#still drawing fanart of videos that came out like 7 years ago
ace-beef · 5 years
okay so I was feeling kinda nostalgic and was looking over some old Team Crafted stuff on youtube, and then I decided to venture over to the tumblr tag since I thought the fandom was very much dead so I expected to see a load of old posts and memes but to my surprise I have found that the fandom is still alive and kicking in 2020! It’s very small and a little quiet, but it’s still surprisingly active!
You go you funky little 2020 Team Crafted fans
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pattern-recognition · 3 years
Do you think you could break down your tsukumizu iceberg for the uninitiated? They were on tumblr? The fish? Cum iPad? Hello???
sorry, i can't explain my art
lmao sure let's just go in order i guess
Layer 1 -
self explanitory
Layer 2 -
I'm not sure where the fish motif came from but it's one of the most common repetitions in their art. They draw fish a bit less now, but art with fish used to, and probably still does, outnumber art without fish.
Layer 3 -
The "its all connected theories" bit references chi and yuu being in shimeji simulation and people trying to piece together how their worlds are related.
Tkmiz used to have a tumblr account where they used to upload short animations. It sat dormant for a long while before they decided to delete it not long ago. Surprisingly, unlike all of their other past accounts, they decided to preserve the contents of this one and you can view them all as an extended video on their twitter.
Layer 4 -
self inserts: the black haired, rectangle glasses scientist is basically tkmiz's self insert, no matter if she's ishii in glt or shijima's sister in shimsim.
gender: related to above. tkmiz's personal projection being a girl, themes of lesbianism, and even mentions of crossdressing/wanting to be a girl have led to fans that are in-the-know to debate on what tkmiz's gender identity might be; this is also why I refer to them with they/them pronouns. It's no surprised internet trans girls love tkmiz.
irl photos: I've never seen a definitive pic of what tkmiz actually looks like, but in the past they used to semi-frequently post pics of their living space. Backyards, sunsets, what seem to be the entrance to their apartment, what they ate for dinner, etc etc. Nothing too exciting.
Gon the dog: related to above. Tkmiz used to have a dog named Gon who they would occasional post a pic of or draw. Sadly Gon is now deceased.
Suicide and wine: many of tkmiz's older works have heavy themes of suicide and alcohol abuse
Fanart: they rarely draw fanart anymore but they used to do so much more regularly. Notable references are girls und panzer, gunslinger girl, nekojiru, yume nikki, eizouken, and their oldest artworks are all touhou fanart.
Layer 5 -
Parasociality: this is in reference to tkmiz becoming a cult classic within certain circles of the internet, most notably depressed lainbrains and sad internet trans girls. Ya know, nerds like me
Artbook havers (me): a few years ago tkmiz published a physical print artbook that's now long, long out of print.
Deleted Twitter: the majority of tkmiz's works are no longer available because they were either on accounts that don't exist anymore, or tkmiz deleted them along ago from their current profile.
B2 Bomber: related above. I believe tkmiz had two different pixiv accounts, both of them long gone, and 'B2 Bomber' was the oldest. If you want to see a tiny glimpse of their second pixiv on the Wayback Machine, their ID was 1535101.
Historical art inspo: tkmiz went to university to become an art teacher before dropping out. Many of their older works are references to more well known paintings, especially the works of Gustav Klimt who seemed to be a favorite.
Irl life info: We don't know a lot about them, the enigmatic personality is by design after all, but we do know a few things. Like them being a college dropout, using the proceeds from the glt anime to take their parents to an onsen, etc etc.
Layer 6 -
2chan: much of what remains of the art and posts that tkmiz tried to nuke were preserved by members of 2chan.
Nsfw flan doujins: oh boy where's where things first get interesting. Long, long ago the first manga that tkmiz self-published were lolicon h-doujins of flandre scarlet from touhou. There were three of them, followed by a completely safe doujin called "flan wants to die" which is still easy to find.
Comiket tables: related above. If you dig hard enough, you can find the convention floor vendor lists that mention tkmiz and their booth number from when they had to sell their h-doujins by hand. I think they only sold one of the books at comiket, the other two were sold at different conventions and only ever in very limited psychical editions like most h-manga of the day.
Layer 7 -
The Shimeji Prequel: There is a very ancient comic from back before tkmiz had much artistic experience (even before the aforementioned flan doujins) that still features a girl who kind of looks like shijima (and chito, they probably began as the same oc) and another character that's identical to tkmiz's self insert/shijima's scientist sister. The comic is nsfw in nature, and proto-shijima gets eaten out by her classmate named Yoshiko who immediately dies. Because there are many references in modern shimsim to this character (or someone kind of like her) its believed she's still cannon, is the reason for Shijima locking herself in a closet for so long, and will likely be a plot revelation later in the manga. I doubt the oral sex will be mentioned though.
Layer 8 -
This is another referenced to a deleted tweet. There used to be a time when tkmiz would be horny on main and just post about jerking off. You can probably imagine the rest
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lavenderek · 4 years
i have a thought to express, feel free to scroll past.
i’m gonna discuss rape and sexual abuse in this post. it’s also long because i don’t really have a conclusion, it’s just some thoughts. 
so i was looking into that reality show that facilitated shane dawson’s horrible movie “not cool” and i stumbled across a reddit thread posted by someone who was a fan of his as a preteen. the OP alleged that shane’s content contributed to them developing some serious issues including body dysmorphia and the normalization of sexual behavior involving children. 
some of the comments were in support and agreement, but a large amount of them were like, “where were your parents? it’s not shane’s job to police what you see online. it’s not his fault you were too young for his content.” 
now, shane was well aware from the jump that his fans were mostly kids and teens - he talked about it multiple times - but that’s not what this post is about. this post is about that particular argument, which does not sit well with me.
it reminded me of a couple years ago when i made a very critical post about c*ptive prince. 
pause: i want to make it crystal clear that i am not drawing a comparison between people who like cp and shane dawson. i’m not mad anymore, so i am not making this post making a value judgment on cp or fans of it, positive or negative. 
