#still trying to migrate to a decent place
copperbadge · 9 months
Have we found a tumblr replacement yet? Apparently the latest “live” shenanigans were the thing that it took to break me. I’m not trying to stir shit, I’m just mostly here for you and a couple other blogs, so I’m going wherever you go.
I wish, but unfortunately not so far. I mean, I've talked a little about how I'd like to find one but there aren't really any viable ones right now, and there may not be a fandom mass-migration for years still. I'm more likely to follow the crowd than blaze a trail in this case, so it may be some time. For now my only real tactic is to simply not engage with staff or support at Tumblr in any way, and accept the changes as gradual steps towards the site's demise with as much serenity as I can muster.
I've already accidentally opened Tumblr Live twice while trying to navigate the app, which I'm sure is intentional, given I've now suddenly opened Tumblr Live twice since its inception instead of Zero. Relatedly, I would love to see them redirect that passion into making the "Mute Notifications" button actually work, but mine is not to reason why.
Anyway. There are options available, like obviously there are other social media platforms, but none have quite the combination of "easy to use" and "has a lot of people on it" and "Offers the same functionality" (photo and video hosting, an app, etc) even with an "ease of use" and "functionality" that are as crap as Tumblr's.
For example, Dreamwidth is great, but it's a Livejournal code fork so it's a very different format from Tumblr, more labor-intensive to make and share posts (no reblog function, image embedding can get a bit complicated, etc). CoHost is new and very promising but a bit of a ghost town right now -- I'm there and I've had a bunch of people find me there but still exponentially less than are on Tumblr. Pillowfort I still need to re-investigate; I'm there as well but it's been a while since I looked in, and I was struggling with the functionality previously. I had a look at Mastodon, but as positive as decentralized servers could be for the future of social media, I actively dislike the idea, and it also seems difficult to set up and complex to maintain. Discord is....there, and a lot of fandom stuff has shifted there, but its structure is very different and it's also decentralized, and also I hate it passionately and refuse to use it, so that's a no-go for me, though I suspect it's where fandom might end up.
If you're struggling with accessing tumblr directly, you might consider feeding the blogs you follow to an RSS reader -- I know people who do that and find it pretty functional, because then if they want to comment they can just pop open the specific post and deal with it directly. I don't know how much you know about RSS and I don't have the energy to fully explain it right now, but NetVibes is a pretty decent free RSS reader and it's what I use for certain blogs outside of Tumblr.
In any case, if I do find a place, or if I see the migration beginning, I'll sound the alarm :) In the meantime I'm still reading through my tumblr, stashing away posts to save off when I leave, even if that'll be a while.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
Gale’s Top Ten: Least favorite episodes of Miraculous Ladybug (as of season 5)
With Season 5 finished and my posting of my top 10 favorite episodes, it’s time I crank the meter the other way. Now some rules
1. Like always this is my personal opinion, and if you liked these episodes, that’s great. I would love to hear your reasoning
2. I will be judging them SOLELY of what was shown in the episode, not by any leaks that came out before or after. I’m solely judging on what is seen and confirmed
3. Word of warning, I will be pretty vicious with my critiques. Also profanities will be thrown.
Now before I go into them, I should give some congratulations to some episodes no longer in my bottom 10
Captain Hardrock: You are still a lame episode, but not the worst you are actually decent in comparison to some of these.
Stormy weather 2.0: Clip shows still are awful, but there are worst things
Frozer: In the grand scheme of things this episode really wasn’t important and there are worst character writing
10.Sole Crusher
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Revisiting this, it really isn’t a good episode for ML. I don’t know what was more Shoehorned in, Zoe’s character arc of replacing Chloé or the lucky charm.
It also makes little sense that Marinette would be the one pushing for Zoe considering her experience with Chloé and her family (especially after Season 5 revealed her trauma).
Now Zoe isn’t a bad character, but she will always be seen as the replacement Good bee, and she deserves better writing.
Honestly it could be argued Queen banana should be here, but that episode is too much of a s***post that I get more enjoyment out of it. This is trying to play this straight and it don’t feel right.
9. Qilin
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This episode has a some things going for it, great akuma design, decent action. But it also has a ton going against it. It’s in a series of episodes I like to call “Thomas’ gets political” and I will tell you this, he sucks at it.
I would try and explain further but I am aware I would butcher the topic, all that should be said is, racism tackled poorly and Marinette says she will pay for a ticket that her mother didn’t deserve to get in the first place.
Also the animation looks off in the episode, it just looks so bleh. 
8. Migration
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Remember that whole reveal that Luka knows both Ladybug’s and chat noir’s identities and how he kept that to himself?
Well that FINALLY gets addressed. And are Ladybug and chat noir mad at him? No. No consequences for him.
The whole episode acts like he is such an important character but this is one of 2 episodes he’s in where he has more than 2 lines.
Then he gets to travel the world with his dad because monarch found out he knows.
Kagami got akumatized twice and she knew Ladybug’s identity, step up your game Luka.
Also the fake out with Rose was bulls*** and everyone knows it.
Also the entire episode had everyone but Luka lacking brain cells.
I don’t rank it lower because while it annoyed me greatly, there are worse offenders on the list.
7. Animaestro
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Astruc complains for 22 minutes that nobody cares about him anymore.
Also Marinette teams up with her bully which after watching Derision, WOULD BE THE LAST thing she would do.
This is the worst example of the Creator calling out the audience, There are other episodes like this but this one is the least entertaining. And if the ending of season 5 is concerned. “I’ve seen your writing, so I can FUCKING CRITIQUE IT YOU ARROGANT PIECE OF…”
Okay, I’m calm. Point being. It’s his call out the critics episode and it sucks
6. Furious Fu
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I HATE Su Han.
He is a worse version of Fu in every stretch of the imagination.
The episode where Su han shows up and starts making demands is stupid. The only thing he has going for him is his fighting style which he never teaches the two people that could have needed it!
The episode isn’t lower because despite Su Han’s impact, he really doesn’t do much and he is just there to be a nag later on. Also Fu’s akuma looks dope as hell and gave Fu some slack.
5. Feast
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So remember how Su han showed up in the last episode. Well he and all the other guardians were gone for over 100 years because they lost to a 4 Foot blue dog made by a hungry child.
This episode isn’t as bad as the others as a stand alone, but knowing the lore makes it sound so completely stupid. Like Fu was HAUNTED by his past and we find out it was because he was hungry when training and the guardians COULDNT handle that? All trained to fight miraculous users should they go rogue, couldn’t beat ONE DOG. The mysterious order is incompetent as heck.
It’s just so stupid. Also Fu was acting irrational af over all this didn’t help.
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I want everyone to know how massive this is, Reflekdoll is no longer my least favorite episode.
For anyone that follows me, my SEETHING hatred of this episode is well documented.
I won’t go on about how the tropes were horribly done or ignored, how off the banter was, or even how stupid everyone is this episode. Because I’ve discussed it in length.
I will simply say, Thank God there is Passion, so if people want a GOOD kwami swap episode they can watch that one.
3. Miracle Queen
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I’ve talked about this episode to death on here. But really the only flaws with it are the last half of the episode.
