#steven universe nycc 2019
nerdclips · 4 years
Sarah Stiles sings "Other Friends" from Steven Universe - NYCC 2019
Sarah Stiles sings "Other Friends" from Steven Universe - NYCC 2019
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locoslowpoke · 5 years
The Defense and Prosecution of Pink Diamond /Rose Quartz: An Essay Rant Part 3
Part 1. Part 2.
And finally, the last bad deed that ties into many other ones but I will just summarize in one giant paragraph because I have yet to talk about the good deeds. That’s right y’all, I’m talking about her treatment of the Pearl we know and love today and the secrets she kept from her and the lies she told her. We have learned that ever since the start of Pink’s colony, Pearl has always been by her side. All Pearl wanted to do was to make Pink happy and keep her Diamond in good spirits. Which is why Pearl was the one who suggested that they go down to Earth and why she was the one who made the Gemsona of Rose Quartz in the first place. All she wanted was to make her Diamond happy. Of course, in the process of making Pink happy, Pearl definitely didn’t expect to catch feelings for her, but she did and Pink felt the same way for her too. All’s well that ends well, right. WRONG. As we already know from the song, “It’s Over, Isn’t It”, Rose took a more open approach when it came to their relationship. Pearl, for the most part, was fine with it because she knew that it wouldn’t last and that in the end, Rose would come back to her because she was the one who knew Rose best. She knew all her secrets, likes, dislikes, practically everything. Because to Pearl, Rose was her everything. She was her Diamond, her Rose, her best friend and confidant, and most importantly, her the only person who truly loved her. Rose knew that Pearl would do anything and everything for her.
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Just look at the song again. Pearl went through a lot of hardships and obstacles just for the sole purpose of her love and attention. OF COURSE, Rose is not supposed to be held accountable for Pearl’s romantic feelings toward her, but at the very least, I feel like she could’ve tried to sit down and talk with Pearl about her feelings and about how she doesn’t feel the same for her anymore. Rose didn’t even properly prepare Pearl or the other Crystal Gems for her demise. Look at how they almost took out Steven’s gem. An episode I feel shows a ton on evidence supporting this part of my argument is A Single Pale Rose. When Steven starts encountering past versions of Pearl in her mind, one of the ones we meet are Crying Pearl, who is currently devastated that the person she has dedicated her entire life to is going to disappear and there is nothing she can do about it. She states, “What am I going to do when she disappears,” and “I’m going to lose her.”
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What trips me up the most though is what that Pearl says before transporting Steven deeper into her mind though. When he ask her where the stupid phone is, she says, “It’s probably where I lost everything else.” Pay attention to that specific line. During the war, Pearl had made friends, just like Bismuth. People she had considered dear to her just like Rose. But when the Diamonds did their counter light attack, she lost everyone and everything that she considered dear to her, other than Garnet and Pearl. Just look at war torn Pearl. She’s devastated that basically everyone she knew is probably dead. She then utters this very important line. “Why did I do it?”. What could that line be referring to? That is none other than the act of helping Pink fake her shattering. Pearl basically realized at that moment that it was foolish to think that they could pull of such a big rebellion without humongous losses. Because of her tricking the other diamonds that Pink had been killed, it lead to the death of all her friends.
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Pearl pleaded with Pink to find another way,that the retaliation of the Diamonds was going to be powerful. But Pink just waved off Pearl’s concern and said she had tried everything, which giving Pink credit where it’s due, it appears she did. But what makes me mad about this scene is how Pink says that she just wants to do it and to never look back. How convenient of Pink to do just that huh? Then she forces Pearl to keep her secret which essentially eats away at Pearl as the years go on. Pearl even snaps and loses it when she finds out that Rose kept secrets from her, like Lion and Bismuth, because she was supposed the one she could always trust. Just goes to show you, Rose did care, but Rose never truly cared enough, did she now?