specifically, i was really bothered by the way cp content was posted and shared with no mention of or reference to the actual material. people were calling it a queer romance. it was a little-known series by a little-known author, so there were no synopses anywhere online, only the summary you’d see on the back of the book. so people would seek out cp thinking it was a romance and be blindsided by the fact that, spoilers, the story is set in a fantasy world where child rape is a major tenet of society. the scenes are explicit, detailed, and many. it’s not a thing that happens once or twice and is a major plot point, it’s a thing that happens multiple times in every chapter and is just kind of a thing that’s going on. if you’ve ever read twilight, i would compare the presence of rape in cp to the presence of rain in twilight.
like, that’s how often it happened, that’s how it was treated. sometimes with indifference, sometimes with a negative opinion, sometimes it caused problems, bella talks about it every two pages. it is a very rapey series. 
and people like, did not want to discuss this. they were like, “the characters decide the rape is bad in the end. and that’s not even what the story is about, it just happens in the story. i don’t know what to tell you.” like... people were not receptive to any kind of conversation about this topic lmfao, it was very touchy. they wanted to acknowledge that rape itself is bad, and then they wanted the subject closed. 
now, why is this a problem? i read the books. there were parts i enjoyed, and there were parts i didn’t enjoy. i’m not gonna reread them, but i’m still game to talk about it. ultimately i wanted to be able to talk about books with a friend of mine, and while i was like, “yikes, this is a lot of rape, was not expecting the volume of rape,” it didn’t occur to me this would be a pervasive issue at all until a different friend of mine happened upon it. this other friend was a rape survivor, and i happened to know she would find this content very upsetting. when she said she was thinking of buying the book, i was like, “halt, you know what happens in it, right?” 
nope! she didn’t. she saw cute fanart and a ficlet on her dash, somebody told her it was a queer romance. nowhere was there any indicator in summaries online or the posts she was seeing that the book would describe a person being drugged and sexually abused. she was pretty relieved that i’d warned her and shaken that that’s what happens in the books lmao. she would never have guessed. the cp fandom was made up of people who loved the main pairing, and they’d talk about them being in love and draw them being in love, and it felt like everybody was just acting like the rape wasn’t even present in the books lmao. 
pause: i didn’t go in the tags. this is not representative of the fandom as a whole. this is just my and my friend’s experience of it as passive internetgoers.
people got uncomfortable and a little defensive if i brought it up. they’d agree to tag for cp, but if you don’t know what cp is about, that isn’t helpful information. like that post that’s like, “waterboarding at guantanamo bay sounds like a lot of fun if you don’t know what either of those things are” lmao. if you don’t know what cp is about, tagging for it just tells you what it’s called. and it very clearly ruined everyone’s fun if i talked about this. 
so that’s what i was mad about, i was mad that i felt as though there was no recourse here, and i was mad because i felt like the cp fandom was the emperor’s new clothes. nobody was acting like it even existed and everybody got uncomfortable if i brought it up, like, i legitimately wondered at some point if i had somehow accidentally read a kinky rewrite of it, that the real version did not have rape in it and nobody knew what i was talking about. i felt like i was going crazy and i got shitty in the middle of the night one time, and wrote that post. 
i ultimately deleted it, so i do not remember how it was worded; but i do recall that it was a venting post, it was not intended to reach a wider audience. i was not trying to convince anyone in that moment, i was just talking shit. so i can bet that it probably came across as very judgmental and unkind. 
i made a bunch of people very angry with that post. somebody got thousands of notes by reblogging with an impassioned smackdown saying basically what those redditors were saying about shane - it’s not their job to police what people see online. it’s not their fault you were unprepared for cp. 
i do not think this is a nuanced enough argument because i do not think it acknowledges that not all content is created equal. 
i even got an anon ask in good faith saying, well, a huge trigger for me is body horror, and people will draw or reblog stuff with body horror in it, and i can’t hold that against them. 
and like, no, you can’t, but body horror is not the same as rape or child sexual abuse. body horror isn’t the same as sex trafficking. right? like those things aren’t comparable in the way that i think the anon was wanting them to be. they were saying that both of these are common triggers that people would want tagged and be unable to move past in media, you know? and i get that, i got what they were saying. 
kind of like that cartoonist who wrote a spooky horror comic a while ago and somebody sent them an ask being like, “that was really scary, you usually post fun comics, this was damaging, unfollowed :/” like obviously a stranger’s fear of spooky things is not something he should be expected to take on on his own blog lmao. i am deeply afraid of ghosts, by the way. 
but according to rainn.org, 1 in 5 women experience rape in their lifetime. 1 in 5 women are not frightened by literal ghosts in their lifetime. 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 7 boys aren’t body horrored. body horror and ghosts aren’t used on a global scale as tools to control and abuse people and they do not have the same connotations of shame, degradation, and control. the things are not the same. 
i don’t have an easy answer. i can’t wave my magic wand and make people not enjoy the rape erotica, nor was that my goal in the first place. i wasn’t clutching my pearls like, “how dare you! do not draw this art! think of the children!” and i don’t know how else i would have solved the problem, aside from having a weird disclaimer under your art of two dudes cuddling that says “warning, these dudes are from a book that’s got several thousand words of explicit rape in it, and i know that, you’re not the only one seeing that,” like that’s a lot and i get it. 
i don’t have an easy answer because there isn’t one. i felt like “well, that’s not my problem” was an easy answer. 
as i get older, the more responsibility i have as an adult online to maintain boundaries between me and minors, for example. i am not responsible for their internet experience and they can’t get mad at me for cussing or writing about gay werewolves on my blog, but i do have to be mindful of that context if i’m interacting with someone online. that’s where the complexity comes in. you can’t wash your hands of the context of the things you say and do online. 
just how to solve these problems, i did not know then and i do not know now. i guess we take it on a case by case basis. 
if you’re curious about shane dawson and his horrible movie, by the way, this guy did a few funny videos about the horrible movie and this guy did a not funny but comprehensive breakdown of shane and his career. 
and i tried to tint my eyebrows for the first time the other day, i have red hair and my eyebrows are darker than my hair for some reason, so i tried to use an eyebrow tint to lift my brows just like, a shade, so be closer to my hair? but in doing this i discovered that my eyebrows are a mixture of red and brown? 
so the red hairs lifted to a sunny orange, and the brown hairs stayed brown. so my eyebrows are fully like, calico right now. boom, orange juice, that’s life
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New in the GW Fandom! August 20-26, 2017.
