the shop, reorganizing things as he sees fit. As you peruse the albums, you’re peeking at Johnny over the records, trying to catch his eye. Unlike you, Johnny is actually scanning the selection, genuinely trying to help you.
“Let’s get the obvious ones out the way,” he says, holding a Blink-182 record. He’s somehow managed to track down a copy of their debut album, Cheshire Cat.  
“If Cheshire Cat is an ‘obvious’ pick to you, then I’m way out of my depth,” you confess.
“A little pretentiousness never hurt anyone,” Johnny replies. 
So far, you have a copy of Green Day’s Nimrod (which you’re quite excited about) and Paramore’s newest album. As the minutes pass, you get gradually more enraptured by the thicket of albums. Before you know it, you’ve accumulated quite a few records. After a bit, you sidle up to Johnny, peering over his shoulder to check out his picks. You spot a Yellowcard compilation record.
“This is more fun than I thought it’d be,” you pipe, turning to face Johnny. His face floods with fondness when he sees the stack of albums in your arms, caramel eyes warming you from the inside out. 
“Yeah, you have a good eye,” he retorts. “I’ve been meaning to check out a few other shops around town. Y’know. To compare selections.” He’s sputtering now, having fallen into a cough fit.
“You okay buddy?” you say, chuckling. You gingerly pat his back, holding back a full blown laugh as Johnny continues to cough.
He waves you off, but you pat his back once more for good measure.
“I’m good, I’m good,” Johnny says. When he regains his composure, he continues. “I was just wondering… Are you busy on the 27th?”
You’re sprinting across campus, eager to meet Johnny outside of the boys’ dorm. It’s been two weeks since you’ve last seen him. He’s leaning against the building as he waits for you, clad in a page boy cap (which he’s wearing backwards again) and tank top. You allow yourself a quick glance at his arms, immediately regretting it as your face heats up. When he spots you, Johnny waves excitedly, the width of his smile making your own double in size.
After your first excursion, Johnny had asked for your number (“in case you have questions on the assignment!” he had said). Since then, the two of you have texted occasionally, mostly about school.
The record store he takes you to this time is called The Boot. It’s less trendy than Stereo 127 and less organized as well. Most of the vinyls are in bins, withering at the edges and clearly sundamaged. Johnny says he comes here to find obscure records to spin during his DJ sets, not to necessarily hunt for additions to his collection. 
“So, you’re a music composition major?” you ask as you crouch down to sift through a box.
Johnny nods. “With a minor in photography.”
“Favorite camera brand?”
“Nikon for sure, but I mostly shoot 33mm film.”
“How pretentious,” you say.
“Oh, you love it.” This is true, you do love it. 
Johnny continues. “I found another record store for us to try out after this one.”
“Yeah, just text me whenever.”
You had finished your paper days ago, so the subsequent record store outing was completely unnecessary to a certain extent. Johnny had no choice but to admit that he simply wanted to hang out with you- though, he’s not complaining. 
The final record store you visit with Johnny is called WAYVE. This time, he picks you up in his car to take you there- a dinky pick up truck with a shitty paint job.
“Before we head out- “ Johnny reaches over, opening the glove department in front of you. His hand brushes your leg briefly.. He pulls out a CD case and places it in your lap.
“I made a playlist for you.” He can’t look you in the eyes properly. You’ve never seen him look this sheepish.
Johnny continues. “Not vinyl, I know, but I wanted to decorate the cover.” Taped to the front of the jewel case is a polaroid of you perusing records. In the photo, your brows are furrowed in concentration.
“When did you even take this, you weirdo?”
“A few weeks ago at The Boot. The lighting was nice.”
You’re practically buzzing with excitement when you get home, racing to put the CD in your busted boombox. The first song on the playlist is Going Away to College by Blink-182.
“I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me.”
You got a B minus on the paper, which is better than you would've done without Johnny’s help. However, the project is the furthest thing from your mind. 
All you can think about is the lyrics of Going Away to College. You’re trying not to read into things, but Johnny wasn’t the most subtle. 
Maybe you should make a playlist for him. Or buy him a record. According to him, Johnny’s not a true collector- that was reserved for cameras. Maybe he’d appreciate it.
Johnny spots you walking to class (though he’s sure your next one isn’t for another half hour). He skates over to you, stopping right at your feet. You shriek, almost stumbling backwards.
“What the hell, Johnny?”
He dismounts his skateboard, holding it under his arm nonchalantly.  “Do you wanna hang out somewhere other than a record store?”
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
The skatepark is overstimulating in the best way. After trying (and failing) to teach you how to do an ollie for an hour, the two of you set up a picnic off to the side of the halfpipe. You eat kimbap off Johnny’s skateboard, using it as a little table.
“Sorry you got a B on your paper, by the way. If it’s any consolation, I didn’t grade it.” 
“It’s okay. I’d rather earn a B from Professor Moon than have your biased ass give me a higher grade than I deserve.”
Johnny places a hand on his chest, gasping dramatically.
“Um, what about academic integrity? I would do nothing of the sort!” he insists.
“Oh come on, you’re obsessed with me,” you say, half-joking. To your surprise, Johnny nods to himself, agreeing with you.
“Only a healthy amount though.”
When you and Johnny finish the kimbap, he scooches next to you. The sun is setting, oranges slowly darkening into a wash of deep indigo. You shiver as the sun dips beneath the horizon. Johnny places his jacket across your shoulders.
“Thanks,” you say.
“No problem.”
You place your head on Johnny’s shoulder.
“Um, and thanks for the playlist too. It’s really good.”
“It sorta had… a theme to it.”
Johnny suddenly pulls out from under you, leaving you to stumble around for a bit as you catch yourself. When he turns to you, he stares, caramel eyes pouring into your own. You feel warm in spite of the chilly breeze.
“I’ve never really been good with words,” Johnny confesses. “I figured I’d let the music do the talking.”
With that, he takes your face into his hands. He traces your features with the pads of his fingers- running them over your eyebrows, the lids of your closed eyes, your nose and, finally, your mouth. When he’s satisfied, he places a faint kiss upon your lips. 
He pulls back, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. “I’m so glad my pretentious bullshit doesn’t give you the ick,” Johnny says.
“Only a healthy amount,” you say through a smile. 
Suddenly, you initiate another kiss, your lips crashing into his fervently. When Johnny recovers from the initial shock, you deepen the kiss further. He’s a patient kisser, never demanding too much or taking more than he’s given. This only heightens your hunger for him, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him impossibly closer. When the two of you come up for air, you linger with Johnny still in your embrace, his eyes crinkling at the edges with pure joy.
a/n: currently unedited + feedback is always appreciated! thanks for reading!
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sadakorosee · 1 year
S/O fell off the bed sleeping with Raphael (Oneshot)
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Raph x fem!reader (Short fic)
Summary: Raph's S/O fell down to the floor from sleeping with Raph. Reader is 5'2 or below. (Shoutout to short readers) :3
Raphael is both tall and broad. His body can cover an entire bed space; what more to say when y/n was only 5'2 and she wasn't exactly chubby nor slim. She's a thicc chick.
y/n decided to sleep over at the lair because 1) training with Splinter starts early morning and 2) her house was a 20 minute walk. She felt she was exhausted to walk and asked permission to sleep over. Of course the Hamato family didn't mind. She is their family now.
It was [12:45am] when their movie Halloween was over and Mikey switched off the tv when he grabbed Donnie's arm while shaking.
"D-Donnie, you don't think Michael Myers is in the sewers while we're sleeping, do you?"
"Mikey, you're referring to Pennywise and he's from IT. Halloween murders occurs every Halloween, like the title is self explanatory enough." Donnie let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously, why did you pick that movie when you know you're terror-stricken by it?"
"We all know what's going to happen; you'd stay up all night reading any comics with funny scenes in it and laughed so loud even Sensei's noise cancelling headphones don't work." Leo shook his head.
y/n looked up at Raph confused. As if he knows what she's about to ask, he waved it off. "Sensei requested it after Mikey got his first stereo box. It was my fault though; I brought it back after I kinda broke Mikey's-"
"My skateboard, brah!" Mikey retorted.