The drama of the first half is great. But the ass pull of a memory wipe, the clear degradation of Chloé’s character, and just the simple giving up of Hawkmoth, he could have easily still won if he pushed a bit longer. The ending was depressing but also a clear example of how the writers put themselves in a corner with no way out.
The only thing that makes it worse is Fu’s replacement (Su han) ends up being a worse teacher.
Also considering how they spent season 4 quickly getting Marinette and Adrien out of the relationships with the love rivals, even they realize it was a dumb call.
2. Ephemeral
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Hey, let’s make an episode to explain why Adrien can NEVER know his father is the villain.
This episode is the go to justification of the writers on why Adrien will always be sidelined. It was also the unofficial reveal of the sentimonster theory before it was said pretty much outright in season 5.
The worst akuma design. Marinette gaslighting, gate keeping chat noir at its worst.
Gabriel wins and gets his wish.
And none of it mattered and no one remembers it except I think Sass. So it was pretty much pointless.
Not even the ladrien and cute reveal could save it.
And don’t even get me started on how pointless and avoidable it is.
It’s almost funny because despite how pointless this was, it’s still better than number 1.
1. Re-creation
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So many cool concepts, great designs. Marinette dropping a piano on Gabriel. So many great things. But it also had some flaws, like having Adrien sidelined, and the focus on heroes from the specials for practically no reason. But all of that could be forgivable if the ending lands…
It really shows how an AWFUL ending can fuck up everything.
Imagine having 5 seasons of fighting to stop a villain from getting the miraculous to make the wish only for him to WIN! Yes he wins. He gets to make the wish, you know the wish that was said should NEVER be used. Of all the stupid, asinine, Shark Jumping BULL SHIT. Who the fuck APPROVED THIS HORSE SHIT?!
So he gets his wish, and he gets a statue HONORING HIM. What the fuck? Adrien, who was ABUSED now sees his abuser as a hero and EVERYONE THAT KNOWS THE TRUTH IN HIS LIFE IS HIDING THE TRUTH FROM HIM. Nathalie, Marinette, Felix, Kagami. Even PLAGG!
And the whole utopia crap, everything is just perfect now, because the villain got what he wanted.
That’s a great lessons for kids! (Blatant Sarcasm)
But let’s really dig in, the ending left a LOT of things vague. And hilariously ALL OF THE POTENTIAL OUTCOMES ARE SHIT.
1. Emilie was revived and Nathalie got healed.
So Gabriel gets everything he wanted from the wish, justifying everything he did and he gets treated like a hero and another person hiding the truth from Adrien. Marinette knows everything that brought this about and is keeping that from Adrien, but is justified slightly because it could encourage Adrien to try and get his father back with a wish. Also brings up the question of who took Emile’s place.
2. Only Nathalie was healed.
Gabriel ended up with Emilie like he wanted, gets treated like a martyr, Adrien is technically an orphan, Marinette is knowingly lying to him about his father and Adrien continues to get Gaslit.
3. Emilie is revived, Nathalie is healed, and memories were altered
Gabriel’s wish basically shaped EVERYTHING how he wanted, meaning he is still in control of Adrien’s life even in death. Even his own wife. So while this removes Marinette covering for him intentionally, it just means Gabriel was so much worse.
4. Nathalie’s healed and memories altered
Gabriel gets to be with Emile and has shaped Adrien’s life even in death. Everyone basically puppeteer by him as he died. Sure he’s dead but he also retconned for his redemption, which is bullshit.
Now there are people that defend this ending/potential ending.
I’m sorry but, unless they revive Gabriel and he gets exposed, Adrien finds out the truth, and he gets held accountable for his actions. I can’t feasibly imagine this ending being good.
The writing staff aren’t going to do Anything about this, they are just going to move on to Lila as the main villain and say the Agreste plotline is over.
If they Do, do something, I’ll happily take back my words and alter my view of the episode but right now.
It’s one of the WORST season finale’s I’ve seen in my life.
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sentient-stove · 9 months
He spread out the map between them, and to Nico, it was straight up gibberish, all cross-sections and divided into what appeared to be a simple grid until one looked closer. Just trying to inspect a single part made Nico’s head hurt, and it didn’t help that the map had no writing on it, instead covered by charcoal pin head dots and dashes. Leo hummed as he finished unfolding it, tracking a finger along and pointing at a square near the left border.
“This is where I found you. The Phlegethon’s safe for mortals to swim in, unlike the other rivers down here, so the entrance you used to end up in Tartarus was probably one of the better options.” He then pointed to a bit further into the gridlock, Nico nodding along like he understood. “And this is where we are now. We got two options really- we can try to find the Lethe and follow it to the Doors or we can backtrack and find somewhere safe to sleep for the night.”
“What’s the red x for?”
“Any red xes are where I’ve found the Doors before.” Leo explained. “I think I figured out the pattern they use to migrate, but since they were chained down a few months ago, I haven’t been able to update. And then the green stars are safe places.”
There were only three green stars on the map.
“And it’s a grid because?”
“It’s not a grid, it’s a chessboard. Looking-Glass rules, remember? There wasn’t any maps when I first started here, so I made one and the chessboard gives me the advantage.” Leo tapped the furthest green star from them. “I’d say we camp here, but it’s not a good journey on foot, so—” he grimaced, looked away and Nico picked up the map to inspect the last star available.
“What about here?” Nico asked. “It’s decently close, and I still have some stamina.”
“I don’t like the guy that lives there.” Leo muttered back.
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my-own-walker · 7 months
Someone You've Never Seen Before
A Kyle Spencer Fan Fiction
frat!kyle AU, fem!main character, sexual themes, mature language, use of drugs and alcohol, frat boy antics
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*TW for this chapter: Proceed with caution if SA-themes trigger you. If things don't seem right at a party, find a friend! Get out of the situation. And make sure you cover your drink!*
I got to Kappa Alpha around 10 p.m. I got coerced into going by Lance, one of my brothers, while eating a late-night snack in the house's kitchen. In the dim light of the room, he begged me to come with him between gulps of milk (drank straight from the carton, mind you) as I ate an apple.
Submitting to his will, I threw on some jeans, and a pair of sneakers, and left to begin yet another weekend of drinking. That was about all I knew how to do anymore.
The KA house was already almost at capacity when we got there. I wasn't sure of the details of the party, just that there was one, and that it was at KA. I followed Lance blindly, and there I was. Some people were dressed way too nicely for a regular function, which led me to believe that this may have been the afterparty for a formal.
I slithered through the droves of people, saying hi to people I recognized as I went. I wanted to get to the drinks, and I wanted to get to the drinks fast. 
Then, there she was, leaning against the wall in the living room, wearing a pretty dress. She spoke closely with a decently tall guy. I tried to make out who it was without staring too hard. I decided to temporarily pause my quest for a drink and have a little stakeout. Seeing her there, so happy, made my chest hurt.
I spotted a place on a couch against the opposite wall and set my sights on it. I settled there for the moment, finding myself in a front-row seat to a scene I didn't want to see. Julian Garcia chatting Hannah up. 
I knew of Julian, but not much at all. I knew he was KA. I knew he was a senior. But that was about where my knowledge stopped.