Clara suggested that this be this weeks theme. Heh, so, on that note... here are the amazing things completed this past week in our very NOT dead fandom! ^_^
~Mod Hel
Death Unspeaking (Ch. 3 & 4) http://archiveofourown.org/works/11483196/chapters/26839467
What happens when a Gundam Pilot is mute? What happens when the other Pilots look down at him because of it? Will he overcome the odds or will the odds overcome him?
Eventual 3x2
Saudade (Ch. 8) http://archiveofourown.org/works/11352189/chapters/26915238
3X4, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner
It Only Has to Happen Once http://archiveofourown.org/works/11858058
Sort of Sunday Sinning.
A bit smutty.
And 1x2x1 - rare for me!
Ready for You (Ch. 4) http://archiveofourown.org/works/11763066/chapters/26847633
A chance meeting ten years after the war leads Duo and Trowa down an unexpected path.
The Princess With The Purple Heart (Ch.18) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12584463/18/The-Princess-With-The-Purple-Heart
AU, 2x1: Don’t ask, don’t tell.
Unlikely Office Romances http://isolavirtuosa.tumblr.com/post/164631855479/unlikely-office-romances
1x2x1, probably PG-13ish though there are some mildly sexy times and the usual trashmouth
Dr. Heero Yuy, Preventers forensics expert, can’t seem to get over his crush on his former wartime comrade Agent Duo Maxwell.  Agent Duo Maxwell can’t seem to stand the sight of him… and yet…?
I was so excited to be posting this story which I started writing 4 years ago, but then I realized who is even the audience for this ahahahaha
Parts 1-2
The Faithful and the Brave (Ch. 33) http://turnippatch.livejournal.com/157783.html#/cutid1%C2%A0
Fantasy AU/Adventure
1+2, 3+4
The World At Large http://archiveofourown.org/works/11907273
Duo is lost, drifting, after the events of Endless Waltz, but he starts to find himself again, thanks to a travel blog and an online friendship.
1X2, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
Show War the Door https://lbro009.tumblr.com/post/164442717650/fic-snippet-show-war-the-door-taster
Genre: Humour (I hope), silliness, fandom clichés galore
Throwback fic I started 10/11 years ago… ***
Special Needs (Ch. 7) http://archiveofourown.org/works/10549412/chapters/26818131
Also warning for those who are a bit squeamish: there's some vomiting towards the end of this chapter. You won't miss anything plot heavy by skipping over it. But the gist of that section (if you had to skip it) is that Une is a badass and still very much a strong woman and I tried to imply she's been there helping with Treize for a while when nobody else was. I hope that came through. Also Zechs is easily grossed out.
PS: Mars Fic https://post-settlement.tumblr.com/post/164648376289/characterdevelopmentforwriters-has-your-character
Hilde Schbeiker, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Dorothy Catalonia
By Demons Be Driven http://archiveofourown.org/works/11889852/chapters/26854797
or years she struggled to live, burdened by a long-forgotten past, an unclear present, and a non-existent future. War consumes her life, forcing her to live as if every day is her last. Fate has seen fit to gift her with unnatural abilities far beyond the normal human capacity. With those abilities, she leads a daily game of tag, putting her life on the line over and over again. Will a chance meeting with a young man give this tired young woman the will to keep fighting? And with the war escalating higher and higher, will she have the time to find out who, and what, she really is?
OCx05; slight implied 01x02, 03x04, 06x13; one-sided Rx01.) (Relena bashing.
The Forgotten (Ch. 4) http://archiveofourown.org/works/11686344/chapters/26833566
1X4, 4XOCs, past 3X4
The entire universe thinks that Quatre Winner is dead, but when Heero starts having strange black outs he begins to realize the rumors of Quatre's death might not be true.
May Demons Rest: Shinigami Sleeps (2017) (Ch. 17) http://archiveofourown.org/works/10944786/chapters/26759832
2X3, WARNINGS: language, angst
The Discovery: Part 1, Duo Meets Black Wolborg http://renmaxwell.tumblr.com/post/164598745471/a-few-hours-after-a-snarky-farewell-to-kai-duo
Duo Maxwell, snark
Wing Gundam
Gundam Minimalist Posters
Wing Gundam’s head
Mech making.
Trowa Barton and Relena Darlian/Peacecraft in Victorian dress.
Trowa Barton
Quatre Raberba Winner
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Quatre Raberba Winner
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton
Sanc commemorative coin.
Dorothy Catalonia, WuFei Chang
GW, Atomic Blonde, John Wick crossover.
Wing Gundam Fenice Rinascita
Zechs Merquise
Heero Yuy
Lucrezia Noin
Treize Khushrenada, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Lady Une
Timelapse drawing video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKrSGDikGrc&feature=youtu.be
Crossover of Mechas
Wing Gundam Crossover
Lady Une
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft
Catherine Bloom
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, WuFei Chang
Trowa (photo manipulation)
Epyon & Aries
Sally Po, Noin, Heero and random puppers.
Wing Gundam
Wing Gundam Zero
Photo Prompts/Prompts:
Old men pilots. ...deathfic?/main character death.
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
1+2, comedic fluff
Quatre, WuFei, book thefts
2X5, Sleepy grouchy WuFei
Head Canons:
Trowa Barton
No Idea What To Put This Under:
Mech readouts
Calendar Events:
End of Summer Block Party @gwblockparty​
Tropefest! Get your trope on!
Entries to be posted September 1st - 4th!
Gundam Wing Eve War Event @gw-evewar​
Open Science Fiction Themed Event
(Saturday) December 23, 2017 - (Sunday) December 24, 2017
*** event will be observing Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) ***
Submissions: Fanfiction, Meta essays, Personal Headcanon, Fan Art
Rules: All works must feature a science fiction theme. Alternate Universes, and cross-over fiction are welcome. There are no limits to characters, pairings, audience rating, time frame or universe.
OC October @gwoc-october​
For the month of October, we can post everything and anything pertaining to fan OCs in Gundam Wing with weekly themes and perhaps a featured OC every other day or so. This includes fic, snippets, art, OC profiles, headcanons, ships, discussions, and anything you have as long as it’s about an OC. Even if this OC of yours is still in the mulling-stages, we want to hear about it! Let’s embrace OCs and celebrate our collective awesomeness.