Everyone was fast asleep by [1:17am] including Mikey- well, he's trying anyway. He cuddled his teddy bear and mumbled something pizzas and interacting with humans above.
y/n was slump on Raph's plastron/chest as it goes up and down slowly. His right hand placed on her back to keep her in position. To an outsider, it was a cute sight but from where's laid, she can faintly hear snores from her mutant boyfriend and groaned when it got louder. Her hand tapped on Raph's chest as a way to say keep it down but instead of lowering it down, he snorted in his sleep and surprised y/n, her body jolted from shock and ended up on the floor with a loud thud.
"Damn it, Raph." y/n whispered through her gritted teeth and rubbed her aching lower back.
Raph woke up immediately by the thud and saw her on the floor with an annoyed expression.
"What are you doing on the floor, darling?"
"Looking for any expired pizza under your bed," y/n rolled her eyes. "For god's sake, Raph, snore louder next time. I can't hear it from down here."
Raph chuckled tiredly and carried y/n back to bed, placing his arm around her while he lied on his side.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he didn't forget to ask.
"I might break my hips. Maybe I should skip-"
"You ain't skipping Sensei's training." His eyes already closed but his lips formed into a coy smile.
TMNT Masterlist
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captn-james · 2 years
Eddie and Max as Neighbors
I feel like Eddie and Max being neighbors had so much potential.
Imagine watching them grow closer like siblings :(
- Eddie purposely cooking too much so that he could have leftovers to give her in case she hadn’t eaten anything (but being nonchalant/cool about it, like “I cooked too many noodles and if you don’t eat them they’re going in the garbage”)
- They could easily walk across the street but they almost consistently just call each other’s house phones (”It’s gonna be 102 outside today. I have popsicles if you want any.” “for the love of GOD turn off whatever the hell it is you’re playing”...the sheer amount of prank calls this poor boy would receive on a weekly basis, too)
- Max asking Eddie if he wants to see any new skateboard tricks she taught herself (he always acts annoyed by it but he secretly he thinks its sweet)
- Eddie being the first person Max calls when she gets into trouble or needs help (especially if it is something she knows Steve will stress about)
- Eddie checking to make sure Max is home before going to sleep
- Eddie being bummed/jealous that Steve is the “older brother/babysitter” figure, so he is always overly eager to help when the kids ask him for anything
- Eddie being absolutely determined for Max to listen to metal (and Max switching out his cassettes for girly pop and absolutely crying with laughter when he goes to turn on his stereo/van and “Like A Virgin” is blasting from the speakers).
- They give each other christmas and birthday gifts but they are purposely really shitty gifts because it’s kind of an inside joke (”here’s a 25 cent mug I found at the thrift store that says Groovy Grandma”, “here’s an opened pack of little trees air fresheners and pair of sunglasses from CVS”) Eddie always gets her a better gift, too, but he gives it to her mom and tells her to say it’s from her so that Max won’t feel pressured to get Eddie anything nice in return
- Max plays it cool but she really looks up to Eddie and values his opinion (she is constantly seeking validation from him, even if she pretends she’s not. “not that I care what you think, but....”)
- Max puts Eddie as her emergency contact for her first job
- Eddie and Max referring to each other as “brother” and “sister” around everyone except each other (”sorry about the skateboard in the middle of the driveway, that’s my sister’s”, “my brother can come pick us up if it starts raining”)
- Eddie overhearing Max refer to him as her brother and he’s stupidly happy about it and even brags to Steve.
Imagining Eddie stepping up and being the brother / parental figure Max needed in S4 literally just kills me.
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michelle-is-writing · 2 years
Bam’s Big Sister, Johnny Knoxville
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Word Count: 1.3k~
It wasn’t unusual for Bam to bring his friends over for dinner; in fact, mom’s gotten used to it and knows to always make extra. Usually, it’s Dunn coming over which then evolves into him and Bam causing hell for the rest of the night. A lot of the time, I’m laughing along with them as they do stupid shit, but when they decide to fuck with me at three in the morning, it usually backfires on them. Although I think they learned after the last time; it took a while for the burns caused by my curling iron to heal on the side of my little brother’s head.
“Hey, Bam,” I greet my brother as he walks into the living room, skateboard in hand. Meanwhile, I remain sitting on the couch, my feet propped up on the ottoman in front of me as I try to destress from work. Today was rough; sometimes, I wonder why I even continue working the job. It’s only temporary while I’m in college, but I’m not sure how long I can keep it up.
“Hey, sis,” he greets, his eyebrows furrowing as he focuses on me. “You look like hell. Are you okay?” Bam asks, causing me to flip him off with a laugh.
“Fuck you, I don’t look like hell,” I tell him before sitting up straight with my feet on the ground. “I’m okay, I just had a bad day at work,” I explain, sighing afterward. “Bam, I don’t how much longer I can do it. They overwork me, treat me like shit. I think I’ve had enough.”
“I don’t know why you even do it in the first place, (Y/n),” He comments, plopping down next to me. “I know you like to have spending money, but I got you covered!”
“Bam, you are my little brother; I’m not going to ask you for money,” I point out, leaning my elbows against my knee.
“But, you can though,” Bam says, poking my knee with each word. “Not only are the guys and I doing great with our videos, but we even have a major deal coming up!” He exclaims, making me look at him with curiosity. He hasn’t told me about any major deal lately. “Actually, that’s what I was gonna tell you when I came in here. Dunn’s coming over tonight and this new guy we just met from Big Brother. His name is Johnny, and don’t kick his ass if he messes with you. I don't want to lose this deal.”
With that, Bam punches me in the shoulder before standing and running out of the room, only for my shoe to him in the back of the head right as he hits the doorway. “Asshole,” I mutter, shaking my head with a smile. Being four years older than him, I didn’t think we’d be as close as we are, but he’s my little brother, and I can’t help but love the jackass.
After showering and getting some comfortable clothes on, I hang out in the living room for a while before a knock sounds at the front door. Standing up from the couch, I lower the volume on the stereo before heading to the door and opening it. The man standing behind it causes me to freeze, any words in my mouth suddenly gone.
Despite beginning to say something, he grows silent as well, a few seconds passing before he smiles at me. “Hi,” he says, almost lost for words.
Regaining my movement, I smile back at him. “Hi,” I great back, a nervous giggle leaving my lips. I have no clue as to what came over me. “You must be here for Bam.”
“Uh, yeah, actually, I am,” He answers me, nodding. “And you’re his sister…hopefully?” He guesses, making me laugh. As soon as he sees me do this, his smile grows less nervous.
“Yes, I’m (Y/n),” I explain, trying to keep my eyes on his face rather than his arms currently being accentuated by his white t-shirt. It should be illegal to wear such a tight shirt. “And you must be-“
“Johnny, come on in!” I hear Bam’s voice behind me, causing me to turn and see him with Dunn standing beside him. When did he get here? “Johnny, this is my friend, Ryan Dunn. And this,” Bam slaps a hand on my shoulder, “is my asshole-sister (Y/n).”
Before Bam can say anymore, I throw my fist down and punch him in the junk, causing him to hunch over with a huge ‘humph’ leaving his mouth. Immediately, Johnny laughs while Dunn tries to help Bam, despite quiet laughter leaving his lips as well. “I already like her,” Johnny states, stepping into our house so I can close our front door.
With him now standing beside me, I can’t help but look up at him with a happy smile taking over my lips. I feel as if the crappy day I had at work earlier doesn’t even matter now. This feeling only intensifies as Johnny turns his head over to me, his lips forming a smile that could mimic mine. You know, I already like him too.
After Bam introduces Johnny to our parents, mom quickly sets the table for everyone. During dinner, Bam and Dunn share stories with Johnny and vice versa. Everyone at the table can’t stop laughing, all with the exception of Mom’s shocked face as Bam tells crazy stories she has yet to hear. Although, throughout the dinner, Johnny’s eyes kept finding mine, and after we were finished, we finally had the opportunity to talk.
"When my brother said 'asshole-sister,' he really meant older sister," I explain to Johnny as he smiles at me. Still sitting at the table, Johnny and I sit beside each other while Bam and Dunn sit across from us, too busy messing with each other to even look over and see their new cast mate currently talking to me. "I'm only an asshole to him."
A chuckle leaves his lips as he looks between me and my little brother. "I think he deserves it though, right?" He asks, making me chuckle as well.
