#unpopular opinions harry potter
crimsonlovebartylus · 6 months
unpopular opinion:
but as a plus-size person, I don't really like, the whole "Lily rejecting James because she thinks hes making fun of her because shes fat" HC. It just feels icky to me - it might be because fat people could be confident and Lily would be someone that is confident, and knows her worth and at the time she did not feel like dating immature James Potter.
It has nothing to do with her weight and I genuinely don't think James would be idk fatphobic?
I just don't understand the need of characters that are fat to always be portrayed as unconfident or that they have to believe everyone around them is making fun of them or that they are hard to "love" because of their weight.... 😃
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saintsenara · 3 months
❤ and 💜
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
i've covered this for dumbledore, merope gaunt, and percy weasley so far, but let's go - for round four - for... harry himself.
i'm always surprised by the sheer number of people in this fandom who are resistant to the idea that harry can be... kind of a dick - and, above all, that he has a tendency towards self-centredness, obsessiveness, and impulsivity which cause problems for him and affect his relationships in the canon series.
and which are things he's going to need to work on after the series is over. one of the things which i think it's most fascinating to explore when it comes to harry and ginny's post-war relationship is how harry learns to always see ginny as an equal - having spent most of deathly hallows thinking of her as someone he has to keep safe, and whose feelings on the matter are less relevant than what he thinks should be done - and i must say, i fear, that a "omg nooo this is romantic! harry did nothing wrong!" interpretation of this is always a clear sign that the fic isn't going to be interesting reading...
but before the "hinny is a flop" girlies start feeling smug, harry needs to grow as a person regardless of what pairing he's in - and, indeed, if he isn't in a relationship at all - because the entire point of him as a character is that he's ordinary and human, and yet is still able to do incredible things - and defeat a villain who is extraordinary and inhuman - where others have failed.
and, in being human, harry is flawed and complicated and messy. and he's much, much more interesting when these sides of his personality are taken into account, rather than him just being a quiet, meek, perpetually lovely angel who just needs to receive a kiss on the forehead from every other character in the series.
which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
i have regrettably become committed recently to the idea that cormac mclaggen absolutely fucks.
i love that for me.
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vir-g-o · 10 months
Unpopular opinion: Draco Malfoy in a relationship
Despite popular belief i feel strongly that Draco Malfoy wouldn't be that private, unemotional and even cold in a relationship, specially in public.
We have few clues about how Draco would behave in a romantic relationship, but from this little thingd i gathered in his interactions with Pansy i made some conclutions:
"How is it, Draco?" simpered Pansy Parkinson. "Does it hurt much?"
"Yeah," said Malfoy, putting on a brave sort of grimace. But Harry saw him wink at Crabbe and Goyle when Pansy had looked away.
From this scene it's clear to me that it wasn't Draco intention at all to have everyone thinking that he was severly hurt, just certian people, in this case Pansy. I think that the mention of him trying to look brave instead of a vulnerable victim it's trying to insinuate that he's trying to impress Pansy.
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Now this scene right here is pretty interesting. Draco and Pansy are in front of other three people, and Draco it's completly fine in letting Pansy PDA in front of everyone and him laying his head willingly on her legs comes to show clearly that he's not shy when it comes to show everyone that he's in a romantic relationship or situasionship, despite being arguable if he and Pansy where ever in a formal relationship.
Let's remember that he went with Pansy to the ball in the fourth book too. I don't believe that was Pansy the one to took the step. I think he would be greatly ashamed, as were Harry and Ron, to go alone (especially at his young age).
In general i feel it matches Draco's character to want to be seen with a partner that he views at his level. He would want to let people now that he's getting attention, not just social attention but from women too. He come across to me as the type to use his partner (especially if it's an attractive pureblood) as a trophy at some extent. Im not saying that he wouldn't care for them or anything like, but he definetly likes to attract atention.
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mitsuki91 · 1 year
Snape unpopular opinion: in my mind is NOT Alan Rickman. Good, I HATE everyone (Snape hater) who says "Well of course you like it, Alan is good looking".
