#stevie blacke
wineonmytshirt · 2 months
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you look like clara bow you look like stevie nicks you look like taylor swift
x x x
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forever70s · 4 months
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Stevie Wonder (1971)
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thewildbelladonna · 1 year
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Bella Donna Stevie & Snoopy ♥
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tygerland · 7 months
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Stevie Wonder Interview Magazine June 1986. Artwork, Richard Bernstein.
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babybatss-blog · 8 days
Could I please get a Sirius x f!reader where they move in together after graduating? Thank youuu
Sirius x f!reader, 740 words 
Authors note: so honoured to have my first request, I hope I did it justice! If you’re not familiar with the song, I’d recommend giving “Bella Donna” by Stevie Nicks a listen as it is a pertinent part of the story :)
cw: none ~
Highschool sweethearts. That’s what Sirius Black and you were known as at school. When you were 14 the two of you got together, in an unlikely pairing of a playboy and an average girl. No one thought that you would last, but now four years later it’s clear that you two were there to stay. The “pocket change” that Sirius’ family left him was more than enough to buy yourselves a small flat, with only three rooms and a tiny outdoor space only fit for a table and chair. Your parents were generous enough to gift a couple of appliances to you like a microwave and a tv, but apart from that the boxes packed into your new home were few and far between, not even constituting any help from your friends.  
So here you stand, hands clasped in his and staring at the empty floor surrounding you, unsure of your next move. You could unpack, but you didn’t have cupboards to place anything. You couldn’t buy any cupboards either, as you had no money left to spare. Instead, Sirius walks over to a box with his name written on it in bold letters, and pulls out a perfectly sealed package, about the size of a pizza box, but much heavier and thicker and hands it to you.
“For you, my love.” He says, looking down at you with the same adoration you’ve seen time and time again before sitting down on the cool floor. You smile, sinking into a cross-legged position and carefully peeling back the wrapping. Its purple, with black and white cartoon dogs spotted upon it. After a minute of slowly unravelling the pieces as to keep the wrapping safe, a cd player and a single cd that has “Stevie Nicks: Bella Donna” on it are unveiled. “Ever since you broke my record player, I know you’ve felt horrible. So, I thought I could buy something we could both use, with an album we both love.” Silence lingers, Sirius waits for your response, and you wait for the words to come to you. Eventually, you place the player to the side and open the cd, putting it in and pressing a couple of buttons.
“You can ride high atop your pony I know you won’t fall, cause the whole thing’s phoney”
Stevie Nicks’ soft voice calls from the crackling speakers, accompanied by the uplifting hum of instruments. You smile at Sirius, and he smiles at you, pulling you to your feet with him as he wraps his arms around your waste and yours around his neck, swaying to the soft beat.
“You can fly swinging from the trapeze scaring all the people, but you’ll never scare me”
Singing along, huge smiles are plastered on both of your faces. You felt horrible when you accidentally knocked his record player off the shelf, but Sirius could never be mad at you. Instead, he finds joy in any situation, just like he has done before in any challenging situation. Whispering in your ear, Sirius serenades you with the following lyrics. You’re his Bella Donna, a north star he will always fight for. Although the lyrics may seem outrageous, as the centre of Sirius’ universe he forever ensures that you know he feels this way about you. When the beat kicks in, Sirius jumps back from you into a dramatic flair, singing the words at the top of his lungs.
“No speed limit, this is the fast lane! It’s just the way that it is here.” You laugh loudly, joining in for the following lines. “And you can say… I never thought it could!” The two of you wrap your arms around each other once again, this time faces mere centimetres away from each other. Here in this baron house, their old school mates would have never imagined the two would be so happy. But until the sun goes down, you dance and sing to your tiny collection of previously acquired cd’s as if there is nothing else in the world but the two of you.
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Happy Birthday to the Goddess of Rock…✨
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🕊Stevie Nicks🕊
Born: May 26th 1948
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singonavine71 · 8 months
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worldwarxp · 2 months
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Bob Marley Getting Ready For The Wonder Dream Concert!
Bob Marley and The Wailers preforming a soundcheck a couple hours before the Wonder Dream concert would begin. The event was a benefit concert to raise funds to help blind people. (Jamaican Institute For The Blind). They would end up receiving 23,000 dollars.
Photographer: Kwame Brathwaite
Location Of Photograph: National Stadium, Kingston, Jamaica. 10/04/1975
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soulknowledge · 1 year
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Stevie Wonder & Gil Scott Heron
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thewildbelladonna · 1 year
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Q. How many pairs of platform boots do you think you have?
A. About 25 pairs. I have them in rose pink and gray blue and mauve. I have three or four or five pairs I wear every night.
—Stevie Nicks, Rolling Stone, September 22nd, 1994
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readyforevolution · 1 month
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Stevie Wonder, on his arrival in Ghana, celebrated his 74th Birthday as a new Ghanaian citizen.
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stevienicksrarities · 4 months
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Fleetwood Mac 1976
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miyuhpapayuh · 3 months
23. Would it be okay?
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“Hey, sunshine!" Claire greets Stevie as she slides behind the counter to put her apron on. Another white rose to put in her pink vase by her register, for the day.
"Hey, love. How are you?"
"I'm great! I see you are, too!" She pokes her side.
"A lot has happened."
"Like..." Claire trails off, waiting for her to continue.
"I went to go see my family in Cali, Rod got my name tattooed, uhh.."
“Wait, what?" Claire's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth ajar. "He got your name tatted?? Where??"
"On his neck, girl." Stevie leans back on the counter with a dreamy look in her eyes. "It looks so good."
"Wow... a chain and a tattoo! What kind of honey do you got between them thighs, gurl?" 
Stevie covers her bosses mouth.
“You're just as reckless as he is!"
Claire swats her hand and cackles, her eyes flickering toward the door as a customer walks through.