Nodding, I look over at Bam with Johnny. "Well-deserved," I remark, "especially when he tries to involve me in his skits- God, it is so annoying when he breaks into my room and starts his shit."
Johnny laughs as I complain about my brother, knowing what I say is true. My brother's videos have been shared many times, and with Johnny and him now being crew-mates through Big Brother, I'm sure he has seen a lot of them.
"Don't worry, darling," Johnny murmurs to me before shifting in his seat to fully face me. He wears a confident smile on his lips despite being a bit lower than before. "I'll happily get your brother back for you."
A confident smirk makes its way onto my lips to match his as I hold my hand out to him. "Promise?" I ask him, earning a nod back as Johnny takes my hand in his. His hands are a little rough, granted after he and Bam discussed all the stunts Johnny has done over the years, I can see why. However, his touch is gentle and warm, and as his hand grips mine, I feel my heart almost skip a beat.
"Promise," Johnny repeats the word I just said to him with a certain confidence that makes me laugh. I can only imagine what he and my brother might get into with their various stunts and pranks, but I know he will definitely get my brother at one point or another.
"I'll hold you to that, Mister Knoxville," I tell him, watching his eyes almost haze over at my teasing voice saying his name. The sight makes me silently laugh to myself as I lean back into my dining chair, my eyes now cast upon my parents' old chandelier as I try to calm my racing heart down. I already know this is going to be fun.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 month
13 | That's enough
Series: Odds Together
Paring: Ryan Dunn x OFC Margera!
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: None
"Anna, is in for one very ruin awakening. It's finally her turn for a hell marathon. 24 hours to see who can piss her off the best. Let's go." Bam tells the camera as the guys quietly laugh behind him.
They sneak into her room and set a stereo speaker carefully on the side of the bed where she wasn't sleeping on. "WAKE UP!" Bam screams into a microphone making Raab, Dico, and Dunn jump onto her bed.
"Get the hell out of my room." Anna groans sitting up shoving Dico, Raab, and Ryan off her bed.
"It's your turn for a marathon, Anna." Bam and everyone laughs as she glares at him. "24 hours to see who can piss you off the best. Starting now!" He shouts into the microphone.
Anna throws the blankets off of her grabbing Bam by the hair tugging him down then kicking him out. "Whose next?" She turns to the other three so they let themselves out.
"Anna's in for a surprise when she gets out of the shower. She has this blue shampoo she uses and well I decided to change that." Bam laughs standing outside of her room. "She's gonna lose it."
When Anna gets out of the shower she keeps her hair up in a towel to get dress. When she does go to dry it she sees her hair was now a dark midnight blue. She holds in her anger and dries her hair and puts it up in a ponytail.
"Now which one of you assholes did this?" She asks joining them downstairs.
"Like what you did with your hair." Bam laughs first so she knew it was him.
"Thank you but stay out of my bathroom." She smiles and as Ape comes in she gasps seeing Anna's hair.
"What happened to you?" She walks over touching her hair.
"It's Anna's marathon." Dunn adds making Ape complain because she hates them.
"I'll take you to work and fix your hair for you. Come on." April tells Anna so she follows her out of the house.
"So I know Anna a little more than the others and her own family. They don't know this but she has this little thing for certain things. Main example, her books, movies, and music had to be in a certain order. It bugs the shit out of her if they're messed up. She takes her time organizing these and no one but me notices this. So I'm gonna really mess it up. Trust me, she's gonna turn red." Ryan tells the camera as he mixes things around.
"See her movies are categorize by genres and franchises. You have your horror, musicals, animated, and crap." He points out.
"Now over here on her dresser is all her favorite makeup she wears... into the trash it goes." He uses his arm to sweep everything into the bucket.
"Theses skateboards and posters on the wall... have to be straight so we make them crooked. As I said it may not seem like a big deal but I know Anna." He chuckles to himself.
Meanwhile Dico decided to follow Ape and Anna to the hair salon to bug the shit out of her. Everyone knew Anna always tried to get space from them so he wasn't gonna let that happen.
"What's your plan?" Anna asks as her mom works on her hair to get the blue out and make it brown again.
"To bug you." He smiles.
"By starring at me?" I ask and he nods his head.
"And just talking nonstop." He starts to tell different stories as she gets her hair worked on.
"Do you want my to trim the dead ends?" Ape asks and Anna says yes. As April leaves for a secret Dico goes stands behind Anna.
"Dead ends are just this much right?" He grabs her hair to ask.
"Yes." She flips through the magazine in her lap waiting for her mom.
"Why not cut up to here?" He grabs the scissors cutting a big stand of hair short.
"Brandon!" Anna screams trying to see how short he cut it. She lets out a whine seeing how short he did it.
"Brandon really?" April comes back seeing Anna's hair. "You'll look great with short hair, baby." April tries to reassure her daughter and she starts to hair cut.
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When they get home Anna sees her car painted and beat up laying upstairs down. "My car has always been off limits. What the hell?" She marches into the house making everyone stares at her hair.
"Nothing is off limits for all this. What happened to just fixing the color?" Bam asks holding a broken bracelet and a hammer.
"DiCamillo got a hold of the scissors. What's in your hand?" She walks over to him.
"Found this in your jewelry box in an envelope that said, whenever you miss me just wear this. I figured it was something from a stupid ex and you can't let go so I did it for you." He breaks it more.
"It wasn't from a stupid ex! It was from someone in LA! That was an expensive gift from the heart! That's all I have from that person! God, I hate you." Anna huffs walking up to her room to work some. "What are you throwing out the window?" She sees Raab.
"These random rocks in your dresser. Why do you even have them in here?" He throws them all out.
"Because I like to collect them. Damn it." She tugs the box from him to put the rocks back inside. As she leaves she notices her all the little things Dunn messed up making her face turn red. "DUNN REALLY! YOU KNOW HOW THAT SHIT BUGS ME!" She yells walking downstairs to go get her rocks back.
"We should do something with the Snow globes I found. There's a lot." Raab brings down the box.
"Yes, let's go play some baseball outside." Bam grabs it rushing outside with Dico and Raab.
"Wait! Anything but those!" Ryan runs after them because that's something really meaningful to Anna. He's even got most of them for her and those end up being her favorite. "Bam, please don't." Ryan's sees them pulling out one to throw. "I got her that one for a birthday gift." He sees one of his.
"Get her a new one." Bam says as it's thrown and he hits it with the bat.
"She's gonna kill me and I'm not even doing it." Ryan rubs his face.
As Anna picks up the last of her rocks she heads back but sees the guys breaking things and Ryan trying to get a box from Dico. As she narrows her eyes she sees what they were doing.
"STOP!" She screams running over to them. "You guys really go through all of my shit? Knock it off! It's not funny! Stop it!" She watches them keep breaking more.
"It's just snow globes." Raab laughs catching her number one favorite.
"Not that one! Please." She begs him. "I'm begging you not that one! Raab! Chris! Christian!" She tries to get him to listen to her.
"Okay, y'all pissed her off stop now." Ryan finally gets the box from Dico.
Raab just laughs throwing it to Bam who hits it calling out home run. Anna runs over to the broken globe and picks up the bigger piece trying not to cry in front of everyone to see.
Her favorite one was one of the many Ryan got for her. This one in particular was the one he got to try to cheer her up after the whole thing with her ex and the football team. It was the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast. Ryan told her the gift was symbol of their friendship that would last forever since it could never die in this case. He'd always be there for her no matter what.
Ryan walks over to her with the box with the rest of the globes. "Don't touch me." She says through her teeth so he sets the box next to her. "Whose idea was this?" She looks at Ryan upset.
"Raab brought the box down but it was Bam's idea. I tried to get it back." He explains as she stands up with the boxes.
"Here. Since you love to mess up everything meaningful to me." She drops the boxes at Bam's feet walking back towards the house not caring anymore.
"Sorry, but I'm not letting you do that." Ryan picks up both boxes. "Unlike you, I know how special these are to her." He goes towards the house. Not wanting to bug Anna more he takes them to his room putting them in his closet. If he listened close enough he could hear her crying in her room cursing to herself as she fixes what he did to her room.
"Fuck it." He goes over to her room. "I knew how to mess with you in a decent way." He straightens the things on the wall as the camera crew comes in.
