Pairings: Robb Stark x Fem!Reader
Summary: Colors highlight significant points in your relationship with Robb
Warnings: None. PS: (Y/F/N) = your father’s name
Word Count: 2,085
Author’s Note: So I’ve seen some people do imagines where they do one significant color and how it has been a part of a ship’s relationship over its duration. But I didn’t want to just do one color, so I thought I would do several colors and their significance. Ps, sorry if the timing of winters/summers is off cuz idk when the seasons were/how long they lasted in the past. Also, I made up a holiday because lol I needed one for the feast.
***Gifs are not mine***
White. White was all you could see for miles as you and your father rode to Winterfell. It was your first time seeing snow, as you had been born during the summer. Plus, your home was hundreds of miles from the Stark keep.
Your father and Lord Eddard had fought together during Robert’s rebellion. Unbeknownst to your parents, they had conceived you right before your father left to fight. By the time your mother knew, he had been gone for weeks. Safe to say, your father was overjoyed (although very surprised) when he came home to find his first child, a beautiful baby girl, had been born.
At the time you and your father visited Winterfell, you were seven years old. Whispers of a betrothal had been exchanged, but both parties wanted to give you two a chance to meet before any plans were made. You knew you were to be gracious and ladylike as you had been raised. But for the time, you just stared at the snow in wonder.
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Blue. Blue was the color of the eyes staring back into your own. He was taller than you, everyone was, so you had to crane your neck slightly to see them. But no height difference could dull the striking image of those Tully eyes.
Robb Stark was but a few months older than you. Yet, he was dressed like a little lord should be, and stood just as straight and tall as his mother and father. You too were dressed up, as a little lady from a noble house is expected to be. Without knowing it, you had worn a dress that nearly matched his eyes exactly. It was something your mother would do, after all, matching your dress with you possible-future-husband’s eyes. She was a hopeless romantic at heart. Despite your best efforts to seem tough, you wore your heart on your sleeve just as your mother did, and you couldn’t help blushing as this eldest Stark boy smiled at you when you met.
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Green. Green was the color of the forests you spent hours running, skipping, and riding through. After you and Robb had clearly taken a liking to each other, your parents made the match official. You both knew, technically, but you didn’t really think about all it entailed in the long run. All you knew was that you were a ward of Winterfell now, and you really didn’t mind. Sure, you missed your family, but they came to visit you every-so-often, and sent letters to you at least once a week. Besides, this is quite literally what you were born to do. As a noble lady, you had been taught your whole life that one day you would go live somewhere else and be someone’s bride.
You were lucky. Some girls had to go live in horrible, foreign places with horrible, old husbands. You got to play in the woods with the Stark children, and grow up knowing that one day you would marry one of your best friends. You were all constantly together, joined since day one. Robb, Jon, Theon, and you would play in the lush trees of the wolfswood, sword fighting, tree climbing, and riding your horses. Sometimes you and Robb’s little sister, Sansa, would go down to the creek to do “little lady things” as the boys mockingly called it. Braiding your hair and chatting was rather girly you supposed, but you always were a balanced child. As the years went on you bonded with all of the Stark children, spending hours among those rich green groves. Sword fighting with little Arya, reading with Sansa, playing hide and seek with Bran and the littlest wolf, Rickon. But your favorite was always riding with the older boys, because it meant spending time with Robb. You grew up together in those woods, learning each other’s secrets and dreams, discovering that he loved the way you laughed, and (unknown to you) him admiring the way your hair shined in the golden sunlight that came through the green canopy above you.
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Silver. Silver was the color of the dress you wore to the feast on the Night of Frost. Every season, as summer turns cold, the North celebrates the past summer, while preparing for the fact that winter is coming. All the Northern houses come together to eat, drink, and be merry. Most importantly though, they come to establish final plans for winter. Robb, as the heir to Winterfell and future Warden of the North, had sat in on meetings all day. Nevertheless, he had finally been released to enjoy himself, and he made his way to the banquet hall to join the feast. As he slipped in and made his way to the head table he froze. You were sat next to Sansa, chatting and laughing that familiar laugh that made Robb’s heart leap.
But it wasn’t your laugh that made him stand still. It was just you. He had never seen you look so beautiful, in your silver dress that fit you perfectly, and your hair pulled back in intricate braids with delicate silver flowers woven into it.
He had always seen you as one of his best friends, but this… this was something else. He saw you in a different way. You weren’t that little girl who had blushed when you met, you were so much more. He finally got it. You were his lady. You were going to be his, and he was going to be yours. And it was then, in that moment, that Robb realized he loved you. Sure, he had always had feelings for you, no one could deny that. But he loved you. He smiled to himself, his heart racing with excitement as he sat next to you. “One day I will put a ring around your finger”, he thought to himself, “and it’ll be beautiful and silver, just like you are now.”
