kuruk · 1 year
help me why are your anons so weird like who do they expect you to be
I tjink that one person is just having fun messing with me like as a joke LOL probably just some mutual messing around I guess. my bad if it's not sorry for mocking your beliefs and such.
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renee-writer · 2 months
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Life is not perfect for anybody, so stop comparing and stop complaining.
There is no such thing as “the right time.” Do it or get off the pot.
Talk is cheap. Your actions tell the world all it needs to know.
Your closest friends and family will sometimes rain on your parade. Suck it up and keep moving forward.
People are attracted to positivity, but negativity is contagious. Avoid whiners like the plague.
Life is complicated. You will experience situations that could make you bitter. Choose to be better. And, it IS a choice.
If you want to hear what makes you feel good, ask your friends. If you want to hear the truth, ask your parents.
When in doubt, don't.
When in love, jump in with both feet.
It's okay to wave and speak first. That's called good manners.
It's also okay to politely speak your mind; that's called keepin' it real and our world kinda needs more of that.
Believe in fairy tales and happy endings because life is sweeter that way.
You will not always be in the majority. Please don't pout or point fingers when this happens. That makes you a brat.
People will not remember your words of wisdom, but they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel. Be kind, be thoughtful, and be fair.
It's not about what you know or even who you know; it's about who YOU are.
Be a doer, a giver, and a cheerleader to everyone you encounter.
Smiles are free, so give them out generously.
Never be too proud to show appreciation.
Remove your hat at the table - especially during grace.
Always stand for the Pledge.
Pray without ceasing.
Love unconditionally.
Put your family first.
Sing in the shower and dance every chance you get.
If all else fails, go camping and consume a small amount of chocolate.
(I would have said Fireball Whisky, but some heifers can’t take a joke these days. Tell them anyways. 😜)
“He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” Job 8:21
#Repost #StillTrue
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3000s · 1 year
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where cis gay couple on vacation sedusces and sexually tortures and kills some trans guy, written in the style of eric larocca. im more fucked than i was at 2:52 but i kow this to be true.it will have numerous bad reviews yet stilltrue to the authors vision
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ppeanutt · 3 years
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#justsayingagain #grumpycat #stilltrue https://www.instagram.com/p/CPGjeCgl7fu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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inoulovett · 4 years
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#stilltrue 😢 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFdx04JF7J4-ZqS8nZ4HkDtDTV8LfkVn-pY_jQ0/?igshid=vg23oqftbtqb
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violasbabygirl · 5 years
This woman SANGS!! Just listen. 😇🌸👌💕🙌 #blessing #shelea #sheleafrazier #pianist #singer #producer #songwriter #vocalist #classical #jazz #gospel #soul #rnb Reposted from @sheleamusic (@get_regrann) - Tell your problems, your enemies, whatever or whomever is trying to take your peace and kill your joy—SUNDAY’S ON THE WAY! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 #HesNotDead #HappyEaster #HappyResurrectionDay #StillTrue #DontCry #Repost - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B49dVwzJNkc/?igshid=15qlbd0zb6a9y
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angelauniversalsky · 5 years
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#throwback #stilltrue #reality #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQNDlkljwM/?igshid=jwln29xyhzgn
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pr3101 · 6 years
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#stilltrue https://www.instagram.com/p/BsDdfAeADE3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zif6psofez1z
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thebesttime14 · 2 years
Pārdomas... (esmu atpakaļ)!
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Piektdiena, 17.jūnijs (2022).     Kad daktere izdomāja pateikt, ka man ir depresija... pirmajā brīdī tam sekoja ļoti liels noliegums ar savu spītību. Tajā pašā laikā, gatavība raudāt! Instinktīvi, uzreiz sekoja aizvainojums, kā viņa tā varēja pateikt, kāpēc tagad, kāpēc viņa tik vienaldzīgi pret to izturas, kāpēc tad man nav citi simptomi, kāpēc, kāpēc, kāpēc?!  To dienu es biju pārdomās, taču tajā pašā laikā arī aizvainota. Sekoja liels jautājums(i) - varbūt man visu laiku depresija ir bijusi, varbūt man tiešām vajag aiziet pie psihoterapeita, varbūt tas man palīdzēs, taču, kāpēc es uzreiz gribu noliegt šo faktu?!  Man patiesi ir grūti ar savu (dziļo) problēmu izrunāšanu un izstāstīšanu. Reizēm varu ierauties tādā čokurā, palikt tikai mazā kaktā un vienkārši būt. Reizēm varu vispār neiziet cilvēkos, iespējams tāpēc mana ome grib, ka vairāk socializējos ar sava vecuma cilvēkiem (komentārs vietā, jo ikdienā esmu skolotāja un socializējos ar bērniem un jauniešiem)... Reizēm esmu vienkārši nogurusi un bezspēkā.