This Week in Gundam Events @thisweekingundamevents​
Our new sideblog for helping to host Gundam Wing fandom events!
Check us out and hit us up!
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…are you joking
no one on this earth wants to know that much about me 
you asked for it:
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
The intention is always more cereal than milk, and yet… it always ends up being the opposite. 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
…as an Australian, NO
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
Heh, what DON’t I use? 
Receipts, assignments, old documents, letters, other books, string, anything i can lean it against and hold it open with, etc.
even the odd obliging cat’s paw for a few minutes
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
~I drink neither, I am boring like that~
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Yeah, I’m aware of how fucking ridiculous I look when I smile, and my non-perfect teeth.
6: do you keep plants?
not currently, but I used to have sunflowers and such
7: do you name your plants?
not usually, which is odd bc i name literally everything else
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
words are easy
have tried painting and drawing but i’m just so shithouse at it
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
all the time
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
All, depends on the day really.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Well, a few years back for some reason some irl friends and I would randomly start singing the Narwhals Narwhals song, or reply ‘the dirt is gone!’ after anyone said ‘Bam!’
but recently? online? uhhhhhhh… well, i send shitty mouse-drawn-in-Paint pics to the ever-patient camiluna27 and she finds polite things to say about them… which is our little joke
12: what’s your favorite planet?
Like my favourite Sailor Scout, it’s Jupiter.
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
Our foster puppy is coming today
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
it wouldn’t matter what it looked like, we’d make it work even if our only furniture was a minifridge and a beanbag… sharing the chores, watching stupid shit at night, complaining or joking with each other, etc.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
It takes 230 million years for our solar system to make a single orbit around the Milky Way.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
Tuna Mornay (? never been sure how it’s spelled tbh)
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
my brain is blanking, and yet last night i know i was recalling something really stupid…
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
Nah, i just shitpost my angst or delight onto this site… 
20: what’s your favourite eye color?
I have no preference for eye colour.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
Oh, I got this shoulder bag thing from The Harry Potter Experience when it came to Australia… it’s half-covered in an ever-changing bunch of badges (keep losing and finding them/getting new ones). it’s been left in the sun, saturated, pelted with hail as i ran for cover, etc. 
22: are you a morning person?
I never used to be… but since the antidepressants, i’m finding mornings way easier.
23: what’s your favourite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
mess about on the computer, usually
video games or writing something, or chatting with people i can no longer see physically/it would be super expensive to meet irl
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
yeah, a few
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
???? who in the hell is breaking into enough places to have a top ten list?
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
Heh, I just have a handful of cheap-ass shoes I got from Big W a few years ago and I get cheap insert things to keep them alive. I randomly put on any pair i can find, whether they match the outfit or not… what other choice do you have with big lady feet and soft skin?
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
28: sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise means I’ve been awake too long and have Fucked Up ™
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
not to bring her up consistently, but camiluna27 literally drew fanart of one of my fanfics (the first ever??? holy shit) and I was so goddamn flattered I almost couldn’t believe it… someone liked my trash and DREW SOMETHING?
such talent. much love. so excite. wow.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Pfft, yeah, probably. 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Socks are good.
I am making a sock right now, in viking fashion, it looks ridiculous.
Sleep? In winter, sometimes.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Well there were two funny things.
the first one was this massive sleepover party, and the minute the lights went off with all these adolescents sardined on the floor (teens but like, everyone was just chilling nothing nsfw happening), the marshmallow war began
it’s 3am and people are being PELTED with the goddamn things in the dark it was chaos.
the other time, i’d gone to a party thing, put up a tent to stay over like the others and this other girl at the party i’d just befriended (along with her highly anxious friend i managed to calm down) was not sure how to get home and i’m like… stay in my tent i have space it’s chill
we’re sleeping in jeans bc that seemed like a good idea at the time (it was NOT)
everyone’s STARVING. like, no real FOOD was at this party (New Years party?) we had chips and softdrink and that was it… and i dunno if you know this, but no amount of like, chicken-flavoured chips will fill up the aching hollow in your stomach for Real Food
so we’re talking bc we’re awake, relative strangers who are starving together in a tent they’re intending to share the night in, and we get on to SUPERNATURAL
i loved the show still it wasn’t the disaster it became, yet… and she admits that the S1 episode with the Wendigo freaked her out… and i’m like, hah, yeah, glad we’re not in a tent with woods around, huh? bc i am an asshole… that was pretty much where we were
and around the same time, the free-roaming chickens on the property are slowly moving past and making satanic noises, freaking her out more so i changed the topic to calm things down… but then, later on (waaaaaaaaay too early in the morning bc some of us had to pee early and it was Effort™ ) i get back to the tent to find a Chicken. In. The Tent.
looking at me like *I* was being the asshole here for intruding on her rest.
the other chick-a-dee is sleeping and im thinking ‘well fuck she’ll freak if the chicken’s randomly there when she wakes… and i try to subtly get the chicken out, and if you know chickens… you can understand how i failed
it was hilarious, and disastrous. 
33: what’s your fave pastry?
don’t know, really
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
Oh! I still have them.
There’s two, one called (creatively) Teddy, who wore a yellow onesie the Parental Unit made for him. My fondest memory of him was this time in kindy where we took our teddies in bc it was ‘Teddy Bear Picnic Day’, and during naptime, the teachers took the teddies and hid them around the playground…
We had to find them when we woke up.
Teddy had one foot in the top of the fence and looked like he was trying to leave/escape… i told the Parental Unit this story a thousand times over the years, the poor bugger.
The other one was made for me, after Parental Unit had a dream i’d be a girl. Her name is Heidi (you know, after the song? ‘Heidi, Heidi, Heidi ho, the elephant walks oh so slow’), she’s a pink elephant in a tutu and lovely and she and ted are hella safe for now.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I do like them, and when i get a special pen i use it for EVERYTHING, then flounder to find a basic pen when it runs dry
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
I don’t know, i’m not really feeling anything.
What’s that song that’s just 3 minutes of silence?
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
>.> Messy
When it’s clean, it’s Clean ™
But when it’s messy… >.>
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
*unfurls list*
people who stand in the way and block entire corridors to chat with someone and there’s a public bench RIGHT THERE
i can’t remember any others right now but i know there’s LOTS… 
39: what colour do you wear the most?