Anna looks at them annoyed but ignores them. "Decent? You did something that iches part of my brain. Something only you knew that makes me annoyed." She eyes him fixing things.
"Your face turned read though right?" He asks with a smile.
"Yes, it did you asshole." She said so he goes to his room real quick to get her stuff.
"I wouldn't let you let him do whatever with these." He places the boxes in her closet now.
"You're the best." She give his a smile then stops when Bam calls her name. "Kill me." She leaves with Ryan following her.
As she looks down she sees him holding her sketchbook with designs for work. "Give me that now." She rushes down the stairs fast as she sees the fireplace was lit.
"This is what you do during your free time? You need to do something more useful like cleaning up our messes."
"Bam. I think your sister has had enough." April tells him as everyone watches them.
"Bam, okay you win. Just give me that. It's important to me. It's something I do for on the side for work." Her heart starts to race because that's something she puts a lot of work into.
"That's the stupidest lie ever." He tossing it into the fire making Anna lose it.
"THAT'S IT! BRANDON COLE MARGERA! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" She rushes towards him so he runs away laughing at her.
"It's just a stupid book. I'll buy you a new one. I'll buy you the stupid same snow globe and a better car." He gets behind something to keep the distance from her.
"It's not a stupid book! I put so much time into those designs for work. Yeah, I have a stupid job! My stupid rocks aren't stupid to me! My stupid snow globes are stupid to me! And of course you say can just buy me a new one! If I had money like you, I'd pay not to be related to you! I'd pay you to leave me alone!" Anna throws a pool ball at him and he ducks. "I fucking done with you and your bullshit." She goes up to her room locking the door since she got Glomb to put a doorknob with a lock on it finally.
Everyone stays quiet for a few minutes after Anna left the room. "She didn't mean it. She's just really upset." April tells Bam.
"No, she meant that." Ryan speaks up so they look at him. "When you mess with Ape, Phil, and Don Vito, it's small things that aren't that meaningful to them. These literal small things were really meaningful to her. You, hell all of you, would know that if you actually spent quality time with her. Those stupid rocks she finds actually make her happy. The reason she keeps certain rocks it's because when she having a good time with someone. She finds one she likes to remember the day if it was special enough. Most of the snow globes you broke were ones I got for her birthdays, whenever she was upset, or just because I wanted to make her day." He sighs leaving going to his room.
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warhead · 9 months
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joeygallagher · 1 year
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Mike Daher 
Independent/Stereo/DLX Ads 1990s
photos by Gabe Morford
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
The Chief’s Daughter
Summary: It had been six years since your father left you behind in New York. However, now that your mother was gone, you had no choice but to drive to Hawkins to find him. That's where you meet Billy Hargrove, who turns your life upside down... literally.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: language, blood
Chapter 18-
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"Once I graduate and save up enough money, I'm out of here." Billy had said back during your first day of school together.
"Where do you want to go?" You had asked.
"Back to Cali."
"Got room for one more?"
California was more beautiful than you had ever imagined.
The Byers had packed up and moved across the country a few months after Starcourt, taking El with them. Joyce was now her legal guardian, but she was still your little sister. She was your responsibility now that Hopper was gone.
Billy didn't even hesitate to follow you to California.
The two of you now rented a beachside apartment only a couple blocks from the Byers house. El and Will always came over, Jonathan and his friend Argyle usually with them too.
Billy had gotten a job at the local garage, training as a mechanic which he seemed to be enjoying. He sent half his paycheck to the Mayfield's every fortnight, wanting Susan to be able to afford new things for Max as well as pay off the bills that his father had dumped on her.
You had gotten a job at the library down the street, mainly because it was quiet and didn’t require much talking.
You had been trying to put on a brave face ever since Starcourt. Trying to cover your pain with bright smiles and laughter around Billy and the others, but at work you were able to stop pretending. You didn't have to smile, you didn't have to pretend to be happy, not when you were just stacking books on shelves or helping the occasional stranger find a certain novel.
Work was your escape, and you knew that was fucked up, but it was. You were tired of having to pretend that you were okay, but at the same time, you didn't want Billy, El or the Byers to know how you really felt.
Billy knew you were hurting, despite how hard you tried to hide it. He was worried about you, but you kept brushing off his concerns. There was nothing he could do to help you, not unless he could bring Hopper back from the dead.
"You okay? You've barely said anything the entire drive." Billy commented, glancing over at you from the driver seat of the Camaro.
You watched as Billy sped past the old 'Welcome to Hawkins' sign as you entered the town. But someone had crossed out Hawkins and wrote HELL instead and you thought that seemed rather fitting.
"Just tired." You lied, leaning your head back against the headrest.
Billy eyed you out the corner of his eye, knowing that was bullshit, but decided not to call you out on it and instead focused back on the road as he drove in the direction of the Trailer Park.
The two of you had managed to get a week off work to come back to Hawkins and visit Max. It was a surprise for her birthday, the new skateboard on the backseat a present you guys had saved up for and wanted to give to her in person.
It didn't take long before Billy turned off into the Trailer Park, actually slowing down to the speed limit as he squinted at the numbers on each trailer trying to find the correct one.
You leant forward and cranked up the stereo, blasting Scorpions Rock You Like A Hurricane causing Billy to start laughing catching on to what you were doing before he rolled the windows down.
A few old people sitting by their Winnebago's glared at you as you drove past, the music way to loud, but Billy just grinned and pulled up in front of the trailer and revved the engine loudly.
A few seconds later, the front door of the trailer slammed open. Max stepped out, her red hair wild and eyes wider than you had ever seen them as she stared at the Camaro in utter shock.
"Holy shit!" She shouted.
"Language, shitbird." Billy warned, but there was no anger behind it.
He pulled the key out the ignition, stopping the music before he climbed out the car. He barely had enough time to close the door before he was being wrapped into a tight hug and he chuckled and hugged her back.
You smiled softly watching the reunion as you climbed out the car and grabbed Max's birthday present from the backseat. It was wrapped with Christmas wrapping paper because you couldn't find any birthday themed paper, although it didn't need to be wrapped at all because it was shaped as a skateboard.
"Happy late birthday, Mad Max" Billy said, pulling away and pointing at you.
Max glanced over her shoulder and her eyes widened at the skateboard shaped present in your hands.
"No way!"
"Yes, way." You grinned, handing it to her.
She glanced between you and Billy like she couldn't quite believe it was true before she frantically teared the wrapping paper off. She flipped the new board over and her eyes widening into saucers at 'MAD MAX' painted on the bottom in large block letters.
"This is the best present ever!" She exclaimed, her smile brighter than you had ever seen it as she glanced over at you, but her smile faded. "Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding."
"Huh?" You frowned in confusion and reached for your nose, feeling something wet trickling down before you lowered your hand and found your fingertips-stained red.
"Shit, uh, there's a rag in the back of the Camaro." Billy said, already opening the trunk of the car and grabbing one of his cleaner rags and handing it to you. "You okay? I've never seen you get a nosebleed before."
You nodded, holding the rag to your nose to stop the blood.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just a nosebleed."
Billy didn't seem convinced, but nodded before looking back at Max who had already drawn her focus back on the new skateboard.
"Can you take me to the skatepark? I have to test it out."
"I've been back for two fucking minutes and I'm already your personal chauffeur?"
"Yep." Max responded, popping the 'p' before slipping into the passenger seat of the Camaro causing you to laugh.
Billy sighed, but you could see the corners of his lips twitching up in a small smile before he glanced over at you with a questioning look.
"You guys go. I might try and find proper tissues in the trailer if that's cool, Max?" You said, glancing back at the girl already in the car.
"Mum keeps them on the kitchen bench."
You nodded, turning back to Billy who seemed hesitant to leave you here by yourself as if a bloody nose was something bad. You just rolled your eyes and pushed him towards the car with your free hand.
"I'll be fine. Go spend time with your sister."
Billy huffed out a sigh, but nodded, sparing one last glance at you before he climbed back into the driver's seat. The Camaro roared to life with the turn of his key, the music continued to blast, and you waved goodbye as they drove off.
You watched the blue car disappear out the Trailer Park before you turned to walk towards the front door of the Mayfield's place before a familiar voice called out your name.
"Y/N, that you?"