"You're safe, for now. I'm taking you to lunch and we're gonna continue this little conversation." Stevie groans, before throwing herself into work.
Three hours and a stained apron later, Stevie finishes off her coffee cake and joins Claire in her brand new white Jeep.
"Ooh, this is new!" Stevie exclaims, sliding into the cheetah lined passenger seat.
"Bought it, last week, actually!" Claire cheeses, flicking the black ice air freshener, hanging on her mirror. She turns her car on and pulls out of the parking lot.
"Black people and black ice! Jesus!" Stevie face palms.
"I had to! You don't have one in your car??"
"No... is that bad?"
"Nah. If your car smells good, you don't need it."
"Rod's got one in his car. It's the new car scent one."
"Such a man," Claire snickers.
"Same thing I said!" She laughs, folding her hands in her lap. "So, where are we going to eat?"
"Melrose's. She's got the best cuban I've ever tasted." Claire dances in her seat.
"I've always wanted to taste one. They're really good?"
"Yes!" she pats Stevie's leg. "One thing you gotta learn about me is that food is my favorite— second to Bianca, of course."
"I'm learning! How's she, by the way?"
"She's great. She went back home to see her parents and left me all alone for a week. It's so boring."
"Oh, I'm sure you make good use of your time. It can't be that bad." Stevie laughs.
"Well, how did you feel when you went out of town to go see your folks? Didn't you go by yourself?"
"Rod actually went with me." Stevie says before pursing her lips.
"Y'all make me sick. Seriously."
"I'm sorry! But, come on... you don't have anything to occupy your time??"
"Not really!" Claire frowns, "it's just me and Biscuit. Little fucker’s just as sad as I am. Bianca and I take turns calling each other, but it's not the same. I mean, I'm glad she can go see them, but I miss her."
"You're making me sad, Claire. Hopefully the week goes by quickly for you." Claire sighs in response.
"I'm stuffed." Stevie says, popping another potato chip in her mouth.
"You liked the sandwich, I see." Claire laughs.
"I did! Me and pickles have a love/hate relationship, but it was tolerable. Thanks for lunch, boo."
"Anytime! Now, back to the lot that has happened..." she trails off.
"Oh boy, I knew you were gonna do that," Stevie laughs.
"I went to see my family in Cali. I haven't been there since my grandma died. So, that was something that I had obviously been putting off, but it wasn't bad and I actually ended up having a good time. They fell in love with Rod, of course. Then, we came back and got back into the swing of classes, which hasn't been too bad, either— oh! I actually dropped a bunch of them and I get to graduate early, now!"
"Really?? I'm so happy for you! You've been talking about that forever!"
"I know! It's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, I tell you. This bachelors degree better pay off!"
"It will! I feel it!" They laugh, before falling into a comfortable silence.
"Can I ask you a question?" Stevie asks.
"Sure, wassup?"
"You ever feel like you're moving really fast in your relationship, but it feels fine at the same time?"
"In the beginning, yeah. That's kinda normal."
"Are we still considered a “new couple”, though?"
"No," Claire laughs, “you guys are basically married, at this point."
"But, where's this coming from?" She asks.
"I don't know... it's just something I've been thinking about. We've been through a lot, since the beginning of our relationship and I just don't wanna jump the gun on anything, even though I feel like we've already done that."
"Well, you guys are different, like any couple, there's different circumstances and understandings. If both of you know what it is, it doesn't matter how anybody else views the pace of your relationship. Y'all are joined at the hip and that's perfectly fine."
"You're right.”
"I know." Claire winks.
Stevie balls up a napkin and tosses it at her head.
"First and last time I ever tell you that."
Finally getting off work, Stevie drags herself upstairs and plops down on her own bed, for a change.
"Ugh, I missed my bed!" She sighs to herself, reaching over to turn her lamp on. She gets up and strips out of her work clothes, throwing on one of Rod's T-shirts, fitting her like a dress.
"Alright, let's see." She grabs her notebook off her nightstand and opens up to a clear page, letting her pen glide across.
Would it be okay?
If I stayed around.
If I got comfortable, in your presence.
Slip into your shadows,
Keep you safe.
Would it be okay?
If I loved you more than life.
If I screamed it to the heavens,
Even though God, herself, already knew?
Destiny. Fate.
I can't hide it.
 Would it be—
Folding the top corner, she yawns and closes her book and lays back down, knocking out in minutes.
An hour later, she's woken up by Rod gently massaging the balls of her feet. Rubbing her eyes, she lazily stares in his direction.
"You look like a little kid, when you wake up," he chuckles, bending down to kiss her ankle.
"Am I cute kid?"
"Mhm. I hope our babies look just like you." He says, making her heart skips a beat.
"Here I am, hoping they'll look like you." She laughs. "How was your day?"
"Tiring as hell. My first night closing up went smooth, but it's so much I had to do, before I could get outta there. If it wasn't worth it, I'd fight somebody." He shakes his head.
"I'm sorry, baby. Here," she pulls her feet out of his grasp and pats the middle of the bed. "I'll rub your back."
Plopping face first into her pink pillow, he makes himself comfortable. She giggles at the sight, actually grabbing her disposable camera and snapping a picture.
"Whatchu gigglin' ‘bout, girl?" His muffled voice aids her laughter.
Mounting his lower back, she starts in the middle, working out a knot on the left side. "Pressure fine?"
"Okay... I wrote another piece, today."
"Yeah? Have you decided on which one you wanna perform, yet?" He asks.
"I might just do this one. It flowed so naturally."
"Can I read it?"
"No, it's a surprise!" She whines, pressing her thumb into the base of his neck.
"Mngh. I thought I was special, babygirl?"
"Nope. That's not gonna work on me, tonight. Your special ass better be front and center, when I get on that stage."
He laughs. "I told you, I wouldn't miss it for the world. When are you planning on doing it?"
"I'm not sure, yet. Soon, though."