First of all Alan is OLD. Yeah I know, great actor, in some way perfect for Snape. But also I fell in love with Snape reading the books and I have MY Snape in my mind.
Also Alan was an adult Snape, ONE Snape, and not the boy nor the young adult... No matter how they "yougener" him in the flashbacks. And still, in some aspect, movie!Snape was so different... And I love book!Snape.
So please... Stop it.
Let me love my Snape and don't just assume everyone just like someone because of the actor who play the character.
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sabi-07 · 6 months
Unpopular opinion: I personally think the jegulus ship is overrated.
I don't hate the ship, I just think it a bit overrated, best friends brother trope or brother's best friends.
I just don't believe Regulus would be a softy for James, but then again, this is fanfic, anything is possible.
What you think? Do you ship Jegulus?
(James Potter x Regulus Black)
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atlasdoe · 11 months
Unpopular Marauders opinions
i'm bored so here are some opinions that i'm too scared to say on any other platform
Deciding that Pandora Lovegood had to be from a death eater family (Rosier, Malfoy, Lestrange) was the worst thing this fandom ever did to her character
The fannon characterisation of Marlene McKinnon gives me massive self inset pick me vibes and i hate every part of it (and i really mean every part of it)
This fandom isn't misogynistic y'all are just too demanding and expect the fandom to be the exact same as any other where we have a hardcore cannon source for every one of these characters and ships. we do not. we know more about Barty Crouch Jr then we do about Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald and Dorcas Meadowes combined. it's unrealistic and stupid to expect everyone to care about the same characters and ships to the same capacity as you do when we are not watching/reading the same thing. (if any of that makes sense)
Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier and pretty much every single other death eater were villains. it's okay to like them and want to expand on them but stop trying to make every bad guy secretly good
We cannot keep blaming Dumbledore for everything. Dumbledore had nothing to do with half of the deaths that you are accusing him of. blaming Dumbledore and headcannoning that he obliviated Mary and turned Regulus away and all that takes away from everyone else's characters, sacrifice and choices
The Marauders weren't child soldiers. They had a choice on if they wanted to join the Order or not and they chose to because they're Gryffindors and they're The Marauders and probably thought of themselves as some invisible hero's. They don't need to be seen as victims to Dumbledore for them to be tragic
There is a cannon and you cannot be mad at people for wanting to stick by it
Similarly Fannon Sirius is against cannon. Sirius is one of the primary adult characters in the Harry Potter series. He is literally the title character to the fan favourite book/film. We have so much information about how he acts and "oh Remus i'm your little bitch please let me sit on your lap because i'm only small" ISNT ONE OF THEM
Death to alpha male Remus. DEATH I SAY
This fandom is so obsessed with making every character tragic that the word has lost all meaning. It is possible for Mary to be happy yknow???
Someone in the fandom: "hey look at this cannon character who seems quite interesting" The rest of the fandom: "how can we make this character have some kind of relation to every other character that we already care about??" IM SO SICK OF IT!!! NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE DATING EVERYONE
Stop trying to change the name of the Slytherin Skittles. Yes it's a stupid name but it's somehow stuck and you're not changing that. just let it be
I ship Remus with anyone who is not more then a year younger then him and i mean literally everyone. Give me Remus and Voldemort fanfic for all I care
I've already said this before but the prank is overrated
Leave my girl Emmeline alone. Why are y'all shipping her with Barty?? Why are you making her the other women to Marlily?? Why are you making her anything but a Ravenclaw?? Do you hate her?? She hasn't done anything to you😭😭 (no but seriously tho i get that headcannons are headcannons but Emmeline is my girl and i have been expanding on her character since 2019 when no one gave a rats arse about her so seeing her shipper with BARTY ruined my life)
That's all i can think of for now please don't hate me but if you wanna talk send me an ask or reply cause i love talking about this kind of stuff :)
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amphorographia · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion: I'm convinced that after The Prank, Sirius didn't regret pushing Snape into a situation where his curiosity (and animosity towards the Marauders) would get him killed. We get plenty of evidence that Sirius had a malicious streak and it makes sense that his home life would also leave him desensitised to violence, cruelty, and manipulation (and what crosses the line). I think if anyone asked him why he did it, his response would be something dismissive like, "he had it coming" or "it's Snape's own fault."