Glancing over your shoulder, you spotted Eddie Munson stepping out the trailer across the road.
Well shit, you were not expecting to see him here.
He wore the same ripped jeans and battle vest he used to wear back in High School. His hair seemed a little longer though, but you were more focused on the fact that he was walking over to you to notice anything else.
"Munson." You greeted with a small nod, lowering the rag from your nose and relieved to find that it was no longer bleeding.
Eddie paused, glancing at the bloodied rag before looking you up and down almost worriedly, "are you okay?"
Eddie nodded, glancing around awkwardly like he wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure how. So, he remained silent for a few seconds before blurting out a bunch of words without taking a breath.
"Look, I know you and I weren't exactly close in school. I'd like to think we were at least friends, right? Doesn't matter, I just... I never got a chance to talk to you before you left town. I heard about the Starcourt fire. Well, the whole town heard, and I know you guys were there and I'm so sorry about your father. He might have given me a few speeding tickets over the years, but he was a good man."
'Hero Chief dies in fire'
That was the headline of the paper the morning after.
Everyone thought he had died saving you kids from the fire in Starcourt. Nobody knew the real truth. He didn't just save you guys, he closed the gate to the Upside Down and saved the entire world.
Nobody knew that the coffin they buried six months ago was empty. Nothing but his Police hat was inside because there wasn't a body to put in it. Nobody knew the truth and you hated that more than anything.
"The drug dealer saying a cop was a good man? Never thought I'd hear that." You responded sarcastically because if you didn't try and joke right now, you would start to cry, and you couldn't do that. You've cried enough over the last few months. You were sick of crying.
Eddie stared at you for a second and you feared he might try and be serious and say sorry again, but then his face broke out into a familiar grin.
"Never thought I'd say it." He admitted with a laugh. "How long are you and Billy in town for?"
"A week. Came back for Max's birthday."
Eddie nodded before glancing over at his car, "I got Hellfire now, but you guys should drop by tonight. I got good music and beer."
"We'll be there."
A few hours later, you and Billy were sitting outside the Munson trailer. Music blasting from Eddie's stereo while you drank cheap beer.
"If I knew your shit was this good, I would've bought from you back in school." Billy said, taking a final drag of the joint in his hand before flicking the butt away.
"He did offer to sell to you, but you sorta shot him down." You reminded causing Eddie to grin.
"Your girl's right, California."
"Yeah, yeah, just shut up and give me another one."
Eddie shook his head, "no, no, no. The first is on the house. The second will cost you. How else do you expect me to pay the bills for this shithole?" He said, motioning to the trailer behind him.
Billy raised his eyebrows, but Eddie didn't back down causing him to huff out a sigh before digging into his jacket pocket and pulling out a couple bills.
"Pleasure doing business with you." Eddie grinned, taking the cash and passing over the joint.
"Fucking rip off is what it is." Billy muttered, pocketing the joint for later.
It was odd seeing the two of them interacting like this. They had barely said more than a word to each other at school. They ran in different social circles, but if given a chance to get to know each other, you knew they'd become friends.
You smiled while listening to them as they started talking about Metallica's latest song, Master of Puppets. Eddie saying that he was trying to learn it on guitar while Billy said that he still liked The Four Horsemen better which then turned into a massive argument.
"Baby, help me out here." Billy begged, looking over at you, but you quickly shook your head.
"Oh, no. I am not getting in the middle of this."
"That's because you agree with me, right?" Eddie asked.
You chuckled softly, "you're both idiots."
"That's not a no." Eddie pointed out.
"Well, it's not a fucking yes either." Billy responded, glaring at Eddie before turning his attention back to you. "If you could only listen to one of those songs for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?"
"Neither. If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would be Running up that Hill by Kate Bush. Sorry boys."
Eddie gasped and grabbed his chest dramatically, "you, Y/N Hopper, wound me. Kate Bush over Metallica? Really?"
"I still like Metallica."
"Nope. Too late, the damage has already been done." He said, causing you to snort before he turned to Billy. "You are my friend. Y/N is not."
"Lucky me." Billy muttered sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes and downed the last of your beer that had long ago turned warm, but you weren't about to waste free alcohol. Billy had finished his beer too and you met his eyes before glancing over at the Mayfield trailer.
"I think I'm going to head to bed. Thanks for the beer and music judgement, Munson." You said, glancing over at Eddie who just grinned.
Billy stood up too, saying goodbye to Eddie before the two of you walked across the road to Susan and Max's trailer. The girls were already in bed asleep, so you guys quietly went straight to the spare bedroom that Susan had cleaned out for you earlier.
It felt like you only just managed to fall asleep before you woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare.
Nightmares were a common occurrence since Starcourt. Sometimes you'd dream of Demogorgons, sometimes the Mind Flayer, but usually it was of your father. Those nightmares were the worst. Demo-dogs and Upside Down shit, you could handle. But nightmares about Hopper’s death were bad.
Your body shook from the lingering nightmare as you carefully climbed out of bed. Billy was still fast asleep under the blankets and thankfully didn't wake up as you walked across the room to the window and pulled the curtain open.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead with trembling hands and took in a few deep breaths trying to calm yourself down as you stared out at the dark starry night sky.
You and Hopper had a rough relationship, everyone knew that, but sometime between the arrest of Neil Hargrove and Starcourt, you had stopped hating him. You didn't hate him anymore, but you never got the chance to tell him.
Hopper had died thinking you hated him.
That thought hit hard and you had to grab hold of the windowsill to keep yourself standing as a soft sob escaped your lips.
You covered your mouth with your hand trying to muffle your crying, not wanting to wake Billy. Silent tears trickle down your face and you squeezed your eyes shut, wishing more than anything that Hopper was here.
But, he wasn't. Hopper was dead, and he died thinking his eldest daughter hated him.
You were so lost in thought that you didn't hear Billy shift on the bed. Hell, you didn't even hear him call your name until his hand touched your shoulder.
The sudden contact caused you to flinch, and you blinked away tears to find Billy hovering beside you worriedly.
He must have heard you crying.
"I'm fine." You insisted before he could say anything.
Your voice was soft, almost fragile, as if it and your heart would break any minute. Perhaps your heart was already broken. Left shattered and unfixable back on the asphalt of the Starcourt carpark.
"No, you're not." He said quietly taking in your tear-stained cheeks. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you awake?"
Those simple words were enough to bring the tears flooding back down your face despite how hard you tried to stop them. You looked back out the window, not wanting him to see you cry.
It was stupid. Billy had seen you cry too many times to count over the past six months. He had woken you up from so many nightmares and you had comforted him after his own nightmares about the Mind Flayer, but you still hated him seeing you like this.
"I'm right here, baby. It's okay. What's wrong?"
"Hopper died thinking I hate him." You sniffed quietly.
"Hell, I thought I still hated him too. Guess it took his death for me to realise..." You trailed off, hot tears streaming down your face.
Billy didn't say anything, instead he grabbed your shoulder and pulled you into his chest, holding you tightly. The bedroom door opened with a loud squeak, but you barely heard it.
"Oh. I- uh, heard crying." Max's sleepy voice whispered from the doorway. "Is she okay?"
You felt Billy nod, "yeah, I got her. Go back to bed, Max."
A second later, the door clicked closed and you squeezed your eyelids shut in hope they would stop the tears. Your choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for sometime, but Billy never let go.
By the end of your mini vacation in Hawkins, it was safe to say that Eddie and Billy were best friends. The two of them got along like a house on fire which you loved, but also kinda hated because they liked to gang up on you.
It was nice though, hanging out with Eddie. Him and Billy would take turns picking the music while you guys drank and talked about the most random shit.
His uncle worked nights at the Plant, so the three of you would hang in his trailer not wanting to annoy Max or Susan. Although, you were pretty sure they could hear the music blasting from across the road anyway. Which was why you and Billy were currently sitting on the lawn chairs out the front of Eddie's trailer waiting for him to get back from his Hellfire Club.
It was dark by the time his familiar van came speeding through the Trailer Park, music blasting from inside before he pulled up in front of the trailer and climbed out the car.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"You're out of beer." Billy said, holding up the empty beer can.
Eddie frowned before looking at the closed door of his trailer. You could practically see the gears turning in his brain as he tried to figure out how Billy took his last beer out the fridge.