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Violet. Violet was the color of your most prized possession, your bow. On your seventeenth nameday, Robb had given you an incredible gift. “I had it crafted specially for you,” he beamed, handing you the elegant, purple bow. “The carpenters spent hours getting the wood just right. And I told them to make it violet, to match the wildflowers from your family’s home.” You blushed, not realizing before how much Robb took note of. How much he cared. “Robb it’s incredible! Thank you,” you said, throwing your arms around him, careful to keep the gift out of your tight embrace.
Later that afternoon, you and Robb took the bow out for the first time. You were an expert archer, as you had been trained since you could hold an arrow. Most places don’t teach girls to fight, but your house was known everywhere for its expertise in archery. By the age of four you could hit the bullseye nearly every time, and by six you could shoot from horseback. It was one of your favorite qualities about yourself, as it made you unique. Robb had never told you, but he felt the same way. He had always been impressed by your skill, even if he had teased you about it when he was younger. To be honest, he hadn’t been used to someone being better at fighting than him, as he was the oldest child, much less a girl being able to best him. But you had proven your skills to him your second day in Winterfell, and ever since you two had loved shooting together. You took your violet bow everywhere with you, a constant reminder of your family, and the one you had here in the North.
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Orange. Orange was the color of the sky as the sun sank lower and lower, drawing in the dusk. You had been riding for a little while with Robb. To where, you had no idea. All he had told you was that he wanted to go for a ride. You didn’t know why you were riding, and you didn’t where you were heading, but it didn’t matter. It was Robb, and if he wanted to go for a ride then you were more than happy to join him. He slowed down as you reached the top of a large hill a few miles outside the walls of Winterfell. He helped you down from your horse, and took your hand in his, leading you to sit beside him on the grass.
You watched as colors streaked across the sky, vibrant pinks and deep oranges holding your gaze. “It’s beautiful, Robb” said quietly, careful not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere. “Aye,” he answered, turning to face you, “but it can’t match the beauty sitting beside me now.” You blushed just like you always did when Robb showed his affections for you. “You’re too good to me, Robb,” you joked, a gentle smile spreading across your face. “I always try to be the best man I can for you,” he began, placing a hand on your cheek to gently lead your eyes to meet his. “And, if you’ll let me, I want to keep being a good man for you for the rest of my life.” You couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. You had known this day was coming, and yet you still found yourself struggling to answer. You composed yourself, and looked back into his gentle eyes once again. “I would love nothing more,” you grinned.
Letting out a small sigh of relief he hadn’t realized he was holding, Robb leaned in, kissing you for the first time. His lips were softer than you would have thought, and he was gentle, treating you with respect and care. It was just a short little moment, but it said more than enough. Evening was beginning to settle as you two rode back to the castle, the orange swept away by a dark, twinkling sky.
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Red. Red were the leaves of the heart tree under which you and Robb said your vows. You made your way down through the woods, people smiling at you as you walked. You were draped in your maiden cloak, bearing the colors of your family’s house. It was a bittersweet moment, your father’s arm linked with yours, the colors of your house adorning you for the last time. You looked to your father, and you both understood the meaning in your eyes. You’ll always be a part of me. You then looked to Robb, a smile gracing his face, his eyes full of adoration. You and your father stopped a few feet in front of the tree. Lord Eddard stepped forward. “Who comes before the old gods this night?”
Your father answered. “(Y/N) of House (Y/L/N) comes here to be wed. A woman grown and flowered, trueborn and noble, she comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?”
Robb stepped forward, making eye contact with your father. “Robb of House Stark, heir to Winterfell and future Warden of the North. I claim her. Who gives her?”
Again, your father spoke. “(Y/F/N) of House (Y/L/N), father of the bride.”
Lord Eddard then turned to you, giving you a small smile before speaking. “Lady (Y/N), will you take this man?”
You smiled back. “I take this man.” Robb stepped forward, and took your hand. You looked back at your father for one last second, nodding to him before removing your arm from his. Then, you and Robb knelt before the heart tree, bowing before the old gods. Moments later you stood again, and Robb removed your maiden cloak, replacing it with a beautiful grey and white one adorned, of course, with a direwolf. It was official. You were man and wife, and you couldn’t be more thrilled. You leaned in, sealing the marriage with a kiss, and the crowd around you cheered. Robb leaned into you, whispering in your ear. “I am yours, and you are mine,” he said. You traded places with him, and repeated it; “I am yours, and you are mine.” It was a moment for just you two. And all felt just right. The red leaves rustled in the cool breeze, and you all made your way back to the hall. The night was just beginning, a feast waiting inside. One chapter ended, and another began. And as it had been for over a decade, and would be for the rest of your days, you were with the love of your life.
