#stolen rig
godisarepublican · 2 months
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markfaustus · 1 month
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akuma-tenshi · 5 months
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just so you guys know. joseph shot up from (around) ninth place to THIRD in two days. because there's a massive push from the cn server to go onto global and mass vote for him to put him in first. maybe the vote counts are "accurate" but they're not legitimate. even if this isn't bot voting, it's certainly not fair. nobody is happy with this.
even if joseph doesn't win this year, it sets a dangerous precedent for future years if netease doesn't actually do anything about these dummy accounts who are being mass-created and sent to vote for joseph. i know there's only so much they can do but it's not comforting that the best they have is this lukewarm twitter announcement and ten memory spheres.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
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fucking gender get your gender right here !!
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muchmossymess · 1 year
So I've been uh, making a (rough) 3d model of revali so I can use him as a reference for art (of revali) and to summarise? I spent over 8 hours in total (felt more like three)(hyperfocus is fun sometimes) making models of revali and his bow, and learning how to rig a character, learning what I did wrong trying to rig a character, learning how to undo my mistakes when rigging a character, and relearning to rig a character because I misunderstood instructions. Anyway windblight move over revali has a new being to fear, me.
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the-light-is-dim · 2 years
how did we get to the point in us politics where one party is imperfect and makes mistakes and the other runs entirely on lies and dick measuring contests
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Black people. Come here cuz. I love you. But we gotta stop giving niggas passes just because they're niggas. This nigga is a fucking slimeball. I've been saying it for years. I've been taking black people's shit for years about it. Y'all gotta start paying more fucking attention!
Now think about this...if this story would have came out in January 2020, would his endorsement of the corpse of Joseph Biden have mattered? Fuck no! But was he this person the whole time?! Absolutely!
Black people aren't getting ahead in this country because we keep allowing sellout ass niggas into positions that are meant to help us. This bitch ass nigga, just like Clarence Thomas weak ass don't give a fuck about us and we gotta immediately stop supporting ANYBODY that doesn't have their pro-black agenda front and center. Continued participation in the lesser evil debate is keeping the powerful in power and fucking us. We all gotta do better and stop shooting ourselves in the face! No more Civil Rights Era politicians will get my vote.
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bloghrexach · 2 months
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🤔 … if there was any doubt!!! — right out of the orange A$$’s mouth!! … NO MORE VOTING AFTER 2024!! … 🤔
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bybruce · 3 months
Everything is RIGGED. #breakingnews @msnbc #rigged #stolen
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"GEORGE BIRD GOT FIVE YEARS TERM," Hamilton Spectator. November 11, 1913. Page 12. --- Stole Teamster's Outfit and Skipped to Detroit ---- Radcliffe Drew Three Years on Trio of Charges ---- Five years in Kingston penitentiary was the sentence handed out by Judge Snider, who presided at the weekly session of the criminal court this morning, to George Bird, [pictured, top] who pleaded guilty to stealing a team of horses, along with a dump wagon and several other articles, from J. J. Price. Bird drove the outfit to Port Perry, where he disposed of it for $110 and then he left for Detroit, where he made the money go like down before the wind. The horses have been recovered, but it will be a month before, they will be of much use, as it will take that long for them to get over the rough usage they received at the hands of Bird.
DECLINED TO ELECT Kago Ratkovick was charged with perjury in a police court case on October 22. He declined to elect and was remanded.
SENTENCE SUSPENDED Arthur Kavanaugh was charged with stealing $18 from the till in the Waldorf hotel on November 6, and with stealing $5 from a Chinese restaurant on North James street on the same date. He pleaded guilty to both charges. His counsel, C. W. Bell, explained that Kavanaugh was under the influence of liquor on the night of the trouble, and that his character was beyond reproach outside of a few escapades he had while under the influence of liquor. Some of his neighbors spoke of his previous good character, and he was allowed to go on suspended sentence.
GOT THREE YEARS John Radcliffe [pictured, bottom] and Arthar Mike, charged with stealing from the store of Louis Blumenthal, pleaded guilty. Radcliffe was also charged with breaking into the store of Haines and Ross, and with stealing $14.50 from D. E. Christlaw, of Hamilton. He pleaded guilty to both charges. Radcliffe was sentenced to three years in Kingston penitentiary. Mike was allowed to go. He is but sixteen years of age and comes from Hagersville.
TWO MONTHS FOR TIM Timothy Plooard, charged with stealing tickets and a conductor's punch from the G.T.R., pleaded guilty. He was given two months in jail, owing to his previous bad record.
[Bird was 22, from Madoc, Ontario, a farmer by trade, and went in for theft. He was convict #F-685 at Kingston Penitentiary and did end up working on the prison farm, eventually. He was never reported and was released on parole June 1915. He eventually enlisted in the Canadian military. Radcliffe was 19, born in Belfast, a cook, and he had served a previous term in the Central prison in Toronto. He was convict #F-686 and worked in the prison kitchen. He was reported once, in June 1915, and was deported in early 1916.]