He nods, fully relaxing under her touch, soon falling asleep. Smiling to herself, she slides off his back and snuggles into his side, burying her face in his neck.
"You really like this dude, huh?" Rod asks Tyler.
"I really do! He's so sweet." Tyler blushes.
"He better be."
"Usually I wouldn't care, cause I don't keep them around, but, I wanna do something right, this time, you know?"
"Yeah, I feel you. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters. Let him know that I fight." He points at her, while backing up.
"Will do." She salutes him. "So, does that make you like big brother or something?"
"Hell yeah! You got me in your corner, shorty."
"Thanks," she gives a soft smile, "for everything, seriously."
"You're welcome, spud." He jogs upstairs, finding Stevie on her computer.
"Whatchu doin', babe?"
"Getting back to my guidance counselor. I need to know how many credits I have, to see how many I need to graduate in February."
"Ah. Aren't you glad you listened to Tyler? You get to get outta there, super early."
"I know! I didn't even know I could graduate this early in advance, but dropping those extra classes made it possible."
"See!, instead of us leaving you, we all get to graduate at the same time." He chuckles, kissing her cheek.
"Josh and Jay are in town tonight, so I'm gonna go hang out with them for a couple hours. I'll be back before–"
"Why're you giving yourself a curfew?" She turns around in her chair, staring up at him.
"Well, I don't wanna just waltz in here, super late, I feel like that's rude."
"Well, if it were a night where I was staying home, I'd agree with you, but I've got plans, too."
"Yeah? Where you headed?"
"Back to the poetry club, so I can talk to Suga and show her my work, see when I can set up a time to perform it." 
He kneels in front of her with a smile on his face.
"Alright, my talented ball of sunshine. Be safe. Call me if you've got any problems, okay?"
"Will do," a couple quick pecks turns into a juicy kiss, leaving her giggling against his lips.
"Okay, okay! Get out, before I cuff you to my bed." He grunts.
"Shit, let me call the fellas, right now." They both laugh and stand up.
"You're so foolish."
"You encourage it, baby. But seriously, have fun. I know you're gonna get your drink on— is Tyler going, too?"
"Yeah, she's got another date, tonight. I actually gotta help her pick out an outfit. She's kinda nervous."
"Yeah, we talked, earlier. She really likes ol' dude."
"He's such a sweetheart! If you met him, you'd like him, too."
"Yeah well, as long as she's happy, that's all that matters. You two have fun tonight."
"You guys, too. Tell your friends I said hello."
"Will do. I love you." He kisses her forehead, then her lips twice more.
"I love you, more."
The pair head out of the room; Rod downstairs and Stevie into Tyler's room, where she's frantically throwing an outfit together.
"Okay, what about this? Since it's cold as shit outside, I can wear my black jeans— you know, the ones that make my butt look fantastic?” Stevie nods. “Okay those, with either the v-cut bodysuit or the purple crop top and throw my oversized jacket over it."
"Do the oversized look, that's cute!"
"Okay. Chunky heels?"
"Okay, I'm gonna get ready."
"Same. I'll meet you downstairs."
Stepping back into Stevie's new favorite place, she heads straight for the bar, while Tyler heads towards a table where her new boo is waiting on her.
“Have fun!” She calls after her friend.
“You too!” She calls back.
"Hey, beautiful!" Suga greets her with a hug, sitting on the stool beside her.
"Hey, girl!"
"Oooh, is that it??” She points to the book that sits on the countertop.
"It is! You wanna read it??"
"Hell yeah!"
Stevie opens up to the page and sits it in front of Suga, nervously watching her eyes dance across the page.
"Oh, Stevie..." she says, pressing a hand to her chest.
"You hate it, don't you?" Stevie frowns.
"Wha— no!! This is beautiful!"
"Really? It's not too mushy or anything?"
"Babe, you worry too much. It's perfect. I wish I had a love like this poem!" Suga exclaims, making Stevie blushes.
"Okay, stop it!"
"Seriously! I've never been jealous of words, until now."
"My cheeks are gonna fall off my face, if you don't stop!"
"Okay, I quit. When do you wanna perform it??"
"Like, within the next week or so would be great! Ya know, before I lose the nerve."
"Okay! Let me go grab Carmen. She's the owner."
"Okay, cool! Thank you!”
As Stevie's waiting to meet the illustrious Carmen, her eyes trail over to Tyler in order to get a glimpse of how well her date is going, and her jaw hits the ground at what she sees.
Chris is lifted from his seat slightly to meet Tyler's lips in a lip lock that feels steamy, even at a distance.
"Alright, now," Stevie remarks quietly as she sips her tropical lemonade.
Her people watching continues for a few moments more, taking in the melanated group of lovers and friends alike.
"Hey, Stevie," Suga catches her attention, causing her to swivel in her seat in the direction of her voice, "this is Carmen."
She's greeted with a caramel-toned woman in her mid-20s, with a head full of shocking red curls and delicate features.
"Suga's told me so much about you! It's nice to finally meet you." Her voice is just as delicate.
"Likewise," she responds. "This is definitely one of my favorite places to be."
Her smile is warm, yet lights up the room. "I'm glad. I hear you're ready to get up on that stage. Now I hope you don't mind, but Suga let me take a glimpse at the piece you're thinking about performing, and girl it's dope! Made we wanna love on somebody."
Stevie blushes a deep crimson at the compliment, chuckling softly.
"Thanks. It's unfinished actually."
"Well sweetheart, whenever it's finished you're more than welcome to a spot on our night for new talent."
Stevie has butterflies of excitement and nervousness when she hears that.
"You're serious?" Stevie asks, just to make sure this isn't some cruel joke.
"As serious as serious can get, baby doll. You got something special."
Her heart soars and her cheeks flush once again, not used to the profuse amount of love for her craft.
"I can't thank you enough, Carmen. I won't let you two down," she says, addressing the two women.
