#still want to make a post comparing Asura and Crona
Black☆Star and Tsubaki as perfect opposites
i made a post a while back talking about the lack of parents in Soul Eater, and in that i had a realization that Black☆Star and Tsubaki have very similar backstories conceptually and i would like to explore that more in this post.
both of them come from families that are very infamous for their line of work: the Nakatsukasa clan having their special multi-form weapons, and the Star clan being ruthless assassins. their respective families have their own reputation, though those reputations have wildly different connotations. they are both the only ones that can continue on their family name, they carry the burden of decades of their family's legacy, and yet they are both defying those legacies in a way.
Black☆Star's meant to be a ruthless assassin, someone who is willing to do anything for any sum of money, and someone who will do anything for power. even though Black☆Star's whole thing is he's trying to surpass god and whatnot, he is abandoning the "i will do it by any means necessary" thing. also, he's admittedly a shitty assassin for a while (not fighter, he's obviously extremely strong, i mean SPECIFICALLY the act of being a sneaky, silent assassin). he's doing things his own way, he's not going to be told what to do, and he's going to do it as loudly as he sees fit.
Tsubaki was seemingly crushed underneath the weight of her bloodline's legacy. her own identity problems stem from the fact that she feels that she has no defining characteristics and that she is lending herself and her powers out to others. that's what she is "meant" to do as the member of the Nakatsukasa family with multi-weapon form ability. she feels like she must put herself to the side to better serve her meister and be a better weapon.
their partnership almost feels sacrilegious: the "heir," so to speak, of the Nakatsukasa abilities with the last remaining member of the killer Star clan. their families are seemingly on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to honor and morality (at least from what family history we're given), and yet they work extremely well together. Black☆Star even masters the form of the shadow sword, which literally claimed many many lives that tried to master it before him.
by being partners, they are defying the paths that were set out for them by the simple act of choosing each other. they also pretty much affirm the parts about themselves that they're trying to prove to the world. thinking about when they first meet and partner up, Tsubaki fully listens to Black☆Star's whole deal, and Black☆Star talks to her out of respect, not because she's part of the Nakatsukasa clan. they saw each other as people, not their family histories.
i like the idea that someday, somewhere down the line, someone encounters them while they're on a mission. the person doesn't know what they're up against, but they recognize Black☆Star's tattoo and they're like "oh man, Star clan, i thought all of those guys were dead. guess i'm in for a rough ride." and then they see him wielding Tsubaki, watching her change form, probably using the shadow sword, and then they're really like "okay wtf did i just get myself into" because they know the history of these two families, but they don't know Black☆Star and Tsubaki, and they don't know what they're capable of together because there's never been a partnership quite like theirs.
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Gravity Soul chapter 10: Weirdmageddon Take Two, Gravity Falls No Longer Safe? (originally posted on September 28, 2018)
AN: And so begins Weirdmageddon once more. Greetings loyal readers to the final arc of Gravity Soul. With Gravity Falls now no longer safe from the madness of Kishin Cipher, the Mystery Meisters now fresh off of rescuing Pacifica must find another place to hide from him and pull off one last plan to stop him. Also in this arc will feature the usage of the Vigenere cipher which means whatever word that is highlighted in bold in the author's notes will be the key needed to decipher it. But enough for now, let's all return to the BUNKER. TIZOXZNYF DLV EUEUIJU MRMVVUM JOVV UBBEKYU NB LI CPMG LYK GCANMEH NUOQ TPGRC EK B WBCX KIY XOIGFL AOZVS CADIEEYQ DLVN NB LI WPOAN FLU HBG MK'T NUO SKIYE GEP BLBERU
They thought it was impossible. They thought they would come out of that mansion with at least a few physical scars. But no. They received mental scars instead from what the fusion of the dream demon and the Kishin inflicted on them. The rescue party looked upward at Kishin Cipher cackling maniacally with his head tossed back and hands in the air. He had won and Weirdmageddon began anew. "W-we lost." Kid stuttered in sheer disbelief, at both the monster's victory and his previously unknown connection to Asura. "And did he just sing a big musical number about how everything has gone to hell now?" Black Star wondered. "I mean, it honestly was a catchy tune, but was it necessary?" Stanford and Maka on the other hand had their backs turned away from the others and mourned the sacrifices of the people they cared for the most. Ford had lost his brother, his best friend, the very person who had spent thirty years trying to rescue him and now in a cruel twist of irony, he was the one that needed saving now. Maka had lost her weapon, her partner, the boy who had put his life on the line for her own safety, and now he was gone. "Soul..." "Stanley..." It wasn't long before the two of them embraced while breaking down into tears as the others looked on. Dipper tipped his hat in silence & Mabel cried as well and Crona & Spirit, the only family Maka had left now, tried to comfort the girl. "So where do we go from here?" Wendy asked. "FOOLS!" Excalibur cried breaking the silence. "There's no use in staying here now that Kishin Cipher's reigning supreme, so I suggest we find somewhere to hide." he declared. "But where? Pretty sure we can't go back to the Mystery Shack right now." Soos answered before the Holy Sword cut him off. "FOOL! Isn't there some kind of secret hiding place in these woods?" "Oh that's right, there's Ford's secret bunker!" Wendy suddenly realized. "We just gotta find it, rest up in there for a while and then form a plan!" she stated. "Good plan there Wendy, but where is it?" Tsubaki wondered. "The entrance's disguised as a tree, so we just gotta keep knocking on wood until we hit metal." "Yeah, Wendy's right." Dipper agreed wiping the tears from his eyes. "If only we still had Journal 3 with us, then we'd navigate it easily." he added glumly. Suddenly they all heard a rumbling noise that quietly erupted through the forest before an entire stampede of cryptids from across Gravity Falls charged right through them. "Hey pigtails, move it!" one of the gnomes shouted. "We're fleeing here!" a unicorn snidely added. "Whoa, what are they all running for?" Patty wondered. "And was that a unicorn?!" "You should get going too little one, Weirdmageddon is back!" a large bear with multiple heads stated before staring off into the distance with fear. "My lord, they're coming!" Just then, a group of demonic looking bears bounced across the trees with their teeth bared and eyes full of primal hunger. "Oh no, they're bouncing here and there and everywhere!" Soos cried. "Mass chaos that's beyond compare!" "Well what're we waiting for, to the bunker!" Dipper exclaimed preparing to lead everyone out of the forest before turning back to find Melody, Ghost-Eyes and Pacifica's mother still standing there. "Wait, aren't you coming?" "Sorry Dipper, but I think this might be too dangerous for all of us." Melody said. "We'll all still be here when you get back, hopefully." "Be safe out there Gideon." Ghost-Eyes said to his fellow ex-inmate. "You too old friend." Gideon replied and they fistbumped. "Pacifica, I want you to know that no matter how you feel about your father and I, we'll be there cheering you on against that monster." Priscilla said hugging her daughter. "And remember to thank your friends for saving us as well." "I will mother." Pacifica replied before they broke. "I promise I'll come back for you." Soos promised Melody. "I know you will dude." his fiancee replied and then they kissed. "All right, let's get moving everyone." Maka commanded and thus the remaining Mystery Meisters set off for the bunker.
"Anything yet guys?" Mabel asked as Black Star kept knocking on the trees hoping that one would lead them to the bunker. "Seems like we've been walking and hiding forever." "Nothing Mabel, we're getting in a rut." the ninja replied before they hid behind one of the trees away from the gaze of an Eyebat. "We need to be very very quiet everyone. Kishin Cipher's forces could strike at any minute." Ford stated quietly and they continued on their way. As the party snuck around the forest, they found numerous monsters unknowingly on their tail, such as a large humanoid vulture creature that made a strange whimpering sound, a strange dark blue android with a green symbol on its chest & red fins sticking out the back of its head, a bipedal jackal wearing a silver mask, a muscular humanoid beast with flaming facial hair & a burn scar over his left eye and many more, all looking to kill on sight. "Yeesh, these are nothing like what we've faced before." Dipper commented examining all the new beasts that had been unleashed when suddenly, he laid eyes upon a strange being whose body seemed to be made of various pipes. "And what even is that thing?" The boy felt himself edging into insanity little by little before he quickly covered his eyes in fright. "Hey guys, I think we found it!" Liz called pounding on a strangely metallic tree. "This seems like a good place to hide." "This is the exact place where I found Journal 3." Dipper stated. "I was only told to put up signs for Stan one day and then there it was. Where it all began." he explained. "We can recap last summer later, let's open this baby and get inside!" Wendy exclaimed preparing to scale it with her axe. "Wait, you're going to do it like that?" Black Star wondered. "Of course dude, it's how we opened it in the first place." the cashier said. "There's this little branch that's hiding a lever all the way up there." "Well there's no need for climbing, let a ninja handle this!" Black Star boasted using his ninjitsu skills to race up the tree and jump, grabbing onto the aforementioned branch and pulling it, causing the grass surrounding it to collapse into a spiral staircase leading to the entrance. "Boo-yah!" "Well hornswaggle mah goat-knees, just like old times!" Fiddleford exclaimed doing a quick victory jig. "Now come on sprouts, I can show y'all around!" With that, the hillbilly forgone taking the stairs and jumped down the entrance to the door. "Now come by, it brings back memories!" "Just as long as there's no dust to make me asymmetrical." Kid flatly stated walking down the stairs with the Thompsons behind him and soon, everyone else all except for Ford who was looking off into the distance with a solemn frown. "C'mon Mr. Pines, Kishin Cipher's minions could be coming any minute!" Eruka called for him. "Oh, terribly sorry everyone!" Ford stuttered trying to hide his emotional pain as booming footsteps sounded from afar. Luckily they were all able to get in and close the entrance behind him before one of Bill's henchmaniacs did indeed come across the bunker. "Uh boss, those mortals are gone!" the beast announced scratching his head with one of his eight-ball eyes becoming crooked. "Oh hush up 8-Ball, we can find them later!" Kishin Cipher said floating down to meet his minion's gaze as the other monsters roaming the forest gathered around their new master. "We'll focus on terrorizing all those stupid humans for now, but the reason why I broke you all out of the Nightmare Realm," the fusion stated before he stabbed a finger into his temple and rapidly drilled into it. "IS REVENGE!" The abominations cheered and chanted Kishin Cipher's name as one of the new monsters stepped forth. "Oh yes master, we are forever at your command!" the female beast cried bowing before him. "My pelt is now your pelt!" "Aw shucks Kaguya, you're just too kind!" Kishin Cipher complimented stroking her head and making her purr. "But my lord, what about those children?" a sharply-dressed humanoid being with a deformed face wondered. "Oh don't worry White Rabbit, I already got a few guys after them." Cipher answered before he projected an image of a snake, a spider and a scorpion crawling around.
