#steve just wants to be loved and thats so real
devondespresso · 1 year
i love steve so fucking much man because HE is just so full of love like especially after season 1 hes constantly giving people so much fucking love dude like he puts his all into his relationship with nancy and he may not be doing everything right but hes definitely trying and theres definitely that love there and then my bitch gets broken up with and immediately rediects his love to this sassy child he just met and then to said sassy child's sassier friends and suddenly not even 48 hours after getting broken up with hes now a single father of 3 middle schoolers (dustin lucas and max because he did meet them first) and is slowly adopting the rest of their friend group (rip mike he had no choice in the matter /j) (also may i remind you these are middle schoolers like as lovely as the party is theyre still middle schoolers aka in probably the worst time of your life aka when you're not that lovely either plus severe traumatic experience like shit ain't easy bro /lh)
my guy spends most of his free time looking for romantic love because to him thats probably the only way hes used to love being reciprocated (and ill die on that hill like i see ya "steves parents aren't actually that bad" posts i hear ya i know i know i used to be more indifferent to that train but the info we do have doesn't point to steve being overdramatic about his dad being an asshole and honestly that'll be a post in itself because i get unreasonably upset about it and thats probably something i should reflect on but ANYWAY) hes constantly looking for what he assumes will be reciprocated love and we see that best with robin because after his confession with robin we don't see him being disappointed in the slightest because hes not actually looking for just romance he just wants reciprocated love and THATS why we see him no longer knowing what he wants in s4 because he assumes hes still on the hunt for romance but hes already found the love hes been really needing (the strong as FUCK platonic love from robin) (also not to discount the love the kids give him because their impact in his life is also huge i just mentioned robins because of how at face value he was rejected but he actually got what he was looking for)
anyway yeah, steve my beloved and his story about giving love and being loved in return <3
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autistickfigure · 7 months
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first time they meet. Technically. not really
#flowers arts#steve#system accountability is DEAD and we KILLED HIM#steve voice Its all your fault. BOB voice Its all your fault (They are equally at fault)#eve has been dreaming about this for a long time. so he kinda thought he'd got it down by now#steve loves BOB and thinks he can do no wrong But also loves to blame him for everything he (and herself) did wrong.#BOB doesnt think that steve is real and also hates it. they dont have normal conversations#steve gets really sad when zes fronting alone and BOB gets Maladaptive daydream core when he fronts alone.#which is why he feels that way about steve. AND steve is keeping this whole system thing under raps except not really#Some of that is just BOB not caring i feel. its hard not to spill over thoughts hes just this way. THEYRE FUNNY.#steve tries to be cool but hes kind of lame whenever he does that. and BOB is always lame#if BOB were not obsessed with humans steve wouldn't look that way too probably. maybe he'd just be a stickfigure#ONE more thing. steve found out about the system thing because of green when he was like 1-10. on the phone.#he had an app to track that stuff when he found out but then he realized that hes 2 billion years old and probably a lot of alters.#AND he didnt know what to set as profile pictures AND didnt want BOB to find out so it was quickly abandoned. BUT thats how green knows ste#e. and they are friends despite steve wanting to be alone when fronting. ITS also funny because green hates BOB. and ocassionally says her#name in public. but greeen is also a system so its ok. (But he doesnt know because he thinks its viruses. WELCOME TO MY twisted world)
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Pairing:  Uni! Nerd! Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: you’re the new girl at school, and the more steve rogers sees you, the more his crush grows. after a few weeks of texting, a date is set. but he doesn't hook up on the first date, because that's not being a gentleman. right? 
Warnings: SMUT, pure filth, praise kink, slight degradation, daddy kink, spanking, cum play, dry humping, dirty talk, manhandling, petnames, swearing, biting/ marking, size kink, but lots of fluff :))
“maybe i would like you better if you took off your clothes, im not playing with you baby- i think that you should give it a go. she said, maybe i would like you better if you took off your clothes... i wanna see and stop thinking if youre too shy, then let me know”- if youre too shy (let me know), the 1975
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“She's so beautiful Buck. You’ll just love her.” Steve insisted, baby blues all wide and excited, cheeks tinted pink as he ran his hands through his blonde locks, tugging on the strands a bit harder than he’d normally- the butterflies plaguing his muscles. 
He had never felt so in love, and he hadn't even talked to you in person yet. It was a sickness, the love drunk that had occurred, no amount of Advil or water the cure to the hangover. 
Bucky was sick of him. He was sure of it. 
He had blabbed about you for weeks now, seeming to go in a daze as he’d ramble on. Mhmm. Well, just talk to her after class Steve! 
He’d just shake his head. He couldn't just do that! How could he? You were so alluring, a siren calling him out from sea. Steve just couldn't… the courage he had always had seeming to come to a halt. It was abrupt, a deer in headlights as he watched you walk into the lecture hall. 
The new girl. Full of spunk and energy, a bright smile on your face as you looked around the room, meeting his eye. He offered you a small smile, a little wave before you found your place near the front. 
You matched his energy well. So well, he was scared you weren't even real. Her name is Y/N. You want her number or something? His friend Natasha had asked him earlier that month, nudging his shoulder to gather his attention again. Sorry. Yes, please. He was too busy daydreaming about you again, gaze drifting off to the endless rows of books in the old library. 
Steve had been anxious to send the text, his endless pacing back and forth enough to drive Bucky straight up the wall. He had never seen the man so nervous. Especially over a girl. 
Should I do it? What do I say? Is this weird? Shut the fuck up already and send something Rogers you're driving me insane. He had replied, smacking a pillow over his head to tune Steve out. He gathered his wits about him, taking a deep breath before he hit send.
 hey, it’s steve, from tuesdays class. not sure if you remember me, but i’m the blonde who waved lol. i got your number from a friend, hope thats okay:) 
There. He had done it! Now was the waiting. But it didn’t last long, as his phone buzzed in his pocket only a few minutes later. 
hey you! yes yes, i remember. i’m Y/N <3 
I know, he wanted to say. Instead, he acted dumb. Dumb and sweet was the way to your heart he found out later, all the sweet messages and daily photos of each other's day blossomed into something more than just classmates. 
But he still hadn't talked to you in person yet. And he knew you were too shy to say anything first- so it was just a waiting game. Finally, all these days later- he had asked you on a date. 
Nothing major. Nothing fancy. Just coffee, and a walk around the villa. Simple and fun, Bucky had reassured, thankful his best friend had finally made the move. He was blind if he thought you weren't into him. Blind and stupid. 
Bucky walked with him now, bundling his jacket tighter around himself as the slight breeze ruffled his hair. It was a cool evening, but not freezing- a perfect happy medium for the season. 
“I’m sure she is. Since you never seem to shut up about her.” Bucky teased, resulting in a smack across the arm from Steve. 
“I’m serious man. I’m just so anxious about this. What if she actually like.. hates me or something?”
 “Impossible. And if anything goes wrong, I’m just three blocks away.” Bucky shrugged, as Steve’s phone buzzed.
five mins away :)
“She’s almost here.” he sighed, starting to fidget with his rings as Bucky dropped him off at the cafe's doors. He had never felt this tense before a date, which he knew meant he really, really liked you. The countless times he had stalked your social media and hours of sleep he lost due to waiting to hear back from you had proved that. 
So what could possibly go wrong? 
 “Well get a table, talk about the weather- and it’ll be all good from there.”
“And so I told him no, because like what? That's not just something you do at a gas station?” you laughed, making Steve nearly choke on his coffee. You were so happy to be sitting with the man you had been swooning over for weeks now, heart fluttering the second the two of you locked eyes in the lecture hall. 
He was dreamy, gush-worthy standards. And now here he was, so many days later- sitting in front of you with a cup of coffee in hand. You had examined his choice of drink very carefully, knowing that could reflect on many things. Just as many other little things did, like if he slept with socks on or if he only picked the m&ms out of trail mix. 
Steve had a safe, solid choice- two creams and one sugar. Dark roast. You knew he was a good one.
 “I’m sure. Jesus people are crazy.” he snorted, swirling the little wooden stir stick around in his coffee as he admired you. You felt yourself start to fold in on itself the longer he gazed at you, stare so deep and meaningful you were scared you'd start giggling and kicking your feet right there. 
You wouldn't be surprised if you did. Steve had that effect on you, always making you swoon from across the class, each text he sent making you smile. He had a heart next to his contact name, for god's sake. But there was no way in hell you'd tell him that. At least not on the first date. 
You weren't even sure if he liked you back- as sometimes flirting flew straight over your head. You were funny like that sometimes. But tonight had seemed to have gone well, at least in your mind. The two of you had been talking for hours, getting little pastries and new drinks to try throughout the evening. It was dark out now, the moon high in the sky, shining down on the little vintage cafe with its dozens of tealights and oil lamps. 
You sipped your drink, still hot on the tongue as you met his stare. He smiled. That goddamn, cheeky smile that kept you up at night. One that screamed danger, and mischief and everything you wanted. A thrill, an adventure. Something fun- something your small town refused to offer. 
“Whatta thinking about?” he asked, breaking the easy silence that lingered over the pair of you like a veil. Like you were in your own little bubble, where no one could touch you. 
“Just you. And how you're different.” His eyebrow quirked up. “How so?” 
“ Well you haven't asked me to take off my clothes. Or made any sexual comments. Or said ‘maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes’, so I like you.” you said, taking another sip of coffee to let those words digest. 
He just smiled, shaking his head slowly. “Well of course not. I mean, not that you aren't beautiful and so fucking hot and I mean-” 
You laughed. 
“Okay, you know what I’m getting at. But what I’m trying to say is that I’m a gentleman. And I would never ask that of you if you didn’t want it.” A sly grin tugged at your lips, legs crossing under the table as you squeezed your thighs together. 
“What if I want it?”
“I don’t normally do this on the first date ya know.” Steve murmured against your neck, breath hot as he kissed down your neck, grip tightening around your thighs as he hosted you up against the wall. 
It had been a few hours later, some odd hour in the night after the coffee and the little walk down the side streets, popping into old bookstores and antique stores where he watched you marvel over little things like signed paperbacks and old purses his great grandma probably had. He was infatuated with you. 
Somehow his hand had ended up intertwined with yours, your arm bumping his as he walked you back to your place. Do you… maybe wanna come inside? You had asked, little doe eyes wide, voice as soft as silk. How could he say no? He never said no to you. 
Now here he was, dry humping you in your entranceway, barely two steps in the door before your lips had met his. You were drawn to him like a magnet, falling under his spell as your neck rolled back against the plaster, letting him have more access.
 “No? Wanting to keep up your gentlemanly acts? Promise I won't tell.” you teased, breath hitching as he traced your collarbone with his nose, finally sinking his teeth into the soft skin. Your hips rolled against his lower abs, desperate for any friction you could get. 
“Pinky promise?” he breathed, causing a moan to escape your parted lips as he squeezed your skin, licking the teeth marks as he dipped his mouth even lower. 
“P-pinky.” you stuttered. It was getting harder and harder to think clearly, movements blurring as if he was switching the lenses on your eyesight. Hands were on your ass, in his hair, tugging on those beautiful long strands to then wrap around his neck. 
Teeth clashed with tongue as he devoured you whole, and you felt as if you were on a carnival ride as he spun you over to your bedroom. You prayed he didn’t notice the piles of old, dog-eared books that were piled against the wall so high they were on the verge of toppling over, or your cluttered nightstand with so many candles and jewelry it had no other purpose. Steve didn’t seem to mind the mess, solely focused on how your breath sounded when it was uneven and when you were flustered, the giggles that emerged when he tossed you down on the sheets like a sack of potatoes. 
