#stop hypersexualizing draco malfoy
chaotic-gremlin-27 · 5 months
⛧ How fandom affects pop culture entities/deities ⛧
CW: Talk of sexualization of characters in fan spaces
In this post I will be talking about how fan perception of characters can then change or affect an egregore/PCE in both positive and negative ways. This entire post is upg (seeing as it’s pop culture paganism based) but I have found that many other pop culture witches have experienced and noticed this as well.
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Let’s start with the positives
With fandom culture, characters who aren’t necessarily fully formed or given much screen time get the chance to become popular and gain fan bases of their own. Take the Mauarders for example. Canonically they have next to no information about them but fandom wise they have entire fan bases that are dedicated and have made them into fully fledged characters.
Like with James potter. Canonically all we know is that he’s Harry potters father, he bullies snape when he was younger, and he likes to play pranks. Now take the fandom James, who is loving and protective and has a strong moral compass but is willing to do what he must to keep the ones he loves safe. He has become a character who is now associated with sunshine and happiness but also helping others and mental health. (If you’re a follower of the “PCEs are just gods in forms that humans like and recognize” theory then he’s like Apollo)
This is a net positive because characters that barely existed in canon lore now have their chance to shine and be loved and worshipped.
Another example of fandom positively affecting PCEs is when they take a character who’s demonized and isolated in canon and give them a happy ending and life. A great example of this is Draco Malfoy. Canonically he’s a kid who gets forced to be a death eater and does end up getting redeemed but with fanon it’s a bit more complicated. He’s more of a complex character that feels a lot of conflicting feelings and has trouble experiencing and expressing love. His egregore is now a being of standing up for yourself, escaping abuse, child abuse, financial aid, and healing from trauma.
This doesn’t mean there aren’t negatives though. The biggest negative is the hypersexualization and fetishizing of characters.
I’m not saying you should stop sexualizing these characters or making smut or nsfw things about them because let’s be real that is a big part of fandom and that isn’t a bad thing.
What I am saying is you have to be aware of this aspect of Pop Culture Entity work when you start interacting with these entities. If you only work with canon entities, then you should be fine. But again, a huge part of fandom culture is sexualizing these fictional characters. The people doing this sexualizing probably aren’t witches and have no idea what egregores are, and it isn’t our place to judge or criticize them. The work that they are making, even if they aren’t doing it on purpose, affects these engregores though.
Take Dabi, for example, he’s an entity I work closely with and canonically he has absolutely nothing to do with sex, sexuality, and/or lust. But in the fandom space, it’s very common for people to simp for him and give their energy in a sexual way. This in turn makes Dabi into a sexual being.
It’s a “trend” to worship/work with PCEs because you want to have sex with them or because you simp for them. This is a problem because 1. It gives Pop Culture Entity work a bad rep and 2. It leads to even more sexualization of these people. Again it’s not a problem if it’s the fictional that you’re sexualizing but the second it becomes a genuine entity you recognize exists it turns into you fetishizing a genuine being.
To clarify: it is not a bad thing to have sexual feelings for fictional characters or for beings/entities/deities. It becomes a bad thing when the only reason you work with/interact with a being is for sexual reasons without their prior consent and you only are doing it because you liked them as a fictional character. You have to remember that these beings are real and have thoughts feelings emotions and consent.
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chelleblack · 3 years
✖Unhealthy Hypersexualization: Draco Malfoy vs Fanfiction✖
This is an official complaint to all the random Harry Potter writers who have been savagely and ruthlessly destroying the essence of Draco Malfoy. For years, and they've been hiding behind: "He's a fictional character, he's not bad."
After reading so many fanfictions of Dramione / or Draco being the protagonist as such. And, apparently it has become a general rule when writing and bringing Draco Malfoy to life, being that it is not his canon in the first place, (although they defend themselves saying that they want to make it as real as possible, and that is why they have created and reproduced this horrifying image). Second; this is twisted and much more because we are talking about a teenager, not an adult. Without exaggeration, 80% of the fanfics that you find of Draco; he's a sex symbol, despite being a minor in most of those stories. And it's not okay that they want to cover this up just because he's a fictional character. It's still noisy, and troublesome.