"You should seriously lock your front door, Munson. Wouldn't want strangers to break into your trailer and steal alcohol or something stupid." You warned in amusement.
Eddie snorted softly, "yeah, definitely wouldn't want that."
"Uh, I-I can come by later?" A female voice suddenly said.
You looked past Eddie just as a girl in a cheerleader uniform stepped out the van. Wait, was that Chrissy Cunningham?
"No, no, it's fine. These guys apparently don't understand personal boundaries." Eddie said, glaring at the two of you as he spoke. "You remember Y/N and Billy from school, right?"
She nodded, still looking a little nervous. She was obviously here to buy from him and although you didn't really know Chrissy, you could tell it was her first time doing something like this and she was clearly anxious about it.
"You don't need to worry about us, we're not going to tell anyone. Tomorrow, we drive back to California anyway." You said, trying to reassure the other girl.
Eddie gave you an appreciative nod before he opened the front door and sighed realising that he had in fact forgotten to lock it when he left earlier.
"Y/N warned you." Billy commented with a grin.
Eddie just flipped him off before holding the door open for Chrissy who stepped inside and he followed, closing the door behind her.
You stared across at the Camaro parked beside the Mayfield trailer. It was going to be a long drive back to California tomorrow and although you still hated Hawkins, you were kind of sad to leave Max and Eddie behind.
"What time do you want to hit the road in the morning?" You asked, glancing over at Billy.
He didn't answer though. His entire body had turned tense in the chair beside you, his fingers digging into his thighs through his jeans like he was trying to wake himself up from a dream... or a nightmare.
"Billy? What's wrong?"
He still didn't answer, but the moonlight shining down from the dark sky was enough to illuminate his features, highlighting the sudden panic that was creeping over him.
"Billy?" You tried again, slipping off your chair and kneeling in front of him. "Hey, talk to me."
"I-I can feel him." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
He lifted his shaky hand and grabbed the back of his neck. His eyes frantically searching the dark Trailer Park for threats before settling back on you with a look of fear washing over him. It was a different kind of horror seeing someone like Billy Hargrove look so frightened and you had no idea what to do.
The lights in the trailer suddenly started to flicker through the small window and your stomach dropped in realisation.
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redlegumes · 11 months
Pool - Steddie MicroFic
Written for ‘Pool’ wc: 600 | rated: e | AO3 Link
Edit: Misread the challenge rules! This month's cap was 442 words. So instead of pairing this down I'll just try to do better next time!
Steve and the kids change the way Eddie gets tattoos. 
Before they were scratchers, done in kitchens and back rooms by 'friends of friends,' paid for in drugs. But after the Upside Down, after the long hospital nights, after the slow recovery, caring about his body had finally wormed its way into Eddie's brain. He couldn't imagine getting some of his unscarred skin inked only to get an infection.
One of Eddie's newer goals in life was never to disappoint Steve Harrington. With the exception of bad punchlines. When he was in and out of consciousness in the hospital Eddie heard everything Steve whispered at his bedside. How he was Steve's hero, how Steve needed to see Eddie’s smile, needed his eyes to open. Eddie vowed that he wouldn’t make Steve worry like that again.
So he saved tips from gigs and barback work. He started his sleeve with Max. A busted skateboard lovingly taped back together, high up on his left shoulder. 
"You wanna keep it black and white?"
Eddie thought about Max, her recovery, and all he could see were bright pops of color.
"Nah man, make it loud. Pale skin makes for a good canvas."
He kept going, adding dice, a walkie, a spear... Each piece in bright colors. Everytime he went back to Hawkins for D&D or movie nights the kids would praise what he'd gotten and speculate about the next one.
Even when he was in town to see Wayne or smoke with Jonathan, he’d end up at Steve’s, swimming in the pool. It was their thing, a relaxing ritual. Heated water, low lights. Steve couldn’t swim alone anymore. Too much trauma, but with Eddie… Sometimes they would strip down and just float.
After Eddie started the sleeve, he’d wrap his new ink or sit with just his legs in the water. When he dived back in, he told Steve to touch the healed pieces.
Steve hesitantly reached his hand out. His hot fingers lightly ran over Eddie's skin making him want to melt as they both treaded water.
"They feel… raised?"
"Yeah, my artist is good but heavy handed. All the outline work is like etched in."
Eddie's breath caught in his throat as Steve's fingers reached up and ran over the faded scar on his neck.
"You’re incredible. You carved in something new. Something good."
"You could too Steve." Eddie reached out and touched Steve’s neck. "Add new memories. Better ones."
Eddie caught sight of Steve's eyes, darting from his scar to his lips. "I don't think I'm as brave as you Eds,” he said before pulling back.
That night Eddie sketched out his next tattoo.
He slapped the lined paper down on the counter as soon as his shop opened the next morning. He'd drawn the nail bat. The nails to be in neon blue, sunlight in oranges and yellow streaming behind. The bat in a wood grain. “Think a brunette with natural highlights,” Eddie said casually. “And,” he added, “you've been a little light handed, make sure this one’s deep.”
He spent a lot of the next month poolside with flimsy excuses not to jump in. Until the day he brought out the stereo and played Steve his new demo tape.
"You're doing such amazing things,” Steve said before he submerged most of his body under water. “Everyone is and… I'm here, just scraping by.”
Eddie stripped and dove in. He swam up to Steve and guided his hand to the new ink.
In the pool with that tattoo, Steve said that was the first time he realized Eddie loved him.
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twsthc · 6 months
twst character playlists pt. 2 🎧☆
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⚠️ warnings: not a warning but i just wanted to say that i have 2-3 asks in my drafts rn!!! i have not been ignoring you ive been procrastinating studying for finals and sleeping ^_^!!! they should be answered soon i prommy, ty for ur patience <3
last updated: december 17, 2023
🌹 🎼
Riddle: Red Velvet - Day 1 , Lee Hi - Only , Laufey - Promise , Beabadoobe - Glue Song , Men I Trust - Show Me How , Humming Urban Stereo - Banana Shake
cutie patootie basically
also music thats easy to study to!!! i just swiped this from my study playlist.
Ace: VANO 3000 - Running Away [adult swim] , Gorillaz Ft. Kali Uchis - She's My Collar , Worthikids - Friends In Low Places , Joey Valence & Brae - GUMDROP
music i listen to in roller skating rinks and drinking slurpees and crying
only ace uses a skateboard and probably wouldn't be crying and would drink the cola icee instead of the blue raspberry one
Deuce: AC/DC - Highway to Hell , Dominic Fike - Mama's Boy , The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) , Army Of Lovers - Crucified , Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation
"ACDC stands for acedeuce" -someone from the twsthc server
ummm not really much to add to this. deucepel canon. join my server
Cater: Aliyah's Interlude - IT GIRL , Girls Generation - Gee , IVE 아이브 - After LIKE , NewJeans - Super Shy , LE SSERAFIM - Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's wife
cater is a kpop stan and knows all the lyrics and dances and hums them randomly whilst walking down the hallway i saw her
Trey: Fuji Kaze - Shinunoga E-Wa , CAFUNÉ - Tek It , monsune - OUTTA MY MIND , piri & tommy - soft spot , Essosa - Waste My Time , Tatsuro Yamashita - Fragile
chill as fuck. in his zone. moisturized. at peace.
he plays this on low levels as he bakes and while hes studying
Leona: SZA - Broken Clocks , Childish Gambino - Redbone , Kendrick Lamar , Money Trees , Tyler, The Creator - See You Again , willowsmith - Wait a Minute! , Tyla - Water
leona is a part of the sassy male apocalypse
listens to Broken Clocks while its raining like he just went thru a breakup (he didnt)
Ruggie: Chief Keef - I Don't Like , jnhygs - JERK! , babyxsosa - EVERYWHERE I GO , Flo Milli - Conceited , Ice Spice - Princess Diana , Brent Faiyaz - Been Away (Jersey Club Remix) 
n i just fell n luv w a gangster, so he put my name n a tatt
but i dont let em come 2 the crib, so we get it on where we at
Jack: Outkast - Ms. Jackson , Destiny's Child - Bills, Bills, Bills , The Notorious B.I.G - Big Poppa , MF DOOM - Rapp Snitch Knishes , 2Pac - California Love
my favorite african american
Azul: Queen - Killer Queen , Joan Sebastion - Secreto de Amor , Caravan Palace - Rock It For Me , Lady Gaga - Americano , Chicago - We Both Reached For the Gun
once again older jazzy sounding songs
also electroswing. the octatrio are electroswing, and the Chicago musical
Jade: The Buttress - Brutus , Elita Harkov - Sour Switchblade , Elita Harkov - Mentally Not Here , KikuoHana - 不幸屋の娘 , NASTYONA - 09 요단강
in part one i put their cute girly girl hiking mushroom collecting playlist but here is their fucked up evil plotting and biting playlist
also useful for studying and lounge shifts! three in one!
