#stigmata au
cyani07 · 1 year
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two different kinds of tntduo AUs
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uglyandvengeful · 2 months
thinking about a hyper-religious post-island jack who in his extreme faith (delusion) is blessed (cursed) with the stigmata scars (he drives a knife through his hands) as a way of showing his eternal devotion to the god he’s dedicated his entire life to (he’s going insane and needs to be sedated immediately)
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
@umbral-stigmata-unbound || Continued from here
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"The Gods of this Planet would never curse what came from it." Sephiroth's voice carried his eerie and calm tone before he even came into view back inside, where Kadaj was crouched.
Coming to a stop, the man tipped his head slightly. "Only outsiders like you and I. Does that make you angry, Kadaj?"
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if people accuse sparrow of originally being the borgias fanfic i'm not even going to be able to argue because that show really did heavily inspire this novel
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silvershewolf247 · 5 months
Chucky inadvertantly gives Andy stigmata in Not Out Of The Woods and it's part of why Sister Ruth thinks he's Jesus.
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honeydots · 1 year
For the ask me wip ‘dance’
Inigo pushes further. “I really would recommend the group class. We’ve already had a few sessions this season, but we allow enrollments for up to three weeks after they begin.”  “I would… Prefer the single classes,” the man slowly replies, pausing a moment. “My son—he isn’t certain if he wants to dance. My intention is to introduce him and see if he likes it.”  “Oh.” So it’s for his son. Inigo readjusts in his seat, then puts his phone on his other ear. Stubborn parents are notoriously difficult to deal with. “Um—what was your name again, I’m sorry?”
ask game~
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asha-mage · 9 months
WoT Meta: Prophecies, Fated Lovers, and Robert Jordan's knack for finding the nuance underneath the myth
One complaint I've never understood about the way Jordan writes romances is the persistent claim that he over uses the 'prophesied love' trope.
In part for me, I think it's a little bit folks not seeing the forest for the trees. WoT is fundamentally about the relationship between myth and reality: the place where the fallen angel meets the disgruntled academic, the bitter accountant, and the man who never got over being too short. It's a story where the messiah is real and dealing with chronic pain and PTSD from his stigmata. Where a legendary High Queen has to deal with both marching armies to the apocalypse, and the irritating banal realities of being pregnant at the same time. Of course Jordan digs into the idea of prophesied love- it's a huge theme in folklore and mythologies the world over. Jordan wants to dig into what it really means for there to be a person out there that you are destined to be with: that is a match for you, decreed so by the universe itself....and that you get absolutely no agency and choice in choosing. If anything Tumblr, which adores the 'red string of fate'/'soulmark'/'soulmates share pain'/'world is black until you look into your soulmates eyes' (to name a few of the more prevalent ones- some of which Tumblr practically invented), should be super on board for the parade of fated lovers to be found in WoT. It's nothing short of baffling to me that their not more fondly viewed.
And I think that is tied to the follow up complaint: the criticism that Jordan 'uses prophecy love as a replacement for a romance arc'. But that is something that is just. Patently untrue.
Cause the thing is that is how soulmates are often used...in the majority of soulmate au fanfics you find here and on AO3- an excuse to get the really hard part (two characters realizing they are right for each other and love each other, then having the communication skills to articulate that so they can start a relationship) out of the way, so the author can focus on the fluff or angst or other part they and the audience want to get to. And that's fine! But that's not at all what Jordan does. Just like he does with the Prophecies of the Dragon, or Elaida's fortellings, or even just most of Min's viewings- Jordan takes the idea of the prophecy soulmate, this person decreed by some higher power to be Perfect For You and being right about it, and digs deeper, shining it in different lights and attacking it from different angles. Jordan gives the concept of the soulmate teeth, explores the spines and the sharp points of it: is it real love if it's fated and not your choice? Can you trust your own feelings, or are they fate's design working against you as surely as Aphrodite worked against Helen or Eros against Apollo? What is it like, to see someone one day, and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would love this stranger? This question mark? This wildcard?
Rand's relationships with Min and Aviendha, as well as Mat and Tuon's courtship are great examples of this conundrum. Min and Aviendha have completely opposite reactions to the same information that demonstrates their unique strengths and weaknesses as characters and people, while Tuon and Mat's courtship is all about two people who know they will marry trying to figure out what that means, without ever confronting the reality of those prophecies directly.