The first story I found (and I won't say the name of the fic, or author) had this "trope", it surprised me because I had recently finished reading the HP saga, and the image of Draco, the real personality, was still fresh. So even though it disturbed me, I continued reading for a bit and then gave it up because I was annoyed by the hackneyed badboy cliché they imposed on it. And I thought, "Well, not everyone writes about Draco Malfoy like that, I just had a weird experience, and that didn't mean that everything I would get to see about the Slytherin boy would be like this."
So ... I venture into Fanfiction, I go to Ao3, I give Wattpad a spin, I have a look on Tumblr, I even get into a lot of potterfic forums, a lot of potterfic forums and blogs. And guess what?
It turns out that in an extremely terrifying way, the fandom has turned Draco Malfoy into fanfiction; into a sex symbol, and no one is complaining or even stopping this. What the hell?
Why are all the most famous fanfictions written have this trope? When the hell was Draco Lucius Malfoy Black in the JKR books a playboy? AT THE AGE OF 16!?
Because when it comes to developing a character as deep and complex as Draco: the most interesting and complex thing they do with him is to be a mediocre womanizer, and with a very bad sexual education, very worrying and alarming. I know that in the world of HP, there is machismo, I know that in the Slytherin house they didn't even let women play Quidditch. But still, where did this come from? And why has Draco been the worst hit victim in the fanfic genre? The boy literally never had a girlfriend in Hogwarts days, or talked dirty about women. The only girl in Hogwats who was next to him was Pansy, and although they refuse to accept it; Draco was really fond of her, and he never disrespected her, he seemed rather very reciprocal.
The only character who is constantly sexualizing and speaking macho about women is Ron. But hey, that's another topic.
The real Draco, is the complete opposite of the macho that they have established in the fanfics. Draco is a boy who comes from a strict family, with retrograde ideals, what is the most daring that we have seen of him in the Harry Potter saga? That is, with Hermione in the fourth book when the Death Eaters sabotaged Quidditch and injured several children of Muggle parents; Draco told Hermione that if they saw him they would cast a spell on her and her panties would be exposed as well, hinting at an event they were witnessing with a poor woman flying through the air.
But hey ... Because of that aforementioned scene with Hermione and the "Half-Blood Prince" wagon scene where Draco has his head resting on Pansy's lap and she's stroking his hair and he looks relaxed. They have been the reasonable enough reasons of some writers to create according to the "true personality of Draco Malfoy". I'm not exaggerating, when I discussed this on Reddit, these were the "strong justifications" they gave me.
It is completely ridiculous to claim that Draco is a misogynist because he practically warned Hermione to be careful because he could see her, and they would also blow her up in the air and show her panties, why is this alarming everyone? This is literally how the woman they bewitched looked like, Harry Potter describes her like that, Draco just made a comment on that. And about Pansy, it is already very degrading that they sexualize that scene in the wagon, very personal comments were taken very out of place from Harry. (Which should be noted that Harry always had very out of place comments about other people, but that didn't mean they were good or real)
So, back to the point of the issue of sexism and objectification.
Why didn't they act equally alarmed when Harry began to view Ginny too sexually? Or when Ron used Lavender just to calm his hormones? Where were you to point out the clear objectification of the woman's body? Where were you? They clearly existed hideously in regards to Lavender and Ginny.
However, hypocrites, is Draco alone the only moral and ethical target to escrack on?
In his life Draco Malfoy verbatim according to the books, he only dated more than two girls. His Malfoy-Black family is super traditional; They come from marriages arranged from an early age. Possibly Draco was raised in the most prim way possible. And as he got older, he had more important things to do than act like a hormonal jerk. He had manners and used all his neurons.
Is it very difficult to write about Draco like this? Is that the real boy, is he not a Don Juan, or did he have a long list of exes (and why does this seem strange to you? Draco just turned 18 at the end of the saga, they need to calm down wanting to see that the teens have more partners than the average adult in the first place, that's not normal). The real Draco hardly had any friends, he was an insecure and damaged boy who hid behind that rude and immature behavior that in the end paid dearly. I don't think it is very difficult to overexploit an insecure and complicated boy with too many things and responsibilities. It didn't cost JKR that much.
Or is it that writers find it difficult to write about a man who is not macho and super heteronormative? It's sad to see how they continue to reproduce this crap, and it's very hard to see that they don't hyper-sexualize with a teenager, because they've practically turned him into a bad boy sexual fetish on Fanfics.
They've done it, they've ruined Draco Malfoy. And they are demonizing it even more.