Stepping further into the bunker, the Mystery Meisters finally came across the shelter which contained various weapons, food supplies and a small bed. "Wow, did you build this for some kinda apocalypse? If so, then I should've really brought a fire-shooting guitar along!" Patty exclaimed amazed at the room but Kid on the other hand wasn't as happy. "Did you even take symmetry into account Stanford?! Everything here is horribly unorganized!" he screamed trying to clean everything up. "Just messy, messy, messy!" "Looks like we're gonna be here a while. Who's up for some High-Flying Beans?!" McGucket asked rifling through their rations before he came across a familiar candy. "Hey waitaminute, is this my Smez dispenser? So that's where it went!" "Fiddleford's right, we might be in here for quite a long time, which is why I've gathered rations to last us until 2070." Ford explained. "In case any of us go hungry after like twenty years tops, we might have to resort to cannibalism." he remarked. "Wait, so we're gonna stay down here while all those monsters run amok?" Dipper asked. "We haven't lost yet Ford, we just need to think of a-" "WE HAVE LOST, WE LOST EVERYTHING!" the surviving great uncle suddenly exploded spooking his young partner and realized just what he had done. "Oh my goodness, I am terribly sorry Dipper! I didn't mean to blow up in your face!" "It's okay Ford, I know where you're coming from. It's horrible we lost Stan, but that's not important right now." Dipper reassured the older man. "Right now, we just gotta find a way to stop Kishin Cipher." "Thank you for that kid, but I think I should just sit down for a while." Ford stated taking a seat on the bed. "I still can't believe it, Bill took my brother after he spent years trying to bring me back." he mumbled. "Somehow I feel that is just cruelly ironic." "You talking about your brother?" Maka asked sitting down next to him. "I feel you Mr. Pines. In fact, I lost my weapon & best friend at the same time yet I'm not randomly screaming in everyone's face." she said. "I know Maka, but I've known Bill far longer than any of you." Ford said starting to choke up before crying. "In fact, I thought he was my friend." "Wait, what?!" Black Star shouted dropping a crate he was moving onto Spirit's foot. "You and Bill were actually bros once?!" he asked. "How long ago was it? Please elaborate." Stein said taking a puff of his cigarette. "It was when I was much younger, around Spirit's age, when I first met Bill." Ford stated beginning to reminisce on less traumatizing times.
"It was when I hit a roadblock in my research of Gravity Falls, and I thought there was nothing else left to discover until I met him in my dreams." Ford narrated picturing his younger self resting under a tree in the forest before the greenery turned into something bizarre. Examining his new surroundings, Ford then came face to face with a peculiar triangular creature who greeted him in a polite yet screechy tone. "Hiya smart guy!" the shape said, his voice echoing throughout the strange realm. "Whoa, don't have a heart attack! You're not 92 yet!" "Who are you?" the young scientist asked. "Name's Bill, and you're Stanford Pines, the man who changed the world! But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's relax." the creature, now named Bill, stated making a teapot and a chessboard appear out of thin air. "Have a cup of tea!" "He claimed to be a muse that chose one brilliant mind once a century to inspire. But of course it was all a lie." Ford continued in the present day. "I allowed him to take control of my body whenever he pleased. I trusted him like a research partner until I got a glimpse of Bill's true plans." Much later on, Ford and Fiddleford stood in front of the universe portal that they unknowingly helped Bill Cipher construct with a crash dummy for testing. "Are we clear Fidds?" the younger Pines asked his lab partner, who was unaware his foot got tangled with the rope tying the dummy down. "I'll take that as a yes! Ready and..." Suddenly Fiddleford felt himself sucked in along with the dummy when they released it, only saved by Ford at the last moment before the portal would swallow him whole. "I got ya buddy!" Ford shouted tugging the rope and pulling his partner back to the ground. "What is it? Is it working, what did you see?!" The only words that came out McGucket's mouth was complete gibberish before he rose from the ground, his eyes widened in horror. "When gravity falls and earth become sky, fear the beast with just one eye!" he chanted to Ford's confusion. "Fiddleford, get a hold of yourself! You're not making any sense!" Stanford cried trying to put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder before he jerked away. "This machine is dangerous! You'll bring about the end of the world with this!" a now paranoid Fiddleford screamed. "Destroy it before it destroys us all!" "I can't destroy this, it's my life's work!" Ford tried to argue but his words fell on deaf ears as his partner stormed away. "I fear we've unleashed a great danger on the world, one that I'd just as soon forget. I quit!"
"I never learned just what he saw on the other side, but speaking in present tense I can only assume it was one of Bill's hangouts." Ford concluded his story. "Well is there anything in this bunker that can help us?" Tsubaki wondered. "Maybe if we can go deeper we'll get some answers!" Free replied tearing off a porthole that led to another room, this one consisting of various metal cubes lining every last corner. Going through the porthole, the room seemed almost normal except for a particular design on one of the tiles. "This security room is designed to crush intruders who don't have a code to reverse it. Now be sure to not step on that tile." Ford explained before he pointed to that specific tile. "That is the tile that could seal your dooms if someone presses it. Got it memorized?" "You got it." Free stated before he tried to step on the tile. "Ooh, what's this button do?" he asked and Soos grabbed him by the arm, keeping him away from the tile. "Sorry dude, you don't wanna press that. Might kill us all." Progressing further, they discovered a surveillance room connected to what seemed to be a laboratory given the presence of various cryogenic tubes, one of which was heavily damaged. "Seriously, how the hell did you build all of this without anyone noticing? And where did you get all the supplies too?" Black Star wondered before noticing something odd on one of the screens. "Hey, get outta there spider!" he said trying to squish it and realizing that it wasn't resting on the screen, but inside the lab itself. "Uh, Ford!" "Something the matter Black Star?" Ford asked the ninja. "You ever got any giant spiders in here? Cause I've already found one." he pointed out, much to the scientist's shock. "My word, how did that thing follow us in here?!" Ford cried racing to grab a rifle. "That thing could be one of Kishin Cipher's monsters, so I'm gonna need some help!" "You can count on me Sixer! Like I said before, just like old times!" McGucket declared arming himself with his sonic banjo. "We're with you as well Stanford." Stein added already commanding Spirit to transform into his scythe mode. "Okay then, let's move out!" Ford declared before Crona stopped him. "Wait, what about us Grunkle Ford?" "The rest of you stay in here and keep watch while we're gone! If anything happens, be on your guard." Ford stated before he, McGucket, Spirit and Stein departed the observation room to hunt down the spider, leaving the kids, Soos, Wendy, Blair, Excalibur, Free, Eruka and the Mizunes behind. "So what do we do now? The grownups all leave to kill spiders and we're stuck here doing nothing." Patty wondered unknowingly leaning on a red button on the console, causing one of the tubes to deactivate. This tube in particular contained what looked like a frozen Dipper screaming in terror that was ready to melt. The real Dipper gasped in horror, realizing just what this other him was. "Patty, what did you do?!" "What did I do?!" the Thompson asked. "You just released an evil experiment that tried to kill us when we first came here dude!" Wendy answered. "You sure about that guys? Looks like a frozen Dipper to me." Liz commented. "Exactly, that thing's a dangerous shapeshifter!" "Well what are we waiting for, let's go kill it!" Black Star shouted picking up Tsubaki and charging through the door that led to the lab, pretty much knocking it down. The rest of the party followed him behind ready to take on the beast.