Most of my outfits have black in them. We can pretend it’s slimming.
40: think of a piece of jewellery you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
I have a dragon ring, my estranged godmother bought it for me from this massive local market we once went to, back in like 2007/2008? 
I love it so much for some reason (not so much th godmother tbh, she’s a pain) and it’s mass-produced, but i love it… wear it almost everywhere
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Out of the Black Land by Kerry Greenwood
42: do you have a favourite coffee shop? describe it!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Well, I looked up at them on the way inside the other night and pointed them out to the Parental Unit. They’re pretty stunning here, without city lights to obscure them.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
??????????????????? that’s a thing?
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
Perpetually, always. 
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I can’t, you’ll punish me.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
that mayonnaise-peas pizza thing i just saw, WHY
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
I feared the wild animals in the dark when i was locked outside, and also feared Huntsman Spiders.
Today? the spiders and anything in the dark can square the fuck up, and fight my fear of disappointing everyone/failing
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
used to, but the CD player in the car broke… so now i just use the ipod/itunes
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
…monster high dolls, hardy boys books, comic books
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh mind blank
52: what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
Cask of Amontillado and Joe Biden memes have been awesome
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
Rocky Horror? Good, interesting.
heathers? pulp fiction? no
beetlejuice? seemed a lot more exciting when i was little
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
our puppy
she’s learned the exact sad face to make when she wants someone to go outside and play ball
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
can’t think of anything overtly, honestly
unless you count ‘yeah i can use a swivel chair instead of a ladder’ and the inevitable falling through a bookcase
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
Honesty, Humour, Excitement and Communication/Connection, Creativity
When they energise, not drain
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
it has always been interesting, and it makes you feel dramatic… 
i can neither confirm nor deny…
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
no idea
59: what’s your favourite myth?
define myth
like ‘mermaids are a thing’, or ‘that time a god did _____’ or like, ‘swimming right after eating can give you stomach cramps’?
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
used to
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
uhhhhhhhh literally any fanfic i give as a gift, is stupid
i got two little plastic dicks as a joke gift from someone as a secret santa thing (another time i got a $2 piece of trash bag thing the size of my hand that broke the second i touched it, and i was rather upset)
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
no, but my fave juice is apple blackcurrant or tropical
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
well, depends, i try to keep the series together and stuff, but mostly it’s ‘if it fits, it sits’ in the bookshelf
64: what colour is the sky where you are right now?
obscenely blue, like, you’d think it was computer generated blue
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
…something with blue flowers, but let’s be real, the chance to wear a flower crown would be amazing even if they were all corpse flowers
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
they are otherworldy and beautiful, they have a different energy to sunny days 
68: what’s winter like where you live?
Cold. Stubbornly wearing shorts and tank tops claiming you’re not cold. putting four layers on the bed bc what. the. FUCK.
69: what are your favourite board games?
Cluedo, Monopoly
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Nah, that seems like a terrible idea. I refuse to be That White Girl™ who invites demons in…
71: what’s your favourite kind of tea?
Nah, none, i don’t drink tea or coffee, i am BORING. 
I am the Beige of people, beverage-wise.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
Sometimes. Esp. recently, I find noting it down helps, but usually I remember more than i assume i will.
73: what are some of your worst habits?
Lazy/procrastinate, eats stupid shit I SHOULD NOT BC I AM FAT AS FUCK, overthinks, boring.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
amazingly talented, fun, incredibly aesthetically pleasing, open, understanding, brilliant and a pleasure to interact with.
75: tell us about your pets!
Okay, so we have four cats and a doggo.
The two oldest cats are sisters, aged 11; very loving but also tiny murder machines so they’re inside mostly.
Two youngest half-siblings, aged 7; one is the perpetual kitten who loves affection, the other is a slinky boi who comes to you if he wants love, and not before (adores my sibling tho, their bond is strong).
Doggo is the baby, she’s 3 i think? Always energetic.
+ a foster puppy we just got today, just now, and she’s fuckin’ adorable but like, a massive ball of energy.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
PINK hell yeah
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
i will fight ALL of them to the DEATH
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Listened to me complaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain
Also drew me art for no reason i mean, c’mon that’s so cute
80: what colour are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
Light blue, yep. loved it, and also it went with the underwater theme the family did
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
Amazing as orbs go.
82: are/were you good in school?
generally, shit at chemistry though (but then, if an entire class fails an exam, you don’t ask the students whose fault it is)
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
uhhhh not sure
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
maybe dunno
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
my dude, so many.
Batman, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, The Titans, ElfQuest, Avengers, New Avengers, Saga, Hawkeye, uhhhhhhhhh, like, i have HEAPS...
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
i have no idea what that is
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
St Trinians, love that movie...
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
...good question, i have no idea what you’re asking
89: are you close to your parents?
The Parental Unit literally knows every facet of my being bc i can discuss anything with them. Even if we clash on ideologies or whatevs.
The Other One’s a violent stalker, so no, not that one.
90: talk about your one of you favourite cities.
I have been to like, Brisbane and Sydney... not a huge pool of cities to compare from. Uh, I like that there are so many comic book shops in brisbane tbh...
91: where do you plan on travelling this year?
Probs Brisbane.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Depends on the type of pasta, really.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
Plaits. Keeps it out of the way.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
Sibling. I went all out with their gifts and am barely making it to monday... but it was worth it.
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
>get foster puppy
>chill/be boring bc you are the human equivalent of the colour beige
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
Procrastinate, mostly. ‘Restart required’ lol nope, you can wait...
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
ENTP, Gemini, Gryffindor
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
oh god no. Grade 9 they had this youth action program... sent us orienteering in the bush... up a mountain, down a moutain, through the fucking lantana six times because the boys in the class have the map and can’t fucking read it right but ‘girls can’t read maps so why would we give it to you’...
it was a goddamn disaster, but we survived. hated it, so much
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
Sia’s ‘The Greatest’, ‘Move Your Body’ and ‘Unstoppable’
‘This is Gospel’,  ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’, ‘Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time’, and ‘Golden Days’ by Panic! at the Disco
‘Never Coming Back to Earth’ by Steve Aoki & Fall Out Boy
Most of the songs by Lindsey Stirling
‘Heroes’ by Generdyn
‘I Hope You Die In A Fire’
‘Wait For It’ and ‘History Has Its Eyes On You’ from HAMILTON
‘Assassin, Murder, Monster’ and ‘Chase the Morning’ from REPO! the Genetic Opera
‘The Beauty Underneath’ from Love Never Dies
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I’d slam both at once and launch myself into a temporal paradox so i simultaneously never existed and also always existed therefore becoming a GOD...