Draco, who is a completely intelligent boy, had one of the most powerful young minds of his generation, apart from Hermione Granger; since apparently they forget that he was for the second in class with her. It has a lot of potential to write a complete saga. And no, it is not necessary to hypersexualize it to develop it. It is not necessary to write about a man who has a fragile masculinity, or who is heteronormative. Although they do not believe it.
I know Draco's character has a very, very vague development in HP, he was missing his historical arc, we all know that. And everyone is free to turn it into a story, and whatever (even if it's annoying and boring to see its canonical image spoil). The problem here is that this type of "trope" is the one that abounds, and Draco is the one that is used the most, nor does he want to use other characters, they only do what they do with Draco, they just continue to idealize him in this way. And it's already reached a point where Fanfiction is making it canon in Fandom, something JKR never wrote, but you keep reaffirming. You random writers took things out of context, made guesses without concrete material. And it seems more like a wave of people hating this guy and looking for the need to make him more dirty, and they can only cope with it by sexualizing and dehumanizing him. They know he has a story with potential, but they hate him so much that they don't want to be nice or treat him like a human.
It is time to accept it.
Because you do that? Could you stop writing like this? It is practically decent. And writing about decent men, what Draco Malfoy really is like, is what it takes; because that's what it really is. Stop apologizing that he's just a character, show how much you need to stomp on him, and keep dehumanizing him.
If you hate him, you better not write about him, you are only causing that poor boy to be killed. And rather it would be very good for you a writer, because firstly, why do you write about someone you hate?
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chelleblack · 4 years
DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY BLACK IS NOT A WOMANIZER!!! Why do they write about him being that way?
This is an official complaint, after reading so many fanfictions of Dramione / And Draco being the protagonist as such. And apparently it is the rule general way that they have to project Draco and develop him, being that it is not like that in the canon, (although they say they want to make it as real as possible). And let's get to the point.
Why the hell is Draco such an idiot that he can't control what he's got in his pants? Why do they write that Draco is that kind of idiot? Why are all books written that way? When the hell was Draco Lucius Malfoy Black in the jk books a playboy? AT THE AGE OF 16 ????
Because when it comes to developing a character as deep and complex as Draco: the most interesting and complex thing they do with him is be a womanizer. Sounds cool to you? Is it cool that they project misogyny? Is it cool that I treat women / men as objects? Or that Draco has been hypersexualized since his teens? Why do they do that? People, it is not that difficult to write about a man who is not a misogynist, who is not an idiot, who thinks something different than what he has in his pants. And make a great plot, and give it personality and presence.
The irony of this is that the true character of Draco; He never disrespected Pansy, or any other girl, or acted in a disgusting way. Draco is a boy who comes from a strict family, with retrograde ideals, what is the most daring thing we have seen of him in the Harry Potter saga ?, that is, with Hermione in the fourth book when the Death Eaters sabotaged Quidditch and injured. several children of Muggle parents; Draco told Hermione that if they saw him they would blow him up and her panties would be exposed.
In his life he only dated more than two girls. His Malfoy-Black family is super traditional; They come from marriages arranged from an early age. Possibly Draco was raised in the most prim way possible. And as he got older, he had more important things to do than act like a hormonal jerk. He had manners and used all his neurons. Is it very difficult to find such an attractive man? Nobody finds such a man attractive? Who in their right mind ...?
He was a completely intelligent boy, he had one of the most powerful young minds of his generation, apart from Hermione Granger; since apparently they forget that he was for the second in class with her. It has a lot of potential to write a complete saga. And no, it is not necessary to hypersexualize it to develop it. It is not necessary to write about a man who has a fragile masculinity, or who is heteronormative. Although they do not believe it.
I know the character of Draco has a very, very vague development in HP, he was missing his historical arc, we all know that. And everyone is free to turn it into a story, and whatever (even if it bothers him to see you spoil his canonical image). But if you write about it and say that you do it by sticking to the canon, but it occurs to you that he is practically a playboy since his 14 years, and more disgusting things, that make this sweet boy look bad, and he ruined everything. . Just because you have bad taste in men and you think a misogynist is attractive and the best suitor there can be ... Please, no.
What? Because you do that? No, could you stop writing like that? he is a good boy. And writing about good men, what Draco Malfoy really is like, is what it takes; because that's what he really is.
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