woahajimes · 9 months
perhaps if i were to swallow a shotgun
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allbeendonebefore · 1 year
I love korineks description of Saskatoon as Not a passive town like remember that time they said they'd build a mountain for the Canada winter games they have a chip on their shoulder and they cannot be stopped
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gorgugplushie · 2 years
Shuulld i change my layout
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rodeoromeo · 21 days
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with those british bad boys, the rolling stoones..
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mmmmalo · 3 months
Trying to find more invocations of stoning, following meteors-from-the-Veil and Dave's glass house metaphor. First hit came from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff #34, entitled "if this guy any more stoned then that, he's belong in the holy fucking buble" -- biblical lapidation becomes a weed joke. The title's structure is repeated in the comic itself: SB says its Monday, HJ corrects him and says it Tuesday, the word "stooned" appears and SB is bombarded with 420 gifs. Structurally, SB contradicts authority and gets Punished, capitally.
From here we go in several directions:
In the context of the story's Islamic motifs, I suspect the line from SBaHJ #8 "I need to know what ANGEL to use" uses its religious misspelling of "angle" to invoke Qiblah, the orientation of self towards Mecca that Muslims apply in prayer. SB needing to "get his pour on" (he is angling milk) may in turn become a pun on prayer. We get some possible affirmation of this from Karkat on pg 4350, when he remarks that they are within "a stone's throw" of perhaps the brightest sun in existence, and requests protective shades. As with Epilogue Karkat's sun-curtains (which permit throwing stones in a glass house) and the stone-throwing Veil, this invokes the hijab. Karkat follows with a sarcastic plea to know who the leader is, saying "I NEED TO KNOW IN WHOSE DIRECTION I MUST BEHAVE AS THE MOST PATHETICALLY USELESS SUBORDINATE I CAN BE." This is another sly reference to Qiblah.
Emphasis on stoning as capital punishment draws me toward the Aimless Renegade, who IS THE LAW. I'm not sure if bullets count as stones within these strained allegories, but its interesting that we transition from the mummy-shrouded AR accosting illegal iconography of the amphibious, to Grandpa shooting a butterfly with the colors of the trans pride flag, to Jade deciding to wear clothes she received from John (trans coded in the same way a John receiving outfits from Vriska?) whereupon WHOP we cut to Dad punching someone in a ridiculous hat. "You bear the vicious brunt of this story transition directly in the face." If the invocation of stoning holds, this is perhaps a rhetorical situation akin to Porrim's: just as her critiques of misogyny must be tempered by acknowledgement of the racist paradigm in which she subsists, here the depiction of transphobia becomes implicitly Islamophobic, justifying aggression towards the Orient. I have witnessed that genre of rhetoric in relation to Gaza
On the other hand, I suppose it's ambiguous whether Dad punishing the clown hat is in service of the transphobia or the Islamophobia, since headgear is regular fodder for cultural jabs. Mituna falling and hitting his helmet served as occasion to belittle men praying with their turbans to the ground, which is turn marks the skateboard as a prayer rug, which is slurred into a flying carpet. We see this in two SBaHJ strips: #25 in which SB rides his skateboard up into clouds mis-labelled as "cloun" (meaning ridiculous hats) and #33 in which SB concludes his epic grinds by leaning on a ledge misspelled as "ledger" (as in Heath, the guy who played the Joker in the Dark Knight). The association with transphobia continues when Egbert flies a car through a clown/cloud on page 3414: Egbert, who is quietly contemplating deviance from gender norms, offers a teasing reproach to religious strictures around sex with the line "i think we can both agree that it would be reckless to look at a crappy shipping diagram made by an alien, and ignore its message altogether." After this, Karkat calls in a panic over intensified honking, and John anxiously curbs the honking in the car. Then we get Seek the Highblood, in which Equius and Nepeta (a boy and girl who have been trying on each other's clothes) march to their deaths at the hands of a clown... who is wearing a girl's glasses! Just to keep everything nice and confusing
Attempts to find more stoning-inflected references to weed were not fruitful. It occurred to me though that Qiblah sounds like Keebler, so I went back to page 630 to revisit that odd joke in Wise Guy about elves baking cookies in trees. The playing cards in the illustration appear to have a Rub el Hizb on the back
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nobody7102 · 2 years
I NEED to know how you think Fanboy would propose to you
I AM SO TORN! Mickeys a sentimental man, so a small proposal seems right up his ally. But at the same time, he’s got a big family and everyone in Dagger Squad is special to the two of you so having a big proposal seems likely as well. (Y’all are just getting the small one rn bc im debating on if I want to write the big proposal as a fic)
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You and Mickey always surprise each other with spontaneous date nights, so when you came home from work to the lights off and every candle in the house lit a smile immediately graced your face.