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rp-sephiroth · 7 years
Is the FF7 remake now making the Compilation non-canon?? My friend gave me these news and I don't know if it's genuine information.
(continues:) My friend hates this possibility. She loves Crisis Core, and having that become non-canon brings several concerns.
Thank you for your question! 
A quick google search earned me no confirmation of this statement. But as a writer of FF7 fanfic writer/Sephiroth-roleplayer/Leiden university student of literature, I shall do my best to give you and educated and conclusive answer instead.
TL;DR: It’s unavoidable, and will have far-reaching implications for fandom community, but it will be OK and below’s why.
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What is canon?This definition of canon from here is what I will be using in this post: 
Canon - a term borrowed from the Catholic Church, meaning ‘established truth’.  The definition of ‘canon’ is a bit vague, but is usually understood to mean the body of works upon which a fandom is based, and any information contained therein.  This is sometimes extended to include information in guidebooks, interviews, and other such sources.  Also used to refer to information from different versions of a story: for example, the school uniforms in Harry Potter ‘book-canon’ are different from those in ‘movie-canon’. 
It is a way for the creators to indicate “this is the set of in-game truths and rules we are working with.” It’s a way to keep the rules that govern the world consistent. In Final Fantasy VII, one can either regard just the OG (original game) as canon, or the entire compilation as canon.
What happens if canon is made invalid?   This happened to the StarWars fandom. Around the first 6 films were novels, lego, books, fanarts, and fanfictions. This franchise is incredibly interesting because it does not make canon top-down (from the creators to the plebs), but also accepts work from fans (bottom-up). 
An example: anyone could write a StarWars book, as long as they stuck so guidelines set by the official creators and had it checked for approval. Anyone could be a stormtrooper, as long as you used the exact right plastic moulds and sent pictures of the finished product to the official people who approved it. (My first boyfriend did this for his cosplay.)
Anyway, the novels continued the storyline after film six (I believe all the main characters had children). But when LucasFilms and Disney embarked on making the 7th film, they decided to throw all that worldbuilding (universe-building) away. Why did they throw it away? Because for legal reasons authors cannot read fan-fictions and this post explains why (link).     In short: if the script writers of film 7 were to base film 7 on an any canon work, a fan could claim “I wrote a fanfic about exactly this” and face huge legal charges. Even/Especially a franchise that has a very agreeable bottom-up treatment of canon and fandom culture, has to watch out. Rey from film 7 is a completely new character, with her own timeline.
In the past, how has FF7 fandom dealt with canon vs new canon? A long time ago, the Original Game (OG) was the 'mothership’. Sephiroth was portrayed as evil. To give him any sign of niceness in fanfiction was considered out-of-character and greatly discouraged.Then FFVII Cisis Core came out, and certain fans rioted against the game’s portrayal of a kind, awkward Sephiroth.
For the Final Fantasy VII Remake to be identical to the Original Game with updated graphics would be impossible. Such a game would not sell. There will be changes in the game mechanics, dynamics, aesthetics, and narrative to make the game contemporary. I feel two ways about those changes: frightened and joyous.
How does it relate to online FF7 fandom communities?Now our 'canon’ 'mothership’ is the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. Our current fandom community is built around what we have learnt of the compilation. Because FF7 is so big, it’s impossible to know everything about the story and characters and mechanics. People specialise, and draw on each other’s experience. 
My area of specialisation is Sephiroth, with in-depth knowledge of his scenes in Advent Children Complete, Crisis Core, Before Crisis, Kingdom Hearts, and Original Game. I’m still learning about his Dissidia, Ehrgeitz, and other versions. This knowledge of this character and interpretation of this character gives me social merit in roleplay communities. It’s said if you put 1000 hours of work into learning something, you are an expert. I’ve been writing Sephiroth on and off since I was 14. I’m 26 now. In my niche, I am an expert. Fans ask me questions about Sephiroth because they trust me to provide a plausible answer that conflicts least with canon.
But if/when the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII will be declared invalid, social status based on the no-longer-canon Compilation will be rendered useless. This means that when I make a statement on Remake-Sephiroth, all my arguments based on experience of (years!) of development of my Sephiroth will be useless. Scary.
This will upset the social structures of the communities. Experts are no longer expert. With the release of the first episode/chapter of the Remake, new fans and old fans start learning at the same time about the 'new’ canon. They will have the same chance to become expert. The one fan who will put in enough hours, will get most social status, will be crowned expert. 
Old groups of friends may stick together. New groups will form. New sub-communities rise. Some fans will riot against new information, as they did insisting that Crisis Core Sephiroth couldn’t be kind/awkward/friendly. More about attitudes and a ‘desired attitude’ later.
How can FF7 fans and roleplayers negotiate with old canon and new canon to find a position which they are comfortable with?The use of the word headcanon will go through a shift. 'Headcanon’ will no longer be a combination of traits/habits one puts on the character like a sticker (my trademark headcanon is that my Sephiroth puts his hair in a braid/my belief that Sephiroth follows the Jenova Omega Theory). Instead, the word 'headcanon’ will return to its old meaning: “In my head, this set of rules is canon.” The word 'headcanon’ will then refer to a set of metaphysical choices on how the FF7 world and characters function as a framework.
My friend @askcrv2 solved this question ingeniously. I’m taking a detour into the Vocaloid fandom: she writes a singing android robot. With robots, there are new versions every few years. The voice bank is updated. New songs. New merchandise… - and thus new canons. Nowadays version 4 is common. She writes version 2. She had her robot hide in a warehouse to avoid the garbage pile. This way, she can both stick to her old canons, but also in the new versions, her old version is still valid. Her robot complements new canon. Compliments to the writer!