"I know," Carmen winks. She quietly excuses herself to make her rounds around the place.
Stevie thanks Suga one more time, before she decides to not be a third wheel in Tyler's budding romance and take the train back home.
She walks the easy block and a half to the nearest station, taking in the full-bodied sounds of the city that have become music to her over the years.
Descending the concrete steps, she's greeted with a scent she'll probably never get used to, muttering all the money this damn city makes, and they can't scrub the piss smell outta here.
She looks left to right, and makes sure the coast is clear. She hops the turnstile like it's a hurdle, as if the heels she wears are tennis shoes.
Her timing is impeccable as the trusty red line subway car pulls up right as the toe of her shoe hits the yellow line.
Stepping on, she thanks the man upstairs that it's not crowded. Clutching onto the pole, she quietly hums as the train starts moving.
Feeling like she's being watched, she turns her head in the direction of the perpetrator, his coal black eyes scanning her body, making her feel like she needs a shower.
Her skin prickling up with anxiety as every bad memory, attached to a man, comes flooding back to her. A chill rushes up her spine as her brain screams run.
Her eyes become trained on the doors, as the insides of her hands clam up. Her curiosity leads her eyes back towards the man. The tattoo on his hand caused her mind to race.
Her heart starts beating triple time as the train continues to take its sweet time getting to its first stop.
She can feel his eyes on her as she keeps her gaze forward.
"It's okay... we'll get off soon." She whispers to herself.
Coming to a stop, she watches a couple of people get off, before coolly walking off behind them. She peers over her shoulder, watching him flash a smirk her way but stay on the train.
As the train whizzes away into the darkness, a rush of relief comes over her as she heads towards the street. Grabbing her phone out of her purse, she calls Rod.
He picks up on the first ring. "Hey, baby. You good?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. I just— I don't know. I had a moment, I guess." She walks into the nearest corner store.
"What do you mean, a moment?"
"I had the bright idea to take the train back home and there was this guy that kept staring at me. He looked so much like John and I don't know... I just freaked out, so I got off a helluva lot earlier than I should have."
"Baby, where are you?"
"Chuey's food mart. But, listen, you don't have to come and get me. I can call a cab or—"
“For what? It's almost ten o'clock. It's too dark for you to be catching cabs, when I can just come and get you."
"But, you're out with your boys!" She sighs as she heads down an aisle, "I feel like I'd be cutting your night short."
"We can meet up, whenever. Your safety is more important to me, right now." He assures her.
"Ima catch y'all later, aight?... yeah, gotta get my shorty to the crib... aight, baby girl. I'm on my way."
"Alright." She hangs up and walks around the spacious store, picking up a couple snacks along the way.
Ten minutes go by, and she's standing in front of the many candy choices, when the chimes go off near the front and the sound Rod's car keys fill her ears.
Passing by a couple of people, she spots the back of his head as he searches for her. Catching up to him, she tugs on his jacket.
He turns around and the worried crease in his forehead disappears as he pulls her into his chest, a heavy sigh leaving him.
"You're smushing my snacks!" She giggles as he rocks her side to side. "Rod!"
A soft laugh escapes her as he pulls away to hold her face in his hands.
"Seems like you missed me."
"Hell yeah! I was worried about you, girl."
"I didn't mean to worry you." She frowns.
"It's okay, baby. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm glad you're here." She links her finger in his jacket pocket. "Did you speed?"
"Maybe, a little. I ain't wanna waste no time– leave an opportunity for something bad to happen, ya know?"
"Yeah,” she sighs, “thanks for coming to get me. I appreciate you."
She stands on her tiptoes, staining his lips with her gloss.
"It's never a problem, babygirl." He grabs the snacks out of her hands to carry himself.
"Let's see what we got here," he announces from behind her as she walks down another aisle. "Salt and vinegar chips— ah, the chip of choice! We got some sno balls... some hostess cupcakes. Hm, you on your period?"
"You know," she abruptly turns around, making him bump into her, "I hate that you know me that well. And, no I've got like another week, I think."
"Well, it'd be dumb if I didn't pick on something, at this point," he chuckles. "And, you think?"
"Yeah... what's today?"
"The fifteenth. I only know that, ‘cause my milk expired today."
"I hope you threw it away."
"I will, when I get home."
She scoffs. "Anyway. It usually comes on the twentieth."
"Oh, okay. Oh yeah! What did they say about you performing?"
"I'm gonna perform on their night for new talent," a cheesy smile makes its way onto both of their faces.
"That's amazing! When??" He asks.
"Friday! Can you make it?"
"Hey, I told you that I would be there. I might have to tie Lee to his chair for a few hours," he says, making Stevie roll her eyes at his antics, "but, I'll be there."
For the past fifteen minutes, Stevie has been pacing back and forth, rehearsing her poem.
To say she's nervous is definitely an understatement. If it wasn't a guarantee that Rod would be able to make it to her performance, she might've went insane.
"Okay, Nikki Giovanni, you ready?” Tyler walks into her room, fiddling with the cuffs on her black button-down.
Stevie scoffs at the name. "Don't give me that much credit. You think Nikki got this nervous, before her performances?"
"Duh. Everybody's susceptible to being nervous. You're gonna kill it, alright? Don't stress.” She assures her, rubbing her shoulder.
"Thanks. How do I look?"
"Like you wanna end up pregnant, by the end of the night." 
Stevie rolls her eyes, turning back to the mirror.
"What?? You asked." Tyler defends.
"Yes. Cause, a simple “you look good” wouldn't have sufficed."
"Well, that was my way of saying it. But, okay you look so damn good, friend!  Are you ready, now?" Tyler asks, smirking at the middle finger she gave her through the mirror.
"Yeah.” She sighs, reaching for her coat and bag. “Let's go, before I hide under my bed."
“Oh my god!” Tyler cackles, pushing her out of the room and down the steps.