He bent down dramatically to speak to her, in my opinion,  trying to appear taller than he truly was. I thought I might hurl. Although, he was more her type. I could see it instantly. The glimmer in her eyes as she took him in hurt to look at. She was different. He was, too.
My breath hitched as I watched him touch her, both of his hands holding onto her shoulders. Then, he spun her around and began guiding her through the sea of people toward the wall the couch I was sitting on was on. I shrunk down in the seat, still keeping an eye on the two. Julian produced a key from his pocket and unlocked the door in front of them. I felt sick seeing him pull her in and shut the door behind them.
It hurt to watch her enjoy someone so much. I wondered if she enjoyed her time with me that much. I felt homesick for arms that didn't want to hold me anymore.
Deciding I couldn't take it anymore, I stood quickly and walked with determination to the kitchen.
The dining room table had become a makeshift pong table. The counters were littered with bottles of beer and liquor. I spotted Lily Davies in the corner, watching the pong game. I made a beeline for the beer, grabbing one, twisting the bottle open swiftly, and knocking it back.
"Kyle?" a panicked voice asked from behind me. "Kyle!"
I turned around in the wrong direction at first, so I backtracked, finally seeing Lily standing behind me in the basement. Her face was contorted with worry. "Hey, uh, Lily." I migrated to the basement to get away from the possibility of seeing Hannah and Julian flirting. Seeing Lily Davies took me aback, though. Hearing her address me shook me even more.
She's here to yell at me, I thought. She's here to tell me off for what I did. I don't blame her. She should just hit me. I'm such a-
"Is Hannah with you?" she yell-asked sternly over the loud music.
I looked around, dumbfounded. "N-no?" I answered, utterly confused as to why she'd be asking.
"Fuck, okay," she groaned. "I don't know why I even asked you." The way she spat the word "you" hit me like a knife to the heart. It only confirmed that Hannah hated me.
"Why? What's going on?" I asked, concerned.
"I can't fucking find her," she shouted, looking down at her phone.
"Have you tried texting her?" I suggested, trying my best to help and maybe right a wrong.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "A world of good that would do, huh?" she snarked, producing a second phone, Hannah's phone, from the front of her dress. "She gave it to me when we got here."
"I- I can help you look, or-"
"Something just feels wrong. I don't know. Something feels wrong," Lily rambled. "No one can tell me where she is, like, no one's seen her."
"I've seen her," I asserted, my eyes growing wide. "She went into Julian Garcia's room last I saw."
"Oh my god!" she yelled, exasperated. "Lead with that, Spencer!" She turned on her heel and stormed toward the stairs. I followed her, because she was right, something felt wrong. Her short-statured form led the way, parting the crowd as she stomped into the living room. She stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the room and then turned around to face me. 
"What?" I asked.
"Fucking following me, Kyle?" she spat.
"I- listen I'm sorry, but if you feel like something's wrong then I feel like something's wrong, I- I-"
"You never told me which room is Julian's. Is he upstairs?"
"N-no his door is right over there," I replied, pointing in the direction of the room I had just seen Hannah disappear into under an hour ago. Lily spun around again and walked quickly toward the door. Once again, I followed. 
She tried the knob to no avail. She shook it a few times before giving up. "I can't fucking get it open!" she yelled. Her fist made forceful contact with the door multiple times. 
"Let me try," I said, calmly, gently guiding her out of my way with the back of my hand. I grabbed the doorknob and attempted to turn it. It didn't budge. I beat my palm on the door a few times before resting my ear against it, trying to hear what was going on inside.
It was silent at first. Then I heard a female voice whimper. They're fucking, I thought, rolling my eyes. The thought was cut short, though, by a male's harsh voice. "Shut the fuck up!" he hissed. My stomach dropped. Shit. Shit. 
"Lily, move back," I warned through gritted teeth, as calmly as I could. "In fact, get the people around this door to move the fuck back."
Lily stumbled backward with a horrified look on her face and began pushing people away from me. I stepped back and took a deep breath, steeling myself, trying to remember what I had learned on the internet. Right next to the knob. Next to the knob. You got it. Go.
I planted my left foot and kicked the door with my right, right next to the doorknob. It flew open flimsily.
The scene inside stole my breath and made my head buzz with rage. Julian was on top of Hannah, his hand planted firmly over her mouth. She was clothed, but probably wouldn't have been for long. Julian's head snapped up, a sinister expression on his face.
"Get the fuck off of her," I screamed, charging the bed. Julian flipped off of her and scrambled to stand in the middle of the room, his hands up in the air.
"Hey, man, I don't walk in on you when you're trying to fuck," he contended. 
I glanced over at Hannah and saw her, eyes closed, moving sluggishly with a pained expression on her face. She tried to flutter her eyelids open, but she couldn't physically keep them that way for long.
"There's something wrong with her. What did you do to her?" I shouted, seeing red. He didn't reply. I started toward him. "What the fuck did you do to her?!"
"She's just too drunk, man," Julian tried, a disgusting smirk on his lips.
"Don't fucking lie!" I yelled, getting in his face. I lowered my voice and through gritted teeth spoke again. "If you tell me what you gave her, I won't call the fucking cops."
He laughed sickly. "Just a roofie, dude," he answered, nonchalantly. "It's no big deal."
Blinding, white-hot rage shut my brain off. It only came back when my fist made contact with Julian's cheek. He stumbled backward and held his cheek. I rushed over to Hannah, who was still slowly writhing in his bed and scooped her up bridal style.
"Fuck, oh my god, fuck," Lily repeated, panicking, as she followed me, carrying Hannah, out of the house. "Kyle, oh my god, is she okay?"
"I don't know yet," I muttered, not seeing anything beyond Hannah, the ground in front of me, and the empty sidewalk just a few yards away from the house. Away from the chaos. I knelt down as soon as I got there, cradling Hannah gently.
"Hannah!" Lily cried out, rushing to kneel in front of me. She touched Hannah's face and got no response. "Oh god." She began to cry. 
"Lily, can you call a ride or something? She got roofied."
"Did he hurt her? Did he touch her? Oh my god," she sobbed, rubbing Hannah's face softly.
"I don't think so, Lily, but we need to get her someplace safe," I insisted. 
"Right," she sniffled, "right, I'll...fuck, I'll call Leon, I don't know." She typed searched for his contact in her phone with shaking hands and pressed the button to call him. She reached him within a few rings and walked a few steps away to talk.
I looked down at Hannah and wanted to cry. She had no idea how badly I wanted to hold her like this again, and for it to be in this context shattered my heart into a million pieces. I brushed a piece of hair out of her face. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay," I cooed, speaking through the lump in my throat. "I've got you. You're safe."
"Kyle," she mumbled, before closing her eyes again and slumping, her head falling to the side. It felt like all of the air in my lungs got stolen all at once. That single word meant more than she would ever know.
"Leon's on his way," Lily breathed, kneeling back down in front of Hannah. "It's okay Han. We got you, baby girl. We're gonna get you home."
The world closed in on me. I looked down at her face and saw nothing but her. Felt nothing but her. In the middle of the chaos, there was Hannah. I needed to be calm for her. I needed to help her. And that was all that mattered.