Min, as befits a Seer who has learned time and time again that her viewings can not be changed, has resigned herself in an almost fatalistic fashion to all of them, and to loving Rand no less. Min knows that she, and two others, will love him, and she accepts its inevitability the same way she accepts Colavere's death, or Logain's glory, or the shattering of the White Tower. What is, is, and there is no sense or point in struggling against it. What concerns her a great deal more is what she doesn't know- she doesn't know if Rand will love her in return, she doesn't know the identity of the other two women who will love him, and she doesn't know if he will fall in love with one or both of the others but not her. Add to that Min's own insecurities about how she stands out and doesn't fit what her society deems 'proper', between her crossdressing, and her offputting manners, and it makes perfect sense that she's worried about making Rand love her. She doesn't mind sharing him- she hates the idea of being in love with a man who doesn't love her in return, of being stuck like 'Elmindreda' of the stories, sighing and pining endlessly for a man instead of being able to act, to take control of her own fate. 
So she takes control: she learns to flirt from Leane, works hard at making herself desirable, and also indispensable: with her visions, her advice, even just her emotional support to Rand when he otherwise has no one else. The irony is that whenever Rand thinks of Min prior to her return to his side in LoC, it's about how much he liked her earthy honesty and lack of wiles: how she was earnest and made him feel at ease, and didn't 'spin his head like a top'- and that's still what he loves about her after they get together: the fact that she isn't fooled by his front, that she sees him clearly and refuses to be driven away the way so many others are so easily. The point is that Min never had to change, and in the ways that matter she didn't- she only thought she did because of her own fatalism.
Contrast that with Aviendha, who, after learning about being destined to fall in love with Rand, does everything in her power to prevent that outcome- because she is a warrior, a soldier, who has never yet met a problem that could not be killed, endured, or retreated from. Aviendha values nothing so much as her honor and her word- she has promised to keep Rand safe for Elayne and what greater act of dishonor could there be in that situation then not just failing in that promise, but despoiling (and she does view it that way) said man herself? So she is awful to him in the hopes of poisoning the well of affection or at least keeping him far enough away that she is never tempted. Aviendha hurls contempt and anger at him, berates him, does everything short of trying to stab him in an effort to make him hate her, and it doesn't work. Despite all her efforts to keep her thorny wall up, they are literally made for each other and can not help but be drawn together time and again. Despite all her efforts to insist, to him and herself, that she hates him, she can not hide entirely that the opposite is true: that she likes him, sees his strength and courage and resilience, and is a little in awe of his generous kindness. 
This is why she vacillates wildly between wanting desperately to get away from him in The Fires of Heaven, to not wanting to leave his side: they are two planets caught in each other's gravity, with about as much chance of escaping each other. When she resorts to the last recourse of a soldier- retreat- and runs headlong into a blizzard that would surely kill her, Rand follows to try and save her life and she can deny the truth that she loves him no longer, nor can she resist taking him, even knowing that to redress that balance, she will one day have to offer her life to Elayne (as she attempts to do in LoC)- though fate still has other plans in store.
But in many ways the apex of this, the relationship that really shows Jordan's deconstruction of this trope, is Mat and Tuon. Before they ever lay eyes on each other, each is given a prophecy that they will marry the other: not that they'll love each other, not that they will be able to trust each other, not even that that will like each other: just that they will marry. And their strange courtship is a result of this knowledge, as each attempts to suss out the other, to try and understand them without ever overplaying their own hand. Each believes that the moment they admit their prophecy they will destroy any chance of real connection or understanding.
To Tuon, if Mat learns he is destined to wed her he gains something she can not abide: power over her, leverage that could be used to subvert her own plans and visions- because nothing matters more to Tuon than control, especially over herself. So she keeps her 'fortune' secret and tries to figure out: What will it mean to be married to Mat? Will he be a pretty trophy? A liability? A threat to her Empire? Will she have to kill him once she gets her heirs?