You liked being manhandled by him. You liked how he had wasted no time throwing you up against the wall, taking charge in such a respectful, yet sexy manner. This had only happened in your late-night thoughts, little flirty texts that you had sent when you got the courage past eleven pm nothing compared to this. You had always wondered what he would be like in bed, ever since you stepped foot in that classroom. It didn’t disappoint in the slightest. 
“God you're so- so fucking hot. You know how many times I've thought of this? Hearing your little noises when I make you feel good?” You whined. He groaned, tugging off your pants. 
“Yeah. Yeah, fuck like that baby. You’re such a good girl for me aren't you?” 
There it was. That was the money shot. Something in your demeanor shifted, eyes wide as you nodded frantically. Yes. Yes, you were and he knew it. “Please Steve just-”
 “Just what angel face? Hmm? Fuck you?” he antagonized you, as if he was talking to a mere child.
“Please. Please fuck.” The words had barely left your lips before he grabbed your hips, flipping you over so you were presented to him, ass in the air, face deep in the sheets. Your shirt had yet to come off, but you had a feeling it was going to meet your bottoms on the hardwood, the two of you too desperate to both with the flimsy article of clothing.
 “God you're so easy to manhandle. You like that huh? Being tossed around like a slut?” 
“Mhmmm god yes..” you moaned, letting out a quick yelp as he smacked your ass lightly, your hands curling into tight little fists as you gripped the blankets. You could feel the breath get trapped in your lungs as he kissed the skin he had just slightly marked, lips like a cooling serum to the heat in your belly. 
“Breathe angel. Just breathe for me yea? You tell me when it’s too much.” 
“What, don’t wanna get too freaky on the first date?” you chriped out, making him laugh. 
“Something like that.”
 “I like this, ya know. I like you. And I don’t feel shy around you, like I have with other people. You’re good to me, Steve.” 
He smiled softly, chest blooming with warmth at your reassuring words. He was so happy. All he wanted was for you to  feel comfortable around him, to feel wanted. Because he wanted you. Oh, gods did he ever want you.
 “Good.” was the only warning he gave you before he hit home, sliding into you gently. “Fuck. Fuck fuck you feel so fucking good.” was all he could moan, head tossed back in pleasure as you squeezed around him, adjusting to his size. 
He was big. Like extremely big.  All you could do was whimper, praying to every god that was out there that you could take him. 
“S’big Stevie. M’all full.” you squeaked, a rough growl escaping from his lips at your words. “Yea baby? I’m just so much bigger than you- aren't I? Filling you up to the brim, like a little hole for me to use.” 
He brushed your g-spot as his hips began to snap, cock drilling into you so fast you swore you saw stars. All you could do was hold onto the bed, allowing your body to fall limp, going slack as he used you. 
“You're so good. Such a good, good princess.” he praised, large hand pressed down slightly on your back as you arched, moans muffling into the sheets. You prayed your neighbors weren't home, or else you knew you'd get the dirty looks and silent treatment tomorrow.
 Totally worth it, you thought with a dazed-out smile, listening to the sounds of the bed drilling against the wall, springs squeaking in time with his groans, the squelching wet noises of your juices coating his cock. 
“M’not gonna last.” you whimpered softly. “S’okay baby. Be a good girl and cum f’me okay poppet?” 
You nodded, rumpled sheets bunching tighter between your closed fists as you squeezed him so tight it was suffocating, your clit pulsing a steady rhythm as you came with a cry. 
“Atta girl. Milking me dry baby, you really needed that didn’t you?”
 “Y-yea Daddy..” 
Heat rose to your cheeks. The name had rolled off your tongue before you could stop it, the filter that normally was placed over your words now gone in your dazed-out state. What if you fucked up? That wasn't supposed to come out. 
“F-fuck. Daddy huh? I should've known you’d like that shit. Not as much as me though baby.” he growled, grabbing your hips harshly, his thrusts becoming harder, quicker, more erratic. 
“Daddy’s making you feel so good hm?”
 “So good Daddy. Want you to fuck me alll the timee.” you giggled softly, whining as you felt him slip out of your abused hole.
 “Shhh poppet. I didn’t bring any condoms with me and we aren't risking it on the first date.” he shushed you, spilling his seed onto your lower back, stilling your wiggling movements as you begged. 
You felt the warm, white liquid ooze against your skin, dribbling down your ass as you wiggled it. The pad of Steve's fingers made you jump, the soft, gentle touch adding even more to the post-orgasm haze.
 “I-I have some in my drawer for next time.” He trailed his fingers against the delicate skin, smearing the cum down your thighs, giving you a quick little smack. 
“Good to know sweetheart.” he smiled, watching as you slowly turned to face him, doe eyes wide, lips parted slightly.
 “So when’s the next date?”
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 2
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 1
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If you heard the names Casey or Steve one more time you might go insane. Stu ran up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. "Boo!" The binder you held in your arms unceremoniously hit the floor. "Let go of me weirdo." You struggled but he didn't let go. "Did ya hear about Casey and Steve?" You could scream. The heel of your Mary Jane shoes made contact with his toes making him lose his grip. With a huff you picked up your belongings. "Why is everyone so obsessed with them?" Stu cocked an eyebrow at you. "Uh because they were slit open like pigs in a butcher shop?"
"I get that trust me thats all anyone can talk about. But you can't act all sad like you've lost a loved one and then talk in great detail about what organ fell out where. It's inhumane." He leaned back on the lockers listening to you rant. "Yesterday was a complete shit show. That Steve guy was a prick to me and he didn't even know my name yet. So he can't be the saint everyone's making him out to be. Murders happen everywhere all the time these two aren't going to change anything."
"Interesting take from Marry Poppins. What's got your panties in a bunch today?" You opened your locker putting away your things for lunch. "Some asshole started talking to me in 2nd period about how in a movie I'd be a prime suspect because the murders started when I got here." Randy. Stu knew the moment you brought up movies. "Well you did say Steve was an asshat, that's motive Y/n." He was right but let's be real here. You couldn't take on an athlete if you were paid. You rubbed your face in frustration. "Relax I know it's not you. You'd cry if you got blood on that cute little dress of yours." It really wouldn't matter you knew how to take practically any stain out of a piece of clothing.
"You'd be surprised." Just as the words left your lips a kid bumped into you knocking you into Stu. His hands conveniently found your hips. "Watch where you're walking asshole!" Stu shouted with a laugh. You pulled yourself away from him trying to straighten your dress with your hands. "Hey I'm meeting Tatum and everybody by the water fountain, you in?" The idea of being around more people wasn't ideal. Stu could see on your face you didn't want to. "Oh come on Billy's going to be there." He wasn't dumb. Billy was an attractive guy, he was well aware of that. All the girls had a thing for Billy, you were no exception.
"If I go you can't just completely ignore me because I only know you two." Stu shut your locker for you as you continued to walk. "Ignore you? I could never. You could sit on my lap if you wanted to." You fake gagged making him laugh. "I don't think your girlfriend would like that." He just shrugged his shoulders. "Eh I do what I want." This doesn't surprise you. "You are a peace of work." The doors opened letting the light bombard your skin. "Picasso baby!" Stu shouted as he grabbed your hand pulling you towards the fountain.
"Fresh meat everybody!" He declared as you stood uncomfortably in front of everyone. Billy looked more than unamused at your appearance. "Y/n right? You're in my math class?" You nodded at the girl with brown hair. She stuck out her hand for you to shake. "I'm Sydney Prescott." Billy shook his head with a smile. "Nice to meet you Sydney." She smiled up at you and returned the sentiment. "She's the killer I'll bet anybody 10 bucks." If looks could kill he'd be six feet under. "Randy knock it off. You think this adorable face could murder?" Stu pinched your cheeks with a grin on his lips. "Not a chance." He let go and found a seat next to Tatum. "Plus there's no way a girl could've killed them."
"Scoot over let her sit down." Billy huffed but did what Sydney told him. "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be a female, Basic Instinct." You nodded in Tatum's defense. "That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing." Stu looked over at all of us before looking at Tatum. "Yeah Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. The fact is it takes like, a man to do something like that." Sydney looked down at the ground uncomfortable with the conversation.
"I don't know feminine rage is pretty scary. Do you know how many cheating husbands get stabbed to death or fed to the dogs by the wife. The fact is women know how to get a job done quickly and quietly. Men get cocky and want to play around that's how they get caught." Randy snapped his finger point at you. "See what I mean!" Stu laughed and Billy just looked at you with intrigue.
"How do you gut someone?" The honest tone of Sydney's voice made everyone quite down. "You take a knife and you slit them from groin to sternum." Billy sat up seemingly done with the gorey details. "Hey, it's called tact fuckrag." Billy looked at Stu his eyes once again saying more than his words did.
"Change of subject, I like your dress it's very Hepburn." Tatum spoke up. You cleared your throat trying to shake off that uneasy feeling. "Thanks I made it myself." She sat up in shock. "No way! You should totally make me one." If only it were that simple. "You think I'd look good in something like that babe?" She asked Stu and if you knew anything about him he'd give a smartass answer. "I think it'd look better on my bedroom floor but hey." She smacked his arm as everyone shared a laugh.
Stu continued rambling on about the murders with Randy. You were sick of hearing about it and it appeared so was Sydney. Her hand rested on Billy's knee as he whispered something to him. He nodded as she left a kiss on his cheek. The moment she left his demeanor darkened even more. He looked truly angry at this point. You assumed it was because Stu had upset her. Billy leaned next to you just enough to hit Stu's arm. "Ow man what gives? I was joking!" Billy was the next to get up followed by Randy.
"Hey Y/n? Are you doing anything Saturday? Me and Syd were going to hang out this weekend you could totally join." You knew Stu and Billy had plans to hang out with you and by the look on Stu's face he'd be upset if you said yes to Tatum. "Can't. My dad's going to be gone this weekend so I have to house sit." The smile on Stu's face was far from innocent. "You think with a killer on the loose you should be home alone?" She had a point but you doubted there was a serial killer running around. "I know how to lock my doors I'll be fine. Promise."
The school day went by fast thankfully. But once again everyone crowded around your car. "I'm not giving you a ride today." You shook your head. "I was thinking we could all go riding around maybe go to the mall? Someone's got to give you a tour." Stu said gesturing to the friend group you know found yourself a part of. "You don't have to of course." Sydney chimed in. She was probably the nicest one out of the group. "Who's got money for gas?" In an instant Stu handed you a crumpled up 100 dollar bill. "That should cover it and don't ask where its been." He noticed the shock on your face. "Don't worry there's more where that came from." He winked at you and Tatum rolled her eyes. You shoved the bill in your purse snapping it shut.
"Ive got work today so I'll catch you all later." Randy said as he walked away. You felt a little bad you were relieved at his absence. "Okay I've got bench seats so three people can sit up front and three in the back. "I call back seat with Stu." Tatum pulled at his shirt dragged him to the back. "No doing anything weird back there this is my dad's car." Tatum just laughed and Stu stuck his tounge out shaking it at you in protest. "Oh shit I forgot I've got to study for that exam tomorrow. I have to get home." Stu started to boo and Tatum echoed her boyfriend. "We'll only be gone a couple hours Syd."
"I have to pass this test Billy. You go ahead and go. You guys have fun!" She grabbed her bag and headed off towards the busses. Billy sat in the passenger seat again same aggravated look on his face. "Would it kill you to smile?" You asked lightheartedly. He turned to you flashing the fakest smile you'd ever seen. "See was that so hard?" Sarcasm dripping off your words. "Incredibly."
The mall wasn't hard to find after Tatum gave you some directions. You weren't sure how this little outing would go. On one hand it was nice having friends and spending time with people but on the other you and Billy were third wheeling. You had only been through half the stores and Stu already managed to spend an egregious amount. "Ooh help me pick out a set." Tatum said pulling Stu into the Victoria's Secret. Billy followed them in so you had no choice but to follow suit. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Billy asked as he touched the lace fabric on a teddy. "Odd question to ask considering you have a girlfriend."