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captaineddiemullis · 5 years
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"Put on the suit. Let's go a few rounds." . . Huge thank you for @batcap50 not only for the amazing shit but lending his gloves, belt, and gauntlets to help complete this suit for a quick photoshoot with some of the @scificoalition ! . . #avengers #captainamerica #starsandstripes #spangly #spangled #starspangledbanner #steverogers #steve #teamcap #avengersassemble #marvel #mcu #marveluniverse #marvelcosplay #marvelcomics #cosplay #cosplaywip #cosplaywips #cosplayers #cosplays #cosplayfun #cosplayworld #sandiego #balboapark #avengersendgame #endgame #timetravel #newyork #loki (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0y0qIKj3ok/?igshid=odsme29ve6sw
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thefanficfaerie · 6 years
Steve Rogers End of Year Reading List
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Tropes AU Licking Wounds by @lt-sammi-matthews
Mafia AU  Manhattan Mistress by @hellomissmabel Mafia Princess by @4theluvofall Kings and Queens by @marveldcmistress 
Soulmate AU Christmas by @mywildestimaginings  The Words Never Spoken by @butlikethisonetime  No Sleep Til Brooklyn by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord The Fallacy of Fate by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers Heart Skip by @after-avenging-hours Forelsket by @howlingbarnes   Born Again by @itsanerdlife 
Daddy!Character Mini Matchmaker by @avengerofyourheart Christmas to Remember by @avengerofyourheart  The (Not So) Natural Father by @emilyevanston  Tea Party for 9 by @itsanerdlife 
A/B/O Dynamics Pack Mentality by @papermoon2719 Heating Up by @angryschnauzer Keep You Close by @kittenofdoomage
Modern AU Eyes Up Here by @viollettes All I Want for Christmas by @steves–starsandstripes Eyes Up Here by @ourpeachskies FIX This one its now @viollettes A December Deception by @aubzylynn Fucking Drive by @kaunis-sielu Nailed It by @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Eager Lovers by @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Running Wild by @captain-rogers-beard Nostalgic in New York by @hellomissmabel Vino O Gelato by @hellomissmabel Finding Home by @promarvelfangirl Wolf Creek by BeccaAnne814 The Girl in the Pond by @stevergxrs
Canon Back in His Shadow by @invisibleanonymousmonsters It Just Happens by @itsanerdlife Baby, Come Home by @itsanerdlife That Connection by @itsanerdlife Sledgehammer by @tilltheendwilliwrite NSFW Rise Up by @tilltheendwilliwrite NSFW The Stealth Suit by @tilltheendwilliwrite NSFW Once a Witch by @tilltheendwilliwrite NSFW Following Orders by @emilyevanston NSFW A Blind Path Home by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord The Feeling of You by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord In Times of War by @kalliria Sweet Treat by @fvckingsteverogers NSFW Steven Grant Rogers by @sarahwroteathing Social Justice Avenger by @writers-square Everything’s Better with a Beard by @4theluvofall The Better Rogers by @buckyywiththegoodhair That Goddamn Stealth Suit by @atari-writes NSFW Beard Burn by @atari-writes NSFW Lady in Red by @goodnightwife
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes  Can We Keep Her by @emilyevanston In A Moment by @lovelynemesis Dark Lovers by @lovelynemesis Every Rose Has Its Thorn by @writemarvelousthings and @bucky-plums-barnes Babydoll by Starsburst  Fuel to Fire by @avasparks Decades Dance by @marvelous-fvcks 
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massimoankorworld · 4 years
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𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝗞𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗮 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘀 🇺🇸 When she was San Francisco district attorney, Kamala Harris literally wrote the book on criminal justice reform. Or one of them, at least. Amid a societal debate on whether it was a better policy to be tough on crime or soft on crime, Harris published “Smart on Crime,” less a manifesto than a collection of essays that hammered at the failure of a generation to curb criminal recidivism. The book was her calling card when she ran for state attorney general in 2010 against Los Angeles County’s district attorney, Republican Steve Cooley. Harris was, at least to Los Angeles, someone new — a woman of South Asian and (via Jamaica) African descent boasting a shiny political future built on a 20-year prosecutorial career in two different Bay Area counties. Cooley