To Mat, if Tuon learns of his prophecy, she gains the power to take away his freedom, to snare and collar him and bind him to her, because that's how Mat deep down views marriage: as a binding cord, a loss of freedom, and nothing matters to Mat more than freedom. So he keeps his *Finn gained knowledge secret and tries to figure out: What will it mean to be collared by Tuon? Will she she treat him as a pretty and plaything the way Tylin did? Will she try to use him against Rand and the Westlands? Will she make him a slave and sent him to be beaten anytime he disobeys her? Will he have no choice but to fight her one day, this woman he is going to swear to spend his life with? Will he have to kill her the way he did Melindhra, and carry that guilt of mariticide on top of all else?
So the two stay in their strange limbo, because as long as they don't admit it out loud to the other, they can pretend they are still two people forced together by happenstance, and (each thinks) they can continue to try and understand and figure out the other, to find out where this inevitability of their marriage will really leave them, and if there can be even the faintest possibility of love in such circumstances. And that limbo- that protracted refusal to act as if they are under fate's direction- is what allows them to build a genuine bond of trust and respect for each other, and to start seeing the other person with the clarity that love requires. All this, so that when Tuon finally does play her hand, and reveal the truth....it's obvious they've long since fallen in love with each other (even though Tuon won't admit that to herself), and come to trust each other (even though Mat won't admit that to himself).
And the thing is- all of Jordan’s prophecy romances are written like this: from Egwene seeing that loving Gawyn might be both their downfalls in LoC and seeking him out anyways, to Perrin misinterpreting the 'falcon and hawk' viewing and thinking Faile is a danger to him when she's the love of his life, to Galad and Berelain not even being AWARE they’re fated to fall in love and just....do, at wild first sight (Another classic folklore/mythology trope). They also never find out:  always remaining unaware that the Pattern had long since decreed that they would be together and being incredibly funny/annoying about it. The prophesied love is an example of classic Jordan: taking a common, maybe even ubiquitous premise, and asking those complicating questions that allow him to write it as something much more nuanced and interesting and fascinating. And he gets no credit for it, send tumble.
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serendipity0930 · 8 months
my sob your eyes out sam-centric fic recs :)
because I've been sad and I cope through sam !
All Time Corrode (with constant hurt) by inheritedjeans - post-05x22 AU where sam can secretly visit dean every year on his birthday
Mashiach by askance, doomcountry, Itsirtou - (not technically one fic -- it's a series but shh) absolutely fucking gorgeous series where sam is slowly dying from stigmata
domingo en fuego by sahwen - post-11x02 with some of the most beautiful prose and ofc a ton of sam angst
out of the cross by saintsurvivor - 08x23 AU where sam is crucified (I eat crucified sam up every fucking time man)
Waiting for the Summer Rain by Lise - post-07x17 AU where dean and cas can't fix sam (Dean's POV, devastating)
Promise, Dean by allthe_subtext - 05x22 AU where dean has to fulfill the prophecy of being the michael sword
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mollish-art · 11 months
What is Generation Loss: Unperson?
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Unperson is a Generation Loss AU written, illustrated, and narrated by yours truly!
The story begins as canon-adjacent to Generation 1 (the first chapter, Savior's Stigmata, is technically a prologue, in that it takes place during the events of episode three of The Social Experiments). In chapters 2 and onwards, the cast of TSE begin an adventure anew.
Showfall Media has revolutionized the field of interactive entertainment. In Hetch's Social Experiments, this entertainment took the form of three consecutive livestreams, which the audience could actively participate in and, ultimately, decide the fate of the Hero [i.e. Generation 1 of Generation Loss]. Now, Showfall Media is proud to bring you entertainment through an even more immersive medium: video games.
Anathema Annihilation is Showfall's most innovative use of "Phantoptics" technology to date: a video game where one's choices really matter and actively impact the world we live in.
Charlie awakens in a new environment and with a new purpose as the face of the beta tester's Hero avatar. Elsewhere, Ranboo has been revived, reprogrammed, and repurposed with a new face of his own: a biomechanical, bestial antagonist known as "The Devourer".
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The player character - the Hero (who we know to be Charlie) - joins forces with a helpful non-player Companion (Sneeg) to eliminate a wide range of enemies - known as "Anathemas" - across multiple levels, each culminating with a fight against a powerful boss: an "Abomination".