Fifteen minutes later, Rod heads backstage, finding Stevie knocking back a shot of Brandy. As she fixes her skirt, he slides up behind her, waving the pink roses in her line of sight.
"For you, beautiful."
The gasp she lets out makes him laugh. She turns around and throws her arms around his neck.
"Thank you, baby! And, thank God, you're here. I've been going absolutely crazy for the last hour!"
"I thought you said you weren't nervous?" He sits the flowers on the table and rubs her shoulders.
"Well, I wasn't! Until I re-realized that I'd be speaking in front of a bunch of strangers and now I'm terrified. What if I mess up? What if they don't like it, you know? What if I vomit on stage, like I did when I was younger??" She spirals, wide-eyed.
"Hey, look at me." He cups her chin, her wandering orbs lining up with his. "You're gonna go out there and do amazing. You're not gonna mess up. It's normal to be nervous. It's your first time. But, you've got this. Your poetry is phenomenal. Anybody would be a fool to dislike it."
"You really mean that?" She asks.
"Every word."
A playful pout graces her lips as she kisses him.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now, can I get something off my chest, right quick?" He asks with a heavy breath.
Her freshly waxed left brow raises.
"You look so fucking good, vie.”
She blushes, instantly.
“Yeah?” Her voice came out small.
“Mm, smell good, too. Do a spin for me,” he steps away from her, watching her twirl.
Her curls bounced underneath her brown fur hat, skin shimmering in her matching off the shoulder top and pants, chunky heels to set the look off. Mascara, her signature lip and scent combo.
"Mm.. whatever you want, you can have it."
"Shut up!" She laughs as he pulls her back to him.
"I'm serious."
"Anything, huh?"
"Mhm., my car, my crib, money... last name, kids.." their lips naturally reunite in heat, squashing her nerves and almost making her forget about her whereabouts.
"Rod," her hands slide up his chest.
"It's almost time for me to go on," she mumbles, giggling at his relentless pecks.
"Aight. you still nervous?"
"No, but I've gotta redo my lipstick, now." She shakes her head, wiping it off his mouth.
"My bad, shorty. I can't get enough, sometimes."
"Hey, Stevie!— oh, I'm sorry. I'll come back.
They turn to look at Suga in the doorway, before snickering.
"No, you're fine! Suga, this is my boyfriend, Rod. Rod, this is Suga."
"It's nice to meet you! I've heard nothing but wonderful things." They shake hands.
"Likewise. I appreciate you helpin' my girl out and getting her up on this stage."
"It's no problem. She's a super talented woman."
"That, she is." His gaze lingers on Stevie, making her swoon at the sight.
"So cute! I just came to tell you that we've got a couple minutes. You all set to go?"
"Yeah, let me fix my makeup, really quick." She rushes over towards her bag to reapply.
"Ima go grab my seat." he walks over and kisses the top of her head. "You're gonna do amazing."
"Thank you, baby." She smiles.
He mirrors her expression, before heading out to the front.
"Where'd you find him? He got any brothers?" Suga asks, sitting on the leather couch.
“That he does, let me find out you tryna get the hook up,” Stevie laughs, turning towards her once she's done.
“Hook me up, girl!” Suga joins in, before standing to her feet. “You ready?”
"I am! Let's do this."
“Alright y'all, give it up for our next newcomer, Stevie!”
The applause makes Stevie smile as she emerges from behind the curtain and takes Suga's spot on the stage.
"Thanks," she nervously pushes a curl behind her ear. "I'm a little nervous, so bear with me. This piece is called Would it be okay? It's a personal piece of mine. I'm actually really excited to share it with y'all, so I hope y'all enjoy it." Her eyes set on Rod, sending a wink his way.
A soft light graces her physique as she calms herself and begins speaking.
Would it be okay?
If I stayed around.
If I got comfortable, in your presence.
Slip into your shadows,
Keep you safe.
Would it be okay?
If I loved you more than life.
If I screamed it to the heavens,
Even though God, herself, already knew?
Destiny. Fate.
I can't hide it.
Would it be okay?
If I was scared...
If I wanted you to hold me in your arms.
Shield me from my troubles.
Would it be okay?
If making love to you was my favorite pastime.
Your lips on mine.
Your breath on me.
Your touch.
Your taste.
Would it be okay?
If I wanted to live in your skin.
Would it be okay?
The whistles, snaps and cheering pulls her out of the locked gaze that her and Rod were locked in.
She gracefully bows and heads offstage, immediately getting pulled into a bear hug from Tyler and Suga.
"Can I just say.... wow!” Tyler claps.
"You did amazing!! I mean, I knew you had potential, but the way you commanded everybody's attention up there?? That was a sight to see." Suga praises.
"Thanks, you guys! It felt great to finally get up there. That was a rush!” She laughs.
"I think someone else enjoyed it, too." Rod clears his throat, making his way around the girls to the other side of Stevie, flowers back in hand.
"Again," he laughs, "these are for you. You did absolutely amazing." The twinkle in his eyes makes her melt.
"Thank you, baby." Grabbing the bouquet from him, she holds them close to her chest, blushing underneath his gaze.
"Ugh, this feels like high school love!” Tyler faux sobs, earning a collective sucking of the teeth from the pair.
"Go find your boyfriend and leave me alone, ty." Stevie says with a roll of the eyes.
"Ah, she's conquered her stage fright and now she's being feisty. You're on a roll, tonight." She winks.
"You two are a mess," Rod adds with a chuckle.
"Indeed. Come on, Tyler. You two can fight, later." Angel hooks their arms and leads them towards the other side of the club.
Rod leads Stevie towards their table, pulling out her chair for her. "What do you want to drink?"
"You know, cosmos have become my favorite, as of late." She cheeses.
"Comin' right up." He winks, heading towards the bar.
"Hey, pretty lady!" Chad stops at her table. "You did amazing!"
"Oh, thank you!"
