#stigitune wip
Stiles Is Completely Fine [a wip]
After every major event that happened to the pack, Stiles was often much more energetic and sarcastic and honestly overall more funny. The pack felt bad for laughing but eventually, they realised the slight scent of relief that tinged the air when they did. They had originally questioned how Stiles was always able to so accurately intuit who needed a laugh. How he was able to read their emotions even better than the werewolves with their chemosignals and heart rates. When they had confronted Stiles with their musings, he had expertly deflected and distracted all of them, even the suspicious and ever keen werewolves, manipulating and prompting them all to give up the subject and move on. I mean, it wasn't as if Stiles had done anything wrong persay. He just liked to help his friends. Comfort them. Make them laugh. Even at the expense of himself at times because that's what he's for isn't it? Comedic relief for the daily stresses and catastrophes happening around the pack. Not like he ever needs someone to make him feel better, no sir. It's not like he was the one everything seems to affect the most haha, no not at all. And even if everything was taking a toll on him, it's not like he's got enough anxiety and paranoia and PTSD to level a planet, which combined with his ADHD means he gets like no sleep haha what noooo... Seriously, Stiles was fine. Completely and absolutely fine.
So naturally, Stiles just doesn't understand why on earth Void is so goddamn worried. Void. Now there was a problem for the century. At this point, Stiles was long used to Void's constant presence in the back of his mind, and now that he had taken his own body, by his side or at his back or even standing protectively in front of him (or, in certain circumstances, over him possessively 😉if you catch my drift😏). However what Stiles isn't used to, is the looks of gentle concern that keep getting sent his way, or the quiet reassurances, or the warm comfort that Void provides, or the way Void's (very handsome and sexy) face scrunches up ever so slightly into a frown whenever Stiles fakes a laugh or plays up a reaction. Did Void need cheering up as well? Or was he jealous? Stiles had no idea what was bothering his grumpy fox of a boyfriend, and he desperately wanted to know so he could fix whatever it was. So naturally, the logical solution that presented itself was to ignore it. (Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know, and all that jazz) Which, mind you, Stiles is very good at. It's one of his biggest skills. It should be listed as one of his major assets. Huh, Stiles should put that on his resume. "Stiles Stilinski - good at ignoring problems." sounded great. Anyways back to the matter at hand, the issue with his approach was that Stiles was constantly around Void. And Stiles had never been too good at brushing off that particular presence in his life. So of course, when the frustration at not knowing boiled over on a lovely rainy day, he decided enough was enough and confronted Void about it.
hopefully to be continued...
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nogitsune-is-a-simp · 2 years
stigitsune wip
You love him? Yes. Do you even know what it is to love anything other than yourself? Of course, I love him. How disgusting. A nogitsune loving? Craving affection like you deserve anything so pure as love. I may not deserve his love but I do love- You are NOT in love. You are obsessed. Fascinated maybe. No- What you are feeling is merely some grotesque abomination of a feeling that you twisted love into. A mockery of such a pure feeling. I- Never the real thing. A creature of darkness and emptiness like you would never be worthy of even attraction without some sort of twisted intentions. I do love him… Don't I? You don't. You are selfish in nature and a harm to all those around you. Even if you were to be in love, which you aren't, he would never love you back because you kill. But- You taint. You ruin. You are a MONSTER. He said that he- Oh yes "he said". But you've been in his pretty little head for so long~ Don't you think perhaps he's been messed up a little? No. He said it was true! He said he loved me! I felt it, he wasn't lying abou- YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF LOVE!! No, I love him I- You are VOID. You do not feel. I- I do. Don't I? You will only taint him and hurt him. You-…You're right. How could he ever love me… Yes, how could he? I hurt him- Yes~ And his pack. Yes! His family. See? Now you're getting it. I am a monster… Exactly~ Don't hurt him more by latching on~ You're very presence will only serve to harm him even more. You wouldn't want to hurt your "favourite" now would you? No- I won't hurt him. Not again. Yes~ Of course you wouldn't, but your presence itself burns him. I'm- he wouldn't love me… I've hurt him so much… I'm a monster, aren't I? YES~
Stiles skipped into his room, bouncing happily, rushing to show Void the ingredients he had gotten at the local grocery store in preparation to make Void the best damn meal he had ever had. He had thought about making it a surprise, but in the end, he was just too excited to keep it under wraps, practically vibrating with enthusiasm. "Hey Void! Guess what I bought from the- Void??" Void was curled up in the middle of Stiles' bed, shoulders trembling and face drawn taut in pain and grief as gut-wrenching sobs wracked through his usually so proud body. It was unnerving to see Void curled into himself in agony when Stiles was so used to Void being the unmovable rock in his life, an ever-present and grounding source of calm, always there for Stiles, offering guidance and near-unconditional love. Dropping his bags as if burned, Stiles hurried over to the shivering bundle on his bed in panic. He damn near leapt onto the bed in his haste, but thought better of it at the last moment, lest Void was startled and lashed out. He carefully toed off his slippers (Void had looked at him disdainfully when he wore shoes around the house and bullied him into wearing slippers) and slipped onto his bed, shuffling towards the oh-so-small and vulnerable form huddled in blankets. Void shifted and jerked slightly as the bed dipped under Stiles' weight as he gently lowered himself onto the bed. Stiles flinched back on reflex at the sudden and superhumanly quick movement before drawing in a shuddering breath, calming down and reminding himself that this was Void, who would never hurt him, not again, and he was in pain. He pressed his hands softly to Void's cheeks, wiping away his tears, brows furrowed in confusion at the tears spilling from only one eye before drawing together further in worry. He felt a stab of hurt and a fresh wave of worry rush through him when Void flinched back at his touch, because this was just more proof that something was seriously wrong. Stiles tilted Void's head up a fraction, making eye contact with the terrifyingly vulnerable Void. He seemed to be in a trance-like state, not even seeing Stiles. Stiles nearly reeled back in shock. Void eyes… They looked mismatched, as if belonging to two people. Not only were they a different colour, but even the size of the pupils and the irises were different. It was as if looking at a side-by-side composition of two portraits. As if there were two souls… "SHIT" Stiles cast about frantically for any signs of damage. Nothing. "Shit… Fuck- Ok Void you'll be okay. Yeah. You're the powerful Nogitsune. You're over a thousand years old. You'll be fine. Jeez what am I doing you probably can't even hear me. Ugh what is happening?!?". With that last exclamation, Stiles moved his hands to pull back the blankets from around Void to check for any injuries. As his hands touched Void's, Stiles glanced back up at Void's eyes, only to rear back in shock for the third time that day.
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