"Fuck me for trying to make conversation." You laughed and decided to play along. "I do. We're trying the whole long distance thing." Billy found it hard to make eye contact with you. Choosing to play with and pick up anything around him to keep his hands busy. "He's probably cheating you know? Teenage boys do that." You're beginning to think both him and Stu have absolutely no filter. "Probably but it's not the like the guys around here are any better. I mean look at you and Stu." You're eyes flickered over to Stu holding up a bra to his chest declaring he was a girl. With a shake of the head you turn back to Billy. His eyes met with yours and for the first time he didn't advert his gaze. "Do you wear anything like this?" He gestured towards the thongs and see through bras.
"Nah I'm more into ropes and whips." You joke thinking if anyone would find it funny he would. His eye grew just a tiny bit wider surprised at your response. His lips quirked upwards a small smirk playing at his mouth. "I'm kidding!" Your face grew hot as he looked back down at what you were wearing. "No you're not. You're a freak. It's always the nice girls." Scoffing at that you wiped your hands down your dress trying to pull it further down your legs.
He smiled knowing he was making you uncomfortable. "You're a real creep you know that?" He held up in hands in fake surrender. "You caught me." Tatum shouted your name from across the store. "That's my que." You had no idea where she was or what she was doing. "She's in the dressing room I offered to help but ya know." He raised his eyebrows suggestively as if you didn't already know what he meant.
"Tatum it's me." You knocked on the door and it opened immediately. Her arm stuck out grabbing you and pulling you in. "You've got to stop doing that." You said in a hushed voice. "Opinions?" She said as she spun around practically naked. The red lace nightie left little to the imagination. "Um I think it looks cute. It doesn't cover much does it?" You ask and she laughed. "That's the point silly. You don't think it makes me look fat?" She was so skinny you worried about were her organs were let alone be over weight. "You look fine hun. I'm gonna go check on the guys." She said alright and let you slip out of the dressing room.
"We got you something." Stu shook the bag in front of your face startling you. "He got it." Billy spoke up as you took the bag from Stu. "No you grabbed it and said it would-" A swift punch to the ribs shut the blonde boy up. "Don't open it till later." Billy said and for some reason you agreed. "Is she about done in there?" The door opened and Tatum eagerly ran to the checkout desk. Stu like a puppy followed right behind her leaving you and Billy alone again.
"What did you get me?" Once again his eyes were on the floor. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He quipped his eyes finally reaching your face. "I would. That's why I asked." You both smiled at the small reenactment. "You didn't have to get me anything especially from here." He grabbed the bag from you tying the ribbon strings together. "Don't get too excited it's not a ball gag or anything." You smacked his arm snatching the bag back. "Plus I didn't pay for it. Rich boy over there did." He pointed at Stu.
"I'm hitting up Spencer gifts who's coming with me?" Going into that store with Stu was probably the dumbest thing you could do. "I'm in." You said mentally regretting it. "I'll go where you go." Tatum said as she hugged his arm. The last one to go was Billy. "Let's just get this over with." Stu practically ran to the opposite end of the mall with Tatum tossed over his shoulder. "There's no way your feet aren't killing you." Billy said looking down at your heels.
"I grew up in high heels mister. I could run in these bad boys if I had to." You weren't kidding. Growing up in a household where you had church every Sunday and you only had one pair of sneakers, you could run in heels. "I doubt that." He was getting more comfortable around you. Billy didn't even realize it. He used to be fun. He used to screw around and let loose like Stu does. Since his mom left and the world seemed to collapse around him he just had one to many stabs in the back.
"Wanna race?" He looked at you with a childlike curiosity. He would win he knew that much. Considering his murderous tendencies he could beat you in ten seconds flat. "I run to the store and if you catch me before I get there you win. What do you say?" Before he could answer you took off running. It was supposed to be fun for the both of you. A little game of cat and mouse. What you didn't realize was how seriously he would take it. The simple sound of his boots gaining up on you was terrifying. Your laughter stopped as you sped up.
You ran around people, who were then pushed out of the way by Billy. This was no longer a game. He was trying to catch you. The click of your heels got faster and faster till you ran into someone. "Woah there what's going on?" You looked up and saw Stu waiting at the door of Spencer's. You won. Billy was just two steps behind you the entire time. "Damnit!" He exclaimed appearing genuinely pissed that he didn't grab you. Tatum chimed in asking him what the hell was going on. After all to them it seemed like something horribly wrong had happened. "We were just playing. I told him we'd race each other." You looked back at Billy trying to catch his breath.
"Billy Loomis playing a game? Now that's unheard of." Stu gasped as he walked in the store. You approached Billy deciding to check on him. Your hand touched his shoulders as they heaved up and down. "Are you okay?" His hand wrapped around your wrist tighten enough to bare pain. "I'm fine." He flung your hand away, leaving you behind as he walked in the store. So much for that. It was hot and cold with him. You couldn't figure it out and you weren't sure if you wanted to.
Stu and Tatum were over in the novelty section making dirty jokes and just getting on each other's nerves. You didn't know where Billy went. You walked to the back of the store ignoring the adult toy section. You looked down at your stockings noticing the big rip on your right leg. "Shit!" You cursed picking at the hole. Going through the short selection of stockings they had to offer you finally settled on a pair. They were thigh highs which is something you usually didn't wear. Victoria's secret bag and stockings in hand you walked up to the cashier and paid.
Afterwards you met up with Stu and Tatum who were as equally ready to leave as you were. "Where's Billy?" She asked. "I have no idea." Stu leaned over trying to peak into the Spencer bag. "You get something from the back?" You did but you weren't going to be honest about it. "I did. I got it for Tatum though. She deserves at least six inches." She started to laugh as Stu acted all dramatic. "Ha ha really funny. Go ahead laugh it up. I'll have you know she's perfectly content with what she's got." Tatum shook her head making you laugh even harder. "You guys ready to go?"
"Where'd you go?" You asked Billy as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Bathroom." You're not sure what you did to piss him off. Is he butthurt that you beat him in a race? That can't be it he's not 5. He shouldn't be upset by such a small thing. "Let's go bitches!" Stu and Tatum walked hand in hand once again leaving you and Billy to talk. "Did I do something wrong?" You ask gingerly not to upset him further. "No." Another one word answer.
"We can race again. I'll let you catch me this time. I'll play dead and everything if you'd like." You laughed trying everything in your power to make him tolerate you again. "You would?" You weren't being serious but if that's what it took so be it. "If you'll stop being mad at me I will." That somehow put a smile on his face. "Should I start running?" You joke and he actually chuckles. "No no. We'll save that for later."
Everyone makes their way to your car getting in the same seats as before. "I know where Stu lives where do you two live?" You sit your bags in the floor next to Billy's black combat boots. "I'm going to her house before I go home so you can take me there. She's going to take me home before they pick up Sydney." She proceeds to giggle at the admission. "Just drop me off at Stu's" Billy says as he slicks his hair back. "Do you live at Stu's place?" You start the car leaving the mall in your rearview mirror. "Stu's parents are never home so they practically live together."
Billy looked out the window not making eye contact with anyone in the car. "Means I throw the best damn parties our school has ever seen." Stu and Tatum rejoiced in the back. That fact left more questions than answers. It made sense why Stu seemed to be so flippant with money. It even explained his overall behavior. Billy's case however was different. How bad was it at his house that he needed to live with Stu? In all honesty you felt bad for both the boys.
"Hey Billy open the glove compartment and play something." He did as told until he saw the contents of the glove box. "What the hell?" He said as he pulled out an 8 track. "Listen my dad had an 8 track player put in back in the 70s so that's all I got." With a smile on his face he dug through all the boxes.
Pushing the tape into the car AC/DC blasted through the speakers. "How'd I know you'd pick that one?" He carefully put all the tapes back where he got them. "I have good taste what can I say?" He shrugged. First stop was Tatum's house. She gave you the directions which you quickly found out she lives on the same street as you. "Your lights on upstairs is your dad home? I saw your car in the driveway this morning." Tatum asked pointing at your house. Fuck. "So this is where the mysterious Betty Crocker lives." Stu laughed putting on his best Vincent Price voice. Billy was just satisfied in knowing where you live. "Yeah my dad is. He's probably sleeping though he's got to get up early in the morning which means I've have to get home so scoot." You waved the couple out of your car quickly.
You pulled away getting just a couple houses down the road before your car began to stall. "What's wrong?" Billy asked as you look around. "I don't know it hasn't done this before." You turned the car off and on again but nothing happened. "Does it have gas?" You didn't get gas. The crumpled 100 was still shoved in your purse. "Son of a bitch." You cursed as you hit the steering wheel. "Hop out I've got to go get the gas can out of my garage."
"Do I get a house tour?" You stayed quiet genuinely upset at your ignorance. "Listen when we go inside I want you to be quiet. Okay?" Billy nodded as you unlocked your front door. "Holy shi-" You immediately covered his mouth. "I told you to be quiet." Slowly you pulled your hand away and he stepped into the house. "What year do you think it is?" You shut the door as quietly as possible knowing your dad could get up at anytime. "Oh shut up." Billy looked around at the old pictures, the old decor, really the old everything. Billy didn't come from rich parents like Stu. Your house was definitely bigger and better but it didn't have the rich person feel. Billy's house wasn't the problem for him, it was the people in it. It used to be a happy home but all that was waiting for him now was alcohol and fights.
While you sat your bags down he looked around the place. It looked like no one had bought anything new for the place since the 70s. The TV in the living room was 90% wood and the kitchen was a tacky yellow. All the appliances on the counters had to be at least 20 years old. Hell the phone on the wall was a rotary dial phone. Billy felt like he was walking into the Myers house.
"Let's go!" You whisper yelled at him the heavy gas can pulling on your arm. "Give it to me." Billy grabbed the can with ease helping you out the front door. He went ahead and filled the car up for you so you could run the empty can back inside. "Thank you." You said with a huff throwing yourself in the driver seat. "It's nothing." He replied already ready to go. Before you did anything you peeled the heels off your feet tossing them in the back seat. The next to come off were your ripped stockings. Billy watched as your upper thigh was exposed. He could see the hem of your pink underwear before you caught him.
"Perv." You smiled knowing he had to be a little flustered. He just shook his head looking at the ceiling. You threw the stockings in the back seat with your shoes. Billy cleared his throat trying to start up a conversation."Your house is nice." You breathed out a laugh as you started the car. "You don't have to lie."
Billy's demeanor changed once again. Now that it was just you and him he had one leg bent on the seat so his body could face towards you. Even though your eyes were on the road you could feel his burning holes in you. "I mean it. It's different. Better than all those rich bitches we go to school with." He wasn't lying. It was hard to find anyone who had an actual personality these days.
"I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. My dad doesn't really care what I do with the house as long as there is food on the table when he gets home." Billy bit his lip in thought. "So you did all of that?" He found it impressive to say the least. "Not really. I haven't messed with much since my grandparents passed. The way the kept things always seemed nice as a kid. And I don't see the sense in wasting money on new stuff when I've got perfectly good old stuff that works." He saw the way your eyes grew wide when Stu handed you that hundred. You're not a money person. You were modest. Going through the mall you only bought one thing for yourself while Tatum begged for everything she saw.