If he felt any remorse, I feel like it came from realising - probably for the first time - that Remus and the wolf were not actually different beings; that the wolf wasn't some foreign, feral thing which regularly possessed and hurt his friend, it was Remus, and Remus would bear the consequences of its actions.
Essentially, Sirius's only regret was that his choice of murder weapon lacked the plausible deniability he expected himself and the rest of the Marauders to have. At the time, he genuinely thought none of them could be held responsible for Snape's or the wolf's actions and any consequences of his/their involvement would be relatively minor.
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unpopular opinion : students of hogwarts think albus severus is more attractive than james sirius
at that time they go to hogwarts, the majority with a gadget simps for the grey, quiet, hates talking to people, brooding, pessimistic male lead/villian (he's not really the villain but him being in Slytherin kinda adds to that)
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
When you ship Snucius and Drarry but also love Severitus:
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expectopatronum18 · 2 years
Analysis of the power dynamics between the marauders and Snape
Ok, but wht is it with snaters pretending lyk the power dynamics between snape and the marauders was equal and balanced? James and Sirius simply decided to attack snape unprovoked solely because sirius was bored. Sirius is said to have reacted like 'a dog that had scented a rabit', making the predator and prey dynamic very clear. Throughout the whole interaction they make fun of Snape's physical features, and in the end, James calls out to the cheering crowd and asks them if they want to see him take snape's pants off.( which wud hv garnered a different reaction frm the fandom if snape was a girl.) Consider this:
'All right, Snivellus?' said James loudly.
Snape reacted so fast it was as though he had been expecting an attack: dropping his bag, he plunged his hand inside his robes and his wand was halfway into the air when James shouted 'Expelliarmus!'
This clearly proves that SWM wasn't a one time thing like most ppl lyk to pretend. Even Lupin's words prove this:
'Look, Harry, what you've got to understand is that your father and Sirius were the best in the school at whatever they did - everyone
thought they were the height of cool - if they sometimes got a bit carried away -'
Last time I checked, sometimes was definitely plural.
Then there's the fact that Sirius literally tried to murder snape by sending him to the whomping willow on a full moon. We are only told that snape was asked to keep remus' condition a secret by dumbledore, nowhere do we get any indication of how sirius was punished for his actions.
Now, I'm not saying snape was completely innocent. He did try and follow the marauders to discover their secret in hopes of getting them expelled. He was also a prejudiced bigot, which is made clear with the company he kept and him calling lily a mudblood. I don't believe the reason james n sirius regularly assaulted him was because he was a 'baby terrorist', they would have made it clear to harry if that was the case. Instead, they admit their intentions themselves:
'Yeah,' said Harry, 'but he just attacked Snape for no good reason, just because - well, just because you said you were bored,' he finished, with a slightly apologetic note in his voice.
'I'm not proud of it,' said Sirius quickly.
Lupin looked sideways at Sirius, then said, 'Look, Harry, what you've got to understand is that your father and Sirius were the best in the school at whatever they did - everyone thought they were the height of cool - if they sometimes got a bit carried away -'
'If we were sometimes arrogant little berks, you mean,' said Sirius.
'Leave him alone,' Lily repeated. She was looking at James with every sign of great dislike.
'What's he done to you?'
'Well,' said James, appearing to deliberate the point, 'it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean…'
Harry's analyzation of it:
Harry tried to make a case for Snape having deserved what he had suffered at James's hands: but hadn't Lily asked, 'What's he done to you?' And hadn't James replied, 'It's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean.' Hadn't James started it all simply because Sirius had said he was bored? Harry remembered Lupin saying back in Grimmauld Place that Dumbledore had made him prefect in the hope that he would be able to exercise some control over James and Sirius… but in the Pensieve, he had sat there and let it all happen…
Whoever it comes from, I'm pretty sure the narrative is trying to make the dynamics clear.