"No problem. You got some serious talent."
"I appreciate that. It was nerve racking, getting up there, but I'm glad I finally did it."
"So, you gonna make this a regular thing? The crowd loved you."
"It's always been my dream!, it'd be kinda stupid if I didn't. I'm gonna talk to Carmen—"
"Consider it done. I'll run it by her and get back to you. Sound good?"
"Hell yeah!," she jumps in her seat, laughing.
"Aight, good! You know, if you start gettin' real good, we start paying you."
"Really??, that sounds amazing." Rod comes back to the table with drinks in hand, his gaze on Chad.
"Hey, man." Chad greets him.
"Wassup.," he gives a stiff nod.
"Ya girl is pressure, no denyin' it. I just came to congratulate her on her debut night."
"I appreciate y'all lettin' her shine, up there."
"A diamond shines everywhere she goes.," Stevie slightly chokes on her drink at his corniness, covering it up with a small laugh. "You two enjoy the rest of your night. I'll see you, soon." He pats her shoulder and walks away.
"What was y'all talking about?" His gaze shifts to her, chuckling at the little dance she's doing in her seat to faint music playing.
"He's gonna talk to Carmen and see if I can make this a regular thing., and if I start getting really good, they'll start paying me." She cheeses, sipping on her drink.
"Really?," his eyes light up, "that's amazing, baby." He rubs her knee.
"Isn't it? I could stop working at Claire's, even though, I love her so much, I could!"
"You could. You should tell her, I'm sure she'd be happy for you."
"Yeah, I'll tell her when I go in, tomorrow."
"What time you gotta be there?"
He nods, bringing his drink up to his lips. Her eyes dance over his face as the knowing smirk comes out to play, once his glass returns to the table.
"I'm gonna put you in time out." She folds her arms on the table, leaning towards her drink.
"Because, you keep putting me out of commission," they share a laugh.
"You so fine, I can't help it." He wets his bottom lip, making her bite her own.
"Trouble, is what you are." She speaks lowly, shaking her head.
The hand that's on her knee starts to walk up her thigh, spreading out to cuff her flesh. "And somehow... you're at the center of it, every time."
Heavy breathing can be heard throughout the dimly lit bedroom.
His lips sliding off hers, taut ass in her grip with every stroke grazing against her spot, driving her crazy.
"Oh shhhit!," her whines float through the air as he digs deeper, while nipping at her soft skin.
"Wanna live in my skin, huh?" He rasps in her ear.
"Yes, baby," she breathily whimpers.
Coming back into her line of view with his hand slowly gripping her neck, his lips hover over he own.
"Tell me you love me," he mumbles, tugging at her bottom lip.
"Unh...I love you," her jaw slacks as he picks up his pace, stimulating her spot with more pressure. Her hands grip his biceps, tightly.
"Say it, again."
"I love you, shit!.... that feels so good," she moans, her legs wrapping around his waist.
"Say it again, baby," he reaches his free hand in between them to rub her clit, her hand quickly gripping his wrist.
"I love you," she whimpers, staring into his eyes.
“Fuck, I love you vie.”
He leans up and speeds up, her hands find the back of his neck as her eyes roll back.
"You're gonna make me cum!"
"Mhm, cum on this dick."
A whine like no other leaves her lips as her eyes roll back, her walls tighten around him as her orgasm jolts through her, leaving her entire body thumping.
A chill rushes up his spine as he brings his thrusts to a halt.
"Fuck..” he moans, leaning down to kiss her lips as she comes down enough to reciprocate, her tongue finding his own.
He grunts and pulls away, flipping her over. With her ass high in the air, his palm quickly reddens her flesh and makes her leak down her thighs, double time.
"Look at that." His thumb circles her clit, her body seizing up at his touch. "Makin' a mess all over my sheets, girl." His mouth salivates at the sight of her nectar leaking down her leg.
"Mmf," she bites her lip, "don't tease me, baby..."
Lining back up with her sticky entrance, he pushes into her roughly, earning a heavy gasp from her.
"Oooh, shit!"
Picking up his tempo, he adds a roll of his hips, sending her clawing at his thigh with one hand and clawing at the sheets with the other.
"Oh shit, oh shit! Oh fuck!" Her thighs tremble as her orgasm creams onto his already soaked shaft.
"That's right," his grip tightens on her waist. "Soak that dick." 
Pulling out, he taps his dick against her clit before pushing back in, picking up where he left off.
"Unh! s-slow down," she grasps his thigh.
Doing just that, he wraps an arm around her, gripping her neck. Her hands find the sheets, gripping them up as he sensually wines his hips into her.
"Just like that.... oh, babyyy!"
Nose deep in her sweet-smelling hair, his moans become more frequent, turning her on. She begins to meet him halfway, adding more friction.
"Shit, vie... feel like a fucking dream." His free hand slaps her ass as he tries to regain control. Reaching back, she digs her nails into his hip.
"Fuck!— ugh! Unh! Just like that!"
Digging deeper, her eyes roll back and her moans increase in volume.
"Just like this?"
Her thighs quiver as she tries to push him away, the pleasure becoming too much. Grabbing her wrists and binding them behind her back, he continues.
"Take it, then."
Her moans are muffled as her face hides in the cover. Eyes shut tightly as her body tightens up, a breathy curse leaving her lips.
"Shit..." he moans, pulling out slowly and pushing back in, their breathing falls in sync as the heat in the room rises.
Releasing her wrists, he pulls her up in his lap as she leans up on her hands. 
One hand in her curls and the other wrapped around her neck, his strokes start off curt. Her brows furrow as her moans fill his ears.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck," fingers gripping the sheets, her toes curl at the intensity of her pleasure.
"Say my name." He rasps.
"Rod," she yelps.
"Say it, again."
"Oh my God, Roderick!" She moans. "You're gonna make me c—cum!"