Floyd: DIGITAL CIRCUS - Pilot Official Soundtrack , Kikuo - 天国へ行こう , Rufus Wainwright - Another Believer , Chuu - Heart Attack (sped up) , SB Soundtrack - Clownfish Capers
what can i say
silly goofy music for a silly goofy guy
Kalim: Heavenly - P.U.N.K Girl , No Doubt - Just A Girl , TWINKLE ♡ HEART/jun 音源 , Cascada - Everytime We Touch (Nightcore) , Dolly Style - Cherry Gum (Nightcore) , S3RL - All That I Need
hime gyaru kalim lives
i snuck in nightcore and S3RL im really not sorry
Jamil: Marie Madeleine - Swimming Pool , X-RAY SPEX - I Am a Poseur , Vundabar - Alien Blues , Memo Boy - Insomniac
just a girl
Vil: Lady Gaga - Beautiful, Dirty, Rich , Barry Manilow - At the Copa , NewJeans - ETA , Judy Singh - Up and Down , Amy Winehouse - Stronger Than Me
Epel: MF DOOM - Doomsday , Primus - The Devil Went Down To Georgia , The Crane Wives - The Moon Will Sing , October Country - My Girlfriend Is a Witch ,
The Devil Went Down To Georgia is the type of shit epel would listen to while performing the most back breaking nail chipping farm chores
Rook: I Monster - Lust for a Vampyr , Kali Uchis - I Wish you Roses , peace - stolen dance , Lamp - From The Window ,
Idia: TOPHAMHAT-KYO -Princess♂ , LamazeP - 難聴系男子が倒せない , Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan OP , BLEND-A - Bon Appetit S , Bakudan Poppy - Oha-Yo-del , Dancing Samurai
Malleus: Soap&Skin - Me and the Devil , Yoko Kanno - Green Bird
Silver: Korn - All in the Family , batta - chase , Lil Boodang - Jesus Don't Like That I'm Gay but Satans Cool With It , My Chemical Romance - Teenagers ,
yes thats the name of that song
emo teen music, not cos theyre an emo teen but cos lilia introduced the genre
Sebek: deaf, doesn't listen to music
Lilia: BABYMETAL - Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!! , Graveyardguy (feat. Slayyyter) - Final Girl , NANAOAKARI - One Room Sugar Life
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knickynoo · 2 years
Have you ever thought about how Marty would adjust to his family's financial situation in the Lone Pine Timeline? I mean, based on what we saw in the Twin Pines Timeline, the McFlys weren't very well off, and I can imagine what a shock it would be to someone. I can picture Marty panicking a little, still stuck in money-saving mode/survival mode.
Hmm, I've actually never thought about this before. And while I'm sure Marty has enough things on his plate in terms of adjusting to his new timeline, I can see the financial situation coming into play eventually.
I think it's one of the IDW comics ("Who is Marty McFly" maybe??) that sort of makes note of how well to do the Lone Pine McFlys are when Marty is about to ask his parents something and Linda says something to the effect of "What could he possibly ask them for? He's got everything already!" Which says pretty clearly that Marty--at least the Marty who was raised in that timeline--lives a sort of pampered lifestyle. Not necessarily spoiled, because George and Lorraine seem like the type to try to raise their kids to be decent people/not take things for granted, but Dave, Linda, and Marty definitely have had it easy most of their lives.
And so, for a Marty who's only ever lived in in an environment where money was likely tight most of the time to suddenly be dropped into a new life where his family is so well off that they have the means to just...buy him that brand new truck he wanted (and have Biff working for them to take care of their cars!), would be quite the shock.
I think Marty would enjoy this new, comfortable lifestyle, but I also don't think it would ultimately have that much of an impact on him? I mean, I mostly see Marty as a pretty simple guy who doesn't need a whole lot to make him happy. Especially since his room ends up looking exactly the same from what we can see--no additional fancy guitars or skateboards or stereo systems etc. I think Marty's just like, "Give me my puffy vest and my chocolate on my nightstand and my mad scientist best friend, and I'm good."
It's funny actually to imagine Lone Pine George and Lorraine as being parents who love to spoil their "baby" and Marty just. Not being particularly impressed. Maybe they ask him what he wants for his birthday or Christmas and are like, "Hey, we can get you a new guitar! Maybe some nice accessories for your truck? Oh, want to take a trip somewhere??"
Meanwhile, Marty is sitting there in his worn out, scuffed up sneakers, wearing the same outfit he wears like every day, a can of Pepsi clutched in his hand, and he's like, "Um...I'm good, thank you. :)))"
Thanks for the ask!
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magebastard · 1 year
For the Infamous ask game: Songwriting, Lyrics, and Wild card for anyone you'd like please! <333 (Also thank you for sending me one too! It is still sitting in my inbox, but I'm itching to get to it hehe) ~ @whowhatifs
ya of course omg also thank you for asking roz!
songwriting answered here!
Lyrics: What are some songs you associate with your character? Any specific lyrics that really scream your character?
there are Too many but the first that jumped to mind were this specific breakdown in bite the hand - boygenius
“Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you I am?
What do you wanna say?
What do you think will change?
Maybe I'm afraid of you.
Maybe I'm afraid of you.”
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
i will give a 1 1/2 answer! which is just two small fun little things.
the first: lane does not drive anywhere if they can help it. they bike or scooter or skateboard or walk but driving is their last resort always. their dingy green hatchback is more like a box for listening to music through a bad stereo and transporting equipment when necessary.
and the second little thing: uh lane exists in everyone’s canon playthroughs they’re selling ur bands merch they’re ur mc’s biggest fan they’re hauling ur gear they’re chain smoking at the gig
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sky-neverending · 1 year
Chapter one of my rewrite of my first fic ever lol
Max Mayfield awoke to the sound of an air horn blaring loudly throughout the trailer. She sat up reluctantly, rubbing her eyes and glaring at a hazy Eddie Munson standing in her doorway with a wide eyed grin.
“What do you want, Munson?” She groaned, flopping back down onto the pillow and turning away from him.
She could feel his smile radiating from across the room. “Get up!” He exclaimed, smiling toward her. “Get up, get up, get up! It’s time for school!”
Looking up at him, Max bit back a smile. Eddie was one of those people you just couldn’t help but smile at. She bit her lip instead, sitting up once more and swinging her feet over the edge of the mattress and onto the floor.
“Do we have to?” She asked, throwing her head back in disdain. “You don’t even like school.”
Eddie clicked his tongue at her, clapping a hand to her shoulder. “Now, that isn’t the right attitude. It’s your freshman year, Red! Be excited!”
Swatting at his hand, Max stood. She shot Eddie a glare and placed a hand on each of his shoulders, pushing him and his energetic grin out of her bedroom and closing the door behind her with a thud.
Max walked toward the dusty, cracked mirror Eddie had found for her and squinted, taking in the sight. Her red hair was a mess on her head, tangled and shooting up in every direction at once. Her shirt was black, with a faded band logo on the front. It was Eddies, one that didn’t fit him anymore, so it was rather large on her, as were the crumbled pair of sweatpants covering her legs.
Throwing her pajamas on the floor and pulling open the top drawer of her dresser, Max grabbed a red and white striped shirt and pulled it over her head. She picked a pair of light blue jean shorts that only had faint dirt stains on them, and completed the outfit with a simple blue jacket, despite the muggy August heat.
After changing, Max walked toward the bathroom, swinging it open to Eddie leaning over the sink with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. He mumbled something she couldn’t make out, and she rolled her eyes.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full, Eddie. It’s rude.” She said, as she leaned past him and grabbed a brush from off of the counter. Eddie spit his toothpaste into the sink and turned to look at her.