was an unassuming and somewhat frumpy white guy finishing up his third term as district attorney here, and an unlikely candidate for statewide office. The Times editorial board was becoming increasingly impatient with counterproductive tough-on-crime measures and progressively exasperated by the state’s Republican leadership, which seemed bent on driving the state into economic ruin in order to shrink government and slash aid to struggling Californians amid the Great Recession. • • • #july4th #july4thfun #starsandstripes #july4 #redwhiteblue #godblessamerica #america #madeinusa #holiday #proudtobeamerican #fourthofjuly #celebrate #celebration #usa #memorialday #july4thweekend #unitedstates #patriotism #patriotic #independenceday #4thofjuly #memorialdayweekend #biden #kamalaharris #trump (presso Settimo Torinese) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGYpyDMo_w/?igshid=1nmwaadglywq2
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Then and now, Captain America aka Steve Rogers (btw freehanding a perfect circle is pretty hard lol) #captainamerica #steverogers #supersoldier #leader #avenger #starsandstripe #thenandnow #marvel #marvelcomics #ink #brushpen #micronpen #roundshield https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNIHF_FVnL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hmkzqqo25tkn
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annabellerockz · 7 years
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HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY !!! by anne-irene featuring steve madden sandals ❤ liked on Polyvore
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anne-irene · 7 years
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HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY !!! by anne-irene featuring mule shoes
Steve Madden mule shoes, 730 NOK / love temporary tattoos heart tattoos valentine gift calligraphy tattoo..., 43 NOK
0 notes
art-from-mars · 7 years
HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY !!! by anne-irene featuring red shoes ❤ liked on Polyvore
Steve Madden red shoes / love temporary tattoos heart tattoos valentine gift calligraphy tattoo..., $5.29
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ourjojomack · 7 years
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HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY !!! by anne-irene featuring Steve Madden ❤ liked on Polyvore
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illenram · 7 years
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This man has kept me busy for days. On and off since I still have chores to do. But this is just one of my recent project I'm doing right now. ⚠⚠Giveaway update!!!⚠⚠ Princess P has been shipped and it's on her way now to USA. Weee! I hope she gets there safe and sound (and not smashed!) Congrats again to the winner! As for the February (2nd) giveaway, I am still cooking what would be my next doll to give. I think I'll also include something else with it. Or a surprise maybe. I hope you could all join! Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America Made with mercerized cotton yarns (Red, White, Blue and Yellow) Around 3 inches tall Pattern adapted from Fuwafuwa Studio Handmade by me #nellcrochet #crochetaddict #crochet #amigurumi #amigurumitoy #avengers #captainamerica #doll #amigurumidoll #handmade #handmadedolls #handcrafted #instacrochet #crochetdoll #starsandstripes
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thefanficfaerie · 6 years
Have a Very Merry Ficmas!!
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Avengers A Christmas Carol by @red-5
Steve Rogers Mini-Matchmaker by @avengerofyourheart Christmas to Remember by @avengerofyourheart So You’re Y/N by @ruckystarnes Come Home by @vibraniom Nostalgic in New York by @hellomissmabel The Christmas We Never Had by @pleasecallmecaptain All I Want For Christmas by @steves--starsandstripes The Christmas Song by @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics Garland and Mistletoes by @lumifuer Christmas Candy by @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul Christmas Olives by @september-stardust Saps by @promarvelfangirl Please Come Home by @meganlpie The Coffee Cup by @sarahwroteathing A December Deception by @aubzylynn
Tony Stark Stark’s Secret Santa by @sherrybaby14 A Family for Christmas by @butlikethisonetime Santa Baby by @whotheeffisbucky NSFW Santa Baby by @marvelous-fvcks NSFW Santa Baby by @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics Christmas Guac by @nerddface A Not So White Christmas by @avengerofyourheart A Birthday Surprise by @redlipstickandplaid 5 Seconds to Christmas by @vulpe-fox