"Fuck... keep squeezin' me, baby."
"Oh my God... oh my God," her breath gets caught in her throat, while her climax rises to the surface. His own on the horizon with every stroke.
"Cum on this dick, baby.... I feel it.. give it to me," the gravel in his tone makes her soak his lap with a single squeal. His own orgasm forcing his body to fall slack on hers.
Flattening out underneath him, she laughs a bit, pushing her hair out of her face, while he repositions himself to not totally crush her, even though she didn't mind.
"Wanna know something?" He asks, intertwining their fingers, his beard tickling the bare skin of her shoulder as he places kisses there.
"Makin' love to you is my favorite pastime, too." He replies with a goofy grin, making her giggle.
Tiredly pulling the door open, Stevie heads in the back, stuffing her jacket in her locker. Taking her hair-tie off her wrist, she pulls her curls into a sloppy bun and heads back up front.
"Hey, girl," Rena waves, her and Alana studying her worn out expression.
She grabs her apron and glances at them.
"Hey, guys.”
"Are you alright?" Alana asks.
"Yeah, I'm just tired."
"Oh yeah! Your debut was last night. How'd it go?" Rena asks, excitedly.
"It went great.” Stevie smiles, leaning on the countertop.
"I was nervous as hell, but I made it through. Everybody really liked it. That also kinda made me kinda nervous, but also really happy.” She laughs.
"Aw, that's so great! I'm so happy for you!" Alana says.
"Yeah, that's amazing," Rena adds, "did you celebrate?"
"Yeah, and I probably shouldn't have."
"Why not?"
"Well, I've got a hangover and I was almost late." She sighs.
"Relax, sweet cheeks," Claire comes out of her office. "I know last night was super important to you. I wouldn't have tripped."
"Thanks, Claire."
"Of course. Did your rock head of a boyfriend like it?"
Stevie laughs. "He liked it more than anybody else."
"Oh, that's why ya ass was limpin' when you came in," Rena mumbles, before tending to a customer.
Stevie rolls her eyes. "Maybe you should get laid."
"Relax," Rena defends. "I was just playing around."
"Mm... Anyway," she turns back towards Claire.
"I've gotta talk to you, later. It's super important."
Claire excuses them, pulling them into her cozy office.
"So, how was your night?" She asks.
"It was great! I was so nervous, but the reassurance that I received mellowed me out. I got up on that stage and I knew, at that moment, that I belonged up there. It was amazing." Stevie gushes.
"That's incredible, babe. I gotta come and see you! I'm sad I missed the first one."
"That'd be great. I'd love for you to come!”
"Let me know when your next performance is and I'll put it on my calendar. Now, what's this dilemma you've got going on?"
"Well, Carmen said that if I start getting really good, they'll start paying me." She says, twiddling her fingers.
"Really?? Oh, that's guaranteed money, then! I'm sure you're amazing!"
"Well, I think I'm alright—but, yeah! That's huge, right? I get paid to do what I love."
"Anybody's dream, yes. I'm not seeing an issue here."
"If I start getting paid there.. I could start doing that more often and not.. have to work here anymore."
"Absolutely. I would hope that you wouldn't pass up an opportunity of a lifetime, to serve coffee with some friends."
The sarcasm in her voice makes Stevie laugh.
"Did you think I was gonna be upset?"
"Well, maybe upset isn't the word."
"Well, it's gonna suck not having you here, but I'd never keep you from doing what you love. That's not a friend."
"This is true. Well, nothing's official, yet. You still have me."
"And, I'm delighted!"
“Okay,” she breathes. “I feel better now.”
Slinging her bag over her chair, Stevie turns her lamp on and sits down, opening up her poetry book.
Clicking her pen, she begins to write.
Love so amazing,
It outshines the moon.
Love so hot,
It burns brighter than the sun.
So intense,
It makes you blush.
She smudges her writing as the ringing of her new house phone scares the mess out of her. Snatching the cordless phone off its base, without looking at the caller ID, she utters a slightly agitated hello.
"Ah, breaking the phone in with attitude, are we?" Rod's voice comes through.
"Well, you know, the ringer is extremely loud on this thing. Sorry for the attitude, I suppose."
"You suppose, huh? Guess we'll see about that, later."
"Whatever. How's work?" She asks, twirling a random strand of hair around her finger.
He laughs. "It's cool. I miss you."
"Aw, I miss you too. Want me to come by? I can bring you food, if you haven't eaten yet."
"I'd love that. Seeing your pretty face always brightens my mood." She blushes.
"Oh, stoppp," she drags out, closing her book and standing up from her chair.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Uh, how about pizza?"
"Alright. I'm gonna change and get the food, and I'll be there."
"Okay, babe. See you soon."
About thirty minutes later he hears the chime go off, Rod turns around to see Stevie walking through the door. He snickers at her wardrobe.
"You cold, babygirl?" He asks, gesturing towards his black sweatshirt swallowing her top half, while her black leggings cling to her bottom half.
"Yes!" Her teeth chatter as she sits the pizza box on the counter, rounding the counter to stuff her face into his chest. "It's windy as hell, out there."
"Aw," he coos, rubbing his warm hands over her back. "I'll turn the heat up."
"Thank you. Where do you want me to put this?" she points to the pizza box.
Moving away from her, he locks the door and hangs the sign, before grabbing the pizza from her.
"Follow me."
Following him into the second room on the right, she sits down at the black round table. He opens the box and pulls out a slice.
She follows suit, picking the pepperonis off and popping them in her mouth. He chuckles at the sight.
"One day, it's gonna land on your nose." He jokes. She rolls her eyes.
"Shut up. How's your day been?" He sits in the chair beside her, still munching on his food.
"It's actually been pretty dead in here, today. But, I'm not trippin. We still made sales for the day. How's your writing going?" He grabs a napkin and cleans his hands.
"Well, before you called me, I was in my zone," she laughs. "I think it'll be the next piece I perform."