Here's the thing though. Even though I empathize with him, I despise snape as a character. Anyone who's seen my tumblr would have figured out that sirius is my favourite character in the entire series. However, that comes with an acknowledgement of his flaws and that he isn't absolutely right in every circumstance. Snape's trauma shouldn't be invalidated or dismissed solely to uplift the marauders. He was downright traumatized by these incidents and i do believe they played a part in him choosing the dark road for himself. Completely disregarding the marauders' bullying, twisting the narrative, still calling snape 'snivellus' and trying to make cases for why the marauders were right or why snape deserved it is downright toxic and disrespectful to victims of bullying in general.
EDIT- I forgot to mention about one very important line from the books regarding their dynamics. Thanks to the anon in the comments who pointed it out!
“She started going out with him in seventh year,” said Lupin.
“Once James had deflated his head a bit,” said Sirius.
“And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,” said Lupin.
“Even Snape?” said Harry.
“Well,” said Lupin slowly, “Snape was a special case I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James so you couldn’t really expect James to take that lying down, could you?”
“And my mum was okay with that?”
“She didn’t know too much about it, to tell you the truth,” said Sirius. “I mean, James didn’t take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he?”
Now this is during their 7th year at hogwarts (specifically, as they are talking about why lily got together with james). If the dynamics were so fair, why would james feel the need to hide it from his girl friend and future wife? Lily seems to have no sympathy towards snape after he calls her a mudblood (as she shouldn't), so why does james still feel the need to do it behind her back?
Also it does say that prior to their 7th year, remus might not have actively stopped their bullying, but he did chastise them occasionally. I have a hard time believing he'd do that if it was a completely fair battle.
“Yeah, well,” said Sirius, “you made us feel ashamed of ourselves sometimes… that was something…
Now, I want to make it clear that the point of the post wasn't to tell that snape was completely innocent, I've said so in the original post as well. Heck, he found it cool when his friends used dark magic and bullied other kids. The point was to show how grossly imbalanced the power dynamics between snape and the marauders was, as stated in the very first line of the post.
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ladyknight33 · 6 months
Severus Snape, The Lost Lily, and A Certain Kind of Courage
Not enough credit is given for the type of courage that allows an insecure boy to stand in enemy territory and apologize. It is the same type of courage that has allowed him to behave as a spy in the most dangerous situations of the story. The books inform us that Severus has insulted Lily multiple times, perhaps indirectly, when in conversation because of his constant acquaintance with Slytherins who referred to her as a Mudblood. In order to maintain relations with his Housemates, he needed to use the same vocabulary otherwise they would ostracize him along side the rest of the school. The books also say that Lily forgave him frequently for these transgresses and even defended him to her friends. Because of these references, she might not have had the slur directed at her from Severus’s own mouth. Only in passing in referring to the Muggleborn population. This could explain her outrage at the callous behavior Severus gave her following the “Worst Memory” incident and why she never forgave him.
To better understand why Lily took the derogatory slur so harshly, one needs to understand why Severus would have lashed out in such a horrid manner. Many readers insist that there is no forgiveness for this behavior, but circumstances pushed him into a no win situation.
First of all, the Marauders attacked Severus unprovoked. (This isn’t say that Severus never attacked first, but in this instance he was the victim) James Potter’s attacks were less harmful in the physical sense, but emotionally they caused embarrassment and lasting mental damage to Severus from the inability to defend himself.  Second, Lily attempted to call James’s off no less than six times (HP OotP, Ch. 28). Fueling Severus’s embarrassment to have a girl defend him yet again when James actually relented. 
“There you go,” he said, as Snape struggled to his feet again, “you’re lucky Evans was here, Snivellus –“
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!”
Lily blinked. “Fine,” she said cooly. “I won’t bother in the future. And I’d wash your pants if I were you Snivellus.” (HP OotP Ch. 28)
There was a moment hesitation in Lily’s response that suggests surprise and shock, inferring that Severus had never referred to her directly as a Mudblood. Lily not one to be insulted returned in kind which no doubt destroyed Severus’s heart. His one friend and defender had abandoned him. This was likely the moment when Severus knew he had made the most grievous error of his life.