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes Christmas Decorating by @stucky-and-reader-au   I’ll Be Home for Christmas by @siren-kitten-his NSFW Oh, Christmas Tree by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers
Law and Order: SVU Rafael Barba Christmas Magic by @ohbelieveyoume Perfect Portrait by @rauliskafan The Greatest Gift by @rauliskafan The Barbas Finding a Christmas Tree by @ohbelieveyoume Skipping Christmas by @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul Silent Night by @teatimewithtiya Baby It’s Cold Outside by @vintagemichelle91
Star Trek The Crew Surprising You on Christmas by @imaginestartrek The Cure for Mistletoe Fever by @starshiphufflebadger Jingle My Bells by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
Jim Kirk Waking Up With Jim on Christmas Morning by @youre-on-a-starship Snow Dogs by @goingknowherewastaken  Authorized by @iguess-theyre-mymess Good Things Always Happen at Christmas by @iguess-theyre-mymess The Hat by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
Leonard McCoy Baby Jim- Christmas by @mission-enterprise The Inauguration of Tradition by @outside-the-government For All to Hear by @outside-the-government An Early Christmas Gift by @outside-the-government Walking In a Winter Wonderland by @starshiphufflebadger All I Want by @theunholygrails   Wrapped in a Big Red Bow by @musingsongbird Seeing Joanna In Christmas Pageant by @youre-on-a-starship Bones Driving to You in a Snow Storm by @imaginestartrek Spending Christmas in Georgia by @imaginestartrek Having Bones Stay For Christmas Eve by @imaginestartrek  Christmas Gift by @imagineangryspacegrump Wrapped in a Big Red Bow by @musingsongbird White Knight by @annathewitch
McKirk A Very McCoy Christmas by @auduna-druitt Of Mistletoe and Misunderstandings by @auduna-druitt Going Home for Christmas by @imoutofmyvulcanmind A Merry Little Christmas by @imoutofmyvulcanmind The Christmas Card by @thevalesofanduin KItchen Conversations by @pinkamour1588 All I Want For Christmas by @pinkamour1588 Ribbon and Bows by @pinkamour1588 Counting Stars by @its-life-jim
NCIS Tony DiNozzo Christmas Eve by @spaceemonkeyyxd Christmas Excitement by @spaceemonkeyyxd Fireplace by @of-badges-and-guns Christmas with the Dinozzos Part 1/Part 2 by @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps Tomorrow by @imagicana Under the Mistletoe by @whydontyouallf-fadeaway
Chris Evans Light ‘em up by @mightyshieldevans Guilty Pleasures by @forever-rogue Christmas Eve with Chris by @ohevansmycaptain
Misc Fandoms Every Year, Every Christmas by @callingmrsbarnes Bucky Barnes Christmas Morning by @ncis-criminalminds Aaron Hotchner Little Lesson in Expecting Part 4 by @vintagemichelle91 and @rauliskafan Violetta’s First Christmas by @vintagemichelle91 and @rauliskafan Natalia and Rafael Barba A Hard Lesson in Holiday Cheer by @vintagemichelle91 and @rauliskafan A Hard Lesson in Miracles by @vintagemichelle91 and @rauliskafan Holiday with the Starks by @meganlpie Robb Stark With My Life by @becaamm Bucky Barnes Hanukkah Menorah by @becaamm Castiel A box inside a box inside a box by @becaamm Pietro Maximoff The Edwardian Nightgown by @siren-kitten-his Chris Evans Bittersweet Hanukah by @officialheroesofolympus Wanda Maximoff Everything Special by @rauliskafan Frederick Chilton Wickedsingularity’s Christmas Stories by @wickedsingularity  The Last Christmas by @becaamm Dean Winchester
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Weekly Reading List 38
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Weekly Recommendations get posted every Thursday. All stories are character x reader unless otherwise stated. Graphic by the awesome @wonders-of-the-enterprise.
Wonder Woman Steve Trevor Don’t Let Me Go Tonight by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Game of Thrones Robb Stark Colors by @steves-starsandstripes
Jon Snow
Avengers Steve Rogers Hesitant by @floatingpetals Harbinger of Doom Part 2/Part 3 by @my-emotional-self NSFW Impromptu Boyfriend by @thepokyone Strip It Down by @alternateafterthought Framed Photos by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord WOC!Reader Light in the Dark by @language-rxgers Mixology by @emilyevanston NSFW Sledgehammer Part 12/Part 13 by @tilltheendwilliwrite NSFW Heart and Soul by @kalliria Everything’s Better With a Beard by @4theluvofall NSFW Hands Off by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord WOC!reader