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Now, let me give the poor girl a break and stitch her back up now shall we? It’s not a lot, but it’ll do. One of the good things she did was the saving of Earth. Even though her intentions weren’t completely pure, her heart was on the right path. She saw that the human were capable of intelligent thinking and were creatures with their own customs, thoughts, and beliefs. She knew then that what she was doing to that planet was evil and decided to do the right thing and save the planet from any further damage. Another one of the good things we have to give her credit for is that she genuinely wanted the best for her fellow Crystal Gems and even stated that she wanted them to be able to live a good life on the Earth, free of the Diamonds and of their society’s expectations about them. As to why she couldn’t tell them of her true identity, that scenario could’ve gone 2 ways. She would tell them she is Pink Diamond, but that she is fighting for their freedom and to keep her identity a secret. One way it could’ve gone is that they accept and are happy with the fact that an actual Diamond is fighting for them, further invigorating their will to fight and determination. Or it could’ve sowed the seeds of doubt and mistrust. The soldiers would question why a Diamond is supposedly fighting for their rights, if this is just a test to see who is loyal to the Diamond Authority and to weed out bad seeds, and finally, why should they put their lives on the line for a vague promise that a Diamond has made to them. It would either be win-win or lose-lose, more likely the latter.
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Another one of the good things she did was the collecting of her corrupted Crystal Gems. She technically didn’t even have to do go out of her way and bubble them, unless you’re counting the humans’ safety, but she did it primarily because she felt guilty. She felt responsible for their corrupted forms and the fact that she bubbled them makes me believe that she was planning on finding some way to heal her friends.
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Another one of the good things we also have to give her credit for is Garnet. The Garnet we know and love today would not be who she is if it wasn’t for the guidance and wisdom of Rose. Rose was the one that taught her that she was an experience and that she was not wrong for existing. That she was made of love.
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Finally, the last, best, most selfless thing Rose ever did in her life was giving birth to Steven. She was willing to cease existing just for the chance of being able to bring another life into the world. She not only did just that, but so much more. She gave birth to the most empathetic, understanding, and kindest child ever. Steven turned out to be everything Rose hoped she could be. She didn’t really think that the consequences of her actions would come back and haunt her son guys. All she wanted to do was bring forth a new life in this world that she hoped would turn out to be better than she could ever aspire to be. I think we all know how that turned out. She finally succeeded and did one good deed that resulted, for the most part, in only positives and no negatives anywhere to be found.
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The main theme of this show is about the ability to change. Pink started out as a bratty, immature,and selfish. Then she grew into Rose, wise, caring, and full of love. She takes a lot of missteps along her journey, but she tries her best to continually evolve into a better version of herself.
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Welp, that’s my essay on one of the more complex cartoon characters of the decade. She’s not completely great, but she’s not exactly evil either. She’s just a pure solid grey character in my opinion. And that’s alright by me. Let me know what you guys think. Was there anything I missed that you felt should’ve been in here? I would love to receive asks or feedback and I’m really open to discussion. Thanks so much for reading.
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purelycryptic · 5 years
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my Comic-Con looks! 🤙
my pronouns are he/him + they/them thank you 💕
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andrewmoocow · 5 years
Here we are in the future.
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Well, for now at least.
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sinkingstone113 · 5 years
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“They’re adding mind-controlling minerals to our water supply”
-Foreshadowing in Rocknaldo-
Could it be?
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zhis616 · 5 years
Steven Universe Future!
In the villain shot, I'm most intrigued about the other Lapis Lazulis. Can't wait to find out!
From the Steven Universe panel at NYCC 2019.
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kittensinsocks24 · 5 years
absolute LEG END skinny QUEEN Sarah Stiles singing at NYCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!! REAL CON FOOTAGE FRONT ROWS
(volume warning) ddhbjfbfjhbfsjhbfdjhb 
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nerdalmighty · 5 years
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♪ Steven Universe Future! ♪
“New epilogue limited series “Steven Universe Future” coming soon to #CartoonNetwork⁣ ⁣ The future is bright 🌟🖤⁣” 
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source [x] 
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lemviifreezerburn · 5 years
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saiscribbles · 5 years
In regards to how rare a gem Spinel is, Rebecca Sugar said in the Steven Universe podcast that spinels were rarer than pearls and that their gems were cut in the shapes of playing cards (heart, club, spade, and diamond) so Spinel probably isn’t one of a kind just like super super rare
Not to well ackshully you, anon, but it was at the NYCC 2019 Panel and she said the other Diamonds wouldn’t necessarily need or want a Spinel but she’d like to imagine if they had them they’d be a club and a spade. Essentially leaving it open for the fans but I’m pretty dang sure Spinel is the only Spinel. And I’ll hold onto that unless canon dictates otherwise.
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Don’t underestimate my autistic ability to absorb the lore of stuff I really like. I’m especially bad about this with SU and Dragon Age. I could probably tell you more about Homeworld culture and the various cultures of Thedas than I could about real life history and that’s terrible.
Though if anyone would like to read me sperg about these things I do have a sideblog called @saispake for when I just can’t hold in my commentary. 
