#still coughing and blowing my nose but i had a fever yesterday and now i dont :')
coveted-covey · 7 months
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Word count: 2,161
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Living near a beach all their life ideally would have made anyone develop a better immune system than most. 
There’s the warmth of the ever-loving sun, the salty ocean breeze, the fun things you could do on the beach. With that said, you really don’t know what got you bedridden since yesterday night.
You quickly grab a tissue from your bedside table, bringing it to your face to blow your nose pitifully. A cough quickly follows suit, shaking your whole being. You gingerly toss the balled up tissue to the bin except that you miss it by a couple of feet. Head throbbing from the hard cough you just had, you huff in annoyance as you slather your hands with the hand sanitizer you have on you.
“Goddd, I hate being sick.”
That seems to be the cue for Mom to knock and come in with a tray of what you could only guess as chicken noodle soup, a glass of water, and medicine. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
You whine despite yourself. “Bad,” you try to sit up slowly when another sneeze hunches your upper body. “Ugh, very bad.”
“Aww, I’m sorry, baby,” she sets the tray on your bedside table then reaches out to feel your forehead using the back of her hand. She hums thoughtfully, “Still hasn’t gone down. Here, eat. The warm soup should make you feel better.” 
She adjusts the pillow behind you and you uncurl your back as she does so. “Where’s Ma?”
Your Mom sniffs and dabs fake tears from her eyes. “You look for Ma while I’m right here? You hurt my feelings, [Name].” 
The scowl you’re wearing must have worked (as much as a half-hearted scowl could) because she adds right after a small endearing sigh, “She had to go to work. You know that she’d have wanted to be here taking care of you instead of going to work, but I already took the day off. You’ll see her this afternoon, okay?” She fixes your hair and kisses your forehead softly.
“Okay. Thank you,” you try to clear your throat. “I’ll feed myself, Mom, no need to worry.” She laughs at that. 
With the food set up on the bed tray, she stands up then gestures to the door. “Then I’ll be outside if you need me.” 
You make a noncommittal sound then start spooning the soup to eat. It’s good. Warm and soothing. You are on your fifth spoonful when you hear the doorbell ring muffledly from the first floor. 
“Hi, Cove!” You hear your Mom’s voice greet the visitor. Your ears instantly perk up at that. Cove? There was a bit of a hushed discussion and then you hear the door close.
Did he leave? You pout at the thought. Maybe Mom made him leave because you're sick. You frown harder at that. But you want to see him…
The spoon is halfway to your mouth once again when you hear a soft knock from the other side of your door. “[Name]? It’s Cove.”
“C-Cove!” you almost choke at your words when a hack disrupts your speech. “Come” –a cough– “in–”
The door opens, your neighbor’s wavy eyebrows downturned as he surveys you.  “I’m here… Are you okay?”
You chuckle at that. “As okay as someone could be with their immunocytes fighting for their life.” 
He laughs airily, the mirth not quite reaching his eyes. “I heard that you were sick. Why didn’t you tell me?” 
You look at your phone five steps away from your bed and he follows your gaze. “Something about my phone being literally out of my reach.” You turn to him, “How did you know I’m sick?”
“Oh– I may or may not have been complaining to her about wanting to see you but not being able to.” 
“Oh… I was actually almost sent away just now, but I also wanted to see you so I tried to convince your mom to let me stay.”
“Thanks for staying.”
“No problem.”
You blink at him, his gaze locked onto your eyes. There’s an expression on his face that you can’t quite place. Almost like–but maybe it’s just your fever making you see things–
“I’m sorry we can’t hang out,” you shift awkwardly. “Weren’t you planning on doing something today?”
He breaks off his gaze from you and moves to bring your desk chair beside your bed. “It’s alright. I-it’s not as fun without you around.”
You look down at the soup starting to cool off on your tray, feeling your cheeks become hotter for some reason. “...I see.” You bite your lip, still not looking up.
Cove sits on the chair and looks at the poster on the opposite wall. “You should probably finish the soup.” 
You regard him, a bit incredulous. “You gonna watch me eat?”
It’s then that you notice he’s not looking at you and that his ears and neck are redder than when he got sunburnt that one time he stubbornly did not put on sunscreen. That only happened once, in your younger years, and you never saw it happen again. Maybe he stayed too long outside before coming to your house. You open your mouth to speak when he responds: 
“Well, not watch watch, that would be weird–! I just thought it’d be nice to hang out here, for a bit, since you can’t go outside and all. And I don’t have to stay if you’d rather be alone; I totally understand–” he gestures wildly, and you feel your hand stretching out to his gesticulating hands.
“Calm down, Cove,” you laugh softly. “I want you here. I mean,” you clear your throat, “Yes, of course we can hang out. Though I’m kind of worried about you catching whatever I have right now.”
Your neighbor stills, looking fixedly at your hand touching his wrist. Then he looks up, seagreen eyes wavering a bit. Softly, he says, “I think I’ll be fine. I’ll stay.”
You grin at him, reluctantly letting go of his wrist. “So what were you doing before coming here?”
He smiles back, then regales you of stories about what he did earlier today as you finish up your chicken noodle soup and take your medicine.
You fell asleep.
Cove looks at your sleeping figure, seemingly deep in thought. He breathes out a laugh when you wrinkle your nose in your sleep. 
Huh, what?
Man, he should get it together.
He sighs, defeated. There’s something that’s been bothering him lately. 
It’s you. 
He can’t seem to stop thinking about you lately, and it’s driving him insane. 
He finds himself staring at you more. He blames it on how bright and captivating your smile is.
He finds himself itching to touch you more. But you’re best friends. You do touch platonically quite a lot. You hold hands when necessary. (When he helps you go up the poppy hill. When he helps you go down to the beach. When you go to town during the peak summer season and he doesn’t want to lose you in the not-quite-a-crowd crowd. Those are what he considers necessary.) And you do hug. Side hugs are quite normal in your friendship, but lately he does not seem to want to let go.
It’s you, on his mind, 24/7. He’s not sure for how much longer he can take it.
You shift in your sleep, kicking off your blanket. His mind stops whirring at that and stands up to gently put the blanket back over your exposed feet.
Inching his chair closer, he eyes your hand over the blanket and sighs again for the hundredth time in the past hour. 
He wants to hold your hand so bad.
But it’s just right there, open for the taking. He’s almost sure you wouldn’t mind him holding your hand, but doing it while you’re asleep and unaware is making him doubt that.
His hands tremble on his lap. 
He’s gonna do it.
His heart beats faster inside his ribcage and sweat beads on his neck. Slowly and steadily, he outstretches his hand until the pads of his fingers lightly touch the back of your hand. Gently, he flips your hand over then clasps your hand in his.
He wills his heart rate down then marvels at you.
Smiling to himself, he stands and leans down to press a light kiss on your temple.
“Feel better soon, [Name].”
With that soft get well soon wish, he sits back down, your hand in his hand.
Maybe one day he’ll be able to confess his feelings for you. And he’ll get to do it while you’re awake.
You blink blearily, seeing your bedroom walls shining with a bright orange-pink glow from your window. With a deep sigh, you look at the digital clock you have on your bedside table. It reads 5:37 PM.
Must’ve fallen asleep sometime after eating– And. 
Oh, right! Cove was here.
Your eyes look around, trying to get back to the waking world. Did he leave already?
That’s when you notice a weight on your hand, then you look to your side to see your neighbor, Cove James Holden, asleep, using one arm as a pillow as his other hand holding yours. His seagreen hair almost looked golden due to the sunset hues coming from the window behind him.
Like a moth to a flame, you can’t help but draw your other hand close to touch his hair. You’re about to pat his head when you feel his hand lightly grip the hand in his hold. “[Name]?”
You smile awkwardly at him, caught red handed. You clear your throat. “Uh, good evening?”
He grins at you drowsily, taking your other hand and letting it flop on his hair. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you smile softly. Better since you came here. 
“Hmm, that’s good,” he yawns. “Sorry, I fell asleep here.”
“Wouldn't be the first time.”
“Ha, you’re right,” he laughs, eyes shining as he beholds you. “[Name].”
“Hmm?” You continue stroking his now-golden hair, a soft smile on your face.
He looks at you seriously and you see the gears in his head turn and finally decide against what he initially planned. He shakes his head, looking down at your joined hands. “Sorry, it’s nothing.”
You nod sagely, then give him a light grin. “It’s okay… Feel free to tell me when you’re ready.”
“I will. When I’m ready.”
With hands comfortable in each other's, the both of you sit in contemplative silence; it's quiet but not uncomfortable. For a brief moment only the rolling waves from the beach and your soft breathing were the only sounds you can hear, then you ask,
“Hey, you did not use the window,” you tease.
He grins, gently pushing stray hair from your eyes, “You're practically bedridden, would you have opened it for me still?”
Maybe it's because of the way you looked while you said it, or the fact that the answer quickly left your mouth, but your response startles a laugh out of Cove. “I figured. Which is why I didn't. Shouldn't disturb resting patients and all that.” He laughs fondly, adjusting his hold on your now sweating palms. He does not seem to want to let go despite that.
You pout. Is he making fun of you? 
“Sorry, I'm not making fun of you,” he lightly grins, his thumb rubbing at your hand soothingly. “I just really didn’t want to disturb you while you're resting.”
Your heart rate speeds up and your face heats up at his soft admission, leaving you no choice but to look away. God, you really, really hate being sick. Maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you, because why is he looking at you like that?
Him and his soft eyes and soft grin and soft hair and soft demeanor looking at you like he’s…
“What a charmer,” you mutter under your breath.
Your neighbor’s wavy eyebrows shoot up at that, “What?” His lips wobble into a startled frown and whines, “Hey, I was being serious you know.”
You sigh, then slowly shift yourself up. You do not miss the way Cove immediately stands to help you, his hand still holding yours. You take in the hold he has on you then at him as he settles back down once you’re comfortably sitting up.
You laugh at the feeling of deja vu. Didn’t this happen just a few minutes earlier? You grin at him. “Nothing, I guess I’ll tell you when you’re ready to tell me what you were about to tell me earlier.” You lightly squeeze his hand in yours to tell him that you’re not making fun of him. 
It may be too soon, but you hope he tells you tomorrow when you’re fully recovered.
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fic by @coveted-covey (2024).
a/n: slowly experimenting with formatting and stuff. i'm still not sure what i'm doing but i'm getting there! lol
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marmotsomsierost · 9 months
I have been sick since fuckin. What day. The fuckin 16th of december is when this bullshit started. It is JANUARY FUCKIN FIFTH. That saturday i woke up, coughed (not super unusual with this persistent stupid postnasal drip crap) so hard i puked all of the little i had in my stomach out (super unusual) and had a scratchy throat for the rest of the day. Didn't think anything of it. Was feeling kind of but not really better towards evening. Then, decorating the tree, cough drop in mouth, i go to fling a string of lights up and inhale said cough drop, which lodges just below my thyroid.
I do not die. The dog and the husband are not convinced. I use actual words to mention the not dying thing. They are...slightly more convinced.
Sunday i wake up with sensation in throat, not like pain, not raw, just like...there's something there that isn't normally there. Have minor cough and very raspy voice. Sinuses mostly clear. I wake up on the 20th and have literally no voice. I need my voice to be able to triage people. I call out sick. I go back the next day, it's fine. Still little cough, mostly clear sinuses, just suddenly a tenor. This continues until the 25th.
Dinner on christmas i find annoying to eat. It's like my throat has decided it's full and the stomach goes 'eh okay sure let's stop' in weird agreement. I go to work the next day.
I have turned into the crotchety old man you never see out of scooterdress with snus in his lip and a suspicious possibly-sentient coffee mug in one hand and the other hand tucked into the front of his bibbed pants. Basically Bjørn Sundquist. Anyway.
I now have a coughing wheezy rasp where by the end of the night i will cough all the air out of my lungs, die, gasp in air, cough that out, die again, then am able to breathe again. Unfortunately not shiny and chrome. Still. I call out the next morning, have a video visit, get some antibiotics and an inhaler, we're good to go right.
Wrong. Turns out pretending really really hard that you don't have a fever does not actually get rid of said fever. I call out again. I'm off work the next three days anyway, that gives me a nice block of time to finish my antibiotics and get back to normal.
There's no tech for the two days before new year's day so when i show up despite sounding like a zombie everyone is all 'oh thank god you're here' and 'we have a tech?? We have TWO TECHS?? Yeah!' But about four hours in i keep getting the concerned face and side-eye of concern and avaunt foul beast from the rest of the ED. The doctor tells me i sound worse than half of the patients. The PA listens to my lungs and says something like 'wow with that cough i figured your lungs would be shit but they're actually really clear'. The loud triage nurse says 'well hell marmot's been coughing for weeks and she's still here' loudly several times in earshot of patients whose chief complaint is 'cough since this morning' and the night shift triage nurse tells the charge nurse that i can stay in the back, he wants to keep the front plague-free.
I almost call out yesterday. I had the phone in my hand but an alert went out that the evening tech called out and wednesday was a shitshow so i was like okay, i'm not that bad, i'll go in.
I should have called out. I have alarms set for when to take the sudafed and the cough medicine and the inhaler because time is fake at the best of times and this ain't the best of times. I survive to the end of the shift. I blow my nose before i leave and my ears pop- the right clears fast, the left clears by the time i get home.
I'm off today. Cough is demonstrably better in frequency if nothing else, even without regular doses of medicine. I get home from dropping samus at the vet (she's fine) and blow my nose again, and ears pop. Left ear won't clear. It doesn't hurt but it is driving me absolutely batshit insane. It's like juuuust on the edge of fucking with my equilibrium. I've tried gum. Decongestant. Antihistamines. Soak in hot bath in our dwarf-ass tub as best i can. Am about to try broiling in a shower.
I'm so tired of this crap. Where is bones with a magic lung-fixing ear-clearing pill when you need him.
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cosmos-coma · 2 years
Sick days- Eskel
A/N: I made this in the haze of my own sickness today so I’m not responsible if its bad
Pairing: Eskel x Reader
Warnings:  None!
Word count: 1k
Summary: You wake up miserably sick one morning and are thankful to have Eskel there to help take care of you.
Yesterday you were fine, it was a few sneezes and a bit of a dry throat, but today you had woken up feeling like straight death. 
Eskel had tried to warn you, he did. “Don't go out on the ice,” he said. “It’s not thick enough yet” but you just couldn’t listen. You ended up falling through the lake outside the keep and now you were holed up in your bed with Eskel, feeling miserable.
“Darling, we need to get up…” Eskel murmured into your hair, kissing your head and nosing along your hairline. As he sat up and flung the blanket off the both of you you let out a truly pathetic moan. 
“Noooo… put it back. Please, don’t make me get up…” you pleaded, your voice sounding terribly nasally and distorted as you spoke into your pillow. “I barely slept…“ you added, turning to just peek up at him from your mostly face-down position. 
Your Witcher stifled a laugh as he looked down at you, “I told you that you were gonna get sick.” He shook his head and put his hand against your forehead, feeling your incredibly warm skin. “And you have a fever too…”
“To be fair…” you argued, holding a finger up to him, “you didn’t say that verbatim… it was only implied….” You carefully shifted around onto your back, your stiff and aching joints making you move slower than usual. 
Eskel only smiled and leaned in to kiss your heated forehead. “Of course, my bad, darling…. Why don't you go back to sleep for a little while I finish my chores and I’ll come back to check on you with lunch…” He offered and gingerly brushed the hair out of your face, chuckling softly at the way you leaned into his roughened hands. 
“You're gonna finish all your chores before lunch? But that’s a whole day's worth of work….” You rested your hand over his and looked up at him with exhausted eyes. You didn’t want to make him do all that work just because you were sick from something stupid he told you not to do. 
“Shh…” He hushed, leaning in close to you “Let me take care of you, okay?” He spoke in a voice so soft and gentle that you were sure he had said it for your ears only.  So only you could hear them and feel their loving weight. 
“... Thank you…” You whispered back, the only reply you could muster up, and curled into the blanket as it came back over your now freezing body. 
You must’ve fallen asleep when he was still there, not even realizing it until you had woken up to blow your nose a short time later. You still tossed and turned throughout your sleep, waking up regularly to cough or blow gross snot from your nose, but it was sleep none the less. 
Around midday, your body finally felt like it had enough rest to stay awake for a little while. Carefully you hauled yourself upright in bed, becoming out of breath from such a simple action, and glanced around the room. Eskel must’ve come by a bit ago and put a small pot of water on to boil above the fire in your room as it was still letting out steam so that you wouldn't feel like a dried-up raisin when you woke up. For a man who is immune to getting sick, he sure acts as a great bedside nurse.
“You're finally awake…” The familiar voice of your witcher rang out as he opened the door. “How are you feeling now, my plague-ridden darling?” He couldn’t help but laugh at his own little quip as he came over with a bowl of warm, delicious-smelling soup and a mug of curious liquid.
“It’s hard to hear out of the ear I was sleeping on… and it hurts a little to swallow… but I’m better now that you’re here. “ you said with a grin that was laced with the remnants of the sleep that clouded your brain. 
“And they say I’m the soft one…” He mumbled to himself, handing you the bowl and carefully climbing in to settle down behind you, strong arms wrapping around you. “Vesemir made you this tea… it’s supposed to make you better faster, but he made me swear that you'd drink it all.”
“Ugh, you know he only does that when it tastes worse than death,” you complained as you sniffed it, taking a tentative sip. “BLECK!” you exclaimed, spitting it back out into the mug immediately. “It tastes like Lil Bleater’s hooves!”
You’d rather down a cup of that white gull the guys talk about and ruin your liver forever than drink the rest of this. Because…. DAMN, that was bad and had a weird texture? You couldn’t quite place the details of it, but for one it was oddly thick.
“Come on, Y/n. You won’t get better if you don't drink it. Plus you're bound to break Vesemir’s, poor heart if you don’t” He jested, poking at your side and nudging the mug closer to you. 
“Fuck Vesemir’s poor heart, he knows what he’s doing…” you grumbled, voice still betraying your congestion and coming off as nasally and stuck in your sinuses. “Will you at least give me a kiss for each sip I get through?” you asked, looking back at him and bringing the mug to your lips.
You took large gulps to get through it faster, hoping that if you rushed- you might not taste it quite as much. You were wrong. However, you did still get a kiss with each sip you drank- making the aftertaste sweeter if nothing else. 
You’d never been more grateful than that moment to have someone like Eskel by your side. Someone who did all these small acts of service for you, often without being asked, and didn’t stop you when you accidentally got snot on his shirt. You blew your nose disgustingly into your tissues and complained about your aching joints and yet he still looked at you with such love and admiration…. 
Yeah, you really hit the jackpot with this one.
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight @dark-academia-slut
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wetsnifflesneeze · 1 year
Carolina and Alison (Cold) (Sneezefic) (Part 2) (F/F)
Continuing with these 2 cuties because there are simply not enough w/w f/f posts 😡 There's some mild hurt/comfort/trauma here in this part. It's mild.
Carolina woke up and glanced over at her girlfriend. She was so happy to wake up in her bed, as always, especially when she felt like Alison needed her. Which today and last night she definitely did. When Alison woke up with her nose too congested to fall back asleep she was there with tissues, she was there with some honey and soothing lozenges for her throat and of course kisses, lots of kisses. She rubbed Alison's back whenever she coughed softly into her pillow or Carolina's shoulder.
As she looked over at Alison she couldn't help but to notice how pale she looked. She looked beautiful but at the same time she did look sick. Carolina gently placed her palm on her girlfriend's forehead to check for a fever. She could tell straight away, no need for a thermometer. "Oh poor baby" she murmured softly.
"Hey baby, good morning" Carolina said sweetly as she stroked Alison's face and gave her a gentle kiss"
"Hey.." Alison replied weakly after making a little moaning noise. She just looked at Carolina with a pained expression on her face and sniffled.
Carolina looked into her poor girl's eyes, she could see them all glossy and her pupils dilated from the fever she had. "You don't feel good today at all, do you?" She asked sympathetically.
"Cari... I feel so much worse than yesterday" Alison's voice broke and she started to cry.
"Shhhh it's okay baby, c'mere, shhh I know you're scared angel... hey it's okay.."
Carolina was right. Alison was scared. She wasn't crying her eyes out just because of her fever, there was something else. She knew her girlfriend pretty well and she happened to know that Alison had health anxiety. As a child, she had severe pneumonia, due to her parents carelessness more than anything else... which greatly upset Carolina to find out. In her mind Alison is an angel who deserved better and she is going to give her better. Holding her closely as she sobbed into her chest, still scared and traumatized after those weeks in the hospital and the physical and emotional pain of it.
"I'm here sweetheart" Carolina cooed. "Not gonna let anything bad happen to you okay? I'm not your parents, you know that."
Alison cried until she ran out of breath and started to cough. Carolina gently rubbed her back and kissed her head. Carolina gently rocked her as her breathing slowly returned to normal. "You're okay honey, I just need you to take some medicine for this fever you have and you'll feel so much better."
"Okay *SNNNFF* ugh I'mb sorry, I got your t-shirt all wet"
"Baby don't apologize for crying, ever okay"
" 'kay *SNFFF* Cari? ...HhuhTSSSCHIEEW"
"Bless you. Yes, my love?"
"Could you pass me sombe tissues?"
"Oh of course, sorry I should've thought of that."
"It's okay *SNF* I just... I feel so weak I don't wanna move, I don't even know if I could"
"You don't have to move at all my love, that's why I'm here. Thank you for telling me what you need." Caroline gave her a kiss. "Here, let me.." She gently wiped Alison's tear streaked face and then held some tissues to her nose "Now, blow your nose. That's it, good girl. Okay, now it's time for medicine." Carolina passed her a couple pills and then also held a spoon of liquid to her mouth.