Tony Stark Hydra Hotel Stays by @oneshot-twoshot-redshot-blueshot Just A Dream by @let-it-go-and-let-it-live 2 am by @alternateafterthought Midnight Talks by @imagine-the-fluff Iron Man and Mrs. King Part 10/Part 11 by @goodnightwife Five Stages of Love by @secondxreality Without a Fight by @captain-brns It Will Be Perfect by @not-moose-one-shots That’s My Boy by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers with Peter Parker
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes  Fuel to Fire Part 1/Part 2 by @avasparks NSFW Savages by @avasparks NSFW All the Things You Can Have (and the One Thing You Can’t). by @emilyevanston Decades Dance by @marvelous-fvcks 
Law and Order: SVU Rafael Barba Reception by @hiddndaydreams I’ll Wait For You by @mrsrafaelbarba The Shameful Scavenger Hunt by @ohbelieveyoume Critical Part 4 by @miamorbarba
Star Trek Jim Kirk The Room Where It Happens by @musikat18 Its Fine and Its Nothing by @a-confused-turtle Marriage Material Part 6/Part 7/Part 8/Part 9 by @enterprisewriting Things Unsaid by @mybullshitsensesaretingling Accustomed to Her Face by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse Lullaby by @taylorjacksonandtheolympians
Leonard McCoy Night on the Town Part 13 by @all-sortsa-stuff Living, Not Surviving by @outside-the-government Jumping to Conclusions by @writingwithadinosaur Sunshine and Shattered Glass by @the-space-goddess-16
McKirk Begin Again/Part 2 by @pinkamour1588
Jim x Reader X Bones
NCIS Tony DiNozzo Stay With Me by @littledizzyhurricane Late Night by @whatcha-gonna-do-about-it-huh
Tropes AU  Atlantis by @kalliria Steve Rogers 
Soulmate AU Operations Soulmate Part 1/Part 2 by @a-splash-of-stucky Steve Rogers The Color Red by @imaginativemarvel Steve Rogers  No Sleep Til Brooklyn Part 9 by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Steve Rogers
Daddy!Character You Found My Arms Not A Moment Too Soon by @thatgirlwhosalwayssinging Rafael Barba 
A/B/O Dynamics
Modern AU Boundaries Part 9 by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Steve Rogers Billion Dollar Man Part 6 by @marvelous-fvcks Tony Stark  Happenstance by @redgillan Steve Rogers 
Misc Fandoms Afraid by @writefasttalkevenfaster Aaron Hotchner Peace of Mind by @coyoteimagines Eomer
Chris Evans Getting Back with Chris by @ohevansmycaptain Helping Scott Hustle Chris by @ohevansmycaptain Jealous by @sincerelysaraahh Luckiest Girls in the World by @mightyshieldevans
Mood Boards
tags: @thelawschooldiva @outside-the-government @isaxhorror @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @grumpykate @auduna-druitt @pinkamour1588@engineeringtrashcan @impalaanddemons @dirajunara @the-space-goddess-16 @catbutsfurrever
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Weekly Reading List 36
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Weekly Recommendations get posted every Thursday. All stories are character x reader unless otherwise stated. Graphic by the awesome@wonders-of-the-enterprise.
Wonder Woman Steve Trevor
Game of Thrones Robb Stark Evening by @certifiedskywalker The Groom’s Gift by @steves-starsandstripes
Jon Snow A Queen Protects by @perkqularkreashions Treason by @reader-imagines
Avengers Take It or Leave It Part 4 by @supersoldierfreak Steve Rogers Pearls and Chanel by @mcuimaginesandstuff Take Your Time by @vexed-insomniac Sledgehammer Part 8 by @tilltheendwilliwrite Dog Days by @soitmightgetweird Daisy by @sgtbxckybxrnes Stay With Me by @captain-asthmatic Proof by @captain-asthmatic Coincidences by @persxphxne We Meet Again by @4theluvofall The Beautiful and Damned by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers The Subway by @wiener-soldiers
Tony Stark Ink and Grease by @fanatic-writers Drawing by @thepreferencejar Iron Man and Mrs. King Part 6/Part 7 by @goodnightwife Broken by @avengersandchill
Stucky X Reader  Moving In by @emilyevanston Road Trip by @redgillan
Law and Order: SVU Rafael Barba Distraction by @ashes-and-angst NSFW Hurricane by @writefasttalkevenfaster​ Thicker Than Water by @writefasttalkevenfaster​ Quarter of a Century by @nobodys-baby-now Great Team by @hiddndaydreams Best of Wives and Best of Women by @lt-sammi-matthews We Said Forever by @miamorbarba
Star Trek Jim Kirk Promise by @imaginingthefandomsblog Marriage Material Part 2/Part 3/Part 4 by @enterprisewriting Young, Dumb, and Broke by @enterprisewriting Nightmare by @imaginingthefandoms War Paint by @auduna-druitt
Leonard McCoy Broken Promises by @dreaming-about-starfleet Wait Up by @mybullshitsensesaretingling Long Time Comin’ Part 6/Interlude by @the-space-goddess-16 Why? by @mentallywritingfanfiction Time Out by @lurkch
