#stolen from the splatoon reddit
fogwarden · 1 year
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powerofnerd · 1 year
Reblog to scare a competitive splatoon player
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ranidspace · 1 year
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stolen from reddit unfortunately. During the "Nessie vs Aliens vs Bigfoot" Splatfest Frye refers to inklings+octolings as "Turflings".
Of course, Frye was on team aliens, meaning this was probably a pun on "earthlings" but it does kinda reveal that we do sorta have a gap of what to call both species together.
I've seen a bunch of different terms. I really like "Inkfish" but like Turflings, this was only ever said once during all 3 games (by Flow, in splatoon 2)
Cephalopod is obviously one thats used a lot, i think in canon as well, but it's a bit of a mouthful, and it does also include some characters that arent playable (basically just gnarly eddy, and that one girl from ink theory, nautili are cephalopods.)
im just BAFFLED that Nintendo have not given a joint and exclusive term for them and properly canonized it. it's really weird.
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pupsik-the-squid · 2 years
Does Inkling/Octoling sweat create gear abilities? And do the Kids stink because of it?
This might be one of the weirder Splatoon theories but i believe it makes too much sense to dismiss.
I saw a post on reddit that toched on this Idea but the post didn't go as deep as it could have... so here i am!
Let's list of some things that support this outlandish idea!
1. You aquire Exp by playing online matches (playing sports) that get added to the pieces of clothing your character is currently wearing. After having accumulated enough Experience (sweat) you unlock an ability!
2. Different drinks boost the speed at which you can aquire gear Exp and also increase the chance of getting specific abilities.
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3. The act of removing abilities from gear is called scrubbing...like it doesn't get more obvious than that, Murch is literally telling you he'll clean it for you!
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4. The King salmonid meter in Splatoon 3 is called "Smell" in the games files. It also only fills up after participating in Salmon run shifts. Doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you work while wearing your uniform, your personal "Smell" increases by 1 level (up to 5).
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However, after the switch to a new Shift, your smell completely resets. Probably because all Uniforms were being cleaned. (Grizzco does have a personal washing machine, we also see that the gloves and boots are being hung outside to dry)
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5. The more "Smell" you and your teammates have, the higher the chances for a King Salmonid to appear after the third wave. It can pinpoint you exact location, because you and your friends Stink!
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6. All salmonids have a strong sense of smell. In the Employee Handbook it is stated, that the reason Salmonids can find the player even if their hiding in their own ink...is because they can smell them!
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Those are the reasons I believe this idea has some Merritt. We can also go a bit further and characterize Grizzco using this theory!
Now that we know how gear abilities come into existence, the fact that newly acquired gear from working shifts already has unlocked slots...
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Means it's gear that was already used by someone else and hasn't been cleaned yet!
We don't know where Grizzco is getting all the Clothing it gives it's employees as payment but looking at it from this perspective, can certainly gives us a potential clue!
Since the gear doesn't appear to be fresh, it couldn't have been bought, nor would it make sense to have been stolen.
We know that Inklings and Octolings, are extremely consumerist in Nature and are always chasing the latest trends. So why wouldn't they throw away gear that is no longer in season?
Which means that... I believe that the gear Grizzco industries is paying it's employees with, is rejected, out of fashion clothing, that gets pulled out of Dumpsters!
So yeah. I believe the player characters in Splatoon sweat an insane amount and probably smell extremely bad.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!
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lesbyeen · 2 years
The Redbubble Subreddit is one of the most disillusioned ‘not controversial’ subs I’ve ever fucking visited
So I recently restarted a new RedBubble account for Splatoon and furry stuff. I’ve had past issues with Nintendo striking some of my art (old, old stuff that was up for years), but I figured a new shot with parody art would help my case. Boy was I wrong. What I posted will never in a million years: be something the company ever directly makes (because they are jokes/parodies), be copied/stolen from their artists, or ever make me anywhere near enough money to harm the company themselves.
I take a trip over to the subreddit, check anything asking about copyright and oh my god. Somebody brings up that they had made some Pokemon fan art and had it struck and were curious as to why. The comments? HOLY shit. First one I see is: “make your own animals! Using a copyrighted character is exploitative”.
I want to make something abundantly clear: I’m not a copyright lawyer. But I have sat in on enough high level college digital media courses to know enough about Fair Use to get by on the interwebs (you talk about it A LOOOTT in this day and age). Making fan art and making a few stickers of a pre-existing character is not “exploitative”. I have some understanding for brands wanting to protect their IPs, I get it to an extent. Taking a pre-existing design and posting it everywhere and making a fuck ton of money on it is one thing. Making a parody piece with a Disney character is another. Regardless, fan art is not exploitative and I am disgusted that this subreddit said it was. The big corporation can deal with losing $3 a month to some poor kid who’s proud of their work and wants it as a sticker, one that has a design that they will never make. Or some poor artist trying to get by. A corporation does not need the protection of some saps on Reddit.
Fun fact: a lot of original character work DOES NOT SELL. Why? People don’t recognize them! People fucking want recognizable characters on their emotional support water bottle! There are some exceptions like big-time webcomics or web series (or even a design that just... takes off) that that RB artists makes, but 95% of people will never get that opportunity, and even then very few will be selling on RB where the markup is so low. Fanart not only sells, but people like it. Somebody’s fan art is not going to replace the original, which is one of the Fair Use rules. Uploading a doodle you did of Bulbasaur to RB is not the same as uploading a whole season of Indigo League to YouTube.
I would not be as bothered by this if the subreddit wasn’t riddled with people who think making fanart is horrible. It’s not. It keeps fandoms going. If Nintendo didn’t have a habit of locking their march in Japan THIS WOULDN’T BE AS MUCH OF A PROBLEM. I am so sick of trying to find Splatoon merch in the US that isn’t boring as fuck, so where do I go? ONLINE TO FIND COOL FANART. I also wouldn’t be as bothered if they didn’t pick and choose shit to take down. I tagged my parody piece with the same things as ACTUAL rips from the game and I am the one who gets it flagged for review.
I want to make this clear too, especially to young fan artists: FANART IS NOT THEFT. Making a couple pins of something and putting them on Etsy should never be considered theft unless you are stealing the design from something else. Is it? To some people. The brands do not need our protection, and honestly I think they need to let up on the reigns.
TLDR: fanart is not exploitative, companies need to chill the fuck out on striking parody pieces online, and the Redbubble subreddit is obnoxious as fuck
Anyway this got a little all over the place. I won’t be arguing with people in the comments over harmless fanart on RedBubble because it’s from a goddamn corporation, not some independent artist making a living off their work and having people take from them
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