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Depending on the player's Variant choice, the theme (and therefore appearance and ability mechanics) of the Anathemas, as well as the Hero and Companion classses, changes.
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Regardless of the player's Variant choice, however, the Abominations always remain the same: previous cast members who have been previously rejected by an audience and have been revived and repurposed as biomechanical monstrosities.
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As the Hero and Companion progress through the levels of Anathema Annihilation, their minds become increasingly plagued by questions concerning their memories, free will, and grasp of reality. But they are not the only ones cursed with introspection; the Devouerer, too, clings desperately on to whatever shreds of humanity it still possesses, and seeks, above all else, to avenge its friends.
Now that you have a brief synopsis of the world and premise of Unperson, if you are so inclined, you can read the available chapters here or check out the in-universe website I created for it!
On the website, you can find additional lore, concept art, links to all currently available chapters (as well as audiobook adaptations of all of them, narrated by the author), themed playlists, and a fanworks feature page (showcasing some of the fanart and cosplay that you guys have made for this story)!
I am always open to Tumblr asks if you have any further questions!
Please note that Unperson is currently on a bit of a hiatus, however, as I am in graduate school and must focus on my academics before working on this AU. It will be completed - I promise you that! I have plans for the rest of the story, as well as more art and such on the way. Patience is key ;)
Here are the currently available chapters:
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That's all for now, folks! Remember to check out the official website as well as my Unperson Youtube Playlist, which contains speedpaints for all of the chapter art as well as the audiobook adaptation!
Lastly, if you'd like to keep up to date on this project or share your feedback, follow or post on the #UnpersonGL tag!
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19emma75 · 1 year
my fav frerard fics
Ok so here’s my grank fic rec list!! I’ve put links to each fic on ao3 for easy access + most if not all have nsfw/explicit elements so be warned!! I’ve written afew tags next to each one so u get an idea but no spoilers ok here we gooo
⭐️ = fav of all time/must read
- The Best Part of My Day by pixie_revolver - office co-workers au
- ⭐️pinkish by antspaul - kid fic, fake relationship to lovers
- Black Market Blood by autoschediastic - short vamp!gee/human!frank
- ⭐️The Mess We've Made by ViciousVenin - pencey era frank, strangers to lovers, angst with happy ending
- Life as a Process by ViciousVenin - fav vamp!gee fic, college roommates au
- Happy Together by MorningGloryxxx - focus on mental health/lgbt themes/addiction, eventual happy ending
- A Splitting Of The Mind by Shoved2agree - yall already know, cw for heavy mental health focus
- Unwanted Thoughts by ViciousVenin - touring, pining, friends to lovers
- Skin of the Canvas by sinsense - art school/nude model au
- ⭐️Unholyverse trilogy by Bexless - holy grail of fics, priest!gee, demons, stigmata (you've probably already read this ik)
- ⭐️The Anatomy of a Fall by novembersmith - supernatural, high school au
- ''that was easy'' by metaleaterz - 'the staples fic', they just work at staples and its cute ok
- another superstition by metaleaterz - friends to lovers houseflipping au
- ⭐️Crossed Out by Haze - time travel and blood magic!! so incredible it should be made into a tv show umbrella academy style
- ⭐️In a Column of Lights by xobarriers - entomologist!gee/director!frank, SO wholesome and sweet and lovely
- Did You Miss Me? Cause I Missed You by LiberXI - wholesome/funny/smutty friends to lovers college au
- ⭐️Nothing Above Nothing Below by LiberXI - pencey era strangers to lovers with a supernatural twist, LOVE the writing style sm
- You Will Leave a Mark by brooklinegirl - short but intense pencey era strangers to lovers
- rough ‘round the edges by starryfrens - sick fic with gee as frank’s caregiver, heavy and heartwarming
- Living on a prayer by beforethesungoesdown, Kitoko_kun - priest x priest with expected amounts of catholic guilt and pining
- Before The Second Show by CharredLips - sweet + fluffy bullets era mutual pining