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phantoids · 2 years
Fuck it. Take some dsmp countries worldbuilding for an AU I'm working on.
Snowchester. originally it was l'manberg's industrial sector of claimed land, including a nuclear research lab (not limited to weapons but mostly yea, i like to think they had a decent physics department and were trying to figure out nuclear reactors to help power the city when things started getting worse) but ofc it turned into an industrial town since workers migrated there. you have small farms of hardy vegetables and their own traditions and such. it ends up gaining independence of lmanberg as like a separate country but it's still a colony yk since they wanted to be allow the people of snowchester to be seen as their own people whilst being able to easily keep their lmanberg citizenship and such given they're all first generation migrants basically. snowchester's main things are engineering (electrical, mechanical, anything they can get to do with mechanics), physics and nuclear physics. they've got some primary industry in extracting natural materials required for the nukes (the specific area is where there's a lot of very deeply buried inactive nuclear ore) and ofc secondary industry in the processing of those materials too since they're refined there too. snowchester has very little tertiary industry, and quite a bit of quaternary in terms of engineering and designers and such. meanwhile l'manberg has quite a bit of quaternary and tertiary industry but not nearly as much secondary (they mainly export food products, however, and often jewellery too) and basically no primary industry.
snowchester remains one of the more populated areas on the server after the egg, with how it's self sufficient and a bit too cold for the vines still. some are creeping up the shore though and nobody's too sure how long they have til the town is uninhabitable.
the dsmp specialises in primary industry and tertiary. all its manufacturing is either outsourced to lmanberg or the badlands. cause like. the badlands is an extremely good place to have a lot of manufacturing and quaternary as well, and they just do fuck all everything. they are THE manufacturing specialists (also cause sam would definitely like that kind of thing and help out with it).
kinoko exports agricultural goods and has one of the most popular brewing industries on the server, as well as being renowned for the general quality of ingredients and the amount of cafes. also has a lot of builders, there's a decent amount of construction done there due to the materials used in most of the buildings, it attracts a lot of carpenters and construction workers who want to test their skill working with mushrooms sturdy enough to build a house with. las nevadas is entirely tertiary and quaternary industry, they outside a lot to lmanberg and the badlands. basically after el rapids dispersed they created las nevadas so the few people who lived there moved to las nevadas, and people probably migrated from elsewhere too, but el rapids was planned to have a decent entertainment industry. las nevadas has lots of builders and carpenters and jewellery sellers but it's all bespoke stuff, and a lot of it is high end or hand made goods too. it's where you'll go to find the best restaurants and hotels and night clubs and casinos. it's where you meet the big business execs and where there's a lot of cramped office buildings, and the food is quite lovely since it's so close to kinoko they get fresh ingredient imports every day.
also foolish's summer home is a tourist attraction and resort. you've also just got foolish there. he's always seen building smth.
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clatterbane · 23 days
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Huge fun again this evening. 😰
I am back to trying to decongest what's stashed on Google cloud storage for my main account, before I migrate it somewhere else. Only, that means sorting through a bunch of auto-uploaded just plain shit, stretching back to 2009. (Plus a few that really were taken earlier, and a handful of early-mid 2010s dog pics which the EXIF data are somehow placing in 1980?)
I have managed to clear out around a GB from Photos today, mostly from the past year and a half. Most of the remaining files that Google Photos is flagging as blurry pics--and also a lot of the large files/videos there--are of various animals. I am not trashing any of those, no matter how blurry or otherwise messed up.
Oh yeah, and just to add to the mental doneness factor right at the moment? Looking at images of the animals still feels like I'm getting stabbed in the chest. And we've worked back into the chronological period where that's a decent proportion of what I did not already clear out at some point.
So yeah, I think just around a GB freed up will have to do it for tonight.
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stargazer0001 · 4 months
made a slugcat concept where its literally just "a single mom who works two jobs who loves her kids and never stops" so.
no one wants to hear about but Idc so here is some of my dumb scug campaign concept idea!!! Now uh I haven't thought tooo much abt it I'll clear up some stuff later. So rambling under the cut
The Guardian
A slugcat with long fur along their back and even longer tail, with a strong parental instinct, adapted to caring for their colony as if they were their own slugpups.
You spawn. Somewhere. I want to make a couple custom regions for this. So. But I do know that I want it to be like a mix of outer expanse and farm arrays but more painful. You're in a room that is has heavy plant growth, its decently dark in there but its not impossible to see. Just a bit more of a limited view in there, though you should soon realize, you are with multiple other slugcats! A couple adults and a few pups. This room is basically a shelter. It has a couple lanterns in there as well to help eliminate the darkness. Your main goal is to migrate away, this current region is filled with hidden dangers lurking in the heavy plant life. Its not safe for you to stay. So you go a journey on, as the leader of your colony, you must choose where to go. But remember, you aren't by yourself, you have an entire colony with you. This is for the better and worse. On one hand, you have a family to help you through dangers and help find food, on the other hand, you now have more mouths to feed and more lives to try and protect. Though you have some adaptations to help you through this perilous journey. You have a a long tail, with long fur on said tail which allows multiple slugcats to hold onto it, and a long mane, allowing you to carry more slugcats! You can hold 4 adults (8 pups). And when one of your colony members is in danger, you get a temporary speed and strength boost, allowing you to better save them. Now in this first area, there isn't deadly rain, because you are outside of an iterator can's reach. But there are deadly predators that come out at night and will hunt you and all of your colony.
Im also thinking that you are a descendant of The Gourmand, this being the same colony, just a couple generations later. This takes place probably sometime inbetween surv/monk and rivulet. Mostly because Surv and monk are the generation directly after Gourmand and The Guardian is a couple generations later. So because this is before rivulet, if you end up at FP (somehow) then its probably in a semi erroded state. Like a bit less then rivulets but still kinda destroyed, and Moon is still chillin. The rain here isn't as frequent as Rivulet's, but the cycle is a bit shorter than and surv/monk's.
so uh thats all I really got for now. I might think more on this tomorrow or smt but idk. Lets see if people are actually kinda interested in the concept first. Sorry if there are mistakes in here. Im tired. I should go to bed ngl (I probably wont)
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askammoknights · 2 years
If you like trying new foods, there's this REALLY good place in downtown Inkopolis. I think they're a ramen based shop, but i hear they also make some decent octocurry. I dunno I'd check it out when you have your next lunch break!
"I'd love to...if I was still in Inkopolis. Octocurry was just getting started over there when I left, though, with the Octarian migration...They can make pretty good food when they're not subsisting. I'll have to try that if I'm ever back there."
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lady-azarashe · 5 months
Normally I'd rant on Reddit, or on my IG stories, or even on some random Chatterbox thread on Gaia Online so that I could scream into the void without actually bothering anyone. But I ran away from the former two and I've been trying to use Tumblr more since the Reddit migration, so I guess I'll rant here for a bit and delete it afterwards.
So... 2023 was one of the worst years of my life, a solid runner up for the top spot, in fact. I think it barely edges out the former champion of 2014 to take the podium, and that's because this year my grandma died.