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nerdclips · 4 years
Sarah Stiles sings "Other Friends" from Steven Universe - NYCC 2019
Sarah Stiles sings "Other Friends" from Steven Universe - NYCC 2019
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locoslowpoke · 5 years
The Defense and Prosecution of Pink Diamond /Rose Quartz: An Essay Rant Part 2
Let us not forget about the Diamonds as well. I wanna put a link to a great little analysis by @faelapis​. Even though they really butted heads with Pink on practically everything and treated her very poorly, they still deeply cared for her.OF COURSE, this does not mean Pink had to forgive them and she had every right to leave if she wanted to. But I don’t think their relationship was always so toxic. Pink was the one that brought them all together and they considered her the life and joy of the family. Especially White and Blue. Yellow gets jealous when Steven says he barely got 2 words in with White; Yellow states that White never lets anyone in, except for PINK. Blue also cared deeply for Pink. Blue tells Steven that after Pink left, no one wanted to spend time together anymore and that it was so quiet. I’m definitely not condoning the way the other diamonds treated Pink, but I assume because of Pink’s small size and her immature ways, they decided to coddle and shelter her, believing her not capable of any type of responsibilities. Which led to their tough reprimanding of Pink anytime she did something wrong. But after Pink’s “demise”, they literally fell apart as she was the only thing that brought them all together. I know they’re dictators but I don’t think they were as genocidal as we think. Remember, the main theme about this show is the ability to change. My link to this evidence is here.
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Another example of this is her bubbling of Bismuth. Now we all understand why she bubbled Bismuth. Bismuth had just shown her a weapon that was capable of destroying her very being. If someone showed you something like that, I’m pretty sure you would want that person far away from you and contained. BUT, what about after the war Rose? Why was it that she didn’t free her after she basically did “shatter” Pink Diamond. She could’ve let Bismuth out of her bubble since she technically did the thing that forced Rose to put her in a bubble, but no, she conveniently forgot about Bismuth and the little squabble that they had over the subject. She essentially punished Bismuth for suggesting something that Rose was going to do anyway, and that is just purely hypocritical and downright horrible. She didn’t even tell the other Crystal Gems what had happened to her. If Steven didn’t pop her bubble by accident, Bismuth would still be imprisoned for no good reason.
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Now let us move on to sweet old Greg and in fact, her way of treating humans in general. Now we all know that she fought the war because she wanted to keep the life on this planet safe from harm, especially the humans, but her intentions weren’t so pure as well. If we remember Pearl’s song, “It’s Over, Isn’t It”, Pearl sings, “I was fine with the men, who would come into her life now and again. I was fine, cause I knew, that they didn’t really matter until you.” She clearly referring to Greg in that last line. What can we gather from this line? That she just saw the humans as play things and playmates in a way as well. Except these ones were capable of showing their true feelings and more importantly, capable of change, the one thing Pink was so fascinated that humans could do. I don’t have much to go on how she might have treated humans in the past before she met Greg, but I believe it would go like this. She’d find a human she liked and found interesting, would hang around for a bit, and then skedaddle when they became boring or possibly even died. You can’t tell me otherwise that she didn’t view Greg like this for a while till he forced her to seriously think about their relationship and how much she means to him. Look at the song “What Can I Do For You?”. She doesn’t even refer to by name in the song, she just calls him Human Man. She can’t even call him Universe? Rose then goes on to tell him that she thinks he’s fun and that she hadn’t planned on finding him quite this entertaining. She then literally states, “I like the way human beings play, I like playing along.” She only ended up taking Greg seriously when he tried to do what I guess no other human had attempted to before with Rose, and that was fusion. To her credit, her relationship with Greg helped her mature a bit more. But if Greg hadn’t done that, I don’t think Rose would’ve stuck around for much longer. Which just goes to show, Rose’s replacement for Spinel was the humans, which means she never necessarily left behind her toys and walked into maturity, she just threw away her toys for some shiny, brand new ones.
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Next Up is the last one which is Part 3. I hope you enjoy it!
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purelycryptic · 5 years
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Amazing looks at Comic-Con, so sad I couldn't take more pictures!! Let me know if you recognize any of them so I can give them credit!
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faelapis · 5 years
i couldn’t find a way to screencap it, but when i type in “NYCC 2019” in the youtube search bar, steven universe is the first thing that comes up :3
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su-nlt · 5 years
Steven Universe Future- New Season 6 intro, released at NYCC 2019
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