"How often is your dad gone?" He asked. A dangerous question to answer if Billy's asking it. "He can be gone for weeks at a time. He's a truck driver. He goes where his boss tells him to go." The car goes quiet for a little while. Luckily for you it's comfortable. "What about you? How's your mom and dad?" You meant nothing hateful by it and he knew that. "I live with my dad too. My parents split up." You could feel him putting those walls back up. It was night and day with Billy. Slowly you car came to a stop in Stu's driveway. "My mom isn't in the picture either. You know if that shit ever starts to bother you, you can call me. As long as your girlfriends okay with it that is." You grabbed a pen out of the glove compartment gently pulling Billy's hand towards your lap.
His hand sat on top of your right thigh as you touched the tip of the pen to your tongue. Carefully your wrote down your phone number where the numbers were visible. Billy for the first time in awhile, he was the one who was scared. Scared of moving even the tiniest bit. A simple harsh breath would ruin whatever this was. Softly you brought his hand up to your face blowing cool air on the drying ink. "There ya go." You tossed his hand back, your gentle nature now gone. "But um yeah if you ever need to talk you can call me."
Funny enough he didn't want to call you. "Sure." Was all he could muster up. Billy finally decided he didn't want you dead like the rest of them. You were kind enough not to piss people off but you were sure of what you wanted. Too trusting, yes but it definitely helped his case. He'd have to make a new plan one that doesn't get you hurt. Well, one that doesn't get you killed.
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Part 3
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2knightt · 1 year
Your motherly!reader fics are so good 😭! can you pleasee do another? platonic with the gang!! no romance 🥰 thank youu ❤️❤️❤️ your work is amazing btw!
the gang x motherly!reader
1.i did headcanons i hope thats okay😭
3.swearing and a small mention of violence.
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Johnny Cade ;
like i’ve said before in other fics, he loves you so much.
honestly, you might be one of his favourite people!
when he walks down the street and he just so happens to see a cute flower, he picks it and gives it to you!
when he first met you, he refused to see you when he was injured in anyway. he thought you’d think he was weak and never see him again.
but as time went on, and you showed that you genuinely cared for him, he showed more of his vulnerable side.
johnny likes it when you patch him up now!
he thinks it’s calming, relaxing, and a, ‘nice change of things rather than lettin’ mother nature cure it.’
when he unknowingly/accidentally vents to you about his home life, he does get embarrassed.
he didn’t want you knowing, but when you hugged him real tight and told him sweet nothings?? he teared up ngl.
johnny wishes you could’ve been his mom.
when or if you have kids, johnny wishes they don’t take the, ‘how was your day?’ and the, ‘how’s school going?’ for granted.
because to johnny cade, that would be his perfect fairytale.
having someone as sweet as you to turn his life around, makes him excited to see tomorrow.
Dallas Winston ;
another bitch with mommy issues who is glad to have you.
mrs.curtis was definitely the mother he never had but always wanted and when she died, he was devastated.
but when you came along and started being that mother he missed??? he was both annoyed and over the moon.
he didn’t like that every time you bailed him out of jail, he got an ear full. however, he did like to know verbally that someone cared about him
he doesn’t show you any sort of affection, but he will tell you how he feels when drunk.
“thank you, so much y/n. i-i don’t know where i’d be without you.”
for mothers day, he doesn’t do anything special.
BUT—you didn’t hear this from me, before the clock hits 12, expect to hear like a cute little knock at your door, and open it to see a single flower on the ground with a pack of cigarettes.
dally ran off before you or anyone else could see him.
even though he didn’t sign his name, you knew it was from him. so, next time you see him, say thank you.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
he’s like a toddler around you???
ponyboy definitely pretends to be like, your own bodyguard.
but really, who’s scared of ponyboy?
he tries though!
when he watches a movie and some character reminds him of you, expect that to be the first thing he tells you.
“ya know, when i went to the drive in, you really reminded of this one character.”
“oh? why’s that?”
“well because-“
and now you have to sit there and listen to him.
he’ll draw for you so much :(.
if you tell him your favourite flower, he WILL give you a drawing of it the next day. he’ll stay up all night if he has too!
Sodapop Curtis ;
he’s literally your #2 fan. first place goes to johnny.
he’s your biggest hypeman??? omg???
“gee, y/n! you’re lookin’ real fancy!! gonna get all the guys, eh?”
when ponyboy and darry argue and he just can’t take it anymore, he calls you and asks to come over.
and of course, you say yes everytime.
so please, PLEASE, just let him cry into your arms!!!!
when he’s done, he’ll try to go home but i’m begging you to tell him he’s welcomed to stay the night.
and if he does stay? ponyboy will be at your doorstep too.
he’ll share his famous chocolate cake with you!! he’ll make sure steve doesn’t touch it.
Darry Curtis ;
he is so thankful for you i legit can’t stress that enough.
you keep the gang in check, you keep ponyboy happy, and you help him around the house. what more could he ask for?
you legit force darry to relax while you look after the gang to make sure nothing bad happens.
“we’ll be fine, darry. go to bed, your dark circles are gettin’ darker by the minute.”
“yeah super-man! we’ll be fine with y/n!”
“fine, but if she wakes me up to tell me about any of you, so god help me.”
if you welcome him home with a newspaper and his favourite cup of coffee after a long day at work, he might ask you to move in.
Steve Randle ;
steve pretends that he doesn’t like you that much.
but he really does. like, the second he hears some soc threaten or insult you? he’s after them.
shit, he might be chasin’ after them in two-bits car while two-bit yells at the person.
he will legit go to war for you if you asked him nicely.
he will rant to you about cars if you let him😭.
he’ll rant to you about anything, honestly.
“and then the old bastard asked for a refund! the ‘no refunds’ sign was right on the door! how could that old bat not see it?!”
“steve! don’t call people that, but yes, it was very rude of that man to do that too you.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
he forces you to relax and watch mickey mouse with him.
he says it’s for your own good but when really, he just wants to spend time with you without the gang interrupting.
“guys! you’re stressing her out with all your STUPID questions! c’mon, y/n, mickey mouse is calling our names. can’t you hear it?”
“or maybe its the booze you had at 10AM.”
“i will sock you in your fucking throat steve.”
he plays with your hair…he finds it fun!
please tell him how to do some styles so he can go home and impress his little sister :(.
he offers you beer every once and awhile just so he can say he got you to loosen up.
“so y/n…you want some?”
“oh! no thank you, two. you know i don’t drink.”
he calls you mom in a joking way, ya dig?
“momm! steve called me a dumbass!”
“steve, be nice! apologize.”
“what the fuck?!”
author notes ;
1. i like totally rushed near the end LMFAO.
2. i never thought you bitches would eat motherly!reader up like this??
3.are you guys okay??
5.i think theres no romance??
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may 15th, 2023. 6:39PM
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rogueddie · 2 years
Steve has always been confused when people describe family- the structure, what it means to them, any of it. His parents were always distant with him. The babysitters they hired weren't any better.
He's never really considered family important or significant. It's a meaningless word to him. He has his relatives and that's it. He doesn't have any family, not the way people describe it as anyway.
Well. He used to think like that. He thought like that for a while and, for most of that time, he was right. But it very quickly turned around.
It started with Dustin.
The kid was clearly in awe of Steve. Steve had seen it clear as day and found himself desperate to keep him safe. And he did- he worked hard to keep the brat alive, despite repeated efforts to undermine that. And Dustin is so fiercely loyal.
"You die, I die!" Dustin had yelled at him once.
Steve had stared at him, with a sudden cold realization; he loves Dustin. The kid is his family. A weird mix between a little brother and a son. And Dustin clearly felt just as strong for him.
He already knew how ready he was to die for Dustin. He knew now, without a doubt, that nothing would be able to stop him from keeping him safe.
But, he reasoned, one pseudo-kid is enough.
Then Lucas had turned to him one summer. He wanted to get into basketball and knew Steve used to play. It was supposed to be simple practices, some tips and things like that. Nothing special, just advice between friends. Because that's all they were, at the time.
Over the summer, with all the time spent together, they quickly because good friends. And, again, Steve kept telling himself that it's just that. Friends. He's already got a weird pseudo-kid with Dustin.
Watching the game, however, quickly shatters that illusion. As soon as Lucas had stepped onto the court, Steve thought; "thats my kid!"
And Steve thought having one kid was a blessing- a horrible, sarcastic, needy blessing but a blessing none-the-less. Having two is chaotic, but oddly comforting. They're both so different and fill spaces in his heart he hadn't known were empty. They're more family than Steve had ever thought he'd be allowed to have.
But Max had quickly stepping into the picture.
There was always something about her that made Steve feel even more protective. Their first real time spent together being that van, the demodogs, definitely didn't help. He doesn't think he'll ever forget hearing her scream. He doesn't think he's ever moved as fast as he had then.
Seeing Billy getting aggressive with Lucas had only heightened it all. He'd only known Max a few days when he realized that she would never be able to shake him now.
Even when Max tried to push him away, after Billys death, saying the cruelest things she could thing of to get him to back off, he hadn't. He'd simply started to call her parents instead, made sure they knew if they needed anything, if Max ever wanted to vent to him again, he's still there. He's still waiting.
Seeing her in a hospital dead, essentially dead just… it feels like someone has shoved their arm down his throat and pulled his lungs out. Like someone has taken something so vital...
The only comfort, the only person who seems to settle him, is Eddie Munson. But... Eddie isn't part of his little pseudo-family. He wants him to be. He doesn't. It's... confusing. Because he likes Eddie.
Eddie, who lets Steve hold his fingers to his wrist so he can feel his pulse. Eddie, who insists on being moved into a wheelchair so Steve isn't sat in Maxs room alone. Eddie, who doesn't let anyone make Steve go home even though he probably should. Eddie, who looks at Steve like he hasn't failed him or the kids.
One day, Steve asks. He has to, he has to know.
"You're a good dad to them," Eddie explains. He quickly holds up a hand when Steve tries to deny it. "You are. And you aren't the only one who forgets it. You need someone to look out for you too and, since Buckley is too busy hitting on your ex, you're stuck with me."
"I'm not stuck," is all Steve could think to say.
Steve ducks his head, tries to pull back but Eddie just holds onto his hand tighter. "I'm not... I don't feel stuck. With you."
Steve glanced up. Eddie rewarding him with a bright grin, lifting his hand up to kiss the back of it. Steve can feel his face heating up. He doesn't feel embarrassed though, hopes the little smirk means that Eddie is taking his blush as encouragement.
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piratefishmama · 4 months
okay but winged!eddie has THEE potential— he gives himself away constantly with his wings, whether he notices it or not like he gets all puffed up when he’s embarrassed but he also ends up cocooning himself within them a bit, them tucking around his body a little closer. he also uses them to bug steve. so much. needs his attention? eddie does just a little flap that sends a tiny gust of wind that always messes steve’s hair up & steve has to pretend he’s annoyed every time as he fixes his hair. eddie tucks them in as tight as he can the first time he’s in steve’s room but he’s too busy turning to have a look at everything to notice how he’s knocking everything off a shelf in one fell swoop and is mortified, his face pink and the wings all bunched up behind his back :’) he also uses them to block the sun, block the rain, whatever— he loves being able to stick them in steves face and make it impossible to see past anything BUT his wings hehe
oh his wings are SO expressive, he cannot for the life of him keep anything to himself because his wings will give him away immediately. he cant even hide his like for certain pop songs because they just start bouncing away.
so his rebellion is MESSY WINGS.
He's one of the very few people in Hawkins with wings, came from his mothers side of the family, Wayne doesnt have em, so thats why he gave Eddie the only bedroom in the trailer so he's not all cramped in the living room, he does spend a lot of time up on the roof though, likes it up there.