- ⭐️Wishing You Were a Ghost by pixie_revolver - “right person wrong time”, angst with happy ending, heartbreaking but amazing
- ⭐️Kinktober 2023 by insusurro - all parts set in the same universe, surprisingly heartwarming for the subject matter, great characterisation
- ⭐️Moth to Flame (or Whatever) by onceuponamoon - insanely perfect florist au
- Companion by onceuponamoon - workplace au (carer/office worker)
- Buy Handmade + Bread and Butter by jjtaylor - adorable artist/baker au
- ⭐️Paris!Verse trilogy by vesna - artist gerard/record label owner frank, INSANELY good characterisation, so beautiful and emotional
- Time Travel ‘verse by ladyfoxxx - funpoison/frankghoul/rrr time travel shenanigans, amazing and kind of heartbreaking
- Christmas Miracle by insusurro - wholesome and festive teacher au
- Choosing My Confessions series by pixie_revolver - kinky/wholesome priest au
- a constant record of disillusion by drapnel - non au realistic pre-bullets to post-summer sonic ‘04, heavy so read tags
- All Through The Night by LiberXI - bullets era meet cute
- ⭐️The Horror That I’m In by pixie_revolver - paramour estate, paranormal activity, frank goes through the horrors, angst with happy ending
updating periodically so keep an eye out <3
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twobrothers · 2 years
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s6 au - sam comes back from the cage w his powers back and freaky stigmata. (dean and cas are.....concerned)
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littleststarfighter · 8 months
May I ask if there’s any mcr fics that you would recommend
These are what I’ve enjoyed so far. All Frerard (Frank/gerard) fic recs. I have many more to read (saved about 100 fics yikes) so will have more recs in the future if anyone is interested? A lot of supernatural, spooky and ghosty ones here. And, lots of Danger Days as that’s what got me into reading them in the first place. Of course I started with what is seen as the holy fic trinity. These are just my tastes. I can’t promise that they’ll be yours, but hope there’s something you like XD
Unholyverse by Bexless
“He thinks I have stigmata,” Frank said, because what the fucking hell, it couldn’t get any worse. He might as well just lay it out.
“Oh, well,” said Brian into his hands. “Of course.”
The Anatomy of a Fall by novembersmith
The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand.
A Splitting Of The Mind by Shoved2agree (Gaiamdma)
Gerard Way sees the world differently. Alone and institutionalised, Gerard claims that he is being hunted, and that his mind holds the key to existence. Does Gerard really hold such a powerful secret? Or is he just insane like everyone else in the institution?
Run by vesna (mrsronweasley)
Being a secret teenage werewolf is hard. Frank should know. He is one.
James Cameron Got It Wrong by ladyfoxxx
In which 2005!Frank and Fun Ghoul get it on. Then Frank accidentally winds up in 2019.
Shadows In The Parking Lot by Cellphonecharm_au
In which there’s a mass grave under Frank and Ray’s apartment complex, Frank doesn’t believe in ghosts, & Frank’s ex-boyfriend is, conveniently, a paranormal consultant.
The Science of Sleep by chimneythunder
It’s 2011 and Frank Iero’s life is pretty average until the night where he starts getting dreams about a strange, apocalyptic California where there’s rayguns, grey corporations and terrorists who use art and colour as a weapon. Interesting and fun at first, but the more he dreams about this world, the more he starts to wonder if it really is a dream... and the deeper he gets into this futuristic world, the more it seems to affect his life in the present day.
And just how exactly does everything all seem to link in with that douchebag black-haired artist who sits in Starbucks every day?
The Calypso Initiative by theficisalie
AU: A rise in technological and medical advancements combined with an unexpected surge in mutations around the globe can only mean one thing: superpowers. As a child born before the information boom of 2010 rocked the world with the official news of these "SuperHumans", Frank Iero was kicked out onto the street at nine years old. His power seems to be more of a curse than a blessing: his body creates and leaks a net of energy that sets those who are unaware of it on edge. He is saved at first by a rogue agent of the government who understands the plight of the homeless children, and then by a small team of government agents who bring him into The Institute: an underground compound set up by the government to teach those with emerging superpowers how to control and use their gifts.