Meanwhile with Ford's group, he, Fiddleford, Spirit and Stein crept through a long & winding tunnel system in search of the spider. "I don't think I remember ever digging such an elaborate passageway in here." Ford commented. "Did you Fidds?" "Nope, not the slightest clue!" McGucket replied before he dropped down and sniffed the ground to track its scent. "Think it went thataway!" he shouted pointing in the next direction like a dog. "Good work McGucket, though I'm not sure if that was really necessary." Stein stated and they moved onward. Going deeper through the caves, the four finally found the spider in a large open space that made it ripe for the squishing. "Okay everyone, be silent. I've only got one shot at this." Ford whispered aiming his rifle at the giant spider. "Ready, aim..." Just then, a snake loudly hissed breaking his concentration and firing, sending the bullet flying across the area. "What was that?!" "I think that was a snake!" Stein exclaimed. "Wait a minute. Spider, snake." he muttered then coming to a startling conclusion. "Oh no!" "Something the matter Frank?" Fiddleford asked before his mouth was hastily shut by the Meister. "Don't make a sound, they might hear us!" he cautioned them. "And yet you're making a sound right now!" Ford replied. "Kinda hypocritical much?" "Touche." Stein responded and just then, they heard a woman say "Vector Plate.", spawning an arrow under them & sending them flying toward the snake & spider. "Is this the scientist you told me about dear sister? I never seen someone with six fingers before." the gargantuan arachnid remarked before it transformed into a beautiful pale-skinned woman wearing a long black sleeveless dress. Spirit & Stein knew exactly who this was. "Arachne?!" "That's Arachne? And they're sisters apparently." Ford commented getting up and dusting himself off. "I don't see that much of a family resemblance." "Hello again Meister scum. And I see you've brought some new blood for us." Arachne greeted Stein. "It certainly has been a while Stein, pity that you abandoned me when you fell to madness." Medusa added. "Listen to me Stein, don't fall for her games!" Ford cautioned the Meister. "From the looks of it, she could trick anyone and then backstab-" It was then Ford came to a startling realization. A genius scientist that became close with a manipulative creature colored in black & yellow that was slowly toying with him. Why did that seem so familiar? It was almost like reliving the time he spent working with Bill, believing him to be a kindred spirit. "Weren't you all supposed to be dead?" Spirit asked. "I was until my sister requested that our new master bring us back to life." the elder Gorgon sibling answered. "Wait, what do you mean 'us'?" Ford wondered fearing if she was talking about someone else. His suspicions were confirmed to be true as another witch, this one looking much younger than the other two with a bizarre covering on her head that resembled a scorpion's tail at the end. "Meet our youngest sister, Shaula." "Wait, there's three of them?!" Ford exclaimed turning to Stein and pointing an accusing finger at him. "You only ever mentioned the two!" he shouted. "Well to be fair, how she was defeated was pretty embarrassing." Stein tried to defend himself. "I mean, she was killed by students of the NOT class!" "Silence!" Shaula boomed glaring at the pair of geniuses. "Kishin Cipher has resurrected all three of us to be his loyal servants and our mission right now is to kill all of you & those brats as well." she declared. "And as for my humiliation, he made sure it won't happen again and made me stronger." "Heads up y'all, looks like we're in for a rumble!" Fiddleford exclaimed picking up his sonic banjo as the others took up arms against the Gorgon sisters.
Back in the lab, the remaining Mystery Meisters were now face to face with a currently defrosted cryogenic tube and out of it, came an exact double of Dipper looking furious. "You!" it shouted in a deep voice pointing at Dipper, Mabel, Wendy & Soos. "You forced me into that contraption and left me to perish!" As it spoke, the Dipper clone transformed into a white-skinned insectlike creature with misshapen arms, one more slender with three fingers & the other swollen with a claw. "And I see you brought some fresh new faces for me as well." "That's what that shapeshifter looks like? I would comment on how horribly asymmetrical it is, but I'm too horrified beyond words!" Kid squeaked fearfully as the Shapeshifter took on the form of Maka. "Now then, which one shall it be?" it wondered emphasizing each word by transforming into Crona, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz & Patty in that order. "Why not everyone?" it emphasized some more by turning into Eruka, Free and Mizune before its form changed into a terrifying amalgam of everybody he previously transformed into making them scream loudly in terror. "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" Pacifica hollered grabbing Liz, turning her into her weapon form and fired repeatedly, but the creature dodged the bullets by zooming off. "Where'd it go?" the formerly rich girl panted dropping Liz to the ground. "More importantly, where did you learn to fire like that?" the cowgirl weapon asked. "Got it from all my experience playing Bloodcraft: Overdeath." Pacifica answered boastfully. "PLATINUMPAZ level 100 to be precise." "You're PLATINUMPAZ? That's why I always get creamed whenever I face you!" Black Star exclaimed. "We can talk about video games later dudes, anyone know where that shifter guy went?" Soos inquired. "And more importantly, did I always have two big sisters?" Patty added remarking upon the sudden appearance of another Liz. "That is utterly preposterous Patty, our Liz isn't nearly as busty!" Kid stated clutching both of their assets. "As we should know, you aren't very symmetrical! Especially your chests!" This observation earned him a good smack on the head from Liz. "Well this is something only the real Liz would do!" "Wait, if that's the real Liz, then who's-" Tsubaki asked before she came to a shocking conclusion. "Oh no." she muttered frighteningly as the second Liz laughed before it transformed back into the Shapeshifter. "You discovered me far too easily!" it said. "But enough about you, I think it's about time I get revenge on you Dipper!" "Get back everyone, I'm going in alone!" Dipper ordered bravely picking up Excalibur. "Are you crazy Dipper?! Let me come too!" Wendy exclaimed pulling out her axe. "And us too, since we're going for a whole sharp weapons thing here!" Ragnarok added forming into Crona's sword. "Ah, we engage in a swords and sorcery type battle, I see. In that case!" The shapeshifter then formed a pair of its own swords out of its arms. "So be it!" "Okay change of plans. Me, Wendy and Crona will take on the shapeshifter while the rest of you take cover!" Dipper explained. "You got it broseph!" The others raced back into the adjacent room as Dipper made the first move, clashing Excalibur with the Shapeshifter's makeshift sword while Wendy scarred its other arm and Crona stabbing it in the back.
"I'm like really sorry for letting this happen guys." Patty hurriedly apologized dropping to her knees. "If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just say the word!" "Hey chill out sis, it was just a button." Liz assured her younger sister. "And besides, it's not like you gave away something that could end the universe as we know it." Her comment accidentally sent shivers down Mabel's spine as she turned away nervously stroking her hair. She knew she couldn't keep mum about a certain event last summer no longer, but feared that if she spoke up about it right now it would result in being ostracized from her family. "Uh, are you okay Mabel?" Maka asked her. "What, no! I'm fine, perfectly fine!" Mabel exclaimed shyly, still not wanting to give away that secret she was keeping for months. "You know what would be great dudes? If we had some popcorn with us, cause this fight is heating up!" Soos exclaimed bringing attention to the fight going on next door. "Kinda like a fighting game!" "Yeah, get 'em Crona!" Black Star cheered the son of Medusa on. "Yeah, give that thing what for DP!" Pacifica added. "You can do it Wendy!" Soos exclaimed waving his arms around. "C'mon guys, do the wave with me!" Everybody complied doing the wave, all except for Mabel who remained silent in the corner and Eruka, Free & the Mizunes who had transformed into their animal forms and snuck away.
The four-way battle raged on with Dipper now getting a better grip on the sheer awesome power of Excalibur as he clashed with the Shapeshifter. "Look man, we don't want any more trouble then we've already caused, we just want to find shelter in here away from the flipping apocalypse!" "You have denied my freedom to roam the outside world and seek revenge, and now I shall deny you and your comrades the freedom of life!" the Shapeshifter roared before it suddenly heard a croak coming from the dark corner. It then immediately snatched Eruka from her hiding place and held her hostage. "Surrender now or this little toad gets it!" "Hey, let my little buddy go ya stupid Xenomorph!" Free shouted tackling the experiment from behind. "Think you can copy a werewolf like me big boy?! I'd like to see you try!" he challenged only to be smacked aside. "You are insignificant to me now. Leave or face death." "Well we're outta here! Dipper, we're gonna go look for Mr. Ford." Eruka explained hopping away to find the author. "And if you don't make it out, we'll tell him you're sorry." With the traitorous minions of Medusa now gone, the battle restarted with the Shapeshifter now preparing to attack Crona, but Wendy was quick to put herself in its path and slash the monster's mouth off, causing green blood to spew everywhere. "Always wanted to do that." "All right, go Wendy!" Ragnarok exclaimed. "Makes me wonder how that old man is doing."
Speaking of Ford, he was currently backed into a corner by Arachne, his rifle now out of ammo. "Seriously, what even kills you?!" he screamed deciding to just beat her over the head with the empty weapon itself. "I would say, but it would be foolish of me to do so." the spider witch snidely answered slashing him across the face with her fan. "AGH!" "Stanford!" Stein cried out temporarily distracted from Medusa, which led her to stab him from behind with an arrow. "Why continue to show concern for these fools when you can return to my side Stein?" she asked the bleeding genius picking him up by the shirt collar with a seductive, manipulative smirk on her face. "You are the most powerful Meister there ever was, and yet you continue to serve as Death's flunky." "Well at least I actually care for people. The only person you ever show concern for is yourself, everybody else you just lie to and use for your own gain." Stein wheezily remarked with a bold expression. "I know someone who has been through almost the exact same situation and I refuse to go through this again! Let's go Spirit!" "Right old chum!" Spirit replied being picked up by his Meister and activated their Soul Resonance. This caused stitches to appear at the three sisters' feet and tying them down to the ground. "Whoa nelly, they're knitted at the soles!" McGucket shouted enamored at the duo's techniques, using it as an opportunity to smack Shaula in the face with his banjo. "Quit hitting me you oafish hillbilly!" "Get down Fiddleford, I'm coming in for the kill!" Stein exclaimed preparing to land the final blow on the sisters before he felt something soft and squishy be stabbed on his scythe. "Uh oh." The object exploded revealing it to be one of Eruka's tadpole bombs and blowing him back, much to the frog witch's embarrassment. "Oh my God, I'm terribly sorry sir! I didn't notice you were already attacking, I just believed you needed help! Oh please forgive me!" "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the kids?" Stein asked them. "We thought you needed help against that giant spider but it turned out she's the sister of our ex-boss!" Free stated laughing nervously. "And speaking of the kids, your great-nephew is kicking the ass of some weird alien thing alongside the redhead and Crona." "Weird alien thing?" McGucket wondered. "Hey, I think he's talkin' 'bout Shifty!" he realized with a snap of his fingers before becoming scared. "Oh no, I think he's talkin' 'bout Shifty!" "Wait, that's what you called that monster? It transformed into all of us when we accidentally unfroze it and is now after Dipper, Crona & Wendy!" Eruka exclaimed. "I can explain later. Now let's move!" Ford commanded preparing to race back to the lab before he felt his feet slip off the ground. "Oh right, almost forgot about her." "We don't have time for you anymore Pines, but we'll keep on watching." Medusa threatened and the trio faded into the shadows cackling, their eyes being the only thing visible before finally vanished. "Well that was...ominous." Spirit remarked. "Now then, you were saying?" "Right, let's get outta here!" Ford stated racing out of the cave and the others followed.
