#still playing throughm
woolieshubris · 20 days
thinking about how melle knows what she's good at. she knows who she is. she's the princess of the underworld. she's a witch. she's the one who is going to kill chronos. these things brought her comfort
zag didn't know who he was or what he was good at. he was good at fighting? but not much better than everyone around him. he can't do his job, he isn't remarkable. he's vulnerable. he bleeds. these things crush zag.
melle knows the same things. she feels the same way. but she knows that she's the one who was chosen to do this, she has that sense of identity
zag climbed to the surface because he would have gone nuts without something to spend his time doing. he isn't ready. he knows he isn't. he doesn't expect to be able to.
melle is crawling down because the world is crumbling around her. she isn't ready. she knows she isn't. she knows she has to.
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thoscheitrashdhawan · 5 years
Too Hard To Leave You - Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 1,284
Summary: Every time Tom says “just friends”, you want to punch someone. You go to a party with him, and realise that maybe... maybe it’s time to leave.
A/N: I was pretty surprised with the amount of people who wanted me to write more of this, especially since my works don’t normally get much attention. But, this one did, so I decided to make this into a mini-series. I promised a friend that this chapter would fix things, but... if you’re interested, I may need to write a third part. 
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It had been months since the night in the hotel - since the night you nearly left, for good. Each night since, you’d considered it, but you just weren’t strong enough to go through with it, as much as you wanted to.
So, you did everything you used to. You followed him around the world, you slept with him, and then you told everyone you were just friends. And each day, the pain got worse. Each day, you wished you could be with him in the way that you wanted to be. Even if it wasn’t a public relationship, you just wanted him to acknowledge that there was something real between the two of you. But he never did, and you stuck by his side anyway. 
You sat on the bed of your hotel room, staring at the lovely outfit Tom had left out for you to wear to the party being thrown that night. It was in your favourite colour, and you smiled a little - he knew you so well. When you’d put it on and were satisfied with how you looked, you went into his room and found him dressed in a suit, looking at himself in the mirror nervously. 
“You alright?” You asked him, and he suddenly looked over at you, as if he’d only just realised you were there.
“Yeah, I- I’m fine.” He responded, before slipping his phone in his pocket and coming over to link his arm with yours. A smile graced his face at the laugh you let out - the two of you looked so childish, walking with your arms linked - and he laughed a little, too.
“There’s a limo waiting.” Tom said as the two of you reached the doors of the hotel, and he let go of you the second you were both outside. 
Arriving at the party gave you a bit of a headache, as it involved waiting paparazzi and lots of photos, but you made it through. As you walked in, a server directed you to your table. The other people there were complete strangers to you, but it was still fun, and you enjoyed getting to know them, until the music started and they left you to dance. 
At some point, a waiter brought you a drink; Tequila Sunrise. Your favourite. And as you started to drink it, your eyes scanned the room, until they settled on Tom, where he was having an in-depth conversation with someone who you didn’t recognise. Your eyes closed for a second, and when they opened, he was standing next to you.
“I thought you were socialising?”
“I was, but I saw you sitting alone, and wanted to keep you company.”
A smile lit up your face before you ran your hands through your hair. As much as you wanted him to stay with you, it seemed unfair to force him to spend the evening with you, when he could be enjoying the company of others. 
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know. But I want to. You’re my best friend, I’m not going to leave you by yourself.” A pang of pain shot through you when he said those words, but you pushed it away. “Dance with me?” He looked down at you with a hopeful expression, and you nodded, before taking his hand and letting him pull you to your feet.
As you danced, it felt like a repeat of your first night together. The night you met. And that was what made you realise - you had to do it. You loved him so much. But he’d never feel the same way. And although it was hard, you knew it was the right thing to do; you knew you should’ve done it a long time ago. 
“I saw someone who worked for your film, earlier.” You started, trying to ease yourself into the conversation. Start with some basic, and then work up to the part that would tear your heart into shreds. “She told me that you’re staying in a new hotel tonight.”
“Yeah? Is it nearby?” He asked, as the two of you continued to dance to the slow song that was playing. 
“I wouldn’t know.” You said, and he raised an eyebrow as you took a deep breath to prepare yourself. “I’m not going to be staying there.”
“Didn’t she book you a room? I’ll get her on the phone and sort it out-”
“No.” You interrupted, grabbing his hand before he could pull away. “No. I mean… I don’t want to stay. I’m going home tonight.”
“Why?” He asked, his eyebrows creasing with worry as he looked at you.
“Being with you… I love it. But it’s too much.” 
Tom nodded, but he didn’t seem to understand. He thought you just meant that fame was too much.
“How long until you have to go?”
“My plane leaves in a few hours. But I knew there was a party, so I thought I’d stay until it finished.”
“I’m glad you did.” He whispered, but you didn’t say anything in return. Seconds later, he pulled you off the dance floor and put his hand on your back, guiding you to the exit.
“What are you doing?” “You’re not enjoying yourself here, and we’ve only got a few hours left.” He explained as you approached the limo, and before you knew it, you were at the hotel, sitting on his bed. The hours went by in a blur, and it felt like you were in a haze. His lips were on yours, his hands were removing the stunning outfit, your fingers were running through his hair.  Kisses covered your body as his body moved in ways that made you moan his name. As your eyes met his, you could see how desperate he was. Not desperate for pleasure, but desperate for you. He wanted this moment to continue forever, and for you to never leave. Maybe if he’d told you all of that, if he’d told you how he felt, then everything would’ve been okay. Maybe you would’ve changed your mind about leaving him. Tom slowed his pace, and his hands cupped your cheeks lovingly.
“Stay.” He murmured, and because he looked so beautiful, so loving, and because you didn’t want to ruin the moment, you agreed. A smile lit up his face, and as he sped up again, your back arching as you let a chorus of moans leave you.
A little later, the two of you were laying in the bed, and you heard the man next to you sigh contentedly. You, on the other hand, were anxious. He may have been starting to drift off to sleep but you were thinking about what to do next. So, you stayed still. You enjoyed the moment. And when you were sure he was asleep, you reached over to push a long strand of hair out of his face. 
Your eyes closed for a moment, and you thought about the night you first met. You’d been sure that you’d never see him again. You’d stared at him, taking in every one of his features, never wanting to forget them. And now, here you were, opening your eyes again and doing the same thing. Your fingers gently ran over his face, feeling every bump and imperfection, taking them all in like a blind person would; wanting to feel close to him. After you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for your own words for the second time that night, you started to mumble under your breath.
“I love you.”
The next morning, when Tom rolled over and said good morning, a wave of disappointment crashed over him. You were gone.
If you’re interested in me writing a third part (I think I probably will), then let me know. And if you’d like to be tagged in this or any other fics, then comment/tell me in your reblog or send me an ask!
Tagging the people who said they’d be interested in a Part 2 (let me know if you don’t want to be tagged): @marvelfanbrenda @mindset-jupiter @casualprincess77 @whatareyouhidingpeter @lizzy077 @unsolvedhearts @i-seeright-throughme @sparkling-halz @moonificantlou @annalynee @eve-morningstar 
Taglist for this fic: @brokenhearted-littlegirl @tc5322 @jennyparkerpizza @ballerinaphan @avengersassemblee​  People who couldn’t be tagged for some reason: @ivegotparticulartaste @focusedqueensblog @littlebookbengal @edrahil-nargothrond
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