Between getting fired from a decently enjoyable job, to landing on several other horrible jobs, lack of money due to my time unemployed in between said horrible jobs, having had to move back with my family because they needed someone to take care of my grandpa (poor man had a stroke and I was the only one who could drive him daily to the hospital), and having to deal with all this while people were still treating me like a child with no agency of her own... Well, shit got bad, and my head went to some very dark places. I got a bit better, but then my grandma died and I got very sick physically, so I've spent most of December and a good chunk of January on a fever-fueled daze.
In so far, this has been mostly rationalized already and I'm ok with it. Well, it's not like I'm really ok with it, you know, but I've gotta keep rolling with the punches and all that. I know sometimes life sucks, shit's whack, and you gotta play with the cards you've been dealt. Been doing that for a long time now, but there were certain things that never changed and I relied heavily on them to trudge along everyday.
It's always the little things, though, that drive me over the edge and into a puddle of despair. And it's today that I noticed something these little things seem to have in common lately, and why they hurt so much.
A bunch of YouTubers I follow have either given up and disappeared quietly, or they've announced that they're quitting due to burnout/wanting to take their lives back from YT/etc. I am incredibly happy for them and wish them the best, but I sadly spend a lot of time alone and relied a lot on other people's content to make my life less monotonous. It's not a worrying parasocial relationship, but they do feel like friendly familiar faces and knowing they're not going to stick around any longer kinda hurts a little.
In fact, it hurts just as much as when I got kicked out of Reddit. Deapite being mostly a lurker I was active on a few communities there, and I even managed to make a few friends. But I never really felt like part of the community, and after the whole API thing I felt pushed out even more than usual. I don't want to go back, things have changed quite a lot since my days, but I miss being able to talk about stuff with random people and get memes or advice in return. For some reason I'm not managing to do the same here on Tumblr. :(
And in the end, I think that's what's going on here. I feel incredibly lonely in my life these days. I can't reconnect with my friends because my life has spun out of control and I'm ashamed of it (plus, adulting makes it much more difficult). I can't connect with people online because I'm a terminal lurker and have trouble adapting to digital environments, and the few pillars of stability in my life seem to be twisting or crumbling right in front of me. And due to my new job I work as a retail clerk alone most of the time. No connections here either.
I'm scared, Tumblr. I still have friends and a partner, but I feel so alone. I am trying to fight against the existential dread that hunts me down relentlessly, but I am losing this fight. :(
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leashade · 1 year
A couple of random thoughts.
First. Initially I started this blog to keep it "out of sight" — so it won't get too much unwanted attention — but still share some thoughts with others. It became more important to me after the war started, since there were many political thoughts I just wasn't feeling like posting anywhere publicly. My philosophy is that information (even personal blogs) should be public and "out there", but I didn't want many people to know about it. And also considering how the gov monitors social media, writing in an unknown blog in English would bring relative safety.
And my platform of choice was Telegram (with X-posts to Discord). It's a convenient place to write thoughts to, and it's the most convenient blogging platform out there. Twitter is nice and all, but it's too public and it doesn't work for "medium sized posts" (which is funny since Medium works great for long posts, but not for medium sized ones).
Now with the fediverse on the rise I was considering Mastodon as a platform to write this kind of thoughts to. But it still doesn't really work for this kind of thoughts. That said, Tumblr is kind of on the rise these days, so I might migrate here.
Second. The main issue with this blog is a different one though. As much as I would love to write long posts here every once in a while, I don't have much to write about outside of dota these days. I have a Russian counterpart of this channel, but it doesn't even have that much activity either.
The main reason for that is simple: after all the shit started, I kind of wanted to focus on my work. In a way it's a way for me to escape the shit and feel better. Working a shitload feels just as good as isolating myself in a long session of Genshin Impact or some other game. Just for some time there is nothing, but you and the code or this beautiful world. There is nobody to harm you, nobody to annoy you. Just you. I felt weird about working during this kind of time at first. But then I realised that there are people who actually rely on me and my work. I can do a better job, and these people can actually make a difference, so this is my way of changing the world and breaking through these shit times.
As a result though most of the stuff I can write about is going to devlogs and dota blog. There are some big blog bits, but that's about it. It's kinda sad, but what can one do.
Third. Just as I was able to figure out at least some kind of plan for my life and seemingly establish a fragile equilibrium, it's broken again. Or at least feels like it.
You might not know it, but during all this time I haven't left Russia. It's not like I didn't want to or didn't try. It might seem like "getting out" is easy and all, but it's actually not, and it costs money too. And with all my tech equipment and my work (and some personal matters) it became very challenging to get out on my own (especially when you don't have money for it as well). I was looking into different options I have, but it doesn't seem like there are many of them left.
This post is basically my way of letting out steam, as I was feeling nervous after the recent news and couldn't sleep. There are still personal matters here, and I still don't want to leave unless I have to, but, well, I have to now. But first I need to get the last tech upgrade — just as I've got used to using an actual PC as my main machine instead of a laptop, I have to find a laptop that's able to replace my main PC once again (and probably upgrade it immediately). All of this while dealing with matters here and preparing to leave.
I can't reveal my exact plan (and not even sure there is a proper one anyway) and my current options (I have conflicted feelings regarding some of them), but all I can say right now is it should be alright eventually. At least I have a decent plan regarding my projects and how to make them better and also get some profit out of it while not reducing the available information.
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slimeywooper · 7 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 Part 2 - The Kennels
CW: A curse word at the end
"Oh… alright." This was the first time you heard such an introspective statement from Kudari, though to be fair, you had only just met him. From what you have seen, he is prone to switching between emotions without any warning. It was nice to learn that, at least some of the time, he could realize he was becoming upset and try to prevent an episode. Handing the Purrloin to Kudari, you quickly clean the two glass cases and a cage nearby. The Purrloin is the first to be put away, Kudari petting it before the small door is shut. Gently grabbing the Joltik from your shoulder, you tell it goodbye, "Well, it was nice meeting you, Joltik. We are going to put you back with your friends now." After putting it in the glass case, you move to the side so Kudari can also return his Joltik.
With a hint of sadness, Kudari says, "I will see you soon, my friends." Placing his hands in the case, the Joltik begin to crawl single file inside. "I am now getting more time out of my room, so I will make sure that you remain as close together as possible." You are watching his ability to control them with fascination. He vocalizes a few more clicks and the ones still on his arms cease their migration. Kudari closes the case and moves to the one next to it. Clicking again, the last few Joltik depart from him into this new case. After closing the door, he moves on, checking the next few cages. When he spots one that is occupied, he looks at it and opines, "Nasty Fire type, bleh!" He glances at you, distaste apparent on his face. "Most of these Pokemon are easy to handle, but I do not like dealing with Fire types. I suggest instead of pulling it out and holding it while we clean, we should find one of the unoccupied cages and shove it in there. That will cut the time we spend interacting with it down."
Not wanting to push him to do anything that would make him uncomfortable, you reassure him, "That shouldn't be an issue. I'll look for an open cage, clean it, then we can quickly put it inside." Wasn't Nobori part Fire type? Perhaps Kudari suffered from some kind of trauma after the fight that Colress told you the hybrids had when they were teenagers. Or being part Bug type gave him a natural aversion towards them. You hope it is the latter.