Dropping your bag and jacket at the door and slipping off your shoes, you began to pad into the kitchen to find Mickey with a spoon dangling from his mouth as he dished up two plates. Looking up from what he was doing the spoon dropped from his mouth as a smile over took his face, "Amor you're home early... I was just finishing up" a blush crept across his face.
"Mick I thought we agreed no more surprise date nights" walking over to him, Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist.
Turning his head to the side to press a kiss to Y/N's cheek. "I know... but I figured we both could use a break" handing the plate to Y/N he motioned for her to sit at the table as he dished his own plate and grabbed the spoon that had fallen from his mouth before joining her at the table.
A smirk came to Y/N's face as she watched Mickey sit down "What Amor?"
"I didn't realize we needed a Din Tai Fung break" Grabbing a dumpling from her plate and looked between it and Mickey.
Leaning over to take the dumpling from her, Mickey popped it into his mouth as he shrugged "Figured we could splurge" he took a dumpling from his plate and placed it onto Y/N's to make up for the one he'd eaten "Besides, Jake gave us that gift card"
Slowly nodding Y/N ate, occasionally glancing up from her food only to be met with Mickey's dopey grin. Eventually once you both were finished, Mickey stood from his spot and took both of your plates. Bringing them to the counter he glanced back over to Y/N who watched him with a curious smile. "Close your eyes Amor" he smiled.
Staring at him for a few more moments, Y/N followed his instructions "What the hell are you up to?" she hummed.
His footsteps echoed through the kitchen before the clinking of the plates against the table was heard. "Open"
Once her eyes fluttered open she smiled "You got the red bean sticky rice?" her gaze was brought over to Mickey who stoon next to her. Starting to unwrap the banana leaf from the rice, as she unfurled the leaf her features changed to that of confusion upon realizing that this was not the red bean sticky rice she was hoping for, her eyes widened seeing a black box in the rice's place. "Mickey?"
Her eyes went to Mickey as he took the box from her hand, he kneeled next to her chair. "Y/N... my Amor, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I could find someone as perfect in my life as you... and I knew it the moment you kicked my ass in darts at the Hard Deck" he opened the box to reveal a ring you had seen countless times upon his mothers hand. "When I first brought you to meet my family, my Ma gave me this not even five minutes after meeting you... She told me she'd never seen my eyes light up the way they did when I was around you..." Mickey placed the ring box into your hands, closing them around the box "Amor" he brought his hand up to wipe the few stay tears that had made their way down Y/N's cheek "If you'll have me... let me give you forever, and everything that comes after" he smiled with tears in his yes.
Nodding franticly as she slumped in the chair, Y/N rested her head on Mickey's shoulder repeating "Yes" over and over before bringing her hand up to rest along Mickey's jaw, she tilted her head and captured his lips with hers.
After a few moments Mickey pulled away first with tears streaming down his cheeks "Really?" he smiled from ear to ear as Y/N pulled him in for another kiss.
"Really Mickey" Y/N chuckled as Mickey took the ring from the box and slid it onto Y/N's shaking hand before he brought it up to his mouth and planted a kiss on her knuckles.