Frank finally has a place where he seems to belong, and a group of friends: Mikey Way, a telepath; Gerard Way, whose body is a vacuum that neutralizes energy; and Ray Toro, a healer. All is far from perfect, however. Frank’s powers and training are put to the ultimate test when he has to fight both evil and betrayal to save not only the world, but also the best family he’s ever known.
synchronicity (cut me open, cut you down) by BackyardOwl 
Party Poison glares like Frank’s mere presence could’ve jeopardized the game. But then the scowl melts off and is exchanged with a smirk.
“I’m so glad you came tonight!” he says in the fakest sugary tone possible. “It’s important for a novice to observe, because you learn so much. And surely you learned from this, because that?” He motions to the arena behind him. “That’s how you play GridSlam.”
Frank is shaking. He’s this fucking close to decking the motherfucker. Novice? He hasn’t been a fucking novice since age fucking 11!
(a story about heated rivalries, mourning your loved ones, and cheating death)
Strange Things Happen At The One Two Points by lovebashed 
1930s. The Dust Bowl. Having no place to turn after his mother's death, Frank joins a carnival. By doing so a chain of events commence, that lead him to Pete. Frank and Pete couldn't be more different, but they both possess strange powers that gain momentum as their journeys unfurl. Both their lives, and that of those they know, will be irrevocably changed before the end. Carnivale AU.
I Believe We're The Enemy by Test_subject_306
"You know what?" Frank snaps, glaring at the person who used to be Party Poison. "You know, sometimes I wish they'd just killed you instead."
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nepenthean-sleep · 1 year
griddlehark fic recs, part 4
hello and welcome to part 4 which is locked behind a community label because tumblr sucks. as a general rule i do not recommend smut because one person's sexy can be another person's squick and vice versa. nevertheless: i have some M and E rated fic recs (not all of them are smut, btw). please remember to check the tags before reading a fic.
with that being said: this fandom has some incredible writers and i'm very happy to share the below fics with you guys. tumblr usernames have been added if i could find them (sorry for the notification!). here is part 1, part 2, and part 3.
Flinch M - InverseAlchemist oneshot set after the pool scene in gtn. a beautifully written fic in which gideon and harrow share a bed for warmth (a classic) and harrow spirals a bit about it. there is so much longing.
So Familiar a Gleam E - silverapples short oneshot, harrow nova au featuring kiriona gaia. nova has a dream about kiriona and its just as disconcerting and interesting as you’d think.
turn you inside out (lick you like a crisp packet) E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long oneshot, modern au. a first of many wonderful fics from one of the best griddlehark writers in the fandom. gideon and harrow are roommates and gideon has a really bad 48 hours that culminates in a really good morning. this fic is an excellent balance of chaotic and angsty and sweet.
knife to a gunfight E - dryrsheet two chapter modern au. they were roommates! they were roommates sharing a bed! gideon is extremely oblivious in this one and the irony is delicious. also has one of the lines of all time:
“Okay,” Gideon said, “I need you to act like I am actually as stupid as you pretend to think I am and explain why in the fuck you want me to do that.”
hand to heart i swear M - corpsesoldier / @corpsesoldier short oneshot. harrow heals gideon’s stigmata. i very badly want this to be a thing in alecto, but i am happy with this fic version right now. this fic is superb and i love everything about it.
you're still the one pool where i'd happily drown E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long post-ntn speculative multi-chapter, completed. i love everything about this fic. i was literally hanging on every word when i read each chapter for the first time. the writing is incredible. there is a shower scene that is legitimately fucking shakespearean. additionally, i absolutely love the way that harrow’s mental health is portrayed in this fic as someone who struggles with similar conditions.
illbringthestrap69420 liked your post E - imalwaysstraight / @nooomagnus long multi-chapter college/uni au, currently unfinished. the enemies to anonymous tumblr mutuals to lovers fic. listen. this fic is an incredible experience for dramatic irony enjoyers. this fic is like dramatic irony: the fic. i love this fic so fucking much. another fic that has kept me on the edge of my seat while reading.
Bid My Blood to Run M - winterkill / @thebrimmingheart short oneshot. another fic where harrow heals gideon’s stigmata! the banter in this fic is wonderful. again, i really hope there's a scene like this in atn.
Let Me Hold It Lightly M - downjune / @itstartledme short oneshot set during htn. a classic ‘harrow sees gideon in her dreams’ situation. very tender and bittersweet.