This error was fueled by years of influence by Slytherins such as Malfoy, Nott, and Mulciber. Severus had grown accustom to the slur’s constant use in casual reference and was expected to use the term without hesitation. By this point in his schooling years he was probably having to hide his interest in having Lily as a friend publicly in order to stay friends with his Housemates. 
The stress and embarrassment of the situation in such a public manner likely did cause Severus’s vocabulary to slip out the insult. He needed to appear as the consummate Slytherin in the eyes of his racially bigoted friends and he had to appear self reliant in terms of the stereotypical male who does not seek protection from women. Most all cultures have this image of a strong male and seem to indicate that needing a female to fight his battles is considered weak. Given the home life of Severus Snape he likely learned this behavior from a strong willed Tobias Snape. 
While no one is free from fault, circumstances, stress, embarrassment, shame and anger do cause people to say and do things they would otherwise not do. This combination of emotions does cause people to act irrationally. Teenagers are the best examples of people making irrational decisions. Everything from trying illegal drugs, drinking and driving, and defying a parent because of a simple misunderstanding are examples from real life. Granting another chance to people who do make horrible decisions while stressed is up to the victim of the attack. In this case, Lily decided that there could be no more chances.
Now with the emotional state of Severus Snape explained, it is time to talk about the courage it took to stand in front of the Gryffindor Common Room demanding to see Lily. He threatened to sleep there which meant he did not care about the rules or how the students of Slytherin would laugh at his decision. At that moment in his life Severus cared about nothing more than apologizing and seeking forgiveness for what he had done. Admitting fault is a difficult thing to do at the best of times, carrying with it the shame and humiliation all its own. Doing so publicly takes great courage. This is the courage of doing what must be done. 
Severus Snape, who is not like by many people, influenced by hatred and bigotry, and faces ridicule for his choices, is able to swallow his pride and do what he knows is right. Argue that this is only because he does not want to loose Lily Evans and that would be correct. At this point in his life he has very little support in the social structure. He needs all the friends he can find. At this point in his life sexual interests have not been revealed. There is no evidence that he sought after Lily for anything other than a friend. 
The courage it took to stand there and listen to Lily reject him while trying to apologize is breathtaking. This is the courage that allows him to stand before great evil and not waver. He has already felt the guilt of being unable to save what is lost. So he tries to salvage what he can. At this turning point in his life he is crying out for help but is unable to express himself. He wants to do right but his only outlet pulls him deeper into Voldemort’s grasp. With his last bridge of friendship with Lily burned, he likely had no more strength to resist the inclusion he felt with his Death Eater friends.
He still had the strength of mind to feel concern for Lily’s safety. Keep in mind that when the prophecy was first heard and reported no one knew who the child was. Severus had made the only choice he felt was left to him by becoming a Death Eater and in his mind getting even with Dumbledore by reporting the prophecy would have been high on his list of priorities. It was not until Voldemort chose his victim did anyone know who was in danger. Severus probably felt extreme guilt at passing the information, but he could not have known that Voldemort would choose the Potters as the most dangerous. 
To his credit, Severus had the courage to ask the Dark Lord to spare Lily’s life. Many people, including Dumbledore, ask why ask for only the woman’s life. The reason is clear. Voldemort had chosen his victim and if Severus Snape had ask for the family to be spared then he would appear to be a traitor and destroyed. He could get away with asking for a woman he had loved since childhood. Voldemort knew of sexual desires and assumed Severus asked for a woman because he desired her. This is where the sexual definition of love started to develop. Severus never claimed it was true only that Voldemort made that assumption. Severus allowed the assumption to stand because it shielded him from suspicion. 
When he begged Dumbledore for Lily’s life, Dumbledore accused him of only caring about her. Given the known history that would be a safe assumption. Of course Lily is Severus’s first thought. She was his first and only best friend. There would be some resentment over James Potter putting her in danger. But notice that it was not Dumbledore who insisted on protecting the family. Dumbledore asked “why did you not ask Voldemort to save the whole family?” which is a ridiculous thing to ask the man trying to kill said family. Severus was the one to volunteer the request to save the family. Yes, he wanted Lily safe and understood that to do so would require saving her family. He would not see James and Harry killed for the sake of one person.