The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII is fun, and I love it.It is not perfect. There are glaring inconsistencies. These plot holes could be changed in the Remake. But it’s not wrong to love the Final Fantasy VII from 1997 and style your preferences to that version.
IF/WHEN it’s made invalid… How do we as fans continue?When the Original Game and/or the Compilation as a whole be declared invalid, it will hurt. I will have to renegotiate my attitude towards Sephiroth as a character, and to the story as a whole, and find back my position in a new community. 
This game has kept me captivated for many years, so I have high hopes for the future product. I expect that the managers/teams/designers of the company have improved with 20 years more of experience. The Remake is being re-made from scratch. I have respect for the game team’s hard work and sacrifices. I imagine that every change in the  ’new canon’ will be a thoroughly-debated decision. The promotional video (link) of the Remake reveals the attitude the game-makers would like to see in the fans:
The reunion at hand may bring joy, it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever it brings. For they are coming back. 
And that’s best of all. After 20 years, FF7 will be coming back. It’s not the fandom’s job anymore to re-create the world. The original creators will tell our favourite story back to us, and we can sit back… until we start making new fanworks!
Let’s embrace whatever it brings. 
Let’s make fantastic fanworks, and build warm communities.
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The canon of the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7 will never be a forgotten memory. The Compilation will live on, inside us. I hope this post sufficiently answers your question. Tell your friend not to worry.
– rp-Sephiroth.
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sheepishartist · 7 years
☆ Art Tips From WonderCon 2018! ☆
Hello! So yesterday was the last day of WonderCon 2018, and I had the privilege of attending panels, and looking through artists alley! One of the panels I attended was “Making a Living Off of Your Art” and some of the panelists included Lee Kohse, Brendan Hey, and Sean Glumance. There, they gave out tips on artists’ lives, struggles, and requirements to success. I took notes during the panel, and I thought it’d be nice to share them with anyone who was interested ^///^ 
☆ The numbers in bold are the ones that were most highlighted upon the panelists, and were told to be the more important take aways of the panel!
1) The most important thing when it comes to success as an artist, sadly, isn’t how well you can draw. Its how you market yourself. There are tons of people in the world who are successful because they know how to properly display themselves in the eye of the public. One of the panelists said that when they were younger, they witnessed a individual who drew and was selling fan art at a convention was making more than they (who was selling original pieces) were at the time. They figured out it was because the person was physically standing up and engaging with their audience.
2) MAKE A BUSINESS CARD! One of the panelists claimed that they had gained many clients just from that little slip of paper. I’m still a minor in high school, so after the panel was over, I asked if I could still make one. They claimed that if I was 16 or over, then yes, he recommend I make one.
3) This one was furiously highlighted by one panelist in particular who mentioned it all throughout the panel. GET ON “LINKEDIN” it’s basically a job hunting site from what I’ve gathered from it, and it was described during the panel as a necessity. During the Q&A part of the panel, a girl came up and asked what her first move would be when she graduated. The immediate response was Linkedin. Everyone laughed because how fast the answer came, but the panelists then said he was not joking, and that that should’ve been her first move even before she graduated (It sounds a lot meaner when I type it out, but they were totally friendly with the girl). Linkedin website: https://www.linkedin.com
4) This one I understand isn’t accessible to everyone, so if you don’t (understandably) have the resources, you can skip over to the next number. One of the panelists mentioned CTN Animation Expo in Burbank. It was my first time hearing about it, so I had no idea what it was about. From what I’ve gathered, its a convention that brings animators together so that they gain knowledge from one another, and offers workshops (if I’m wrong on any of that info, I am so sorry). Here’s their website: http://www.ctnanimationexpo.com/index.php
5) Don’t be shy...make connections! Be friendly! More often than not, this along with marketing yourself is one of the more important ones. One of the panelists claimed that he was teaching art, and that he mentioned to his students that he had a friend that worked in (I believe?) Pixar. He told his students to go home that night, email his friend, tell them that they were his student, and ask him if they could buy him a coffee, and sit down with him. He then said that his friend had gotten into contact again with at least five of his students after their first meeting. It was emphasized by all of the panelists that making connections was extremely important!
6) Make sure all social media is u to date! One of the panelists had claimed that they had a friend who was discovered, and hired via Tumblr, and that you never know how your art gets seen.
7) Research about types of jobs! A different girl during the Q&A portion of the panel had asked that she had no idea what type of artist she wanted to be when she was older, but that she loved doing art, and definitely wanted to go into that direction later in her life. One panelist said that if she wasn’t sure at the moment, to take some time to research jobs (animator, story board artist, etc.) and their descriptions to see what they had to offer, and then evaluate from there.
8) Focus your portfolio on what you want to go into! If you already know what type of art you want to do when your older, then be sure to fill your portfolio with it! It’ll more often then not catch the attention of where your applying to, and be a nudge on the shoulder of “please put me in this department!”
9) Take initiative!  If you’re already an artist working at a professional job, and a new job position opens up, don’t be afraid to say “Do you mind trying me out for that position?” If you’re good at what you do, and like it, then chances are there won’t be a problem.
10) Make sure you can replicate styles! While I don’t remember the exact scenario that was described, one of the panelists had said that one day they were asked to draw in a similar style of manga, instead of their everyday task of drawing comic book style. They then said yes, they could do it, and wounded up doing manga style for awhile, and it ended up being a success (They said that some of the notes they received was “make the hair bigger, make the eyes bigger” lol). Also, bonus tip: if someone asks you, “can you do this?” SAY YES!!
11) Use your tools/resources!! One of the panelists says that their kids were trying to learn how to draw, and that were constantly on youtube or twitch looking for inspiration, references, etc. They also claimed that in modern society today, there is almost no excuse as why you haven’t been using these resources (a funny side note was that they mentioned that they offered to teach their kids to draw when they had taught figure drawing classes for years, to which their kids replied, “no, that’s okay”, lol). You also have to know how to use your tools. For example: if everyone else is doing their portion of work for a project digitally, but you don’t know digitally that well, and are a top notch painter, THEN PAINT YOUR PORTION (if its permitted of course)!