Alison suddenly shivered. "Aww poor thing, you're shaking" Carolina wrapped her arms around her once again and held her close. "Here I'll get you warmed up" she kissed Alison's warm forehead.
"HEIIISSSSHHIEW ugh sorry *Snffl*" Alison raised a hand to cover her mouth slightly as she sneezed into Carolina's chest.
"Bless you, Ali. Don't apologize sweetie. You can sneeze on me all day, I don't mind."
"I could get you sick though"
"I don't care about that" to prove her point she placed her hand under Alison's chin to gently tilt her head up for a soft kiss on the lips. After a few seconds Alison sniffled and broke away before sneezing into the other girls shoulder "ATiiiisSHHIEW"
"Bless you, I'm so sorry you feel like shit but I think you're adorable."
"Okay, you must really love me" Alison chuckled.
"Oh, I do. Like you have no idea." Carolina said as she wiped a little bit of snot trailing from Alison's nose. "I know you're probably exhausted since you didn't sleep very well last night so come lay down on me and fall back asleep"
"Yeah, okay, *snf* that sounds ndice HETsSSHIIIEEW" this time she sneezed uncovered into her girlfriends chest.
"Oh bless you, my sneezy baby"
"Sombtimes I sneeze a lot when I'mb sick..kinda embarrassing *SNNFF*"
"Well I think your sneezes are cute so lucky me"
Alison smiled and cuddled closer to Carolina "you make me feel so loved, thanks for taking care of me"
"Bless you, gorgeous." Carolina held her and played with her hair until she fell back asleep.
~Thanks for reading
~ I love these 2 so much 🥰🥺
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dadfag · 2 years
kissing everyone thru my hazmat suit rn
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kpopsickies · 3 years
bathtub cuddles
sickie: Felix
Caretaker: Chan
pairing: Chanlix (ft dramatic baby Felix, and whipped Chan)
Felix p.o.v
I’m dying, I’m 100% sure of it. I must be, it is the only other explanation. I can’t breathe, my head hurts, my lungs are burning. I am 100% positive I am on death’s door. 
and above all. I need cuddles, from my Channie. but he’s at the studio. I want to call him and ask him to come home, but I know he’s busy and I don’t want to bother him. 
after a solid 20 minutes of debating with myself I finally texted Chan hyung with simply, “when you are on your way back can you pick up cough drops” I knew I could pass it off to just overworking my voice, that way he won’t be worried about me. and I was not surprised at all when Chan blew up my phone with “are you okay? Are you sick? Do you need me to come home? ect.” 
when suddenly my phone rang. It was Chan, of course. “hey baby” I say answering my phone. “oh Lixxie, your voice sounds so rough”
“I just overworked it yesterday” I choke out, coughing lightly into my fist. “I doubt that”
“because you’re also congested, and you sound sick”
“I’m fine”
“uh-huh, sure, I’m on my way home now”
“wait! No!!! babe I’m fine” I say, coughing again, harsher this time. “yeah whatever baby, I’m on my way, I’ll stop at the store on the way home, so It’ll take longer than usual.”
“seriously Channie, I’m fine”
“liar. I’ll be right home”
“I love you, see you in a few” he said before hanging up
ugh, I swear this man will be the death of me, and yet I’m not complaining, I could really use some cuddles right now.
About 20 minutes later Chan came in with a bag. He dumped the bag out onto the foot of the bed. Cough drops, tissue boxes, Tylenol, and pocky spilled out onto the bed. He came over and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, his brow creasing in concern. “Lixxie, I think you have a fever”
“really? I don’t think so”
“I’m pretty sure you do, I’ll be right back I’m gonna go grab the thermometer”
“okay” although now that he mentions it I do feel kinda feverish, like that cold but hot, achy, tired feeling. He came back a second later with the thermometer in his hand. “open” he said a slight command to his voice. “yes sir” I say with a hint of sarcasm. He places the thermometer under my tongue, “now don’t move, I’ll be right back” I nod. As we leaves I sigh softly, I hate sitting still. 
Chan still wasn’t back yet and this damn thing still isn’t done. I whimper quietly, why do I feel so awful? Where is Chan? I want cuddles. Finally the thermometer beeps, and Chan comes in only a few seconds after. He plucks the thermometer from my mouth and reads it. After a few seconds he smiles softly and kisses my forehead. “Lix, baby, you have a really high fever”
“I do?” I say surprised, I mean, I knew I had some sort of  fever but I didn’t really think it was that high. “yep, 102.3, I think you should take a cool bath to lower the fever”
“fine, but only if you bathe with me” he blushed a little bit but agreed.
While he fills up the bathtub I strip down to my boxers. Chan does the same. The two of us climb in. He sits behind me, I lean into his chest, he wraps his arms around me. “i love you” He says before kissing the top of my head gently, with much love. “you’re so cute” I say taking his hands. 
“I’m not cute, you’re the cute one”
“okay if I’m cute then you’re sexy” I say kissing the back of his hands. He blushes bright red. I giggle softly at him. “are you laughing at me?” he asks with fake indignation in his voice. “maybe a little” I say smirking. He is quiet for a second before suddenly attacking my back of my neck with kisses. I let out a soft squeak of surprise. 
We sit in a comfortable silence after his evil mischievous attack. When suddenly there is a tickle that pricks the back of my nose. I know I’m about to sneeze but Chan has his arms around me tightly, pinning my arms at my side. “Channie”
“yes baby”
“i ne-ehtshhu echshhu hetshu-”
“bless you”
“thanks, and ummm.... sorry” I say softly, noticing that I had literally sneezed directly on his arms. He smiled warmly at me. “it’s okay honey, you didn’t mean to” He says softly, reaching out of the bathtub to grab a handful of tissues, he wipes off his arm, and holds a few up to my nose. “blow” 
“n-no” I say shyly. He rolls his eyes. “you’re so cute when your shy” he says, handing the tissue to me. I wipe my nose. 
He leans down to kiss me on the lips. I quickly cover his mouth. “HEY!!!”
“no kissing I don’t want you to get sick”
“I don’t care, I wanna kiss you”
“let me kiss you!!”
“I might sneeze in your mouth”
“I don’t care”
“that’s gross”
“I don’t care, I love you, I want to kiss you” He says suddenly closing the gap between us. I melt into the kiss for half a second before pulling away. “I SAID NO KISSING!!!”
“don’t lie, you enjoyed it”
“okay, fine, i liked it, but I don’t want you to get sick”
“I appreciate the concern, but I’m not going to get sick, I have an immune system of steel”
“uh-huh, only because you built up an immunity to everything by never sleeping.” 
“I sleep”
“Channie, baby, you fell asleep during dinner yesterday and face planted into your salad.”
“that..... doesn’t prove anything”
“uh-huh, sure, whatever” I say laughing softly, curling up against his chest. 
“I love you”
“I love you to” he says kissing my forehead, “you know, I think your fever has gone down, if you want we could go cuddle in bed instead”
“I’d like that” 
We both climb out of the bathtub, and head to our room, “Channie, baby, can I wear one of your hoodies?”
“I don’t know, those are special to me” He says, but he’s already gone to his closet to get his favorite one. I reach out and make grabby hands toward it. He smiles fondly, kisses my forehead, then hands it to me. 
After we finish getting dressed we climb into bed and curl up together. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
“nope, I just want to cuddle” I yawn “and sleep” He kisses my forehead (for like the thousandth time) “sounds good to me”
The two of us curl up  Chan’s comforting arms wrapped around, like a warm blanket of safety. I am dozing off, half asleep, when suddenly Chan sneezes. 
part 2 anyone?
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@sicktember Prompt # 20: Doctor Visit/Checkup
Title: The Best Medicine
Fandom: N/A
Based on this post by me. (Sick doctor)
A physician leaves work miserably sick. His RN girlfriend takes care of him.
(Author’s Note: This breaks the rule I set of less than 2k words but I wrote it before I decided to do this challenge and thought it worked well here. I just needed a sick doctor having PE performed on them ok 😅)
Due to the fact that it was 6:30 AM and she was still more asleep than awake, it took her a while to realize the man she was dating was standing behind her as she waited in line for coffee. However, in her defense, she had never seen him in this coffee line at this time of day before (and she herself was here at this time every day).
It wasn't until she heard a familiar, sniffly yawning noise that she turned and caught his eye. 
"Shane? What are you doing here? You're usually sleeping right now." She didn't go to greet him right away, mainly because she didn't want to lose her place in line, and only two people stood between her and caffeination.
He too looked startled, though happy to see her. "Molly, hey," he said. There was a squeaky rasp to his voice and he had to clear his throat before he could continue. "Had an early meeting that got cancelled at the last minute. Since I was already awake, figured I'd come into the office early and clear out my inboxes."
"Gotcha. Well cool, that means I get to treat you to coffee for once. You find a place to sit and I'll get the drinks."
He shot her a grateful look and stepped out of line.
Molly ordered, received, and paid for the coffees quickly, tipping generously, before going to join Shane. He kissed her on the cheek as he took his cup, and they shared a warm smile as they made their way to a little sitting area, sharing a bench against the wall.
"Kathy's coffee is the best in the hospital. You'll love this."
"So you've told me many times. I'm glad I finally get to try it. What did you get me?"
"A surprise. You'll like it, trust me."
"Cheers, then." With another smile, they tapped their cups together before taking long pulls of their beverages.
"This is delicious," he said after a moment. "Best I've ever had from here. Thanks, babe."
"My pleasure." They sat for a bit in companionable silence, sipping their drinks. However, Molly couldn't help but cast sidelong glances at her partner with increasing frequency. Now that she was next to him, she saw he looked quite unwell. He was pale and shivery, with a flush over his cheeks and ears, and looking overall rundown and uncomfortable, a far cry from his usual easy smile and warm, steady demeanor.
"Is everything ok, doc? You really don't look good."
"You're saying I look ugly today?" he countered teasingly, dodging the question. 
She nudged him playfully. "You're just as handsome as ever. I'm saying you look sick. Are you feeling ok?"
He shrugged. "Think I'm just tired. Not used to being up so early. My head and throat are kinda sore I guess."
"Just tired, huh?" She reached out and placed her palm to his forehead, then his flushed cheeks, and finally his neck, where she could feel the swollen lymph nodes she had already seen. She clicked her tongue scoldingly.
"That's a fever, Doctor Mitchell, and a high one at that. Why in the world did you come to work today?"
"No kidding, really?" Shane leaned back against the wall, rubbing his neck and looking sheepish. "I can't even remember the last time I had a fever. Had to have been before medical school. Guess I forgot what it feels like."
"Hmm. Well regardless, you need to go home. You can't risk infecting your patients and staff."
"Yeah, of course. I'll go now."
When he stood, she did as well, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.
"Feel better. Get lots of rest and fluids."
"I know the drill," he rasped, smiling a little. "I am a physician."
"Sometimes I have my doubts, mister 'doesn't know what a fever feels like.' Sports medicine doesn't deal with the flu much." She kissed his shoulder fondly.
"Yeah, yeah." He pulled away, running his thumb over her jawline. "Thanks again for the coffee. I'll see you later. Text me when you have time. I'm sure I'll be bored out of my mind."
"Will do."
She watched him go wistfully, wishing she was going with him.
Naturally he wasn't far from her thoughts for the rest of the day. The hospital OB-GYN clinic was as busy as ever, and the hustle and bustle kept Molly, an RN, quite distracted, but every moment of downtime found her wondering how Shane was doing.
She texted him a few times as he requested. The first time he replied right away, saying he had made it home safely and was relaxing on the couch. The second time he replied a few hours later, saying how tired he was and how he really was starting to feel unwell, but he was doing fine. The third time he never replied.
Her plans for the weekend had been solidified in her mind as soon as she felt how feverish he was. She practically ran out the door as soon as she clocked out. Her first stop was her house to change clothes, shower, and gather some supplies. Her second stop was Shane's favorite soup and sandwich place for two quarts of soup and two sandwiches to go. From there, she headed to Shane's condo across town.
She hadn't informed him she was coming because she had wanted it to be a bit of a surprise. Initially her plan was to leave the soup and sandwich on the stoop and ring the bell, then duck out of sight until the last minute. However, her plan changed when she caught a glimpse of him through the front door.
He was fast asleep, sprawled out on his stomach on the couch. Bundled under two blankets and snoring with his mouth open, surrounded by a nest of used tissues and dishes, he was the picture of illness.
She didn't have the heart to wake him by knocking, so instead she used her copy of his house key to let herself in quietly, being careful not to let the cold air in with her. He didn't stir even after she shut and re-locked the door. After removing her coat, she deposited the items she had brought in the kitchen, then returned to his side. Perching on the edge of the couch, she ran her hand over his face and through his hair to wake him.
He stirred weakly, mumbling and snuffling as he opened his eyes. His face lit up upon seeing her, and he quickly sat up, leaning all of his sleepy, overly-warm weight against her for a tight hug.
"Molly, you're here! I'mb so habby to see you," he croaked earnestly.
She hugged him back just as tightly. "Of course I'm here. When you stopped replying to my texts, I knew I had to come check on you. You look so sick, poor guy, and you're so stuffed up. Are you surviving?"
He shrugged, pulling away. "I guess. I'mb doi'g ok. So achy and tired. Just been sleebi'g all day." He licked his cracked lips and tried to swallow, which resulted in a grimace. "Budt you should go, babe. I don'dt wandt you to catch this. It's ndasty."
As if to prove his point, he turned away from her to cough productively into his elbow, thick and chesty. He followed it up with a honking nose blow that was far less productive. She watched this display sympathetically.
"I'm not leaving you all alone and sick like this. And anyway, if I do get sick, I think I know a doctor who could take care of me." She bumped her shoulder against his. He smiled wanly. "Now, have you taken any medicine recently?"
He sheepishly averted his eyes. "Umb… ndo. I… don'dt really have anythi'g to take."
"Ugh, Shane. Don't tell me you're one of those 'it only treats the symptoms' purists."
"Ndo, it's ndot thad. Like I told you, I just haven't been sigck in years. I've never thought to buy cold mbedicine."
"You're such a guy," she sighed. "Even if you are a doctor. You at least got your flu shot right?"
"Yeah. Budt they're already sayi'g it's probably ndot goi'g to be very effective this year."
"Of course they are." She sighed again. "However, I had a hunch this would happen, so I came prepared." She quickly retrieved a bag from the kitchen which rattled with medications, sitting down beside him again. She selected the ones she wanted and shook them into his hand, watching closely as he swallowed them.
"You're acti'g like you don'dt trust mbe to take care of mbyself," he teased, taking several gulps of water to chase the pills. 
"That's not necessarily true. I just want to do everything possible to help you feel better."
He had to cough harshly again before he could answer, hard enough to redden his face. "I love thad you wandt to take care of mbe. Budt you should really go. I'mb so contagious right ndow, and I don'dt wandt to try to stay away from you."
"Then don't. I came here to be close to you. I don't care if I get sick. It's the weekend anyway. I'm here for you and only you. Besides, you were probably contagious yesterday too, and we still made out. So it doesn't matter anyway."
"You're too good to mbe," he mumbled, finally succumbing and leaning his full weight against her, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms loosely around her. "Budt I still don'dt approve. You're staying AMA, just so we're clear."
"Call me a rebel, then," she murmured, stroking his sweaty hair.
He sneezed suddenly, only once, but wet and laborious, catching it in his elbow. She quickly pulled a tissue from the nearby box. He took it gratefully, blowing his stopped nose as best he could before resting against her again. He sighed deeply as she resumed her petting.
"You're lugcky the desire to be taken care of when sigck is a deebply ingrained biological traidt," he continued to mumble, sounding sleepier by the second.
"I am, huh? Well you're talking an awful lot for someone who has no voice."
She felt him smile against her, but he did fall silent for a while, aside from his sniffling and soft coughing. She thought he was going back to sleep when he spoke up again.
"You know whad would mbake mbe feel even better thad mbedicine? Sumb soubp."
"Hmm, well it just so happens you have a girlfriend who thinks of everything." She gently shifted him off of her, going back to the kitchen and returning with a quart of soup and a sandwich.
"Sal's chigcken rice?" he rasped, his eyes lighting up hungrily as he sat up straighter. 
"Naturally. We've been together almost two years. I know what you like when you're not feeling good."
"You're a lifesaver," he groaned, taking the proffered food and digging in right away.
"I'm glad you have an appetite anyway. I won't ever forget last year's stomach flu incident."
 "Ugh, don'dt rembind mbe," he said with a shudder. "Bud other than thad one time, I'll always have an abbetite for this soubp. This is all I've wanted all day." He wolfed down the food with unexpected vigor.
"Well then you're lucky I think of everything, like I said. And to think you wanted to kick me out."
"I ndever *wanted* you kigck you oud. I'm just goi'g to hade mbyself whed you ged sigck," he mumbled, swallowing a mouthful.
"Maybe I won't get sick, did you think of that? And like I've been saying--" She leaned in to kiss him fully on the mouth, long and hard, until he pulled away gasping. "--I don't care. As long as you promise to take care of me if I do, I won't complain about a few days off. So stop worrying."
"Ugh, take it easy babe," he moaned, pressing a hand to his forehead. "This fever has mby blood flow all mbessed ub. You can'dt be usi'g your lips on mbe like thad."
"Don't worry, I'm not planning to seduce you today. Unless you instigate it of course." She gave him a wicked look and he flushed. 
"You're something else, Mol," he muttered, unable to hide a smile.
"Just eat your 'soob'." 
He did what he was told while she tidied up his sick bed area. When he was almost done, she fetched another bag from the kitchen and began rummaging through it. He eyed the items she pulled out suspiciously.
"How much crabp did you bri'g? And whad are you doi'g ndow?"
"Something I've always wanted to do. And something I think will make you smile."
"I feel like I've been smili'g since you godt here."
It was Molly's turn to flush and smile. "Something that might make you laugh, then."
She sat close beside him on the couch with her stethoscope around her neck, placing a little tablet of paper and a pen in front of her on the table. 
"Constitution:" she both said this out loud and wrote it on the paper. "Well-nourished. Unwell appearing today. Complains of malaise and myalgia. Lymphatics:" 
She had been neatly writing everything down as she spoke. After the last word, she reached out to gently palate the visibly swollen lymph nodes in his neck. He moaned softly as she massaged them, the moan turning into a cough.
"Cervical lymphadenopathy noted. Lymph nodes tender to palpation." She wrote this down as well.
"Whad are you doi'g, Mol?"
"You get to be a doctor all the time. Today you're definitely the patient, so I'm taking my turn being the doctor and doing a physical exam on you. We need to make a diagnosis after all."
"Ah, of course. Mby apologies, please continue," he said with a little laugh, wiping his nose with a tissue.
"Thank you. Open your mouth please." Inserting a thermometer under his tongue, she also took his pulse with her watch as the thermometer calibrated. 
"Resting heart rate is elevated at 86 bpm. Temperature is abnormal at 101.8 degrees Fahrenheit."
"I could've told you thad. I just toogk my tembp before you godt here."
"I find that hard to believe since you were sleeping when I got here. Now shh. Actually say 'ah'." She situated a tongue depressor in his mouth, peering in. "Throat erythematous and inflamed," she said and wrote. "Now lean forward a bit if you would."
He did as he was told, looking slightly put-upon and she slid the diaphragm of her stethoscope under his worn university tee shirt, placing it on his back as she listened to him breathe for a moment. "Minor ronchi noted. No crackles or rales. Minimal concern for pneumonia at this time."
"Well thad's a relief," he said, sniffling wetly.
"Shh, I still need to listen to your heart," she said, sliding the diaphragm of the stethoscope around to his chest. 
"Terrible beside manner. I'm leavi'g a ndegative review."
She gave him her sternest "doctor" look. He merely smiled impishly. She sighed, biting back a smile of her own, and listened again.
"Normal rhythm. L-1, L-2 heard."
Setting aside the instruments, she slid her hands under his shirt, feeling gently.
"Skin is overly warm or feverish. Abdomen is soft, non-tender and non-distended."
"You didn't have to go under mby shirt, you know. Abdominal exam cad be done over clothi'g," he said, smirking.
"I was being… thorough," she said with a wink.
He chuckled hoarsely. "Someone's godt the hots for their patiendt. Thad's trouble," he murmured, stifling a yawn as he pulled his blanket closer around himself with a shiver. 
"Neurologic: grossly normal. Tremors noted due to chills. Psychiatric: patient is oriented to person, place, time. Behavior normal, but appears lethargic, fatigued and sleepy."
After writing down these final notes, she cuddled up beside him on the couch, wrapping him in her arms and pulling him close as he started shivering in earnest. He nestled against her wearily.
"How did I do?" she murmured. "Did I make you laugh a little at least?"
"Very thorough and efficiendt," he mumbled sleepily, coughing. "And yes you did. Whad's your diagnosis and treadtment plan, doctor?"
"At best a severe case of rhinovirus. I'm more inclined to think influenza due to the fever, but we'll continue to monitor. No active intervention needed at this time. Bed rest at home, OTC medication as needed and adequate hydration recommended." At this she handed him his water bottle. He drank several big gulps before handing it back to her and snuggling in again.
"If that's what the doctor orders," he sniffled, closing his eyes. 
She held him for a while, since that seemed to be all he wanted, just rubbing his back and stroking his hair. However, they were forced to move when Shane pulled away to break into one of his barking, painful coughing fits. He tried to settle again after the fact, making a face. 
"I don't feel good, Mol," he mumbled pathetically. "This sugcks."
"I know, doc. But I'm doing everything I can to help you feel better. I didn't realize your fever was so high though," she murmured. "And that was after you took medicine. But you seemed just fine yesterday. You don't do anything by halves, do you?"