"Any final requests brat?" the Shapeshifter snarled despite it having lost its mouth, now pinning Dipper against the wall as the boy tried to attack with Excalibur. "You can't stop me! I have the single most powerful weapon in the world!" Dipper declared holding the sword in the air before it was snatched out of its hands. "No!" "The most powerful weapon in the world? Doesn't seem to look like much." the experiment commented examining Excalibur before the Holy Sword spoke up. "FOOL! I'd think twice before insulting the legendary weapon of King Arthur himself!" he declared to the monster's shock. "It can talk?!" "Yes indeed. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Holy Sword known as Excalibur, sought after by Meisters far and wide to gain my ultimate power." Excalibur rambled. During his long-winded speech, not even the Shapeshifter was safe from making the Excalibur face, despite again losing its mouth. "Is he seriously this obnoxious?" "You have no idea." Dipper replied. "Now's our chance!" he exclaimed, giving Wendy & Crona an opening to strike the beast down, making him drop the young detective and the sword. "Are you ready Excalibur?!" he asked. "As a matter of fact, allow me to take this one boy." Excalibur said turning into his weapon form and hovering high in the air. "Holy Explosion!" he shouted zooming towards the Shapeshifter and stabbing him in the remains of its head and emitted a powerful explosion, finally killing it for good. When the dust cleared, all the three of them could see was Excalibur silently dusting himself off next to the green blood-covered remains of the Shapeshifter. "Where did that explosion come from?!" the voice of Free exclaimed running closer to the lab. "It came from here! Hopefully the kids are okay!" Ford replied finally entering the battle-damaged laboratory where they found Dipper panting and the Shapeshifter's corpse rotting. "Shifty..." "I am so sorry I had to do this Ford. But he tried to kill us once and we couldn't let him do it again." Dipper apologized putting a comforting hand on his great uncle, now mourning the death of the creature. "I accept your apology Dipper, but I feel like this is partially my fault as well." Ford stated remorsefully. "When Fiddleford and I raised it, it slowly became dangerous for some reason which led me to try and imprison it." "And we all know how badly that failed!" McGucket exclaimed killing the dour mood. "Oop, sorry. Carry on y'all." he then quickly apologized. "Now where the others at?" "That was totally wicked!" Black Star screamed in excitement as the aforementioned rest of the party burst out from the security room to congratulate Dipper, Crona & Wendy. "I mean, the way you weaponized Excalibur's annoyingness to kill him off was alphanumeric!" he shouted. "Try and guess which word I made up?" "We can all talk later. What happened to Mabel?" Dipper asked. "She's still with us, but she's been rather quiet for some reason lately." Kid stated. "No matter, now we have to contact my father! Maka?" "Right Kid." Maka obeyed stepping up to the cryogenic tube, fogging up the glass and writing the number needed to contact Death. "42-42-564, whenever you want to knock on Death's door." the girl Meister chanted causing the glass to turn into an image of Lord Death. "Oh hello there everyone! I see you've got Pacifica back, good show!" the Shinigami applauded the Mystery Meisters before he realized something was wrong. "Hey, what smells like dead alien body? And where are Soul & Stanley?" The party was silent for a few moments before Dipper put his hat over his chest. "They're gone." he revealed. "They gave themselves up to Kishin Cipher to save us and got turned into monsters like what happened with Pacifica's dad." "And then the guy unleashed all sorts of fresh hell all across Gravity Falls, complete with his own big showtune!" Patty shouted, much to Death's horror. "No, it can't be!" he gasped. "In Layman's terms Mr. Death, we're gonna need somewhere to hide until we're ready cause Gravity Falls is definitely no longer safe!" Soos said. "You got any place for us to stay sir?" "Oh yes, you can room with my students in Death City and train to stop Kishin Cipher." Lord Death suggested. "Thank you old friend, but first I would like to have a word with my new Meister." Excalibur said. "Mason Pines, please step forward." "Wait-what-how did you know my real name?!" Dipper exclaimed in confusion before the sword cut him off. "FOOL! I shall answer later, now take a knee my boy." he commanded, making the young man think he was being knighted. "His real name is Mason?" Pacifica tittered, causing Excalibur to silence them as well. "And you shall stay quiet as well!" "Yes sir." the rest of the Mystery Meisters complied bowing before the boy and the sword. "Mason Pines, for your sudden expertise in mastering the art of the sword, learning how to properly resonate with me and using my abilities to stop a great evil. I hereby anoint you as my newest Meister." he announced knighting Dipper with his cane. "May I wish good fortune upon you my friend." "Aw look, you made a new friend Excalibur!" Death exclaimed cheerfully before he began musing on how to move everyone to the Academy. "Now how can I create a way outta there?" he pondered before Eruka spoke up. "I believe Free and I can help out." "Oh, a witch helping us out? The last time that ever happened, we were quickly betrayed." Stein commented as the witch and the wolfman began combining their magic to create a gateway to Death City. With various mathematics symbols beginning to circle around a green entryway, the entrance began giving off a heavenly glow that left the duo exhausted. "Now before anyone says we pulled it out our butts, it's partially true." Free panted giving a thumbs up. "Spatial Magic and Magic Calculation, an unstoppable team." Eruka wheezed in reply. "Excellent, thank you for your assistance. Now come along, to Death City we go!" Ford exclaimed charging into the portal before Stein, McGucket, Spirit, Gideon, Black Star, Tsubaki, Blair, Waddles and Pacifica ran in after him. When almost everyone had exited the bunker into the portal, Dipper, Mabel, Maka and Crona were the only ones left to find that the witch's former cronies were being put back up on their feet by the Mizunes. "Aren't you coming with us too?" Mabel asked Eruka. "I would like to Mabel, anything to get away from this hellhole, but your town is in trouble and without you around, we might as well stay behind." Eruka answered reassuringly hugging the human girl. "And I just want to say, thank you both for helping us." "Yeah, we're gonna miss you little rascals!" Free exclaimed nearly crushing Dipper in a bear hug. "Gonna miss you guys too, now please stop crushing me!" Dipper groaned before being dropped to the ground. "And thank you for helping us get home." Maka stated gratefully. "Now good luck on protecting Gravity Falls while we're gone." "Uh guys, I think the portal might close any minute now!" Crona warned his friends as the gateway to Death City began to slightly fizzle out. "Oh right! Thanks for reminding us Crona." Dipper exclaimed before he ran into the light followed by his sister and Maka. "We'll see you guys later!" The last one to step into the portal was Crona, but only after he gave Free & Eruka one last hug. "I hope you'll all be okay when we get back." the Demon Swordsman whimpered. "Don't sweat it squirt, we got the skills to survive." Free assured Crona pushing him into the light. "Now go on, be with your friends." Crona put on a final smile before he faded into the light and the portal finally gave out, leaving the room almost deserted. "Well then, let's get crackin'!" the wolfman declared preparing to move out. "C'mon you three-eyed bastard, Papa Free's ready to get the belt out!" The Mizunes chittered in agreement scurrying behind and Eruka, turning back to examine the room hoping that her new friends safely escaped to Death City, being the last to leave, the only current occupant of the room being the decomposing corpse of the Shapeshifter.
Mere hours after the bunker was left completely empty, Kishin Cipher suddenly appeared and forced the Gorgons to kneel before him. "So, let's set a few things straight." he said in a polite yet livid tone. "I assigned you all to follow the Pines and those moronic Meisters into the bunker to kill them all." As Kishin Cipher continued, his voice grew deeper and his body turned a haunting crimson signaling that he was furious. "AND YET YOU ALL FAILED TO DO THAT TO EITHER OF THEM! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN YOU IDIOTS?!" "Please forgive us master, Screw was about to kill us when one of my former minions intervened and still they won over us!" Medusa begged for mercy. "Which one, the brain-dead mutt, the whiny frog or those pesky little mice?" Kishin Cipher sarcastically asked returning to normal. "And speaking of which, you might as well found me a new one!" Kishin Cipher then hovered over to the remains of the Shapeshifter and brought him back to life, albeit still with his mouth & an arm missing and various scars. "Good old Shifty! I've read a lot about you in Fordsy's journals, but I never thought we'd meet in person one day!" "Bill Cipher I presume?" the newly revived experiment asked. "Close but no cigar Stitch! Call me Kishin Cipher, the God of Weirdness & Madness and new master of these lands!" the Dream Kishin declared causing reality to spin around like a carousal and then stopping. "So, how'd you end up like this?" "There was this boy with an annoying sword who had put an end to me." the Shapeshifter answered to the horror of Kishin Cipher. "Wait, Pine Tree has Excalibur now?!" he exclaimed in shock. "I may be an utter pain in the ass to every one of my victims, but even I know where to draw the line!" "I need revenge! Make me your slave and I promise I shall be your greatest ally!" the creature begged him. Kishin Cipher contemplated for a few moments before finally accepting. "Okay then buddy, you're now mine!" he exclaimed. "But first you're gonna need some new threads." With a snap of his fingers, the Shapeshifter felt itself transform from a bizarre alien creature to a black chameleon-like beast with white markings lining its body, blood red eyes and a large heart-shaped hole in its chest. "So how's the new look dahling?" Kishin Cipher inquired with a proud look on his face admiring his work. "I feel so reinvigorated master! Please tell me when we can kill the Pines?!" "Up bup bup, don't get excited so soon! We still got other things to do." Kishin Cipher declared before he created a portal that he, the Shapeshifter and the witch sisters stepped into, no doubt to somewhere to plot their next scheme.