Vakardien, 19.jūnijs (2022).    Es sēdēju un domāju - parasti saka, ka stipri cilvēki ir tie, kas spēj runāt par savām problēmām, par saviem pārdzīvojumiem, par savām bēdām, taču vājie to visu noklusē. Tad sanāk, ka esmu vāja?! Tad sanāk, ka tas pēc kā es tiecos (ka esmu garīgi spēcīga un stipra), īstenībā mani ir padarījis par pretējo... Es atzinu: “Es esmu vāja! Es nevaru pat aiziet pie sava tēta un izstāstīt viņam, kas man ir, kas man nav, par ko raizējos, par ko skumstu, kā tad es varu aiziet pie psihoterapeita?!”  Es saprotu, šī problēma ir nopietna un, ja man tā patiesi ir, tad man ir vajadzīga palīdzība, taču esmu vēl tikai procesā. Kāpēc es vēl aizvien to nevaru atzīt? Vai tas ir lepnums? Vai vienkārši tas nav nekas tāds, ko atzīt? Turpretī ir citi apkārtējie, kas ir daudz spēcīgāki par mani, kas ikdienā vēršas pēc palīdzības un to gūst, ko es tikai varu apbrīnot. Kāpēc tad es to nevaru izdarīt? Īstenībā cauri šim laikam nenormāli pateicos Dievam, ka mani ir sargājis un turpina sargāt. Jo šeit noteikti bez Viņa, es nebūtu. Dīvaini, bet tā ir taisnība! Cauri visam, es turpināju smaidīt, cerēt, ticēt. Protams, mīlestību dažreiz aizmirstot un patiesu prieku un sajūsmu, atstājot novārtā. Kā tas nākas, ka tieši lielāko es aizmirsu?!
Tagad, 20.jūnijs (2022).    Skatos debesīs un domāju, kāpēc vēl esmu Viņam (Dievam) svarīga? Es tik daudz reizes Viņu esmu piečakarējusi! Tomēr... Viņš tāpat mani sargā, mani svētī.  Jūra šalc, cilvēki staigā, taču debesis apstājās! Burtiski! Kā tas ir iespējams? Tas ir brīnums un tas ir iespējams, jo Viņš mani vēl MĪL! Lai gan es no Viņa aizgriežos, lai gan es aizmirstu, Viņš mani un arī Tevi turpina mīlēt! K��PĒC? Mēs to uzzināsim tikai finiša taisnē. Kāpēc Viņam es esmu svarīga?! Uzzināšu tikai pēc tam. Taču, P.A.L.D.I.E.S! 
Kopā ir vieglāk...!
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kkecreads · 2 years
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I love when a post ages like fine wine. 👌🏼👌🏼 #stilltrue #mmchouinard #jofournierseries https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd5x-99r5_D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nopo-apa · 2 years
May I cry?
I hate the fact that today you're not allowed to be sad. Think about it, think about the last time you were sad. Think about the last time you thought that your world is collepsing around you. When you told this to someone, did they tell you to cheer up because some people have it worst? Did they tell you a pointless story all about how the same thing happened to them? Maybe they gave you some advice about how to move on. The point is, you are not allowed to be sad. Sadness is a part of our life and you should be able to feel sad. I hate the fact that I'm not allowed to be sad because someone, out there, has it worst. When I tell you about something shity that is happening to me, let me cry, let me be sad,
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dinoalexander · 3 years
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#stilltrue https://www.instagram.com/p/CY_nZVNLM553LR9AddcuCvI-XtWcQ8vb2zuvPA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pastorcarlemitchell · 3 years
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… I don’t expect many Amens on this one. #StillTrue #Repent (at Pastor Carl E. Mitchell III) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWEFBGtLB0O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ayyessbee · 6 years
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jessicacorine · 6 years
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ryanladell · 4 years
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#stilltrue https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5hDk0B4JJ/?igshid=19n0udl8as4ac
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