"Thad's one of the reasons you have the hots for mbe, you know id is," he croaked.
"The only thing with the hots around here is that fever. You're sweltering."
"Sorry," he mumbled, yet made no effort to move off of her. Instead he sneezed wetly into his elbow.
"Update, you're sweltering *and* gross," she said conversationally. Yet she made no effort to move away from him either, kissing his forehead instead. He yawned as she did. "And sleepy."
"Thingk I'm just sigck," he muttered.
"Yeah, let's go with that. Do you want to go back to sleep right now?"
"Ndo. Ndot while you're here. I'm too sigck to sleeb anyway."
"There's no such thing as being too sick to sleep. But if you don't want to sleep right now, I have one more present for you." 
"You've already given mbe too mbuch."
"There's no such thing as that either." She carefully shifted out from under him again and attempted to head to the kitchen once more. Before she could take more than a step though, he caught her hand and made her turn around. Seeing his imploring look, she stepped back into the V of his legs. He wrapped his arms fully around her, burying his hot face in her abdomen. 
"Thangk you mbuch for the soubp and mbedicine, baby. You really are a lifesaver. I just wanted to tell you thad."
She nuzzled her face into his messy hair. "Anything to help you feel better. I can tell you're still miserable though."
"Nodt miserable with you here." 
"Just sick."
"Mhm," he mumbled, sleepily as ever. She let him hold her for another moment or two before speaking again.
"Seriously though, I have something else I want to give you. It'll just take a second to grab."
"Fine," he sighed. As he pulled away, she saw a hazy, pre-sneeze look cross his face. Sure enough, as she trotted to the kitchen, behind her she heard him emit a pair of messy, rough sneezes.
"That soup really got your nose going, huh?" she asked as she reentered the living room.
"Guess so," he sniffled, blowing his nose thickly. "Thad's the poindt though, right?"
"Indeed it is." She moved to the entertainment center and quickly plugged her laptop into the TV.
"Now whad are you doi'g?"
"Maybe you should stop asking questions and just wait and see."
"You know I hade surprises."
"That's not true at all in my experience, so I'm calling your bluff on that one. But you won't have to wait long for this one either way."
After a few setting changes to allow the laptop display to be projected on the TV, Molly popped a disk into the drive and started it up.
"Are we watchi'g somethi'g?"
"You and your questions." She tossed a thick DVD case into his lap. He picked it up, his eyes widening happily.
"The original Jurassic Park trilogy? Holy crabp, this is awesome!"
"I'm glad you approve," she laughed, stepping into his arms again. "It was going to be your Christmas present, but I figured a sick day at home is an even better occasion."
"This is perfect, love. You're ambazing," he mumbled, squeezing her tightly.
"Anything for my best guy." She nuzzled his hair again fondly. "Anything to help you sleep."
"I don'dt wandt to sleeb while you're here though. I don'dt wandt to mbiss out on seei'g you."
"Well then you're in luck, because I'm planning on staying here all weekend. So I'll be here when you fall asleep and when you wake up. No time wasted at all."
A grin split his face. "You'd do thad for mbe?"
"I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise. Doctors need to be looked after too, especially by their nurse girlfriends. So you stretch out and get comfortable and leave the rest to me."
"You're cooler than anadomy and dinosaurs combined, you know thad?"
Molly giggled happily. "I don't know if I'll ever come back from such high praise. You better quit while you're ahead, Dr. Mitchell."
"Only if you promise to make mbe coffee in the morni'g. Your good coffee."
"Sounds like a plan," she said with a grin and another kiss.
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mandelene · 3 years
If you're still taking requests, can I have ℧ with Arthur please 👀
You sure can! 💕
The Tea Party and the Promise-Breaker
Word Count: 1690
“But you said you were gonna play tea party with us!”
“I know, darling, but I’m quite tired and—”
“You promised!” Amelia screeches.
Arthur swears he feels something in his skull rattle. He did promise, but that was before he worked three 16-hour shifts at the hospital and started to feel unwell. He woke up yesterday morning to a sore throat, but he refused to call out sick over something so trivial. Now, the sore throat is worse, his head hurts, his sinuses burn, and he can feel his nose beginning to run.
This is his first day off all week, and although he’d love to play with Amelia and Madeline, he simply doesn’t have the energy to entertain them. He wishes he could have a two-hour nap, but that won’t be possible since Francis is working until the early evening, which means Arthur is in charge of supervising their two six-year-olds for the day.
“You never want to play with us,” Amelia accuses him, sounding genuinely broken-hearted.
He knows it isn’t easy for the girls when he’s not home very often, and the last thing he wants is for them to think he doesn’t love or care about them—nothing could be farther from the truth.
“Okay, I’ll join the tea party,” he surrenders, overwhelmed by guilt. “Would you girls like me to set the kettle?”
“We’re gonna have imaginary tea, Dad,” Amelia explains, a little exasperated by how out of the loop he is. “But you can bring your own tea if you want…And bring cookies, too!”
“All right. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
“Yaaaaay!” Amelia cheers, jumping up and down several times before grabbing Madeline’s hand and dragging her toward her room. “Let’s get all of the toys, Maddie!”
When the girls are out of sight, Arthur releases a cough he’s been suppressing and buries it into the crook of his arm. A tea party won’t be too labor-intensive at least. He’d rather sit down and drink tea with the girls than have to run around with them in the yard.
He makes himself a large mug of tea with honey and lemon. Then, he grabs whatever leftover pastries are in the fridge—Francis is always baking something for the girls, it seems like. Thankfully, he finds some chocolate chip cookies as well as financiers. He sets them on a plate, gathers extra silverware and napkins for the girls, and makes his way back up the stairs, clearing his aching throat along the way.
When he arrives at Amelia’s room, the little children’s activity table that she normally keeps against the wall has been moved to the center of the room, along with two children’s chairs and two beanbag chairs.
Arthur doesn’t particularly like the seating arrangement, but he knows better than to complain. He places the treats, napkins, and his tea on the table and makes himself as comfortable as he can in one of the beanbag chairs, letting his weight sink into it with a sigh.
Amelia and Madeline have lined up their teddy bears and dolls around the room, and Madeline seems to have drawn a sign on a poster board that proudly says, “MADDIE AND AMELIA’S TEA PARTY.” The text is surrounded by doodles of flowers, teacups, and stars.
“What a beautiful sign, Madeline,” Arthur compliments her.
She sheepishly smiles and hugs her favorite teddy bear, Kumajirou, against her chest. “Thank you…Daddy, you didn’t wear your tie. You were suppose’ta dress up for the tea party.”
He looks down at his attire and frowns. Yes, perhaps flannel pajama bottoms, a black t-shirt, slippers, and his gray bathrobe weren’t a great stylistic choice. Both of the girls are wearing dresses and tights. “My apologies, ladies. I can change, if you’d like?”
“It’s okay. You just havta act like a gentleman,” Madeline instructs, and Arthur can’t help but smile at how endearing all of this is.
He should enjoy it while it lasts—the girls won’t be interested in having tea parties with him when they’re older. Although he’d rather be in bed, he’s glad he agreed to this.
“I’ll try to be on my best behavior,” he assures them before taking a sip of his tea.
“You havta stick your pinkie finger out,” Amelia reminds before pretending to pour tea for herself and Madeline from their children’s tea kettle and into plastic teacups.
Arthur puts his pinkie out and nods. “Ahh, how could I forget? So, tell me, has anything interesting been happening at school?”
Amelia immediately begins to talk about how some other girl in their class recently got a new bike, and how she feels awful that she’s six and a half years old and can’t ride a bike yet. “Will you teach me, Dad?”
“Of course, love. When summer comes we can think about it.”
He’s learned his lesson about making promises. “We’ll see,” he says instead, ignoring the expression of disappointment on Amelia’s face. He takes a napkin from the table, excuses himself, and blows his nose softly, wincing at the ache in his sinuses…He’s feeling a bit feverish as well.
“Are you okay?” Madeline asks him, concerned.
“I’m just a bit under the weather,” he admits. “So, no hugging or kissing—I don’t watch you girls to catch this.”
Madeline doesn’t seem to be willing to let the subject go just yet. “Did you take medicine?”
“I will in a little while. Thank you, poppet.”
Amelia stands up and comes over to him to yank on his arm. “You havta go to bed, you’re sick. You always say we can’t play when we’re sick and havta rest, remember?”
Arthur feels his patience thinning, but having an excuse to lie down for a moment could be worth it.
“I can’t go to bed. I have to take care of you girls. It’ll be lunchtime soon, and I have to—”
“No, mister.”
“But I—”
“No buts!” Amelia scolds him, and for a second, he forgets who the adult in the room is.
He picks up his mug of tea and begrudgingly follows Amelia back to the master bedroom, where he obediently lies down on his and Francis’s bed, groaning when his sore muscles meet the memory foam mattress.
“We’ll take good care of you!” Amelia exclaims, exuberant.
Arthur’s not too sure he’s looking forward to this, but as the girls go and conspire out in the hallway, he allows himself to close his eyes for just a moment…Only a moment…He has to stay up to watch the girls…
The next time he opens his eyes, Amelia is poking a thermometer against his mouth, waking him from a very brief snooze.
“You’ve gotta take your temperature, Dad.”
Now that his body has had a taste of sleep, he feels absolutely exhausted. He takes the thermometer from her and puts it under his tongue, curious to see what the reading will be. When it beeps, he grimaces at the number taunting him. A hundred and two point seven. That’s thirty-nine degrees Celsius—enough to signal to him that this is probably more than a mere cold.
“Do you have a fever?” Madeline asks from the end of the bed, eyes shimmering.
“No,” he lies. “I’m fine, girls. It’s nothing to worry about…You should both return to the tea party. I’m going to rest here for a moment and—”
Amelia touches his forehead with her cold hand, and he shivers. “You need medicine.”
“I’m all right for now, girls. Really. Go back and play.”
To his surprise, the girls do leave, and he lets out a sigh of relief…That is, until he hears Amelia talking to someone over the house phone in the distance.
He jolts out of bed and dashes over to her, but it’s too late…
“Papa wants to talk to you,” she says, matter-of-fact.
He takes the phone from her, feeling a growing pit of dread in his stomach. “Hello?”
“Arthur, why didn’t you tell me before I left the house this morning that you were feeling ill?”
“I’m fine, Francis.”
“I’ll be home in an hour.”
“You don’t—”
“See you then.”
And just like that, Francis hangs up.
Arthur puts the phone down and prepares his most intimidating scowl, ready to direct it at Amelia, but then she pulls on his arm again and says, “We can play tea party next time. Don’t worry. You’ll be all better soon.”
The scowl disappears and is replaced by a wistful smile. “Thank you, love. I’m sorry our plans have to be put on hold. I’ll make it up to you both, all right?”
The girls nod, and Arthur sends them off to finish the pastries that are still waiting for them in Amelia’s room. In the meantime, he finishes his tea and blows his nose again. He sucks on a cough drop and grits his teeth against the immense pressure in his sinuses. After seeing the color of his mucus, he’s willing to bet he has a sinus infection.
He leans against the headboard of the bed and falls asleep against his will.
“Come, mon amour—you’re going to have a sore neck and back if you stay like this. Lie down properly,” Francis coaxes him, bracing his head for him.
Arthur’s not sure how long he’s been asleep, but he lowers his head so that it’s on his pillow and lies flat on his back. “…You didn’t have to come home early.”
“I’m glad I did—you have a fever, and a high one at that,” Francis says, setting a damp hand towel on his feverish brow. “Did you really think you’d be able to tend to the girls when you’re like this? It’s dangerous. You should have told me.”
“…'m sorry,” Arthur mumbles, still incredibly tired. The towel on his head feels nice.
“You just wanted a reason to leave the tea party, didn’t you?” Francis jokes, brushing his hand against his warm cheek. “The girls told me about it.”
“Oh, of course. The next time I’m asked to play dress-up or ‘hair salon’ with them, I just may have to give myself bronchitis.”
Francis laughs and kisses the side of his head. “Conniving man.”
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Allies, Pt. 5
The Blue Spirit
Pairing: Sokka x F Reader Warnings: Death Threats Word Count: 2,742 Summary: While the sickness alimenting Sokka wasn’t affecting you, you still end up with some problems to deal with. 
-Navigation- | -Allies Masterlist- | -Atla Masterlist- 
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“Haha! Classic Appa.”  Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed together as her and Aang walked into the temple that the siblings had been in. Sokka being sick was enough of a worry, him having delusions added another level of it.  “How’s Sokka doing?” Aang asked, as the two of them walked closer.  Katara looked at them, worry clearly written into her features. “Not so good. Being out in that storm really did a number on him.” She paused, looking at Y/n. “You're sure you're feeling alright Y/n?”  When Sokka got sick, Katara and Aang assumed that she would as well since she’d also been out in the storm with him. Turns out living in the forest without proper shelter for several years really amped up her immune system so she was a lot luckier than her friend was. That didn’t stop Katara from expressing concern every time she saw her, though.  “Yes, I’m sure Katara. Save your worry for your brother.”  She nodded, looking over at her brother when he sniffed back his runny nose.  “We couldn’t find any ginger root for the tea, but, we did find a map.” Aang brought out a scroll, and spread it on the ground. “There’s a herbalist institute on the top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there.”  “Aang, he’s in no condition to travel. Sokka just needs more rest. I’m sure he’ll be better by tomorrow.” Katara started to cough after finishing her sentence.  “Oh no.” “Not you too!”  “Relax you two, it was just a little cough. I’m fin-” She cut herself off with more coughing.  Aang took a step back and behind Y/n. “That’s how Sokka started yesterday. Now look at him- he thinks he’s an earthbender!” The three looked over at Sokka, who was swinging at the air. “Take that, you rock.”  Y/n nodded in agreement with Aang. “Yeah. A few more hours and you’ll be just as bad as he is.” She sighed, holding her head in her hand. “I knew you should have let me take care of him.”  Grabbing his glider, Aang went to the edge of the temple. “I’m going to find some medicine. Y/n, can you watch them?” A large flash of lightning cracked in the distance. “Uh, maybe it’s safer to go on foot.”  Y/n, who was getting Katara laid down and comfy, looked at Aang. “Maybe I should go with you, just in case, if you need to get something for an antidote it’ll be faster with the two of us.”  Glancing between her and the sick siblings, he was hesitant to agree. But, Y/n was right, and they should be fine up here. It’s out of the way, the Fire Nation shouldn’t find them. “Hmm.. Alright. Appa, Momo, keep an eye on them.”  Appa grunted, as Y/n joined Aang at the edge of the temple. Sokka laughed. “You guys are killin’ me!”  Aang grabbed onto Y/n, and used his airbending to launch them into the air, before safely landing far down onto the hill. 
They’d ran basically the entire way to the herbalist institute, once they got there, they barged in completely out of breath. A cat meowed, and jumped out of their way. Y/n had leaned her hands against her knees, attempting to catch her breath, while Aang babbled off to the herbalist.  “Hello! I’m sorry to barge in like this, but we need some medicine for our friends. They have fevers and they’ve been coughing and-” The herbalist cut off his quick speaking, mixing something in a bowl that sat in front of her. “Settle down, young man. Your friends are going to be fine.” She walked over to another table, where the cat was sitting. “I’ve been up here for over fourty years you know, used to be others, but they all left years ago.” She started to pet the cat, who began to purr in response. “Now it’s just me and Miyuki.” “That’s nice.”  “Wounded Earth Kingdom troops still come by now and again, brave boys, and thanks to my remedies they always leave in better shape than they arrive.” “That’s nice. Are you almost done?”  “Hold on, I just need to ass one last ingredient.” The herbalist walked amongst the shrubbery, looking around and muttering to herself.  Aang was exasperated, Y/n was starting to get the feeling this lady might be nuts.  The herbalist was looking for the ingredient for a while, the two of them just decided to sit themselves while they waited. They both sat with their heads resting on the table.  “Here’s what I was looking for! Plum blossom!” Both of their heads shot up, Aang got up and tried to take the bowl from the woman, but she smacked his wrist making him drop it. “Hands off! What do you think you're doing?” Aang’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Taking the cure for our friends?”  Y/n got up, and moved to stand behind him as the herbalist laughed aloud.  “Ahaha! This isn’t a cure, it’s Miyuki’s dinner.” The woman sat the bowl down on the table in front of Miyuku, the cat began to eat it. “Plum blossom is her favorite.” Aang breathed out a sigh. “What about our friends?”  “Well, all they need is some frozen wood frogs. There’s plenty of them down in the valley swamp.” “Why couldn’t you have mentioned that sooner?!” “What are we supposed to do with frozen frogs?” They spoke at the same time, the herbalist decided to only pay mind to Aang’s question.  “Why, suck on them of course!” Both of their expressions twisted into shock. “What?!” “Suck on them!?”  “The frog’s skin excretes a substance that’ll cure your friends, but make sure you get plenty. Once those little critters thaw out, they’re useless!”  Silence lingered in the air for a moment. Aang broke it.  “You’re insane aren’t you?”  “Thaaat’s right.”  “Wonderful. Aang, let’s go.” Y/n grabbed onto his wrist, and dragged his out of the building so they could go get these frogs. Soon after they left though, a pair of arrows was shot at them. An arrow landed on each side of the two. They looked around, as a large number of arrows zipped through the air at them. Aang used his airbended to blow them away. He reached down and grabbed one of the arrows from the ground, and held it out.  “Uuh, I think you dropped this.”  Both of their eyes widened as several archers surrounded them in the trees above.  Y/n glanced over to her friend. “We should probably run.”  “Yeah.” 
Running didn’t do much for them, seeing as the two ended up getting caught by the archers. This was… just great. Their captors had brought them to a Fire Nation base and separated them into different rooms. Y/n had been shackled by her wrist, with two short chains that connected to the floor. She struggled against the restraints, as someone opened the door to where she was being kept.  “Well, well, well, look who it is. I almost didn’t believe it when I was told that not only the Avatar was retrieved but you were as well, Y/n.”  Looking up, she glared at the man, but didn’t say anything.  “I always thought you were a lot of things, a traitor wasn’t one of them. Though I guess coward and traitor go hand in hand.”  Zhao stepped closer to her. “I have to keep the Avatar alive, so he doesn’t reincarnate. But, there’s nothing stopping me from killing you. I’m sure you’d love to join that pathetic mother of yours.”  “Don’t talk about my mother like that.”  He laughed. “Or what? You’ll handstand me to death? Maybe throw in a somersault? I’m so scared.”  She gritted her teeth as Zhao turned on his heel, walking back to the door.  “I have some business to take care of, you’ll be dealt with later.” He slammed the door behind him.  The way he spoke made her think that she would be facing death. Or worse.  Probably worse. 
Y/n went to grab the chains that held her in place, but stopped at hearing a commotion outside. “Aang please let that be you…”  The blue masked figure who pushed open the door was definitely not Aang. Though, judging by the knocked out guards in the hallway, they might not be here to kill her. They didn’t say anything as they approached her, and sliced the chains that held her down with their dual swords.  Wait… dual swords?  There was no time to dwell on the thought, the person was already leaving the room. Pushing herself off the ground she followed them, swiftly taking one of the guards' swords on the way out. She followed the masked person through the halls, silently following their stealthy movements.  They approached a hallway with a few guards watching over it. The masked person looked back at her, and nodded their head to the guards, before sneaking to the other end of the hallway. So she needed to deal with these guys, alright. Bringing her bow would have been a big help right now. Though on second thought, it probably would have just gotten taken in her capture.  She carefully slid through the shadows to get closer to the guards. There were only three of them, so this shouldn’t be too hard. Adjusting her grip on the sword, she stepped next to one of the guards and grabbed them by the shoulder. Using the handle of the sword, she jabbed it into a pressure point on the neck, causing the guard to collapse immediately. She ducked under a wave of fire sent her way, taking the chance to crouch and knock a guard to the ground. When his back hit the ground she grabbed onto his head and slammed it into the ground.  Once she knocked out the third guard, the masked person came back, this time dragging Aang by his collar. He perked up, as the masked person released his shirt collar and led them through the building.  “I’m glad you're okay Y/n.” He kept his voice to a whisper.  “Yeah, I could say the same to you.”  The masked person turned to look at them, telling them to be quiet by putting a finger to their mouth. After a bit more sneaking, the person slid down into a large grate, it led to the sewer. Y/n and Aang glanced at each other, before the latter motioned to the grate as a silent way to say ‘ladies first’. She rolled her eyes playfully, tucking the sword she stole into the rope tied around her waist, before slipping through the grate, Aang soon followed. They slid along the wall, as Fire Nation soldiers walked above. The masked person peaked up through some of the grates, they turned to look at the two and motioned upwards before climbing out. They must have gotten to an area clear of soldiers. Y/n grabbed onto the grates and pulled herself up through them, helping a slightly struggling Aang once she was up. The three ran through the base, to a conveniently placed rope that hung from one of the guarding walls. It was probably used to get in. Aang started climbing, the masked person going next, then Y/n last. As they were climbing an alarm sounded through the base.  “There, on the wall!”  A soldier appeared at the top of the wall and cut the rope they were climbing, sending the three falling. Aang shouted, but used his airbending so the three of them had a soft landing. The masked person unsheathed their dual swords, Y/n did the same with the sword she stole, and the trio started running.  “The Avatar has escaped! Close all the gates immediately!”  Aang ran to the front of the trio. “Stay close to me!”  As they got close to the closing gate, a group of soldiers blocked it, but Aang sent a blast of air to blow them out of the way. While he got close to the gate, Y/n and the masked person got surrounded by a group of soldiers. The two engage in battle with the soldiers, fighting together effortlessly. Aang stepped in, and used his airbending again to blow the soldiers away. Using a large gust of air he boosted the masked person up to the top of the gate then did the same to Y/n.  She landed at the top with a roll, knocking down one of the guards by crashing into his legs. By the time she got up, Aang was flying towards them by spinning a makeshift staff above his head. He grabbed onto the masked person by the torso with his legs to fly off with them. Y/n grabbed onto their leg so she didn’t get left behind. While Aang struggled to keep them all afloat, the two used their swords to block the spears being thrown up at them. 