And so Weirdmageddon commences. With out heroes now being forced to retreat and the villains gathering forces, me the author and you the readers are left on the edge of our seats to learn what happens next. Will Ford make peace with his inner demons? What will happen when Mabel's secret gets out? Is there any way of stopping Kishin Cipher now?! Tune in next chapter, same Soul time, same Falls channel!
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Gravity Soul chapter 9: To McGucket Mansion We Go, Drawing the Line in the Sand? (originally posted on August 8, 2018)
AN: And so ends the Quest for the Northwest arc! From here on out, things get pretty dark and angsty as our heroes' lives are put at risk, their sanity about to teeter off the edge and relationships put into jeopardy. Also, just wanna say I'd really like some of my works get their own pages on TV Tropes someday so if anyone can make that possible, I'd be honored. Now then, on with the chapter! 23-8-5-14 1-12-12 9-19 12-15-19-20 1-14-4 25-15-21'22-5 16-1-9-4 20-8-5 16-9-16-5-18 20-8-5 13-15-19-20 8-1-21-14-20-9-14-7 15-6 1-12-12 9-19 23-8-1-20 3-15-13-5-19 1-6-20-5-18 9 15-14-12-25 8-1-22-5 15-14-5 17-21-5-19-20-9-15-14 20-15 1-19-11, 25-15-21 19-5-5 4-9-4 25-15-21 1-12-12 18-5-1-12-12-25 13-9-19-19 13-5?
When we had last left the Mystery Meisters, they had set off on their night-long mission to save Pacifica Northwest from the alliance between Asura and Bill Cipher. They have already battled Medusa Gorgon and made peace with her former minions but now they had a new opponent to face, the Bloodsucker Mosquito and his partner Giriko. "So you wield Excalibur now brat?" Giriko wondered clashing the sawblade on his glove with Dipper's weapon. "Yeah, but are you working with Kishin Cipher too?!" Dipper shouted slashing at the Demon Saw. "Of course we are, we signed a deal with him to bring back our master Arachne!" "Who's Arachne?" Mabel called riding on Free's shoulders as the two dodged a squadron of his golems. "Medusa's sister, their old master that got killed by Asura!" Maka answered fighting Mosquito, who has now bulked up his upper body considerably. "And it seems they've gotten stronger as well since we last saw them!" "Speaking of which, group up with me everyone!" Ford commanded to his teammates and they all gathered around him. "I have a plan guys. Me, Stan, Spirit, Stein, Kid and Free go after Mosquito while everybody else is against Giriko. What do you think of that?" he explained. "Question! Doesn't that seem a bit unfair for both of us?" Patty wondered. "I don't care, we don't have enough time left before Cipher pulls off whatever they've got planned!" "If you say so Mr. Pines." Soos obliged as he and the others charged toward Giriko's golems leaving the Stan twins, Spirit, Stein, Kid and Free with Mosquito. "So it's just all of you now, huh? Well, guess I should finally whip out a form that I sadly didn't get a chance to try out." the Bloodsucker stated before he swapped out his more top-heavy form for something more insect-like, befitting his name. Mosquito's legs started to become more animalistic, his toes touching the ground and his nose significantly longer. "Behold, my form from 200 years ago!" he declared. "Wow, that's one giant bug." Stan quipped with a smirk. "We're gonna need a bigger flyswatter."
"Police Stinger!" Mosquito cried out before his body began rotating incredibly fast except for his head and his schnoz grew longer. "I'll have you know this form is both my fastest and features the most finest nose!" he explained zooming towards his opponents, but they were quick to narrowly dodge him. "He wasn't kidding when he said he was fast!" Ford exclaimed. "How do you think we should beat him?" "I got a plan! Free, you can do all those ice things right?" Stan asked the wolfman. "Of course I can old man. Why?" Free wondered. "Think you could use them to help us out here?" "Of course I can! Just get him distracted first while I work my magic." The elderly brothers and son of Death complied with a nod and charged at Mosquito with their weapons. "Take some of this!" Stan shouted socking the Bloodsucker in the eye while Kid fired at him with his guns. "And a little bit of that!" "Ingrate!" Mosquito growled in a deeper voice grabbing Stan and tossing him into a nearby tree. "Stanley!" Ford cried out for his brother before turning to Free. "Any minute now Free!" Amusingly enough, the werewolf was too busy cracking his knuckles to get ready to pay attention. "Free!" "Oh, sorry Mr. Pines." Free readily apologized before preparing one of his spells. "Wolf, wolves! Wolf, wolves!" he chanted waving his arms around again. "Ice Pillars!" Just then, a series of frozen columns began rising from the ground to surround Mosquito. "Now!" "You got it! Ice Bind!" the Man with the Demon Eye called further restraining Mosquito long enough for Kid to knock him down a peg and completely disable him. "He's finally down, now's our chance!" Ford declared aiming his magnet gun. "Anything you got Kid?" "Yes, yes I do." the Immature Death God replied. "Are you ready girls?" he asked his pistols. "Yes Kid!" the Thompsons cried before they declared in unison, "Let's go Soul Resonance!" Just then, a large round blue aura bearing the stripes in Kid's hair surrounded him, no doubt that this was his soul. The twin pistols then converted into a pair of metallic arm cannons forming over Kid's arms before he took aim. "Prodigious, I suppose this must be the Soul Resonance that Maka & Soul attempted. I have to conduct further research." Ford muttered to himself before he noticed Free changing into a more wolf-like form and an eye appeared in front of him. "And this must be one of Free's special abilities as well!" "DEMON EYE CANNON!" Free shouted before the eye unleashed a laser beam towards Mosquito simualtaneously with Kid's Death Cannon and Ford's magnet gun, seemingly disintegrating the Bloodsucker once and for all. "Well that was easier than expected." "I was awoken by the sound of lasers, what'd I miss?" Stan wondered now unexpectedly unharmed after getting tossed away. "Did you guys just blast that bug to bits and not invite me to watch?! What kind of people are you?!" he jokingly chastised his brother. "Thank goodness you're alive Stan. Now let's go help out the others against Giriko." Ford became relieved knowing his brother was okay when suddenly they heard a faint rumbling. "You know in any other circumstance, that might've killed me." Mosquito commented rising out of the ground now looking more like a normal handsome man. "But that wasn't even my final form. Cause I have more where that came from!" he declared charging at the team. "What even is that?! He never displayed this form when we first fought him!" Stein gaped before they attempted to dodge. "That doesn't matter now, he's headed for the kids!" Ford cried and they ran after him, hoping the others are doing alright against Giriko.
"Dipper, are you all right?!" Mabel cried to her brother who was busy running from one of the Golems carrying Giriko's chainsaw form. "Does it look like I'm alright?!" he replied screaming before Crona came to his rescue with a mighty slash of Ragnarok. "Thanks Crona." "You're welcome Dipper." Crona replied before stabbing another. "Dammit you're resilient kids." Giriko snarled getting up and wiping some blood from his mouth. "But you'll never compare to our master Kishin Cipher! With the combined powers of a dream demon and a Kishin, he is unstoppable!" "Not if we have anything to say about it, we'll save Pacifica and stop you guys!" Eruka cried before sicking a small tadpole-like creature on him. "Get him Tadpole Jackson!" she commanded and the creature readily obeyed and pounced Giriko, trapping his head within its jaws. "What the hell is this thing doing with my head?!" the former minion of Arachne cried struggling before he felt something round in his hand. "Wait, what am I holding?" The orb exploded in his hand, blasting Giriko back and sending Tadpole Jackson flying off his head into Eruka's arms. "You did good little guy." she gently cooed to him before Mabel gasped at the two. "You have an animal sidekick too?! Waddles would totally want to be friends with your tadpole thing!" "Thank you Mabel." Eruka smiled before the two of them spotted the Stan twins & their group rushing toward them. "Guys, Mosquito's comin' for you all and we gotta go, fast!" Stan cried as the Bloodsucker got closer to them. "Get ready you guys!" "I see the children are here as well! Allow me to purge them for you!" Mosquito exclaimed going faster before he dug his hand into Soul's chest like claws, scarring him. "Soul!" Maka, Crona, Dipper, Mabel and Black Star all cried out for their friend rushing to his side. "Are you alright Soul, please wake up!" Soul's meister cried as he clutched his wound. "I'm fine Maka, just gonna need tons of medical attention after this." "Lovin' the new look there old fart. Or should I say middle aged fart?" Giriko mock-complimented his partner's more handsome form. "We can argue later my boy, the old men managed to outsmart me." Mosquito firmly stated. "There's no hope for us here with their combined numbers, so I say we just deliver the blood and return to base." he suggested. "Master said to inject it into the one with the fez, and I think I know how to do so." "How bad is it guys?" Wendy asked Stein and Fiddleford as they examined Soul's wounds. "Good news, Soul will be fine. Bad news, we might be here a while to take care of him." McGucket gave his diagnosis. Meanwhile Stan turned to find Mosquito reverting back to his shorter form and leaping into the air. "Uh guys? We still got him to contend with." he cautioned before the butler spun his body like a rotor and zoomed downward towards Dipper and Mabel. "Kids, watch out!" he screamed jumping in front of the twins and putting himself in the Bloodsucker's path, falling victim to his Stinger. "Grunkle Stan!" the kids cried out. "Mr. Pines!" Wendy, Soos, Melody and the denizens of Death City added. "Stanley!" Ford screamed catching his brother in his arms. "Stanley, please wake up! I've already lost you once, I don't want to do it again!" "Guys, I'm okay. Just got this hole in my chest from the bugman." Stan groaned struggling to get up, only to cry out in pain from the wound. "Oy, must've really hit hard." "Well, looks like our job is done. See you all when the apocalypse comes!" Giriko casually bade farewell before he, Mosquito and his Golems walked away from them toward the mansion, leaving the Mystery Meisters alone in the forest.