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xtruss · 6 months
Pakistan’s Corrupt To Their Cores Army Generals Look Increasingly Desperate! A Heavily Fraudulent Election May Not Keep Imran Khan’s Fans At Bay
— March 14th 2024 | The Economist
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Illustration of a Ballot Being Shredded. Image Credit: lan Truong
Thief, Looter, Traitor, International Money Launderer Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League Party (PML-N) is Back in Power with the Help of Heavily Rigged Elections by the Pakistan’s Corrupt To Their Cores Army Generals, ISI, Politicians and Judges. Following elections last month, the thrice former prime minister’s younger brother, Shehbaz, has been installed in the ruling post. His Daughter, Lowlife, Looter, Thief, Corrupt and Stupid to her Core Maryam Safdar, is the New Chief Minister of Populous Punjab in result of Stolen Mandate of Imran Khan’s Party PTI. So why is Mr Sharif so glum? The 74-year-old “Lion of Punjab 😂😂😂” has said little publicly since the vote. Bunkered down in his mansion outside Lahore, he is said to be depressed.
He has reason to be. The PML-N’s success is much less than Mr Sharif was promised when he returned home last year. He had spent four years in exile in London because Pakistan’s Generals—Stage Managers of its Democracy—were against him. They rigged an election in 2018 in favour of his main rival, Imran Khan. But then they fell out with Mr Khan and reverted to the lion. A former cricketing god, Mr Khan is Now in Jail on Graft Charges. His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has been dismantled. PML-N was therefore expected to sweep the election and Mr Sharif to become prime minister for a fourth time. Instead, something unprecedented happened.
Despite the Army’s Myriad Ploys to prevent Pakistanis voting for Mr Khan, it seems most did so. Standing as independents, candidates linked to his party swept the country. Early counting put them on track for Two-Thirds of Punjab’s seats and an overall majority. At which point the Army Intervened to a degree that might make a Tin-Pot Tyrant Blush.
Army agents were allegedly sent into counting stations with alternative tallies. Salman Akram Raja, a Supreme Court Lawyer running as a De Facto PTI Candidate in Lahore, had been informed that he had won by 95,000 votes. And then—whoops—that he had lost to the PML-N Candidate by 13,500. Mr Sharif’s Party would otherwise have faced oblivion. As it is, it won only 75 of 264 seats. It cobbled together a majority by striking a deal with the Pakistan Peoples Party, which is run by another Fading Dynasty, the Bhuttos.
This might seem like Pakistani business as usual. The country has been ruled by the army, directly or at varying degrees of remove, throughout its history. In a cycle that Mr Sharif has been through several times, the Corrupt Generals put a Biddable Civilian in Power then, after he or she dares to act independently, switch to a different proxy or Army Rule. Thereby Pakistan has had Four Army Dictators and None of its 20 Civilian Prime Ministers has completed a Five-Year term. This helps explain why it is so badly governed. Having little prospect of a full term, Pakistan’s civilian regimes abjure long-term decision-making in favour of populist giveaways and graft. As recently as 2006, Pakistanis were better-off than Indians; now the average income in India is 60% higher than that in Pakistan.
A big question arising from this latest turn of the wheel is whether the army can maintain control. There are two reasons to think it could struggle. The first is Mr Khan. Perhaps unwittingly, given his erstwhile compliance with the army, he has channelled Pakistanis’ long-standing despond into anger at the military establishment. This has put Pakistani Politics on New Terrain. Had the Boak Bollocks Corrupt Army Chief, General Asim Munir, responded to the vote count by calling a state of emergency, as his predecessors might have, he would have risked an uprising. “There is This Sense That the Gravy Train Needs to Stop,” says Mr Raja, an Old Acquaintance of Banyan. “We Can’t Be Forever Governed by Two Families in Cahoots with the Powers That Be.”
The second factor endangering the status quo is a protracted economic crisis. The inflationary shocks experienced in many countries have in Pakistan combined with the effects of long-standing malgovernance to deliver chronic inflation, joblessness and balance-of-payment problems. Mr Khan’s ousting in 2022 now appears well timed for him. Mr Sharif’s decision to let Shehbaz (Both Brothers Certified Corrupt to Their Cores) lead an 16-month-long replacement government instead of calling early elections looks like a major blunder. It has hung the crisis around his party’s neck. With Pakistan’s 24th IMF Bail-Out set to expire this month, and a bigger loan urgently required, the new government will need to take measures that will make it even more unpopular than it is. Its prospects—and Mr Sharif’s hopes of rebuilding his party—appear dire.
The same could be true for the army-run establishment that Mr Sharif has unhappily rejoined. It may have got away with its latest election heist. But in the process Mr Khan’s supporters have made the Corrupt Army, ISI, Politicians and Judges Look Desperate and Vulnerable. ■
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godisarepublican · 1 month
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elfcollector · 8 months
does anyone know why ppl hate rgb lights in gaming stuff now. is it just because of oversaturation or is there an actual like tech reason 4 it
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saruvanthewhite · 1 year
Someone is stealing vanlifer rigs in SF, huh? A guy named Donald, huh?
:writes Donald’s name on the bit of my axe:
Donald. Do you want to be a ƃuıʞɔnɟ hamburger? Because that’s how you get to be ƃuıʞɔnɟ hamburger meat.
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perseuspixl · 1 year
The Rigged and Stolen Tour
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noahjamesmass · 2 years
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