The trio barely made it to the next wall, crash landing at the top of the gate. Almost immediately they were engaged in battle. There were three guards, each of them took one on. Y/n was able to shove the guard she fought off the wall of the gate, while the masked person and Aang did as well.  It was a struggle to do so, but they ended up making it to the final gate. Though they were still stuck on the inside, and hadn’t managed to get out yet. A small group of firebenders sent a blast of flames their way, but Aang was quick to push the two behind him and airbend the flames away.  Zhao held his hand up at the soldiers. “Hold your fire! The Avatar must be captured alive.”  The masked person slid up behind Aang, and crossed his swords over his neck. Y/n looked at them with wide eyes, but didn’t do anything. This was a ticket out, Zhao couldn’t risk Aang being killed and this person knew that.  “Open the gate.” Zhao spoke through gritted teeth.  “Admiral, what are you doing?” “Let them out, now!”  The gate opened behind them, and the masked person started to back out with his swords still crossed at Aang’s neck. Y/n backed out with them, keeping her gaze fixated on the soldiers with narrowed eyes. Suddenly, an arrow zipped through the air, and hit the masked person's well… mask. Knocked out, they fell backwards. After recovering from a moment of shock, Aang airbended a large cloud of dust around them.  Curious, Aang reached down to remove the person’s mask, revealing Zuko. Both him and Y/n looked at the Prince with wide eyes, shocked. Aang started to back away, scared, before tripping and falling backwards. Y/n didn’t move, expression contorting to a mix of both shock and concern. What had happened to him…  Aang had started to run away, but halted his steps when he realized Y/n wasn’t following. “Y/n, we have to go!”  “We can’t leave him...” Mumbling, she hooked her arms under Zuko’s and started to drag him along the ground, in the direction Aang had started running. The other hesitated for a moment, before he came over to help her. 
They’d found safety in the nearby forest. After laying Zuko down on the ground, Aang took a seat on a nearby root.  “I’ll stay here until he wakes up, you should get back to Katara and Sokka and make sure they're alright. I’ll get the frozen frogs on my way back.”  Y/n’s gaze bounced between the two. “Are you sure, Aang? I can stay if that would make you feel better.”  He shook his head. “I’d feel better knowing all my friends are safe. Zuko is dangerous, I don’t want to risk you getting hurt or worse.”  “...Alright.”  She was hesitant, but left the two and made her way back to the temple Katara and Sokka were at. They seemed to be doing fine, or as fine as they could be while sick. Aang returned not too long after Y/n, and put a frozen frog in Katara and Sokka’s mouths.  “Suck on these. They’ll make you feel better.” Aang collapsed onto Appa’s tail with a sigh. Y/n looked at him with a concerned expression.  “Are you okay, Aang?”  He offered a silent nod.  “How was your trip? Did you make any new friends?” Sokka’s words were slightly muffled, from the frog in his mouth.  “No, I don’t think so.” Aang rolled over, facing away from the others.
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thefuzzydarkness · 3 years
(Hello! I've wanted to write an enemies to lovers style story for a while now so here you go! I really hope you enjoy it!)
He glanced down at his phone. It was 7 am which gave him about an hour before work. He flicked off the TV and went about trying to find some breakfast. The pantry didn't yield many results but he did manage to find two packets of apples and cinnamon oatmeal. Honestly he never bought breakfast stuff because he didn't usually get up in time to eat it. He hadn't been sleeping well lately. After heating that up along with a small cup of coffee he sat on his couch and took out his phone. "Let's see who's on the schedule for today. Ok me, Darrell, Michelle, and…. Lexi." He hated Lexi. They had gone to high school together and she was the single most annoying student in his entire graduating class. When she had first been hired on he'd asked Michelle to please try and not put them on shifts together. Michelle did try but sometimes it couldn't be helped. He finished his oatmeal and downed his coffee already in a bad mood. Twenty minutes later he was showered, dressed, and on the road. He technically could've walked to work, as it was only a couple blocks away, but today he decided to drive. He didn't want to chance Lexi asking to walk home with him. It seemed like she just couldn't take a hint. Always asking him questions and acting like they were such good friends in high school when that couldn't be further from the truth. He parked and walked over to the door. The lights were still off and the door was locked. He checked his phone again and realized he was still fifteen minutes early. He sighed and sat down on one of the benches outside. He wasn't two minutes into a youtube video when Lexi walked up. "Great" he thought "she can't even wait till we're on the clock." He braced for impact, expecting her to sit next to him and make small talk in her annoyingly high pitched voice but she didn't. She just gave him a small wave and sat down on the bench across from him. She was wearing a sweater and leggings instead of her usual tank top and overalls combo. She had her hair in a messy bun and her face was pale. She untied a hoodie from around her waist and used it as a pillow against the wall. He stared at her bewildered for a second, but he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He pressed play on his video and continued watching it until Michelle unlocked the front doors. "Hey guys! Thanks for getting here so early! Darrell had to take his mom to a doctor's appointment so it'll just be the three of us for an hour or two. Lexi I want you on the register and Tyler I want you to reshelve all of the stuff from yesterday." Lexi shook her head " Actually would you mind if I reshelved today?" They both looked at her surprised. Lexi always asked to be on the register. "Uh yeah I guess as long as that's ok with you Tyler." He shrugged "Whatever, I don't care either way." Michelle nodded "Then I'm going to open the register." He made a mental note to keep an eye on Lexi. Something was up with her and he was going to figure out what. He put his lunch in the store room fridge and grabbed his vest from the rack. It'd been a long time since he'd worked the register but he'd manage. The first hour was rather uneventful. He'd cleaned the front counter, swept, and made sure the displays were all in order and now he was...bored. Only a handful of customers would come in before school let out and until then all he could do was stand there. He was trying to balance three books on his head when Darrell walked in. "Hey! What's going on?"
"Not much. What's going on with you circus boy?"
"Oh you know acrobatics, juggling, the whole nine yards." Darrell smiled
"Hey what are you doing up here anyway?" 
"Lexi asked to do the reshelving today so I got stuck up here."
"Wait, she asked to do the reshelving? You usually can't force her to do it let alone have her volunteer."
"I know but that's what happened."
"Weird? Anyway, do you know where Michelle is? I need to figure out what I'm doing today." 
"She's in the office."
With that Darrell walked away and Tyler went back to his balancing act. Not five minutes later Darrell was back.
"Hey Michelle needs you to help Lexi reshelve that stuff. She wants me to take over up here."
"Aw come on man can't you do it?"
" Well I could but Michelle said you and well...I don't wanna."
He sighed "Fine whatever but I'm putting my headphones in. I can't listen to her voice all day."
"Whatever boats your float pal. I'll be up here." Darrell put his feet up on the desk as Tyler stomped back to the store room. Why would Michelle ask HIM to come back here? She knows how he feels about Lexi. He threw open the door and was surprised to see Lexi blowing her nose into a well used tissue. Her pale face now had a bright red nose in the middle of it. She was sitting on the floor, books and tissues scattered around her, using her hoodie as a makeshift blanket. She looked up at him like she was about to say something but started coughing instead. It sounded wet and harsh. Well at least now he knew why she was acting so weird this morning. He knelt down beside her and before he could stop himself he had his hand on her forehead. She nuzzled her head into his cold hand and smiled. She had a fever, and a pretty high one at that. 
"How long have you been like this?"
"It started yesterday. I didn't start really feeling bad until I was already here and by then it was too late to call in." Her voice sounded like it could go any minute and she was shivering. He took off his jacket and put it over her legs. She smiled and nodded in appreciation, just before her head jerked forward  "hhehITSHichu hhehITSHICHU" She sniffled and Tyler handed her a roll of paper towels from the cleaning supply cart. She blew her nose again for what felt like a full minute to Tyler and even then it didn't seem to help her much. He was now facing an internal dilemma. Even though he despised Lexi he didn't think he could leave her like this. No one deserved to suffer this much, not even her. 
"Look if you want I'll reshelve the stuff for today and you can go home." She looked at him curiously "You would do that for me? I thought you didn't like me?"
"I'd do that for anybody. Besides fat lotta help you'd be. I doubt you can even stand up by yourself let alone help with all this. Now go tell Michelle you're leaving before I change my mind."
She smiled at him "Thank you Tyler I really...hhehitshichu *snf* appreciate it."
"Don't mention it...really don't and bless you by the way." She tried to push herself up and ended up falling forward holding her head. The pressure in her sinuses was crushing. Tyler sighed "I guess you'll need a ride huh?" She nodded and started coughing again. Tyler rubbed her back as she slowly started to breathe normally.
"Stay right here. I'll ask Michelle if I can drive you home real quick and come back okay?"
With that he walked over to Michelle's office and knocked on the door.
"Yes, come in. What can I do for you?"
"Well I was wondering if you and Darrell could handle things on your own for a minute. Lexi's really sick and I was gonna drive her home."
"Really sick? Poor thing, what's wrong?"
"Coughing, sneezing, fever, I found her on the floor of the store room shivering. I don't think she can stand up for too long." Michelle frowned "That sounds pretty bad. Tell you what things looks like things will be pretty slow here for the day. Why don't you take the rest of the day off and stay with her just to make sure she's alright?" Tyler's eyes widened. He didn't want to drive her home in the first place and stay with her?! Out of the question. But then again it'd been a long time since he'd gotten off early. Between work and school he could use a little time to himself. He could drive her there, drop her off, leave, and they would be none the wiser. He smiled to himself "Yeah boss I can do that." Michelle nodded in approval "Good now here's twenty dollars. Go to Walgreens on the way home and get that girl some medicine. Maybe some soup and tissues too." He took the money and sighed. Michelle was too sweet for her own good. Oh well an extra stop wouldn't take too long. "I can do that. I'll make sure she knows it's from you." He started to walk out "Oh and Tyler? You're a good man for doing this." He shook his head "Anybody would do this. It just happened to be me this time." With that he walked out and made his way back to the store room. He found Lexi asleep on the floor, a paper towel still held up to her nose. He hung up his vest, grabbed his car keys and her purse, and picked her up bridal style. She weighed almost nothing and he figured she'd be easier to manage if she stayed asleep. He walked out to his car. Unbeknownst to Tyler his coworkers were watching from behind the shelves. "Looks like I'll be getting my ten bucks soon." Michelle said smugly. Darrell rolled his eyes "Really? And what makes you think this is what gets them together?" Michelle's eyes twinkled as she watched Tyler gently set Lexi in the back seat of his car "I just have a feeling." 
(To be continued)
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blu-archer · 3 years
Mr. Park’s return
So, I’m not sure what to make of this really... like it’s not really a sickfic thing - I don’t know.. it might be, I’ll just say it classifies, it’s more of like a little continuation bit in this series and because I felt like writing about it... I’ve had this sitting with me for a while, so I may as well post it.. it felt a bit everywhere, there’s some knew characters I just tossed in because I needed too and we’ll just see where that leads, yeah? 
[there is probably grammatical errors, my first language is English I just can’t proof read - its a rough life] anyway, I hope this is somewhat enjoyable, its kind of a mess
This is supposed to be just a small filler type thing I guess
Snz based but like its rather mild.
‘Sickie’ : Jimin / [Felix? its faint really]/ [Yoongi is mentioned, but yeah]
 Hybrid AU
 Part 1,  Part 2 , Part 3
Word count: 5376
I tossed some Stray Kids in here because I love them too. 
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“Good morning everyone.” Jimin smiled at the class of juniors settling in their seats as warmly as he could considering that he was still trying to recover from days of fever. He still felt tired and a weak, with some lingering symptoms, but he was tired staying at home doing nothing.  He needed to work again, get back into a routine so that he wasn’t lazing around all the time. So, he had suited up in warm clothes and more makeup than usual to hide the dark rings that had still not left him.
The class stared at him with a mix of confusion and curiosity before greeting him with about the same enthusiasm he had done to them. He supposed that was fair, it wasn’t like they knew who he was really.
He cleared his throat, dropping the exam booklets onto the desk set up in the front of the room, before continuing on with as much forced giddiness as he could manage. No one wanted to head into an exam with a dark unwelcoming mood, so if he could brighten it by even an inch then he would be happy.
 “I’m Mr. Park, I’ll be your teacher for this exam.” As if to serve as a reminder, something caught in his throat and he smothered a small bout of coughs into his arm. “Please excuse my voice, I’ve been a little under the weather.”
It didn’t take long before a few voices rose up, which was not surprising considering majority of the class had probably never seen him before. it had become blatantly obvious that most of the students had wanted to spend much more attention on their paper. He didn’t blame them, anyone would want to be distracted from exams and he usually wouldn’t mind, he loved to gossip and get to know the students and they always seemed to be as interested in him as he was in what they were like, but even with the amount of lozenges he’d sucked on that morning already, his voice was definitely going to give out if he spoke for long.
 “What do you teach Sir?”
“You look so young.”
“Mr. Park! What are you doing here?”
“Are you new?”
“What type of Hybrid are you?”
 Jimin looked to students who had spoken up. Most dressed or styled slightly different from the standard uniform, clearly these were the usual extrovert favourites. He tried to ignore the more intrusive questions and focus more on the ones of innocent curiosity. A wide grin split across his face and his sight narrowed as he recognised one girl that he taught in modern contemporary. Jimin pressed his square framed glasses further up his nose, his tail flicking as the girl waved her arm wildly from the back of the class.
 “Sana? Oh, it’s weird seeing you out of class.” Jimin chuckled lightly, giving a small wave in return. “Most of you probably won’t know me, but I’ve been a part of the dance faculty for I think about three years now. I usually only interacted in the other art departments during these times, but this year the school thought it would be better to shift things around a bit. I think I only know Sana… oh wait, Soobin’s here too. Wow, it feels like forever since I’ve seen you two…” His chest warmed with the pleasure of seeing at least some of his kids.
 “Sir, what are you doing back?” Soobin grinned and leant forward from when he sat on top of his friends desk. “Mr. Jung said that you probably wouldn’t be back for at least another week.”
 “Not quite.” Jimin corrected, moving closer to his student. “It’s just not as heavy a work-load as usual. Are you ready for your exams? And you Sana? I feel so bad for not being there in your final sessions.”
 “I think we’re both glad that you rested rather than pushed to be there with us.” Sana grinned, packing away her English textbooks. “I haven’t done mine yet but Soobin had his exam yesterday.”
Jimin’s eyes shot to the boy who merely shrugged, although the bright flash in the fae boys eyes led Jimin to believe he did better than he wanted to portray. Which was good. Great, actually. His students were amazing.
 “Ahhh… why do I get the feeling that none of you did any real dancing while I was away… Anyway, don’t stress over it. Deep breathes and smooth lines. It’s nothing you haven’t done before.” Jimin countered to Sana before stepping back to address the class once again, coughing into his arm again – slightly harsher this time. He answered and entertained a few more questions from the students that he didn’t know before finally calling it. “Okay, we should probably start soon. May everyone please start packing away any studying material. And is everyone present for this exam?”
 “Mr. Park, Sir.” A trio of girls, each with unique traits that led him to believe they were all either warlocks or fae, waved to him from the side of the class closest to the wall of windows.
 “So, you’re a dancer, Mr. Park? Can you show us something?” The one with golden eyes smirked and Jimin’s chest tightened, knowing that her suggestive tone wasn’t one of humour or general curiosity. Kids. They were kids.
 “I am, but we have more important things.” He chose to ignore the low whining that erupted from them. “Clear your desks please, you don’t seem to be going over notes anyway. I am assuming that everyone is here, which means we are going to begin.”
   He returned to the desk without glancing at the girls again. The session had officially started.
Once desks were clear he began to hand out transcripts, only letting them turn through the pages once each student had one. It was a bit of a struggle, with how hoarse his voice was quickly becoming – given that he hadn’t needed to use it as much in the past few days as he was now, but he managed to read through the paper with them to make sure there were no immediate errors then set them forth on the 3-hour paper. Even though it made him drowsy he snuck a few pills in after he stifled a sneeze into his wrist. He wanted to try keep any and all symptoms to a minimum as to not distract anyone, but it was difficult when the class only had the scribbling sound of pens on paper to fill it with noise.
He sipped the tea from his flask that he was certain Yoongi had spiked with some type of herbal energy booster before Jimin had left that morning. The hybrid couldn’t help the wholesome warmth that ran through him at the thought of the worrisome warlock. Despite Yoongi being powerful and often intimidating to those who didn’t know him, Jimin knew that the elder was in-fact a big softy that was usually too shy to address things that  stressed him out. Especially if it was about the people he cared for. Instead he was prone to small actions that he thought would help lift any burdens or stressors, for both him and whoever he helped – in this case, Jimin. Yoongi hadn’t even wanted him to start at the school again yet, even for short hours, but after the hybrid had spoken some sense into him – that it was Jimin’s job and everyone, including Yoongi himself, had  worked while sick at some point – Yoongi eventually caved.
Although that didn’t stop him from being a bit clingier than usual, and definitely didn’t stop him from wrapping Jimin entirely in the Warlocks clothes so that his scent was with him all day. Not that Jimin minded being completed drenched in the elders scent and the clothes that were just a bit too big for him always made him feel warm and comforted. The last week that Jimin had spent at home with his boyfriend had been amazing, even if he had been a miserable mess for most of it.
Jimin had just finished firing off emails to the other dance staff members about how everything was going with the dance exams and if there are still students looking for last minute help when he felt the sad realisation that his med’s had been easing off. He hadn’t brought enough for a second dose and he could already feel his nose starting to run. The exam was almost over, just another hour or so and then he was free to be a mess again. But that wasn’t what his body had in mind.
He’inxshew… hih..Hieshxngt hXNGst..
 Damn it.
Jimin sniffed and wiped at his nose with a tissue. Thankfully he had thought to bring quite a few of the tissue travel packs with him, Yoongi had tried to slip an entire box of Kleenex into Jimin’s bag but the hybrid found that to be a bit excessive. His tail curled around his waist as he felt the gazes of a few of the students that were already finished or were checking through their work, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He sniffed repeatedly, trying to be as soft and quiet as possible but it only seemed to make matters worse as he snapped forward with another sneeze that he caught by pinching at his nose. Stifling was a bit painful, especially with how congested he had been, but he would bear with it.
He stifled four more before he had to come to terms with the fact that he could not try to sniffle to keep it at bay anymore. So he claimed fresh tissues to blow his nose, wincing and sending apologetic eyes to the students at the wet gurgling sound that filled the room. Jimin’s face was heated and he swallowed hard trying to work past his embarrassment. The students probably didn’t even care that much. But he still felt like the floor should open to let him fall through it.
He perked as a hand shot up, the student mouthing for more paper. Jimin threw away his tissues, doing his best to ignore how gross he was momentarily felt, and after a quick squirt his trusty hand sanitiser that Jin made him carry,  he was up and handing out pages. Taking that moment of already being up to slowly walk around and check if anyone else needing anything from him. He tried not to linger too much when he noticed Soobin gnawing at his bottom lip. A quick glance and Jimin could tell that the boy was struggling with understanding some of the things being asked of him and he didn’t want to add any extra pressure of being hovered over. Clearly the boy was unfortunately – in this case - closer inclined to the creative arts than he was to general studies.
 Jimin followed the soft whisper to a thin, pale dog hybrid who looked anxious just to have to look Jimin in the eye. Jimin cleared his throat to try get rid of the insistent itch that seemed to plague him and leant down so that the boy wouldn’t have to look up at him when he spoke. It wasn’t often that someone reacted intimidated by Jimin, so he was left a bit unsure. The few handfuls of times that he could remember being anything close to scary were strictly associated with his dancers or the few times he got into arguments with his friends, but usually everyone saw him as a soft and gentle hybrid that they could either try to walk all over or have pleasant easy conversations with. No real threat.
Jimin rested his hand on the edge of the desk to steady himself, then silently inclined his head to indicate that the boy could continue.
 “I-I don’t feel.. feel well.”
 Jimin gently rested a hand on the boys back only to frown at how sharp the hybrid’s bones were beneath his clothing. “What do you mean? Are you stressed? Sick? Do you feel nauseous?”
The boy merely nodded and swallowed loudly, sinking further away from Jimin.
 “Do you want to go to the nurse?” he asked softly. Looking more closely at the boys’ face, his oddly sharp facial structure and sunken cheeks. He had originally seen the bruises under the boys eyes as a part of the exam season stress but maybe there was something else happening.. When he got the nod of approval Jimin set his hand on the boys exam paper. “Do you want to keep this for now, or should I take it?”
 “Take it.”  
 Okay then. Jimin stood up, slipping the exam paper from the students desk, and bringing it back to his station, making note of the foreign name, ‘Felix’, filled in at the top right corner. Then he moved to the intercom attached to the wall behind his desk chair and held the button that connected him to the head office. “Hi, could we please have someone come to room 48? I need a student to be taken to the nurses office.”
A garbled reply came back at him that he could only hope meant that someone would be sent soon. In the meantime, Jimin dug in his bag until he retrieved a sealed bottle of water. It wasn’t as cold as it had been when he had bought it, but it would do. He returned to the boy who had now buried his face into his hands, taking deep shaky breaths.
 “Felix… can you try taking some small sips of water for me?” Jimin knelt beside the desk once more, twisting off the cap of the bottle. “Just a few? When last did you eat or drink something?”