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entitled-trolls · 9 months
ookay sooo. i was at the groocery stoore and they had a hallooween theme gooing oon right? and this purpleblooood (stooned oout oof his mind) is just grabbing every fucking purple decooratioon he can get his fingers oon. and he’s getting away with it because moost oof us are amazed at his audacity until (i am noot jooking) he gooes up too the cashier and tries too buy it. at this pooint peoople have started filming him. the cash register stares. xe is barely paid enoough too care. xe blinks at him and says “su<e. why fucking not”. and then xe prooceeds to charge 100,000,000 boooondoollars in “taxes”. foor a bunch oof hallooween decoorations. he is toooo stooned too nootice anything wrong with this. he says “tHanKs mAn” and walks oout oof the stoore. anyway we noow have a very rich redblooood whoo we are hooping dooesn’t get culled foor this.
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tbmunson · 2 years
Eddie Munson is a Hero.
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I do in fact hate myself for this.
Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader.
This piece contains spoilers from Season 4 Vol 2. It also made me cry a lot. This is a very very emotional piece about what happens to Eddie.
WC: 1800
Warning: Swearing, death.
You, Eddie, and Dustin started work on securing the Upside Down version of his trailer. The work was quiet and focused. You felt sick to your stomach, begging, praying for everything to be okay for yourself, your brother, and the boy you'd fallen in love with over the last week.
You hadn't told Eddie how you felt. You felt it was inappropriate, considering everything happening at the moment. The three of you stood on the roof, glancing around when the crackle of radio static disrupted you.
"She's in. Move onto phase three." Robin's words only made you more nervous.
"Copy that. Initiating phase three." Dustin nodded at you. "Let's hope they hear this." He said as you connected the power cords.
The amp whirred as Eddie prepared for his moment. Dustin turned the volume all the way up.
"Chrissy. This one's for you." Eddie said, grabbing the guitar pick off of his necklace.
He didn't see the look of hurt that spread over your face.
You wanted to badly to stop him right there and tell him you wanted him, that you were in love with him, but you couldn't. Not now.
His fingers began to move wildly against the strings of his guitar as the familiar tune of Metallica's Master of Puppets rang through the stale air.
Dustin nudged you, bringing you out of your moment of self pity.
You smiled at him, feeling your heartbeat pick up with adrenaline. You threw an arm around Dustin, bumping your head to the music. You watched Eddie, but kept a constant look at the sky.
You pointed at the flock of demobats heading your way.
"Eddie!" Dustin yelled, catching the metalhead's attention. "We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!"
Eddie gave him a quick nod, letting him know he heard him.
"T-minus twenty!" You yelled out as the cloud grew bigger, closer to you.
"T-minus ten!" Dustin's voice was getting more strained as they got closer to us.
"Five!" You counted, grabbing onto your brothers shoulder.
"One!" He finished, looking at Eddie.
Eddie slammed the strings one last time letting it reverberate around you.
The three of you jumped from the roof onto the truck, making a mad dash to the porch which you had covered in fencing.
"Move, move, move!" Eddie yelled, ushering you and Dustin in front of him.
"Eddie, come on!" Dustin urged as you added a quick "Hurry!"
"Eddie, shut it" Dustin screamed.
With exactly no time to spare Eddie slammed the gate closed. The bats immediately began slamming into the metal separating them from us.
"Come on!" I begged, opening the door and rushing inside, the boys behind me.
"Dude..." Dustin breathed, resting against the wall. "Most metal ever!"
"Oh my.. Oh my god."
The boys jumped up and down with the adrenaline rush they both no doubt had, screaming as they jumped.
You couldn't help the smile that crept its way onto your lips as you watched them. "That was pretty fucking cool." You admitted as the boys brought you into the circle. "Now, come on." You added, pulling them into the living room.
The sounds of the bats screaming and slamming into the walls echoed through the silence, making you uneasy. The three of you stoon back to back, spear in one hand and shield in the other. The only thing scarier than that was the moment they stopped.