Severus made a dangerous choice in seeking out Dumbledore. He is shown to be afraid during the confrontation, starting out by begging, “Don’t kill me!” Severus knew this meeting could easily end in his death or imprisonment and Lily was more important than either. His courage was fueled by fear at this point, but he still knew what had to be done and was willing to face the consequences.
During the Voldemort’s second rise to power, Severus hung between trust and traitor. He walked in two worlds where people refused to believe he was truly on their side. Constantly having to put up with the comments and insults. He bore this as best as his bitterness allowed him. But when faced with the task of killing Dumbledore, the courage needed to complete it was overwhelming. From Severus’s own memories it is known that he did not want to do as ordered. As shown with Draco Malfoy, killing is not so easy a task when one’s heart is not evil. This again is the courage of what must be done. Not because it is right, or because it is glamorous. But because it is the only option to reach the end goal. 
Traditional heroes would have balked at killing a friend who would otherwise die a horrible death. Readers curse Severus for this action, one among many. If this horrible decision had not been made, then the ability to protect the students at Hogwarts and pass along vital information to Harry at the right time would never have come to be. 
No matter how furious the Order of the Phoenix was at Severus’s actions, they needed him to do the dirty work of spying for them. With the information he brought them, they could then be the heroes everyone expects.
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annabellelupin · 1 year
So, a lot of people (maybe not those that follow me on here but people in this fandom in general) are really going to hate me for this but I really hate the direction this fandom is going in with the "Slytherin Skittles" and such.
I just messaged a fellow fan account admin on my Instagram that said they'd really like to start posting again but wasn't even sure if people would like their content anymore because of how much this fandom has changed.
People were filling them in on all that's happened in the fandom recently and someone made a really good point. Most of this fandom hates Snape because he's a death eater and treated Lily terribly. Hmmmm, who does that also sound like.... oh right, Barty Crouch Jr. (altho he treated other people like Alice and frank who he literally helped torture to insanity terribly). And would you look at that; so many people in the fandom have started glorifying him and treating him like a precious baby as if he isn't just as bad or even worse than Snape. I mean you all can't seriously tell me that you'd think the Marauders would be friends with people that hate on minority groups (muggle borns like Lily).
Also can I just point out that in the Goblet of Fire Barty literally locks a man in a trunk for months, and stole his identity. He showed kids unforgivable curses and turned Draco into a literal ferret (he deserved it but still, it was a bit uncalled for). He really set harry up to die. He helped him all throughout the tournament just to get Voldemort back to full strength. Is this really someone we should be obsessing over?
And the babygirlifcation is absolutely ridiculous. It's mainly been happening to Barty and Evan, which I shouldn't even be surprised by. When I say that I mean it seems like this fandom (which seems to be consisted of mostly femme aligned people) has a really bad habit of fetishizing achillean/mlm ships, so it shouldn't be a surprise that these two guys often shipped together are being treated like babies by the fandom.
Regulus is the only canonically Slytherin character in the Marauders era that actually has redeemable qualities and proved himself to be a decent person (Narcissa isn't all bad either but she certainly isn't great). It's sad that a majority of this started because people wanted to give him "friends" (Regulus realized what was going on was wrong while the others didn't. I don't feel like he'd like them very much because of that).
I've heard a lot of people complain that Jegulus shippers and people who like the Slytherin Skittles are ruining the fandom and I definitely wouldn't go as far as say that, but like I said before, I certainly don't like the direction things are going in. And honestly it could be the fact that I was mainly in the fandom back in 2020-2021 when things were much different and I'm just not used to everything going on, who knows. And this isn't meant as a hate post towards anyone, I've just been thinking about this a good bit and needed to get the rant out of my system.
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pweaselbee · 2 months
MY unpopular HP opinions
(part 1?)