He didn’t get much of a response other than the hybrid lifting his head enough to look at the open water before shakily taking it from Jimin. He took the smallest of sips before just sitting there with his eyes tightly shut.
 “Okay.” Jimin rubbed Felix’s back and stood up again, coughing into his arm before letting out a restrained groan. “Everyone, you have 40 minutes left. If you’re finishing off or just sitting there, then go through your answers again and make sure you’ve read the questions carefully.”  
 It was almost ten minutes before Jimin heard a soft knock on the door.
Felix had been sitting with his hands pressed tightly against his eyes, leaning heavily on his elbows while taking stuttering breaths. Jimin had been hovering with concern, but there wasn’t anything he could really do to help. The dog hybrid pretty much shunned him every time he murmured a gentle question or soothing words.
Jimin left his spot next to the sick boy, giving a quick glance over the class to find that at least a third of them were watching him and not going over their work like he’d encouraged, but he called out a brief ‘half an hour left’ and moved to open the door.
 “Jin.” Jimin let out a heavy breath, running a finger under his nose before leaning closer to the concerned elder. Silently thanking that their office employees had thought to call the school nurse directly and not some random other teacher to walk the boy to a better environment. “Hi, I’m not sure how sick this boy is, but he has a fever and I think he might be nauseous. He couldn’t tell me if it was from anxiety or something else so… He didn’t seem too keen on talking to me at all actually. I just gave him water.”
Jin nodded, wiping his hands on his jeans before stepping forward to move into the class. For a moment he looked like he wanted to question Jimin on something else but thought better of it.
 “Where are they?”
Jimin pointed him out and then stood back, trying his best to watch over the rest of the class and not interfere with Jin as he prompted a few words out of Felix – mostly about what he felt like and whether he was okay to walk - before helping him stand. The witch had to wrap an arm around the boys waist to kept him steady and they were forced to move at a slow pace, but Jin just murmured soft barely audible words of encouragement until they’d reached the door. Jimin lay a steadying hand on Jin’s arm before biting at his lip.
 “Do you need help getting back? I can ask the office to send another person..”
 “We’re fine Jimin.” Jin reassures, his hand rubbing gently at Felix’s side. “I know him, I’d rather just move slowly and not stress him out too much. You can come by in a bit if you’re worried, but I’ve got it.”
 Jimin let them go, closing the door softly behind them trying to ignore the tears that had sprung to Felix’s eyes as soon as the pair had left the room. Distracted, he gave a final slow walk through the rows of students. Most of them were finished now, some had lain down over their desks while others fiddled with their stationery. He gave a pleased nod to see that at least two students where carefully reading through their work and added to certain places, and then he passed Soobin. The boy had completely drawn over the back of his exam paper with dark detailed sketches that  couldn’t have been done quickly. Jimin winced at the thought of how the boys answers must look, and took it has a hint to sit the rest of the time at his desk where he sipped at the final bit of his now lukewarm tea.
He sent a few carefree texts to Yoongi, who had been complaining bitterly about having to stay at home for the day. Apparently he had tried to talk Namjoon into letting him work but the clumsy witch had threatened to jinx the elder if Yoongi came in to work. Jimin smiled at his boyfriend’s irritated messages, knowing that the warlock was probably still in bed despite him having his studio there if he really wanted to work.
He still felt a bit bad about getting Yoongi sick, but the warlock had thankfully always been a quick healer, so hopefully if he rested for a day or two then he would be fine. Jimin sent a final ‘see you in a bit! Love you!’ before he readied up the exam folder to retrieve the papers.
 He coughed once into his fist, pushing up his glasses instinctively afterwards, then gave a soft smile. “Okay guys, if anyone is still writing I’m going to need you to stop.”
   “Jin? You in here?” Jimin peeked into the small nurses office only to find it empty, ignoring how his voice had cracked. The desk had been pushed neatly to the side and had an open medical bag with some scattered medications on it but other than that and the locker off to the side that held Jin’s personal things, the room was impeccably clean. Although that shouldn’t surprise him, it was a nurses office. “Soekjin?”
 He heard a soft reply and then Jin appeared, ducking through the white curtain that basically blended into the wall. The sectioned off area for those that needed a bed to lay down in, if Jimin remembered correctly.
  “Yeah, hey.” Jin smiled and tugged at the collar of his shirt before collapsing into his chair with a sigh. “Sorry, I’ve been running everywhere.”
 “Mr. Popularity.” Jimin teased and entered properly into the room to lean against the second chair across from his friend. He flipped a small backpack up and dropped it onto the empty seat. “Felix left this. I didn’t want to leave it there in case there was something important inside. He can just fetch it from here whenever he’s back at school.”
 “He hasn’t left yet.” Jin let out a breath much heavier than before. His expression darker than what Jimin was used to seeing on him. “He stays in a foster home with a whole bunch of other kids, his guardians are always a bit preoccupied with the younger children. I think they like to think that the older kids can fend for themselves a lot better than what they actually can, but yeah. They were called, but his foster brother will probably be the one to fetch him after his classes for uni end.”
 Jimin frowned deeply. His chest ached in sympathy for the timid hybrid that had seemed close to passing out earlier. “Is he… okay?”
 “Mostly.” Jin shrugged, glancing back to the curtained area he had come through. “He threw up a few times and put up more of a fight than I thought possible when I tried to get him to drink a potion. I had to resort to just standard medicine, but it won’t be as effective.  Seems like a flu.”
 “I felt awful that I couldn’t really help earlier.” Jimin admitted with a small sniff, rubbing at the tip of his nose swiftly. “He seemed scared to tell me anything, but I don’t know… maybe he just really wasn’t feeling well.”
 Jin shook his head. “This isn’t his first foster home, he got moved around a lot. From his file and the times he’s spoken to me, he has a bit of a rocky history with cat hybrids – of course his experiences kind of dealt more with predatory breeds but I suppose he just kind of categorised.”
 Now Jimin felt worse. He bit at his lip and locked his eyes onto the curtain as if he would be able to see the boy through the material. Was he asleep, or was he listening? Jimin’s throat tightened at the thought of having scared the dog hybrid. He didn’t really like causing someone else unnecessary stress, especially if there was a history of something … what, abusive? Maybe?
 “I didn’t realise… Why was he sent to school if he wasn’t feeling well?”
 “Beats me. Probably didn’t say anything, he’s only really comfortable with a few people and I don’t think he expects to rely on his foster parents.” Jin says quietly. “He’s a good kid, though. Very funny and loud when he wants to be. He just needs to open up to others a bit more, stop feeling like a burden and maybe participate a bit more.”
 Jimin nodded, twisting at one of his rings. “It’s hard sometimes, I get that. If he ever wants to he’s more than welcome to come by the dance studio’s. We sometimes hold after school classes for those that are curious or need extra practices. It might be a bit late to switch to it as a subject, but I’m willing to teach him a few things when he’s feeling better, maybe it will help in terms of meeting new people. Or I can ask Hobi if he can teach him a few things if he’ll feel more comfortable with a human teacher.”    
 “I’ll let him know.” Jin let out a huff of a laugh. “How are you? Feeling better about being back?”
 Jimin grinned widely, leaning heavily onto the chair. “Loads better, Yoongi helped me a lot. I’m still a bit stuffy –“
 “And your voice is super hoarse.” Jin said, then smiled teasingly as Jimin whined, his ears drooping a little.
 “Yeah, I know… But I really do feel better. I’m tired now but I’m happy to be back at work, I missed my kids. I got see two of my students during the exam, although I don’t think I have a lot of faith in the ones English skills. … its fine though.” Jimin straightened up and gave a dramatic wave of his hands. “He won’t need good marks in standard school, he’ll go far in dancing.”
 Jin pulled a face at Jimin’s words causing the younger to let out a small giggle.
“Maybe not fail the standard schooling, but you get what I mean. He’s going places whether he gets those marks or not.”
 “Sure, Minnie. Just don’t tell him that he doesn’t need to get good marks in other things.” Jin advised teasingly. “That’s not the best way to educate the next generation.”
 A gentle knock on the office door had Jimin jumping in fright, his ears drawn back, and fur raised, only to see two boys hovering outside. He vaguely recognised one from seeing him in hallways but the shorter one was unfamiliar, they both had soft fae-like features and wide innocent eyes. The taller was still dressed in the academies uniform while the other was dressed entirely in baggy black clothes that reminded Jimin of Yoongi. Although he doubted Yoongi would willingly get a lip and eyebrow piercing… maybe Jimin could talk him into it…
 “Hey, Chan. You got here fairly quickly.” Jin rose from his seat. “ I think he’s asleep right now, but I’ll wake him up and give him a final look over.”
 “Thank you so much Mr. Kim.” The dark one said, smiling brightly at Jin before nodding a greeting at Jimin.
He gave a soft ‘Hi’ before he pulled the light backpack off of the seat and handed it to the one Jin had addressed. “Here’s his bag.”
 “Thank you.” Chan accepted it quickly and gratefully.
 “Aren’t you one of the dance teachers? On the other side of the school?” The student, who looked about the same age as Felix despite being taller than both Chan and Jimin. “I saw you in that theatre performance thing like three months ago… right?”
 Jimin nodded, assuming that the boy was talking about the fundraiser that the school did that was mostly a time for the students to see the staff make fools of themselves doing dances or skits – or in his and the rest of the performance arts staffs’ case, their talent and skills being flaunted in their natural habitats.
 “Yep, I’m a modern – contemporary instructor, but I help out in the hip hop sector when I’m needed.”
 The boys face lit up at knowing he was right. “You’re dancing is so cool. You were so graceful on stage, it looked really beautiful.”
Jimin smiled and felt his cheek warm. Jin had disappeared behind the curtain and Chan was watching Jimin with a small smile.
 “I remember now. I went and watched with him and some of our other brothers.” Chan added. “He kind of became obsessed with dance after that.”
 His cheeks burned and he let out a soft nervous cough into his fist. “That’s kind, thank you. Are you… all in the same Foster family as Felix?”
 Chan nodded before adding. “I don’t live there anymore, but I still spend time with some of them there, kind of become like real brothers, you know?”
 Jimin nodded, stilling feeling a bit off about thinking of them in a foster home. “Well I was just telling Jin that he was welcome to come by the studios if he ever felt interested in dance. As a way to open up a bit. I’m not sure if Felix would join if I taught him, but you’re welcome to join myself or Mr. Jung as well if you want – um..”
 “Hyunjin.” The boy said eagerly. “That’s so cool. I really want to, I wanted to take classes, but our guardians couldn’t pay for the extra fee.”
 Jimin bit back his grimace. It was unfortunate that students had to pay an extra amount for specialised classes but there wasn’t much he could do besides over informal schooling.
 “Well, we can organise once or twice a week to help you guys out. You actually look like the right build for a dancer, probably wont struggle too much…”
 Jin reappeared with the small dog hybrid following close behind, looking a bit steadier on his feet than before but still nowhere near healthy enough to be at school. Felix hesitated at the sight of him but didn’t stop for long before he move to sink into Chan’s arms. Jin spoke about some of the hybrids symptoms and what he’d need to take as well as giving a few things to watch out for and what to do if it got worse just in case their guardians got busy. Jimin moved back, letting the two boys move closer to their brother in the office. It was cute to see the three of them together, so different and yet there was a clear sense of family. Jimin sniffed only to regret it as a sharp piercing lemon scent that was no doubt coming from Felix flooded his senses. He wasn’t sure how he hadn’t smelt it earlier, perhaps it was because Felix was feeling safe – in any case, Jimin blinked hard. He pressed a finger secretly to his nose, but it only seemed to aggravate the itch. Damn it, he had really hoped that he had finished with this earlier – he had blown his nose enough times after leaving the class, but apparently not.
‘He’ingxt’ah.. h’ingxsh..hih..hih’IGTSHiew…’ He cringed as he felt eyes land on him but couldn’t do anything else but keep his hand covering his face. ‘hih’itchshew… h’IShiew..’
 “Bless you, Jimin.”
 Jimin groaned and pulled a face, giving a soft and somewhat nervous sniffle. It seemed to be the end of it thankfully. Everyone was looking at him, but thankfully they didn’t seem to really care. “Thanks…”
 “Thought you were better, hmm?”
 “Jin,” Jimin pursed his lips and resisted the urge flick him. “Shut up. I’m fine now, just... lingering stuff.”
Jin hummed but Jimin knew he was only trying to be annoying.
 “okay well, I’ll head out then.” Jimin clapped his hands together awkwardly, no longer wanting to stay in the room in case he was going to start being sensitive to any more scents.
 “Tell Yoongi to feel better for me, Min.” Jin said as he wrote down the names of specific medications that would be the most long lasting for a hybrid.
Remembering the adorable sight he had left his boyfriend in that morning, Jimin spun around with a cheery gasp and wide glimmering eyes that had Jin laughing loudly, the other three in the room just blinking with bemusement at the suddenly change.
 “Get home Jimin! That wasn’t an invitation to start blabbering about your boyfriend. Actually, I’m very annoyed at you – It’s your fault that I didn’t get my extra Namjoon-day yesterday. I was devastated! Devastated Jimin!” Jin scolded him without even trying to suppress his smile.
 “You can sleep with your husband whenever you want Jin. No one is stopping you.” A pen smacked into his chest and Jimin bubbled with laughter as he danced out of range of the book that had come flying soon after the first projectile. “Don’t throw things at me!”
 “Yah! Don’t say inappropriate things in front of students, you bratty cat!”
 “They know what sex is!” Jimin argued playfully, coughing lightly as he caught the next book that came flying at his face. “So sensitive. Has it been that long?”
 “I should have never befriended you. I have to rethink my life choices.” Jin shook his head as he sent Felix an exasperated look. The dog hybrid was watching the interaction with wide, watery eyes.
 “Bye, Soekjin.” Jimin laughed, handing the book he had caught to Hyunjin. “I’ll let Yoongi know you care. If you want… I can ask him to make up something special to help-“
 Jimin pranced away, hearing the soft curses that Jin threw after him. Home. Despite how mixed his feelings were after finding out about Felix’s family life, he couldn’t help but be filled with a flood of warmth at the thought of his boyfriend waiting for him. Most likely still cuddled up into the warm nest Jimin had rearranged for him, unless the elder had decided to use energy to make food or something, but that seemed particularly doubtful after he had messaged Jimin about how lucid he felt and about the mountain of tissues creating a new city on the floor of their bedroom.
It was endearing… possibly contagious to anyone else that stepped fought into their house but somehow, very endearing.
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ak47stylegirl · 4 years
Well today was horrible, this cold seemed to get progressively worse as the day went on. I didn’t have the strength or energy to get out of bed today, I just felt too sick.
My bed has become a true mess of tissues, and I have gone through I think almost half of the tissue box, I really hope I don’t run out 😣
Mentally imagining that Scott is here and trying to look after me is helping a fraction but I’m really not doing very good. I was able to eat a sausage roll for breakfast which I had picked up yesterday but didn’t end up eating.
I also ended up using my nasal spray, which I haven’t used before and I don’t really know if it works or not, but woah did my nose feel so weird afterwards.
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As for my coursework, I was unable to do anything more than two more colour designs for my print. My head and nose was making me feel so horrible that doing anything else was impossible. (Plus I had Scott in my head pleading with me to rest, that I was really not well enough to be doing this. And yeah, he was right but with this cold, rest isn’t easy to get unfortunately 😭)
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After that I tried to get some sleep but it wasn’t coming, I kept needing to blow my nose and my sinuses were just hurting so badly. Also I been drinking so much water today, which is unusual for me and such needing to go to the bathroom more often. Which meant I needed to get out of bed 😩
Seeing how sleep wasn’t working, i decided to maybe try and make a doctors appointment (plus get a COVID test) but try to figure out what to do, plus find a place that was open on a Saturday so I could call them to ask what I had to do was headache inducing 😭
I finally found a respiratory clinic that I could make an appointment with, I think it’s just a COVID test clinic but I’ll ask if I can get a doctors certificate for tafe (school) as either way I’m not going to be able to make it to class this week. But yeah I got appointment for Monday afternoon.
After that big mess, I decided that while I was on the phone, I should contact my building stuff and let them know I’m unwell as that is what you’re supposed to do. They were really nice about it, the leader resident I talked to on the phone brought some fruit up to my room ☺️
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Another stuff member rang me afterwards to just clarify what’s going on and I told them that I’m going for a COVID test on Monday. They were really nice and said that if I ordered food, they would bring it up to my room. Which is so good of them!
Anyway after that, I really did try and get some sleep, and even though it took a while, my face feeling so puffy and congested it was painful (still is 🥺🤧😭) I was able to slip into a slight sleep.
I woke up hours later, around six and I really didn’t think it was possible but I felt worse! My nose felt more stuffed up, my head feeling really foggy and horrible. I also started to develop a cough, and I felt feverish and clammy but I had no clue of knowing if it’s actually a fever as I don’t have a thermometer 😩 (I don’t normally get fevers, I never really did, so I honestly don’t have a basis to go off of here)
So really there was no way I was cook tonight, so I ordered McDonald and they brought it up to my room when it arrived.
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I don’t know how to say how truly grateful I am to my building’s stuff, I honestly wasn’t in the condition to go outside to pick up my order or to even attempt making something for myself.
After food, well I just laid in bed a bit more, watching a little bit of YouTube but truly feeling too sick to focus. I also FaceTime home, wanting to see my puppy as I was really missing her. She’s a cute little thing, here’s a photo of her from a while ago.
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Anyway that bring me to now, where I am laying in bed just feeling so horrible. I haven’t felt this sick in so long, it’s truly horrible 😩🤧🤒😭
Today and I imagine this weekend just isn’t going the way I planned, I was supposed to catch up on a lot of things this weekend and actually get myself on track but instead I’m here in bed with no energy, my eyes all watery, my head and sincus hurting so badly, a cough developing, unable to sleep because of the things listed above but also because I’m constantly mopping and blowing my runny nose! 😭
@misssquidtracy @godsliltippy
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wonwoosthetic · 5 years
Man Flu || Jake Gyllenhaal
Look for the tag “masterlist” on my blog :)
My first imagine in quite a while, I hope it turned out ok! :)
Thank you for the request, enjoy!!
Request by emmagrahambrooks: Hi :) I was wondering if you could write an imagine of a very sick Jake Gyllenhaal? He catches a very bad flu (with fever, vomiting etc) while in the middle of promoting a movie. Y/n is worried and tries to take care of him but he tries brushing it off until he faints on the job.
Warnings: fainting
Word Count: 2.211 Words
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Man Flu
You had been home alone for three months, while your fiancé Jake was promoting his new movie "Spiderman: Far From Home" and although you were happy for him and excited for the film, the feeling of wanting to have him near you was starting to become unbearable. Also, last night when you talked to him on the phone to wish him a good flight home, he didn't sound healthy at all.
So, there you were, standing in the kitchen stirring a pot of soup while listening to whatever music was playing on the radio. The smell of your mother's recipe filled the entire room and gave you a warm feeling of nostalgia. Just as you were ready to turn off the stove, the sound of a familiar key ring hitting the door rang through your ears. Quickly, you made sure to take the pot off the hot surface and ran into the hallway at a quick pace, careful not to slip in your fuzzy socks.
Jake just got done with setting his suitcase on the floor, when you threw your arms around his neck to greet him with a tight hug. He caught you with a "hmpf" sound and closed the door behind him. He let out a big breath,
"Ah, it feels good to be home", to which you could only agree with a nod, "Feels good to have you back."
As soon as you separated again, you saw how pale he looked though, "but damn, you look like crap",
"and there I thought you greeted me nicely", he joked. You gave him a sly smile and went in for a kiss before he stopped you, "No, no, I don't want you getting sick as well." So you could only give him a kiss on the cheek after putting your hands on his face.
Shortly after, he noticed the smell, "What are you cooking?", while grabbing the luggage to bring it upstairs, but you interrupted him,
"You", you pointed strictly with a finger, "sit down and relax, I'll get it upstairs. A soup is waiting for you in the kitchen, just give me a minute."
"Don't be ridiculous, I can carry my own stuff", he argued but you had none of it,
"Jake, you literally look like you're about to faint at any second", you looked at him with pleading eyes, "please..."
He gave in with a sigh and carried his body into the living room.
On your way to the shared bedroom, you started to truly worry about your fiancé and the condition he was in - you had never seen him look that terrible. You put the suitcase in the corner right next to the door and went into the bathroom to grab the supplies you were sure you would need, then into the walk-in closet to get some comfier clothes as the jeans he was wearing looked way too uncomfortable for someone ill.
Back downstairs, you couldn't find Jake in the living room but heard drawers being opened and closed in the next room. Shaking your head in slight annoyance, you put everything down on the glass coffee table and walked through the open sliding doors that lead into the kitchen. Standing there, you saw him pouring himself some soup into a bowl while supporting his body weight on the side of the counter with his elbow.
"Jake, what do you not understand about sit down and relax", you ranted as you walked up to him and took the bowl out of his right hand and the ladle from his left.
"Y/N, I think I can get myself something to eat, it's fine", he tried to calm you down,
"No, it's not, I don't think you've looked at yourself."
"Thanks", he bluntly stated before walking back into the living room to sit down for real this time.
You quickly finished everything in the kitchen and followed him.
"I thought you might want to shower", you carefully tried to speak to him as you noticed that he clearly had gotten slightly annoyed.
"Thanks, babe", he accepted the bowl of soup you reached out for him to grab and put it on the pillow he had placed on his lap.
Sitting down next to him, you put your right hand up to his forehead and almost jumped, feeling how hot he was,
"Jesus, Jake...", your hand moved up to his hair to straighten it down in comfort. He moved his head away from you and carried on eating.
"I'm gonna make you a cup of tea", you sighed.