It's not like... uncommon for people to have wings either, there's tons of them in big cities, but it's rare enough out in bumfuck indiana that Eddie's considered a freak for having them in such a small town so thats also a stigma.
messy wings, plus being one of the only few in town to have em? tricky life to live that one.
they're real big too, so rain or shine he's solid, freak rainshower? he's got a built in umbrella, too bright out? instant shade.
and he does so enjoy being a shit with them, he'll nudge his friends with them, use feathers he's plucked to tickle noses, his friends will find random eddie feathers in their backpacks and stuck to their clothes cause he's forever molting down feathers cause he doesnt groom them properly.
Steve though, Steves bedroom is not built for wings though. his house is big sure, and Eddie can stretch out his wings properly in the backyard without knocking anything over, but his bedroom isnt built for a winged person to be in there, so he's KNOCKING STUFF OFF SHELVES AND HE'S VERY SORRY ABOUT IT SO HE'S JUST SITTING THERE AS STILL AS POSSIBLE BEING VERY QUIET TRYING NOT TO BREAK STUFF.
but Steve is... a little in awe of him. hard not to be really, yeah Eddie's always been a bit of a scraggly mess, but those wings... they're so big and fluffy and Steve just wants to tidy them up, groom them, an then Eddie lets him and it's just-- wow.
very wow. softer than he could have imagined, like silk under his fingertips, each feather lighter than air, he's got pinions longer than his entire goddamn arm twice the size at least, they're big.
and eddie is losing his damn mind.
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mrsrdlw · 4 months
Eddie my love
Hello everyone!
This is my first fic of eddie here so i really really hope you enjoy it as much as i did!
Summary: you decide to make a surprise for Eddie on his birthday by telling how much you love him!
There is no warnings just pure fluff
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It was Eddie's birthday! You were so excited. It was the first time, since you started dating, you’re with him for his birthday. Eddie was never a huge fan of them. It didn't felt like a day to celebrate.
As a little kid, his dad didn't wake up super early to make him a great breakfeast with nice presents. Maybe his mom did, but it was too long ago. Insted, his dad would wake up late, not going to work , or even just forgetting about it.
But when you started dating, he felt like his world would be turned upside down! Never in his wildest dreams he would have thought that a girl like you would appear in his life and make changes like you did.
You talked and agreed that it would be ok to celebrate it. You've been planning to go out and it happen to be right on the day he have a show at the hideout. "Thats perfect. You guys can play and when you finish, we can just stay there and hang together. What do you think?" you said, playing with your rings, a thing that you would do when felling nervous. You didn't want to make him do anything he didn't wanted to. The thing was that, you had a surprise for him and were really hoping it would work.
"I think" he kissed you "It is perfect" another kiss "Just like you". You just stood there with your cheeks red and a stupid smile. He had that effect on you
The day arrived and you were there, watching your man play his guitar with his friends, taking pictures in your camera that he got you as a present. You were with friends as well. As Robin and Steve were friends with Eddie you thought it would be ok, and Eddie already assumed you would bring them.
You were talking to Robin as Steve came to you with your drinks
"Here, for you and you. There you go." They were finishing their last song of the night. The small bar was filled with people tonight. It was like it was a present for him, and honestly, it was your favorite performance of his. The band were just so connected and sending a great energy for everyone that stood there, waching them.
He came to you when he finished, not looking back, to give you a great hug "Did you just saw that? Wasn't it amazing?! I think i've never seen this place so crowded before. I'm feeling like a rockstar, a real one now"
"You were amazing my love! I saw how people got excited with you" you said giving him a tight hug "And don't say that, you are a real rockstar"
He looked at your face with a growing smile on his lips "I don't know what to say i'm..." he was giggling, nervous under your loving look.
"Don't tell me i got you all shy on me" you tesed him just making him laugh more "I guess that i'm just really happy to see you here tonight. Now we can hang..." He stoped talking looking around. His eyes were stuck on stage "Why are they still up there? Did i forget a song?" He said worried with wide eyes, walking in their way, but you stoped him.
"No, silly, you didn't forget anything. You stay here and watch your surprise, ok" You said laughing at his confusion. Even being super shy of crowds, you got up on stage saying hi to the guys "Good evening everyone! I came here to give you a little extra" the people applaused you giving you courage to keep going "Well you don't know but, today is the birthday of a really special person to me, the singer and guitarrist you just saw, which is my boyfriend by the way" A bunch of people cheered you just making you laugh "Well, the thing is that i'm going to sing for you, but especially for him! It's not metal, i'm sorry, but is a beautiful love song. I hope you enjoy"
You couldn't see much, just the crowd hyping you up. The guys started to play and the slow melody started to echo on the bar.
Eddie my love, I love you so
How I've wanted for you, you'll never know
Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long
Since Eddie told you that he would play here, in his birthday, the ideia came into you head. At first, you thought that it would be too much, too corny, or maybe he would hate it. But you wanted to make that surprise. And it was also a chance to finnaly tell him, after months, that you trully loved him, and whats better then tell him through a song, right? Especially when there's his name on it!
Eddie, please, write just one line
Tell me your love is still only mine
Please, Eddie don't make me wait too long
You asked the guys if you could meet to rehearsal with you, but without telling Eddie. They agreed but it didn't took them too long to learn it and for you to sing it well. It was a little hard to lie to him though because every time he would call you, telling you he wanted to see you, you would be on your way to Gareth's house to rehearse.
You left me last September
Since that time I've been so alone
Now, all I do is wish and wait for you
Eddie, since you've been gone
People were slow dancing with their lovers or just aprecciating the song when you saw Eddie coming in front of the stage. His face were in shock. His eyes were shining more then ever, just looking up at you.
Eddie my love, I'm sinking fast
The very next day might be my last
Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long
Eddie my love, I love you so
Everyone aplauded you -Thank god i didn't sound horrible- you thought to yourself. You turned around to thank the guys and when you were about to get off the stage, you saw Eddie climbing up towards you. When he stood in froont of you, speachless, you placed your hands on his cheeks. The place was so quiet, you could hear his rappid breathing.
"So? What do you think?" You asked nervous by his silence. It took a few moments for him to respond, as if he was studing you face, every little detail. "What? What do i... You're as... How..." You just laughed at his reaction
"Happy birthday." you whispered and smiled at him, very passionate. He gave you the same smile and then gave you a kiss in front of everyone. The way his lips touched yours and his hands around your body, holding you tight , you wish he could be there forever, just kissing you like that.
He stoped the kiss, unfortunately, and put his hands on your cheeks "That was the most beautiful, meaningful, wonderfully amazing thing someone did for me in my entire life... I couldn't be more greatful and happy to have you. I love you too" at this point you were crying and hugging each other. You even forgot you weren't alone when you heard the crowd cheering you again.
You got of the stage and now Robin was showing proudly the pictures she took from you and Eddie, fighting with Steve, as always, as he said it was his idea.
"I want to know every single detail about this plan of yours missy" Eddie said to you in a way that only you could hear  "And babe, DAMN, how come i didn't know you sang like an angel? That was so beautiful"
"So beautiful that he cried" Robin said and he flipped her the bird
"Really? You cried? It wasn't supposed to make you cry" you said putting a lock of hair behind his ear
“Don't worry sweetheart, they were happy and proud tears" You gave him another kiss.
You spent the rest of your night like this,  laughing with your friends, kissing and loving Eddie as much as you could.
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shieldofiron · 1 month
Eddie and Jason have a very healthy and hot relationship in the bedroom right? But Jason is a little annoyed because Eddie won't do innocent pda. Hold my hand? What? No, I'm smoking. Tries to put arm around Eddie's shoulder, is shaken off as a joke.
"It just feels like you only want sex."
"Babe, I love you."
"Then what the hell?"
Later Jason will complain to Chrissy who tells him what she thinks.
"Thats dumb. You've accidentally walked in on us enough to know he isn't shy."
"I'm telling you, he is. No one that brazen can take cuteness without exploding from it. You make Eddie all...explody."
Jason surprise holds Eddie's hands, their fingers lacing together and watches as deep red crawls up from Eddie's chest up his face to his ears.
"Oh my God."
"Shut up."
Kisses the tip pf Eddie's nose just to be sure and gets a fluster, shy eyed, stuttering Eddie.
"You are shy!"
"N-no I'm not! Maybe it's my love for you, huh, you punk? Ever think of how happy you make me and thats why I'm all like this?"
"So if I gave you a peck on the chin and hugged you right now?"
"Dont you dare. I have a reputation, babe. I gotta be dirty not...this."
Chrissy, watching from the sidelines with an unimpressed Billy, giggles.
"They're so cute."
"They're so stupid, you mean. All this time, all those dirty little things Munson does to Carver and a little hand holding and a kiss on the nose does him in?"
"Hey Billy? Are you shy?"
Steve, overhearing, winks at Billy causing him to turn bashful.
Chrissy smiles brightly
Billy groans.
All the boys in Chrissys life except for Steve and Jason are shy beans and I think thats adorable.
Jason force feeding Eddie PDA that he can barely handle is sooo real @oopsiedaisiesbaby are you seeing this???
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decimalpointed · 2 years
Steddie Soulmate Mark AU Prompt(w/ trans Eddie)
I want one of those soulmate AUs where people have like moving animal tattoos to represent their other half. They start off as baby animals and grow as their soulmate grows. And their tattoos are able to move onto their soulmates skin through touch and thats why shaking hands is important to tell if the animal will go onto the others skin.
And Steve is born and he thinks he has this little black snake that is his soulmate. Its cute and loves to dance along his shoulders and curl around his neck like a necklace. His parents tell him that snakes mean his soulmate is gonna be a little ruthless, a little cold blooded, but a lot determined.
As he reaches puberty though the snake unfurls and low and behold is actually a little wyvern dragon that has kept its wings and legs curled tight to its body through adolescence. It's horns start to grow into a beautiful curled crown on its head and it's scales remain all black except on the underside of its wings where there are spatterings of white, pink, and blue scales that look like stars against the dark.
But mythical creature marks come with a lot of superstitious belief like his soulmate will be crazy or a murderer or something along those lines. That his soulmate just isn't right.
His parents are pissed when they see it, and tell him he is better off without his soulmate because people represented by fantasy creatures are just going to be trouble for him.
And so Steve sleeps around and becomes a king among teenagers but he still secretly loves his little dragon. Knows his soulmate is beautiful and majestic and ignores when anyone jeers at him that he has a some crazy girl out there waiting for him in an asylum.
His dragon likes to show off and be seen, no matter how much he gets teased for having it, and will splay out on his chest with wings spread to preen any time he has his shirt off. The dragon likes to puff fire and smoke out whenever his soulmate is angry, and will curl around his heart when his soulmate is sad. Steve loves his dragon and even though they have a bad reputation, the other kids love it because its different.
When he learns monsters are very much real, he thinks that if someone is really bad then their mark would surely be a demagorgon. Ugly and vile and terrifying. It solidifies in his mind that his dragon can't possibly be what all the books say.
He thinks for sure Nancy has to be his dragon. She's fiery, determined, beautiful. She's not and the little bird she has won't go onto his skin and his dragon wants nothing to do with Nancy in turn. He is disappointed but falls in love with her all the same. His heart still gets broken when she tells him its all bullshit.
He thinks Robin too might be his dragon. She's smart, funny, playful. But then Russians drug them and she's sure as hell not into men when she shows him her own mark which is very clearly a female lion. He gets a Best friend and she tells him that she thinks his dragon is beautiful and so the person it belongs to has a beautiful soul.
But then Steve gets to thinking, because he's never seen someone with an animal so clearly the same gender as they are like Robin and her lioness. Hes only ever known people around him with the opposite like Carol and her male peacock for Tommy. He doesn't even know how to tell if his dragon is a boy or a girl and that confuses him more because he never even thought to look at boys and try to imagine them as his dragon. Wonders if maybe he should start.
