#steven universe time travel au
ceiwiart2 · 13 days
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Hope For The Future:
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A fanart I did awhile back for @sutimetravelau and I do adore how cute it is
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vampuplove · 10 months
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page 1 & 2 for the connverse time travel comic!
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pink-onyx-au · 1 year
Hey Jasper, if you could go back in time, what would you change or do differently?
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arazym · 4 months
probably not going to finish this but heres the flat color and partially done shading of my red diamond au
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circa 7-2022
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wtl-archive · 2 months
Did you invent the universes in the discontinuity interimisson?
[Aforementioned Intermission for convenience]
I did not! Those all belong to different people in the fandom, minus Sven (Mirror 'Steven') and Leo (Zoology Steven), who were made for Walk the Line, and Framed Steven, who is from my fic on AO3, Frame of Mind. There's links on that page to the other creators :3
If a Steven variant is on the cover, they're my boys, if they're nowhere on the cover, there's like a 90 percent chance they're someone else's. Prime is a wild card. It's a general rule of thumb for this cluster fuck of an AU lol
I like to keep opportunities open for crossovers and cameos so in the future you'll hopefully see more of other AUs
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oopsglitch · 2 years
What if...Steven Universe summer job and time travel au?
Steven has been having constant nightmares about the past and asks Blue to see if her new powers might be able to help him sleep. They instead mess with his powers, causing him to spend his nights transfered to the past. (Using alternate timeline time travel)
During the waking day, he's going on his road trip of self discovery, and trying to connect with his human half. His first big stop is in Gravity Falls, where he stays with his dad's Uncle Stan.
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citnamora · 1 year
A time travel AU type that I consider highly underrated is the ultra specific "I'm going through a rough patch or approaching a rough patch in my life and in an act of compassion the universe has decided to let me cross paths with my younger self, and/or my older self." It evokes imagery that makes me choke every time I read it. It's often times a physical manifestation of self love. Seeing a character who holds a great deal of resentment towards themselves come around to the traits within them that their friends have admired. To make peace with who they were and provide the comfort and understanding they desperately needed, whether they knew it or not. There's just something so beautiful about the reassurance that you can forgive yourself someday.
In the moment you're allowed to feel what you do, but it doesn't have to hold you back. You don't have to push the "unfavorable" parts of you away. With time, you won't feel so alone. You can find peace.
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madychi · 3 months
Ask and you shall receive!
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Do it for him
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the-stolen-century · 9 months
Raine and Eda's gem fusion (TOH / Steven Universe crossover)
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Their fusion dance is just the scene in Eda's Requiem where they play their instruments back-to-back, but then they glow and fuse - but continue playing, because now they have 4 arms, Raine's arms on top playing the violin and Eda's arms on the bottom playing the cittern.
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Their combined gem is sphene/titanite - base colour gold (eda) with green (raine) and red (both of them) sparkles. More designs and AU description under the cut:
Separate designs for them (Eda is big and shaped like Garnet because she's a fusion between Eda and the corrupted Owlbeast. Her harpy form is the harmonious fusion that happens after the Owlbeast's corruption is healed):
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Alt design for the fusion, with merged/faceted eyes instead of separate ones - I just love how perfectly Eda's pointy eyes fit under Raine's round ones!
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I imagine their combined personality might be like a rock star, because Eda's brashness and showmanship overpower Raine's stage fright, so they can finally be a star musician together. I love to think about how elated they would be after their first performance!
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Plot (?):
So titans can travel through space, just because they're so magical. Several hundred years ago a titan arrived on earth to hide from the Archivists, carrying with it a lot of refugees from its original planet. The titan died, exhausted by the stress of the trip, but the refugees whom he protected survived and started a new life. They are protected by shielding magic from curious humans. They are a little different from the witches and demons of the boiling isles - they're gem-based lifeforms who form visible bodies around their gems, and they have very long lifespans.
One summer, Luz the human (obsessed with gems and magic) accidentally goes through a portal that Eda has made, ends up on the island and decides to live there instead of summer camp.  She meets Eda, whose gem has become fused with the corrupted gem of the Owlbeast, so sometimes the Owlbeast takes control of their shared body.
Luz becomes best friends with King (King is basically Steven and doesn't know he's actually a titan/diamond), who didn't have any friends before her because nobody has seen his type of gem before so everyone thinks he's weird. (The gem society in Steven Universe is kind of obsessed with roles, ranks and hierarchies, so seeing an unknown gem is unsettling). She basically becomes Connie to King's Steven (non-romantic, lol).