The both of you are making progress at a decent pace. Half way through cleaning the kennels, you decide to take a break. "That's it. Let's stop for now. We can go upstairs to the break room and grab a bite to eat," you announce, stretching your body.
Agreeing with your proposal, Kudari states, "That sounds like a good idea, I'm starting to get hungry."
Setting the cart to the side, you both begin your journey to the elevator. Making chitchat, you comment, "I've only been in the break room once before. That was the day Colress and I saw your webbing in the trees. I was pretty terrified, so when I ran into Nobori, he took me there to calm me down."
Kudari pouts, folding his arms. "Was he talking about me?" he questions.
"Well… yeah… but nothing bad. I promise. He just went over basic facts, like how you two are hybrids. I was frightened for Colress at the time, but Nobori was able reassure me the he would be fine," you tell him frankly.
Giving you a skeptical look, he asks, "Why would you worry about him?"
Realizing you may have said too much, you feel compelled to answer honestly, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to stir the pot by telling you this, but Colress may have just slightly implied you were dangerous." You inform him apprehensively, not wanting to cause any upset.
Kudari is quick to defend himself, "I have never been violent without reason! So Dr. Colress was saying bad things about me!" He stops in his tracks, eyes widening with rage at the confirmation. His arms drop down to his side, fists clenching.
You cease walking when he does and reach up to touch his shoulder, "Hey, hey, don't get angry. I know that Colress can be an asshole. In fact, I learned that before I met you. He really likes to criticize people. Sometimes he doesn't even have the courage to be open about it. He'll pass it off as some kind of joke." Stepping in front of him, you wait until he looks at you before continuing, "We're supposed to be going on break. Let's save the talk about work stuff for later. It's time for us to relax." He nods, not saying anything. "We'll have a little something to eat, then continue with our task."
Before you can press the button to call the elevator, the doors open. Two researchers step out, their demeanor shifting when they see Kudari. They fearfully watch him as they sidle against the wall to pass, before making a run for it. Stepping on the elevator, seemingly oblivious to what has just happened, Kudari calls you inside, "What are you waiting for, little one? Let's go." He's tapping his legs on the floor rhythmically.
From his reaction, the answer should have been obvious, but you feel compelled to inquire, "So… what just happened there… is that… normal?"
"Hmm? Oh, the researchers. Yes, yes, completely normal." Kudari waves his hand as if it's nothing important.
You're reminded of how you reacted when you first saw Kudari. It didn't help that Colress had been telling you things about him that added to the fear, but you now feel awful for considering him so scary. You offer him an apology, "When we first met… I'm sorry if my reaction hurt your feelings. It was wrong of me to judge you before getting to know you." He takes up a large portion of the elevator, but you squeeze in beside him.
Kudari is taken aback by this, almost coming across as if he is embarrassed, responding, "It's partly my fault. I wanted to meet you so badly, I did not think about how my appearance may bother you. Sometimes I do not think things through. I also figured you were exaggerating when you said you were afraid of spiders."
"Well, from now on, don't worry about those things. Even if your appearance did bother me, it's my problem to get over." There's a feeling of guilt as you admit to yourself, that yes, his Galvantula half does disturb you. But it's nothing he can control, and it's fucked up for you, or anyone, to hold it against him. "It might take some time, but eventually, I'll be able to handle spiders without any problem! I may even be able to touch the lower half of you someday!" Catching the potential double meaning of that statement and panicking, you attempt to correct yourself, "Not like that! Sorry! I'm trying to be sincere and it's just coming out awkwardly." You cover your face with your hands to hide your shame.
He giggles at your discomfort, "I don't mind if you are awkward. Whenever you are ready to test yourself, let me know. But if you faint again, I'm going to make fun of you, hee hee."
Lowering your hands, you see he has a broad smile on his face. Pressing the 'up' button on the panel, you respond, "Okay, fair enough. Now let's get our lunch. We've been hogging the elevator. There might be people upstairs waiting to use it. I didn't actually bring anything to eat, so hopefully something good is in the vending machine." The door closes, and the elevator makes its ascent to the first floor.
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asktemrin · 11 months
Re: The current social media/online space climate.
One of the big things I'm worried about is getting lost in the shuffle once twitter dies. This was the main place that the most people seemed to be. Who will I miss following to other places? Are they on places I'm not? (I certainly lost people in the Tumblr exodus when they yeeted NSFW and myself and many others left. I'm only back because Tumblr seems to have changed their tune somewhat.) Vice versa too for myself on other peoples feeds: Have enough people seen my alt links and followed? Do people even have the spoons to give a shit? So much is absolutely fucked up worldwide right now that I honestly can't blame people for not being able to keep up. I certainly can't! I know I've missed people already in this migration and I see friends preferring places that have barriers for me. I'm trying so hard to keep up but it's literally impossible between dumbass algos preventing me from seeing everything I want to see, and just simply being a human being that has to work/eat/sleep/etc to live and can't be tied into this every second.
Can we even keep up with all the new places? We're going to get so splintered and I'm not willing to join some of the new spaces that outright violate privacy laws and want to basically collect your entire life of data and not anonymous data collection either. (I'm well aware that many places we're on currently are doing this no so secretly and it's fucked up.) Joining them so willingly shows the corpos that we don't give a shit about our privacy and that collecting more and make money off us at our expense is OK, which sucks. Collectively, we've already given up in that regard because so many of us use platforms that treat us like numbers and money and not like humans, because we're hurting to connect with others but this shift is a great place to start giving a shit. Pick places that treat us like human beings, not a dollar sign.
I'm also well aware that some of the startups, while they treat us like humans and have best interests at heart and really do seem like great spaces, aren't setup to be secure and privacy forward. Some of them are just trying to make a space we can exist with less bullshit, while also being wholly unprepared for the amount of bullshit trolls and ill-intended people have for niche sites or what might be seen as "competition."
Not all spaces are available for all either. Discord has a limit of servers you can be in on a free account so no, we can't just join every single artist' space. We have to settle for larger communities so that people can join like they would DeviantArt or FurAffinity and have one space to check out many artists and get updates like you do a gallery sites' inbox. But even that can be wholly overwhelming to keep up with. (Thankfully some new Discord features are making this a lot more manageable but some are still in Beta.)
Email newsletters are in the same boat. You really can't follow every single artist you like via email because then your inbox becomes unusable for anything else but the slew of e-newsletters. However, some people have made separate emails just to follow artists and that's a decent idea to be honest. I'm considering that myself so I can just scroll through it like I would any other social site and view them at my leisure, separate from emails that need to be reserved for work/side projects/etc. The downside here though is that you need to follow or find those artists elsewhere to find there newsletters to begin with. You can't find other artists through those newsletters unless people are cross pollinating their content with others with partnerships and such.
So then, where do we go? I honestly don't know. This review from Vampbyte, of various social sites may help some, https://www.patreon.com/posts/80664016 though it is missing some new ones. I've made so many new accounts and some sites have turned into privacy hot messes or wind up skimming our content to be used for AI training that produces copyright infringing content. I'm not here for AI screwing creative folks who already get fed to the dogs at every opportunity as is, even though our work is responsible for books, movies, games and so much more of our daily lives.