McKirk The Twisted Way We Fit by @imoutofmyvulcanmind Mirror!Verse NSFW The Same in All Worlds by @imoutofmyvulcanmind Mirror!Verse The New Kid Part 2 by @medicatemedrmccoy
Jim x Reader X Bones
NCIS Tony DiNozzo Untitled by @make-me-imagine
Tropes Soulmate AU Waiting by @not-close-to-straight Stony
Daddy!Character The Unknown Stark: Who Told?/Protected Visa/Prom Night/Tony’s Fear by @reigningqueenofwords Tony Stark
A/B/O Dynamics Warm by @not-close-to-straight Stony
Modern AU
AU Viking!Steve by @lt-sammi-matthews Smitten Kitten by @not-close-to-straight Stuckony
Misc Fandoms Chris Pine Request by @fangirlfanwritings Hard Lesson in Vanity Part 7/Part 8/Part 9/Part 10/Part 11/Part 12 by @rauliskafan and @vintagemichelle91 Rafael Barba x Natalia Barba  My Eyes Part 6/Part 7/Part 8 by @invisibleanonymousmonsters Bucky Barnes In Plane Sight by @jkqueenly Aaron Hotchner Another Second by @traceyaudette Aaron Hotchner  Taming the Lion by @sarahlynn225 Leonard McCoy x OFC  Friday Nights by @always-an-evans-addict Frank Adler
Chris Evans Chris Comes Home Early For Your Birthday by @ohevansmycaptain Starting Over by @avaalons The Return by @avaalons NSFW Seven Stages by @avaalons
Mood Boards Kitten’s Closet  Sally and Tony’s Wedding Wolf Creek
tags: @thelawschooldiva @outside-the-government @isaxhorror @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @grumpykate @auduna-druitt @pinkamour1588 @engineeringtrashcan @impalaanddemons @dirajunara @the-space-goddess-16 @catbutsfurrever
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Steve Rogers Trope Masterlist
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Soulmate AU Dance of Destiny by @after-avenging-hours  Heart Skip by @after-avenging-hours  Eye of the Beholder by @after-avenging-hours Liquid Love by @after-avenging-hours Christmas by @mywildestimaginings  The Words Never Spoken by @butlikethisonetime  House by @assembledavengersimagines  Born Again by @itsanerdlife​ Nothing Like You by @itsanerdlife  Who Do I Choose by @sebastianstanaddictsanonymous​ No Sleep Til Brooklyn by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Pinned Down by @bovaria Take Your Pain by @lowkeybuckytrash No Sleep Till Brooklyn by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord​
Modern AU Tutor by @meganlpie All I Want for Christmas by @steves–starsandstripes My Backbone by @fanficcreator  Creative Brillance by @fanficcreator  Lost and Found by @candyrogers​ Eyes Up Here by @viollettes​  Manhattan Mistress by @hellomissmabel​ The Assistant by @rosekgold​  Bones by @stevergxrs​ Safe Haven AU by @itsanerdlife​ How Will I Know by @itsanerdlife  Wolf Creek by @beccaanne814-blog​ Faking It by @just-call-me-mrs-captain​  Take a Chance by @themusicplayedherlife  Wedding Day Jitters by @fanficcreator  The Curtain by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord​​ Boundaries by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord​  Prince Charming by @arrow-guy​  Hello Officer by @sincerelysaraahh  In The Ring by @littlemissavenger  The Great Paper Stealer by @theincredibleultron  Every Wednesday by @oursisthefvry  Kings and Queens by @marveldcmistress​ Mr. President by @vibranium-ass NSFW The Lonely Tree by @sarahwroteathing​
Father AU Holidays with the Rogers by @itsanerdlife  Flashback by @itsanerdlife​ Two Against One by @itsanerdlife When Things Go Sideways by @itsanerdlife​ Growing Up by @itsanerdlife Picking Favorites by @itsanerdlife  Tea Party for 9 by @itsanerdlife​ When Things Go Sideways by @itsanerdlife Bad Storms by @after-avenging-hours  Like Father, Like Son by @writers-square​ Wedding Day Worries by @writers-square Double Trouble by @oneshot-twoshot-redshot-blueshot Still My Baby by @lazydoodlesandfanfic  Princess Pink by @promarvelfangirl​ My Bucky by @promarvelfangirl Taking a Chance by @themusicplayedherlife  Baby Blues by @sebbys-girl  I Will Always Love You Baby Girl by @mirkwoodshewolf​  Mini Matchmaker by @avengerofyourheart​ Daddy Daze- Bye, Bye by @promarvelfangirl​ Hide and Seek by @promarvelfangirl​ Boyfriend by @promarvelfangirl​ Princess Pink by @promarvelfangirl​ Rogers, Jr by @fandomaniacxx​ Bump by @littlemissavenger​
A/B/O Dynamics Thrown Off Course by justanothersong  The Scent, by @chris-evans-imagines Alpha/Omega One-Shots  by Rixie96  War Time Love by @winterassets The Unlucky One by @winterassets Breathe by @winterassets  Of Alphas and Dens by @winterassets  Just Me by @angryschnauzer​
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Modern AU
Modern AU- sent in the present or outside the characters normal story line.