Luz has some adventures learning about the island. She gets to know Willow, who is an "overcooked" jasper and insecure about it just like Amethyst, but v. powerful once Luz helps her overcome the insecurity. And Gus and Amity.
Meanwhile, on the titan’s home planet, Belos (not a human in this AU) has formed a deal with the Archivists to be allowed to rule the planet in a way that the Archivists approve of in exchange for trying to find the escaped titan. And now they have found earth somehow. Raine, who leads an underground rebellion against Belos, manages to be the one sent to earth. Unfortunately for them, Belos sends Hunter (Belos’s pearl - Hunter has big pearl energy, right?) along with them.
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Once they arrive on earth Raine keeps trying to secretly sabotage Hunter’s attempts to find the island so they can find it first themselves and warn everyone.Don't know how that goes, but eventually they find Eda - maybe even in the human world and not on the island? So they finally meet again after a long time. Back then she was too afraid to tell them she's a fusion but now she doesn't give a fuck, which leads to them rekindling their relationship!
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
Transformers AU List
I've now gone back and given AU names to old posts. Here's a list of all the AUs in no particular order except for categories along with a short description. It's... very long. Will probably update when I realize I missed something.
Major Change To Cybertronians AUs
Merformers AU - Mermaid AU
Humanformers AU - Human AU
Dragonformers AU- Dragon AU
Demonformers AU - Demon AU
Bugformers AU - Cybertronians are bug people.
Floraformers AU- Cybertronians are plant people
Dinoformers AU - Cybertronians are dinosaurs.
Miniformers AU- Cybertronians are the size of action figures.
Human Daemon AU - Cybertronians have daemons and they look identical to humans
Fusion AU - Bots can fuse like the gems in Steven Universe.
Corrupted AU - Cybertronians can get corrupted similar to the gems from Steven Universe.
Nagaformers AU - There exist bots that are like nagas.
Catformers AU - Cybertronians are cats.
Major Changes To Humans AUs
Quirk AU - Humans have quirks like in BNHA.
Zombie AU - Earth is in the middle of a zombie apocolypse when the bots arrive.
Musical AU - Humans live in a musical, cybertronians don't.
Humans And Cybertronians AUs
Humans Are Cute AU - Cybertronians think humans are super cute.
Humans Are Scary AU - Opposite of Humans Are Cute AU.
Celebrity AU - TFP AU where the cons/bots are discovered by everyday humans and become instant celebrities.
Human Bot Swap AU - The humans are cybertronians and sometimes the cybertronians are humans.
Earth Born Bot AU - There's a community of Earth born bots on Earth that know nothing about Cybertron or the war.
Techno Organic AU - Version of Earth Born Bot AU where the bots are all techno organic with beast alt modes.
Shoulder Angel/Demon AU - Humans have little bots on their shoulders acting as their conscience.
Humanity the Show AU - Humans are a made up race by cybertronians for tv shows and games.
Intergalactic Superstar AU - aliens (aka cybertronians in this case) makes first contact with humanity because they want to see their favorite human singer/band perform.
Character And Story AUs
Long Lost Granddaughter Sari AU - Sari is actually Ratchet's granddaughter.
Earth Raised AU - Canon characters if they were born on Earth instead.
Young Commanders AU - Young, pre-war high command gets time travelled to the current day.
Parental Plight AU - Rung is Overlord's Creator.
Remembered AU - Only Cybertron forgot who Primus aka Rung was, the colonies remembered.
Full Cybertronian Sari AU - Sari is fully a cybertronian
Fully Human Sari AU - Sari is a regular human.
The First Megatron AU - TFA AU where Megatron is kinda like a title passed down every now and then and the current Megatron is just the newest one. The First Megatron shows up because he's pissed about what's happened to the movement he founded.
Peepaw Alpha Trion AU - Smokescreen is Alpha Trion's grandson.
TFA Lost Light AU - Lost Light but in Transformers Animated.
Shadowplayed Orion Pax AU - TFA AU where Optimus is Orion Pax but was shadowplayed into forgetting his past
Monarch AU - Bumblebee is Megatron's grandson. Monarch is the name of his Creator (aka Megatron's child). His other Creator is an insecticon named Elytra.
Bee the Insection AU - Bumblebee is half insecticon (can be part of Monarch AU).
Uncle Magnus AU - Ultra Magnus adopted Bumblebee (can be part of Monarch AU).
Feral Baby Soundwave AU - Soundwave is turned into a sparkling and he's a menace.
Mama Blackarachnia AU - Blackarachnia found Sari's protoform and Sari is now a mini-Blackarachnia.