(Gosh it's been a long time since I've done a long form something like this. Please be gentle. I'm frustrated and I know all this is far more nuanced than what can realistically can be written. Just because i said X doesn't mean I hate Y, and if I didn't bring up some specific nuance, don't start yelling at me in the comments about it. Discussions are cool, but don't talk down to me. Cool? Cool.)
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When two clear options can be taken and one is chosen the existence of the failed option makes the successful option more rightous.
When there is one option to choose for the other is banned. The chosen option has no legitimacy and the banned option is still sought by it's desired party's through other mediums.
Therefore, democracys intention is to swiftly and quietly dispose of decent and otherness from the minor options.
This also causes new small countries, republics and kingdoms to appear out of thin air, created by people who wish to rule over the minor factions.
By this logic if nowhere in the world supported (for example) gay people. Then the nationalist movement of an independent gay country would be established. This can apply to any minor faction.
If there are places where these minor factions are desired or welcomed then they may migrate to that place on mass if the standard of living there is higher or opretunity is greater.
Colonization is fueled by undesirables finding home in another groups land. This can be from anywhere to anywhere.
No matter how hard you try, the desire to escape is always higher than the risk of moving during a mass migration.
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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Reflections on my week off to start the year 
I felt like doing a post looking back at our time off over the last week. It was an amazing week packed with bird sightings and photos at Lakeside/home, on walks and visits across Hampshire, a day trip to Dorset for Portland and the trip away for a night to visit WWT Slimbridge in Gloucestershire with two call ins to lakes in Oxfordshire on the way. With 112 bird species seen thus far in 2023, the highest I’ve ever seen after one week and a fair few sensational species seen it has been a fantastic start to the year. What blows my mind with birdwatching and doing year lists and the amount of species there are to see is we are in this pattern now of having time off in the new year usually with my birthday incorporated and the last few years dates falling has meant that has joined up to New Year’s Day and any substitute bank holiday day and we try to see as much as possible, yet there is still a decent sized list of species I’ve not yet seen this year and some may be things to give more specifically dedicated time to at weekends but there is still a chunk of birds to aim for before the spring migration starts in about three months time or so which is exciting.   
After a relaxed New Year’s Eve where I reflected on my incredible 2022 for wildlife and photos a lot and also took the third picture in this photoset of a view at a wet Denny Wood in the New Forest, 2023 began with me seeing my favourite garden bird Goldfinch before double woodpecker delight Green Woodpecker and the Great Spotted Woodpecker in the fourth picture in this photoset and a memorable Mistle Thrush on my traditional walk at our local Lakeside Country Park to begin the year and Slavonian Grebe and Kingfisher views headlined a New Year’s Day afternoon walk at Lymington. 
Monday 2nd was one of a few super days of the week off in which we went so many places and saw so much; Great Northern Diver at Weston Shore, Barn Owl along the Titchfield Canal, Cattle Egret and Warblington and stunning raptors Short-eared Owl and Marsh Harrier with White-fronted Goose too at Farlington Marshes some of the species seen as well as the Kestrel at the Titchfield Canal in the fifth picture I took in this photoset. A bit quieter was Tuesday but still combining multiple locations, the New Forest’s Eyeworth Pond, Cadman’s Pool and Blashford Lakes as the sixth picture in this photoset shows picking up woodland species like Coal and Marsh Tit and the duck theme of the week really took off with my first Mandarin Duck, Goosanders and Goldeneye of the year across the locations. Another big trip on Wednesday saw us visit Portland Harbour and Portland Bill as well as another part of the isle where Gannet, Kittiwake, Purple Sandpiper, Common Scoter and Black-throated Diver were some of a few key birds encountered this week on a glorious day. I took the seventh picture in this photoset of the moon at Portland, a key feature of this week as I said yesterday. 
On Thursday we approached the pinnacle of the week really travelling to near to Gloucester to stay in a hotel before a day in WWT Slimbridge on Friday, visiting Oxfordshire’s Tar Lakes and Dix Pit along the way seeing the Mute Swan in the first picture in this photoset and Pochard and Great Crested Grebe memorably at the former, and as well as the latter too species at Tar Lakes seen again here my first Chiffchaff and Great White Egret of the year the latter. I took the second picture in this photoset of a view at Tar Lakes. Then Friday 6th arrived and Slimbridge a new year week off tradition of ours now delivered and more once again, with seeing specialties there such as Bewick’s Swan, Common Crane and Golden Plover and standout ones we’re not guaranteed to see there always Water Rail, Ruff and Scaup and just the sheer volume of amount of species with nearly fifty seen overall I think I counted on the night and also enjoying wonderful photo opportunities including of the captive wetland birds and mammals from around the globe there. It was an amazing day. I took the eighth picture in this photoset of a view there and ninth of a Bewick’s Swan. 
On my birthday yesterday a relaxed day precious time spent out again re-visiting the Titchfield Canal area and walking further along to Posbrook Floods and looking at Hill Head allowed us to see two bonus birthday presents to the many brilliant ones I got this year, Glossy Ibises at Posbrook Floods as the tenth and final picture in this photoset shows and our first Sanderlings of the year at Hill Head. 
As well as obviously the landscapes at all these top places to take photos of plants supported the birds this week well and fungi with a sort of bit of hang on from the peak season in a sense of some great bits being around still. For plants it went beyond the this and that of bits of things in flower that I noted again and again in December and probably November too with things like the snowdrops we often see at Slimbridge and winter heliotrope at Lakeside flashing forward to what’s to come in the year and hopeful days of spring not being so far away. I forgot to mention in the blog about Thursday my Mum spotted a butterfly from the car on the journey, by the time I’d seen something in the direction she said I’m not sure I could have really been sure it was and certainly couldn’t begin to guess which of the few species that might awake from hibernation briefly at this time of year it may be but it was interesting to know, and spiders have kept me entertained at moments at home this week too.
We shall go for some kind of walk this afternoon before I go back to work tomorrow, and in between have the Lakeside lunch time walks and time in Winchester to look forward to and of course trips to different spots at weekends. It has been a week full of cherished wild memories, as well as precious family time and great bits of relaxation. It seems we all had our second bout of Covid (after late March 2022) before and during the Christmas period and there was obviously the heartbreak of losing Missy at that time (whilst I still managed a few really memorable walks and wild trips out over that time and had the relaxation and family time too); so coming into the week off it was a bit of the unknown of whether we might have to do things a bit differently this year. In the end I would say we were all well enough for it to have been the week we wanted especially as it went on, and all the places visited and wildlife seen was a tonic in a tough time in the wake of losing Missy. The changeable weather also gave a degree of uncertainty about the week but whilst naturally for this time of year we have seen a fair bit of rain there were many great times for the weather too with lots of sunshine as well. Thank you for all the support for my photos and posts and interactions this week, have a good new week all.