Ten minutes later, after the water was boiling hot and you had poured it into a mug with a Camille tea bag in it, you carried it carefully back into the living room, only to find your fiancé passed out on the couch. You smiled at how vulnerable he looked, placed a blanket over his body and decided to get ready for bed yourself.
In the shower, you started contemplating whether you should let Jake carry on with promoting Spiderman or call his assistant and tell her, he won't be coming tomorrow. But due to his current mindset and annoyance, you decided to leave this decision making to tomorrow. You understood that he wanted to do his job but you also wanted to make him realize how bad working would be for his body.
Fresh out of the shower and in your warm pyjamas, you entered your bedroom, to come to sight with Jake grabbing his pillow and blanket, looking ready to leave. Without a word he was about to walk past you when you stopped him, "What do you think, you're doing?"
"Sleeping on the guest bedroom, I don't want you getting ill as well", he looked you in the eyes and started walking again, but you grabbed his arm.
"Jake, stop. You sleep in the bed, I'll take the other room." You didn't even let him say anything more, but just grabbed everything from his arms and put it back on the bed. Not wanting to let his bad mood get to you, you continued, "Please just at least change your clothes, you've been wearing them all day, they can't be comfortable" before he could interrupt, you carried on, "AND drink the tea."
Jake heard the pleading and sad undertone and felt bad since he had not realized how rude he had been ever since arriving. After you straightened out the blanket on the bed, he walked over to you, gently grabbed your upper arms, and turned you to look at him,
"I'm sorry... for... how I've been acting", he caressed your cheek, "I appreciate everything you do for me but I'm fine", you gave him a look with raised eyebrows, "I am. It's probably just a man flu or something", he finished the sentence, making you laugh slightly. "Thank you for everything", he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
"You don't have to thank me, that's my job", you smiled at him, "good night."
"Good night", he smirked, knowing or hoping that you weren't mad at him anymore.
Grabbing all of your stuff, you walked out of the room but not before informing him of one more thing, "Drink the tea", you asked him kindly. And that was the first time in a long time that you had spent the night in the same house but in different beds and it didn't feel right.
--- The Following Day ---
You woke up from a sleep of three full hours. It was impossible for you to sleep, hearing Jake blow his nose and coughing the entire night, knowing that you can't do anything more to help him.
After getting up and making the bed, you knocked on the bedroom door, waiting for a "come in" or something similar but nothing came. So you opened it and walked it but couldn't find your significant other in the bed or in the ensuite. Then you remembered that he had to do more interviews to promote the film in America and had probably already left.
Downstairs, you couldn't find any evidence of him having had breakfast or even drinking the tea that you reminded him of yesterday as it was still standing on the coffee table, now cold. You sat down on the sofa and put your head in your hands, thinking of all the ways you would be lecturing him as soon as he walked back into the house.
Not even five minutes later, your phone rang, startling you. You couldn't find it at first, looking on the table, under it, on the tv stand, until you found it under the pillow of one of the chairs in which you were reading your book yesterday. It didn't say the name, only showed a number, so you answered it curiously,
"Hi, (Y/N)?", the voice sounded familiar but that early in the morning, you couldn't identify exactly who's it was.
"Yeah... sorry, who's this?"
"Victoria", she laughed, "right, sorry, I have a new phone number, you probably don't have it yet, sorry", and apologized.
"Oh right, I'm so sorry, I didn't recognize your voice at first", it was Jake's assistant, but you were still curious as to why she was calling you at half-past eight in the morning. "What's up Vic? Everything alright?"
She took a while to answer, "Well... not exactly.", this made your heartbeat quicken, "It's nothing too serious... but... Jake fainted. During an interview", she quickly continued, "but the doctor said it's nothing to worry about, he just overworked his body when he shouldn't have."
You huffed, "It told him to relax", and shook your head, "I wanted to call you this morning before he got up but I missed it, I'm sorry."
"No need, (Y/N). He's stubborn, I know", she joked.
You asked her for the address of the hospital he was in, ended the call, threw something on quickly, and exited the house before making your way there, ready to deliver a telling-off.
Finding a parking space was surprisingly easy but to find your boyfriend, not so much. The hospital was a lot bigger than the ones you were used to and had to ask three different front desk ladies, where he was.
Finally, reaching the right floor, you already came to sight with Victoria walking up and down the hallway but stopping as soon as she saw you, "Oh great, you're here, maybe he'll listen to you. I don't know what to do", she threw her arms up. "Why? What's going on?", you worried. "He wants to go back to the hotel to carry on with the interviews AGAINSt doctor's orders", she pointed out. You let out a big breath,
"You can go back, I'll talk to him", then you swore under your breath, "I swear, this man..." Before entering his room, you heard her say, "Good luck."
Inside, Jake was just putting his shoes back on but you interrupted him, "Are you out of your goddamn mind?! I told you to relax and now even the doctors tell you to and you STILL won't listen?!"
Your tone shocked him a bit as he has never seen you this furious, "(Y/N), babe, I'm fine. It was j-", "NO stop! Don't you dare talk yourself out of this. You don't get it. Yes, it might just be the flu or whatever but it can get worse and I think fainting might just be that", you moved your hands around wildly, clearly showing how distraught you were.
"You don't understand, I only have a week left and then I'm done with this, with promoting Spiderman, that's it. Then I'm fully back home again, I don't want to postpone it!",
"But your health is far more important than that!", you argued back. "But spending time with you even more!"
His sentence made you stop in your tracks and almost choke on your spit. Your hands went up to your face and rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"Jake...", you started a lot quieter and took a deep breath, as you didn't know how to continue, so he did.
"No. You... I don't know, maybe you don't feel that way... but I feel like the shittiest fiancé ever... for not being with you while you're planning everything and have to be alone at home all the time."
You went to sit down next to him on the hospital bed, "You're not the shittiest fiancé, not even in the slightest, trust me", you smiled at him, tears forming in both of your guys' eyes, "This is your job and I knew what I put myself into when I said yes", your right hand flew up to his cheek, carefully caressing it, "I love you and whether you're doing promo for one week more or not, won't change anything about that", that made him smile widely and he kissed the palm of your hand, "but you not listening to me might", you laughed jokingly.
"I love you too, I'm sorry", he apologized.
All of a sudden, he reached down to the floor to grab a bucket next to his feet and put it on his lap - and threw up. "Wow, you really know to ruin a moment." Your comment made him smile.
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, please ignore them! :) I hope you enjoyed it and thanks again to emmagrahambrooks for this request!
Hope you have a great day/night! :) <3
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angst-king · 3 years
Yucky feels
((this is for my favorite side ship. Kiribakuraka, and their son Zomi...I’m not very good at sickfics sorry)) It was supposed to be a nice papa and son day for Kirishima and Zomi, but...well, that quickly turned out not to be the case when Kirishima woke up feeling sick. He woke up feeling stuffy, tired, and achy. At first he thought he was just tired from yesterday’s hero work but that was until he started coughing. Darn it, did he really just get sick the day he and Zomi were supposed to hang out for the day?!! Seems so, well now he was gonna have to break the bad news to Zomi. He sluggishly gets out of bed and walks to his four year old’s room and knocks on the door before softly saying “Hey Zomi, I’m coming in.” Opening the door, Kirishima was a little confused seeing the toddler was still asleep. Usually Zomi was awake by now but he was still deep asleep under his covers. Kirishima decided to gently shake the small one awake. 
“Zozo, come on buddy, wake up.” Leaning away as talking made him cough, Kirishima tried to wake up the kid. Earning some whining and whimpering. Zomi pushes his papa’s hand away wanting to go back to sleep. Zomi wasn’t exactly a morning person, yet still didn’t sleep in very long. “Come on Zom, gotta wake up for me.” Zomi whined more before coughing, his cough sounded just as bad and Kirishima’s which made Kirishima worry. Maybe he just did this in the morning? Eijirou didn’t usually wake Zomi up during the day, he usually woke up on his own. 
Big red eyes slowly opening up looking tired and wanting more sleep, Zomi looked at Eijirou and whined. “Hhhnng? T-time to get up?” His voice sounded a little raspy and more exhausted, and Zomi’s face was really starting to look flushed. “Yup it is, hey I’m sorry kiddo but, I don’t know if we can go out today.” Zomi looked at Eijirou confusedly, furrowing his brows. “Why not?-” Zomi’s talking was interrupted by his own painful sounding coughing fit. Hearing the little boy cough Eijirou had a bad feeling, he’d never seen a toddler sick before but. He knew the other didn’t exactly look like his normal self. “Well Zom, I'm not feeling so good today, and I don’t think going out is gonna make me feel any better.” Frowning Zomi pouted a little but nodded, sniffling wetly at his runny nose, he scrunched it up before letting out a soft “Hutt’zziiew!” Strangely enough this sneeze seemed to actually make the ground shake!
Eijirou was rather surprised by this, and Zomi looked the same way. “Wh-what was that?” Zomi asked while wiping his runny nose on the sleeve of his shirt. Eijirou gave a small frown and sat on Zomi’s bed. “Let me check something first kiddo” Eijirou reached out and placed his palm on Zomi’s forehead before quickly pulling a way. “Yikes, I think someone’s not feeling so good either.” Zomi whimpered and held onto his stuffed bear that he slept with tightly. “I feel really yucky Papa.” Hearing his son say that actually made Eijirou’s heart break, seeing his cheeks all pink and pale, eyes looking glassy and tired, and his voice sounding all raspy. “Naw sounds like it lil dude, can you tell me what feels yucky?” “My froat is all scratchy, I can’s breathe through my nose, a-and I’s really cold.” “Alright buddy, I’m sorry you feel yucky, sounds like you and I both had a bit of a cold, don’t worry, Papa’s gonna help you feel better. We can still spend our day together...just not exactly how we planned it.” Zomi nods and then he buries his face into his teddy bear before asking. “Can’s we cuddle Papa?” Eijirou smiles and picks Zomi up and gets up from Zomi’s bed. “Sure thing lil guy, how about we go on the couch, I’ll get up some sickie supplies?” Zomi holds onto Kirishima’s shirt with one hand and his teddy bear with the other. “O-okay” 
With that Eijirou carried his four year old down to the living room and set him on the couch. “Okay you and Sunny can stay here and pick out what you wanna watch on TV, I’ll get us some supplies okay.” Sunny was Zomi’s teddy bear which he loved to death, and never went anywhere without it. It was a gift from Kaminari, he’s had it since he was only 1. The toddler wiped his nose on the stuffed animal as his nose began to run. Eijirou soon returned with some supplies.”Alright, I’ve got supplies.” Eijirou said as he walked into the living room with a small basket full of stuff. He had a few blankets, two boxes of tissues, some medicine, a thermometer, pillows from their rooms, and his phone. Setting down the basket on the coffee table in front of the couch, Eijirou grabbed the blankets and distributed them. Zomi took his own blanket that Eijirou had gotten for him and curled up on the couch. Sitting on the couch, Zomi crawled into Eijirou’s lap and nuzzled against him. “Hey there buddy” “wanna lay on Papa” Zomi quietly says leaning into Eijirou’s chest, at first Eijirou didn’t know what his son meant. Now he knows. Zomi was gonna lay on Eijirou’s chest like a pillow. Zomi wasn’t usually a clingy kid, but it seemed that when he was sick he was a bit touch starved and cuddly. Eijirou didn’t mind this at all, he brushed his fingers through the boy’s hair while he grabbed the thermometer. 
He grabbed both thermometers, the ear thermometer and the oral one. He used the oral one on himself and kept it under his tongue, while keeping the little boy snuggled up to him. Sniffling and muffling coughs until the tool beeped, luckily Eijirou didn’t have much of a fever, so that was good. Now it was Zomi’s turn, so he gently pats Zomi on the shoulder. “Zomi, think you can keep this under your tongue for me?” Zomi looked at the tool confusedly and with a tired look on his face. “Hmm?” His brain was all foggy and having a hard time registering things. He really wasn’t doing too well with this cold. So Eijirou just decided to use the ear thermometer. “Never mind buddy, just hold still for me.” He says before sticking the ear thermometer into Zomi’s ear. Squirming a little bit at this, Zomi whined and tried to bury his face deeper into Eijirou’s chest but he couldn’t go very far.
When the thermometer beeped like the other one, Eijirou frowned. “38.5 C” (101F) “Is that bad?”  Asked Zomi, Eijirou didn’t want to worry his son but also didn’t want to lie to him either. 38.5 is not a high fever so it’s not bad, but it’s not good that he has one in the first place. “Well it’s not a high fever but, it's not good that you have one in general. Though it shouldn’t take too long to get you back to normal.” Zomi nods and wipes his nose onto Sunny again as his nose is becoming very runny and then “Hutt’zziiew! Hutt’zziiew!” he sneezed right into Sunny. Making Eijirou cringe, he grabbed a tissue and sat Zomi up. “Don’t do that to your teddy bear buddy, you’ll get him sick.” “oh sowwy” “it's okay kiddo, here, blow your nose.” Pressing the tissue to Zomi’s nose, Zomi blew his nose into the tissues, earning soft spoken praises from Eijirou. “Good job buddy, good.” Eijirou tosses the used tissues into the empty basket, deciding to use that as the waste basket for the time being. “Alright, Zozo, this is gonna taste icky but I need you to take some medicine. It’s gonna help you feel better.” The father said, opening the child-proof cap.” Pouring the medicine into the little cup, it kind of looked like juice to Zomi. “Ready? It’s cherry flavored.” Kirishima asked. Thinking it would taste like delicious cherry juice, Zomi nodded. His father handed him the little cup, and he began drinking the medicine. Halfway through the cup, Zomi realized it didn’t taste like juice at all! He realized grass tasted better. “Nono! Yucky! Yucky!” Zomi threw the cup on the floor and it spilled onto the carpet. “I know it isn’t the best taste ever-” Kirishima soon had an idea. He picked up the cup and filled it halfway. “If you drink the rest, I’ll give you some candy, deal?” Zomi skeptically nodded, taking the cup. He hesitated before drinking the medicine. “Great job, Zozo!” Kirishima said to his son. “Cany?” Zomi expected a reward. “This is a new kind of candy.” The father handed Zomi a gummy vitamin. Putting the vitamin in his mouth, he wanted more. “Mowe!” Zomi demanded. “Maybe another time, pal. Maybe some orange juice instead?” Eijirou offered. Zomi thought about it before nodding, he liked juice, unknown to him Eijirou offered orange juice because he knows that will help Zomi get better. “Okay then, come on, let's go get juice.” Eijirou says, so Zomi gets off of Eijirou and wraps the blanket around himself and Sunny while the red head man stood up. 
Leading Zomi into the kitchen, Eijirou grabs two cups, a mug for himself and a sippy cup for Zomi. While Eijirou was looking in the fridge for the orange juice another. “Hut’Ziiew!” came and then the ground shook, Eijirou had a feeling that this was Zomi’s quirk just acting  up when he sneezed. It was normal for little kids to have little to no control over their quirk and while sick it went even more haywire. Eijirou had to make sure nothing fell out of the fridge. “Yikes, bless you, Zomi.” Zomi looked at Eijirou confusedly but Eijirou was turned around so he didn’t see his facial expression. Setting the orange juice down he pours it into their cups, screws on the lid to Zomi’s sippy cup. “Here ya go buddy” Kirishima hands Zomi his cup which he takes and starts drinking on the orange drink, his facial expression changed not long after. It looks like he just discovered what a lemon was. “Nuh-uh, spicy.” Zomi complains, sticking out his tongue. Kirishima chuckles a little at this “I know bud...hmmm.” Kirishima had an idea, he took Zomi’s cup, poured out the orange juice, and replaced it with apple juice and then he went and got the little fruit cup of oranges. “Alright kiddo, how about a fruit cup of oranges with some apple juice?” Zomi smiles widely, he likes fruit cups, they always taste good. “Yeah yeah fwuit cup!” Talking loudly made Zomi cough, which in then made the four year old whimper at the pain in his throat. “Owie” Grabs a small plastic spork, and says. “Okay buddy let's go back to the couch” Nodding Zomi and Eijirou headed back to the living room and got to the couch.
Back on the couch Zomi was given his fruit cup and sippy cup of juice while watching cartoons. It was a good distraction for him and even Eijirou who didn’t mind watching cartoons with the kid. Even if they couldn’t spend their day out of the house and at the playground or toy store, this was fine. Eijirou kept Zomi in his lap for the time being, wrapped up in blankets.
Then his phone rang, grabbing it from the coffee table, Eijirou smiled. “Hey Zomi, mommy’s calling.” Zomi quickly looked over at the phone and Eijirou accepted the video call. Seeing Ochako on the screen, his sickly dull red eyes light up with joy! “Mommy!” Ochako smiles and waves. “Hi baby boy, hi Eiji, what are you two up to?” Zomi then answered “Mommy I’s and daddy feel yucky, so we’s at home.” Ochako frowns hearing that her son and husband are both sick, seeing as they’d been excited about spending the day together. “Naaw I’m sorry you both feel yucky sweetheart, I bet Papa is taking good care of you though.” Zomi nods proudly and raises his fruit cup and sippy cup in the air. “Papa gives me juice and fwuit cup” “That’s good sweetie, you two gonna watch a movie or any cartoons?” “Mhm, we’s watching ‘Ready, jet, go!” Zomi responded happily.
Right after he said that, his voice faltered, and Eijirou knew what was about to happen, so he snatched up a tissue with his free hand and pressed it to Zomi’s nose catching the sneeze just in time. “Het’zziiew! Het’zziiew! Het’ziiew!” Those three sneezes really rocked the house, it could be seen through the camera and felt by Eijirou. “Jeez bless you Zomi” Eijirou said while Zomi blew his nose. “Oh wowie, bless you Zozo. You must be sick, your quirk is acting up, poor baby.” Coos Ochako from her side of the phone, Eijirou nods. “Yeah poor kid’s really not feeling so good, he’s a little touch starved and slept in longer than usual this morning, I had to wake him up.” He replied with a bit of a chesty sounding cough while throwing away the tissues into the basket. Dark brown eyes softening with sympathy, Ochako sighed. “How about I go get some stuff and I’ll make chicken noodle soup for dinner. That’ll definitely help with your yucky cold.” Eijirou smiles “thanks babe, stay safe out there okay, tell Katsuki we said ‘we love you.’” “Will do babe, I love you Eiji, I love you Zomi.” “I wuv you mommy” Just before hanging up, Ochako turns around after hearing some yelling and alarms, seeing a villain behind her she huffed. “Gotta go boys, I’ll be home soon hopefully.” She says before hanging up.
When the call had ended Zomi had finished his snack and set his stuff down on the coffee table before yawning. Rubbing his eyes sleepily, Eijirou could tell the toddler was ready for a nap. He really needed it anyway seeing as he was sick and needed as much rest as he could get. “Sounds like someone’s getting sleepy.” Zomi shook his head but contradicted himself by curling up in his dad’s lap, and laying down, closing his eyes. Eijirou sets his phone down and starts to rub Zomi’s back soothingly to lull the little boy to sleep. Eyelids got heavier by the second until it got to the point where soft little snores could be heard. Eijirou was just as tired, and knew this might be his only chance to get some well needed rest, so he took this chance with advantage and laid down comfortably and adjusted Zomi so they could both sleep well. Turning down the tv volume, he closes his eyes and allows himself to sleep.It wasn’t quite the kind of day they planned out, but it was one they enjoyed.
By the time Ochako and Katsuki had gotten home Zomi and Eijirou were still asleep on the couch. Zomi curled up snuggly under Eijirou while still holding onto Sunny. It was so cute seeing the two asleep together, sure they were sick but it was still adorable nonetheless. Ochako always thought Eijirou was cute when he was sick, especially since his reddish pink nose almost matched his hair color. Zomi was just as cute, even Katsuki thought so. The two made sure not to wake the sleeping boys up, as they snuck off to change out of their hero costumes and went into the kitchen to make them some soup.  
Waking up, Kirishima’s sense of smell had been dulled by congestion but he could totally smell the fact that someone was cooking.  Zomi groaned softly and sat up to stretch. “Hmmmm?” HIs throat still sounded scratchy and he still felt stuffy and lacked energy. Eijirou felt the same though he playfully ruffled Zomi’s messy hair. “I think Mommy and daddy are cooking” Eijirou muttered softly, Zomi made an interesting sound as Eijirou moved and shifted the other off of him. Zomi began to whine, which Eijirou quieted by picking him up. They both stayed wrapped in a blanket of their own and Eijirou brought Zomi and himself into the kitchen. Seeing his husband and wife both sitting at the kitchen island while the soup cooked he smiles. So did Zomi who coughed which alerted the parents that someone else was in the room. 
Looking up from their phones they smile seeing the two sickies at the threshold of the kitchen. “Hey there you two, how ya feeling?” Asked Katsuki, Eijirou turned away from Zomi and coughed into his elbow before answering. “Not so good babe, this cold is kicking my butt.” Zomi leaned into Eijirou’s shoulder and pouted at them. “Feel really icky, daddy.” “Aaw I’m sorry you feel icky Zozo” Katsuki says as he gets up and goes over to them. Zomi tiredly looks at Katsuki who reaches to feel Zomi’s forehead. “You’re a little warm lil guy” Then Ochako joins the conversation as she gets up to turn the stove off. “Some chicken noodle soup will surely make you feel better quicker.” Eijirou smiles at the mention of chicken noodle soup and gives Zomi to Katsuki. “Here Zomi, go with Daddy, Papa is gonna get some soup okay.” Zomi whimpered and whines as he’s being pulled off of Eijirou but doesn’t mind being held by Katsuki at all who takes him to the table. 