12) Try out “Unity” for game development. Unity is a game engine that allows an individual to develope 2D and 3D games, they have videos for beginners, and one of the panelists mentioned that it’s great for those just starting out! https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/developer-advice/how-start-your-game-development
13) Put time in! Discipline! YOU HAVE TO MAKE TIME FOR ART. YOU CANNOT MAGICALLY GET BETTER IF YOU ARE NOT CONSTANTLY DRAWING! DO NOT STOP DRAWING/PAINTING/CRAFTING!! One of the panelists said that if your art looked fantastic 3 weeks ago, and you haven’t drawn since then, then of course your art isn’t going to look as good. The problem is that your brain has set a standard for itself, and becomes stressed and discouraged when that standard isn’t met.
14) Set calendar reminders, and put on timers for yourself to help manage your time better (this can also tie into using your tools/resources!)
15) Don’t worry about rejection! Rejection is actually the first step to success, and that’s not just art. Ask others for positions open, opportunities, collabs, partnerships, etc. If they say no, THAT’S THEIR LOSS!! NOT YOURS!
16) Never apologize for your work! If its something you love to do, and it’s not harming anyone, then you don’t have to apologize for your art!
17) Know your audience! If your audience is fond of your fanart of one particular show or comic, and you love what you’re doing, then keep doing it! If you want to change that fanart to OCs, (and of course, vice versa) then maybe start a new account, and notify your followers!
18) Go under your own name (if you’re comfortable of course)! Feel confident and okay, because you owe no one an explanation! You can’t get discovered if your name isn’t on the art!
At the beginning of the panel, they announced that one lucky attendee would win one year access to Adobe’s creative cloud, which ended up being yours truely! :D It was fantastic timing since my subscription had JUST ended! One last side note is that Lee Kohse has a twitch channel and does creative streams every now and then! https://www.twitch.tv/kohseart
That’s all of the tips I was able to gather from the panel! I hope someone found this helpful!
0 notes
jackieisonline · 6 years
[Drawing on Everything] Week One
~~Part 1: 10 Different Drawing Apps/Software~~
[Note: After I wrote about these I then got the instructions that we should research software, so I’m not sure that I should have picked ones that I already have used. Hopefully this list is still insightful though!]
My formative childhood years were defined by learning how to use the computer to draw, so picking 10 different drawing apps/software is a nostalgic exercise for me. This list will be vaguely chronological, starting from the first drawing software I’ve ever used, and the years that I’ve used them.
1.  MS Paint (2000ish-2007)
My first experience with drawing on the computer was MS Paint.
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2.  Oekaki (2006-2008ish?)
Around age 10 I discovered that the internet was a thing that had communities, so I joined something called an “Oekaki board” - these were forum-like environments where you used an online drawing applet to post your art, and other users could comment and critique on your work. There were a lot of these different boards around - in particular I was really (cough, am still) obsessed with this one Nickelodeon show, “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, and spent the good amount of my pre-teenage years learning to draw by joining related boards and creating fan-art.
The actual drawing applets on these boards were varied - there was one called “Shipainter” which I liked to use, especially for its watercolor brush with a dynamic range of opacity. I think this program was conducive to developing a soft coloring/shading style, which is still part of my current style.
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(2007) I also became really into Naruto fanart communities as well. 10+ years later I’ve started watching the series again, so life really starts to surprise you.
3.  Corel Painter (2007-2008ish?)
I think this came free with my Wacom tablet, so I played around with it a bit when I was 11ish - but I remember it confusing the hell out of me. I think it was the “oil-painting” effects that added some 3D texture to your drawing, that I just didn’t know how to wield at that age.
3.  Photoshop (2008-present)
I started to feel at the age 11 that drawing on the computer was really my passion, so I asked for Photoshop Elements for as a Christmas gift. I really got into Photoshop and started to do more elaborate digital painting. I also used it to go extremely overboard in any middle school projects that involved some type of graphic design or illustration work. Past me was really excessive, but I guess that took me to where I am today.
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My first Photoshop Elements creation. I named it, “In Those Eyes”. Fitting.
4.  Drawing Games: Draw My Thing (2011ish?)
In high school I would go on this site called OmgPop and play this online, multiplayer Pictionary style game. Obviously I wasn’t trying to build my art portfolio through this game, but I think in a sense it’s a good test about how to sharpen your symbolic thinking and drawing skills in a timed setting. Whatever phenomena happens during this is really interesting  and probably relates to big ideas about human intelligence and communication - it’d be cool to do some further research on this.
6.  OneNote (2014-2016)
I had a windows laptop at the beginning of my undergrad that let you draw on the screen with a pressure-sensitive Pen. It was a Lenovo Yoga Thinkpad. I remember taking notes in OneNote for my classes but also using it to doodle.
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I drew this in OneNote, before going to college. I just went to visit Japan in the summer so I referenced this from a magazine I got.
6.  Sketch (2016-present)
Sketch is a vector based software for doing things like UI design. Because I’ve kind of veered toward UX design as a career path lately, I’ve been using it a lot in the work that I do for internships but also to design personal projects, and sometimes create illustrations.
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One of the first things I made while learning this software was a set of avatars for myself.
7.  Mischief (2017)
Mischief is this software I downloaded a free trial for. Apparently it’s raster based drawing software (like Photoshop), but allows you to infinitely zoom into your drawings without quality loss the way vector based software works. 
8.  Google Machine Learning Drawing Game (2017?)
This came out a bit ago - it’s like pictionary in that you have to draw an object and others guess, but in this case “others” is a machine learning model trained to recognize drawn objects. I have similar thoughts/questions to my Draw My Thing example.
9.  TV Paint (2017)
One year ago I took an animation class at Harvard. This is more like software dedicated for animation but has a pretty robust brush set and features, which is nice since you can just create the art directly in the program as you animate.
10.  Piskel (2018)
I used this tool when I was making animated sprites for a video game group project during my final semester at MIT. I later moved to Photoshop because it was getting difficult to manage files only using the website’s interface.
~~Part 2: Drawing in the Present~~~
That was a rather intimate history of my prolific but embarrassing pre-teen self. Let’s draw some stuff today, as a 22 year old grad student.
For each type of software, I’m giving myself 20 minutes to draw whatever my hands/mind gravitate to. Apparently today it’s colorful girls.
1. Photoshop
Tumblr media
2. Sketch
Tumblr media
3. Piskel
Tumblr media
0 notes