Mere hours later, the crew remained to concoct one final attack on Kishin Cipher and help Stan & Soul recuperate from being assaulted by Mosquito. "Okay, now hold still knucklehead." Ford cautioned his brother as he tended to the large hole in his chest. "Hey, at least Stein ain't tendin' to me this time. He's an absolute madman I tells ya!" Stan commented glaring at Stein who was already taking care of Soul. Just then Dipper and Mabel walked up to him. "I can't believe you let yourself get in the way just for us." his great-nephew said. "We're so sorry you ended up like this as a result." "It's all right kids. I still did it for you two." Stan warmly stated hugging them both before his pain came back. "Aw hot Belgian waffles, that still stings!" he cried. "Like I said Stan, stay still!" Ford ordered his brother laying him down again. "Hopefully we're close to where Kishin Cipher might be hiding, I can feel it!" "Could it be over there in the horizon?" Liz asked and they all turned to find the mansion exactly where she pointed at. It was what was once the Northwest Mansion, but there was a menacing atmosphere surrounding it. "Well I'll be darned, that's gotta be mah Hootenanny Hut!" McGucket exclaimed before everyone else turned to stare awkwardly at him, no doubt confused about his choice of name for the building. "C'mon guys, calling it a mansion just sounded too fancy for me!" "We got no time to waste, Pacifica is in there and so are Bill & Asura!" Dipper announced. "If we don't stop those two soon, who knows what havoc they'll wreak upon the world!" Maka added with a recovering Soul by her side before he transformed into his scythe form. "The line must be drawn here, this far! No further!" she declared plunging the blade into the ground and literally making a line. "So are you ready as you'll ever be?" "Are you sure about this guys? There's a very good chance this is where we die." Eruka fretted gripping Blair's arm tightly. "Then perhaps today is a good day to die." Ford stated taking a stand next to Dipper and Maka. "Now who's with us?!" "We are!" the rest of the team all cried out raising their fists in the air before marching toward the Hootenanny Hut, ready for the final showdown against Kishin Cipher. But little did they know that they'll make a huge mistake.
Finally making it to the mansion's courtyard, Dipper & Mabel peeked from behind the gate to discover the water in the fountains were replaced with lava and the peacocks were now reptilian beasts. In place of the statue of Pacifica was one of Bill & Asura shaking hands while both Gravity Falls and Death City burned beneath them. And standing guard at the front door was none other than the Madness of Sloth. "He's got some tight security here!" Mabel exclaimed in a hushed tone before they were joined in snooping by Maka & Soul hovering over them, their heads inexplicably forming a column. "And he's got the cave troll formerly known as Mr. Northwest over there." Soul added before the column got taller until the entire party were spying on the courtyard. "Wait, how are we doing this?" "We're gonna need a distraction if we want to break into there. Got any ideas?" Kid asked the others. "Just use food to drive him away, then beat him over the head! That usually works in cartoons." Soos suggested. "Or maybe we could fake surrendering and sacrifice ourselves for the greater good." Crona added deadpanned, to the shock of everyone else. "Wow, way to bring the house down kiddo!" Ragnarok jeered popping out of his meister's vest to noogie him. "Why don't we use a decoy instead?!" "That's...actually a good idea Ragnarok." Tsubaki stated. "But which one is the real question." Just then Mabel and Black Star stood up with brave faces. "Our time has come." The Madness of Sloth thought he heard voices coming from outside the gate. Stomping away from his position to investigate, he turned his head to discover nothing there. Turning around to return to his post, Sloth then spotted Mabel covered in some red substance lying on the doorstep. "Oh the pain! All of this pain is so painful!" she cried out. "If only the master of this house would give me shelter from all the atrocities of humankind!" "What is your game commoner brat?" the Madness snarled looming over the girl. "This is no game my good sir! My family has shunned me for crimes so unspeakable, they are almost apocalyptic!" Mabel feigned shattered innocence. "I insist that I speak with your lord and become his ward! And he better have a double life as a nocturnal animal-themed crimefighter who has cool gadgets, his own cave and tons of mental issues!" "NOW!" The beast that was once Preston heard someone cry before he was suddenly tied up with a chain scythe. "Great acting there Mabel, you pulled off quite the overdramatic facade!" Blair congratulated her licking away the fake blood. "Thanks Blair. I think it was the ketchup that made it work." "You dare trespass on the lair of the omniscient Kishin Cipher?!" the Madness roared. "Prepare to be executed!" He summoned his giant bell and smashed it onto the ground, sending them flying back. "Guess it's finally time I put this feller to good use." McGucket stated pulling out his sonic banjo and playing a tune, repelling the bell's shockwaves. "Hey, it's actually working!" "Quick, while he's distracted!" Tsubaki commanded and they all raced to the door to try & open it. "Come on, open up you damn hunk of fancy wood!" Black Star shouted trying to push it down. "If I have to guess, whatever's behind this door has to be where Kishin Cipher is hiding!" Ford remarked before he gave up on the door. "How can we break it down now?" "I think I have an idea!" Patty chirped. "Anyone got something priceless I can use?" she asked. "I think I have one! Now where is it?" Stan responded before digging through his clothes and pulling out a large diamond. "Here we go, the Klopman diamond!" "Wait, THE Klopman diamond?! As in the cursed jewel that took the lives of many a rich woman's husband and served as a Saturday morning cartoon running gag?" Gideon cried in awe. "Wait, you actually took the damned diamond from that temple in Argentina?!" Ford scolded his brother. "The legends said it was associated with some kind of curse!" "Hey, those three bird spirits convinced me to search for it with a really catchy song!" Stan tried to defend his rather foolish actions. "I especially liked the one that looked like some duck in a sailor suit, kinda reminded me of you Sixer." Suddenly his brother shushed him while scowling. "Not another word Stan, now put that thing to good use." "Okay then bro." Stan answered resignedly before standing up and waving the diamond around in his hands. "Hey ugly, lookie what I got!" he called out to the Madness of Sloth. "A priceless cursed diamond, all for you!" The Madness turned to glare at Stan & the diamond before charging at the group, allowing time for McGucket to escape and join the others as they left the diamond in front of the door for Preston to smash through. "This is either your most brilliant idea or your stupidest. Though I guess there must be some middle ground." Ford commented before Preston crashed through the door, creating an entrance for the Mystery Meisters. "Can't believe that actually worked." Ghost-Eyes said before he gazed upon the beast now lying down on the ground. "You think he's dead?" "Doesn't seem like it, probably unconscious from bashing the door in." Spirit answered as they made their way for the door. "Well, guess there's no turning back now." "Seems like it Spirit." Ford declared before turning to the others. "Now does anyone have something to say before we go in there for the fight of our lives?" he asked. "I'd like to do one." Dipper said. "It's been a honor being your sister, great-nephew and friend everyone." "I really hope we can save Pacifica, if she's even still in there." Mabel added. "No matter what happens, we'll always stick together." Maka declared gripping Soul and Crona's hands tightly. "Bill and Asura won't stand a chance against the man who's gonna surpass God!" Black Star boasted as usual. "We will fight in the name of my father and the DWMA." Kid soon added. "And I'm gonna wear Bill's butt like a rhinestone slipper." Wendy stated. "Gonna be honest guys, maybe a few of us won't make it out alive." Soos admitted trying to be real. "Quick question, which one of you is a side character?" "Not now Soos, save the side character talk for later." Melody said. "Well we plan on redeeming ourselves for our past actions." Gideon said confidently, to which Ghost-Eyes, Eruka, Free and the Mizunes added with a nod. "And I want my house back!" Fiddleford exclaimed before spitting "Okay then, we're off." Ford announced quietly stepping into the mansion with the others following him. Dipper and Mabel took a moment to look over the unconscious Madness of Sloth and how they could save him. "What are we gonna do with him?" Mabel asked her brother. "We'll find a way for him to get better, I'm sure of it." Dipper assured her before they turned and continued on, fearful of what's to come.