As someone who’s been a “fan” since 2008
Draco Malfoy is not an innocent
Regulus Black is not an innocent (and jegulus… just doesn’t do it for me)
Lily Evans is sidelined far too fucking much
Snape is an interesting character, but not a good person. Literally that male friend you’ve had forever who you bear your heart to and then he says “i have something to tell you” and if you reject him he calls you a slur. holds onto childhood grudges at his big age. BULLIES CHILDREN?? to the point where he is the WORST FEAR of a 13 yr old boy??
(more under cut)
ATYD, while a great AU fic, has damaged the personalities of characters. ex. in this fic it’s understandable that Lupin has a backbone but in canon it is SO IMPORTANT to his character that he never really had enough backbone to stand up to his friends when they took it too far?? and he grew INTO gaining that backbone
Percy Weasley is overhated, sure he was a bit of a pompous prick at times but that was 1. when he was a literal teenager (aka when everyone’s an arse) and 2. when the job he’d been working towards his entire life spoonfed him propaganda… yeah he’s not perfect but he was trying to do the right thing
All the Weasley’s being in the same house is lazy writing (percy should have been a slytherin and he’s not the only one)
JKR, on top of all the racism, transphobia, etc etc is also… not as good of a worldbuilder as everyone says. Look deep enough into it and everything just falls to bits. Her ‘wizarding world’ (specifically BWW) is just European folklore thrown at a dartboard, with aesthetic English Boarding School dumped on it. and don’t get me started on the rest of the wizarding world. (wym there’s only one school for all of south america. joanne i’m coming for you) at best it doesn’t make sense or is ignorant but at worst it’s actively harmful.
It is not enough to separate the art from the artist when the artist is actively profiting off the art. Especially when the art itself is steeped in Racism, Transphobia, Anti-Semitism, Fatphobia, and more. JKR has her platform and money from these works and is using this platform to spew rhetoric that is directly harmful to Transgender people, ESPECIALLY trans women. As much as you are consuming HP content you better also be actively doing whatever you can to help the people directly affected by her hatred. Instead of merch, maybe donate to a goddamn gfm. Next time you reread the series, put some time aside to analyze the text you’re reading. I guarantee it’s not as good as you thought.
The books could have survived as beloved children’s literature is Joanne had never gotten a twitter. Am I saying there’s nothing harmful in the books? No. But the harmful content would have been overlooked if JKR had kept her mouth shut.
“slytherin skittles” is a stupid ass name and i view anyone who mains baby death eaters with utmost distaste. babygirl those are fascists. literally wizard nazis, joanne was not subtle but perhaps you’d prefer the subtlety of a brick to the face
yeah so this was long and i’m probs not making any friends lol. but hey. new blog! maybe i’ll get hate mail
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ggadtomarry · 1 year
Backish and ready to post things made by me for me with target audience me. Or, miscellaneous unpopular opinions.
Things which annoy me (but it's 100% cool if you love them!):
1- Harry being a pureblood heir or learning the virtue of fitting in pureblood class
Overrated trope. Harry is half-blood, son of a muggleborn mother who never disguised herself or cut parts of her to better fit in. Harry being half-blood (and proud of it!) as Tom and Albus is 100% thematically resonant and so significant. Also people love to say Harry doesn't have a political thinking in the books, but that's false. He always, consistently, claims her mother's and his blood status, and points out that the most talented witch in his class is muggleborn.
Tellingly, as Potter family is clearly a stand-in for bourgeoisie instead of nobility, Lily and James did not live in a manor neither Potters have a seat in the Wizengamot.
2- wizards and witches are justified in their hate for muggles because they are continually hurt by them
Yes and not. Yes some magical children are mistreated by their muggle guardians, just look at Harry and his horrid childhood. Also Tom. Also Severus. And that's terrible.
On the other hand, all the adult on adult crimes committed in the books are wizards and witches hurting muggles. Just look at the poor muggles being tortured during the Quidditch cup. It was an unjustified attack designed to hurt innocent muggles just because they were muggles. Just look a Tom Riddle Sr. Disfigured by a wizard, brainwashed, kidnapped, enslaved, raped by a witch, murdered by a wizard. No version of "we are few, muggles outnumber us!" (And let's remember where you may hear this song in real life) can justify such attacks.