Lockdown Dad AU - Lockdown found Sari's protoform and became her dad.
World Jumping AU - At the end of MTMTE/Lost Light, the Lost Light jumps to different worlds and the crew changes form depending on the universe.
TFA Spider Couple AU - Both Elita One and Sentinel got transformed on Arache 7, into Blackarachnia and Silverbolt respectively.
Inkling Miko AU - Miko is an inkling (from the game Splatoon).
Psychiatrist Cody AU - Cody is hired to rehabilitate the decepticons (crack AU)
Sparkeater Optimus AU - Optimus is a secret sparkeater.
Primus Custodes AU - Pre-war AU where Primus aka Rung's 10000 something demigod bodyguards gets travels in time to find him.
Singer Cyclonus AU - Pre-war AU where Cyclonus forges a new identity and becomes a singer at a bar, with Tailgate being his biggest fan
Spider OP AU - Optimus was the one that turned into a techno organic instead of Elita One.
Tiny Tarn AU - Tarn is a load-bearer similar to Minimus and is actually a minibot wearing a armor.
Megatron the Autobot AU - Megatron early on realized the decepticons were becoming bad so he became an autobot. The war still happened.
TFA Minimus 4ever Magnus AU - All prior Magnuses have been Minimus Ambus, just wearing different armor.
Anti-Prime Cliffjumper AU - Cliffjumper is the son of Unicron
Eldritch Tarantulas AU - Tarantulas is an eldritch horror.
Primus and Rung BFFS AU - Rung is not Primus but Primus head priest/best friend.
Minibot Cyclonus AU - What it says, Cyclonus is a minibot.
Lost Son AU - Getaway finds out Megatron is his dad.
Vehicon Cliffjumper AU - After Cliffjumper's death he possesses the body of a vehicon.
Baby Waspinator AU - Blackarachnia's experiment turns Wasp into an adorable baby Waspinator.
Truthful Getaway AU - Getaway has the same condition as Flywheels and can't lie.
Bitter Orion AU - Orion wanted the Senate to die.
Time Loop AU - Bumblebee (or other bot) is stuck in a time loop.
Reborn Yoketron AU - Yoketron is reborn on Earth.
Empurata Bumblebee - Because of Bumblebee's false allegation of Wasp being a decepticon, he's made empurata.
Matriarch Spider AU - The spider that transformed Elita was a spider matriarch, making Blackarachnia much larger and more powerful.
Daycare AU - The bots and cons are in daycare, no war.
Anodite Bumblebee AU - Bumblebee is an Anodite (from Ben 10).
Cassette Minimus Ambus AU - Minimus goes undercover as a con and gets basically adopted by Soundwave.
TFA True Prime AU - Optimus becomes a true Prime (one with a Matrix).
TFA Mega-smol AU - Megatron is a minibot, shorter than Bumblebee.
Primus Is Among Us - Pre-war functionists find out Rung is Primus.
Borrowed Time AU - Blackarachnia's lifespan is greatly reduced because she's a techno organic.
Mysterious Stranger AU - Rung is not completely forgotten by everyone, just his appearance. All cybertronians have at some point met him but they can't remember what he looks like.
Living Planet AU - TFA AU where the Allspark crashed into a planet made out of solid metal and effectively created Cybertron 2.0.
Survivor AU - TFA AU where Elita One did not become Blackarachnia and escaped the planet, only to return to Cybertron and find out Optimus got all the blame for her supposed death.
Amnesiac Orion Pax AU - Optimus stayed behind with Elita on Archa 7 and while she got turned into Blackarachnia, he got amnesia.
Too Far AU - Pre-war AU where the Senate performed shadowplay on Megatron's s/o and this caused Megatron to finally snap.
Ratchet the Prime AU - Ratchet becomes Prime.
Cityspeaker Sari AU - Sari becomes a cityspeaker.
Megatron the Vehicon AU - Megatron is a vehicon that simply modded himself to look like a bot.
Mama Overlord AU - TFA Overlord is Optimus' Creator
Smokescreen the Prime AU - Smokescreen became the next Prime.
Uncle Magnus AU - Ultra Magnus adopted Bumblebee (can be part of Monarch AU).
Minicon Overlord AU - Overlord was forged as a minibot but was subjected to experiments that made him who he is now. He also has a minicon son named Click.
Spider Sentinel AU - Sentinel was the one to turn into Blackarachnia.
Crossover AUs
Hollow Spark AU - After Rung dies making the Matrices, he's reborn in Hallownest.