"Hey dipshits!" Dustin yelling, hoping to antagonize them. "Give up that easy, huh?" He added.
"Shh." Eddie shushed, looking around and meeting my terrified eyes. "Is that really necessary?"
You sighed, looking at Dustin, wondering the same thing. "They're on the roof." You stated, looking up to where the noise was coming from.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." Dustin chanted, looking upwards.
You all made your way slowly to the origin on the sound
"They can't get in through there, can they?" Dustin asked, motioning towards a vent.
Just as the words left his mouth the vent clattered to the floor, revealing an ugly bat head.
You couldn't help the scream that left your lips as you jumped.
Eddie reached out to steady you before the three of you jumped into action, spearing at the bat. Dustin repeatedly screamed "Die!" as he stabbed at the bat's head.
Eddie stepped back and looked around, leaving you and Dustin to keep the creatures out of the house.
"Eddie! We need you!" You screamed, begging for his help.
"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Eddie yelled, running towards the two of you. He slammed a chair down, quickly standing on it to shove the shield to cover the hole.
There was a brief moment of silence, only the sound of your breathing and Eddie mumbling "Holy shit."
"Nice." Dustin said, earning a "Thanks" from Eddie.
"Are there any other vents?" You asked, bringing yourself back to the reality you were facing.
"Oh shit. Shit. Shit." Eddie jumped down from the chair and sprinted towards his room in just enough time to see the bats burst in from the vent and slam the door as he closed it.
The three of you retreated as you watched the bats begin to easily break down the door.
"That's not gonna hold!" Dustin yelled, triggering Eddie to yell back "Let's go! Let's go!"
Dustin was first up the rope and back into reality. "Come on!"
"Ladies first." Eddie demanded, letting you grab the rope and hoist yourself through the gate.
"Eddie! Come on!" Dustin yelled as you slammed into Eddie's mattress.
He tossed down the shield and spear to grab the rope. He reached upwards only a couple times before turning his head to look at the door.
"Eddie, come on!" Dustin yelled.
"Please, Eddie! Come on!" You begged, grabbing onto Dustin.
"Eddie, you're so close! Eddie! Let's go!" Dustin's screams cut you deep, watching him beg his friend to hurry.
Eddie looked down, making you sick to your stomach, even more so as he dropped back down the floor.
"Eddie no please. Eddie. Come on." You found yourself begging, clutching the rope in your hands, Eddie's just on the other side.
Eddie released the rope and dipped out of sight.
"Eddie!" You and Dustin both screamed.
"What are you doing? Eddie, no!" Dustin begged as Eddie let out a yell and cut the rope, his half falling to the ground and the other falling into your hands.
"Eddie!" Tears pricked your eyes as you watched him move the mattress out of the way.
"Eddie stop." Dustin begged, watching what was happening before him. "Eddie, what are you doing?" Dustin demanded, finally getting Eddie's attention.
"I'm buying more time." He answered simply before running off.
"No!" You screamed, falling to your knees, still clutching the rope in your hands.
Dustin was still begging but you couldn't hear what he was saying as your blood rushed through your body, the thump of your heart drowning everything else out.
After a moment you stood. "We have to go get him." You said, looking around, searching for something to get you back into the Upside Down.
Dustin pushed the mattress out of the way as you moved a chair to directly under the gate.
"Screw it." Dustin then screamed as he ran, using the chair to propel himself. He grabbed ahold of the gate and pulled himself through, landing with a thud being matched with a scream of pain.
"Dustin!" You yelled, as he rolled out of the way. You followed behind, landing on your knee and releasing a similar pained scream. "Come on, we gotta go." You urgerd, helping him to his feet.
It was obvious where Eddie was as soon as we stepped out of the door. The bats were swarming him.
"Eddie!" Dustin screamed as we limped, hurring as quickly as our damaged bodies would take us.
His screams echoed over the creatures as they did god knows what to him.
"Eddie! Goddamnit!" You screamed, picking up the pace even though it hurt. You had to get to him.