Muggles can't hurt wizards and witches as a class because they don't know they exist.
Additionally, blood supremacists don't care if muggles mistreat muggleborns.
3- Tom | LV never hurt people who genuinely helped him, such as Slughorn
Are you kidding me? Tom (sane-ish Tom with only 2 horcrux) murdered an old lady who really fancied him and invited him to have dinner. I think it was one of Tom's worst crimes, killing someone who trusted him, and I'm sad it doesn't get discussed.
Yes, the old lady was vain and obnoxious, but she didn't deserve do get murdered for being charmed by a beautiful man.
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novelmonger · 4 months
Okay, Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and the pairings of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione (vs Harry/Hermione). Positive opinions, go.
Harry Potter! Ma boi! What a solid Gryffindor, amirite? 8D This dude is like...quintessential hero, isn't he? I mean, how many seventeen-year-olds find out they've (from a certain point of view) been bred like a lamb for the slaughter, and then go, "Yes, actually, I am willing to sacrifice my life to weaken the most evil wizard who ever lived to the point that maybe someone who comes after me can finally defeat him." How many people who then, beyond anything they dared hope or expect, end up surviving this laying down of their own life, face off against their mortal enemy and pity him? And it's not just at the end of his journey that Harry is like this, either. Say what you will about him; he certainly has his flaws and his dumb moments, but if you think all the way back to when he was eleven and facing an evil wizard head-on for the first time...he didn't back down. He tells Hermione, "you better go get Dumbledore because I won't be able to hold him off forever," knowing there's a very strong chance he's about to die, and then just marches right in anyway. What a lad.
And then Dumbledore! Dumbledore is my favorite character - I'm not sure when I realized that, but it didn't change no matter what new things we discovered about him. He's such a complex and interesting character - very wise and strong, but also so incredibly flawed. He's the number one proponent of the power of love, and yet there are many things he's done that are not loving at all. In some ways, I think he actually looks up to Harry, because there's a certain selflessness to Harry that sometimes I think Dumbledore has lost along the way. Dumbledore has so many plans, so many layers, so much subterfuge and cleverness, so much looking at the big picture, like playing a chess game where you have to sacrifice certain pieces in order to win the game, that sometimes I think he loses sight of the little things that make the whole game worth it in the first place. And that is so fascinating. When you start the series, you just think of Dumbledore as that funny, quirky guy who is all-wise and makes everything turn out right in the end. But every book is like peeling back another layer of who this man is. I also love how strongly his presence is felt, even in books where Harry hardly comes face-to-face with him at all.
Harry/Ginny? The interesting thing about them is how Harry is an only child raised in an abusive home where everything had to be perfect (and he never was), while Ginny is the youngest of a huge family full of love where everything is messy and higgledy-piggledy. That's what draws Harry to the Weasleys in general, and it's a comforting thought to know that Harry has a permanent spot in a warm, welcoming family like hers.
One thing I love about the dynamic of the Golden Trio is that there's never any love triangle nonsense (except for a bit in DH, which is entirely the fault of Voldemort's lies and is quickly shown to be baseless). It becomes clear early on that Ron and Hermione have a thing for each other, and Harry and Hermione are friends. And you know what's kind of fun? When for various reasons throughout the series Ron is temporarily outside the circle of friendship (like when he and Harry aren't talking in GoF or when Ron leaves in DH), both Harry and Hermione are like, "You're a good friend, *sigh* but Ron, though...." I would argue that Ron is actually the glue that holds them together, not Harry, even though he's the main character.
Anyway, that being said, I love watching Ron and Hermione's relationship and way of relating to each other develop through the series. They go from bickering and refusing to speak to each other and being very stupid teenagers to learning how to communicate and support each other better. And while Harry's relationship with Hermione is never quite as antagonistic as Ron's...somehow, that doesn't seem right for either of them? Hermione seems to need someone to argue with, and Ron is better at doing that than Harry is ^^'
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missesstargirl · 2 years
unpopular option! ppl tend to crush/like fred more bc he is dead and have like this weird victim/hero complexion
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