Carefully stepping into the ballroom, the team noticed it didn't look that much different, the only exception being tapestries of people bowing before Bill, an image of Kishin Cipher's wheel carved into the floor and most of all, a large sack with a singular eye hanging below a giant hole in the roof. "This must be it everyone, this has got to be where Kishin Cipher is hiding!" Ford declared as they took shelter in the shadows of the room. "Now whatever you do, no one make a sound. Are we clear?" he ordered before he heard someone suddenly fart. "Okay, which one of you was it?!" "That may have been me dudes. I sometimes get nervous when we're in a creepy dark place and I'm told not to make a sound!" Soos confessed to the scientist before they suddenly discovered something glittering in the dark. "Hey, what's that over there?" Dipper wondered stepping closer to the object until he realized it was actually a gilded cage. "Guys, I think that may be where they're holding Pacifica!" "Why do you think that kid?" Spirit wondered as the others followed Dipper. "Because it seems like her entire life was like this before meeting me and Mabel." the boy added. "Now can someone help me lower this cage?" "I got this squirt!" Black Star boasted before he tossed his chain scythe at one of the cage bars, tied it up and lowered it to the ground. When the kids thought they would see their friend again after so long, they instead discovered the cage was now empty. "What the?! Where is she?" Maka exclaimed. "You think Bill had done something to her?" "Indeed we did Maka-chan." an all-too-familiar voice answered, that voice being none other than Medusa. "You again! What do you want with us now?" Ford shouted preparing his magnet gun. "And we won't let you beat us this time!" "Is that so my friends?" Medusa remarked putting on a fake innocent smile. "Well after I sent you all away, my master had assigned me to work on a particular project. Can you guess which one?" she quizzed the group, who all feared the worst while turning to gaze at the gilded cage. "If you're thinking about the girl, then you are indeed correct." Medusa stepped aside to reveal Pacifica, but she looked much different than when everyone last saw her. She was dressed in her usual clothing but her most peculiar feature was a metal helmet with a pair of three holes on both sides of the front and incredibly pointy teeth. "Is that you Pazzy?" Mabel muttered fearfully taking a few steps toward her friend. All was silent for a few moments until Pacifica harshly slapped the Pines sister aside, to the shock of everybody. "Mabel!" Stan screamed running toward his great-niece while the rest of the Pines tried to contemplate on what had just happened. "What's happened to Pacifica? Does it have something to do with that helmet she's wearing?" Dipper cried before the heiress summoned a katana blade and charged forward, about to stab the boy before he suddenly clashed her weapon with Excalibur. "Fool! It seems she is under our foe's control!" "The annoying blade is right child. I have experimented on the child hoping that she would come under the control of the Black Blood like her father, and it was a success." the witch explained proudly. "That helmet of hers allows us to make her our puppet by injecting the substance into her brain." "We gotta break that helmet and save her guys!" Dipper stated. "Here's the plan. Me, Maka, Kid, Wendy, Eruka, Free, Ford & Crona take care of Pacifica & Medusa. Black Star, Gideon, Ghost-Eyes, McGucket & Melody will rescue Mrs. Northwest. Finally, Soos, Blair, Mizune & Stein will try to help Mabel. Are we all clear?" "Roger roger!" Patty replied before she & Liz formed into Kid's pistols. "Can't believe I'm taking orders from someone I tried to kill last summer." Gideon growled before his team began searching for Pacifica's mother. "Don't worry dawg, we're here to help!" Soos exclaimed racing to Stan's side to assist Mabel. "And as for you." Dipper glowered at Medusa as his team took their battle stances and prepared for an epic showdown.
"Mabel? Mabel! Hey Mabel, wake up!" Stan exclaimed lightly smacking her great-niece on the side of her face. "Maybe if I try shaking her." "I don't think that's gonna work Mr. Pines." Soos commented before trying his hand at awakening his younger friend. "Hey hambone, if you wake up we'll get you pizza! With stuffed crust!" "S-stuffed crust?" Mabel moaned beginning to regain consciousness. "Yeah, you can eat it in reverse dude!" Soos continued on much to Stan's chagrin. "I can't believe we're having this conversation." he groaned before Mabel finally woke up in his arms. "Mabel, you're finally awake pumpkin!" "Grunkle Stan!" Mabel exclaimed hugging her grunkle. "Wait, what just happened?" she asked. "It's about Pacifica. She's been brainwashed by Medusa using the Black Blood and is already fighting your brother." Stein recapped for her. "She did WHAT?!" Mabel screamed angrily before glaring at Medusa who was currently fighting Dipper's team. "Oh am I gonna give her a piece of my mind for messing with my friends!" "Not so fast!" the familiar sound of Mosquito's voice called as he barreled toward them in his 100 years ago form with a Golem carrying Giriko's chainsaw form following behind. "Now is the time for us to finish the job!" "Heads up dudes, he's back!" Soos exclaimed running from the duo before Stein stabbed Mosquito in the shoulder with Spirit. "Don't try to run away now Soos, we still got these guys to handle!" Spirit exclaimed. "Right dawgs, for Pacifica!" Meanwhile Black Star's group was busy searching for Priscilla Northwest around the only part of the ballroom that wasn't caught in the midst of combat. "Now where could she be?" Gideon wondered looking around harder. "If I were a formerly rich women, where would I be?" Black Star added before McGucket suddenly got an idea. "Hey I know where she might be! There's this little trapdoor near that there lever that I use to keep my banjos!" "Excellent, let's see if we can open it." Tsubaki replied before they began searching for the trapdoor. Suddenly among the screams of battle, they heard a faint voice under the floor followed by some pounding. "Is anyone up there? Please help me!" "That must be the door!" Ghost-Eyes exclaimed before he felt around for the door. Finally discovering it, he bashed it in revealing the Northwest matriarch below, albeit with messier hair and nearly smeared makeup. "Oh thank you so much. You have no idea how torturous it was to be in there against your will!" "Ah don't mention Mrs. N, you can thank me, Black Star!" the young ninja declared. "The man who's gonna-ooh, mini-sandwiches!" He immediately became distracted by what the panic room contained. "And there's a coloring book as well!" "Listen, we've come to rescue you and your family from those guys. Is there any way we could get you out safely?" Melody asked. "I don't think that's important right now, just break the window over there!" Priscilla stated and Black Star, now out of the panic room with some mini-sandwiches in his mouth, smashed it. "Okay miss, now get out of here!" "Not so fast!" Medusa shouted firing a Vector Arrow at them. "Master Cipher shall not let you leave here alive!" she declared cornering the rescue team before she was bearhugged from behind by Free. "Oh no you don't ex-boss! This is for beating us up whenever we failed you!" "We're dona serving you Medusa, and Kishin Cipher as well!" Eruka added tossing a few Tadpole Grenades at Pacifica, who simply destroyed them all with her katana before charging at the frog witch when suddenly Dipper clashed blades with her again. "Listen Pacifica, I know you're still in there!" Dipper cried for his friend. "You got to fight it, just like how you fought against your family's reputation!" Pacifica once again still didn't speak before their blades started to clank against one another. "Fool, it seems giving her the cliched 'I know you're in there' speech won't work right now! It seems the only way to free your friend is to destroy that helmet!" Excalibur stated. "Right, but how?" "Get away from my experiment brat!" Medusa screamed getting between the two. "Any moment now, Kishin Cipher will reawaken and finish the job for us!" She then fired a Vector Arrow at Dipper who deflected it with a swipe of Excalibur before charging at the witch with a war cry. Then suddenly he was sent flying backwards with a Vector Plate into a wall before his barely conscious form was met with a disapproving glare from Medusa. "Pathetic." "I seriously need help here Excalibur! What do you got that can break Medusa's control over Pacifica?!" Dipper cried struggling to get back up. "Hm, I suppose I do have quite the trick up my sleeve. But you'll have to rap with me here boy." the Holy Sword stated bringing himself back to his temporary Meister's side and began to glow. "Here goes nothing." "Hey guys, what's happening to Dipper?" Wendy asked Kid. "I can't believe my eyes, he's actually doing it!" the son of Death declared in astonishment. "Doing what?" Ford inquired. "Accessing the power of Excalibur himself." The boy floated in the air with wings made of light forming out of his back while holding Excalibur aloft. "Impossible..." Medusa muttered before Dipper unleashed the full power of the sword. "Hero..." he prepared to zoom towards the witch and her puppet. "THE ATOMIC!" With a mighty slash, Medusa lost half of her torso & Pacifica's helmet was reduced to metallic shards, leaving the two of them to fall flat on their faces. "D-did he just-" Crona stuttered before the boy rushed to Pacifica's side and flipped her over on her back. "Come on P, wake up!" "You think she's...dead?" Priscilla asked beginning to shed a few tears. "FOOLS! I feel she is simply unconscious. I know because this isn't the first time I used that move." Excalibur stated. "Dipper, I think I know what'll work!" Mabel cried. "Try true love's kiss, that always works in the movies!" "What?! Mabel, this is no time to invoke cliched movie tropes, we don't have enough time left before Kishin Cipher wakes up!" Dipper exclaimed incredulously. "Just do it kid and let's get outta here!" Stan added. Everyone watched in anticipation as Dipper let out a long, exasperated sigh and puckered his lips, finally planting them on Pacifica's own pair causing her to finally awaken. "Oh, what happened? How long did I sleep?" "Uh for your information, they made me kiss you." Dipper tried to talk his way out of it before Mabel screeched in joy. "What did I tell you all?! It did work like in the movies!" "There's no time! We got Pacifica, now we just flee and find a way to cure her father!" Maka exclaimed trying to gun for the door until she was suddenly assaulted by Medusa. "You are far too late little one. He's finally waking up." She gestured to the large sack which started trembling a bit. "Better hurry before he slaughters you all." "She's right, let's go!" Eruka cried in fear before she was suddenly sent flying towards Kishin Cipher's wheel sitting below the sack as it fell down to the floor. "But before we can truly get things started, there must be sacrifices first. Like you, you filthy traitor." "What is even happening right now?!" Stan exclaimed as the sack began taking on a more humanoid shape. "That sack is really Kishin Cipher!" Kid replied