"Look at you, all bright eyed and bushy tailed!" He teases, poking her cheek.
"You sound like an old man!" She jokes.
“Old?” He laughs, clutching his chest in faux hurt.
“Old as hell,” she nods.
"Alaina, I will throw you outta here." He chuckles.
"In the cold?? The disrespect."
"Yeah, well," he shrugs.
"Yeah, well," she mocks, throwing a balled up napkin at him.
"Keep it up." He stands from his chair, heading towards the soda machine, grabbing two cokes.
"Or what?"
"Ima let you find out."
Plopping down on her bed, she stares at her clock, snorting as it reads 3:45 a.m.
"I'm gonna kill you." She groans, just as Rod waltzes into the room. Handing her a bottle of water, he sits down beside her.
"What did I do, besides what you asked me to?"
"I asked you to damn near break me in half?" She asks, an incredulous look on her face, making him crack up.
"Those weren't your exact words— but, yes, you were asking for it. Then, you didn't want me to stop."
She thanks God that the room is dark and the rosiness of her cheeks are concealed. "Anyway—"
"Mhm. That's what I thought."
"Anyways! Tyler and I are supposed to get our hair done tomorrow, because one of her cousins is getting married, and she asked Tyler at the last minute to be a damn bridesmaid— and for whatever reason, I have to be one, too."
"A wedding in the fall? Hm.. that's uh..”
"It's cold. That's the word you're looking for."
"What are the colors?"
"White and gold. The usual."
"You know what the dress looks like?"
"Not yet, no. I'll see it tomorrow."
"When's the wedding?"
"Saturday. I hope the wind doesn't blow us down."
"You're so dramatic, you know that?"
"I do. You're annoying— did you know that?" She smirks.
"I did," he joins in on the laughter.
"Good. Now, can we go to sleep?"
"Hey, we coulda been sleeping, a long time ago. But, someone wanted to ride around and smoke."
She scoffs and snatches her pullover off, along with her sweats and gets under the cover.
He laughs and follows suit, pulling her back into his chest. The warmth of his body made her turn in his hold and snuggle closer to him.
"Love you." She whispers.
"Love you too, you little brat."
Love so amazing,
It outshines the moon.
Love so hot,
It burns brighter than the sun.
So intense,
It makes you blush.
So genuine, 
It makes your heart flutter.
Who knew it could all feel like a fairytale?
Who knew it could be this sweet?
Who knew love, like this, existed?
Who knew...
@ghostfacekill-monger @thegifstories @harmshake @honeysunned @lemmewritesomeish @blowmymbackout @planetblaque @motheroffae @blackerthings @sheabuttahwrites @abeautifulmindexposed @honestpreference @mauvecherie-writes @megamindsecretlair @henneseyhoe @vonsbabymama2005 @consent-is-king @twistedcharismaaa @starcrossedxwriter
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evercodine · 9 months
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luvjordie · 7 months
thinking ab steve seeing sinclair!reader for the first time in this au im thinking ab writing.
shes hanging out in nancys room, her first week back in hawkins in years. dustin leads steve upstairs to mikes room, but he stops just before the door to nancys room to tie his shoe, the younger boy leaving to mikes room since steve said he didnt need to wait. beside him was the muffled sound of stacy q blaring through nancys radio, accompanied by a voice he was sure he had heard before. “so nancy drew, whos the stud?” you say, picking up a polaroid picture of steve that you’d found laying tucked under something in her room. it had ‘1983’ scribbled on it messily “i didnt even know i still had that, god. that, my friend, is steve the hair harrington” hearing his name, steve lingered a little. tying his other shoe for good measure, and to not look like the creep he was definitely being right now. “no fucking way. thats steve harrington? the one who threw up on sarahs desk in the sixth grade?” see, contrary to popular belief, steve hadnt always been hot. he had his awkward phase, which was really the only impression youd had of him so far. he winced at the memory. the sound of nancys laughter filled the room, as he stood up. brushing spare bits of carpet fuzz off of his knees, he could hear muffled conversation going on behind the door, though he stopped paying true attention after the embarrassing trip down memory lane. he was fine for a while, in mikes room helping the boys with some lego project they used as an excuse to hang out some more with steve. hed forgotten all about the conversation he overheard. until the same voice filled his ears again. “hey lucas, i need to be home by nine i have shit to do in the morning, so hurry it up please.” steve had been sure his mouth was agape as he looked at you in the doorway. he wasnt the only one who grew out of the patented sixth grade awkwardness. you smiled at him, and he felt his cheeks heat up. that was when he realized he was still totally being perceived. that and the fact that lucas smacked him hard as hell in his bicep. it didnt hurt necessarily but it was enough to knock him out of his thoughts “steve fucking stop with the sister thing its getting old. and y/n, you cant rush art” “theyre blocks? i- just hurry the hell up.” you said, tapping your imaginary wrist watch. “ i can drive him” steve offered, as the boys all looked at him like he was speaking nonsense. “thatd be great,” you smiled once again, “youre steve harrington right?” you asked. you knew the answer, and he knew you did, but he nodded anyways. “yup. y/n sinclair i assume. its been a minute.” “totally” the interaction was awkward and short, but steve still found himself smiling and nodding like an idiot while you told lucas to call before he left, and told steve the cerfew. it wasn’t until you were halfway out of the door that the boys started harassing him for his obvious new found crush. “first nancy, now this. you are the scum of the earth” “leave him alone he oh so obviously has a type” “we might have to start babysitting you harrington” you laughed it off on your walk back to nancys room that night, but that definitely didnt stop you from letting him kiss you stupid in the back of scoops ahoy two months later.
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 month
Every day I marvel at the beauty of Black creativity. It is one of the best parts of being Black fr. I can't imagine not finding beauty somewhere in our infinite amounts of creative expression. But you know what? That's fine. We'll keep it.
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