“I said you look like Animal.” He ruffled her mess of hair before walking out of the bathroom. “We leave in ten, muppet!” He called as he headed toward the kitchen.
When Max finished making herself look as presentable as possible, she pulled her hair up into a ponytail and walked out into the living area, plucking her skateboard and backpack from the ground. The two of them headed for Eddie's van, slipping inside as an awkward silence filled the air around them.
“Are you excited?” Eddie asked, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the wheel as the engine revved to life. Max turned to look at him, mouth agape in a mix of disgust and annoyance. She raised an eyebrow, plastering a mock smile across her face.
“Totally.” She began sarcastically, throwing her feet up onto the dash. “I can’t wait to be judged on my intellectual ability and be surrounded by smelly teenagers for half a day!”
Eddie shook his head with a sigh. “That’s no can do attitude, is it?” He said weakly, not wanting to waste his breath arguing with her. “Just… give it a chance?”
Max crossed her arms. “Fine.”
A satisfied smile creeped across Eddie's lips. “Fine.” He agreed, and the car fell into a comfortable silence, the only noise being that of the music playing through the stereo.
As they pulled up to the school, Max felt her heartbeat speed up and a wave of nausea rushed over her. Stepping out of the car, the feeling intensified as hundreds of eyes seemed to land on her, watching her every step. Their voices seemed to fall into hushed whispers, ringing through her ears. The room started to spin, and her breath became unsteady, fast and desperate. She gasped out for air stumbling into a locker as she searched for an escape. Tears welled in her eyes, taunting her with embarrassment. She needed to get out. Breaking into an unsteady sprint down the hall, Max searched through blurry eyes for a bathroom, when a hand fell heavily on her shoulder.
The last thing she heard before passing out was the voice of a man calling her name.
When she woke up, her vision was crowded by various faces, all lingering above her in a noticeably panicked state. They were speaking in faint whispers, exchanging hushed words that Max couldn’t make out.
She blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the light, a familiar face making its way into her view. Steve was standing over her, and upon realizing she was awake, he called out to Dustin, who promptly ran toward her with a water bottle.
Sitting up, Max looked around the room. Most of “The Party” as Dustin called it was there, scattered around the couch. El was standing next to Steve, brows furrowed in concern. Will was on the other arm of the couch Max was on, the one her arm wasn’t currently on. Mike and Lucas were on the ground in front of her, looking up at her anxiously.
She took the water bottle and looked up at Steve. “What the hell happened?” She asked, and Steve blinked at her.
“You passed out. You were lucky I was there to catch you, otherwise you might have hit the ground pretty hard.”
She glared at him. “And you dragged me into a random room? You didn’t look for help or anything?”
Blushing, Steve shrugged. “I don’t think fast on my feet.” he said before turning toward the group. “Alright, everyone out.” He whispered something to Dustin and ushered all the kids out of the room, leaving him alone with Max.
He sat down next to her. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked. She nodded quickly.
“I’m fine Steve. I promise. Just a little accident, that’s all.”
He raised an eyebrow before placing a hand on her shoulder. “Max.” he said sternly. “You said your anxiety was getting better. Why didn’t you tell me this was happening? You know you can come to me or Eddie for anything.”
Taking a shaky breath, Max’s shoulder fell. “I didn’t want to bother you. I thought I was fine, really. I’m sorry. It’s the first day and I’m already getting in the way and ruining everything and-”
Steve cut her off. “No. None of that.” He said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “You aren’t ruining anything, Max. Everything is going to be okay. You’re going to be fine.” She collapsed into him, sobbing quietly into his shirt. He ran his fingers through her hair as she cried, coaxing the tears out of her that had been piling up for the past five months.
After a few minutes, she pulled away. Sniffing, she wiped her face. “I think I got snot in your hair.” she muttered with a laugh, and Steve put a hand in his hair with a worried look on his face.
Before he could speak, the door to the room burst open, and Eddie ran inside with Dustin on his tail. “Max!” he exclaimed, rushing toward her. “Max, shit, are you okay? I’m so sorry I wasn’t here, I didn’t know what was happening.” He pulled her into his arms, muttering apologies.
“Eddie.” Max said, her voice muffled in his jacket. “I’m fine. Steve helped me.”
Eddie pulled away. “Oh," he said, and a look of something akin to disappointment rushed over his face. “Well, thanks for helping King Steve.” He bowed dramatically, and Max noticed the blush on Steve's face.
“No problem.” he stuttered, standing and rushing toward the door. “I gotta go. Bye!”
“See ya, Buttercup!” Eddie called after him, before turning back to Max with a frown. “Are you really okay?”
She nodded. “I’m fine, Eds. Steve helped, I promise.”
He smiled softly at her. “He’s a good guy. Now come on, let's get you to class.”
Steve groaned, slamming his head against his locker. Stupid Eddie Munson, and his stupid nicknames, and his stupid caring smile, and his stupid face. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” he muttered to himself, opening his locker and throwing it shut for good measure.
“Steve. What the hell was that?”
Jumping, Steve turned to see Dustin standing behind him. “Shit, kid. What are you doing here?”
Dustin stood in silence, a look of disgrace in his judgemental eyes. “I go here, Steve. Duh.”
“Yeah, but what are you doing standing behind me?”
Groaning, Dustin took a step forward. “I’m here because, as I just said, what the hell was that? I thought you and Eddie were friends now.”
“We are.” said Steve. Dustin raised an eyebrow.
“Then why did you run out like that?” he asked.
Steve pressed his lips together. “I had something to do.” he lied. “And Eddie had it under control.”
“Yes. Stuff to do like slamming your head into a locker.” said Dustin sarcastically. “Look, Steve. I know you’re like, intimidated by Eddie or whatever. But he’s not going to take your place, dude.”
A heavy sigh of relief left Steve's chest. “Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Eddies just so… cool, you know? I don’t want to lose you guys. But I promise, I don’t have a problem with them. Everything is fine.”
It wasn't completely a lie. Eddie was cool, and at first Steve had been intimidated by him.But now? Now it was more. It was a feeling he had never really felt before, except maybe with Nancy. It was growing and spreading, sending Steve blushing at just the mention of his name. It was like somehow Eddie had infected him, gotten into his head somehow.
Buttercup. The word repeated in his head over and over again. Why had Eddie called him that? To mess with him, make him more confused than he already was? Did he know how Steve felt? Surely he didn’t. He couldn’t, because Steve didn’t feel that way. He liked girls, and girls only. Yet that word continued to float around his brain. Buttercup, buttercup, buttercup.
Part of him wondered what it would be like if Eddie said it and really meant it. If he held him in his arms and kissed him on the forehead. If he murmured it in the night as they fell asleep, and whispered it in the morning as the sun rose. He thought about what it would be like to wake up next to Eddie. How his voice would sound, if he slept in late or woke up at the crack of dawn. He wondered how Eddie slept, on his back, his sides, his stomach. If he ran cold or if his skin burned under the blankets. If he was the type to wrap his arms around someone, hold them close in the darkness. How would it feel to hold his hand? Would the rings he wore get in the way, bringing a coldness to the skin? Eddie's rings drove Steve to insanity, the way they looked as they covered his fingers and gleamed in the light.
Steve knew he shouldn’t feel this way. He shouldn’t like Eddie, not even as a friend. Matter of fact, a few years prior he would have laughed in Eddie's face, called him names and poked fun at him for simply being himself.
But it was so hard not to like Eddie once you got to know him. He was so kind, so caring and protective and loving. He got on with the kids so well, always knowing what to do or say around them. He had flaws, sure. But all and all, he might have been the nicest guy Steve had ever met. And his smile. His smile was so heartstopping it melted Steve like butter. There was just something about him that was so mesmerizing that Steve couldn’t help but to fall into it head first.
He was brought back to reality by Dustin punching his arm roughly. “Dude. What is up with you today? You’ve been staring at the wall with a dopey smile on your face for like three minutes.”
Blushing once again, Steve shrugged lamely. “Just tired I guess,” he said. “I should get to class. See you later kid.” He ruffled Dustin's curls once before heading toward his first class of the day.
And he could only think about one thing.
Stupid Eddie Munson.
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