fearfully before its transformation completed and clumsily stepped toward Eruka. "I'm coming Eruka!" Dipper cried out rushing to the witch's side before the creature took a knee and stared at the two with his hands clasped together...before he let out a loud, bone-chilling shriek. Dipper & Eruka started screaming as well in fear of Kishin Cipher before his screaming turned into insane laughter. "Oh you should see the looks on your faces, just priceless!" he cackled. "And your screams of terror were something else too, right guys?!" Kishin Cipher then tore off a portrait of a younger Pacifica with her parents to reveal an interdimensional tear colored dark purple, red & yellow that had a distinct smell of burnt hair. Ford immediately knew what this was. "The Nightmare Realm?!" "Rightio Sixer, hats off to you for getting it right!" Kishin Cipher complimented with a tip of the hat, also flipping the house upside down and back again. "My my my, what a main cast we got here!" he exclaimed menacingly. "And we even got my old friends the Pines family back for another round! Can I get a round of applause here nightmares and monstrosities?!" Sounds of an applauding crowd emitted from the entrance to the Nightmare Realm before a large red-faced creature with a permanent smile peered out of the opening, frightening the team all except for Ford who was determined to put Bill out to pasture once and for all. "You can't scare me anymore Bill! We still have the journals, which means we have access to your weakness!" the scientist declared pulling out Journal 3 but he was too late to realize it wasn't the real book. "Mushroom omelette. For this recipe, you will need any kind of mushroom, eggs, butter, wait just a tick. This isn't the journal..." "IT'S A COOKBOOK!" Stan screamed in terror. "Game over man, game over! Close the beach, women & children only, oh the humanity!" Black Star panicked before scooping up Liz in his arms. "Okay that does it! Screw you guys, we're going home!" the elder Thompson sister cried and the two rushed toward the entrance screaming until the Madness of Sloth, now having regained consciousness, halted them. "What did you do Kishin Cipher?!" Dipper shouted furiously but the fusion of Bill & Asura replied with a haughty sneer. "Lookin' for these?" he taunted summoning the original three journals from out of nowhere. "If you wanna get outta here alive, you'll have to give me what I want!" "And that would be?" Soul asked preparing for a fight before he felt himself picked up and dragged towards Kishin Cipher along with Stan. "Why you two of course! How does joining my Horsemen of the Apocalypse sound?!" the beast offered. "Over my dead body triclops! The day I side with an idiot like you is the day I die!" Stan argued back trying to free himself. "You guys get outta here, Bill here is mine!" "I don't think so!" Kishin Cipher mocked the old man before he let a few of his bandages capture Dipper, Mabel, Ford & Maka. "Either surrender yourselves now, or they pay the price!" he threatened strangling the four of them. "It's your choice." "Don't do it Stan, I'd rather die than lose you again!" Ford tried to reach out to his brother. "But then you'd still lose me because you'll be dead and not me." Stan rebutted just as Kishin Cipher tightened his hold on their loved ones. "So, what's it gonna be you two?" The two of them looked at one another, then at their family & friends before sighing in defeat. "Fine, you can take us. Just leave them alone." Soul declared. "Good choice Piano Keys." the monster congratulated the Demon Scythe before dropping the six of them and shoving Stan & Soul on the wheel. "Mosquito, the Morality Manipulator!" "With pleasure master." Mosquito said bowing before he pulled a level that dropped a glass dome over the two. "I'm so sorry kids, but I'm doing this for you!" Stan cried pounding on the glass. "Promise that you'll come back for us you guys!" Soul added as Kishin Cipher hovered over the dome. "And now, the finishing touch." "Get your filthy hands off my friend!" Kid screamed firing at him with his pistols and prepared a flying kick to the face before the Dream Kishin stopped him mid-attack. "Tsk tsk tsk. Stupid little brother." Kid froze in fear upon hearing Kishin Cipher call him his brother. Who really was Asura and how are they connected? He made a mental note to speak with Death about the matter as he fell to the floor. "Now where were we? Oh yeah!" the monster exclaimed before tapping on the dome sending an electric shock downward. "Now this is where the magic begins!" "Indeed. This version of the Morality Manipulator reacts to Black Blood which takes form by traveling through the holder's bloodstream to their heart & brain, warping their minds and their souls." Mosquito exposited as the painful transformation began. Stan howled in agony as his five o'clock shadow turned into a full beard and felt himself covered in head to toe in golden armor. Soul was in as much agony with his skin turning red, horns growing out of his growing head and his white hair disappearing. Their loved ones could only watch in shock & sadness over this until the shock disappeared signifying the end of the process and the dome ascended back to the ceiling, revealing the two's new forms. "Zoo-wee mama, you two are looking sharp!" Kishin Cipher exclaimed putting hands on both their shoulders. "I think I'll call you the Madness of Greed and you the Madness of Envy!" "Soul, please tell us there's still a bit of you in there." Crona whimpered tiptoeing toward his transformed friend before the new Madness of Envy grabbed him by the wrist. "There is no Soul, only the Ogre!" he hissed before punching Crona in the face. "Seems like the prophecy is down three mortals!" "Three mortals? But we still haven't cracked the bell yet." Dipper mused. "Unless it actually represents..." That was when he came to a realization. "The bell is Preston Northwest!" "Ding ding ding, you're our grand prize winner! Medusa, show him what he's won!" Kishin Cipher screamed imitating a game show host before the witch, now in a fancy red dress & an unamused expression, stuck her arm out with another on her hip toward the mansion entrance. "You my friends get an all-expenses paid vacation to my newer, funner world! Have a good time and never come back!" With a hearty cackle, Kishin Cipher finally tossed all of them out of the mansion, sending them screaming all the way through. "You know, it's times like this where I feel like singing!" he shouted rubbing his hands together before gesturing to Giriko at a piano. "Maestro?" The Demon Saw played a few notes on his instrument beginning a song. "Today's just so wonderful, I feel like chuckling," Kishin Cipher began singing before adding in a chuckle and pulled out a baby duck. "I feel all fuzzy inside like a duckling, full of tarantulas! And now that I'm here," He then prepared to snap his fingers making the portal to the Nightmare Realm grow bigger. "Tonight, it's gonna get...weird!" With that, he snapped his fingers causing the tear to split wide open large enough for all the interdimensional criminals and nightmares he called his friends to escape. Among them were a goblin with a pair of eight-balls for eyes, a literal walking set of teeth, a strange blue creature with a large keyhole shape in his forehead, a geometric shape resembling Bill only he was a blue rhombus, a pink demoness covered in white flames, a large demonic baby, a red hexagon wearing a bowler hat, a monster made up of various colorful squares connected together, a giant walking purple loaf of bread wearing a party hat, a lava lamp-esque demon also wearing a bowler hat, various eyes flying using bat wings and an army of odd human-shaped metallic beings led by four demons. The first demon wore a white top-hat and vaguely resembled a human but with distorted eyes. The second demon was a female that almost appeared nude with various markings on her bare front and a fur cloak. The third had no resemblance to a human and had a waning crescent moon for a head. Finally the fourth monster was all black with multiple sheets on top of one another as clothing. "Look at these creatures, not enough features!" Kishin Cipher continued picking up a kitten. "Cats should breath fire, bears should sing choir!" Squeezing the feline between his fingers making it spit fire, he then turned to a trio of bears who harmonized reluctantly for him. "Hm, very nice!" "Look at this tower, under my power!" The next act of insanity the Dream Kishin committed was turning the water tower into a sentient being with sharp teeth before he turned to the town of Gravity Falls itself, to the horror of the townsfolk. "Look at these people, puny and feeble!" Kishin Cipher then jumped down to town square to corner the fleeing populace and sat down on a nearby building. "Look, I'm just an abomination that's trying to save you." he falsely assured them. "From the delusions society gave you!" He emphasized that line by reversing gravity itself. "Gravity's a lie and so is the sky! Trust in the all-seeing, all-knowing, EYE!" With that, Kishin Cipher then telekinetically made giant portions of land rise from various parts of Gravity Falls to form a large pyramid to serve as his lair before zooming inside to continue his song. "Look at this money, who's that honey?!" he crooned making his own face appear on a dollar bill rather than George Washington. "Look throughout history, how could you miss me?!" He then made a grand gesture toward pictures of various historical events with Bill hastily scribbled into them. "Seriously, I'm like all over the place!" "Look at this weather, I could do better!" he then boasted stepping outside to mess with reality some more. "Mandelbrot rainbows, screaming tornadoes!" Kishin Cipher harmonized drawing an oddly colored rainbow over his pyramid like the logo of a certain film company and spun his finger around to create a perpetually screaming hurricane. "Look at this loser, drinking coffee!" The monster then glared at a brown-haired man dressed in red flannel sipping some joe, blissfully unaware of the chaos around him. "Now it's decaf!" With a wave of Cipher's finger, the man spit out his drink in shock. "Look at these people, calling me evil!" Kishin Cipher reached the conclusion of his song as he faced a group of citizens trying to fight back against him before he carelessly petrified them. "Right back at you, now you're all statues!" Rising up from the ground to take in the insanity around him, Kishin Cipher celebrated his victory as his friends wreaked havoc around the Oregon town. "Everything you know has disappeared, it's gonna get weird!" Meanwhile with the Mystery Meisters, they were recovering from being kicked out of Kishin Cipher's lair before they looked up at the sky in terror as Kishin Cipher began cackling victoriously. There were no words spoken from them all except for Dipper who had only one thing to say. "Weirdmageddon."
And so concludes Quest for the Northwest. Our heroes may have rescued Pacifica, but Kishin Cipher has won both the battle AND the war before either of them started! That's right ladies and gents, we've finally reached the endgame! This party will never stop, so join us next time for the dawn of Weirdmageddon II!
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