The bats suddenly dropped, showing us Eddie's body laying scrawled out on the ground. "Eddie! Oh god!" You screamed, getting closer to him.
Dustin dropped to his knees near Eddie's head, you right behind him as his side. "Eddie. Oh god, Eddie."
You took in the deep cuts and the blood in his mouth. You looked into his glassy eyes as he asked. "That bad, huh?"
"No." You whispered, resting a hand on the side of his face.
"You're gonna be fine. We just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?" Dustin spewed, giving his friend a false hope.
"Okay." Eddie agreed as Dustin tried to get him up
"I think... I think I just need a second, okay?" Eddie said, unable to move himself.
Eddie looked back at you. "I didn't run away this time, right?"
You broke, the tears that welled fell down your dirty face as your caressed his. "No. No." You choked out.
"You didn't run." Dustin added, resting his hand on your shoulder as you comforted his friend.
Eddie's eyes moved from your to Dustin. "You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?"
"No, you're gonna do that yourself." Dustin argued as you worked to clean the blood from Eddie's face.
"Nah, man." Eddie shook his head a bit. "Say, 'I'm gonna look after them.' Say it."
"I'm" Dustin started but he choked. "I'm gonna look after 'em."
"Good. 'Cause I'm actually gonna graduate." Eddie offered a weak chuckle.
Even knowing he wasn't going to make it, he managed to bring a small smile to your face.
"I think it's my year, guys. I think it's finally my year."
You couldn't stop yourself. It was now or never. "I love you, Eddie Munson." You bent down, pressing a shaking kiss to his lips.
"I love you too, Y/N. And I love you, man." His voice grew weaker and you looked at Dustin, who had tears falling freely from his eyes as well.
"I love you too." He mumbled out, unable to being his voice any louder.
A few tears slipped out of Eddie's eyes before he went still in your arms, the raspy gurgle from his blood silenced.
"Eddie? Eddie?" Dustin asked pitifully. "Eddie, come on." He begged shaking him gently.
You gripped his jacket and screamed. You knew it came from deep deep down inside of you. It was guttural, animalistic as you pulled yourself to meet his chest. Just as quickly as he came into your life, he was gone. You turned to your brother, wrapping your arm around him as he did the same to you.
You held each other for god knows how long until you gathered the strength to move. You removed Eddie's class ring from his ring finger and slipped it onto your middle one. "You're getting across that stage, Eddie. I swear to you." You whispered, resting your hand on the side of his face for another moment before closing his eyes. You pressed another kiss to his forehead before removing yourself from his limp body.
Dustin chose his necklace, kissing the pick before tucking it into his pocket.
"Come on, Dustin." You stood, ignoring the stabbing pain in your knee as you and your brother made your way back to the trailer, tears still falling and cleaning trails down your dirt covered faces.
I will apologize for any mistakes as I could not write or read it without crying.
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lost-across-teyvat · 8 months
[Sitting on a cliff side near Liyue Harbor, Hanaichi watched the people down below. He scanned the crowd with his eyes, a small hum coming from his lips as he seemed to be looking for something or someone. Upon noticing a rather icy face, he hopped down an approached.]
"Excuse me, Sir." [Hanaichi started speaking, stoon stopping his walk just a couple feet away from the man] "May I bother you for a moment?"
~ @fluttering-pink-butterfly *this ask is directed at Auden :]
(This felt much scarier to send than it should have been ahaha-)
He had been originally shopping, picking up the different items required for his meal tonight when Hanachi’s voice came from behind him, briefly making him tense, surprised by the strangers sudden appearance before turning his head, looking him up and down, quietly trying to figure out if he was a threat or not before deciding that he didn’t appear too threatening and if he was hostile, Auden would be able to handle it
Auden turned to look at Hanaichi, moving so he was actually facing him front on with a curious twitch of his tail before it settled to rest, curling around his legs as he crossed his arms, looking down at the man with an intimidating aura, completely unaware that how he was coming across at the moment.