Then In a boathouse scared for his life and with a bottle pressed against his throat, his beautiful dragon curls around his neck and then slides so easily across his skin onto Eddie Munsons hand.
Turns out his dragon doesn't mean anything bad or awful, it just means Eddie wasn't really born in the right body but his soul is represented just the way it was supposed to be. Magical and loud and beautiful.
Steve's soul animal could be whatever but I always figured he would be like a golden retriever. Because I mean. Look at that boy. And Eddie would be so confused that he got just such an ordinary animal because there's no way he would ever end up with a golden retriever boyfriend right?
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findafight · 1 year
Kinda want to write a one-sided ronance post S4 au (within a fix it obvs) where the older teens start actually hanging out and Stobin (eventually + Vickie)confuse literally everyone. They greet each other with cheek kisses, call each other babe (or "Stevie Baby". Listen. Robin calls him bud or buddy or bub or bubba or babe and it's like why so many B's?? Argyle is vibing with it though and joins the bud train) and one time at two in the morning had a coordinated ramble about the names of the cats they will eventually get. (Sassafras, moonshine, and Garborator)
Nancy and Steve haven't really talked about anything, other than Steve saying "hey. I'm sorry if whatever I said weirded you out. I was definitely a bit delirious and Robin and Eddie AND Dustin were all making comments about winning you back or whatever which is stupid, you made it clear where you stood with me. Which wasn't with me. That's fine. and like. Okay yeah when we were together I'd daydream about you being beside me in the motorhome but thats-- it was a daydream. I was sort of thinking I was gonna die and. I wanted to share a little dream that made me happy. And then got everything confused in my head and made it weird and I'm sorry. what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for being weird and making things uncomfortable. I'm over you. I loved you then, and you were my first real love, and maybe if things were different I could love you like that again but. But neither of us want that or the same things out of life. And we'd crash and burn again. Plus you and Jonathan are together which is a non-starter. Cannot believe I forgot that when it was happening. Jesus. So. Yeah. Sorry for being not a great friend and hitting on you in the Upside Down." And Nancy had nodded and told him not to worry about it. He had been sort of bleeding out and planning on going back into the upside down. They could both be normal about it.
Sometimes Nancy and Robin try to have "girl time" at Nancy's suggestion because they're the only girls in the older group (sometimes. But Robin is not going to let that slip out) but it's awkward without a buffer. Robin is too nervous and rambles and Nancy is too annoyed by it. But they do get on well in group settings, and Steve and Argyle are actually the keenest to smooth over any awkwardness.
Robin laughs more with the group, and grins at Steve and smirks at Eddie and has a sharp tongue Nancy can admire. She's more comfortable with Steve around, insisting he sit beside her or on the ground in front of her so she can play with his hair. (And Nancy is shocked the first time she sees it, because Steve was notoriously protective of his "best feature", but she'd asked and he'd hummed quietly as she takes her fingers through his hair and put tiny, lopsided braids in it.) It's nice to see Robin less jumpy, and wonders what it would take to see more of the side of her Nancy only sees when Steve's around. She just wants to get closer to Robin. Wants a friend.
And somehow, beyond Nancy's notice, Steve and Robin's friend Vickie slowly joins the group. She wasn't involved at all in the spring, but has been hanging around Family Video and a movie night or two often enough that when she settles more permanently in the group it isn't a very big surprise. Eddie and Argyle welcome her in with open arms, Jonathan is only his normal amount of weary of new people, and obviously Robin and Steve are excited for their friends to be friends.
But it just doesn't sit right with Nancy. She can't pinpoint why, it just doesn't. When she sees Robin and Vickie giggling together, or having some back and forth banter that seems to feed into both of them smiling, or Steve throwing his arm over her shoulder, or Vickie leaning into Robin's space as they talk. She always sits beside Robin, Steve on the other, with Eddie beside him. It's usually a tight fit for whatever couch they're on, but the four seem happy as clams to not have any personal space. Once Argyle decided to lay across all their laps, and they just...let him. Finangled themselves so everyone was mostly comfortable.
Nancy figures she is uncomfortable with it because she hasn't ever had a close friend since Barb, and was possibly hoping she could be close to Robin along those lines. So seeing her so close with the others and mildly uncomfortable around her hurt, and seeing her and Steve incorporate someone unversed in the Upside Down into their little trauma club also hurt. Because what did Vickie have that Nancy didn't? That made Steve and Robin and now Eddie stick to her like glue? That made them want her there when she didn't know anything about what they'd been through and could probably never understand?
What made Vickie Summers so special that she's taken what should have been Nancy's place beside her friends? Because that's what really bothered her. It wasn't that Vickie didn't know, it's that Nancy felt she took her place. That Nancy wanted to be where Vickie was, and she didn't know how to ask for it. Asking, trying to talk about how Steve and Robin had bonded so well after Starcourt while she ignored them and then how they bonded with and absorbed Eddie halfway into their bizarre dynamic after vecna, would feel too much like begging or admitting that she isn't quite sure how to make friends.
Nancy is jealous. Jealous that she isn't friends like Vickie and Eddie and Steve and Robin are. That she isn't the one making Robin smile and giggle so cutely. So. She tries harder. Tries to be the friend that Robin and Eddie and even Steve deserve. She tries not to be annoyed by Robin rambling (it really isn't that bad, just. Not relevant. She likes heading Robin's voice, but thinks she could really work on having a filter.), or the way Steve always asks clarifying questions when he should really have known better, or Eddie talking half in different character voices. She thinks it's getting better, her relationship with them. But, still, Vickie is always there, glued to Robin's side almost as much as Steve is, and that always annoys Nancy. Niggles at her brain, that she doesn't deserve to be there because she didn't know what Robin had lived through and fought. Nancy did.
Eventually, Nancy figures out that she wants more from Robin. Doesn't want to be a friend she smiles at occasionally, wants to be the reason she smiles all the time. And that's terrifying. Because Nancy had never considered liking girls, never thought liking girls was a thing she could do. It was something other women did, not Nancy. She liked boys and always had, but. But maybe she always liked girls...too. maybe it wasn't something she that was one or the other. Being different in a town like Hawkins puts a target on your back, being queer in a town like Hawkins even moreso.
She's leaving Hawkins in the fall. But she thinks she wants someone to come home to. She wants Robin to come home to. Robin and Steve seem to be okay with it, from what she can glean of some veiled comments they've made that she's only caught now she's looking for them. They've made some remarks around the kids that make it seem like they'd be safe to come to, no matter what. And sometimes, some of the comments Robin makes about actresses seem a little...well. admiring.
They probably, hopefully, wouldn't hate her for this. And now Nancy and Robin have a friendship, she thinks she can. It's early July, and Nancy is going to ask Robin out.
She gets her alone, bites her lip, and asks Robin in no uncertain terms to go out on a date with her. Robin stares, mouth agape.
"oh," she says.
Nancy smiles, a little. "Yeah. So. What do you say?"
Robin blinks, and takes a shuddering breath. "Oh my god. I. Nancy I'm really flattered but I'm no-i dont- uhg. I'm dating someone." she groans, rubbing her hands over her face.
And oh. Nancy read the situation wrong "oh. Steve. It's fine! You don't like girls, thats--thats totally fine! Id just, um. That is,-"
Robin waves her hands. "No, no! I'm not dating Steve! You clocked me correctly. Definitely gay! Don't worry about that! Hah."
Something in Nancy twists. "Oh?"
"yeah. Yep. Not only am I a lesbian in a small town, I'm a lesbian in a small town that somehow also has a girlfriend." Robin says the word dreamily. Like she still can't believe it. Nancy's brain fills with static. She was too late. Too caught up with how she missed so many chances in the past, that she missed her chance now.
But Robin keeps talking. "And, like. Even if I didn't, I don't think it would have worked between us anyways. Too different, y'know?"
Robin gestures with her hands between them. "Well, like. I like being your friend. But, I mean, I wouldn't date you?"
"why not?"
Blinking, Robin tilts her head. "Because of Steve?"
Something bubbles hot in Nancy. "What the fuck does Steve have to do with wether or not we would date?"
"Nancy. Steve's my best friend." As though that explains anything.
"yes? And?"
Robin looks uncomfortable, shifting sideways. "listen, Nancy. You're a good friend. And I've just rejected you. Maybe we should just. Ah. Leave this? I'm really sorry. I'll give you some space, just find me when you're ready?"
"no. What do you mean that we couldn't date because Steve is your best friend? Why would that have any effect on how you date?"
"it doesn't! Not really! Just. Nancy, you broke his heart. His soft, squishy heart! You kinda sorta cheated on him-details very unclear-and then just. Moved on. Pretended like nothing happened. I couldn't do that to Steve. Dating a friend's ex is a bad move. Dating an ex that broke a friend's heart is just cruel." She sighs. Looks sad. As though she isn't the one rejecting Nancy and tearing her apart for how a relationship ended almost two years ago. What did that matter, now? "You're my friend, Nancy. I like you! But even if Steve has moved on, forgiven and forgotten, and if things were a bit different given his full support for us dating if that's what I wanted, I think I'll always remember how he-- how much it hurt him."
"I'm. Nancy I'm really sorry. I know how scary it is to put yourself out there, especially like this. It's not fair. I'm just sorry. But. It was true. Steve's the most important person to me. I couldn't ever hurt him. Not like that. Not even if he said he was fine with it."
Nancy stands and walks away. She doesn't cry until she locks her bedroom door.
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 23 days
hii!!! could i request the outsiders (seperate) with like a theater kid reader
The outsiders with a theater kid!
(as someone who's so into films and acting, I love this.)
I'm gonna try to make these gender neutral and both platonic and a romantic relationship (romantic= pink, platonic=blue)
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* I can already see him asking you to act out scenes from his books😭
* Absolutely admirers your confidence
* he's a good lair (as mentioned in the book), so I would assume he's a good actor and would gladly help you put with whatever.
* he's 100 percent gonna let you do stage makeup on him
* he gets so giddy when you get on and off stage
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* Okay, lowkey, he thinks what you do is KINDA cool
* I don't see him as a huge theater person, but he's supporting you
* he's at least tried to do some sort of improve exercise with you once (if yk the freeze one thats what I'm talking about if not I can explain in the comments)
* Now, if you two are dating, this is gonna change a bit. He's more into it, just because you like it.
* Like ponyboy, he's gonna go to like every performance you have
* If you need help with a script, he'll be happy to call out you're line but he just can't read and perform at the same time with a straight face.
Soda trying to help
Soda:"VERONICA **giggles** OPEN THE, OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE**starts laughing**
Y/n:"What's so funny?"
Soda:"I just can't read it with a straight face😭😭"
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* Like the other brothers he's gonna TRY and help
* He's gonna stare at you like "🫥" when you use theather terms.
Y/n"It says I have to be stage front and with a 3/4 turn"*showing the script*
* He'll call out lines you missed but do NOT expect him to have any emotion
* He's gonna make an effort to come to youre shows but let's be for real, he's so damn busy
* He's let you do stage makeup on him ONCE
* like ponyboy said in the books, hes to busy to draw or read, so with this i feel like its more a you thing, he cant oay attention to it much but he trys!!
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* He has most DEFINITELY snagged you're script to read for fun
* He thinks it's nerdy but what ever
* If you asked he's would help call out or act out lines with you
* he has gotten into your makeup more than once and ended up looking like Ronald mcdonald....