TFA/ROTTMNT Crossover AU - Lou Jitsu gets magically transported to Cybertron and transformed into a cybertronian.
One Punch Man AU - There's a cybertronian version of One Punch Man.
Death AU - Death is an actual figure and appears before cybertronians when they die or when lots of death happens. Based on Death from Puss In Boots 2.
Dracula AU - Megatron (or some other bot) is Dracula.
The Owl House AU - Humans have magic like in The Owl House.
TGWDLM AU - Transformers meets the plot of The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals.
Gen:Lock AU - Crossover with Gen:Lock.
SCP AU - Transformers meets SCP.
Doom Guy AU - The Doom Slayer is a cybertronian, Bumblebee is often his grandson.
Misc. AUs
Greek God AU - Bots are different greek gods.
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ceiwiart2 · 13 days
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Hope For The Future
PART 3 - End
First > Previous
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jennymaridowe · 5 months
I have two Art styles. Glorious painting that took me 12 hours and half of my sanity.. and sorta anime where you can still see the tendrils of Steven Universe leaking in.
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Also This is Vault, one of my friends who I have turned into a strange mix of Minecraft Silverfish and Time Traveler. Let me know if you want me to Post the other designs for this Minecraft AU I made with a few friends :3
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vampuplove · 7 months
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page 20
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roadkill-raccoons · 1 year
just found out about your peachblood au but can't quite figure out what the story is or what it's about. it looks like some kind of apocalypse AU, but other than that I don't know anything ;-;
By the way, your art is beautiful!
AHH im sorry 😭, im not good at writing down my thoughts into ways that are understandable
I wouldnt say theres much of a story other than the beginning.
This au is heavily inspired by adventure time, a little bit of steven universe, the last of us and some story me and a friend where making but completely forgot about, plus the weird shit that goes on in a my dreams.
Yes its an apocalyptic story, i made it as a massive excuse to draw some weird ass shit when i felt like it.
It mainly starts with Mk traveling alone just trying to live and eventually find peachy (that pink monkey) scrambling around in a peaches box in a old corner store.
Mk and and the monkey travel for a bit before they run into macaque and bai he, where macaque decides to fuck with Mk nearly getting him and peachy killed multiple times.
After they escape macaque they run into a forest that they stay in for a couple weeks, going deeper into the forest where they find monkey kings staff, laid in front of an empty grave for the undead monkey, the six eared macaroni macaque.
Mk did not remember who the monkey king was since he spent most of his life trying to live after tang and pigsy passed, so despite being in a very magical looking place he takes the staff as a form of protection, somehow assuming its just a regular staff that someone lost, he does learn a bit from a comic he found.
Mk and peachy travel for couple months in different cities where each were filled with strange creatures (i have so many failed sketches for these creatures) most of these creature use to be people or animals that were affected by a man made virus that a demon (lbd) took advantage of.
Mk and peachy eventually find boat while running from something and use to it to escape, where they float around in the ocean surviving on backpack food and fish for about a month before washing up on flower fruit mountain, yeah mk somehow slept through sailing through those big ole fiery mountains, peachy didn’t tho.
Once mk woke up he saw the villages at the top of the mountains and wanted to go up the tallest one to ask for help.
He finds monkey kings little hut but not monkey king, since it was empty he fell asleep, where he woke up to wukong poking at him non stop
After that mk spends a month learning who wukong really is and what he did and can do (he learns through the monkey villagers, not wukong hes basically become a lazy dad after being alone for so long) after a few attempts wukong agrees to travel with mk for a while. Peachy didnt totally try to fist fight three baby monkeys
That where the main story ends and rest is just mk and wukong doing whatever. Not much of a story afterwards since then its just kinda open for interpretation, dilly little ideas n shit
Hopefully this is all understandable, im used to describing shit in very strange ways. I actually also keep forgetting about it too :,3
If none of this makes sense you can also go thru the #peachblood au tag
And lastly 🥺🥺thnk you!!!!
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captainkirkk · 7 months
So me and my gf just rewatched the first httyd movie and I went to go check out the ONE fic I remember (the time travel one) and went to go see what else you wrote only to realize you wrote EVERYTHING??? I have read and loved so many of your works across so many fandoms and I just had to send my love and appreciation for your writing because it’s AMAZING. Also the Steven universe title references are my entire heart and soul. Your MHA fusion AU is one of my other favorite fics and you have such niche ideas that are executed so beautifully. I didn’t realize until today how many of my favorite fics you have written and I just wanted to send my love your way because you are so talented and creative
Aaaa thank you for your kind words, anon
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