Star Trek Leonard McCoy The Dance of Destinies by @outside-the-government  Making Rounds by @trekken81 Biscuits and Gravy by @atari-writes  A Rancher’s Fight by @lt-sammi-matthews Crawford by @imaginestartrek Moving In by @arrowsshootyouforwards Bunnies and Babysitters by @janeykath318 In Over Your Head by @outside-the-government In With the New by @outside-the-government Surfer Dad and Ice Cream Lady by @janeykath318  *Healing by eyeofdionysus
Jim Kirk POTUS AU by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse May We All by @atari-writes  Ace of Cakes by @trade-baby-blues  The Oops Text by @janeykath318 Marco Polo by @janeykath318 Help Me Out by @imagines-in-progress​ You Can’t Buy Me by @dorkychris
McKirk Jock Bones has trouble asking out nerd Jim by @mckirkish  Scorch My Soul by @thevalesofanduin​ Accidentally by @goingknowherewastaken​ Fleeting Stars by @randomlittleimp​ Employee Discount by @goingknowherewastaken  Guardian Part 2 by @auduna-druitt NSFW Among the Trees, The Fallen Rise Again by @goingknowherewastaken  The New Kid by @medicatemedrmccoy 
Avengers Steve Rogers Tutor by @meganlpie All I Want for Christmas by @steves–starsandstripes Home by @formyfandoms Chris Evans My Backbone by @fanficcreator  Creative Brillance by @fanficcreator  Mini Matchmaker by @avengerofyourheart Lost and Found by @candyrogers Prom by @guyswithheroics  Bones by @stevergxrs Boundaries by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Zee and the War Machines by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Take a Chance by @themusicplayedherlife  How Will I Know by @itsanerdlife Wedding Day Jitters by @fanficcreator Faking It by @just-call-me-mrs-captain-deacti Nailed It by @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Running Wild by @captain-rogers-beard Mafia Princess by @4theluvofall Eager Lovers by @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Hold that Thought by @itsanerdlife Bake-Off by @kaunis-sielu You’re Not Alone by @floatingpetals Nostalgic in New York by @hellomissmabel Love Story by @supersoldierslover Three’s Company by @captain-rogers-beard Road Trip by @mrs-squirrel-chester Misunderstanding by @kalliria​ The First Meeting by @kalliria  Library Blues by @flowergirlbarneswriting Full Circle Part 2 by @buckywithegoodhair Finding Home by @promarvelfangirl How Do You Feel About It by @becaamm Something That Wasn’t There Before by @avengedwritings The Letter ‘R’ by @pandaheart2 Thin Walls by @pandaheart2  Timing by @waywardimpalawriter  A Series of Unfathomable Feelings by @redgillan​ Happenstance by @redgillan The Predator’s Obsession by @mrs-squirrel-chester Tadhana by @brighterlightss Wolf Creek by beccaanne814 All for You by @caplansteverogers​ Extra Chocolate Chip by @quills-and-ink-blots  The CEO by @ptersparkers  For The Better by @captainrogerss  Likewise by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord  Keep It Up by @captainrogerss   Just Go With It Part 1 Part 2 by @avengersassemble-imagines In The Ring by @littlemissavenger  The Hills by @theunholygrails NSFW My Favorite What If by @imhereforbvcky Blanket by @starsepot​ Double Shot by @howlingbarnes
Tony Stark  Billion Dollar Man by @marvelous-fvcks Books and Keys by @thinkwritexpress-official​ The Beast of Brooklyn by @caplansteverogers​ Trust Fund by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse Say Yes to the Dress by @travelwithwords 
Stucky  Fuel to Fire by @avasparks Every Rose Has Its Thorns by @bucky-plums-barnes and @writemarvelousthings Take My Breath Away by @mywritingsblog
Misc. Fandom Studies and a Night In by @meganlpie Jon Snow  Lion on Ice by @megsironthrone Robb Stark Can I Be Him by @meganlpie​ Robb Stark Mac N Cheese by @urwarriorangel Robb Stark Professor Barba by @bcrbas Rafael Barba 
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anne-irene · 7 years
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HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY !!! by anne-irene featuring Steve Madden
Steve Madden shoes, 750 NOK / love temporary tattoos heart tattoos valentine gift calligraphy tattoo..., 44 NOK
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