* He definitely zones out at shows, but he's gonna act like he saw everything... just let him get away with it😭
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* 100000 percent enjoys the theater kid vibe
* I so think he would be a theater kid, and you two would be in a performance class. That's how you two met
* Please just let him read the script for his entertainment 💀
* Let's be honest, he's gonna show up to show a little tipsy, and you two will probably end up drinking after the show
* he lives for this shit. It's so entertaining to him😭🫶🏼
* Like Steve, he's gotten into your makeup
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* Yeah no...he thinks it's nerdy
* if you ABSOLUTELY needed help, he'll sit down on his bed, you'll sit next to him, and go over lines
Y/n: "Heather duke...I forgot the line 🫥"
Dallas: *eye roll* "Heather Duke, no discernible personality, but her mom did pay for implants." He would call out call out from the paper script
* Like darry, he's gonna give you that. "🫥😦" Look, when you start yapping in theater, kid
* Okay, dating wise, he's a bit more open to the whole thing
* He's gonna go to your shows, but don't expect much. He's just not into it. He'll tell you that you did a good job, tho!
* He gets annoyed sometimes, but he doesn't day anything because he doesn't wanna hurt you😭🫶🏼
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* He likes that you're confident. He knows he'd be scared to be up on stage
* He wants you to read the scripts like ponyboy reads gone with the wind to him in the book and movie
* He really only thinks about it when you bring it up
* He LOVES going to see you perform. It's so entertaining for him
* He would so tell you how good you did and what not after
* Dating him, I feel, would be a bit different. He would help call out lines, but that's really it. On top of that, I feel like he'd be nervous??
THANK YOU FOR READING!! Have a good morning/after/night🫶🏼
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lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
i am a nancy and eddie being besties truther!! i think they’re so violently polar opposite that there’s just no way they wouldn’t be like besties. also i want nancy to have a best friend so bad😭 like she deserves that!
adding hcs cause im a bit insane:
-robin and steve being baffled by the fact that they hang out despite also being opposites besties
-i just think nancy braiding eddie’s hair is real?? like they’re talking shit while nancy does his hair and its a bonding moment
-and yes they talk so much shit. nancy has insider dirt on the “popular crowd” from her brief time there and eddie just Hates Them and makes fun of them constantly
-both of them having to rethink their assumptions the more they get to know each other. eddie isn’t as uncaring and harsh as nancy thought, and nancy isn’t as stuck up and put together as eddie thought
-i think eddie just thinking nancy is cool should be real, like she tells him about the time she slammed her boss’ head in with a fire extinguisher and eddie is like 😧🍿
-nancy learning more (KEY WORD MORE bc i know for a FACT that the nancy that dressed up for a campaign knows at the very least the basics) about dnd from eddie and she creates a character for funsies
-that one audio thats like “just say when. okay wait serious- seriously? seriously? okay, this is impossible, im starting over” but its nancy just like 😏 and eddie like 😧
-they both gush abt their partners so bad they’re twirling their hair kicking their feet giggling in tandem about how in love they are
-one time nance and eddie were in family video after close, sitting on the counter and sippin sodas while robin and steve hauled heavy boxes around just enjoying the show. they’re both like “so are u guys gonna help or” and they’re both like “no❤️‍🔥” while watching them do heavywork all lovesick
-eddie starts bar fights and nancy finishes them
-idk why i envision them going to concerts together? robin doesn’t like the sensory environment and steve just can’t really get behind eddie’s favorite music but nancy actually likes it when she gives it an honest try and they absolutely carve through the pit to hit barricade (nancy’s stepping on feet and eddie is throwing ELBOWS) and when they get to barricade eddie’s clinging onto that shit for dear LIFE with nancy between his arms and they r LIVING‼️‼️‼️
-i think stobin and eddancy fake dating seven husbands of evelyn hugo style is real
-i feel like they talk about books together but they have very little overlap so its more explaining their fave books to each other all the time and it works
okay thats all for now but i rlly enjoy them
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✦wearing steve's clothes because you know it riles him up to the point where you're lounging around in his living room and he can't help himself but press your face into the couch before bunching whatever sweater of shirt which is far too big on you to your waist and moving your underwear to the side and just slipping in. fucking you harshly and grabbing two fist fulls of the material on your back to pull you back against his thrusts, all while you're biting and drooling over the sleeve of his sweater
AHHHHH this is so 🥴
i got very carried away with this so it is slightly, absolutely filthy. my apologies 😔.
cw: smut (mdni), fluffy and sweet sex, boyfriend!steve, daddy kink, praise kink, squirting, slight breeding, very much not proofread writing 😀
the yellow sweater ☹️ you come home and immediately strip and put it on. plopping yourself on the couch on your tummy and waiting for him to get out of the shower. hes coming down the stairs with condensation stuck to his bare chest, leading all the way down to the little trail of hair above his sweatpants. his pupils dilate at the sight of you. laid on his couch in his sweater, breathing softly and steadily. the white cotton panties on full display for him. the outline of your pretty, soft cunt inviting him in. he leans over the couch to hover over you, running his big hands up your torso and kissing up your neck. eliciting a soft whine from your parted lips.
“youre so fucking beautiful, baby. y’ drive me crazy. can i make love to you sweetheart? would you like that?” he inquires. chuckling at the whine that falls from your lips and the way your hips lift to press on his cock. hard and throbbing for you. he kisses up your neck sweetly before whispering in your ear, his hands on your hips. “i need words sweetheart”
“yes steve, please. please. fuck me.” your brain already turning off a little, knowing that steve was there to take care of you. knowing that you could trust him completely.
“thats my good girl. you tell me if you need something babydoll. ‘ve got you sweetheart.” his hand moves to your cunt. rubbing your clit while his thumb moves against your hole. watching the wet spot on your panties spread before hooking his index finger around the crotch of your pretty panties and pulling them to the side. rubbing a few more tight circles to your clit before pushing two fingers in your cunt. all while you moan into the sleeve of his sweater. drooling and mouthing on it in a way that made his cock twitch in his sweatpants.
the nickname made his heart flutter and swell. leaning down so he can look into your eyes.
“yeah baby? what do you need from me sweet girl?”
“fuck me, please fuck me, please.”
he swears his head starts spinning. “oh i can do that for you sweetheart. such a good girl, using your words.” as he takes his cock out. the tip leaking precum and begging for your pussy around him. making his head fuzzy.
he savors the moans and chants of his name when he pushes his cock inside of you. his own moans breaking with little curses. voice wavering while he bunches the sweater up your torso. giving him more access to your bare skin.
“daddy,” his head immediately perks up to bring all his attention towards your voice and wants, “don’ be gentle with me. want it hard, please.” your cheeks feel hot with your admission. but you trust steve enough to let him be rough with you. let him manhandle you and use you.
his cock twitches inside of you. his cheeks turn red and his head gets even more foggy. unable to focus on anything but you. “fuck-, i can do that baby, i can do that,” he places his hand on your head to guide it down to the arm of his sweater. your back arched slightly with your head pressed against the couch. your hips and pussy in the air for him. he grips your hair firmly and comfortingly, coming back down to speak to you, “be a good girl for me, yeah? gonna fuck you real good, just how you need it, okay? you know what to do if you need anything. ill give you anything. i love you so fucking much.” placing a kiss to the top of your head before gripping onto the sweater and thrusting inside you. setting a pace that worked for both of you. watching you drool and scream as your eyes roll back a little bit.
once he finds the pace, he fucks himself into your pretty cunt mindlessly. babbling about how good you are for him. how good your cunt feels around him. how beautiful you are. his thrusts are unforgiving and so fucking good. he reaches down to rub your clit. watching you bite down on his sweater and whine. fucking you a little harder and faster with this. he could smell your cunt and his own arousal in a way that messed with his brain. your scent intoxicating. and he could tell he had the same effect on you as well. watching you press your face into him at any moment you could, always wearing something of his, sleeping with his clothes whenever he’s away. knowing he has that effect on you elates him. knowing that you also have the weird primal need for him as he does for you.
he moans with his thrusts. little grunts and whines falling from his lips with the rhythm of your hips. watching your ass move in a mesmerizing way every time he pulls your body back to his cock.
“fuck baby. so fucking good. fuck- jesus christ, fuck- you take me so good baby. such a tight little cunt for me. gripping down on my cock like this. yeah? you feel that? good girl. good fucking girl. god, you’re soaking me babydoll” his thighs becoming sticky with your arousal. so wet and filthy. the sounds of skin slapping and squelching along with the circles hes still rubbing on your clit pushing your climax closer.
“daddy, daddy, daddy. ‘m gonna cum. please, please daddy. can i cum? please? m close, please steve please.” you beg. your lips and cheeks blushing. your eyes rolling back while you bite and suck on his sweater. drooling all over the fabric. he thanks god that hes going to make you cum, because he wouldnt be able to stop himself from breeding you full soon.
“awe, you pretty thing. such a good girl, my good girl. ‘love of my fucking life baby… cum on daddys cock. go ahead sweetheart, cum on my cock. oh god- fuck, good girl.” youre already orgasming around him. squirting all over his thighs and stomach. your body racked with euphoria and white hot pleasure. screaming and whimpering his name while he continues rubbing your clit and helping you through it. thrusting into you sporadically before moaning your name loud enough for the neighbors to hear and cumming in your pussy. filling you up with his load. fucking himself into the wetness you both had made as he rode out his high.
as your breathing slowed, he leaned back down and straightened your back, allowing him to lay atop of you like a weighted blanket to soothe you. “good job sweetheart. did so good for me. so beautiful, baby. always so proud of you.” kissing your neck and your cheeks while you come back from the fuzzy space your brain has found itself in.
“looks like youre gonna need a bath, huh?” motioning down at the mess you had made on his chest, and the wetness dripping down your legs. making your face turn red, hiding from him in his own sweater.
“jus teasing you sweetheart, you know i love it when you do that.”
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buckys-wintersoldier · 2 months
Delated Scene | Anthony Mackie
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 -> Boyfriend!Anthony Mackie x Actress!Girlfriend!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 -> You and Anthony have to film another scene for CA:TWS the two of you really dont want to play. But Anthony makes sure you're fine after the scene and he has a beautiful surprise for you.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 -> 2.674
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 -> (T) mention of cheating, fluff
𝐀/𝐍 -> Thank you to my best friend @imtryingbuck for giving the idea. I probably wouldn't have written for him without that idea. So thank you so much for giving me the idea. And thank you for profreading it for me. I love youuuuu. ❤️❤️
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 -> 10 Years Anniversary CA:TWS | March 31 | Theme: Sam Wilson | Partners, Soundtrack/Music, Wings, Missing scene | @catws-anniversary
AFG AU Bingo | N2 | Celebrity AU | @anyfandomaubingo
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The wind is blowing around the trailers you all live in right now. The sun is already warming the air while you lay next to your boyfriend, who has his arm wrapped around your waist. Anthony presses his nose into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent deeply before he sighs. He pulls you even closer and kisses your neck softly, causing you to groan softly.
"Morning, sweetie," he mumbles against your neck, and you shiver slightly.
You grasp the blanket and pull it over your head. Hiding yourself underneath the soft and warm fabric while you try to get back to sleep. Anthony laughs, his hand sliding to your side, and you immediately sit straight in bed. The blanket on top of you, while you look at him with a playful, angry expression.
"Don't you dare tickle me, Anthony Dwane Mackie," you say, pointing at him.
His eyes widen softly when you say his whole name, then he sits up as well and grabs your waist, pulling you into his lap. He leans closer and kisses you softly, his lips so perfectly fitting against yours. The warmth of his plumb lips makes you melt in his arms, and you sigh into the kiss.
"Do we have to play that scene? I really don't like it. Thats so out of character," you mumble against his lips, resting your forehead against his.
"Don't want it either, but they think this scene is perfect to include, babe."
You sigh softly. This scene you have to play today is really something you would tell them to piss off with. Anthony and you are a couple in the newest movie, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And when Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, and Natasha Romanoff, played by Scarlett Johanson, escape Hydra after fighting the Winter Soldier on the bridge, they go to Sam, who gladly helps them. This is actually not bad, but then when Sam and Natasha have a minute for themselves, they are going to kiss, but you're actually the one who is together with him, not only in real life but in the movie.