Zomi is sitting in Katsuki’s lap, with a bowl of soup in front of him. He’s still too tired to do much on his own so Katsuki says. “Hey kiddo, want some help?” Katsuki was a little surprised by the  small ‘yes’ that Zomi let out but helped him eat his soup. The first spoonful, Zomi looked like he’d entered heaven. “Mmmm yummy” Katsuki and Ochako smiled. “That's good” “that’ll definitely get rid of your icky cold faster.” Katsuki says softly playing with Zomi’s hair, Ochako came around to Eijirou and kissed his forehead. “Oh yeah, and you’ll be better in no time.”
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supersickies · 4 years
Summary: “It went without saying that getting bitten by a radioactive spider had its perks.
But apparently a cure for the common cold wasn’t one of them.”
College final exam season leaves Peter sick with a nasty cold, and on his wonderful girlfriend Michelle's first day of her summer internship too. Now it's up to mama Pepper and little sis Morgan to nurse their favorite spiderling back to health.
A/N: This was intended to be a little drabble based on a post I saw (I can’t find it for the life of me but once I do I’ll reblog it asap) but it ended up being a 5k+ fic of sweet sick Peter and his mess of a family. I couldn’t help it I love them all too much. You can read it on Ao3 or under the cut! Whatever what works for you!
Spider-Man can, in fact, catch a cold. This was something that Peter was surprised, yet annoyed to discover. Before the bite, Peter was a sickly, asthmatic, all around fragile kid, and while it wasn’t something that he was exactly confident about he never let it crush his spirit. However, that didn’t mean that as soon as the spider bite rid his body of all his past ailments Peter wasn’t overjoyed. He could finally run a mile without having to stop a quarter of the way through or eat a PB&J without having to instantly call an ambulance. It went without saying that getting bitten by a radioactive spider had its perks.
But apparently a cure for the common cold wasn’t one of them.
He and Mr. Stark discovered this about a year after he was bitten when he had come down with a nasty case of bronchitis that had him hacking all over the compound for four days. Since then Peter was bound to catch a bug here and there, much like he used to before the bite just less severe. It was harder for him to catch things as well, his immune system was usually a force to be reckoned with, unless for any reason Peter was not at “peak Spidey performance” as Mr. Stark would say.
Which leads us to now, a mere 24 hours after the last final exam of his junior year at Columbia, Peter was laid in bed suffering through what he would consider the nastiest cold he’d ever had.
It was barely after sunrise, the clock reading a taunting 5:30, and Peter doing everything he could not to sneeze. With deep, even, wheezy, breaths, the spider-boy was using all his strength to keep the sneeze at bay for one reason. MJ. His lovely, wonderful, amazing Michelle who was starting her first day of her summer internship at nine and would massacre Peter if he woke her up before her alarm. The girl loved her sleep, and Peter would be damned if he deprived her of it.
Think of anything else Peter, literally anything. Remember that big biker guy you helped on patrol the other week? He was pretty nice…oh god it iiihhtches…no, enough Peter, biker guy. Right he had that cool jacket with the patches, I bet I could pull off a leather jacket. Maybe put a spidey patch on the back? Fun…cool…really gotta sneeze. Ugh, FUCK! Okay, okay maybe if you just do that pinch-y sneeze, like Ned and Natasha do…heh imagine Ned knowing he had the same sneeze as Black Widow, he’d flip. Ehh..fuhhhhuck okay thats it, pinch-y sneeze please don’t fail me.
With a shaky hand Peter pinches his nose between his thumb and his forefinger, the motion instantly making his nose tickle more and within seconds Peter was attempting, and failing, to stifle his sneeze.
And it failed hard.
The sneeze was stronger than it seemed and instead of being held back and becoming a noiseless stifle, it came out louder than it should have as it scraped the back of his throat, causing barking coughs to escape as well.
Well everyone, bid him farewell, this will be the day that Peter Parker meets his untimely demise. He instantly feels MJ stir against him with a groan. She was up, oh god sound the alarm she was awake.
“P’ter? That you?” She slurs, sleep lacing her voice.
“Umb, yeah. Sorry embjay I didn’d mbean to sndeeze.” God how he wished his could blow his nose, but he was not going to poke the bear any further.
It was quiet for a moment, Peter knew that he was in danger. MJ was plotting how she was going to murder him and it was only a matter of time before she-
“You feeling okay, baby?” Her angelic voice rings as she turns to face him on the bed. “You sound terrible.”
It was like music to Peter’s ears. He would live to see another day! He was almost shocked, she didn’t even pepper in the classic “loser” nickname. She was concerned. Wait, did he really sound that bad? Should he be concerned?
Peter clears his throat before responding. “I-I thingk I’mb combing down with sombthing. I’mb sorry I’ll try to be quieter.” A wet sniffle concludes his sentence. Damn it he really wants a tissue.
Almost as if MJ could read minds, she places a soft white Kleenex into his hand. “Blow your nose, Pete. I’m gonna go get the humidifier, you’re way too congested.”
“O-Oh, okay. Thangk you Emmby.” He uses her absence to sit up a little and expel the nasty gunk from his sinuses. He still can’t completely breathe, but it’s better than it was before. MJ comes back into the room moments later, carrying the chunky machine. The water inside of it sloshes a bit as she set’s it on Peter’s bedside table but as soon as she plugs it into the wall, a warm soft mist starts flowing from its lid. Peter can’t tell a difference now, but he knows it’ll make a difference the longer it runs.
Satisfied with how the humidifier is working, Michelle sits beside Peter on the bed and looks at him quizzically. “How’d you get so sick?” She questions, her fingertips reaching to brush Peter’s bed head away from his eyes. His forehead moderately warm, but it doesn’t feel like anything that provokes worry.
He hums at her soft touch but shrugs his shoulders at her question. “Don’t kdnow,” He presses the tissue to his nose as it starts running, the humidifier must be working. “I felt fidne yesterday. Mbaybe kinda tired but ndot sick.”
“You know what it probably is?” Michelle says. “All those nights up late studying, not to mention all that trash food you ate-“
“What is this, mbake fun of your poor sick boyfriend day?” He gives a wet coughs for emphasis, and because he really needed to cough.
“Sorry sicky,” She giggled. “what I’m saying is that you had a long hard week and you weren’t exactly taking the best care of yourself. No shame in it, I mean, it happens to everyone but I think your body is so used to you eating well and exercising often that as soon as you stopped your immune system freaked out.
Clearing his throat, Peter nods. “I guess that mbakes sense.” He looks down with a sigh, thinking of all the things he was scheduled to do today. “I better call Todny and tell him I can’t combe in to the lab.” He sighs and reaches for his phone but MJ intercepts.
“First you’re going to go back to sleep until a reasonable hour. It’s almost 6 a.m. Parker, and my alarm goes off at 8, so I’d like a few more hours of rest.” She jabs, pulling the covers up to his chin and kissing him softly on the cheek. “And you definitely need the beauty sleep.”
Peter chuckles at that, which only lead to more hacking coughs. MJ softly pats his back until the coughs subside. With a tsk she tucks him into bed once more before rounding the bed to lay back down on her side. “Rest, I’ll let you know when I’m about to head to work.”
With his eyes closed and his breathing only slightly less congested, thank you humidifier, he smiles contently. “Thank you Emmby, love you.”
“Love you too, snotty.”
Peter wakes again to a kiss on the forehead and the scent of strong perfume making his nose tickle. Before he even opens his eyes, he curls in on himself and muffles three sneezes into his pillow. Ugh, gross. He opens his bleary eyes to see MJ smoothing out her work outfit in their full length mirror. She looks amazing as usual, Peter notes, but her perfume is strong. Or maybe he’s just way too sensitive, a super cold and super senses probably don’t mix well. Without warning, two more sneezes barrel out and he barely has time to cover them. With a groan he sniffles thickly and reaches for the tissue box conveniently placed on his bedside table. He get a warm and fuzzy feeling as he realizes MJ had put them there for him, as they weren't there when he had woken up earlier. It’s the little things. He blows his nose, which get’s MJ’s attention.
She glances over to him with a smile. “Good morning, again.”
“Good mbornding, you look ambazindg.” He rasps, a goofy smile painting his face.
MJ breathes out a laugh at her dopey boyfriend. “Thank you, dork. How’re you feeling?”
He snuggles deeper into the bed, closing his eyes again and coughing weakly. “Call a physiciand,” Peter jokes in a congested and bad British accent. He throws a hand over his forehead for good measure. “I believe it mbay be the plague.”
MJ snorts a laugh at her boy’s dramatics. “Okay, you sickly child king.”
Her heels clack against the hardwood floor of the bedroom as she steps over to where he lies in their bed. As she sits on the bed, her soft hand cups his forehead and then his cheek. “You’re soft.” He mumbles, leaning into her touch.
“And you are running a bit of a fever.” She rubs her thumb sweetly over his cheek before standing back up. She tells him to sit tight and goes to the bathroom to grab a digital thermometer. She returns to find him dozing so she gently brushes his hair back to get his attention. He lifts his eyes to see the thermometer in her hand and opens his mouth just wide enough that she can slip the device under his tongue. “Give that a minute.”
MJ walks out of the room a moment later and Peter hears running water from the kitchen. The thermometer beeps right before she reenters, ice water with a straw in hand. Peter didn’t realize until he saw it just how thirsty he was. He stares at her lovingly as she takes the thermometer from between his lips. “Are you a mbind reader?” He asks, only semi-joking as he sits up slightly to sip the water.
Michelle scoffs lightly. “You bet your ass I am.” She jokes looking down at the medical tool. “Hm, 100.8. Not horrendous but I don’t love it.” Once again she’s gone, this time to the bathroom where Peter hears more water running, making him want to take another sip of his water. He sighs as the cool drink soothes his dry throat. MJ strides back to the bed with a damp face towel folded in half. When she starts to dab Peter’s forehead with the cool cloth he can’t help the shuddering sigh that escapes him. She stops. “You alright?”
Her boyfriend just nods, opening his eyes to look up at her with a small smile. “Feels good. Cold.” He explains. She smiles back at him, taking the cup of water from his hands so he can lay back down. She continues to wipe his brow with the towel and doesn’t stop until a snore leaves his mouth. MJ can’t help the giggle that bubbles up, but to be fair she’s never heard Peter snore before and right now he was quite a sight to see. His hair was sticking up at all angles, even in his reclined position, his nose nearing a shade of bright red, and his mouth open just wide enough that the tiny snores were heard.
She couldn’t help but snap a quick picture to send to Tony.
your favorite little mentee won’t be in today…Spidey caught the sniffles : /
Old Man Stark:
Wow he looks rough, you have your internship today?
yep first day
dont wanna leave him like this tho
Old Man Stark:
Don’t stress, this is a big day for you. I have meetings all day but Pep would be more than happy to stop by and make sure all is well.
Morgan too
She’s in her “wanting to be a doctor” phase
you trying to say she cant be a doctor, stark?
Old Man Stark:
Good lord of course not
The kid is smarter than me and she’s barely 11
I’m just saying wasn’t there a point in your life when you wanted to be a doctor too?
yeah of course
Old Man Stark:
And you’re now getting a degree in…?
Old Man Stark:
i could be a doctor if i wanted to
Old Man Stark:
I know
And thats why you terrify me
Old Man Stark:
Go to work!
Let us take care of Peter and we’ll keep you updated as you break into the great big world of being a working adult.
:P thanks T-Star
Old Man Stark:
Don’t call me T-Star.
Michelle pockets her phone and grabs her computer bag that’s packed and ready in the living room. Quickly she takes out a stray piece of paper and jots down a quick note for her boy just incase he wakes up alone.
Had to get to the office (wish me luck lol) but Pepper and Morgan should be by soon. Please don’t die while I’m gone. I’ll be pissed if you do that. Wash your hands, blow your nose, and don’t leave used tissues on the bed that’s gross. Love you. Feel better.
Satisfied, she leaves the note under the tissue box, gives him one last kiss on the forehead, and makes her way out the door. But not before sending Morgan that goofy picture of Peter.
use this as blackmail
tell him you’ll post it on insta next time he says he won’t take you to mcdonalds
Mo Mo Stark:
Peter wakes to his front door closing and whispering coming from the living room. He panics for a moment before realizing that the voices belonged to Pepper and Morgan. As the fan blows above him, he hears a piece of paper flutter next to him. With a shaky hand he grabs it and reads over the note that MJ had left for him. He cant help but blush, just at the thought of his girlfriend. He wonders how her first day is going. He misses her a lot. Then he realizes his fever must of gone up, as he definitely wasn’t this emotionally fragile when he had gone to sleep.
With a yawn, he sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed and grabs the quilt at the end and wraps it around his around his shoulders. With a huff he slides off the bed and makes his way to the living room. He finds Pepper setting grocery bags down on the kitchen island and Morgan already situated in front of the TV, some YouTube vlog video playing over the speakers.
“Morgan Hope, turn that down before you wake your broth-“ Pepper stops when she notices Peter standing in the doorway. “Oh, afternoon sweetheart! Did Morgan wake you? I’m so sorry I told her to quiet down-“
“Pep, it’s okay, I actually woke up whend you guys walked ind.” He rasps, congestion still heavy in his horse voice.
“Oh honey you sound awful, come on now, on the couch. You shouldn’t be up.” Pepper says, guiding him with a hand on his back to the couch. Morgan scoots a bit to make room for her big brother.
“Hi, Dr. Mborgand, you brindg any of the good drugs today?” Peter jokes, making the girl roll her eyes.
“Mom, Peter says he on drugs. He needs to detox stat. Get me an IV with glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin B.” The youngest Stark states.
Her mother sighs as she returns to the kitchen. “Alright, that’s enough Discovery Life for you. Why can’t you just watch Disney Channel like a normal eleven year old.” Pepper mumbles as she starts taking items out of the grocery bags.
Peter and Morgan just giggle, which leads to a coughing fit from Peter. Morgan’s tiny hand pats his back as he hacks into his elbow, he murmurs an apology as the coughs taper off.
“You need to lay down Petey, and you need tissues.” Morgan articulates as she stands and looks around the apartment.
Clearing his throat, Peter points to the bedroom. “There should be sombe tissues by mby bed…if you could grab those that’d be ndice.”
Morgan nods confidently and makes her way to the bedroom. Seconds later she reemerges with the tissue box in hand and places them in the crook of Peter’s arm.
“Thangk you doctor.” Peter smiles, causing Morgan to smile in return.
“You’re welcome!” The girl returns to her spot on the couch and presses play on the video she was watching. It was vlog about makeup, Peter assumed, as the YouTuber was covered in a very impressive, glossy, look and was showing off makeup pallettes. Peter watches as the video cuts and suddenly the makeup artist is bare faced and begins to work on the look they had previewed in the intro.
Pepper chuckles as she approaches the couch, mug of hot tea with lemon and honey in hand. She hands the cup to Peter, who is drowsily watching the makeup being applied. “You don’t have to watch this you know.” Pepper whispers to him. “This is your apartment and you’re sick, turn on whatever you want.”
Taking a sip of the tea, humming as it soothes his sore-ish throat, Peter shakes his head. “Ndo, this is awesombe, look at how precise he is with the brush. Oh, thangks for the tea…also.” Pepper chuckles more, kissing the boy on the top of the head, and leaving him with Morgan to watch some internet celebrity do a perfect line with their liquid eyeliner.
Pepper had called May in the morning after hearing from Tony that Peter wasn't feeling well, knowing the boys aunt would have all the inside knowledge on how to care for a sick Peter. It wasn’t as if Pepper had never seen Peter sick, though. Since Tony had introduced them to each other way back before Morgan was even a thought, Peter had spent some sick days in the tower, the compound, and even one or two in the lake house. Yes, Pepper had seen a sick Peter Parker in her lifetime, however this was the first time she was his sole caretaker. However, after the quick call to the boy’s aunt, Pepper had a pretty good idea of how to care for the sick Spiderling.
“Oh for a cold?” May had responded. “Simple, grilled cheese and tomato soup for every meal, he’ll probably want to watch Parks and Rec all day, oh and he has Tony’s old MIT hoodie in his closet and he always wears it when he’s not feeling well.”
Pepper smiled at that. When Peter decided to stay in New York for college, for family and spider-y reasons, it was no secret that Tony had been a little disappointed. No, Tony hadn’t done anything special to get Peter into MIT, honestly because he didn’t have too. Peter’s grades and test scores were good enough on their own, but he still would have loved to have seen the kid at his alma mater. When Peter had told him of his college decision, scared out of his mind might he add, Tony just hugged and told him he was proud of him. Tony reassured the kid that where ever he went to school was fine by him and that he’d support him the whole way through. “I am going to need that MIT sweatshirt back” Tony had joked, waiting to be met by a “shut up Tony” or an eye roll, but instead he was met with tears— big fat ones that welled up in Peter’s eyes. Tony was quick to see he had messed up and it took about twenty minutes to reassure the boy that he didn't want the sweatshirt back and that “of course I still love you Peter”. Since then Peter has kept the garment close to him at all times, just incase Tony ever thought about taking it.
Pepper goes to Peter’s closet, instantly spotting the faded maroon hoodie and taking it off of the hanger. Both he and Morgan are still mesmerized by the YouTube video, but they glance up when Pepper walks over again. Peter’s eyes light up at the sight of the hoodie in her hands. He’s close to making grabby hands for it but she hands it to him first. He puts it on and settles back down onto the couch. “Thangk you Pep.”
“Keep it safe, can’t have Tony snatching it.” She jabs as she walks back to the kitchen to start the grilled cheese.
Peter, though thoroughly invested in the new makeup video Morgan put on, can’t help but doze off as the ambient sounds of his apartment lull him to sleep. He hears a shuffling on the couch next to him and opens one of his eyes, seeing Morgan giggling at him. “Can I braid your hair Petey?” She whispers. In true college kid fashion, Peter had let his hair grow out a little bit, and while it wasn’t long enough to braid it all together, Morgan liked to do tiny braids with tufts of his hair for fun.
Turning onto his side away from Morgan, giving her better access to his hair, Peter chuckles at his little sister. “Go for it Mborgie, mbake mbe beautiful.”
With a squeal of delight, the eleven year old Stark pulls tiny hair-ties out of her pocket and gets to work. Peter, who had always loved having his hair played with, lets the braiding put him right to sleep after only a few tiny braids were done.
If Morgan laughed at the snores that came from Peter moments later, she didn't tell him. He did let her braid half his head, anyway.
The rest of the day passes in a sleepy haze for Peter. He remembers waking up a few moments after falling asleep on the couch. Pepper helping him sit up and setting a tray of his favorite sick day meal in his lap. He had to hand it to Pepper, she made a mean grilled cheese soup combo. He finishes the sandwich and about half of the soup before he feels his eyes grow heavy again and the tray is taken from his lap.
“Go back to sleep, hon. Morgan and I are here if you need us.” Pepper reassures the boy, so Peter does.
The next time he wakes was when Morgan and Pepper we’re on their way out. He vaguely remembers sluggishly thanking them for staying with him and Pepper saying something about MJ being home in just a few minutes, but as soon as the apartment door closes Peter was out once more.
The final time he wakes up is to Michelle gently shaking his shoulder, attempting to wake him from his short slumber. His eyes open, but quickly close again as he stretches his whole body, somehow exhausted and sore from his long day of sleeping.
“Emmby, you back?” He asks, not yet opening his eyes again.
He hears her adorable laugh and his heart soars. “Yes, dork, it’s me. Wanna open those pretty eyes for me, Tiger?”
Obviously wanting to see his beautiful girlfriend, he opens his eyes again. MJ looks tired from her first day but extremely happy.
“Was it ambazing? Everythindg you could have hoped for?” He asks, nuzzling closer to her thigh, much like a cat.
She hums an affirmation, bringing her hand up to trace random shapes along his arm. “It was everything and more. Honestly I can see myself working there forever. It was…it was perfect.”
Peter smiles at that. MJ deserved the perfect job and more. “Babe, that fandtastic. I’m so happy for you.” He says horsely but sincerely. He moves closer to her, raising his head a bit to lay it on her lap. With the motion, one of Morgan’s many little braids in his hair make themselves apparent and Michelle can help but burst with laughter.
It causes Peter to jolt up in a sleepy state of panic. “What, what happended?” He asks sitting up slightly, eyes half closed but alert.
She reaches up to ruffle the tiny braids that cover the right side of his head. “What is this? Did Morgan just learn how to fishtail braid because these are honestly kinda good.” She inspects the braids as Peter’s cheeks blush.
He smiles, coughing slightly and gently shaking his head so the braids flop around. That gets another laugh from MJ. “Mby sisters pretty talendted, huh?”
MJ nods, very amused. “An interesting look…but I’ll give it points for creativity.”
As the couple laughs again, Peter brings two fingers up to massage his temple as he feels a dull ache in his head.
“Headache?” Michelle frowns.
“Mhmm,” Peter confirms. “I thingk Mborgan made the braids a little too tight.”
“That’s no good.” MJ sympathizes, lowering her boy’s head back down onto her lap, braid side up so she can work on undoing the little knots. She makes quick work of it and within minutes, Peter’s hair is braid-less and the throbbing in head head dies down. In thanks, Peter snuggles his face closer Michelle’s middle, wrapping his arms around it as well.
“You thingk you can use a vacationd day tomborrow? I mbissed you today.” Peter whines, partly joking but sorta kinda being serious.
“From what I heard, your eyes were open for about thirty minutes today. Too busy sleeping to miss me that much.” MJ giggles at the sniffly boy with his head in her lap. He just shrugs in response, and she can feel his body relaxing and congested breaths evening out. “You going back to sleep on me already, Parker? Not even gonna let me tell you about my day?” She jokes again.
Peter snorts involuntarily as he turns his head to look up at her, eyes glossed with fever and sleepy but apologetic. “I’mb up I’mb up, tell mbe everything.”