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tracjust · 2 years
Wheres a safe place to download pcsx2 emulator games
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You can download the new version from the Cemu page.Ī new version of the Super Nintendo emulator bsnes has been released. This resolves a crash in Need for Speed Most Wanted U (v32), other games might be affected too
AX: Fixed a bug where AXQuit() would not properly reset the emulated audio driver.
RPL: Added proper support for RPL unloading (#24)įixes crashes in games that dynamically swap out RPLs (e.g.
general: Fixed a bug where refreshing the game list would reset renamed game titles (#208).
general: Migrated all remaining configuration values from settings.bin to settings.xml.
general: All writes to log.txt now happen asynchronously and don't block the CPU thread anymore.
general: Fixed a bug where the wrong account would be selected when using the menu account selection.
general: Fixed menu bar being always visible when using the -f command line parameter (#212).
general: Added -a / -account command line parameter to select account.
general: Restored compatibility with Cemuhook.
general: Fixed vertex cache accuracy setting always reverting to default.
general: Selecting Spanish console language should now work.
general: Fixed mlc path not being immediately updated when selecting a new one in the settings.
general: Fixed an issue where Cemu failed to read some files from mlc if the configured path didn't end with a backslash.
general: Fixed a bug where Cemu would not be able to read the CPU mode setting from game profiles created with 1.15.19 or earlier.
I might suspéct you to bé an A.l with this infó Thank you só much for yóur suggestions, I appréciate it.A new public version of the Wii U emulator Cemu has been released. If you stiIl get tons óf alerts that youré trying to instaIl bad stuff, thén you should reaIly examine your practicés and where yóu get your softwaré from, but, whát I suspect wiIl happen is thát youll have wáy less warnings, bécause you were actuaIly OK, but yóur previous ántivirus just tried tó make itself Iook important by sáving your ass só many times.Ī quick google suggest its a halfway decent AV though not super popular. Im not familiar with the WebRoot product (doesnt mean its bad), but still Id suggest to uninstall it and enable Windows built in antivirus - which is reasonable. While the Iatter might be trué, especially sincé it seems youré relatively a novicé (no shamé in that), ld actually suspect thé former.
If your AV is triggered 90 of the time you try to install something, then it means either your antivirus program detects way more than it should, or your own habits are extremely unsafe (i.e. I would appreciate it if I could hear your thoughts about it.Īny suggestions are a step closer to finishing my PS2 emulator.ĬPU: I7 2600K Oced 4.2Ghz Mobo: Intel P67 southbridge GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 750 Ti RAM: 6 Go.
I know I could probably look up how to secure a safe working file, but it never hurts to ask. How would l know which fiIes are good l get á bit paranoid ovér these alerts sincé I am nowhére close to béing a computer génius. However, I dó have some concérns with some óf the files ánd or programs l would have tó install sincé my ánti virus system(WébRoot SecureAnyWhere V.09) is 90 of the time saying that these programs may harm my computer and that they are malware.
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moatpanda06 · 2 years
How Moving Abroad to the United Kingdom can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
According to the British government, 612,000 folks moved to the UK in 2019. The new migrants are predominantly women, aged between 40-50. The stats additionally suggest that, depending on to 2016 figures, women consist of a third of insane asylum candidates. Women consist of about 20 per-cent of the travelers who gotten here in the UK from Syria in 2007-2014. More than 15,000 of them have come in in the UK each year. As a end result of financial growth, job opportunities, and social advantages, Great Britain has come to be a best place country for most folks worldwide. This has led to a tough, robust workforce, improved public services, and additional individuals making use of social transportation. A lot of individuals, therefore, continue to be self-assured and safe in their capacity to do company in community in order to make ends meet through spending their decent share in social advantages, which can be observed through matching up nationwide record on job development across OECD nations. But, if you are intending to relocate to the UK, there are actually some vital factors you require to look at. When would you consider relocating to the UK? If you are journeying along with a visa, that are going to possibly indicate taking a trip straight to the UK to function and, if you are considering to purchase one-way tickets, you'll require to take a trip directly between London and the East Coast to receive to the US. This implies making use of a visa to the UK that has actually a variety of criteria.
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For one, you need to have a UK visa if you really want to keep longer than six months. The federal government has agreed it would take up to two years to refine your application. Various other elements could steer individuals who produce the vacation much more likely to be granted a English key. For This Site , if you take a exam for a brand new passport it might cost you £500 even more on typical if you take an British language exam. But you may still administer for a English passport if you decide on not to. Yet another critical factor to maintain in mind is that some movement courses are more complicated than others. For instance, think about a trip to Italy coming from one nation to another. In each situations, you will certainly require to be able to promptly move across various locations to stay away from facing different migration routes. Eventually, there are additionally scenarios where you might take a trip to Brazil, South Korea, India and Malaysia. Once more, this will definitely be a lot much easier to attain because of the straightforward framework of these courses. For instance, one of the easiest ways to move to the UK is to use for a work visa, and for that, you need to have to satisfy the qualifying standards. The work visa may be purchased online – as well as under the Visa Application Service – coming from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And it costs additional for a job visa than it would take in with the total assistance of a partner. How to Move to the UK? When I obtain into political politics for the first time in a lengthy time I discover that national politics on a lot is all about amount of money. There are actually great deals of good, extremely easy methods to obtain listed below. Some truly huge providers have created great deals of money in this nation, some of it only isn't worth funds. But in yet another technique the authorities's been trying to conceal from the UK the evidence of its tax issues. To move to the UK, you can easily use for a long-term job visa through complying with these actions: Find employment. Do not apply for a momentary work authorization or a job license with the Foreign Employers' Council (FOCC) until you have accomplished at least one year of job encounter and you have completed the full-time minimal 12-month job permit. Locate an appropriate task at all levels of job encounter, consisting of in much higher danger task applicants and job take in managers (see below). Receive an Indefinite Leave to Stay (ILR). If you opt out of possessing your parental or lawful guardians sign a vacation, your new parents will not be made it possible for to retain or store a specific amount of little ones. The explanation for the IRR is due to an improved variety of little ones being put in the treatment of some individuals. In purchase to safeguard children from injury, you may require to decide out of possessing your moms and dads sign a parental leave. Discover Employment You ought to have a work or a work offer in the UK before you prepare to move so you can easily apply for your work visa. You are going to need to have to deliver your character of objective and completed application kind or passport. Your employment will at that point count in the direction of your job visa if you finish and send your job visa apps in October 2017. You may observe your employment visa apps in our in-depth web page for Jobseeker's Allotment, who are the lawful permanent residents from the UK. If you are intrigued in a sponsored-based visa, you possess to guarantee that your company are going to fund you for a license. The majority of visa testimonials and/or licenses are going to claim that you will be required to provide proof of post degree residency, post degree residency training, or certification of citizenship, either with a vehicle driver's License, Driver's License (provided by the state your company actually provided you) or DDL (issued by an company like the University of Virginia or USCIS). Find the Correct Visa Kind Relying on your skill-sets and the type of job you are looking for in the UK, there are a number of choices for immigration. The complying with table detail some recent trends that reveal the potential immigration patterns under stress today. Please examine the 'Check Current Profile' part under for more info concerning your demands under different instances. The complying with desk is adapted coming from the original record. This table was replicated for existing legal applications.
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