Wormian E - BonesforTime long oneshot, postcanon au/spec. harrow works through some religious trauma. ok full disclosure: my favorite thing about this fic is the way it’s written. when i first read it, the prose had me completely fucking bewitched. the fic gets more speculative towards the end, and as it was written pre-ntn there’s some pretty big discrepancies with current canon. regardless, the fic itself is extremely well written and compelling.
east of the sun, west of the moon E - zealotarchaeologist short oneshot set during htn. another dream situation, this time featuring harrianthe and harrow/the body. the writing here is exquisite.
let's drink to feelings of temptation not rated - overnights / @televangelists long oneshot, modern bartending au. gideon gets hired at camilla’s bar and harrow is not having it. there’s women who hate each other. there’s customer service shenanigans. there’s ianthe in a grocery store. it’s a very solid modern au.
Mors Vincit Omnia M - WalkingDisaster / @four-for-fidelity long multi-chapter modern au, currently unfinished. a murder mystery where gideon is a witness in an investigation and has to assist forensic scientist harrow. it’s really well written and the mystery is very fun and macabre! it is currently unfinished but i am excited to see where the plot goes.
grab me by my ankles (i've been flying for too long) E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long oneshot, college/uni au. harrow is a competitive diver and gideon is a mechanic who ends up carpooling harrow to diving practice. there is a truly astounding amount of dyke drama going on here and it is excellent. the dialogue is incredible as well.
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uwabbittuwabbit · 7 months
Ummmm mediaeval au??????? A little hint maybe.... ( If you're ok with it ofc!)
WOAUGH ok let me be brief (1/100000)... The gist is Marc is a saint blessed by god with a healing factor far exceeding that of a regular man (sidenote: he does have stigmata and occasionally premonitions). So he's sent away to an Italian monastery for his own good, to prevent his sainthood being exploited by people who do not have his best interests at heart and to become properly god fearing. Well Marc is properly MISERABLE because he's in a foreign country away from his family and UCCIO is the abbot (guess who the main proprietor is. Actually you don't need to) and as is canonical in every conceivable universe, Uccio hates Marc's guts and hates him even more for acting out, which he does often; his favorite activity is sneaking out to the stables and taking horses out for rides. Consequentially Marc is sentenced to the ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT MINES where he has to do the worst possible thing for Marc Marquez: transcribe holy texts hunched over for hours while trying not to die from the boredom. Marc KNOWS that the monastery life is not for him and will not help him fulfill the mysterious purposes that God bestowed upon him, this is not the suffering he anticipated for but he stays because he desperately wants to be good so much even as its tearing him away from his intended path. The monastery is actually like, the lord of the land Valentino Rossi's little training camp where the monks are supposed to be instilled with loyalty towards him and are trained in arts such as riding and swordplay. It's also where he keeps a majority of his wealth to keep a low profile through bestowing donations to the monastery that is then put into land purchases and the like (so, money laundering) and a majority of his intelligence (confessional is a very valuable resource for information) comes through the illuminated manuscripts. Marc isn't allowed to work on those particular ones unless it's to make maps which Uccio reluctantly allows because he is very good at it. Marc falls immediately in love with Vale when he visits to consult with Uccio or whatever and since he's in a good mood he wants to go racing with the boys :) Everyone immediately runs to the stables to prepare because it's been so long since Vale has had time for them, he's been so busy what with Luca in Rome and all. Marc typically isn't allowed to ride with the boys though, he's so inundated with transcription work and he doesn't even have his own horse-- so he's about to go back to finishing his manuscript in despair when Vale catches him. He asks why Marc isn't going out with the rest of them; this is a contest for all of the boys and offers Marc his OWN horse to ride. Imagine, if you will, Vale handing Marc the reins to his majestic steed, winking at him roguishly to say that he knows that Marc will take good care of her. Marc is absolutely gone. Everyone else is disappointed of course that Vale isn't racing but they're intrigued as to what the relatively anonymous new recruit, who hasn't really been seen outside of the cloisters, will do with Valentino's horse. Vale has allowed the other boys to sit astride upon her of course, but they had never managed to eke out what Valentino managed, the sharp turns and the sheer speed. She is an excellent horse but Valentino is an even better horseman, this is known. Well, Marc completely destroys the competition. He rides like a star shot down from heaven, Vale's face breaking out into this enigmatic smile during the course of the entire event. Afterwards Marc thinks that Valentino congratulating him will be the last he sees of him and he's SICK he has to go back to manuscripts after having a taste of the life he has always wanted. He starts (crazily) to write love letters to Vale in the margins of his manuscripts, letters he knows Valentino will never read. But a couple of months later Uccio tells Marc that he has his own horse now, and a few days after that Valentino comes round inquiring about the best horseman and navigator at the monastery and whether or not he is up to joining him on pilgrimage to Rome...