She grabs the sides of his face sweetly, slightly squishing his cheeks while she kisses his forehead and then his nose. “I’m kidding, Peter. God your brain must be frying, come on let's go to bed.” She pats his cheek lightly and helps him sit up.
He yawns with his whole body, his hands stretching into the air and his back arching. “But it’s only like six, arend’t you hungry for dinnder?” He coughs into his fists while Michelle takes his other hand, helping him lift off the couch.
“Let me rephrase. You’re going to shower, put new pajamas on, and get in bed while I make us grilled cheeses, your second one today I'm assuming. How does that sound?” MJ asks, leading him to their bathroom.
Peter clears his throat as he sits on the closed toilet. “And…umb…and the tombato soup?”
The shower roars to life as MJ turns the handle. “You think I’d forget the most important part?” She scoffs, feigning hurt. Peter just smiled, the dopey smile he gets when he thinks about how in love he is with this girl. With two more quick forehead kisses she leaves him to shower.
Peter exits the shower feeling refreshed, less stuffy, and hungry once more. Thanks to the shower stream he can faintly smell the toasty cheesy smell from the kitchen and it gives him a nostalgic feeling.
As he grabs pajama pants and the MIT hoodie, Peter thinks of the first time he got sick after going to live with Ben and May. It was the first day of what was considered flu season and the sickly kid had contracted the virus at the drop of a hat. He was miserable the whole day, crying and wallowing in the aches and pains of the illness. The biggest issue, however, was that he refused to eat anything, that is until Ben decided to make himself a grilled cheese for dinner.
The older Parker noticed Peter looking the sandwich with feverish eyes. “Look tasty, bud?” Ben questioned, raising an eyebrow. Little Peter just nodded and Ben smiled, extremely relieved that his nephew was finally going to eat.
Sticking his pointer and middle finger in his mouth, Peter watches as his uncle stands from the couch and starts on another sandwich. “Uncle Ben?” Peter asks in a small voice. Ben looks back over to the kid and nods. “Do you have any of the-the red soup? Mommy always made grilled cheese with red soup.” Peter nearly whispered.
Ben thinks for a minute, not completely sure what the boy meant by red soup, but then it clicks. “Oh! Tomato soup?” He smiles as Peter nods. Ben open the cupboard to him and pulls out a can of tomato soup, flipping it in the air once to see Peter smile. “Tomato soup and grilled cheese coming right up monsieur Parker.” Ben says in a horrible French accent which makes the six year old giggle, as sound that was music to Ben’s ears after all tears. From then on, Peter would only insist on eating that particular meal anytime he had so much as a headache.
The door creaking open as MJ pushes it with her hip brings Peter out of his thoughts. She has the tray of grilled cheeses and soups in her hands and an amused look on her face. “You okay? Need help with something?”
Peter blinks and remembers that he’s sitting in the edge of their bed, in a towel, pajamas in hand. “Oh…no I’mb okay. Just thinking ‘bout stuff.”
MJ sets the tray down on her bedside table. “You already sound less stuffy. Maybe you should sleep in the shower.” She quips, not missing Peter's sweet tiny giggle as she grabs the water tank from the humidifier and takes it to the bathroom with her.
Peter gets dressed and settles into bed. He notices that Pepper has changed the sheets and his heart clinches, nearly overwhelmed by the love he feels from his family. He takes out his phone to text her a thank you but is intercepted by a string of texts from Tony.
Tony Stank:
Morgs is showing me pictures of the wonderful makeover she gave you
Honestly thought you pulled it off really well
…but you need a haircut
Please kiddo let me get you in with my hair guy
You’ll love him
sorry pops but I am fully committing to this college hair thing
mj says she wants me in a man bun by graduation so
cant let my girl down
Tony Stank:
I swear you two are conspiring against me
Oh well
How you feeling bud?
still kinda gross
but i think my fevers kinda lower
so thats something
tell pep thank you so so much for today
i was barely awake when they left
i feel bad I didn't get to say anything
Tony Stank:
I gotcha Pete don’t worry
If you need more company tomorrow let me know I’m free all day
wdym ill just come in to the lab tomorrow
Tony Stank:
That’s a negative Petey Pie
As your gracious boss i’m giving you the next three days off
I want all this crap out of your system before you’re back in the lab
three days ??
u stink old man
Tony Stank:
Good lord
You’re the only person I know that complains about getting days off from work
Get a good nights sleep and maybe ill bring you a circuit board to mess with tomorrow
Good enough?
Tony Stank:
Now go rest
Don’t bother your girlfriend too much
She complains to me when you do
now I think its you two conspiring against me
night tony
love u
Tony Stank:
Love you too bambino
Michelle returns from the bathroom, makeup off, hair down, and humidifier tank full of water. She sets the tank back in and turns the machine on, steam filling the air. After quickly putting on her own set of pajamas, MJ takes her and Peter’s dinner from the side table and places it on the bed between them. Peter wastes no time digging in, groaning in admiration for the food. He mumbles a thanks with his mouth full and MJ laughs, wiping a bit of soup off of his lip with her thumb.
“You’re welcome, loser.” She teases, beginning to eat her own meal. After a few bites she take the TV remote by her side and flips on Peter’s favorite sick day show.
As the Parks and Recreation theme song begins to play, Peter looks up at his girlfriend with appreciative eyes. “You’re too good to mbe.”
“You remember that next time I make you vacuum and you get pissy about it.” Michelle deadpans, but Peter knew she was messing around.
“I’m not messing around.” She clarifies, turning to look at his with one eyebrow raised.
“You really are a mbind reader.” Peter whispers with feverish wonder.
Throwing a paper towel at him playfully, MJ laughs and Peter joins her. They finish their food as the TV continues to play in the background, Peter yawning and coughing quietly as soon as he swallows his last bite. Without a word, MJ takes the empty plates and tray back to the kitchen. She turns off the bedroom lights as she reenters and tucks herself back under the covers. It's barely after 7 p.m. and the sun it only just starting to set, making the room glow a with dark blues and purples.
Peter is cuddled into her side as soon as she's back in bed, head resting on her chest and arm around her waist. “What am I gonna do with you Peter Parker?” She sighs, twirling her fingers through his already messy hair.
“Love mbe, no matter what? Even if I’mb yucky like this?” He pulls out the puppy dog eyes for this one. MJ may be stoic on the outside but not even she can resist the sweet sparkling glare.
“If I must.” She agrees, holding him tighter and resting her head on top of his.
But she’s happy to do it. Loving Peter Parker is an extremely easy thing, MJ thinks.
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twdeadfanfic · 5 years
I ain’t sick Pt.1
Daryl x Reader
Chapter 1/4
Summary: Daryl has gotten sick with fever, but he won’t admit it and slow down until he just can’t keep going, passing out and ending up bedridden, haunted by nightmares and trapped in deliriums about his past abuse while the reader tries to take care of him.(Or: Me indulging in how much I want to take care of Daryl, comfort him, and protect him from everything.) Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff...just my kind of things. Prison era.
Inspired by a request. It’ll be updated twice a week, next chapter coming on thursday.
If you want to read more Daryl x Reader series, mini-series, one-shots and drabbles, check my masterlist in the description of this blog.
“This’s like the third time you sneeze in less than five minutes.”
Daryl ignored your remark, rolling his eyes as he kept skinning squirrels. You were helping him, not as skillful as him but definitely better than the first times you had tried back when he began to teach you. Another five minutes and Daryl cleared his throat and sneezed again. You arched an eyebrow at him and Daryl glared at you all grumpy.
“I told you already, I think you might be coming up with something,” you insisted. “You have been like this since we went to that nursery to find stuff for Judith two days ago. You might be getting sick.”
It hadn’t been a difficult run, the place had been empty of walkers, though it had been hard to walk through the place, seeing all the blood and abandoned stuff, no matter you needed it, trying not to wonder what had happened with the kids who had been there…
Daryl had seemed to notice your face and train on thoughts, and once he was sure there weren’t walkers in, he had sent you out to keep watch and make sure nor people neither walkers were approaching while he went through the place, collecting everything that you needed for Judith.
Now you were wondering if there might not have been some kind of bug or virus living in the place too, because Daryl had begun coughing and sneezing yesterday, and today you could see him getting worse. You thought he might be coming up with a cold or flu, or anything like that…but of course, he wasn’t going to admit it even if it was true.
“I don’t get sick,” Daryl grumbled, sounding pretty much like a sick, stubborn kid who doesn’t want to stop playing.
“Everyone gets sick sometimes. You should go talk to Hershel.”
“Told you I’m fine!” He snapped and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head, but deciding to let it go. For now.
“Stubborn…” You muttered.
You knew how stubborn Daryl could be, you probably knew it better than anyone, after been together as a couple for some months now. You both didn’t start to get really close until you lost the Greene’s farm. It first started with late-night talks, slowly getting to know more about each other. Then the nights grew colder and colder, and as you slept by each other, each night you slept closer until somehow it turned into sleeping curling up together. You both had the excuse of fighting against the cold, but at some point there was no point in denying your feelings, your silly smile when you looked at him, the butterflies in your belly, the way you felt with his arms around you, how protective of him you were, rivaling with how protective he was of you too… and so there you were now.
That evening, as you all dined together squirrel stew, you knew by the way in which Daryl was breathing that he was starting to get a stuffed nose. You didn’t say anything about it, not after how he had reacted earlier, but Carol did, which prompted Hershel into asking too and into offering advice. Daryl snapped at them and got up, rushing out of the room, and you sighed as you watched him go. He was behaving like such a stubborn child about this.
After you finished your dinner and helped to wash and sort everything, you went looking for Daryl. He wasn’t in your cell and you found him outside, rattling the fence that separated your yard from another and putting down the walkers that got close, attracted by the sound. By now you had cleared almost the while prison, but there were still some parts with walkers trapped in them.
“I’m going to bed, are you coming?”
Daryl didn’t even look at you as he answered, “You want me to go sleep with you? Ain’t you saying I’m sick? You want me to spread it to you?”
You rolled your eyes at his sarcastic tone, “Clean that blood off you when you go to bed.”
You were awake but lying on the bed when Daryl finally came, a couple of candles illuminating the room.
“What you doing up there?”
“What you said, not getting infected by sleeping next to you…” You knew you were being petty, but you couldn’t help it after how childish and rude Daryl was being, and so you were lying on the top bunk of the cell instead of on the one that you both shared.
Daryl didn’t say anything, just looked at you, shook his head, and got into the other bunk, though he didn’t blow the candles. “You really gonna sleep up there? He asked when a few minutes passed. You hummed a yes, trying to be as stubborn as him, but after a while of lying alone there, you got up, climbed down the bunk and went to lie next to Daryl. “You’re silly,” he murmured as he threw his arm over you.
“No. You’re silly.” You retorted, blowing the candles with a little more force than what was necessary.  “You’re getting sick and we’re trying to help but you behave like a kid…or an asshole.”
“Ain’t sick…”
“Whatever.” You turned around so your back was to him, but you didn’t resist when Daryl’s arm tugged at you to hold you against his chest, and he nuzzled into your shoulder. “Your hair’s wet,” you noticed.
“You told me to wash the blood…”
“Yeah, not to take a full shower at night.” The weather wasn’t bad, but still, you worried that if Daryl was already getting sick, a not so warm shower at night and sleeping with his hair wet in a kind of cold cell might worsen it.
You didn’t say anything, though, not wanting him to get all grumpy again, you were too tired to fight, but you turned around so you could wrap your arms around him to hold him to you and try to keep him warm while you both slept. Daryl snuggled to you, wrapping his own arm around you and burying his face in the crook of your shoulder.
“You better don’t sneeze on me,” you teased in a whisper, making Daryl bite your shoulder softly before nestling into you again.
You woke up startled in the middle of the night when Daryl began to cough, making you shake since you both were still tangled together. “Hey, you okay?” You held him tighter when a new coughing fit made him shake.
“Fine,” he grumbled, coughing again.
“You’re not fine.” You reached out until you found the lantern, turning it on and taking the bottle of water that you had next to it, passing it to Daryl.
He sat up, taking a sip. “Thanks.” His voice was coarse and after another sip of water, he began coughing again.
“You’re not fine. You’re sick.”
“I ain’t.”
“Let Hershel look at you in the morning.”
“Told you I’m fine,” Daryl snapped, which made him cough again. He reached to leave the bottle on the bedside table and lied down again, his back to you as if finishing the conversation, and you let out a sigh at his stubbornness.
Daryl refused to go see Hershel the next day, no matter you tried to make him. Instead, he joined the group that was going to clear walkers from one of the cellblocks, with Rick, Carol, Maggie and Glenn, and also yourself. You didn’t let Daryl out of your sight since you noticed he wasn’t feeling good. You could see he had trouble breathing, and from time to time he shook with coughing fits. That didn’t stop him from putting down every walker that he encountered, but still you were close to him so you could help him just in case, putting down walker after walker yourself, until all of you managed to clear the whole cell block. One less to go, pretty soon the whole prison would be free of walkers.
Hours passed and Daryl still refused to acknowledge he was getting sick, even though you could see him getting worse. He didn’t sneeze anymore, but you could hear it was hard for him to breathe, and he was coughing more and more. You didn’t tell him anything, knowing how he’d react, but you were planning on telling Hershel to check him anyway, even if you had to hold Daryl down.
You were sat down in the hall, watching over Daryl at the same time that you studied a map for the next run, focusing on the roads and places that Glenn had marked as the most promising. Rick was pacing around the room as he rocked baby Judith while Daryl worked on his crossbow, cursing every time a coughing fit made him mess something or hurt a finger.
“You’re coughing even worse than this morning, you have to get checked by Hershel, we have an infirmary now after all,” Rick told him, rolling his at the icy glare that Daryl gave him before he grabbed  his crossbow and got up, ignoring his words and leaving the hall, heading towards the cells.
You huffed a sigh, shaking your head, and Rick raised his eyebrows at you, smirking. “He can be such a stubborn child!” You complained, and Rick clapped your shoulder as you walked past him to go find Daryl. Rick was right, he was coughing more and you thought he was starting to look sick too.
You guessed he’d gone to your cell, and you found he’d even drawn the curtain closed and all. When you opened it, you found him sitting down against the headboard, fidgeting with a bolt. You went to sit at the end of the bed and he didn’t even look at you.
“Daryl. You’re sick and you’re getting worse.”
Daryl did look sick, there was no doubt, his face pale and clammy, dark circles under his eyes. You hadn’t seen him looking like that before, not even during winter when you all were almost starving and dehydrating. The closest thing was when he was hurt at Hershel’s farm, but he didn’t look ill like this. You reached out to place your hand on his forehead, checking if he had a temperature. You though he felt warmer than usual, but you weren’t sure. Daryl closed his eyes, leaning into your cooling touch before he caught himself and pulled away.
“I think you might have a fever, but Hershel will now better.”
“Told you I’m fine!” Daryl got up but you held his arm before he could walk away. “Leave me alone!”
“Hey. We’re just worried about you, don’t be like that…”
Daryl looked at you, chewing on his lower lip, almost as if he regretted he’d snapped again. “Ain’t no reason to worry, I’m fine,” he muttered before walking away.
That evening, though, you managed to convince him to let Hershel check him, even though he kept insisting he was fine and he complained the whole time. He wasn’t, Hershel confirmed he was starting to get a fever, and he didn’t like the way in which he was coughing. He told him to take some antibiotics but Daryl scoffed, ignoring the advice and telling you all once more to leave him alone before storming out of the infirmary and back to the cell.
Later, when you walked into your cell, Daryl was lying on the bed, half propped against the wall. He peeked at you briefly before looking down, gnawing on his thumbnail, as if guessing you were upset at his behavior and waiting for you to snap at him, but you didn’t. You knew it would take you nowhere. Instead, you sat down next him, taking his hand so he wouldn’t chew at his finger until the skin bled.
“Why you don’t want to take the antibiotics?” You asked softly, trying to finally have a reasonable talk without any of you snapping at each other. Daryl shrugged, looking down.
“Ain’t no reason to be wasting those.”
“It’s not wasting them. You’re sick, Daryl, you may get worse if you don’t take them.”
“I’m good enough. Ain’t nothing. We have to save those, it ain’t like they grow in trees,” he grumbled and you let out a frustrated sigh.
“You’re lucky I love you, ‘cause you can be pretty stubborn and frustrating some times.”
Daryl scoffed, but his lip curled into a tiny smile as he looked at you in that same way in which he did whenever you told him you loved him, as if he were always surprised to hear it but couldn’t help his smile at it, with his cheeks still always tainted pink. You kind of loved it. Knowing that you weren’t going to change his mind, you decided to let it go for now and shifted to lie down on the bed. If he wasn’t better in the morning, then you’d make him take the antibiotics even if you had to pour them into his mouth and plug his nose.
Daryl turned off the lantern and lied down too. He shifted until he was half lying over you and he snuggled to you, hiding his face on the crook of your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him to hold him, feeling the warmth radiating from him, and you began to stroke his hair.
“You’re not feeling good,” you whispered, you could feel it, but Daryl refused to stay anything, stubborn.
Next morning, you woke up to Daryl crawling over you so he could get out of bed. He murmured an apology and you reached out to grab his arm and stop it.
“Wait, where are you going?” You blinked your tired eyes awake. “How’re you feeling?” He had been coughing during that night too, waking both of you.
“I’m good…” he rasped.
You didn’t let go of him and you sat up so you could hold your palm against his forehead, frowning at how warm it felt. “I think you’re getting worse…you should try to sleep for a little bit longer, you hadn’t got much rest this night…” and while he slept, you’d make sure to inform Hershel and make Daryl swallow whatever pills the vet gave you.
“No. We’re leaving for the run soon.” Daryl yanked his arm out of your wraps but once again you grabbed his wrist, tugging at him to make him fall down onto the bed again.
“We? You’re sick! You’re not going, get in bed. You need to rest.”
“Told you I’m fine!” Daryl snapped, yanking his arm free once again and rushing away from you before you could say anything else.
“I’m gonna tie you to the bed!”
“Sounds kinky…” Came Glenn’s voice from a nearby cell, making you groan as you flopped down onto the bed in frustration.
Much to your relief, Daryl didn’t get to go to the run. Rick took a look at him and told him to stay at the prison and rest. No matter how angry Daryl got and how loud he argued about it, Rick didn’t change his mind, and Daryl stormed out of the room. You weren’t going to the run either, and so when the others left, you went looking for Daryl. You found him once again at the fence of one of the cellblocks that you all hadn’t cleared yet, sinking his knife into the heads of the walkers that came attracted to the noise.
“Don’t wanna hear it,” he snapped when he felt you approaching and he didn’t even turn to look at you. “Leave me alone.”
You wanted to snap too, to drag his ass to bed and force him to take the pills, but you knew it wasn’t the best approach. Daryl wasn’t feeling good and he was frustrated, and so you tried to understand it even though you were getting frustrated too. And so instead of saying anything, you just walked closer and wrapped your arms around his middle, resting your cheek on his back. Daryl seemed confused, stiffing before relaxing again. He shifted a bit, but then he let you snuggle to him, placing the hand that wasn’t holding the knife on top of one of yours.
“Everybody gets sick,” you whispered. “There’s nothing wrong in it.”
“I’m good,” he grumbled and you let out a sigh.
You looked at the walkers on the other side of the fence. There weren’t many left and you decided to let Daryl put them down, maybe it’d help him vent his frustration a bit, and then you’d try to talk sense into him again.
“Why don’t you finish here and then come to help me sort some things inside?” Daryl just shrugged and you pressed a kiss to his shoulder, unwrapping your arms and letting him go. “Okay, then. Don’t take long or I’ll come and drag you with me by your ear,” you half teased and Daryl scoffed, rolling his eyes before putting down another walker through the fence.
You waited for him inside but he wasn’t coming. You’d warned him, and so you went out looking for him. He wasn’t where you had left him, the place clear of walkers. You considered he might have gone to clear another cellblock by himself, but the idea was even too crazy for Daryl. You made your way to the guard tower where Carl was…it might be a bit strange, having a kid taking watch, but he’d proven to be as skillful as any of you or more.
“Hey, Carl!” You called for him until he looked down at you. “Have you seen Daryl?”
“He came earlier, told me to open the doors cos he was going outside hunting,” he yelled back. “Told him my dad had said he had to rest in here.”
“Bet he liked that…” you murmured. “Okay, thanks!”
You did another scoop around the prison, even checking through the fence of one of the uncleared areas, but Daryl wasn’t anywhere. The doors hadn’t been opened, but you wondered if he had sneaked out anyway. There was an opening in one of the back fences that you all had closed with some wire, but he might have gone out through there.
You rushed to the place, but if Daryl had left, he’d carefully placed the wire back in place. Still, you decided to check, and so you removed the wire, opened the fence and squeezed yourself to the other side, closing it again so no walker could get in. You wished you could track like Daryl, but you couldn’t. Still, you walked into the woods and looked around for any sign of him.
For a while, you didn’t find any trace of Daryl, and then your heart leaped to your mouth when you saw the body of a walker dead on the ground. Had Daryl done that? Were walkers following him? Was he in danger, out there and sick with a fever? You called his name quietly, afraid of bringing more walkers to you, but you couldn’t hear any answer.
All the worse scenarios came to your mind, from Daryl finding too many walkers for him and unable to hide from them as his coughs attracted them, to his fever getting worse and making him being reckless, or maybe making him get dizzy and disoriented, unable to find his way back home…
Trying to calm down so you could be efficient, you began walking through the direction you thought Daryl might have followed, praying he was safe.
I hope you’ll like this new mini-series, if you have a moment please comment with your thoughts. As always, English is not my mother tonge, so I’m sorry if there are mistakes and typos.
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