“Is there anything I may assist you with, sir?”
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the-horny-vault · 3 months
I'm back and I'm stoonned come fill my inbox I wanna talk
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so-much-for-subtlety · 9 months
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hehehe! I have a 4-day weekend!!
It’s also been 30+ days since I last got stooned, but I’m gonna hold off a couple more days because I have doctor appt and bloodwork on Friday afternoon, but after that I’m gonna get so silly :3
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kenny1265 · 1 year
hello everyone heres hyunjin x female reader warnings: smut and s3ggs
bad grammer im french
hyunjin: honey im gonna go to the store wanna come?
yn: yah why not hold on a sec
as y/n put on hyunjins sweater and her shoes hyunjin got the keys and they both left
as y/n was walking with hyunjin they came across a s3x store and they both looked at each other and blushed
y/n: hyunjin dont look this way [nervously said]
hyunjin: huh why * looks y/ns way*
hyunjin: oh...
y/n and hyunjin stoon and looked at it and asked should we take a detour/..
hyung:no maybe later i really want my americano :]
they went to the local QT and got snackos they went to the s3x shop after tho and bought c0nd0ms and went home
AT HOME 1:50 at night
hyunjin: hey remember when we bought the c0-
y/n: boy.. ofc i do
hyunjin: i wanna test them for you~
hyunjin took off his clothes to show a musculier bod with a 12 cock
y/n sat in the bean bag while hyunjin crawled from over the bed to y/n and whisperd: ready~?
y/n: y-yes
hyunjin: good~ * he takes her clothes off one by one and once he was done he kissed y/ns neck*
y/n let out a slight moan
{hyunjin has the c0nd0m on and y/n took off her clothes then sat in his lap}
hyunjin started fingering y/n and y/n lets out moans
hyunjin grins and put y/n into doggy pose and fucked her roughly and kissed her to stop her moans then 2 hours later the stopped because they both couldent take it anymore
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heyharoldsboo · 1 year
Isn't the actual reason of deuxmoi sightings saying where they were seen?So it looks like it can be fake to me.And why did they say he's 12 but sweet lmao what does that even mean they might be confusing him with isaac or moosa but why would they say percy then idk.But if it is really percy the stooning gal might be katie since she and her friends were in la this week just a guess tho
A few of them are very very vague (like Percy’s) and I’m always: uuuuhn…. aren’t you saying where because it’d give you away or because you’re fake af?
The gal could also be Joy if it’s real, she posted pictures in California.
But as I said… we don’t even know *where* Percy is rn, we speculated LA, London or him being back in Newfoundland last time we spoke about this??
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gorgugplushie · 2 years
Tbh the levels at the end of stoon3 story mode were... So much more fun than the entirety of it. Tbh they shuld have just made more lvls like it.
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calebdumes · 2 years
I am skipping into your inbox to ask for a snippet from Heartlines please because this was my plan all along!
*nervously sweats because I didn't actually have anything written just yet* snippet under the cut!!
ask me about my wips!
What the kriff are you doing here Jarrus?
Kanan stoon in the center of the empty cabin - his cabin, since he had apparently decided to throw any and all self preservation out the proverbial airlock - and tried to make sense of what he had just agreed to. 
He was self aware enough to know that he was oftentimes rash and reckless when making decisions about his life but this…this was something else entirely. This was the type of thing a certain someone would do. This was dangerous and if he was being honest, likely to end with him dead. Or worse. 
But Kanan couldn’t bring himself to move, even when he heard the unfamiliar hum of the ship's engines firing or felt the slight jolt as it rose into the air. He, for some kriffing reason he wasn’t quite ready to flesh out, had made his choice. He would have to live with it. 
At least, for now. That itch to run would be back sooner or later and when it did, he would go. Because that’s what he did. Travel light and death will never find you. 
Until then, it looked like he’d be spending the foreseeable future on a very nice, very clear ship and it’s very pretty Twi’lek pilot.
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