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tinderbox210 · 7 months
Making that gif set of La'an and Spock's arrival on the Enterprise made me remember how much I'm still obsessed with the La'an and Spock Academy AU in which they attend Starfleet Academy together.
I'm aware Spock is younger than La'an but the timeline could still add up. Spock is a genius so he could have easily skipped some classes and ended up in the same year as La'an (but it's an AU so canon timeline doesn't matter anyway).
I think at first they wouldn't get along and would get competitive, trying to beat each other and bicker a lot.
We know La'an has a competitive streak from the Enterprise Bingo stuff so she would be annoyed about that arrogant Vulcan wunderkind just rushing in and exceling at everything without breaking a sweat that she has to work so hard for. That is, until she finds out that Spock has his own struggles to deal with like his dyslexia and the pressure of meeting his father's and Vulcan society's expectations.
Spock would be irritated by La'an's hostility until he learns about her traumatic past and all the hardships she had to endure due to losing her family and carrying the stigmata of being a descendant of Khan.
They would bond over being outcasts, feelings of not fitting in due to their social awkwardness and unique heritages and constantly having to proof themselves to others who view them as "abominations".
Spock would become La'an's tutor and help her with the science/technical classes. I headcanon La'an being smarter than she lets on because she thinks people would fear/reject her even more if they knew how smart she was. We know she has a nerdy streak and knows history, and Spock would enjoy and encourage this side of her. In return, La'an would discover the empathetic heart beating beneath the Vulcan shell and defend Spock against any dumbass trying to mess with him.
I just have many thoughts and feels about this AU 😊
They would develop a very close bond and eventually their friendship would turn romantic with all that delicious angst, because they wouldn't want to ruin their friendship despite feeling attracted to each other and because they're on different career paths probably taking them to serve on different ships at different ends of the galaxy, and Spock is expected to marry a Vulcan anyway. And then Spock would have his first Pon Farr and La'an would be there to help him because deep inside they've both been in love with each other for a long time, but they're both so unsure and awkward with romance, and things would get even more complicated between them...
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velionascythe · 1 year
i have brainrot aka madoka magica honkai impact au.
madoka kaname's biggest goal is to become the most powerful valkyrie in the world, and to uphold the prestigious kaname name. unbeknownst to her, she's actually a clone of the real madoka who's status is unknown, mixed with the dna of kriemhild gretchen, the herrscher of the void. she is best friends with sayaka miki (bronya) and homura akemi (mei).
their class president, mami tomoe (fu hua), seems to be the only one who can actually get madoka to study for the written tests, even though madoka is more concerned with becoming physically stronger using the kaname family's specialized pistol kata.
sayaka is still searching for her childhood friend, kyoko sakura (seele), who grew up in an orphanage alongside her and their foster mother, oktavia. kyoko resides in the dirac sea, desperately clinging to control lest her other self ophelia show up to wreak havoc yet again.
madoka keeps getting odd dreams that seem to show a dark version of herself laughing as it hurts all her loved ones.
her aunt kazuko saotome (theresa) is the headmaster of st. freya academy's mitakihara branch, and a lifelong friend of her adoptive mother, junko (himeko) who works as a teacher as well as a valkyrie. unfortunately, junko has only a year, if not months, to live due to artificial stigmata implants that her body is steadily rejecting.
madoka = kiana
homura = mei
sayaka = bronya
mami = fu hua
kyoko = seele
kazuko = theresa
junko = himeko
ehe.. will flesh it out more l8r
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