Actually, it's fun to play your role, especially because you and Anthony always make jokes with Sebastian, who plays Bucky, the Winter Soldier, and is the most fearsome assassin. But behind the scenes, there is a tall, muscular man between a few women who make his hair and do the makeup, and the most powerful weapon of Hydra just looks like a sweet puppy. Which is pretty funny and causes a lot of moments where you all burst out laughing. Even though those things are pretty funny, the scene that is completely out of character causes you to feel bad, maybe because of your past or maybe just because you don't like cheating. Anthony and you have talked about that scene, and he was all sweet with you and made sure that he only loves you. It's just a scene for a movie, but you still feel bad filming that.
"Let's get through that scene, and then we spend the rest of the night doing whatever we want. We could go out or just enjoy a movie night," he says, kissing you once again, and you nod softly.
Then you get off of him and out of bed, looking for your outfit of the day. Anthony looks at you, smirking, when he sees you stealing his shirt instead of taking the shirt you're supposed to wear for that scene.
"Sweetie, I don't think that's the right shirt," he says, getting out of bed as well.
"When they want me for that scene, they can at least let me wear whatever I want. COMPLETE OUT OF CHARACTER. Maybe I will take the shirt off at the end of the scene and throw it at them," you say with a smirk.
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You're standing next to the guys who belong to the crew, looking at the display that shows you what they're filming right now. You swallow harshly, trying to calm yourself down, when you see Steve, Natasha, and Sam walking into the house. Steve and Natasha just got improsioned by Hydra agents after they fought Bucky on the bridge. With Sharon's help, they escaped from the agents. Steve is still slightly confused about seeing his childhood best friend, now better known as the Winter Solider, working for Hydra - the company they fought against together in the 40's. And now they went to Sam's and yours house, asking him to stay there for a while, and Sam also offered them to clean themselves and get some food.
When Steve goes into the bathroom, Natasha and Sam are alone in the kitchen. He turns toward her, and they are suddenly so close that they both feel each other's breath on their lips. And then they lean closer. Sam captures Natasha's lips, smirking into the kiss.
You feel like you need to throw up, but it's just the scene. You know Anthony would never do this otherwise, right? You inhale deeply before you pick up the bags next to you and walk through the door. When you open the door and walk through it, the camera is pointed at you. You gasp, seeing your boyfriend kiss Natasha, then you let the bag fall on the floor, and the other two jump a few inches away from each other.
"Sweetheart?" Sam asks and looks with wide eyes at you.
You don't say anything; just turn around and walk out of the house. Tears are bruning in your eyes, slowly falling down your cheeks, while Sam shouts after you, following you out of the house.
"Sam, just piss off," you say, not even facing him.
"It's not how it looked."
"No? It looked like you were kissing another woman. A woman who isn't your girlfriend. Wait, sorry- ex-girlfriend," you say.
Sam sighs, trying to reach for your arm, but you take another step back, shaking your head softly. He knows that you don't want him to touch you, but he just can't stop himself from trying to get closer to you. Even when you know it's just for the movie, you suddenly feel really bad, and Anthony looks like he understands. His heart is breaking when he understands that that scene isn't just a play for you anymore; for you, it's way more like a movie scene right now. Happily, the scene is over when you walk away from him without saying another word, just smiling sadly at him and tuning away.
Anthony and the other two continue with the scene while you excuse yourself and make your way to your and Anthony's trailer. You didn't know the scene would throw you on the ground like that, but when you saw Anthony kissing Scarlett, even though it was just for the movie and only their characters kissing each other, but it reminded you of your ex-boyfriend. He cheated on you, kissing someone in the bar you wanted to meet. He tried to play it cool. Your ex-boyfriend told you that the girl was really drunk, and she was thinking it was her boyfriend. He apologized, and you accepted it. But he cheated on you once again, and this time he really felt for the girl; he slept with her and told you about it. Saying it's your fault because you didn't let him fuck you the way he wanted and that he needed to cheat on you to continue the relationship with you is the only option for him to still be in love with you.
After the scene, Anthony makes his way immediately towards your shared trailer, scared that you left because he knows the things your ex-boyfriend did, and the way you were looking at him, it wasn't the pain you can play; it was the pain that was written deep into your eyes. And his heart still aches when he thinks about it; he just wants to pull you tight against him, hold you in his muscular arms, and tell you that he loves you. Anthony knocks at the door of the trailer, opening the door when he hears your soft voice.
"Hi, sweetie," he says, entering the trailer and looking around to find you sitting wrapped in a blanket on the bed. 
"Please do- I- Sorry. Anthony, I-I think I forgot something on set."
He looks confused at you, recognizing your red eyes and the trails of tears on your cheeks. You get up from the bed, walking toward him. When you want to pass him, he grasps your arm and pulls you closer. There is still a bit of space between the two of you.
"Can we please talk?"
You shake your head, your eyes focused on the ground. You're ashamed for thinking he could have cheated on you, but they looked so happy together that you can't get it out of your mind. It was all for the scene, but it stuck in your mind that you feel like he could be happier with someone else, like your ex-boyfriend, who told you he was happy to finally have a girl who lets him do whatever and whenever he wants to her. He told you how good she is in bed - so much better than you could ever be - even though it was just because he wanted to hurt you that you believed him. When you met Anthony during another movie and the two of you came closer, you finally found yourself - the person you wanted to be, the one your ex-boyfriend pushed down. That person is there now because Anthony always encourages you to be the way you are because he loves you like that. But maybe he is tired of you now?
"Sweetie," Anthony says, letting go of you and looking at you while you run out of the trailer.
He knows the crew messed up, but the two of you need to fix that. While you run away, he lets himself fall down on the bed to think about a way to make it better. You're walking over the whole place, avoiding anyone who would pass you and talk to you. So you're walking around the trailers until you reach the little lake that is behind all the trailers. You just sit down there, looking at the water, while you listen to quiet music.
Your thoughts run wild; should you just go back to the trailer and talk to Anthony? He probably hates you because you just ran away. After a while, you look on your phone and see that Anthony sent you a message. With shaking hands, you unlock your phone and tap on his chat to read what he wrote.
'Sweetie, I know you don't want to talk. But could you please come to set four? You don't have to say anything; I just wanna show you something. So please come over there. Love you, sweetie.'
You feel relief rushing through your body when you read that he still loves you. You answer with a short 'Yes. Love you too.' before you get up from where you're sitting. Then you make your way to set three. You don't know what you're going to do there because it's actually the set where they film the scene where Sam and Bucky are fighting and Sam gets pushed down after Bucky rips off his wings. But you don't ask yourself more about it; when you already see the light shining there, you smile softly. When you hear Anthony shouting something and Seb and Chris laughing, it is echoing through the trailers.
When you walk through the entrance of the set, Anthony immediately looks at you and smiles warmly, holding his hand out for you to take your hand into his bigger one, and you do. You let him lead you a while further to the place where something is placed on the ground, and you furrow when you notice that his wings - Sam wings - are placed there.
"Wind beneath my wings," Anthony sings.
That's your song, Anthony's, and yours. And he often sings it to make you laugh, as he is doing this time. You shake your head, laughing, and mouth a 'silly' in his direction. He smirks at you, takes the wings, and puts them on his back like a bag, then nods in the direction where Sebastian and Chris are standing. Anthony wraps his arms tight around your waist, pulling you as close as possible, while the two of you suddenly get lifted from the ground. You place your hands around his neck, staring into his beautiful brown eyes. Then you move from one side to the other while he continues singing the song, smirking when you can't stop yourself from singing with him.
When the two of you finish the song and admire the view you had, you slowly move closer to the ground again. Seb and Chris are smirking at the two of you, and you smile back at them before you look once again at your boyfriend.
"So you're not gonna break up with me?"
"Sweetie, no! I never even thought once about that. I love you and want to show you, I-" he says,letting go of you and putting down the wings before he looks at you and smirks.
Anthony takes your hand into his, gets down on his knees, and looks for something in his pocket. Your mouth drops open, and this time you feel tears of joy rolling down your cheeks.
"I love you, and I'm sorry that we filmed that scene. When I saw that pain in your eyes, just because of a film kiss, I remembered the things you told me about your ex-boyfriend. When we first met, you know the day on set where we crashed into each other and you excused yourself for it? The times we were sitting next to each other, you cried, complained, and told me all about your ex-boyfriend. There, I knew you deserve someone better, someone who treats you the way you deserve. There, I fell so hard for you that Seb and Chris always made jokes about how much in love I am. When you smile- the sun is nothing compared to the way your smile lights up the darkest nights. I can get lost in your eyes whenever I look into them; they are as beautiful as you. And I can't get enough of you. I love you so much, and no one can change that, especially not a film kiss. You're everything to me, and I wanna be with you forever. So-" he breathes deeply, smirking at you. "Do you wanna marry me, sweetie?"
"I- Yes, I wanna marry you," you say, smiling at him.
Anthony puts the ring on your finger, gets up, and captures your cheeks with his warm hands. He smiles at you before he leans closer and captures your lips for a soft but passionate kiss. You hear Sebastian and Chris cheering next to the two of you. And when you pull slowly away, your foreheads are resting against one another. Anthony looks at you with such a soft expression in his eyes that you immediately fall for him once again. All the fears and thoughts about your past fade away, and there are just the two of you and your amazing future together. Anthony kisses you once again before you turn toward the other men. They really thought about everything because behind them is a table for the four of you filled with your favorite food. One of the things you really love in your relationship with Anthony and your friendships with Seb and Chris are the double dates the four of you have together. Anthony told you later that they are not gonna use the scene because they understand that it was way too much out of character, and since they love yours and Anthony's relationship as much as Sam and yours in the movie, they deleted the scene from the film.
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Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days
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castawavy · 2 months
November Save MEGA summary (part 7)
before / next
sad sad news for november save but her majesty erica ekpo has passed, and june was of course devastated
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and I quickly arranged a funeral and wake because im organised like that and I promise I WASNT ENJOYING THIS AT ALL 😃
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and adie and elijah were goofing and steve had to tell them off 😒
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but it was a nice ceremony in the end (if thats what we can call sim funerals AHAHAHA)
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landon was also there btw to support adelaide which was nice of him
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and admire himself in the mirror I guess
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then I gave their bedrooms a little facelift because we came into money mysteriously (thanks erica) HJDGHDGD but no for real, they organised to sell up erica's house and stuff, which meant they had some inheritence to play around with
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and heres the entire upstairs since I dont show my builds much I feel
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some steve / june cuteness as well because theyre veyr in love and I love that for them
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one day adelaide decided to skip school so steve had to sit her down and agreed not to tell her mum this time round because he has a permissive relationship with his daughter oops AHAHA (if june had found her she would have been dead)
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then her friend justin came over and FLIRTED with her, but I really dont think she likes him in that way
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some cute photos of steve and his third child, moose
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(my dog sleeps like this 🥺)
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then adelaide went clubbing with her friends for the first time (shes now about 18 I guess in my mind, as this was really close to when she finished school) HER AND LANDON got in a fight tho (initated by landon), and she kissed another dude at the bar to make him jealous #toxic
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she looked cute tho
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and long sstory short but he did end up going back to herss with her... but for some reason he wanted elijah's bed
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which he wasnt too thrilled about, but steve and june slept on blissfully unaware of the shenigans, which is just as well because june would have MURDERED adelaide
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elijah decided to make a bad situation good, so he went to the gym to work on building more muscle (hes quite the fitness bro)
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(he has a long way to go, god bless)
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